ale. I hâve 've doue t hd *QA 'but if 1 bsve't, riiIlry te do 50.'f k iy. F'mvery.,sanrytbat I diEmt -SOOt th. Inevtable atU theabanud SlI lest oetILt.ImigMhâ bve knowb 1151 Woif e venld fant la love.wlth jaena. knovlng t, havýe becs PerfecclY con- vineed tbat be would bave hlms1557' if ail the world aaid no." Constance reaacd sUent. lIe1ba4 taken Up s plece cf verk and bent ove ilgra;Vely. "suppose you are verY bmW, salE Lady Ruthi after s pause, deuLgt vdh isite lisE been vatchiar Cos-r stances. face witb keen mcrutiny. Constance laI edup for s second. e «'Tes, 1 amn very happy," mIe aaidt ,.Iinking as ahe Épôke that mii. veuld be stllhbappier If Lady Ruthi veuld get 11P and go dowu-stairusud leave ber Ill vescee. "Ah, yes, of course. IL veuld ho veny cEd If you vere net. Loeela a astrauge thîntg; I don't protes. to undersamaI t, Tou soc, I have.neyer bien Lu lov yi- "No ?- sald Constancem "No. Beeause I bave neyer met' thc, _i suppose. My time viii corne sanie day, perbazs: meauwhIU- Vcbl, I muet amusemeuyself with lookLug ou at thé happineset othems.And lho la very happy, toc0. I mappooe ?r' Constance colored. "I hope so," ahe repled. Ab, yes ; yen, lie veuld h.. Tbat'S qulte natural. But.tale care, my dean Constance !" 11 .Constance'a ingera s toppcd, sud ah. Ioked InqnlrIngiy at Lb. sharp face. *9 Tako cane III repeated Lady Rutlh. -I kxov hlm better thanyou de, my dear, thougli I ar nont lu love witb hlm; perhapsut becaue I amrnont, tanid Vwnture te utter a Word et vsrning." Constance hlaitrase. 'Shal ve go dO" ti te.c-machio. ries?"'r she said,- cobdiy. Lady Rutha langbed. I IlI beg your pardon, but that little air I lof quiet digntty bicores pyeno w eU 1 I Xc, let* us watt a minute or two .19 iie- throuzh,' as the Amerleaiy, and don't be anugry and Impatient, rD actuatied by the meat friendly tqclngm I assure yeu. I remIT vaut yenr course of true love te mn snaaothly, and 1 thInk 1 elan belp t, if you'ii h. vise andIlistes itô me."e III viii listen Le yen for hoUer-os auj other Lapic, Lady Ruth,", sald Con- etanoe. Bbc laughed. "Tlanks; thtis la tUic only orna yo nd 1 Tcan tak about," abe isai viti çoverL Inslence. 's ust bean me est. and you vill uee hov littIée aa*--yoas bave for langer. I nely vowl 17 yen, sud tbat's vhy I vat t U yos ta procecd vith caution, m'y dear"» "IWItli caution ?"Ilechoed Constante% co!diy. I'Yem. 1 doh't vaut yen and Wcfa ta quarrel, aud. I'vcalway-s noticel ltst Most iovers' quara-cia are cemiesi b7 tbeir zniundcrstanding eacb 011cr. 1I Suppose, thougli, yen thilnk that yon dô understand Wolfe ? Constance made-no raply. I Ithouglit te. 1IL vould, h. sddIif. yôu dldn't. But Pardon mue, my- dean.1 CoQnstance, Lt l- veuture tu doubt t. Why, Jusi think bow short a ime you have linowu cach otliec I À tew veelse, o te peak. 1Isuppose e li as toii youel il bis past history ?1 an& alia vatobsi Con- staànce througb baif-ekoSd cyca. Noa? Weil. pet-hapve le a e mti tn do mc. Blut-yaua bave tlti=, a~ani yours, my dear, oet cour»e 111 - 1 Constance fauglit te kcep the coha' trGor nsing to ber face, MdE 10w ahi had net .succeeded by Uie saile fluat crcpt lovly ite, Lady RuBIes Îbarp 'Mutual trut ? Wefl, thatl a l? ilce, but, Wt'dalageno6amy- daur.En- lucclsly with sncb a jeloeselove sa 5 à "Jealons ?" sali Constance, the word4 esaplng ber before the kuev IL 1 -"IIWhat 1 Net fud that eSt Y« T' exclaimei Lady Ettthi .vith ab5 h Il y dear girl, Wolfe la the. mon ps lana of bissem.'Heila te limé téi ' wbvo muet net.cuIr Wear the ~ self, buat 'W'Lhnot mlev amy .t1 titan t; weuld lbec bis ha, lie Lbeugbt auj or. ae bldi ed It. Nov, I'-vc no deabt t11ui hian been isie uone al - - Constance ftmbc4 and rs D o seat, sud Lady ]Ruth isuQ Wbay, e9 course 1I Yý Ing to bave m vithout *au dwiredo>Àwe- *jttë - h.4m they apsiredL~ Viha a-ime jeu bave been. Oa-- etabee 1- h. tçhiimed,, thravii* lhW *rniaround ber me..11 1 th*ugbt j7« irere Deer comiUn Ogo uve i0M baca,. Cousin Itutb," h. addel jeUttinif up bis face to e ,but- Wltb ne tresi eagernew. ',Tez, Irve couic bacla for am bheurcoS two. l'ni not gaing e tay, ro.Ton den't vant tmcv wthat 7014 1bAVegOt your 'dear Qoistames' béek, do yen r', The bey tluhed 's FaViei Lied yO lu bave core., te sal<I. "s es, I've. got CoaMtUne. Tout knov," willa an air of the moet prafuili çatlsfaction, e « tbat the la soins uo stay. that shles never going te leave meany more ? «I Tes ; Xve beard aUaboat il,'Arel.*» @aid Lady Ru. omamllngYthoUga ber thia lips looked bard :sad striined. "What agood tbiig It la 1And Dow rcafly muent go Sind me graudinaltia. 1 shall sec euù efore 1 go, Constance, Constance lncllned ber beal, sud La- dy R~uth, with i aother peck at Arol'. elieek, left the roemu Arol itent tfe a minute or tvo, evidently -deep lu thouglit; thë e l id, elolly: Nov fondi Ruth meerne te h. of yen, Constance, dear 11" Yes," aasented iCons3tance, rather uaWkwardlyé 'What uiistakcsi do nmake," lie muid, gravely. IlNov, I ulways fsncled that 1BbC didu*t like yenù. momebev. I dou't Itnow wby I faucled t.,but 1 dld."1 - WcU, you mnustu't faucy lt any long- er,- said Constance, burriediy. "Whert- le your book?1Bliai 1:readl ta yen, dear VI. -And the cauglit up -the book and be- Kan rcsdlug at one, te stop any further remarks. Lady Rutb vwent slowly down the stir.l, smlng na longer, but vltb a look on lier face whlch would have net Arol pcudering still more deeply. Once ihe pauaed, and looked rou nd tne grand old hall, at the tattered flage sucpended frotu the caban rafLera, at the view et tt epark wblch the could sec trOni the erlel-Wlndv,. and lier thin lips trembled as the muttered : Il"B bmreu hers 1 Neyer il, Sbe went lIato the dravlng-room and ten e Umarebleneau sested in ber se- cuistotued chair. "Wbere have you been, Rtuth I ask- cd thc old lady- ae Lady RLl eae litaself bes1de lier. '*tva ey od ,)f you to corne over."l 'Oh, 1 felt that I tUant corne and pay Wi3. respects te ,Wohfe's future vif e as %con as- possible;, and 1 bave been up- stairs. taling to ber. 1 thlnk Wolf e vyili have à. very bauduome vite." The marchioneau looked sllghtly dis- .ePPOinted' -T1 es, Constance -le very beautiful,"1 she ald, ln lier geutie way ; "but she le mere than that.!" - Lady Ruthl toked at lier vlth bland Inqulry. à*he le 80 good," exci a thed lb.d lady. - I never met anY one wiLli a t'weeter nature thanl Constancc'a,_ mc un- asehlsh anzd coilderate -of otbe-s. Bbc lias nnnscd Âne! as If he bad been lier ovun child, and tizere la n»t a persanlu the bouse who dae not love sud respet her. As for zme-vel,. teed that 1 bave found a daugliter ln my eld ag«." Lady Ruth's' face seemed te grow thinner aud aharVer,, a",d ber bando claaped iech llier tfihtiy ln. ber lap. -I admire ber very mach, of coarme," thé sald, quietly ; Ilhbut I dld -nat tblnk tbe vas zuch a paragen, tbeugb Bbc al-. WBYB looked good-tempere&" Bbc3he Pansed a moment Il Ey thbc»way, e loa1 the, auait-for I muppam ah. bast eli yen ail ber hi*t. ?-r'And Iab at a glane adeways ut thae uiarcldnu. The old lady sboqk ber licol plcidly.: "lisBe la the dtigbtf ofaM s mIca Mau Who-ladead, as no doubt jeu 1mev. DoÉtoi' Gr5Mnskasw*,h mm aga" m *Ps*&Mvia-Y hlahl OflslM lldeedL Il h P' waq thecwt comnwzot. - APA "ees h. ame" "a h iy o et b dangh- "~ê or hu ~O *155e," sIh whso . "iooke't e"l 'ta tl,.,' 1 =-t Iomailý*e~ sae~)~l maanked, 'Ta aai d sh 6nt néam to g," eh*i& d.Thtt ««C»Wthelboked up. And Am et 1 thiik't'Xwt »Ut I eaftg0 t rots b6m Ir leui vWitchmaeont un d the- rSmassunt, desr; -,tuSe If Ccp- stance dosas't minE aliat*gyou1L SThe smarcbbonéss elsid. -O f cour«e yon Witt go. Ru h M.d <ltIy. "Wbat lu tâae dateWoite ?' f»Tbc twenttt1b,"e saLE, dropçIUg tlielretter lnber ap. Il ItuY#11 be a bi affair cvldently, for tlae?émust h. s gcod many London peope gtaylng et etcrminster jugt n»v;', and lIaued againtatthe mantel-alef vith hWisbauds4 ln bis pokots and a fiais.=mlie. oa hi He *an thilukt gthat lie bad net jet- danced wlth Constance, and that en the1 twentleth he sheuid do Mtt * -CHÂPTER tXx, Net even the prospect of a dance At1 the Duchess cf Banmlnsteru cou!d a.dd te Constauces bappînessud she would wilin ly have torgone t; venu glad-a Wy have exchanged it for, ay, an1 even-1 Ing stroil on the terrace vltb ber lover1 by ber aide,' ber onu vithin bie, isteti- Ing te hlm au ho tàlked, and- WstcbLng the mite as t floatcd fronthe laccgar, whlcb, Ilke a vise woman,.'obc fnot oul.y permitted bina, but naited upop bie smoking. There bad corne te Constance anc of those epocha wblcb thc gode ln their mercy somnetimeà vouchafetote b.sans and daugliters of men;--a peniod-ot per- fect bapplness-eo perfect, that nomne- tiajies sBbc seemned ta vaLke witla a start aud ask berseif wliat she haît donc te deserve suchbbis, and whetber ft vere hlot too perfect ta last. Thec marqulas lave snrrounded and hedged lier about like a magie circie., wbich abut ont evýerythIng that vas cvIi or Weartsome. Scarccly >a day passed but lie planned sonaething for lier de- lectation - and amusement. He bad bouglit a beautiful Uittie turu-enut viBl a pair of pontes forbler. aud viLl Aroi ghe drove about Uic place In the lovely e.utumn weather, the marquis nmre- timea ln the trap with* tlim ar rldlng the chestuut beside ML.&nà If WBbc vas net drivlng her pontes she waa rldIng the marc, whicli vas nov bar very ovu, and of wbich she vas as fond as anc -b.- cornes of an.- animai whicb te part and parcel of cene's love story. . es, rhc was penfectly happy. and ber Joy was Intensifled by tic cousclousness that lt vas shared by the man she ieved. The marqus who rode and'drove beside the beautiful girl,'his future vife. was indeed a vcry dfferent man from tione Who had rcturned home, Pradigral. fasiaien, on theat suam- mier night. There wasnone trowvu on1 him brow now, ne sadnesa In hli volce or eyes;, and otten and of- ten the villagers wlio saw hlm 'pass their gaLes declared.that be had grown like the brlght, lilgt-hcarted youth Lhey ne- nembc-red yea'rs aga. Constance* coutid have donc vithont the bail very vel, sud stgbed ont the uocfes.vlon. ln ber lovers car. but he baid laughingly assured bher that there vaz no escape. "The dear eld lady bas got the aftair up lu your houer, my dearest, ad g*1 ve muet. I UiInk You'lib e ber. Con- staneé. She la about as.unlike tha popu- lar ides cf a duciac au ascn vell ho." "I lvaYs Imagine a Oucless as very ftt vcrr hanghtyt sud Veny lancia given to weantag a tée itluber liir," spId COMIStance, s*nuflug. " 1 knev. 1Tbat l lschair ythe artiste. draw thetu ln the paspina. -1er Grace of Batrmtnster le. utthe le pposite ehBje lu rather ttn. the vey *Udedimeut of pa plicity and- goeM nature, 4ulte . 'Wbat aword Pl "Itas; sd- raller rdleklug Um1 athea-v1 ansd as, p. f«estbars ««% tkinis ah.«er r uuan aaemlà 01 Toc. pnosd te let y-oua' nieLer mive yeu a stupil ê4. for ybur dance. Mr 4ear r'7" saled h lb. oIElsy. vitIa *MU& Çontanee. godici. .' Ye. thin t ' I, teeproe,mIe ai ft a£ low' Volet, putting, ber arn round the marcc ss's aek< 's emst yoe.c daear ?" sie niartaursi, fml*ezlugiy. a#if, 1 veeate go la the dus7ju voutl be saune te bu)tme, Ume wveul may I1vas Bilaes et =y peverty, amdai LI1 bai -.OoaIn borrowed plume&." .* "Yen amr -ihtIcmn-yon Ahays are.," sM ti lad lady, lovlugiy. -Tonushah go s"dl huy vhat y-os Me.fDUI oÊtt You thbi ktlaurafher bord for n» sas lOMlUS fers-ni te the, pleasure et nalns my Poor littie preant ? Neyer constance drove thé poules mb o-Ber- rington, men rasislu or toucbing their bats, sud vornen bovine or eurtesylng Ras aIepassé&, but ail vILIà saie of admiration for the beatlfuoang lady s-bonithe greal maertinl vwu going la nusrny. Tiene vas s, va-y derettinit-' dfraper's, sud Constance, Ieavlns Anol !n the phatlen, vent ln andsalai te uc-emore vnLn-demm material. Witb a respect hast vas alinot reverentil, lie elepleeper paoduffui hie granlesl sud mout e"pasive *Milleasd matins, but Constance veuld bave nôo t tieis sud te te surprise oethBe mobopkee»er. surprise s-bleh bis respect and geoid ,manrers 414 mot parit bimta teshow, the choseia uns-velilg la plmimavitîs4 and at'a ceàOlt o!af mmaypeme a yard au thac sllims 1 'ler sIlIg Blie oniered "tbW b&iemadeltu ia simple fashicu. aE, St peace viLl bar,. sel£ sud the o euEgetlatbite cpbme. ton and drove hbme. Wit debîeacy the mair- choucas asked lier ne questions as ta s-bat miibai lieugt; sud as for the marquis;* vith masculine Ignorance or te tmpontaie e theb. ubJeet ho see'ar Bave IL a thougîl.: ,Theight of the Lventletm arrived. *'Don't lia moretItan two heure, Con- stance., 1 supposa 1 mu«t gIve yen Ibal lie ssid, asueh*vent up te '&e"m But ile«lots tian. uheur, as lhe va saunterlaagUP Md Edos-n Lthehall tu lIaI state et perfect costeumaent vhtch Otto upon the. liant et a Man*hvle'ugobag te dine vem a s pend Bbe evening vitit tb. WveMas le ves botli vlt Ud Ùpas- siomatedy, l'hobanutber eteja upon LIe btain, sElog round, started. Me liad neyer »ecsber lu testai attire, lioforo ; sud'lIe vision or beaaity- in aott *hIte .*,Perr, vWtha a-si lever la ber danl bair, tbol bis ba'stb avay. Obc etood for a moentsa, lier ey-« Eeýwaeat, a Salut boletinLu«btsface, fol-. lait bies cycO iasbar. Theu Me. loobh At hlm %byiY- 55ar ber long iafles, and wilh L te Sauéh Oftosquetri 'Ulilsit"* ltl 01 WOffle pnsUea ldden name- s-home about l ,~ 'Welli trn z ot, -An tr à*èë b sU tood loto gbê«éý "n Bbc»tUglb*t, foot ~m.là u gmieo 4moi- *Vty mved -ta ai t&o. and, c~ darsliovs* a w de. Wlth salaigt quiver Blat vas maille >qu fterlm eldumsst, but a. littie a' beo«4 C.sstauc.entassE Bbc vadt bMU, ,ma" bIiuau hy th.,DOSbguetf beaul- Su veusU la bmi-4t05U. A Oi.*inm olber e.101 aul tthat ai' the arbo as .* vlu as Bbc mat- qa* fur i0c00t çmd ther entmrd the A mideEc stir, foiloi by a aunis-. omet second or Bye of milenme annoumSod th*sr nee, mmd"Constance foui beha- aMU stadiug before s LaU aristocratie- Ioollug lady, Who bh eout ber baud ai thc màatebemm sud then te Constance A little dassleà by tUic lglte. Cona- stancesvas raBin pale ta rcd vlicn se enter*&,but tLb. IraI vends the dncisaisopke brouglt Uic colon back Lo ber race, ,s " amavery agldte omecyou.,My dean," sme sali ttb a uod thst vas more Iban fnlesdy. .'fiWolf e, vhy do ail Bhc bai mm, ceLthe, mont cbmaving vves Do Fmu 1ev T" adiellclaugbLnglY BaPped bina on tIc arm fiThore, LIcy anail dylatg to apeal Be ber i Tale ber svay nov; butt,su, brtng lier bacso te dia-ctIT 1 bave finlishi recclving. Ton may stay.witb nie ; wyl yen, dean "abs aidditoe smanebieness., WIi au. exPression ot almIost boylb prao ide Imarquis Ici Constancebinte liii castre of Ibe reetu, sud thons b««u me 4a»« gainaos, they ver. ufrei- ed almosl Lnatamty. The knovîcige ilat Bbe vomeat ho bai choses lu'niversaliy adanlrcd dosa net terni te lesmon aa'asovre or self-sa- factoznmd Wolfe, Marquis et BraIe- spem coulE nul fCll te bave.that 1mev- IsEas that nLgbt. Before hait an boun baud passcil. te veroti ugeS Oeam»e bai l 'a.Pro- nounce& So vas ot -oulIy beastut. but eaming, au&, K ahe vimbed or car- ei for t, teralay lofons lier a social muaemawWhèabould ho phenotcasi Ifer oenl veulE bave becu lIlci up te tbe br IfLt he b.d net kept a dance or t*o open for ber lover, and te onovi LIaI alberi mou="ber, vas se formid- able tbat ho vaz obUflef on a Urne pot'- fona< to remn iuenaLde andilook os ut ber triumph. Pmoaetty , bovwever, hoe maaged te approae ber near seugli teu lsipetr. 14 la jour besiquite tLned. y-eu vain eihl%,or bave jeu biPPauci Le rememben that 1-amn te tale jeu te tbe duclnn 7 Ol. elciuja, radiant lu ber leva- item, sud put ber band upos bis anas fa Web, hi adi&as they niadetheir wray roundte crowded room teto e LIc Esches. Mt anIdst te dovatga. "0ore yen bmPpy » ma oi ngcy-bip. Our- 1Ah, .Wolf c," ae muMMlni'd,'you 4 Met 10e boyw ood aud lisE they mia CsUIO"a" i u-"on g»»» 1- he ne- tte& - 'DmIt y-os me LIaI ye ha"e -MU grut it AM Uiltaironu » aba ~~~~B oaOa iM, ue ' leMool no Dit 4 P 4Imdw ww Éewp,ý £a"or ou. WIPUirtrY yeO ' bi .bestnWorm8 and alla»a -'t vomWtng Sour Curd, à Golfe Çaatorta releve matptm matimuauleacy. ei. wqmbiltestbe stomach woa-th Nothaers ffleud. Im Wme.' M B& ,Oxford S.., BrocklM N,. Y. 0w physia.l Ui »chiMrmm's e m" la - blgm Wafet410fr axpu&i Sl hd 1ue i acuce vu aCamaola, 4" &&&eueghvo dy bI a oeg aqal Uio a wbula huova m reglar Um-e ai "ouhi h. m te. Saok hif U mUTA ANsoutemmu à=% POU4U ommpw" inuaay r st. »New Toek Citey. 7<eGreati Englisk Remedy. b bb et fqwv S 5joru lme tbo.u.mmof causwitth aUlknawn drVlý M MMU u ve e dk.wbonaA the true rfmdy and oalmot-a J[ISÉ»W Iffly.AMor om* ami prianct mwl milulagemof wSy. wwd4v of pé.% Talc».ý or'Ak#A.M& Ismizis ail o2 lm* mm bImd o u mw eompuamMmd aun e am av.Wood' bui 9 y tqe un*byhaeda fcmsta eta ill a o.ium agav-batlBIV"ethe o mi dpvfle bg mue c Wai~ heqh~Mm - m ladhWbem. alis p to dis, ers 9 à toe lu iuoeaMd lnllk-am' Y" md mt dupalr-nmet- Wwwo besaia jupm b=h-temWW là now viMaayour Us. flW omposy, Wludssr, Ont.Canadai. Mm W~* h..~froM ns wbol d rajaH druggl**, luthe Dmiloa. A AN SUICIDBD nOsuti by-tkig Paris Greeli, but that h » reaso why you should do without it wh.a 70'U u»d iii. W. have the very pure" poeiaO Paris (ireen, ana our Iua.otPowde waguaatee to kili flies, auto aa i isots of every description. DoiiI ftowg.6the spot, ]Higinbotham's Drug BStar, iAndsay. mi~ IILL YardA. etc.0 stce. fl bey ulsewhere. ai m ten c soi-ilth pine b~ lieraof<st .o into en YOUreni seselron o-gen sec fla ha :4 suffr rototlngh 0a tbern petichar Ofllhe Mort are tliing th. abvsina fooin a Whie rair 0fe te offOurb Mar te herI don iTn '»Ivce u Co#