sn~ 1% 18W !88 flI~ ~Am0Bt SUPPL3MINT TO » 'TE I A .~, ..s*. * - ~ v JeTORIA WARDBR indsay,- e ntari [y reliable garments kbot t.40 per cent. morne places. E8 ANO DHO8IERY 71'ý k I s a olrooe ee ..aào* cash Piriees- 77-1 North l1JItoria WATCHIAKERSO Kengt St., Lindsay, Sone- of the best equippecl shops in Ontario for Withthe Cmpliments of Sa~m,, hughes T'~Va TIV ~jI~aQeI A Great:,Enging eering teat. Its Inception atdPrgre-s. Pe Trent canal ruas frOm . -he linaou 0 .' DA 'rgi, Ba.y thiough 1 he Chain Of Of Quint onL.k uarO »wc :andj rivera travermel b>' Clk*ra- ettIMtlOI 9f 1h. re BL 5O Iginaly prop«ed lby the ImperW i 0v-1 erament about the lm goa1 the O oUiteulabîsfor a clOBIMa-1 tioni and -mimaFroute. Mr. J. N. Baird W« ment. Out to Mike & urvy ad report of the route from Ida" Son- tarlo et Treuto. to WaubonhSe on Georilangay, wblob be d416- A&a ocoqulce ersll dume a" i os wre built st certain oltt% wblah rI tendrd navWWAO le lb. bagou- hie stretob. For IItSaoe. adam vas b ult at Frmnkfrd, ad.a l 00 and dam at Cht.hOlWs'U.TU» Mad* & Igtret@b of aviMUlon about. twestY mile« to bur. Adam vs- bult &t ecelys Talle.mai a dam Mad 100k Ltat @UM ad a daM Md Ibob at ,Peterborough. This 9g"ave nVI- gable treth of abOt itty MUlesto the lovaciPle eogb Loch. aMd dam nm al» bult t Eoboayson a"i LU~ma, 10kmade a navigable stre ela bon E * ora* port Pe y Mi Fum7%U116e.a dis- tance of about elzlyveaU Thebs w«kers hUit about.h 7frlm14. Enoqubmoser W«Vaoted by lhe Imprai G.!stukDen* 10qEU pise na coEtlEuosUn 11e of navigation1 froxn Trexton %ô Baluam Lake. but when th en mie rebellion broke out the Governm@t 0f. Cmaaa 100k the money that w«u grantedl by the Im- portai Govermmest to bofld Ibis canal tb queil UIb Ilius ,1he wegrk wa@ atoppel for the Jack of MOu*Y. Uhortly mter Ib insme a number of utetf about the ýNiAgara atioif t be Goveinmeft of lbe "aY" taducel the Govesu- Ment ho *hasge the idesof' mskng Ibis ~TOHAND. JEWELRY REPAIRINO the route 10 the Wedut a" 10 bUli the Welland canAl inmUBd. Au the Oountry &long lbheline of the Trent canal eel there was n10oas m oOSunIt~O. tIbinli u-- oeop vtth the Governmmmtno th. route 10 - he West vas Ioatel b>' the Wei- laid l lsteal et b>' qmuok ni. mai more muitai .b b. heTient UT A oompmw w« s formedlàSm ibye 1874~, wttk lKScM BOY'& of Iobeur- geon. ta prieet.4e bulfl the cama., bul the Govetimt vouli met kt g ivivate coagan>'céatrol Ibin wowk In the ysar 1830 the attention cf BMr Y, ability and fine tools to do IR -10OK PROMPTLY AND WELII tr Prices are Moderato. tdALwe bve pIOB8C 1FOR jsefu rn ishi ngs O ToSBELL YOUv Spelalai3800 .ba mi you're not prudent. 'sat 5~ 8ke sud $1.00 grade$ vill interest vw *wn charge you for-Ourtlime. -u :~ ~ 4 I. y f 'i h j" ~ j 4,', I I ~ ,,'~ s,, ~ '4 * "A j '~1 f. W: t. i '3 3 1 Piî«&