-.rILTSIJONAMCONL * -CaeratBcaung, Twelve Mlle. Beeh And Xaple; the piettirmque beauty oft the Mmd Turtlem,- the Horso- slioe., mumtain.and Honora. coupled wtiithe uauurpsued flaing and hut- lag sloog thei estire chalut, tend te thee *ter* an attractonad a charu. The ~ ietbeauty cf ]Eus- Iand'a Loke District,-- the oiernu 1oVeiIUS of ItallsaandSwlms waterm the bealities or Ktllqruoy, and the peetie spendour of liomond, Katrinel VAIHEUIN ISLAND, LAIE mtyae au, repmeduced tiu ~sf utVicori suliu t- laSthe ffda" tur twhioh t«Mt ut. 0't iswlh M@t 8 - buateM&w* aii-n of à* "d l=%g e, btourit bd a base et alhtoge~e the ensdsstSv 0« be SoOsif? -ag ** em- reaiesi.,tbom mmb-~wm North victoria Viflgetmaer lIbe Grand Ttunk Railwy SYtmM-BMd lamd Divwson traverse North Victomi. Tbé Câocauk braubch trom Woodvle md Lors- vill at the West r tscuesthe waters st the - wngphtces: KImîcrnw, a besuiful Uvilg, heanBai- mma La cM nitheroute of the. Trot Canal, with good hotel accommodation. Ths vilag csSCO, soUtE VIMTRSA t. thé saunerho=M.sd birthplacotMr. Mmd Mr&. wm. Mucemansdw du n laa- VicToxIA ROAD, onthe thionl wagosrosd ~u6eof Navil at Cobo STUXGEON LAKE, NORTR V=CORIA. af that usa, oi -t é Trt Canal, oesrBah&n uound the village are the most eu Lalke, amis a bgodbaelsansd suumer ac- natural parka. From Coboconk north th,) comradsiùs.Gras Rver onu a bsnc ofthe great chain of lakes is a favorite cac the canal ta the vage, sud will. rouider Vie- - trip- tor t Rad * caeict depot for tourist te -FzNELos FALLS, lying between Canaie the labos. sand Sturgeon Lake, and reached by the i Conocoslc, on the. uli River waers, or, as burton Branch of the Grand Trunk, is haW locally tusud, CobocoSk River, lie* betwmeu oWrs drive or sail tram Sturgeon Point be' the. chamag- Baissa LkeboowsWd the .- ne- d Rosedale, between Cauteron and BàI mantie Mmd Tarde Labs iamedisto abovt. Labos, above. It. bas three fine, commno r::- SAWILSftELON FALL.S, NORTH. VICTORIA hatels sud good fiahing accommodation acu the chiot tomu of the iding. No.LANiD, five iles noth ai Cobocot reâdied by sa lovely drive along the shores Mud Turte Labos, t specially adapted' smre rat, Il.graves, drives, walks,a quietmoasou evry baud, coupled ith gich maudy soi, render it ane ai the nmost ca' iqagm aca elthy, sud Mst ceanly spotsi MOare',Fuits, or leary's, between.lo,: LaIrs ms d G ll Lake, is beautifuliy situto Alroady rny annually make the Iocali:y marner nesorL Miaden, seveu miles tram Geiert onC ilmllurtm kbanch, ison the. Guil River, c6tS himlhiiefor reachig Gui! Lake fbel and âh.splodid chain abave. It has 9o b" eiacommodstiou, sud tram its roman -SMOOudngs, amid high hbis, rocky riig aad pecSiptouslodges, aMfers great atracn' ta tousts. HalIbuntas, on tho hesd af the Burnt Fil EWuonWCK mhog Lake, is aiso a ceilm okat*x r.achiigmsmundiug lakes. *~~ ~ ~~~ n~tt héjaon with the Ironda bWN064 d tumw Railway, near which' bqW fineckled trout lakes. Three lu* d= athe.vilage. tw ?PO., or Calebridge, on Trad Labo ofEsBq% is reaLcied froni ut S by driftrou Bracebridge to EB -ýd theSby boat. h is also bâIt M fitmMind, and by road teà. tasarounding55âe' ON TH] th. f10a Parka we ~arley's ci 1Wvated far 'aie otherâ Rb. Toimy' Irbich madE Ts. in the, 1 Tommy ha<d e If yaur nr I5,ven't ha] %,tnen her -the way a <dares ta OMI. TOMMY8 'be mlight 3, -lkîÏÏ bv~ tcfl1 yau Et people we ahai L s 1bru e Ieft ntt taPl tIcke4 In, their e coule >dreary .Tomai Bd juat It t. IsWtho_ teraimofetbthtCoboau bmaucof the rslwsy. NO q spo .marc tavor sbly adopted liV utm for as suner remat. Ou am m u hmBaW isas Là. it luwhite d.sp bayasud t" the nomaus an Pout, the ppaty &" home of J. H. Carmeg&e, M. P. P. On the. othunmeare i.rewnrdewatna. Mdrb a.d *cmroue i.Md Turti. LYamk ee »&. Victoriap onSwi é d. it faims 01~ o t, its ,ng lhco w tunisa eCy m toftales the flneg '1' tà&arden, arereicii aum present a 1e i , ou Lake SOMg olâed by boat friO Li' l by drive and tf keoa.