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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Jun 1896, p. 6

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"di -laber Lt r be ui deToi admire ber-se muoni, tien r abe Mid, .1111 iti celsses innocence la h« "m -ree; 1 thluk ber the mot level? vomnnlu the taonk" gravely; "but she 18 certaimly beiudi " Ani no good-ee realiy goodj meam,' - he said, forventiy. .*AU vornen are <oi, Lady- lluth," - le remarkei, vltb a faint srnile "'Planta fbr my max lu gênerai ; but 3 meanvbait 1say. Tber lasmol&atrace et vanlly or coquetry, for Instance, la her nature." 'On., bas'only te <lance aI Mi"s Con- stance Grabanies face le learu liaI,"1 ho sali.F «- "yen, Constance le ber nmre," sue murmured, quietly. s'esa -mivs mmistahe at ueee,»a 1ooked dovu at ber miarpiy ands«6 pitloulj for a Moment. - CDIbn't jeu tlblub-il:a vewy pettly xmre ?1" shc askci. - C*JVjfl le repliai. 4"Shail vahave anether hum T?' "If Yjeu are Sure I bave.goh jour step.'* t "Peifectly," ho anavorci. "Ab, Miss Graiaare vouli be a btter partnfer jeyu; I- amn teeshort," she salcreieisiy. "Have jeu imuee wltb ber jet ?1" "I vwas no unlertînate as ho fini ber cari fuI," ho repilci; 'mi bis voice bai <revu slow and guarici, for bis Soute Intelligence bai -cauglit a alfange siguilicance l lgb4t sud eay t.x le.What vas It aie vas altmis uat?" Wff wathei ber face ciosely.-- "Realiy. Wouli yen lbe te- lance witb ber ?T" "'Plt needs no sauver,.Laiy Ruth.", t"A ni jeu veudho very gnateful if 1i gaI a dance for you ?19 aie eahei, look. Img Up at hlm. "My rattude veuli kuv no * honnis," he repliai, smaint. 1 - "Well, Ihen, 1 I '- omate jour aid& Thîs next damce.-41 iu je ls l& net ?tgyitlai Teas, It ln.,, "5hehabasprornl»ed 1h le Lrd Airle. but ho bas gone borne vltli bis motter, -*ho was irei. (GOand tell ber ltaI le sent You as is substut" 'tWouIi that.h tut ay uliT h. nild,wvltb a oMile, but aie miv bis lace auddenly flush. "Ail laai. lu 1love Qi-van," she an- svered. .-And yen are. ver>' giraleful, Mn, Foulton V, "Very,.,,he amsveo. "DO jeu ioula "1Tirne viiiprove," aie sai. "'There grO nov and ecuro ber b«en ae lu eýngaged. put. nie tluthal seat, phase." Me iglsnced ah .It, miv liaI It com_. Manded a vlev etthl. eumge te Vhioit Constance bai lut beau laken, andbUn "lPb MWovchose - but lie left ber ufttiut a% vend bejomi the customa.y Ibumbe, and creused the reoin.. Conane -W blu cenIng, ani ber fjes began lb grleam i vtb the limit oe sens ln thoseo f tie shag il=oat irIsen te bay. "Wili jeu glve me Ibt is .dance, Mis <rahame ?T" be sali, mettnmeeting ber -ejes, but looklng Ah ber Ian, -Iarn engagei,*' aie repUli ed. 0107 ami Iurnoi lier heu iaa "To Lord Aiie, ae e ntT"b salé. «"WlI yon lot m e your card T" Sue'Ieoked up,,ami b»er lips formai No- "I tbink Ibis là 1h," lie sali, vlth -per- fect caimnées.. "Lord Ainie hbas bea ebllged te louve, sud vas good enougiu lae yeli te rMy - Pnr& that 1 abeuli taebis dauce." - "uDo ju multIT" camne frorn ber He made ne reply,. but.tod Ilunes. aby aint emileOnm is pale fle. constance leokai round. If the Mar- quis bai boom latugbt, she vouli have iarei ain, sud beamaengtelmbv ilI Ravsun Tentai tilin ha"e oPealy defic& i.Bt lb. mrq&g W novhere It e hoseen.-ai l ej»eb i rose. MWs Ojes llgtei np'vlli a 1U4ma 11ase t triumph, ani h. pub blu -mm round ber. A abuider tan lr14 at bis touaih. halbla 81teý*8f am andes, lb.méete lesUM aber mie dsnei ltb hlm teIaon s, o two, bal stuu%<e- mmliêâ *rei; b sa 4&-ý dmresIl me longe, Mis etul"am têwe 1 wvant thaï Y" Md I aboulim v. - et e.u" de - Se oiflandami aro hWai i aouders. U m 1 ht ~ la mponibie. Tousgeai the wordi@ u moh a&mmmi place, sud v. wo..ugI ItoinLord ~~ç "Whst?' he sai, la a-lov. lov voie.. 'That iL-am au oh riai T.? Ts.A" yul vwili yen eay viion lie aska yen te exrinl why you mtet me- te-nlght as a Étranger, and oonosaJed the peat f rlend- 8h. turned ber heu ma.vay vltsome- thing Hâte a moan on ber lips. "Corne." he sali, lopklnug round tbe room carelessly, sud apeaklng lu the notit of conventionel toues, -"yen ire, distressing yo 1urmeif vitheut cause Rave you lorgotten the glâs, of our at interview ? If eu bave, l bave net. 1 toM yeou then, Ibat .1 bad kueit ta jeu for the lest lime. Ibhe mort lime-lt thaere sluoul ever arise an echo of the peut love-fl viibe ho en he viii kneel to me. Are yen satisflei '-1 Paile o he lmsbelore, ber fae crlm- sonci, and sbe vas turnlug on hlm with viii words of ,scoru suad bale, wheu the marquis carne U>. She caught bIs arm., "Wolfe ri "Wci-" ho becam. thon stepped, ful of oueeru. *,Thy..Constance!" *"Miss GrabUne le qulte tirei eut, 1 leur, Lord Bràkespeare." sai.Rawson Fenton, graveiy; I vas Junt going ln searcli ofle yse bleer «"Take me home, Wle"sewi,1 eda, lluglng to hlm. 1 il ifIni the.marchionesu If yout vili show me." sai Eawson Fentai. The. marquâs tbagked hlm Sgratfufly: sud took Censtaùeë- te the outrance.. A fev mifnutes aftervard Raveon Fenton appeared vltb the marcbloms " I-1 amn s sorry.t" pauted Con- stance, as ahe lemned back lu the corner of the carïage. " My deMr, vby idn't yoensay you weetired belte,"zmuruurei the old ladysympatbeelafy. diI should bave been giad t g». -Geo4-nlght M1r. Feu- ton." FConstance ame hbWspale, lace as he slodwith nplllted bat, and vlth 9a shudder drev ber cieak round bar se that It alulost bld ber eymo.1 1 "Let ber- alene, mother " sali lbe marquis, lu a lowr sud abniesOÙ volce " Si. la tired out. It ban beon a trying eveuig for h«r." She- lay back lu silence, sud all er a lime bis baud fstolo lovaris bers, and lcok il ani heou It flrmly.lBer fluger elcoacion. Il vlth aa. me u tIle grap The carniage .spedà on ils vay, sud sleeping forward *te arrange ber cloak more elosely round ber, be toucbed ber arm Bbc openei ber eyes sud icanei for- ward, nearer sud shil nearer tehhm,- and suidenIy aie-bai sllpped to -ber knees and v as reating. againat bIs. breast, Wolf e, WoUt.," she murinured, ber breathhcozulng lu palulul ap, "jeu viii love me alvýays, WlIe? Whtever bïappensu-wba-tever ,hbey eay, jeu viii 'love me V, and the clung ho hlm., 1 e Constanceý, Constance. my iarllig ! hemurrnured, gathertag ber te bim sud .klsang ber. "Wbat bascorne teyou ho- night ? Wbat bias frlgbteued yen. T Love You 1 Wbyý jes, iaut ailtheo vend, ami Miii eath." Constance hossed 10 sud Ire tbat nlght. uleeplese, reatiea, u connumed by a' lover of apprehenuIea. 'h. paie face or .Ravsou Feuton, vlth Itss tilster Mlle, 80 coli and confident, liauted ber. <ver amd over again. as the glov hours drAggd hhemseivemaleng, aie aaked beriiltb.-quetion: Why bai ase mot bld Wolf e. the story of ber 111e ln île eutirety ? Il ebe i doue s, the premence oft is man.. vbo purmuai sud ' *rtecuted bar <'11h such roloutleso per. Sishence, vuldhave becs a fltte?0f lndiffbeence ho ber. Couli ae etel hlm, -even nov? 8hm reelved te do se tventy blasestu th@ bhoul', but ber resôlve alvaje broase auj froin ber. Lady 1Luth-a vor4a,à% om »lgno fte bar.b* bal apoken et the mer. 91*n et - mandi-mai11 arouffl baâle. 1matsoë mean rai tee, &à - ita 3mmm . O oeuh -m r. -ka t umtmlber resetisa cf hie, &bout -the bc&» mu me b himo -Yés ez *.e mu iboatýtwfi r' tu tmme I v1 k W» i bOpthere. lUU* mm ado 70< M Ias k -»jot fer t')bug wbile yit OOS"éê reiied, b*rring hber asila bhmlong curle. caa.inalir, *ad i ndiag omionU adiconsolation la ble- promt ee* WbV arn y oulunsuch a brrf' "Beçauae 1 vaut tg dance wIth yen,ý Constance, dearl- be asavered wlt perfect graelty. TMUuoie Wqife.m s&*IIi the gentleuien vanîgi bdamcaVlth you last uigbt.. DI 7«< en3oey yea very mucb, deerT 1 hope you didn't, qulte forget me Il' *"That 1 did -mot," replîid onstauce with absolute trut4i. "Indeeci, ln the middle of one of the dauces, I1 vas thlnkingt t atIf l sheui b. flue 0- day FOU and, 1 vouli take the po$if for a drive." Re sprang Up lnstantiy. 4"Why, It's a lovcly dey, Constance. ,*ear !"ho exclmlmed, delightediy., "Very weil, then," she sald; 1'yoil go and erder the poules, and ve viii start Re rau off gleefully, and Constance 9Iniuhed dreuuing. Out ln. the open air, durlng t>e dàve. she rnlght; porbapa arrive. at soutedeý- termination,- mitht see morne read out of the diffteuity whlch surrounded ber. Onluits ay dovu the stat, Ivo etp!ps at a lUme, Arol rau lu te the mar- quis. «Hafoo " h sai, catehlng hlm aud1 rwlngiug him on to i s houlder. «IWhere. are you gein t et thls break-, neck pace, young man r' "Going te erder the pontes. Constance and 1 are golng for a drive." "'Oh. iudeed 1"ilsai the. Rmarqus.' IlWell, you are a favore I ndividual 1 Goand tell Constance that If aseviii drive over ta Mmu Marab's I viii meot you there, say ah Ivelve o'clock. 1 amn golng, te ride ever, te Wavertree on busînem.a, ami viiitake fr. Marsh's as I corne back.» It vas almoat a relief te Coustance, much Uashsie leugod ho ses hlm and get hi' rnornlng caresslo liai tbat the mer- quis had atarted before site came dovu. "Yeu look ratber pale- thia mornlng," sai the rnarchlonens. "You are not liti my dear 7" she aidd, w vtb tender anxiety. "No," replIe Constance, wlth a van lîttie amine, oniy a little tired '«The drive vili de you geed, dear,"9 sali the oid lady. _"Wd!elUevi meel yo« at Mrs. Marsh's ; be bas been very aux- loua about yen.", Constance'm pale face flushei, andisite averlod ber eyes. IIJ-I amn orry 1 islreased hlm last ulght," abe murmured, vlstfuliy. "My dear, ho qulte uuderstood, anid wam f ull of sympathy. Tbe unusu4i ex- citeent vas loo rnuch for you. Ho i'a.q been -roproachlng bimuelf ,ail the niôrninif for not bringlug yeu home earlier."1 Every loving word seomed te stab Constance, aud as segot luto the Dhaeton, ber beart ached wltb the long-* Ing te tbrow borseit upon themarcb- loneas's bosomn and tell ber ail. She drove tbrougb the. park and aiong the uarrev uanes, ail radiant la their auhumn glery, with Arol chatter- Ing lik., a rnagple at ber aide ; but, the 'treeb air and the brightuess ef the rnorning brought her ne peace. £ver before ber there loomed the coniing or- dtal of the evening, viien abe vouli have ha meet Rawmon Fenton, te mpeak to and lishen ho, hlm, and play ber part -1I decoption and concealment Tbey luruci on t the moor, and the poules vere soins along et - a*Euart pace, rovelllng lu thec autuma broose liaat blew ovor the broad plain. vbou suddeuly Arol ezclatmed «'Look, Constance 1 Who's that 11" Constance looked Into the direction té, whlch ho polnted, andi sav a hail. thln figure standing up dlslluetly agaiuat the sky. It vas a gentema n ushoot- lr.g attire, and carryiug.a ga. me rccogniued Ravsou Fuiutes, lar onf M ho vas, aud ber bes.rt sank . '#Me la cêMiag mrose the 'moor to- ward us," sai AMIl;«I, vmie.Wo It le ?" Ceastauçe cheoked 1h. poule mimooat lustinutvely, a"i ber trerw Pale "Wbyr, y- ou are a.& -atraW -0 1lm4 70W-b - MW '19*-47W bave .bout vbet- bIsir, bà" aiê'Iaio m slii ' té m«,Lrwlie.s. iee aspes bàw Vt*W -dia' te tu* 4"lbt* 70W ou forotu of <u«.1(MM tbat gâe bëal f e tp thé lb. *i..' *0*,éý. e poied. laugluipgy. _f«e Mdl bos*e t aedeg mt l tC an*id dance ut our lrédiIi&, S Iwfflbo @Sume,* baji& toRy mmo- rne. praodint the *Wh do ber loc. ]BUyt'a I '13." roo about ld iy. IJI Z igbtit meaud tO4 fme 01UYm <' u nit ahem a ste bu vo a r uwllm &M abouli la- orI'II h.,st*Sè rot»,6& Mu ernml*i e eMM a guest oet ogi u ebsaae." r the * 70USDlot&, kiehia -ve, Me rzumaaeald cet, am Y RUy as aPIPPu ,and ve aiU "A 11 « %b" e i, b-.07" kumvmWho to thank S for th it," ils B»edon hbm khely., 'W.I I ms la- "*r* 10 OMU USOb-a sinus of teflIng 7«eu tit 0 ussi bave e mbai gone& wua il prove nm uc relulma e tansdlmyentubat ISIcanc? Constance aakei be,- by m no odor ldedet mISS <111 M asufMi #ho drove bome villa ber lover learuthît va vert auaytbolsg more th"a liding beside ber. striagers 11 kmIast gt.Itlik 0 Oau tu'*t sme. UmissOrahame." ICAPTEA XICT. Constanés uheurt boit.21» c coonai 1.11 Constanceface I hb* mtblng ta trast t. jot," aie leMg belore lhe drenslng-bel rang, and qali, coldly. -"Tiere sihilil e nmeuist Ureffection shartled ber aus Bbc mivIl vord belveen ua% Mr. Feton. ilmetglass, tartled ami varuc ber. "I vii me- iniet zpops, v0»,"he 141m<lice the cPaie lace veuli Ici nild, wvtltb h ShUter .malle,."AUl irat- Eavson Fenton that she vas afrai, f ed 10 5MW vas,- tuaIyou ed le under no "ÉalShe couli not endure thatAt upprebension becauee I bappen 10 epend &U oasIs ae'vouli mOcl bim unflncb»- a 1ev heurs unie. lbthe roMt vllh ibgly, b enîvard shovw.I U"Y rate. 80 yen. Tha l15a a&.-Iam a man of rny hil e, heese h.ihoolci hermsR Word, asy knov, a"d vlah I nid laI 1110 o methlng liaI leoked lIke soif-pou- ulght I shbah stand by.. Dent jet my sesion ani indiffersuce. i>reaence mae ou unhappy, or cven After -ail,mie askei bersel over and 'Il z sjovetaain, vbat bad the le leur ? Wka Constance met ber lips flgtly. fil Dksly tht Ravson Feol o ve go "whf jeu plem an1.1Loti E.ncbreok 1 tDlte marquis anid «Y, I lolved the that I1-amn viitiràg, 1ir. Teton"a e voeiA&n y*n are *bout to marry, ami I sai. baVe pffsecutei lier T" No, . e- coul "Ho la cong,, hob. eneriglane- Muoirc ehman enougli le avov bis lut ove. bits eoldor, -"and I have nid 9W Umanlinces.Bemiies, ho bai momn aui vatedta r .- Ob ued l flaluculivating the mat- Arol ran up vitb bait a dosmnployer <UISI l'sfiulP'-his pOlical business- lu bis lband. ho vas PUnsuig; ho vouli scareely "rmt *0y pretly, Contance? it tutu alde from ilta v reak bis -Msite la aimoSt a plty ho shoot sucb pretty t gimt ber. He muet knov thit ebe b"ir Wlnt Il ?,Mar I bave euee oflthe j &im »Wlest 10 hlm lorever, sud aecspt teitiors, 1Mr. Fenten T" ltheitac Ravaou Fenton eut off soutee t lhe1 Tes, aie vas wroug lunIaeiug afrali of vlng leathers. b1194 and vouli be ioubly vrong lu jet- "Tou maie me quit. nemoref I Lord U«. = Il 1. Lancobrook,- ho snid, vltb a salle. j 81e itemesi- brsel ulîl mr han "Wbaî vi yoU de wlth thorn?]Put USual cire to-nigh, amibais -the als them ilu jour cap T" j lielleaof eeug tht ber lace vas lum Iles id AnoL "No, rl lvi» sm. pale s aiethbrev a la«glane. St Il le- to Censtauce htber îhàe. foraeieeoenimg. ,Ho eshouli meot de~o "Tien 1 i mut so*umore more," by a rlbbm avry boy muai bis premence sal Ravuo nTuon, ilb a glaneut afteaibat. Conslanc's pale face, 14WIII 70< o.- Thc auestébai mot arrived, and the aeph hhem,i" Graham ?II marcbloues vas alone lu the draving- "Thauks, I do mot cirefor tliern,'sai oo *Wbl ie enterei. Constance.l"Comm, MAl ,;," hi lb. e- dXel y17u liait Ruth wvs comtn, Iment be hai leapedi u be boved eliglt-, de5*' T" 0s nid, ýplacidiy, looklmg < ly le Ravuen Teuton and drove .on. - tlelb. l .gnicefit fgure vltb lovlmg 'off bis cap sud sloklng the festbers l gln-ual iCt i WOU%* almaost thought of 1t. "«le ho an éehfrieni o rsl, cou- puttlug tbsm oftf2 %tance lear T" 4.1I amn lai b. dii mot," âmmliCon. A.lump ros lu Coutances throat . Cemecusblng dovn Iieexactly op- Must she lie even tte i bli? T P01tethOmghttIl"Oh, yen, I amn quite 1I-I met hlm ut lb. hal lest ululaI" J yo. Nb. jeu ii mtnell,1me lady REuh %be sali, palntUrl. . ii oniutgar "ioh., i Ibouglit hlie uor7" 1vety "welI, onutaeeder," she e«- yoD, .because I miv b"lm mblg so-m dlAisebotovlmg & pcbing kmm s upo f nlealy to " la e 1 vs ge," haM tOMbolla. UQUift tCoverei ? Wbit siirà tlocently. senatn l'eucroat" e a ihl. I' 44Taie thon feuth ou ot 17w csep, UfliFmjeuln' t "îîa, aumt,- oAmrl" ezciamei,ei"nomt slar. 4sl, u"a i l," saiie oui ad, wmt Ne vippe ~ o~ sutelai 'Quite a Iriumpbei PregreelsI asure feashers ont MMi Ring tben ll b. eai 1O»TAil lte rift o e us'ped Our tu. i*l a, looof W&Mus ailt ber.ct ûal ires'Pbefore her. ]3y tbe vay. "I ar nosesenr t, Pt ein ho" bOsal. lr, 1,iBU«I OongmtWuate jou <pou a "o aunet n7, Cwomante iar 1» most dW*1 tlel oo<ute" ani h. snti .éup bte. Tus saliconstance, lhout lock- Sho pet lier llusngs atm amou"ni hi p from 1e fRevers the wviare- rgiglua vase. 14. o. 4s.-" et nrmd, tue "Tresquite a Case of 'carne,. miv, teiss pringgng te ber ejes. "Whby I ceqffletaiIneyer nmiva a msebai- sheuâu1 is felMot 1-4 don't MM tle 0se Y bit resu. -Se Mmr y ob bis ues ro w«ic te umv& 4 7uubila yeu vers tbore, sud seos»- "I idWt n'Ikw." b. usaid. "-Peihffs a quite diaconsoeue*hem 7011bad jeludn Ince 11 Mr. Fenwa r?"15. 1 do sot- ualppM tmmber gi«sbelote Offlafte. e cchy. qhe cold. sop àtu orne 5* tue name et lhe un- 'Al ooe u & kWthug«& foant e mm:sbauh r', skedlb.h Weil, »w U mai yeVvesali abat, 1 ss bls sreml' ieult uaid mylug liai Idont murlin "<E, 7FmU.il us Mr. PAMsUM Ne- ~l55 5l< »ià- d rtU.te , tàm 1 a IbelPyo ~~1~,,a<h~lueuale isher. Wpp'à" M I hg -M inoumS pumima Io unmmioSu MW sodibUeto le givanycrn dm *"met 1kth A Dr. @MR"Pitcbe. mi ~ ou om a h»V Sa*m m dom -cumm isaIac m f * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e» M ~e ~ aloiM t u 0Woe liaidm e ut - Ile.3 *-~Great BRugk Remedy. le herumaet OuS jmue Matg âOeummiet c caus th aU kuowu *amhdlmtsha Oum&IlIaMd puSmafuit orna u UstgnaI Zd- b . AMw a, ESvom, iNo muawmereu . mWm. iai We..7, XwmîmUw of 0»à% -Tuéoor, r Moeiik Siiuanéai a o mai m -bw ste à-No eUmim dm - iuygiave Wod's 0*90 bu ~bo bU" iamouy biy bm c e a amorna *b-aic0uc* topU-M4aisaUmtwe ginaoeucà$ mve-" WU**0 end.ui Mdmipswgot Wo.i'~PbSSg Oum t- *05bai boo m o p te&% W"D ~~5I t.usiyv ae suimidusv-ont u'vbbas<humTes~ ~ha tê 15%Wv'Ibi be A 10111 SUIrIDED 9"0"y iy ,tuing Paris Green, but that ,bàno r.sou why You should do without it whma 7011 aeed it. W. have the. very purest p«»»uo« Paris Green, and our Inoeot, Pwdor w. guarant.. to kil flies, ants n md stsof every desoription. Don't' foum thespot, Higinbotham's iThe x but to' jid i J]ritatý borne kbat si the ea Mers, World &. ver Gadi perpeý tians the eý and i Lhiflk put r, the c we're whiIC wind, days undej thée worlÉ thali iearr tonN Or.1 wher Dppr byut penti theE of r. whei 2'hei that tain o 0 setti vild pie thir for WhE: theý tail the dOE eix air thi ee ete ba ~oe i toi asai tho te be mm* Ével 1. I ink jf Lem" rYar& Ttrahagaetc., etc. ym bey olswhere. --tel -tf. tOo. 1- -- - - .. t

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