You nt tedhff cWidre. Sotmeh*V every. ailmeit, eve the bet of care. Of ,wii have cotSWuO in wiater, podg Out power to resist they .trength. effltt9.4& cf cod-liver-oU, 0. ýhosphiites, is cod-] C ly digested an& -teweaker digei children.- leS à Im, nosm'b MWwbm 9 fBbie àtafi *WE MAEmm... Sewer anid Culvert Pipes WRITE !FOR iPriOR 1TUE ONTARIO DLER m oAoIOAy AT U1U100 EBI CYCi umwauu W. met eveiTu Oit.urprloeui ampaImmu. AN ~Miq "W.,, 683 Notre-Des *.:TFL- COM FORTI NG. BREAKFAST O - A. *By a thorough knowledge cf the naturel laws which govern the op"oraUocf digestioa and nutrition, -and by a careful application cf "h fine poperties of well selected CoasMr. Eppe lkas provided for our brekbgtand puppS à deIicately flavored bererae which w.ay save ms many heavy doctoW bill&. It is by the judicicus use of sucli articles ofdiet thta consitution May b. gradully beilt v =dl suong enogi to resw t ve!7 is.deCy to diseuse. Hun"dre c amu flain.zond jus ready tg snack whmuvet tie"e sa weak point, We Inayecp m hue"Ck« lSemkie Gauf w» SUPS&-C., Lu. The houri r bbc.. houri, Md~ gable toget I& the beuefit of *0 aie int, ,i paum- m'b i*m la MW* w g f Ujo Ump* k~ OImm und um 6Edm m à* nom puaI auv a ëfi»« * M" 'fou tm.Isy mxl 511. 1,f. ~a l a n% u b. a Oàt-ll. > 1 skiesM4 ugo.wV. rokt .vmdýa t lb Ifrla EuIS.m " ai I le licea.. R, IL o m *Wm Omovb. W h g»m N k. umty - bief k Oh. amusa a. .1 W U e -m m . wL ou A ýIMVu zat m wk luta Owi *- uce untl l. - bu tak Nw,~iW I~ âlad e k b. a lul as, w. - bilai.ibi Oum etihl«,l 3 natWmktua MI aw aI lme fulalmp utL£6 Lailr S9o bi udu ioBSOU ouim 7m rue T-g-am simpe ob té gie you ISre wa4i m I Altiag 1 w11 abi gb~w.ém ol l", tow reached q»am% it, si l llu Euga wu à.y" e1d$6tâa VeR, i i wasm "lI.ffoÎÀ : =u eaibar.The lbmalldS ',Mtl ko gb.e Mera Townsblpm &M "* m u»M.: "W. wl xfltS révenue, but u»M a cent fur proltion. VIet W. e are power w. vil roe"a. tbe Peope et Pro- lobc , whilà as ,frad 4UsOuiMMA a robboey." -Wbn. vwu umw*abo reciprioll-; wbers W0 lFmneTmi.? ot^ losI, forgMlteThe re«mmnataru @uqg Bust Mr. Laurerw I o Uiwemi There ho had tI bât toth e woeklg Cla&mas IBimamet lb. .wu V" olas. Protection as 'io k te b bo- douL Pdgbbeu £as ii k k IMOb.i on lb. oontmar, du"les m tck k Z.. meibom a, the hW amg delusion am regardEthe. fimlbui pro. ""kf» 1» mnuud. IN Muhs te ma pulec ptct o,"m pr*temamel marne lime>"boubou"proleoion tu Il.m bv~tarif h è@s umly6 * , IOe *o» fr lm leeioam f, o. i4 m m m aarmonà.'vbM flM o mmueoaly Io1.tunD&i arevmm b>ai iff anm mrtalng *0b.m-u"Msoma la *9 oounty, 71514no rvmus £ 1%Uo M»ouAt Aa ti AprflSb.cne oi fas a lm~ wu im - mO um * .ne mmrI bu.wetao u ka b ùmipo i. lem*w imp. wa meW. ff a eg uriua .Ioâ. ,km.0.w. flâct e h e- uou- b- oa&~r *mi bat .ws gmoeSU U.W» I Ui W.yuéàaga m. ig.. oz tb % ub omula Md u 014- - ISu*U "ami ue in te o a nu$& [Wm,~umuBmMwhtb ué el» et Sb OOKXno ». Lr1itoiM 1 to *été-" la te82e.leok. 1.00 Rate for 81.39 1.50 Fedors, 900 ailofi.r atsin the Stol§" alIEsp~am4 hii~ AIL DAY. BNÂP No. 3~ ÂLLDAM Mno WIaneuette 8hirw- hfS15 o.mts 100. Box for 50,.-7500 BvuOMe for 890. 81.75().Hat for GOo. *010.0W oproof Co0at for $5.90. Omis mil he,a.sioe. b".ILDdtb adm .corne in l a. oaning wuiithe veliof a g<nilbig wofiNew Goodos mil op.ned out, whioh tbe âmi e iaI>1. $ ot ui Isiad.1da gwita StB .Tlioy bang Banagher for st and vut, uMd Pompu" "le lernu TU3BDÂY. BÂBAINDAYB. * Oi mv dpsiuisI.4"Mu big g. . »ps'pI. vbhav, corne mi -and deait vith ai . , »Y w, uaughle gook v*. a rvéWom l 1he myriade of customeu wow iray -m wcdeagwaougi o*U don do ye4q but ve're not ai the end of ou ê~B.,. W.' . mioode o . h e Ii. & W -Tuda muid ThmwUbyB. w.u, one lad ~su~ftAU t WilA&LL.-« e ii. mmt Io o eon TiLesdays and Thmr. *corne te iu. W. bav wemoéthe pilom a la *intUstovu. We uurely deserve at the hm&difM*0 . pbOhf 1.uq Ti.WcdtflOba Ma -J MA II8IÂGJ 20 Kent Streel, Lindsay. - I BEMO VÂLB I.L PAPEBR PIOTUBB PEAMING »m to th& Workman Blocki a"t Expre. office and NwI t TE-.l Bimpsoii Housur rb. wiIl .deavouir ta please md- név custooeer *th onl -ba goods'nt the Jowcst V SEAL.L.. L ioam Rooça Mouldiqgle L. GOODWII. 1*t s' the 1j , 11ANI ins) E iiANI a newest m ofierin up. Di De up. Regular a, MOI Md Str TH7UBSDAYl c gl Be wise. =AL.Z - r-rx:Lý .ý- 1