~HE OTRM . TREATY1 Washington. juSà ?.m sage ChmrhaOSSO tt gang IV., 4. "TbA teor ut * ed for an a~m7r, iierbo The chur18cbiu Oe iory, the willa bang witt wbi W of dea.d heroeus. W&IXi4t towKer of David, mane ,ields, and the ýtw#*4i thie rusted heimeta of t So at t1iu s 9e&»1BfIt Mo the South, a flmOfth later t the American churchesam t armories adorned wtb àeparted braves. Blousma" b o 0 .wafls,.,with staies Of mf b*Uc and Ptriotistni td-. PrOvUSO$l By t'nanimaous decree of the »s>1009 'l of the United States, of Aieiha thed graves ofi &il the .n9rthern uU~i gcm dead are every year 4eSm*t«ý411,~ secerbity ani bItterznes* have goue out of the pational solenty., and! la the nien and women 01 the RbAAI4!ý,O * çnonth agfo floralised the cemeoetes a.ffl grvé'rd.so, yenterday w* .t» U and Women ofi the north, put uua Uic tombs of our.dea&I ths khies of pjttte -t affecet!ofl. Bravery Qawa.ys a»pletaies braverY, though It flgbt: on tii. thurc iae, anid If a aflier ai the O0dawaà army had been a eontb ago Kt 4vai 1 na'. .e ud .flot bavebesa nq eo. mSrch :Inithe fioral braceeusl to the cenîetery. And IC yeaerday a, Cerà-i federate soldier we. sat Âri&m0ê4bee was gad tca put-a. épris af hesrtseasec on the siient heart ai aOur Gead. In a battie duriZig Our Iest war the Confederates were drIvlni back thie Federals, who were la swlft retrea% 1 whexi a Federal olllcer dropped, wound-1 ed. Oneaof is smen topped at the j risk ofais Hlm1e an4dput ie, mriu arour'] the offilcer ta carry bliu 2raut .te field. Fit ty Confederate a&t 1 werà aimed at the young man h wbas qa pieking up the officer.. But the C<oufe4. emttucaptain shouted,:1' Bolt on't tire. Tht telIow la too brave to bO shot." And as the-Federal of1Icea', beld l up hby hlm private saldier, výent lIip&Ig1 alowly off the fteld -the Cofectates1 gavec three cheers for the brave private. ind Just before the. two dlss0eared beind a bara -bath the wousdu ot il' and the brave.private liltto!hhofr effl la gratitude ta the Conte e«te cap- tain. Shall thé gospel be lença <eouAt tan the worlcl? We stack. arme. lte baya- eset of -aur narthern gun faclng this way, the bayant 0>f the sautheru flua taclnig the other Way. and as the gray of the morning meits Ittathe blue O *nomn so tetypical grsy and bMue of ffl war ttmes have blende.! at last, and! thev quota ln the language of 4Ug James' trnslation vithaut aay revis- l'on " Glary ta Go.! lathe htghet, and on earth peaeb, good viii ta men." Pfow1 what do 'we mean by tiéi groat oli.diY- Pirat, ve mua Istructlôn. to ý0 & gm oeeraton. Subrti f 18", .whe iewar er.ded, from Our M6%, and !yau gurealize what- a vaut numiter et -,eople were barn mince ltee r or vere no Young 84 ta have,»a Vivid aP- preclation. No ane undez' 41 Years Of age han an>' adequate memorY Of 1h&1 proonged, harror., DO o yuremembel' it? "Wefl," you. sv, "I aaiy re iqLi- be r that inother iwaaned aw&Y W<ho àhe -çvas reading the newepaper, and. thatý thv'y brought My father haine wrapped .ln the tiag, and that a go0" maany people- came lan'te houle ta iway, and mailier faded awëW aiter that until agaln lter. werýe muni PeO- pie la the houle, and they told, Me silo was dead." Ther are altera who canoct remeis- ber the rolof a drum or a sigh or a tnkar G«that tornatoofai w*c liaI swept ttie nation again and a0a3,1B.UIM th ere wae one dead la each 'house. INOW It 10 ltee liglous duty af thcue 'wbo È4 irenSnrber It ta telilthoe-gh 4do lot-. My young .frlends,. hhere ver. mach par tings -at rilcar zwindOWs and4 te4mboat wftarf s and! aI fraut d.0e* of comortable homnes aes- 1 Pr&Y 00 you may- neyer VitilOiS . , wa8 «iane it was, Whm -fatheru"d MeIaers gave up:their sanS&, neyer gpetlng tO um themn agalutand inover 414 e them Again- il tl hèy Cam ob&* àftu ttIated an.! erushed &B.d les.!.- P our. yemruof bitta.!. Four pe&rs Of t2 the a" queg Io prect.ZOMM i 'im - Mme 4r' - e* u& . .l-bu sot ho tIflu' " M.aPa mdeth=i Ithat thome farta ruiutak mWe o«Were ereBa- are to uleop ai&Wh tïmk m péiaed t ime u" sl ir astk tury. I1.do*.u. L qVAbat Barsogat, vbr er. u*l Usamenln battie, but 'a hostile naiVq. 1 de sotkuçw bt bu'zbh lhracter of iêtbi t ; I i baildoe= mUlokbo, ead6t 0% ffl9,pr en oer t tte moral 0l__ ý"Cér ofanp*y to-da. ,". 0 ,tifué W Z 1arOur etherel do-ats.!soMba ve. vluui00i5 notjt o-«Pu tee hul. caiswe c5 beraft..St ightrethe, proied Maen htia0f 883ta eette. . atem ofele. that ithyle la ai.! Fot ier inaxeda.ofue oXalà, uola mult 'baveon ancy pche ~ boytfgPl&,*but ow ta le,- dut>', bave l a olrchrgnonybrave Wds stg, O arurne cames If il ove befM o lier cou, ra, fa tue ylng dM ore, Ib"p genertona lstg conscrsae td, b. boit t oe Wetcr-meai actoseii a' yofunîri' vil! drayt put arlaitdo ite bawai tirnt- arof 1 o éthmy a .ui, se he>n414h t 1uor mciiOvi 'n stnd uder fne. Te boUo my anduonthe ai it noedlie lIstd The l' 0iao tacotars an iin #Md Portcede mls atbthe aelioh. sep r aes tle. P r aoft er - matarYan!onc a eaýprt airan rte, an de-or mlovemuti I bmut abat how-omail>' ratickon day , I shh butresurto te, t dtil bave inTi. gratobsarle btavle W. b"momra&tie 0Ctomes fort; vham beforethe avaseenben-la lte lniY, u'ometne g forato! an. myheOs-f pi.e« t vaathe, h, oet rettines.. ite -oraoHu, M mai" ( outy il d& ut a garbyadonthe row eslChii- carsftor my fa. uho asid cor ne, thei Ue. 0001011 B ats In, COfBd la soeonlaslmo'tîe vorphave lo The iclIp> rry af paftSlàln eu te rhepav. 1wer gonourrelcontry int l-u bfiemn e. wToe go bstadbattr ie .The - h uneenMy Tet . ~ ~.asinreFour liono wiecilUY &re svB d hiTB nthe ho MauscusettÂrmeny, Sitesarificet eet.temgiveWplu retemattiOrck. * ad onca Sharuhotearate, on.al hc- moent M ou efrahton>' n.! Criatl bt il ma, all 1»qure ieMateted o! Worla Ùm The eataatobstacleor he te oemgn fa 10 ofaho sforet aur a4 moe ole mr e danîn«Mèi ,morte iprow- dedr. ectl1analforngodlnd I haven- th. e oultd aheaIl ar ehujcee hke fr.lth luzimcp,"N-oti osott mhb traIe oit ce iunr othîng f Ir ores," teel." é iglc, te clu OU d veyhuw "Quîtn &Paade ou n lvUS heep hi ouîiates wl bae npo- flottlntenferlngof tettmac totherplumes enquer tboe&tbpowler. C fOre or rgdhenpat isto th be. Te 90te trlmeo a gr nesTennathcbas, liealto, Poite waruor' m ul.lwth bt whoî kid 7 0. e-.teenrt Pennsylvan4 ie pimn.! Taet Inai ur ve ma btitisana itioabaOnce mayre Iis reeat natIofal ce- serkanhb gra ants srelf acfice for mosy mee te bOae.u llcgtan cf aii more ttlcd are d10 us. Doreyou3lw la ierd e o rangIngurar oravn6u euld cold iallgoui chîOraV zan'aih. amlestk.lii cao monnutgvîtuuii* baOSBOUI1> fas ihlmthfr, lito.aortm e- o hi aon do auryteing «u itlv rseske, for farnl>' pots. it nai" losrvane- lnelikeuien; 4be rI' 0051 ui'b ýte bs ecurea! i.aoriulture sut.! ari- ste..!, bu uaialaiaclnA ns net ý cltur tîi erltea, te aralgt- .oui tbei en lau ib lw bf oyaamo, s!baorug i O obt eonq rey i. uof th ~ elotortten tag is par1hlabtl! sThé boPte lle>' 1h0 k ettr ttam.atehroytebnteat h An! ld, soet wbécasse itey vbe be. louere. télon f itelgrpmace 0fà *gln.eSouht mou tu at inl b-- Oncelmoael tuais w. ca ionle oW. aroanc',. lte uwiflt»Ifaiciicabfor >'mate heans teretngatesatIo o th vter. mo»t hseras. * nedme om ot bsuherd wl t cse, *htellain an knes Isereas, esS a!lst ail form ueeommr 1e o hswby tIua tia. T~keept~re.qUjt0a ttaIorwacidenit, or w uUe bav i andkirue ar4gie to Ii.< itD ' te aIwLn h eu rl-u rm ro ho h 14blb0.to dl à yu nd las1 upose vti >' Y'0Ula trou youa wo6ol 1 ee -téwt. Y ut tD môrrONs >' et ate mlletaleuke i easW.i mrie 1h JQ hO Out *Ifa teue au the Ume foro. the adorPTOe*Pt of theW. b.g esorru.!, Ami is t for*he'amyplts Ti ntinaosevac Intl lget M«osurs on(ssittO a scrdth roicluean ot coul&have pent __t _I«htluu te lind s ie o*çthe rete s amas ,4 Jie trs, te- e onUww. as A r- ,drlsIk w*1ter osqM te Isase 7"r lbi v . g raveis e rofW0 foo wtii c anteensof WOhenbuteau lom. coastain liii sos eango feta 4)aagnv oMs. a h irot-be .av grcsP" Ins uDemh b Talle>'. Be fuis tti hre Sm xe Mis W h%& ta b>'A=~. au fIl ha"d tallen lie a50W. theu - b basor 4ite unerai Koaau uves thc Aunargosa Svel. Nobes!>' as «er seMa vulé? Ioula b«utheb gst oai*a4y rw er, miles lvin%, In ie owoes puaitpeml-, culai hasts, bu#os or. tfootbigi. N'oioe>'bas S*iW0the lrver bed OU. Uls »«Uisor tiserA ito Its llsaflsa- anse. Smevliee l0Wn uner hie bol lte vler £qWuthe'mieshlu :ybut whetber il lsa v a04or a mlsl ova even tbey do mol kmoW. . Even gen liii Wdescrack an.! Motheb. cudltunst tbrogit, » soater re!-oser thse Amorgima RiUver i. Téhisi oarth cas <dent Ilt pester lias Il Doalt Volley Io beautful, but lis- mmti vie xporeuIlt Md tiihe uDORM maustalusabou't Il mes bockIgf b. cornés ut aul, a= »a.! aite Zu bis blistèreL a«'e s aethe i0et aiO the: mirroe4ike msetS 0 am t le h found a dca.!usa"ad put hlm out -of igit, -th es*b-l o*eleton, st vmter th"ithie carli -on "Wblt i iMm, osd- sotble ga>' colof lte Puerai pethue Plotumeqtie round'- eil tflof thle Mots isUCOhke quahit eraobce t»bdéos.! nvlra Oufbe.kt. AbM, ltise vaâyIe>. io aboot eveny venoous biuug111f MvIs llate vwest-r"ttesakoe, tenastulTRa, et' pedéo, oW»tlm.eveu.iamosere, thase iIeouS'0O'loIbands liaI evouY iro~heruma ys sens leadi>'.- The " »al'sver 1.0km for vkotmsp, Tiere s 1 a. iÏ ters"BOld enouCUI«ufa maa>' fotusand Iyopr aile? iean lhe Mnoie i fi, ves visel te sMa stbrh Md o* lieU maL Tbe'geM bus becu fouit!,esofteS400 but taun>'limo. TbMW frigil ul ae ba soe taies 0< 1051 iuties ltb 8su cthee ftie P1eimegliBrcfoqle, tbe Kauflei-l. «WS. -hie Lot Pi jqaxa >*a=Ymore hàvo lemPted w*t e t etI glaris Thee amor. ua iss * ion'v s' ec i xQmp.-wbsus «aru wee u.w - MM guidan soldimnSoS OIb.e tianlo q«rm*s of liii repubi le a 'l$muet - hbat t4c>' dnuor>w tbkc àevqm MM - ýtn , om of thkewr<op*it wewfoU blelomlc.Jy 11 liaI 151e osi. Ilos k It vo!.!bardù>' do! ho atV.idte. tbe W» h&» & l& vI*desla= of Uich. waters ho lbe R!«e *- the t.bloc.! of tii. aoMlemn.of Cbanlu Fullbo*bt u,.Y li elTip' colorluz a due uimpiý c(uemisesgý6d4 to lb. premence lu large qumtUbo o MM 14aa»i, pluale aile.! b>' natu*a- I me m' i oau Uglabout Il lu 1h1Lat . Natal à ie u> tbste .lae ithW Iti" cuUoit gre0ilà-a levelo"t4 - an.! Ibs peca- luit>' la beglmting ho Isterout scIa- Ws.tVolubi e ]qmRtuItheWitd. 0u ot lb. mathdouui, te- oelectlauu or blndW .Mn lntexIsten e s sol.! at suIUa Mlu London lait- week b> Ils GUoér,. rim J. C. Steveuis, Amcqwg the MmWelmnsaId vas a tre&t auku eEg Am, the bird la extinct au.!11 egav«T> rare, lie suoesuful bidder vas ~igel*o gve lie reenarkabe $Mfor Ml.Thce pec9lua Wua mat perfect ose, for l bas a OMOMi <Wk a iitii. aide. Tic blgtai? 0f lt» OU g l hon for about aixI>'y ef L d-lg uMoitlime t ban becs là fout j osfectssu Lt assols! ln 1841for ]Eu 1800 ier. ote I>' b.iyegt resolelopocno etaitue sgroat ma M " ýi coutetot - Êsgluumm bozubt a iaWe golleo h'oa tâ>sd Iinaol*rl a W Usu lytwo p.eirnus aoflte IireOUO ~ ggu *lol b sboqueki' ai frOm t»i fer orsi ER0 1 lât bI en ies. ej am w pre mol.! separtel>' ion 1l00am. reoioeIve.Tic later la the recI oamded price. ver gUesfor a dOe oém. Thbigli hpri»enseu~o t" ebieialu the marheî 09ai i I je taeveforgenles, butll b=ioeNs orth Mar'wer. sj-o hem ir rWusw.dis- cime o! lthe mSc uriusmognultural proluets knws, I le t9"5 b. pbwe AUi ,Mi t W io'ici dusln*y as for mae&' hIe <hambers' JournaL.Tic star>'Of lm oslblsbmm ut o!eocblneoi culture b. r' blole'la cunlous ane. l'a lm3 %a U lOVegtiemua beasune ac4uMlutt gIilemelba.!.purguel foiraO0 IkIbm k iaI Place seIê~ 0< % oa~al Iàest, a",! tic e w EubW t 6sf w>e te t Ibid u "Rt* Cor. .u!x& Peel U4;0 Atention! w your WooI smil direct ta thase vbc I0-os, and whm. Y«ouy D Iry Ucodm buy ftroeticmaniisourer. wrfe and veR uuorte utook ci ftasetm, Sheetingu, Shirtinga u4 Ken'. i Iroa p Shirts, Oottans, Sbaker Flan nais whioh va oei ut vaw emUadeaso awhoemdle Prim.a L-ii.lg. KOVN*WRN ,BROSI, JIndsay Woolen Mille. BOXÂLL LBReoved Bout âme Of enut streetsneit to, the Pl OceS, to the sid, ext door to J.G. EdWardB & Qot STRAIUAuANARROW In aUl dscse tat, affect. h umanifYtreis SOM e wk link - n th chain of heaith, some spot th Iiii i uwyit is -the blood. Iro te* that spot, sreghens te remoiws the cue fther _because it acts with ý- 1elz , =4 àWs withi~ aIrain orfbat Wl!.'. braas «iter lic ba boia out ce cie oxpotu.! tlii, uti m qulae M, Wl %kght U"AV UO- ub oj C mon* bae mlim bRavos ~ ailla ftot~ 'Os.' 1mai,. 51 vue the v min m ms ý 4 . te-