ii twir p"aO es4o ao e tteot as, dote a la vblb ame~ O &M 5 ethe dore CHAPTER ~XLI ConmaS coi er breatb. andi bei bouquet'th eelte reel., the Paiéon iFetow-im 1, The duchcms Ioolftat ber' 81h a sud- den attention. -Do youa'eel faliit,my iOsw'Z" ale a"4' cd li berkindiy isalion. "..the roem la bot. riM arai. ni seuL for Wolfe sud a* item 10tale yeu ntile ocf the. fei!f eries," -ani she iooked round. "*No, mr' rcsundèd Consiace, quoIk- ly ; adln ber eMrnetaesf. she laid her baudon 1h. luAef'5arm. *"N-e, 1e do net 1" Deni for Wl~te iiU.stltiui'ber 1 "dTory volt, My demi; but pour band lem-qulto treunblng," s.ii ber trace. aud she took il ai' pot ted -il Ildi féel i ttle talaI.» sai Con- stance, -"but Iam id miugbt Dow," 'M tbe ooler ctcpt lowy bstk te ber'<UOL 44Toua bave been damehi lu to î.oh- met toe mucb fýor your1paz'tuerg, but for: YoUWpelf," ail tbe ducheus;a"nd FOU tItcnce nprmured a grsteful se- qulescane., snd lTnzted beck a little, but 'Ueàih ber çye.s tlil fixaiou the man1 'wheesai4em cm.nuexoPeted 5ppeat- anc. bai. ovm elSil e. 8h. coula see bim nov a&ain s'a lic movei slovly about 1he pprt of èke axoret aIwhib he, laioteUsIK BbcShev whlm abskig bande uttb me and wvoren she 1ev, or. b4 been la- troduccd te that ulet-4se9 ofet ar.dvomen cofse"l. dLe renaurbW the haiidfomrU l'mlagE mIe ln eu ester st tbe sttiovn.lBe b"al lad teu1ber, tben. Be vu rich, and k uet b. famous lhi amefashion o e r or h. vould .met bave buen 'he. A.nd hehom bt, ev wId ne berm- nm'eht corne upon ber t amy moment Wbat voudi bumn..y-what Wtuhdi ohé. She led n»ver fesrul EawaO Fenton tatore, but .11e feoi at 10.8<111 ht i drealled him. Love makes urn sttong et #c.but at tii.. tmak m Would lie mMa'a à sonil.:OD et the clly baailome witb Is SeI-possensed, fueslcuful mle, sud asu svered herseit, " lil, r'tXl vstoo .wtiy cuinig tfor &hàat. If she. could but -set away b0<ori e b0w ber 1 But she cguid ast dp Uah51 itheut <ifi some massu or 'wsblnç t@ eVO. beave umillo the bail vas nmothait ofer. Tva baud wvs etttatm h musi, fez another dame'Wolle , atout, g bl pIttc Slà bis héafd*me -fam, tu bleil basim came ovi ber. "1-I thînk 1I-mn tlred. Wole,"smi mur . uted thde be6'tr tad«.iI1elayI "Lav'% her aloxie for a littie vbile W«te," she sali. v% as ail glicit9de lu a moment. "Cu~et yoaa uthlng ? WIII 701 BRie shook bar heai, sud amille up a, Io, t ;l ave ber atoe, nssd i and Oaha-WtiMone e t.," aupu t ducheoa,:Peremptortle," oh, hbaeteis Psi'mcr for pon, or are ou ngavéd zth? '0sd, t. net yen. ]0W lais 17M qousatianca turned vlIb a littits tar le tipi Lady 1jaLhswtaning beaidebor She vag exepls0% d reum l la a i tisac o! Worert bsat atipted hm petite style, Sand, vitUi bot Iin t»a Dflbed a utIle, lochai tabebt ! xer sharp vep rau ovft Oomumle jplan vhutc dtess, snd a quielý jealcu Mght iablaaifer s mOment la thm. "lTes, I'm lak, -dear 4uffls,"iab mau1. i. But mu aa nràp, yS mGItre MeMber, snd touiin'I <et lestee entRai 14o:4Ir Moit dhgsed. If wel'M e mi a pautner. Ais 7"nsu e~u 'net' dance, 4Veutauoa? *,tu 7Myn looklnt onlglut ' Cogitance murmurel o s acre flè~Sl.ansd nie *xmà> ioeklig iltbids*ngt tok L&d»ý atm sud MloieraweY. - be_ shouldur. oh, yes,"saiL liàuh that vu rathwt~ keep li lÏM IoaY- 4Vt -.k4b. 7 k t lieR kept .b1 ee Ir nf DW. t se-e. 1êe fw -=W tht b i o Mdb iMd f 1oke e0y netfwwr - sa mt1ot uirutquto fbi-ber' liort, lcm e be.4 and ber preatit came lÎ4iSlt e"Fai'jetIhObe C7105an113 a~;sd t4dlýý>Ub ti mlntihi 'th adf«tu r. iwom le Irai. cm t "No? 011, 1 iffon'tfbw. The7'e MF oI' tie i4rMe n*t é4ange, TbeY&M «O le h tMOrï L d &tce care,»p **dite" ber awaY. tan 1 bellevè. Do yoï know Mr. E&WsoU I"aw'e' lien *4t)s le* hl. *wet au4 Fenton, my dear r' And uhe turned te étood< bési4e Lmi7 -er*0' an& tan*d Coenstance.men. M , ler ; but. Cor.taflC could feet bis1 u7ilmqto spembi ea im&undifteriatly. tùey s oMiethtrlg or onebodue OW lt WOUld in Very Stsha ItYOU 1184corne to > aid ! 'Where W ~~h nOne *PU&IOtirt11IS oiy POPM es- Whyid he flot corne adta1=5el'aw. percly-have 81w871 <est nomne . a-ut of xeaci. of thoSe eold, etpel-impe ees grnjb or oberibout hlM?' viclh, wlth every gibiÎe, gemetg 44 1do't ms e any uolty yapemrsmait a, Constance, semrce1y knowtng vhs! h ' t Mberet Tou carnfot encpe r w» 8OalJg<:for heand de ta4lt wero She had neyer felt lika U'im hbefOre. 6omng>IwaMt tem *g&* In hi e COutse never beeg afrald of hlm til now. WPY of the. dote.. and she could not take ber w ite ? Why hb4 >te not reoogled eye off ia. ber but bcd been çonteut to Qffer ber 4Wbat'8 he her* for I' assked the the forrjft! greeting et a strgaflrA lady. wby Ild tpot Wolfe cerne? 'Tho dpelems Isughed at the nste O (f T)iaa airefelt rathe r thaaeu5W-thathei the quêatk>n. wiau I'aving Lady 1Evffl8IlUh &* cOul- 'Because ho as tsked-mfd to au0mIng to ber. hilrnef, Isuppose," shereplici. 'îîaeyu a dance eft. Ml« Gr&a B ut 1 thought that sort od! a ulSU hmeý," he s'ld, Ilor sat .I- tu , nev'er. dacld." l'My card ls f ul," she maid *ftbout UOb. but I 49ast think Mr-. N4!WSOfl îck1n« up. Tenton 10«thaîsjirt or mins,"' ssithe .. 1 Muorry,' he al4. Iowl;.é1Mly. "Ho m, 10 qujla s soelatm 'l ««l PerbapestuiwachdtU ay gNe M,i snd Rc esyuee Ianto.Irance vacuney. i If LYen ,om- met hlmley.erai. thies tu, Loundon tI>hr me I" ftesS fe la IDqulte accoiip1heand iî ¶e was Do offer replipeub1y Ven7 popular. a"e" u o 1ufemd£ Pouar?1 hld-Ub a' O Be 100k eut bis. proWa. "ho lady'. aguti ecommnent. d "rlve rne, do ym ,,lm 1 jO lu blm 'Wel, my demi, If y7" lIa Uihrme or th <ee1or i*îthout Ir' tog ucky ghenuhto. bave itgé, a" O "Wltb jne,' .1e Oka ;; SA.1wIbok- I»< iicb cnojb t hav OPO 51 .1aieéci t hiln as the 'bird nw .lsèkbt tie marrffl _to the lest match of the YP&I aren nowos J tfbhlef y'o vefi orssa1 MulieUlrS urust. I hoet'. âtee Iatlf let I!ltola Hou.- Thanks."li~e O.fh8.. !lih. 1e too land, thoah bria tobuthst ln*mM -WiOtatrac they are thlck sM blackbcrrles in' loXiflg seund the. ro.,x itqtatrc %ituPf. o eiotlb»f or o!f feelinq et MY kkd lu, I Ihàd c an umn'1ed irl 1 4on't iis cold fce. thiuk-yeqs, M um 1shbu"i*lke ber Il Tour dajie aa«e« oe to mrryyoù Ur Imnto." citotedte d h:~cs. i maâ. ladryy, ulit euli oo e had al the aa tsiP(eq". ,Coq~- Ton~er t4 bve *Oi spostiv ,stani!è notibed ; tht.mm IP sUie ru- tdiUe tc@ the poor mmi" ageite urbered as a mbmr 1W t LFh leasand4 hie spIOmt u od~BpUn 1 nevertake muthiig s positive Mu <nly struckJ her wt- r. ?a dMU1ke, bdt bis la it the ort o!frace Tha* >'ou" rq~toe dwnclens abul car t t y "i ajaglai Yo«thhrk S.,'Ob, my dear, MWoLasustooitelady. ;,et*e Wofe; yoi wMdane w1th hlm 1ftr. Toutoâ.' EujtI havre my revç&e. Thear' uaos 1 MdfatrdÛc hlm hein. h comel he mrqui cae »Vidh-a laqiw on 114 atrdcehmvhuh cre. h0his armn, who srniled 9Ït smeon Feèmien. 3 Couptance's. heart soemgi te stand -The ernile se t beVrw.u litai.lThis., SlL8h. made au uoit te rîme, but tet 1Il r you e bfldear. 'b nr 1)unable te do se. Ebe equld ouiv ait ii r o rsodere " emr 1< ool snd watt. niurec. ~ ~. .~ ~ le se .wit*h, mli lmtf sgiad ieel Ia paume, "i rather thluk I heardth 1e !flg o!fading reoumad Proection. and >duke Mflag »enothg"Mbout fl s- pet ber hand «o«S1MI10 SIng to <et luto Paiiisment, and aa«lg .TWoe, d-eum mupw Mr.thento StIrat h. coifdoAtlquit. essllyY 5 .-h - M~. d e p r etn? "VNo, n, UrtIe teILBy olih 0constand'm heit toedmgtl. Thie r- P No, s, Ht Tnto." - uffturned witb prorm>t politeneas. (Y. a qflto *uw*tlea bim." sal fi-i 'l te adyI -tlemir «i&bec«rqi efMekbupeare." nid * *le lay. lstleSlY.thp aiMoeim Il"gave poui two ast met "em; be. lookh lind of mtmxi ve bfr wof oe1~g ln fer polities. QGorge." tula ~lll a."ndUv~ etn -the tqs fool10b. sud the toclever." wleh anmrnoduedtemuo .emnh .l TheWtncls Rauuhe&à "I c t m si' ew. bave, net,,,sai the theI iou't b$Wilee . al adtia (marquis la tbe Crimk, Wgea Mtope wbioh ýt Al ths vould. bave been am--- a oe ba a '»mosaut te. n eueugh f?,r Constami it -ha t 1154 'se fet bis -* sa . osni ber utat, Bi1opry eue aie bts t m.i m and they wS* n.evpwhwir g a;;;- e h M ml -theale,.fa waY4Oom Uic e0t 'wblh Ravaim Pen- s 811 msvlb. ple, elf-,uêsei *o DItSene kag hma.debatef-ut 1, oming sosiersud, making su effort. ____ 1 -I-1iii 1go snd hid LadyBEama- *'hê. sr reMms Cnstnc,' r. But 1ltvw too late i The mucat moment wbmiefttbeca4Mner-.-Or the muni* a»esan sd Xawwm P etopBret 1r and bis partuer o<meo tea stsatlfl Ber, murs elMlon hiem Loulder *wlitblaa misat5* cf ber. * tlfbtY. P teI M.meet 1abe bhaîtfor- 9h.mukinto ber seat agaes mai thb sottInnawu.vni * verylhIin a vague, 'nl i of utas be0lrseif. 1h.euuV m1 .. hJàybetng gesrAuc- risemd lberfan fbehe' b« I&fae. lut tue MMae teel lth amil tbe la- Ravuon Pontn, *Mibî is Pestuer on tenslty ef ber ,aalo*atb Bot .wbat bis &ai. ,P&eol slWIY u«g id tharm ooWd cme bb hr white lh& va& ter m " la sa.tbu nmmI ibW, near, p,1ýjj» bis trmegm'vasrouni r. W*W bave turnel Md4goB luasuothor 11dm t OM sbuate thema? te UmUn uit ni tes mm cemuetrot "Koev huM@1fllhyen daime,"# he ma. st Qieluedreusi. Meturéafat>. TOU &mm *oft *etur Purtame" fta" lu* ier18>7 te ri* M s - abret fOr- à "a ~8 ed 110 U o.b. hé,Mment. 1"h ts w"I L ~he~~1*1hbk~- t. - the ne!.epbat ive got a nrome" 'saOssi 1, AUOM CPM t. 7S Tron wV« cet au t-flt *aicl4meber fsoe 0*a Pm id a e.tu.e oeim»0»~,d aa thMe mr 'Toua are tfred, Oecom* rI not bave t1,a1to e M!pUê1W Le amo n o lote0 Ioa - & miseibek cfOre ttttuê~ ".u* daIl" Sbe,*U&,an* ho Ubffl &t paWmon Fexitil. o ayit Plata*g crI tigbtlv. - if me, ooW0111 ad oui'i e- ie --80(-T' t& q"q4 "ée te Msy. .."Lt us go bone. WolmwU"~"9 t C7.'.7 Tbey mesn4erg t6rouigh the Uow si hIarus CreWied rOWm snd gsauef où$eeor fet "'*jk,,cy,ôbr t ssiithe dmaiqul fe r! hbaooîmd théUic elolim '1 *Ak m ndyothe re teW,,, ire founi bar a sent,-- E5lksdyuvi oi,~i e b fot r T» la 0nicei, ho aeid. taijit ler f». 4"mi, thl11ka, Wmoe f; csnt," repliel a~br si fstag uber, le el it <race. *.<eot au sgrlulturai dinnos wfflnmai on, ber face. wtb suail overa oonoeo, dfgt lua r > t ram <UGe.Be Aht othg eaustcnd sgaiust that, Wabc raÏespemarerd therefore proWd. I lnovl.sai themaqua1ugfg &bd the pralms ea lc ai beaud abont 1eeac' ia lOc Il~yO 11 hmcn bi Ove,. dma itillerqass'i co avsa oda o e prie 1 hr. eslûtou, l'bq eutbouquet. Rwo Fenton te dîne aI' prie, làberTlutespîriu t 7 whWort1n tuhe caIlle t>o-nrow -1Sme vas te speai eé bât dou te oim«te S ,M tbe wrm1e aealu iiMs bated pro- buili vOe n vof auil .IbeP'"i s eutiwerna aeesigbtmare: hee aeraol ho tea aeiti snd iooke4i neyr ~ve esonp mrn iitt 00rouh hufdâV wiRK suamateus face, D'A" £" i "'m.vetèro*.bamed is et h eeefe bis 110 yes tel upon Mr. vis.ne Nv ond ho a ItIlUnecani orté Filb Grahiame., I vas cf raid *Semor to hie Ipethe9. sud venU' veèri lisloist yeu. This la ont dance, snd I 111e r>akeqmercoroxet wltb arait*ltllttieS o tnwrd-1 hoo r snd approvaî. O> rom fr t gd ans a"d r' Xie vas Prend of ber te-niglit, sud blé i y t ra, tu et amigdy asd put'asr l0O e d ed n blm is r ide g w to ,abI o n beug a niRt e v y n e goodil" stature si O i 11 *%hall I cs! et u utee ?11 ho ma*eij Xvery vem4i4 VotdIresys, la bora hé'boutting eu~erma" pan ng in affls. Constance taDlldai simblIe 18etloing dmuotion. .(» 1% '*î # e w ent lilrough thc LaaacMthoaagb O~P of tes, ti.! yow CU O seul lIeer boirt-stI Ibeat vlUi thre presM<e oU eýkIr b cpe bek t ror t-e aincontilntcvii, hepr oice soun8e& hoUiev nov." oie ukt.pltaea alu b.r es, sud te, émue vms torture. waàt nh~tr4&. "Imaotb gbut, von' PcWh> @bq &shoed tDis, Uic site ssii ln s 10v vcoe, mad flftlnber p. isi the rmdfaotst I'md utb vas m fao. lob!hienllk a lock lu ber lovai, oyes the * met, urpi that ber sheW> 7O be mnacouli <embft BSe. lent lov-,Vre eonOmiinusli ekipg 1jnsane et and vont,.have blaaber, but St be4t ua omet velcemjsu"dquite glosa ¶"o ansemsi«hiInterminable, Aà TO them% sud the duke amd Rava eon- wvasovor. aINlasI. sW*ber Pb- tiir,a toa entwed tbe fermery. y<mi1e e&vair' offleerled bmreut.i» The Marquis drst batik jupI lu hUme, Ne bai d*i4 bisbéat te ,alu'eo Md and rebcvui b sftmoihw.. - 4qM tlertalu bort 014 <qJe4t wvulilneW > jos notibe ta i elr g ,-vit11eMost et Ithe nemin <the rom, ho boa raaccaïe.- i4e edovu beforetihis no*jbMu<V <U The àudubVo .mw est. **I- gir'vIlIthe face o.af. fl e4 tthiemi 4itto*, am let-vo ms'tood~ b a my q3lte seart Iýbpt bidea o 14 b Ui1e fU ba'entbnmMSWc béb lad a palm. ï*vss tUc~lntih 0I do't seu viy yen mhruiiut do if , udiDW1 U4 and , sluteai of bo*h I Teton," k. nid. "*Berringloa vii l m"IS Wt ~1114984h.oafr"b ef vattnt PremeUtly, 1 kevw; ani I resfly Ihd lot fr net. don-t se. wheoime " efaidi gct IL better But ber test wm - a Short one. Lady ecodidte." uth's ted ireus 'bv«eeitu slglt, &a" *'You are very lind, iukeé,maI»»P.Rsv- dht came sud Mt dowv beide Cpia- Bon Fehtela, hlm clear. Incisivc volée.510. comrasttug mmrkely wIthth 1e rich "Tmn £Md Da. lstay.1" 8h.sali le be« toues o uetl . ..PA!vtr .I'¶~1 oigtaitomgniip 5 -,Ob, dom't tbluik me,"-pu is mrace, gmiss 0tb5ue.. vitb s laugh. "!'e <01 "notin& or <>f eoune Ibe youatoebeer <6ok tbe ver> 11e e 6vt Climes are bist abo, and the Pemesm veut or- I My pooket ln themie r bs4-qjd 'Ubi Ae Fou OfJiý»tIt Il d4y", ani d I mx t4 ay, #Vote for se- r anse 'ri 1 1. wsmi-Bwo,' sud tbgy votei. and th.eimu "TM , tymo," reulied elbD«smpe Iwo valn.a udtthats ail atted mnov" "It lathIbisnat the duches basmai «MAdyet m moe ucbInluc esil te- tI!isrosir.. But I1ioxit voMier at 700? =418 t mi rntox.-in hetopme uiioylag Il peu have mmaie gPck s ho kutv se ' wliho* té une. .".I sbould j î%eflEUy,.rm quiteprend et MY, fnt laM inut f dot ,errectly, seenre if I 1 VW L ' -4w. . Letme look sejour %ad your snpprt,, dulie." * «V&" fUbe1ak M. uni IbisnaMos aviI- 'Ph. mIe gauk*- ly.. sud u, il bse "OIam. ail a1ghiChliesali,.a"W. Cosst»mee om môl idfr551 look- "Miisupport yen ; 'but !1m bot e'r. lag et ber. a"lied a. kety Md eei- 1847. W'Plere aoer niraxi i eha, -1 'te Ao uiithe li- set, sud,'11 Qee'gelI ner t11.1 is u ber,=t=(> csl? Nias Ihere -~u 'support voux b11. vost ivce nmneiuhb, uor cuh eso t mal Sn Iis 'ne- "Who te that, 4%»e ?" ashaiRa*901 u MWady htmth er. b.efe«Odmb ~cset ;"euiO. the pâm uem 1>a*y -lIbo aequisc 5Oi O -a. 1 ' aOMSlibMinIWolbe'la lb. happieut, the tiioemitlmman leteI<u s " eh. mli, eu, ite eauy. owtw tare ad he re snM bbiII #M e 14 .hmte-Blgh I 0- bl*,I-.gUgt <telistes s> UOii.OOUSBe 10«qbr,"v&0 "M - sud -» meeua mo*e mM . but thompvere tee aleýomd 1» tonr, ne - -,, «ba snêDoUUmàb ,bsot Jà* beau ",___ - w muscla a" t.ah ~ ~au etil ea f o Dr. Ema ?à$& 4 .1.1 t - Ouboela in aW Su thia ow p mm Cie theinlaflIsated, and or minie~*r. Plé. am bis5.110 t unhesword im~l~idm-isaia5Uah5 clm Il dem - pomma wpeu.ospffmah1.y= "&iim' MW ~w.,~~3UsW1mUlir* u w& ha rm of 1Uw ~l mo mIs a.vuUMM1U'armd m traumnt DOWAlun q 2, Nerw.uuWe.Ag.ss. sdâiu, -VM Oag , ý7ôoec, e'AkcaiilbS*iumu, aUl02, Ohm ý-V 1mUu.5wuVlottalm440evi ..od-* P4000mb mm OMM bo à"Dom 1m optIodi% wro ~0 Eme d Port0 w w qwqbol% WI. wN 1 au.~I 1~ bini puis Grie !I fl ouSed it. Weh à een, but thst ado witholu tavo the veri putpoWsnons P"ri Green, ana Onr Xweot Powde we guatee to kill ffies, tata md insets of *very desorïption. ]Donll trip 'thes spt, Hâibotham'i i iu1r Yard. î*p Tugpmgm etc., etc. you buy'elsewhef' 001024 Sdea ~er .4arte oý Wail BY U «g the -aves .dmde~ acerbit: OC the loonth, graveYý end WC tmibs brave,: iée,a army Xah he the cer federat waki gL On the In a confed Fredera whena risk c arou rrïd the fie were a picking uhot.", op by ilowly gave tC and. iu beIiind and th, In grai talin. Shall the wc "~t of way, tI ficlng 'of the Doon Si e!d wai they q James' ISI7'ýG en eart1 what d -First, ie wa x111 re iaopie preclat age ha proloni lt? -ý ber thý SUie wà that t wraffl Many pray, tha.t ui *waa il ber tsar d t et renmn MY Y( parting ste4mnl « con YOU mi Orne it gave iU oÇe th them a Mlated Pur paper &)r li fret a long OC t". y. -~soxo-tf. ,LOo. V P