A'w K a" he mmsiIg ei~*- u daY It r7mxraidb«,an4 ! took -t.edot regal out l he W.ood* 'té try hbueona te * ad Pltced at school i Chicago the Wlntr, and for whorn h(o intend e eowtw gýv 4 tecati When on bis waY lbaek îoý ~ After considerable, plea<1înigaand WtMgunent, Hfarry's mother at leng allowed berseif to be alme'q ifýso t!%at if he wvent be would i-rt be verted Into a long-haired, PLçto-soôoting citizen, arAi that h Ule bande of redskins wovr--flot the habit of lying in amh"ush arot the ranch for the pllrprs fca> Its InMatieÉ several tfrnes a dlay; at laet she heaitatlngly a1dd lh~erc<, et te that. of ber busbanl's. Kiing the remaining wce of tn Zoelle stay ln New «York tfl- P-or m; was .quejected by the anxious motb, te such a running fire of c-s-u. tirnlng, and so made to fefçd thle a'w!; reepônnlbillty that he was îneurr-.n by takcing H-arry away from iiis cor. fcrtiable home, where he wastn& eared for, to place hl ,m among stra:. V8 ~gers and savage- beasts and wilid ani umeoutb cowboys, as welI -as kd thlrsty Indians, tbat he wüuld hav, itveral wecks, gladly- gone back on bis contract. e bey had ben If^ It was calculated toe ooot hlma wild Westen dosen of bis best steers. til bis dNamsl ThÉeltme net for the departure a, and, belng a Saturdav, Harry ftrlto the depot by a large XiOs of hii scbool-mates. whù envicuély at theïr comnpmfiûfl 9t kislg ai the aide of iis rich Y' ue.,'*ho had been elevated h*Ormln. iheir minds by- reasffl eiSàWtlng t9dés of Indian ad.vefl- aee,.4cording to bis Re- e Mfi eb5 ad been a MoSIt *-*». It la safe to Say U'latOn was îepI colouring otf 0m that the rate at *R8 asreputed tohol 'q-fE DI lION. jibter f1 out the tok Pl the sa, .Wyomli me alot rere WjSE h verY ry woul< natives r two sterp - t a lad iatforni tiose reF Ied iir Frank Iý )revi.ýus .9 .e ~'Is*t - 'I. -e-. CMief Engi L&t bad imrmer, bis col eIf to a id se W.11 ta moi Iuffdti ', the 0