~ofil oNavig able Route soqul "M C.booOSk, cPOMl p G~u lv iWMs. A 5hat, Caboconk, NS.a duu W D1t e#4 jW ,- d w. qwwOP eu s utheM 01 Waterwiy anci ,ers of mniauLw1 u nAme*p Vid. ad*lot me cumul tato Ide 1. Md: it* bUh toMe«"" ra 1iS 111 dOIt bs0uSi bo« are nsPpe Mr.- MM ltii. UmPb&zktas hé 885.4 about the effa. " 1 opr q6 abat." Ab«. r laughed the BySSa T*.1 a b," nd thi.elephaat. 'Aboa of -pesUts.»" XAR.NIO A BR1UÂKFÂST. ?ho ru~adLcern.Drusor of br Ili Tl££ "OANGE 0R0V1 0F NORTH VICTOSitA Iiage are the rno From Cobocank noed n of- lakes is a favog AIls, lying betwesm Lake, and reached h* of the Grand Truoik, sail from Sturgean Pei between CamÈeronsoi It.bas thiee fine, cme vicTbRIA dfishing accommodatidê N of the riding«. five miles -north of Calm lvely drive along the bc Lakes, is specially -ad&FW *The graves, drives, ievery hand, coupl 0 render it ane of the aa0b hy,'and maît clcanly 40 sor Leary's, betàueà* il Le, is bautifuly U annually make tbI lo ren miles from GolWt inch, isan the Gul U for reaching Guil id Chain aboie. 1 dation, and fo Its amid high hbilas, rocw~ s ledges, offers gpnb on the head of the Kushag Lake, ila aia- ing surrounding lae the junction with tW )ttawa Railway, neW. ked trout laIkes te village. or Colebridge, of Bays, is rec ' ve from -Brceb,4. ce byboat. It ia from Minden,.sud ia.Its su ON THE CP1LLAR-DOOB. Ke fellows held4 ad Meeib& sand a had the floor. 4ed ParkswIVa ln thie cObir. sir, On charley's ceflar-door. 4" voted fr a lot of bhinES an rmis1 same others Ini. Iben Tom.mys motheroeut or'hlm. 1!hlch mage neosud et dn Iwas in the Midle ÔM bis aPoOCi but Tommy bal .to 41% o if vour mother mulfor OU. 01'70U1 haven't hsfaita âavécva tthn'that wOO0CIWl j theý way,. a tellov'S motier veerl. and daes ta ..chafim 1«bOt &e Old Tommy ail bis MOthèr 0" ltba lie ight upel the 187 .kIlaing by thaIe5i5B-dOent*e . 1 nalot thlm sotay,- :BUt thought t o ttde b muetBI W4l and broko Ou!r ne.lu Irtwo lu st atthe, ho1wt M f=andbU 1 tellI yawIatvmà'b fair. Grox-n 1e1l hve snob tueaLvLwa7S. Ifwe shSoullWaàreOu Tthev wouidn'I be so m 5W. o Tevd ceuit t ftbbifl. If *07M O* something vorsOthaua*lIlB:Wv À smafl black word of' heard the= plain 0»4 Lut we left -.oua" went ta o y» Mild kcke4 -it W Main theo e*wey tohIe dreary mmid Iust uh: b14 * OVEREAID ATTEEZOO. Tou dlda h- e b.ady hhOffl tii. bop toay" il tam 5 14 24, r«~ he «b Canes 44 1 Ide bR buhtii.ClOua W"va ery funuy to-ldy," Mid thei. KamlEtO - Nfos" ropilel lesysus. 01 va t11e 0017 e1'fl.tUt la Ibe& d 1I ony4dit o prove hhatlsaaramI h"~ ba- buily tlIm ototday," mal the. NKOvkeV. "DII you? qIO eGiafo ~ Vit tutenstelrn? byioox- I g at tie oiCtbtM Ourf 7hyr too fwuy for asythifif. 'UiUuh"mmlilb.I1sp~t "rlm in trua rosi tii. 0L the xew~rSMIh salssy walklug the streets 0' par's& The. oher tva agreed vlth the »Pek- er . it voSdre'l urere the. nIosi W8 te 00018 froua. " ot usn m»e.-- m id 1the Bret; breakft&«for iuthree viii coatabout ten fIancs. Nov 1 have an lUs, snd auI you've got tebdo l5 a to tonw me- tpkint the Cue sas IproSe<" li e outel a: mu510totthOotii*f twao bedetly fio lg l .-" WM ate muiiy"l a nm." mid, h. tte i pregeleter. ,"0Ny frieud ber*viii watte the muiansd my other friend viii wult the voe, sMd I vuii sng t. lfie proprietat looked st hlm lu as- beoshfutbut a e blistes to the .aOUSg.and, iftit bhua aamerit, t PUr- éh&» 0 l. FinaUy lb vas. completed. and the Young ManSuang It. " lumph ! it isu't mucix of aL song, but 1%i give you ftfteen francs for it," mid the. propr4etor. tDe !" -Cried ailthree YOugMW M ln a. brea*h. Aifred de MUmmot vathoeauUaOt lte moa .tbii. oounpOSer and (Iborb -Dluprcz wau 11the snger. The song vas a great suece, esttlig the publliled forty thotasand franc. AN AWAKENiNG. j* umod tet*t bath- k l i Mva aMtu etait«Pet; HVd oasisvuPla tiimral«,nA&d be. flash lie bwe bm miiegt, 1 .b ltn g t a M r t ees; But niov -ho £o.sat care me-Utti. 7Fi Du kofger 80410 Iue"t thltu" Ourgardecke a or o - e.a"ngrau Tho bMoment maOf aul 1h. 1w la aiu -Our grat 1big 1und; But »ov1It'axe no stock.lu hlmI. e 40oeit Intereat. m*ixuh te -ae a vonder ho juut Iries hlv letien mo e. i«»NMYd uw me.. not-verT A llttle book Of faY lryta-Wu won."r- f uL Y«en mv. To res.d about the fuarmu thungStlxey* dû iu books like lmaI. "d ites wbat'tmade014 7140a»d 1the .gardetie si dat. 1 vaut a dragn onreea Pet-& dragon big a" ftere- gbThat f e d o udpolet. wb Mn or M t *et 'w roonbt 1e iii OU of hou liat fSorceo l drangon takos ln Iliens r srNueed. And as fol'John lhe ggrloa man. he doewt sems. te W On. han it h ber* liaI csone u hhost hoe umbe. For hi do<t hkm oif glânts. e 0'to' o rny Thmnb and Jack. And an z Y likinfofrthWistel« 10grow- tig vety sai -Eo. r.Lddy. get a dgaOB lit viii jumI .Into:my bel Bach iantflg uathe Km cacas lm and sMM about mw heM TIhi w&y 0ld V4do s. and let tho mAt- Te nmrne rosigr-kliho. ke Great,- Jacy vs.yen kmw. 1r., I r-'-- in South Victi y described. amer resort, .eing ta toueio chain of lb" Lksin c"m cfild, aw d q is reaclod. ry, or bycd n