tourne to*da x1 .18w 0 lig,=OZ etChrist *Oomdato *i ., eePmltW beavment~ li M in eust wind Muo say and ailthat The et fein lhm la U<Ào *:4g> b J U»be but té the longooBtJaued o e Lu ldtrman UnItýb~l 44fer. th vn d train_ I m i- xritatiflg and fulllûtf ibroat. m 0frJ aehmtekt ure oathe Bibe g. IIt W 115Si lies e s Mus pE, 'th au ~ boeoi <Uvt ~ t44l tii ears blauted by tees 1d thé c. emalt m alsgnee xoept me e un? 18* U q1. geac U pslrlt ecribes the brea0<ki4 ftW0tS a uel » mdd' sip s of T ars bh Y the eAUUS t 4. W m -e* t un a st u Wem m h ait Jo nL." 130 r b a t Vie lOcusts that plagueil E Y «, W r bwua ulgst.» do JOlIEwrt o borne ln on the eaat wIuD. The , OeI4 VuS' 104 dun&r ths BIL hSt WAi0 il10*MOIOUd Ihat E.heltered Jonah was .battered by - ui' ~uai eor 5trGv 1I~caslu I.IM the east wliid, ani 1 aul the .0m Md litO de lotl~e58S~<~ 1w S itr "auitDà.WiS mers, autuna, wineWîu o »mmdthtepreru, uiuîa h-e.Î- jr.i q mta. OIiu ei v. Shat world's exiEtence the. worst wind tu 0 tSfO that a". rporter Mmtio .hting g ai"& o te-ttMMW1A 0 ever ble w in the east wind. 1New, Ir stgs to t**the sermSon, and ubig *l de <e iiOl,. ti P««.- , l God would only g4ve u 1xt <e1U 1S t sa~A udMes he *la% Ot ha4 be»eflrer. £S perpetual norlwester iiow gentaland them it 20111WOf th*-1»P and t- ie.ti. pat «~ ~rprtby Ib kiz'd anld pla.cid azý,d industrioui COins- Jangs t4~e sermon f et Ocore we ave Lua utt t erbWIveut- 0 tials. we wonld ail bel But 2k likes *14. Alter mallit .htm 14' anick- «Ontsare »ouéeo. sl* iietore alxighty gracie to be vhat va oiîght mie raptOcfa hsiaanoe tfuriciatioynofern else to be ur.der the çast win& in 1the 07*. l go" on tosa.:"e. ~ atcpto feenlrlae Uîier he~hu1ig ad b e U rencoieit"po us ckl n nthe pUl- truble hbahumble1 3r0U, hm. -en- U theeast wind the moIte the worl&a pft cahioli. Eere hoieélevates bis rolyu a mlile1yu e illainesf ruds ouraga, jlodeuvoe. ner lis i19", ils voice; holdu e burce% bas e quipped yenhmu looser- ~nd uurd. r hav bee iitche ij i s ains Pextended; bawls a ,ud;stands ed, your grEs, rmts ol i abnd i it yo1 shoave eep s. t edu t.lof1- tfIhIlU E iSkO a. frightful fa e; tightened your grp on the next. O. 'Wal thira,l 1 ý bistorld kt e a o t e * M og-. tu rne; hp the w htts of his eye ; cl.ispa 1 bless , G el for the ea st vin d! t h mu 1.1 ta igtor b t e d ta y ri the n al &cil hia handa behi . lin pelm;c i ts rma driven 70u into the harbor of Ged'S go the country you would tlnd tat ttosearolilld Mm an#iugs b1r7.se1f;roarli Noiptâgxk robe,. soAusb& o ivere the ba-st daiys for:public marals ae h, afloos, ýum»s. oreschane8 Ntiglk rul eso sta > wIhi*ch were under the nort or veit -frouincring, bosBoos and jumps amm." thée world la aun inacient por'tlin.ti ivin, ad tat hosever th ,crs;Weil, rny brother, if hat good man Hogarth vas about done»vlCh lite, "dl ilays for publier tmaJb whc 'p we e wet through a*l tha.t procesa, ln your he vaz ept o o v iastheandba il h underthe ast wnd. ii. pints o cuepatlmi, la your profession, lI your tig.H u ncna hte thner tonwahet mor e eoiwnte 01th toen your îubp, et tii, bar, in the,'botule. a cracked ben, an. uDatun c thwodSmaisand oethe, doureh te iukoomf, lu teeeditorialchair. some- Iiap gabeard of a averfi called thau you have yet suspected. Rev. I viere, >ou wMf have, te go through "TheWol' n"alngdva Dr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 Arhbi lxneeietfr alilar procesU.Tou cannot escPe -;IIîpwreck, tiheeme fPhoebus lylug his learu ng and for conseerselon, when M dii h ludti odon ire. di aske1 b ie tudeitsai Pinc- IKeats -w.rte bis famous poremnid, Iast quartier, and the olonfi. ton a b onet er of alsayu ns a < Prin c, ba d tli ffl et C i. poem killd o ne thing more," said Hogarth, -and th ton C e to! ef a eIt.h, repli d "Tee,. a lslm-th e rS.lYkci d hl . TaMoyrte piethire li.clon.,$ Thon ho added E whe o , rele, *e. xthe wud lo s rot ipoe Atlqkfd , "Jern a m elivoe- the brokeli palette of sa painter. Tht!' Dr. th Francldictateroie t ~.1 a edI,. i4It hsd masch a col« repto h ie.But trouble wiCh bad might- or.n ernýd wa r of, ~Ittiidhmlite a. ra.vlng maniac.. er nd more sktil hai Hogarhs, A opprssie eacmenm fr te popl, ttiligflU<t was, siain by bis literay pctur a the fallng. fallng, meulderi& w but 's-len the weather .hanged e em periimranne ery~ y nt t or ld. d Wofan ao rathilm ~ pented hlm of the crueltles, tepealed silw Cardinal Wolsey. 'rlie Duk,- of emnn olY104<f i egapj tu eoctenssu aslagOdh W ellngten refused to have the fonce wlth bath bandalmter God and maY. t th ea cll Uic word , ngo d h m r around i s bm ou e, which bal been de- " he Lord lin y iight, the..LOrI la mY bc l3efre &U rtthte min.touhtuteyd ynecltd mob, rebuilt, be- love; the. Lord. la MY fortrea; ithe LArd lm Befre oertketheman -hoghts oIby nte t&.fncetor a my sacrifice; the Lord, the Lord l715 Of rny subject J wa.nt t0 tCll Christ !a t muse a rnemunher f e utabîl- My Qad. il people the- ought, to ho obsera oaf îerant tthe popuWa lu a o orCii.O.m alimaticftl- ohanges. Be on yenr gadiyad orsrt Po wrhen the wind blows, frS heast. ravor Ohr wertofn f riad ke aur 09eiritDO uz There -are certain styles yuhv a taray>Wyne o;sre r -or temntatione jÂnd You vll hbave trial of nome sort, by the p)0er ef Cit k opel. Dohi that you e annot endure under cer- o aeldt led.Wynei~a wt syurr eer. otyen net know iat b j ~oln stles of 'iee.ther o .e 8? I might btter mentiona enyigvopoterwl ieuu a I4b ovef on i e we n __ i oAa mtl yu itr.YuYou have courage, ad othérs will have R qt anrVous tttee&me1tf o are a merchalit. What a tUr e u had ourage. The ROMsMSventinaCia ,a « n exaos t eaerstn nt t Ot lth that 014 business partier! How - battie, and b> Bore 8accident there Wasll mgetf a debt, do optr t tobaA a s Coet Ad eofil=n! Before an Inclination.ofatheistandard. Tii.At aid 415pad etOs, dnet t.l ta aet£ bigoYu bougiit hlm out or ho rulned botl standard uprlght mauit rtw.d on relgion, lkou vat a bigot et aliyance!. rnaroh; h lncliiatSof he! Ce tundardhg un elgindo net o amn t >se pe rn mter y b al paid bhlm dawn a ineant surrender. pti hs, do noht r-tu o con l atl! ng .eît ain 5am et mono>' to have hlm go Through the, neligexico f th-- man L thor a chûrtble ta, atitut fu.. d nt1nt ldtepromise h. would not open ~Who carried the standard ad the'licli- lm try ta answer an insultiiig letter. if a store o! the sanie lAebsid snto fiLCeam'.ue heherOh tues thngamusCb. oue do hemlniyeur street d14 ho not open. the jeltns keep the standard np, ,u4tr. hese the n mustfram t!'. north r!ve> sin ind f business as near ta Ilet b. blown down by tue eat vido thé outh, or the West, but not viiec .you ssible,.and tale mll your eus- the north wtd. rehe outh w'ide t2xe win is frm ue eautomerau far aus'heo could ake them? Inclination to ureler o0mr hh Idlaf't an-dst.And thon kno*A<Ig>aSU your f rallities into the. eouftic Tou say that monnd vornn oigb andI veakiOSSmter holng An yeur2 Ttiere la near Bombay ta hat not- to te, s0sensaitive and nervous. I buint Mfor 1110mmny yearsi, is Lie>' cailthe 'arrowlngtr00." the De- aditit bt a st talking &bout b. o o pidn i iei a-cjlrAt>'of whloh la it neyer puts fOytIi wliat the. world ought ta be;, I am inDcmetr' on hat yOn fur- an>', bloom la h d&WtAiiO, but la the. talkirig about What the werld ls, Whlle atsed *asuçà test? To114 are a. phyOA- aight puesO Ot ail utn bleooi, andai l Che. ae prseis h dislpositioncan n'4 or lh'so in your rodolence. Aid I have ta tel yenhat, doca flot seem to b. aftectei b>' change» absence, yaU get&a ueighboring dec- thougii Christan cb&acratPu efrth in the. atmosphere,.rilneout of en are to, Co tale your pl ace la thoe ek[te.weetent bboimmmAnlutue darkflCU q silghtly plàYed upoui. by zah. nfu-I roos, and hiengratlateil hlm5lf laCe cf silkUS, tue darknle ci n&n1r-ia onces. 0O Christani maital rd tihe favor of tChat, f i >', 50 Cort 701the atrs, to d h . 6S e! emeaVeie oircurnstaflces , do Dot writelid forever loe their patrong.O e h alèse etl welg~ things against YOUrsl oaCgt o- aptet through the. serlous enâtire for a06nlght, but »oY couetu ln ridaot >our flucthlStiflg eXPerlýýe- 1 sI tages of a lever,ad soe day Che Ch mornhflg.' Acrels the harah dis- !ou are Co rememibr h&t th ir m-Impatie t'Oii r orhuband of the siel çaedm tiiI t is vorldroils tue muniOe to eter iln your soul le oMY nly sweig te.>one rushesOut aid gets another -med- thIe the liiezbrak"<omtu barometer ofthte vemthÇ>r. instesalOf .. raeîtionero vho cames In mat ln lApmuaOk hat breaksfrin tgrP Lttlxig devu ,anid beout 4lecOul'a itAn. le get Cth e it eofth cure. Or -&M d tisa fiOfIRthe P&IM14 W2510 11e nid myit, 1 a ne ~ area~ j'vyermalyencore E <aias water ovr r900"" mualo M e amue Idont fesioxhlarit. put contact wAthl9. trkMstln layour l~-wS.iilCYliwvindatà"Oi g , mui aid lkoutOte l wIII4o'w al an0" eoit 4 n your absence, -aid cou-I' 11caroI0g 18bineaiOfiffoesa9»u tueweahervae pintntAi h. r~lg eryt.agrement UlemOVOs a non- 111e eceai billova storDifthte ÂtlnUtb quarter, and ,thenamây. <Ge tCI e- WuSt or the i.lsuiilof tho csae, or bll Tu>' hahu, gif nenrORM bAud'me, satan, thon prince OfthCe PO'W' tbe $adge on the be*. reMerl'g '11% ,.tth.i ru My mo nelChe sha D ut of ni> h urt t o f 1 1m1e bo !se; t _ulav r itm à le ge a obaB &, am I U y S u the M m I vidai_* th Ant Ch . rnor e nese hored n th em t vnA.Âwmy vii' ~ntri, !If yot Ioat 1__ i. ts C roT dmi Wb " in the e lvn I.. A 4. PIAKO% 'AND. at ~ 8v. 14pqu 0 w lie osMsasrm y~ nd ai empire bell lama"tutil itomrudàv e MuaEau SRI&A4 n ba W etueeMer. LU?~s w e. lal a'o&ma i c'e sUde, RU4clp heft obpsouaiil t. î« bTheinte '0>' t5r" m hlmV fseia"&>'f thead UiaSalie«ivii ' re rails Se Cha' n . -io h@Mt Clie..1 dlO Ii i sc e odant m eh o htvuu f r.u at alC dtciiY'ala reactioial, are ý hél4 W 1 1 t la & 1,r> vlICegie y.~ ~~sim 01 e"daIt @ ote ltba W«er ool aid ae ti l neli% th r eui e -Joase bhste nQu e.ouh.If"m i d tsh n »Mvoabt >ubcd A"esls 'nsvieos0 zes.d an>'" uan ma l ficl e s1t 18,e*Me TuAs la thIgnorat i artparelgo ,* core>' mf-tev yuears g hnthe: tdnate a egma hget.Oi o laSte vain&oe c mlneu a @Pm mmc>Mosbt ptue lllnoer ar C 1Cn t aotilso! Ib moiroL t vsb holeunonwe tC alet.ereu3 te htile .ai iso bmeo vlt1 jupfl- vorih o aitfor iintelle luunI' 15~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hm bos aC i frhoerlae ir vau voezpOtq C Our l Mr vno a, lmillli>' toC flaggted- tO ' vpepemitodta ndean>' vhbut lva ie ElmpeetVWb"inerlle, l What oithasudichevo are mîWîg Co beat [>nd av vouil t a maihavse ai bld- ,our dcpalaa niep tndi>ecav 000.ei âage CIeumpis raai the other ? Ton andlCo ethrhpe tet -W"cdhI~ -le vo. vra pcie %>&l>' fla hoeir ln rgulbo ys tdeirl;, o Ave aoC s and la s>" w his CrlafSthe noc 1arrilm bey vbo vh oh dither. a l if~ ~ ~~~~~~x beor bs eatidhcmeBelu p aaes ou. B are fhr- ni cuarriol. mal meail ho, whOe thé' late. boupIn thé OMP ce,1.8 oiw ,Âpag brte 0119 bm &roundhof thIas, J kn daount yealln, aOu MM lne ves ho p ora a kirdntil a iiliiObutte o in evtl roeao [eett manof 7 Iutl las puo Who lot eun ta b. carnie -thon l i ordia * dem pewanat ,butt bis ova vi< fr e .asmirer, le bom nIs aq ey ns e ilsch,.s1k la plan oth Ce re0%rd, «;. eau teg ve tuilerexpessiOn te bio We ~ ii d17e b"tee! ta veighe t <ý ,we Oit e mygeru .a, hOIC me la 4"Ils uerlal InWat eifNv o e'haaaltfi imul.~ ~ ~ ~~~~" andaia upqdttetrnept If se aele meiSW M teIl koe oul " a -un have oIfrheold ur art>'lay ave a lycnvston. loi-'4i4compas» 1almTuetpeeplo <>1 cou s idel tefs, o clevates h3atb Tw oel pr050 .naîtazens t hé .- (e and la we o h.a cnaufI>' nf»Of"fr ho18 à mth M UKMg"Bmbêl' edChk u aoa stpid lICerClint tIa wlIAY Chi latsteloitns0fte arry im by w fo ubdYda' tlu .asll>' rgh lase Chai "euDhIs.." by tueraditinad teaep. tot hemcovereati' te ~e ffadio ev o rt»OWYISIe lapui'c nô t x omar>te - èarred ole«ra an mori ai dead p~ ea tut %W8i og ti. W_ lil0s,.lite' y m nerebird il1 As I 109dh as - ra rhers o Ilo oaIQ&Malse rSrdlAf * m Ma on oe aie, tIen oxresstu e hol, . teeIwhe zndet e l el W te. gi e t i olp elgtfl u, ar U sigailËoai, ame,# la ai o.te resp Pet.. &Mdione hters 11e reýoni e wCouaC Thunevas tl'*MvrOi h-a! cmi sa tavhte aîttîo r.Te r thBoh s&.iliemuroe a Govst bs in-aClcoea the caîlid.tAe s av o ifmo aie hmumVlae.ring Bom,&W85 lump seolaoa mers lt trigthfr0 adif e: atè as 4of.te dacaeda l e .Chaior tupd aWd sknow a 58 tg0 ib B nb9 yt h Pau e a t G>'o nar CItC ide hi go p gn U-tO th leS«C rs aCeLiattwMoe eplala why. ary. i>tvas îot . or stalMoen aid o ethiC e dK Ah e uMay An n-adte oth Ur.W préenson Wo. «Ue future er~eu et bstus vryiroadov.lnail ne anflm son . As hlei M nWt s.lle e t. mWldcgetlntnt Ti h P lurs but saa .s howth et pou-sel- St aiea aml hera respt - "hA e aI e .nter s the C oiS0 aUI Aun Thumn For su -eur lierorof au cntaitelitecetr pnyslCSl »d urnt2e veut on. ail la t c A -WnwSioas .aOC e UtO&YQ men cle orer.1ed CIe atate e mp s' el mrlaclotel of liti U III 0," h. ssiI, "aid î arn ual e oÜ le V>auter anyani eali a huobIermt clisse d eCd i&IRe a al-a»ta ln tu Not oua' @W otae eh ot ot ie Irypi, esu lt 76y w Cofa cutOOd peopl iO%100 l Cl. r o e u Wt e l tier te .epAre ca. Oi b ut.1 W"gi l i ef e î=tsYae nt mad bt.*.ter b>' ltub. an n lb -s gco-id ao tale Lt vas het sed &Ub ut i m niera'tetes l aros e am t tetthé 11' luind . a" notami b htm-"dOW'hITpitby uW- W&Mi-s. - 'Aoldo frileU pâug,*,breath ndoe a ueS etg«sý ïow-l ono aC odot sowsthekln'ofa Mn b W stbàBg,115ar iea g Ntem et coO i ïnatA"dprem. s ' ~~~o ->-*,Smallb m o t , rt h m o m a l, u a P e t o ds le « > _up a & M - £wiflIta*&Im ~ea MACHIN ES, Ofbest mgko at h>md primos id easy termte. jeWETHERUP. Coi:. S usez & Pel i ait IfouW&U o gete hgWMpriSforyour>WooIaeI direct ktow bo *manufa@ture it; and orlon yen buay Dry Goods bey from thei manufacturer. W. hae a lare u4d wvoli used stock of Blonkets, Sheetingo,'Shirtings !'u.O-loth, Yams, KMui'.UneveaT, Top Shirts, (Jeottons, Shaker EJiannels 2. cents pet ib. extra pdl*for vIsa traded. KOR-NBROSMII IOXAL HasRmoe Poat ORbettothe iortli side, ,neit doorp G Edwards &0Go il-OU liii i i. r~ -BO.B.Be Turns Intoo mi by mhtg B.DB. perfectclea nsing, healing SBlood Bitters. It not when applied externally. ïores, blotches, eruptions, abel&s, Taken inter- aste matter from the the organs of the body, bloodto heathy action. weak stO&g, and those ~ remlv nw vigor, and ~i amb tio bu, B. B.B. ito py.vigr ife No otia ut emdY pouaSSOS cb p m4parfyng - proportmc as Burdock * ~ i,*srmafy; but it beals, i 4'~ ~*the skia clean and pure a litrou»"aumobid efféte or Me eb gtbe s bom" , bowels ani tb sckbemoUiS vo, Ch. ~~ vo tmtt u éij )jý our Wi M ote iw wý dimphrSqW 1*y aeg. Uv mInoU ma BE i thet very Car 1, Grow, er,$ý ttention m