Timbeot ca i I »Dgbt ;idin th O Oaam'd usi foi 95 Ci foigblavimi, ete. stop It by C=«gatath 25urs -eM s ab Meeting of l*0mont of rad ~nsliIUg b smn*laer dit05 WMeld l aiert.yon Hour dou upaissi Itbv«oeug 8IDt bol 5~~ a siplsi. h si vas baagsd by addfmg of 16tSthe liseaumssicil pliy ter the ismefit t20 Wid*elfthe essmsssment onç Imla afehiby sali sons pro VI Theouof iSsilon C - odinl? melBi t omu See éla lbe chair. On motion etf M. rlal by Mr. McDmls r ezuaieby Me. MUlOhei leIth Oenf a onvel phon ..ou J...la lien l at pu * alovaie ofr roal baivfeumIClu -63 N. P. B.ezie*dg frm th »"ea atis l te iTMt VilIsp Son mtoof t . MePhomse by Mr. MePrlmnstise bU *byi' ms alme aie by iN lime for lot.g ou trial from 7 o'clook 10,10.30 o'clouk on motion of I. MoPhers. by Mer. MoDonald, tise foliowi porions vertm.eos ti r omln samute 1b utMargaret Menh Ounmerfordl, Mary Moi" Gomna, Demoa nMd 'Farlmat HoArthur, Emuma Vau",al E "0m Mitchell. Mes. Sandow.d -piagse, John Maitou. Son motion cf lMr. MoD6al by Mr. Manei, dePultove vas hmborisi t. nlogotiale1 Moore for an atditoàbal -plot lise gravilet lion toi 1 i cou 0. Moore appearod .belont ofering tleicae te, tho oorpc quarter o aigr îes of land for1 où lot 18 in cobs. 2 -for the som l"e to. b e for toner a On ýmotion of Mr. Molarlu by Mr. MoDonuld, Mr. YVon Vas abeped, amd th. lerk w b Prepar.le a oaifor sidgra, Son Motion of Mr. Manni by Mr. KeDonai, a speolal ouneil wam appolusi l o be bal, Loruvlllo. on MoidmY, cf Anuemifor 1he purpao o ! thea Proprishi of, pamiug a b: in. oaautuetlng tué stan. drano.. & motées So bis directed ta b. publlisoed lun T *On motion of Mr. Main by Mr. MePhersOn, It- was amcpt f rom George Dsymes #2 lu commutation o ets "egd agîusî t blot 21 h ome quarter acre, boemisi a 4îis quarterlIns "dam onusa 1On umotion orteNi i'rl by Mr Mammîne naursai smicred ia wib E. MsleI Mr Metoalfe agroos ta, iIla u lb. alid municipal danPar, ils land, Went hait lot 18, "adoed ueleu by lb.e amoher courus or saI das;io flhllmgtu, lbe voîl te b. e On motion o e MMP&Vlw tmratecl -ne, sOu i g«zil » m 1 tbat, io h silet bonsmpaisagua Wu .mboitgt e*ait m «Wtlu jt Md hamain,*asugo fut ari m t* 01. îssambm i o e Isle mot goWb.m unahis1aMi P01 . ijul sihdi. Pmea ndton i stlmmy dseIoasiufée tbeUike of euibeesino iagial.Md u417. Il i~ ~~Tîf poia )aoLDsbut esumet Ït;aÏi;Dmmbb. .omp.aod lh Ibon. if iryesu OUV* nuonuemaMe n, lit tor t*ust Ataul lmau t thenVr- uns Diaus i e;. unsa taVoes l"piah. B la..iwtor diao Foad v halri. mdiu pon isavlg M ou ieIu fltilo i beri Pte., vsy " a ,tripit Mmsday t. uslosmPeut- A joume« uiuis saustise inlletiom 09 hesvy punlismut on a (slow Bmtée, ami spilvupon qoms vise. uine va lhe réagt eof artial mu la deg-I mu~tiiimot promlue iisplesaure, but "bsvtl' exrleme OPdns ons lu vur ious vaje. W. bai aarcly left Whitby staton whss one tcommetook uuaa st belag eonpollsd te IrasucMam alOd wit o doiamay qlUdlvor, Md ought to-boeu» r csllofor hlm Own ode ecadueo elnuodeumémg us te Our fllou aso & m I mposéer Who 1shouli b. li uc; Z is.egmain d 1appesbtimOsliu-le Usmlala mlmdg us subsie. lis furthor noutsi a »stI Md .tr.atmei OsbaveOr a iuble Ifs M. we 1nij.sty of<)a «preyeflle. by romonof 1setrennu d Wbfrton onutarnmd tise oountçU vas safs for ths e malmir ef lb. b trip. Attir Attal insteneeCiy. vo foumi Il a dâfldpid ld -iiplace.Thse 1 woemuUnlldlgsare ani poppei up, 1 ubule lb. atone Wstutza mny i s roembie lime kilu e. is.som y aroun . s isirly good-, vblithe flig lasaid le 1 b. azcllent. Wbeo» nsens ltei Ipenitloma sreilly modem and sount"i. etmg institut"on memoé leu ilw. Ouly for vthe higis "a sIt:migmtbe b.ouiefor orne palace amnd masque vils Lés grésat à doms rocndédiont lu proporionbs mmat r equal lte it c l.hdmuel-tlmbulli a i the b.wrld's wfaim. Euyihgt R brght amd.ski, and, iu f* at mer pre- posmeMag. 'Pb. shorlf ;marsBmld Our a çrlsomOr lalo a ies, ami maie tise(armi o dîtaivrWblaeh oom"i fbolngmsrsi I ai staippelt balisai »d r.consttuotd la 0 pen o ar. -Tbam vhduithé ebarff , made lthe sarmgela e scure a r prisue whom ve were tOsbalmg to . WisiV. vs ais a alrp lbroutbthe 'd is.amm taras, wissae bunrsis 01 mon s are emrplolmsi i varim slinos cf industay à Ail arc Weiliumes..Wsl fdiend le 01 appaent* i h gsiioL. In thb. ions- h cuttiaf spatnent W. m oWhsralf v wrio illoci peer».11Wilans vhut of i Toronto. TheIdmSmm a iite the daim al of" lbbaise bAfoa lm Go.Eil M Alge. YIna Muray, intl umt.isu 10 faon Wbllby foi ib" a. las laaesste bad o"k la lb. bls àimoibe a0 mm r we e Ie lumullin tal 10 haillimg 08liehtus e . Tb$ MMsa à l lb.the vs e save W$, mPsbOU of lAbIolhItulA--A ubsemiks WModami ethouoiIgthIs b lfto..iSu T" &6»&Moula eoinoalset, *s&MM a aie u uiuca w M t iua @su mi~h an neamusOmt - iimi tbhgaie @mMh dem.i b*ly IMbcM 'i~ioe s u.e-. Olh. qhU2 el Mil 190< om e0"b ldui P P~ ILW mu mou .bh. a IN uumgausêolImm a-éod. q biubii fIbÏ is pcifui - et *A. cd ns Md Thotablosessmu ion VA$*. Ttlie boffsasoa"lbeVIII. wwe r isoA & poow e p vSi mot do Ii.BuhAshnKds (kms pc-esU *0 psullt eleo G.~ ~ o t110.cae l.but kmown a nsso la Walo .ihl, mfod ftrucM&l »eY ecnmat. iulug lvu I10. .whl ~IqMNdblng 4Mdhlsmy g-. uUU su Amoriéa kldM yOffs, ver& vonloa... '1atbct k og n)? tva doms.thbmph nwu MtIrai? gens, Ma4 bavs msvs bsu bor*Ui lhIS glass If.luwlsIYOIl.Lotmm0 write Me te SblPloyPOUlofs :ad 1 gb* lgve ibsu pâeils of MY »ms" If tbe vtld lodu Ubne Ios aYenfil l Iloe b.diq$Psp tls rtoM TOMrsD&Ii Ro, bsoloyOit, améord wab h fon 1llv. amplaint mmd dysplla. USM. k...otAt M smy lirvaswu m IsmIi o..ild 50"bow té le eo r touebsirom lb. Mbti4. 1Irisi &a mt Mmlay Mu au. vithont amip boule; wu eoMPefle to iroP MY Voixk »u a fial ieori vus ilalmoassi le lq BoulliAmarlea N lr. urne#., Boforo I bai 1.1cm hait a botle Iwow able io go Io Wekidom .1 &-,n1 - 1 Ooon. PaoczEDNo&-Thc mmucpa coumoliof lbs Iownmhip of NarpomuMt this 15th dal of Juns. lisbs a&U proent Minutes of.lait meeting reai am" approvsi. mfflimunIaloum vcus rend (rom Mr. ]E. RPa"h,P.S.I., #"Dtln hat th. atMi- tratior for U.8.S. No. 14, Naipomsanm Ope, will miel st Valonia on Mouday, the 29th Jun., aitil1a&. Mr. J. D. Hutton of the Ope. ouvoil asimi for fre gravai. ftom lthis township te put on the rad putl Mr. Jassph 1Harki, am ibis la the leaiing rad. t Llndýmy for the people about Valet. Tht. malter vai loft lu th. bauds of Mr. J. IL Swuin. Meure. MoSweyia an Anderson tequemted the ounol bt e- conalder tL. ammesmnent of Mr. Keth Stewrl,14J 15. con. 14 m the court of revialon t.pasaithe malter vws left over for future Couddraon. Mr. Beerof I wu hear i th rofoesu la gravsiling ramisuami Mr.Shaver vai oommlslomed to look after marne. A remarkable case of eoonomy prement- edltmlfto the counoi . it.ohn Me- Kay of Wooiville, who hai been entrusi- id vltb monley Rranted. by Ibis cauncil la Nu. Shaw, inic ont, refunded tise sun of $33.27. t*Noved by Mr. Adam, seonici bp Ht. Shaver, tisai the éork be lustrucimi ta m-toae vwl thliecuvoil of tise townsip cf Brook ta requesi thom t o-o opsrate ulis commbsslouersR& Adam aud Ir . Shaver, appointai iy tlisa oomi la repair th. rSosn ctisboundary boives. Maripom sud Brock.-Oaurred. Novai by Mr. Adam, seondei by Mr. Swain, thsi th. éork b. isquestsi bo correspod wvu tise clerk cf Bidon te ail 10 hemald counoil lao o.operate wultié tecouncil ta làprave tisé bouazy lins bo. "mtwrn Eldon sud Marimoée, afid to carres. pond vitis R. Adam, Scoumlsslonmbo. isalf of tht.mneloly-Orld - Mavd bpE arnILeiyt Il aui, tiai tie foliotue aM ount@ be a d, mitisai au order b. dimauonmthe treasurer faorsauh oms ameemis.a, sattslabor, te b«tS& ................. S 2 ( Ir Gsorg Hloks, gravlUbg, lot * SamusiThora, ....u.. mia bd.lot il, 02 8. 90oc ÂRobert' Eakkms, rtpélag a rod, oa e. e ........ . oc IrWUom Joimmas, Gmwlag * atom$, on.&q.. 9o ... 1062%,A ..,..U., 10 oc Ilà Wlc1 iousc. Ibo Th 'Tuner, uph là ,. 91 , 0up.4 eàewâB ', Wbàiw" ,a t»,am iàtbe codi - Ànbbhs-.enory and suçom Iors me, adla My oubs were in vain. My " b~ae&4*Y..w, MYbol."i - lw gçmoIM avewr w» I-, aid bar&dy ay Iecmb9hda.my pe tite *u «meu, "~d ihe days and ulghss passed là unhap#nes5 ad 511fl5110 Ft - mo tfiemd dctOrV ama p"mat medlciua0<5Vt" descrption, but tecOIwd n. besefit.Eeng advimed by a frwad ta bry D 1..,laitu glad 40 have lb. Opportuuity of tostlying ta the uamrvelOUa rsit. After »Mig tlme. botbas 1 frit mucb botter, and when the flfth boUflé us inàisd . joyeqd h.ath in the greatest dogme, and bave doi.esw from that day up to date. 'Tbçrefore 1. bave much pleasurein recommending B. D.B. to ail po. suffering humanity who guifer frou iImpureblod, which la the begliig and soetof aIl dmeases. oJ.n B.LA, A., » Gould St., Toronta. NIE svSUauD à, » 1W soOCIL uilE IdEel <siogl>Jum22-al bu bonom '7m7«ff.tu bIbis alt, *cbeb *orbé m"Ph.l>oe Ilmy Pul0Mb" -s oaiu mm ia d*mdy m at t &nmme1h si kWt. reuoils usme 44« @Mtqmt bom4 timd so esmyal4810e"lr. Nul ii. use boueaet tb* &@p logis. i ie -uluiie 48y lb5*81mis omla borgequslm Mdi wml, 4i..A. vwouli pay $ 0pu boafort=n 400,000 Pmee %mplee glve cf et losamis a l-gag A Q&MBotommi'!aof u516-ai uoie iipce :'le o b Cstms" moela is flte, Ioia Coesls uo a 04wm 1 apo, ia o i md lam mdof m pedis, nia iu oo. a etmahs.1w o P"8. mf II1aêuiIbm5 foratas. obldr ob&,4 fo alpae fr ereho amrelim, ibietmd mai 4 Ve Igito for olguro. ogsrt u d pipes, strie ad mipaper. Lpaitis oio i, u obal o thabla ddam dat mcmi. Nsthanko zpéooiod.J lafér * m tu - i baraam isud a M A remariblo Cm.- 7. W. jamaisom amatid, spentbelvosu 1 »à unin l oun- Ssulting icebors; trie8DiMoule sud ail ethet a realmeuls but go$ ne lenefit. Oms bof c Ohaes'. auaniOursdii Me mat[oed Ibis A BOUT T"LIVER. A *%aUyow et pl 1,e slh i *nu&ts ~ aomo, abla sm o.lu ule*d dbuo pmrlalthe auaeiou m n Ma 0 uvr hoallo.. wo, au 0 mai kb .sà h Si Ihmsb vhhte lkyubif badiIst di y uo hem p 0 lmazi&U h.Foreurss Yoms i v 1rofl Mii irs-a! SteI71 a w6wwaepb D& Ir. M.M&N I j DL BENMJEE. ---à £tantdatbo ha, Usioup. OBia kmsitSSyqpSb DOE*LD E. ANE.ON. MOOBE h JACKSON puise toosa. Rdnm, oi A.t1 DUYiNm»sé 9ms.Osd7 g VSuis.o., Xàm's I&é Ril.laMMdOo e mm b. oUda Eh. in uns theM. if s-Net S U. NoLAUGILXN MDAM DabSeslm TO ha. lAi5ysd .Im 1.khp OsUs&Vs Boch bou te pila M kdg .'w uM da*oSrloitggaw MusoiiIm vy usira gtusv. W.~ ~ ~~~A donubua d wdma siy NOMOlETO [oASj.- bOg"s'Iutm n mi i sIca àbbai um t-u sssbs0 di M zUSWUYN wbk ANmDIN. HONN POIO O [OS. * P5ubn~. eIbo u la.- ls.n p... p... Lii au. * ~~ r MO'. 80 Noka... m a jame. vaM.. 8*,Vn a. ..iu P. o n ".dm IIApD~~.KUAILWAY. I g -~ .11 k IWI~c ah ~ j muaMownu umE thaupmea*Smodem ~ et - *Pu wre ba- k *wmi m grd"t m .h U asmiToto.* @e pd 0i dau-snom Out~ PaM Iai&sgM O DWDJ, Umi, 110 0»P et aiDMoms uogmo. Anl U.»laut" iMd OaMM ami WIRm n uory . uamom- aiv DR. NEELAND&sl DENTT, otraclitu* ihWthoutpaixI gai, vitanisel air à amssriby hi o yeun villipram ekSoin. 86WeÀUÎnte Pao under Dr. Colt.. of New Tarie r, tn-~ atoi of gMs fer «Uracllng Iss. Dr.04à write.Dr. Neelanda bat lhe basgivea th. to aal ons weul tau aselukt. L~ ~~ "ssamais use b.bout localpa" olaundors. EssaiMaI arl el" coqli"ars aidý moerte ies.Flmm -' paste tsari boaeemime. fce post b DENTiuT. LTNDSAY nim«* noyai col- loge Doutai sorguons,OU t. Al braniches of Duss*rimwm Ilta àlu lIllmbtiodlnxg te lb.01 MdParcecain Mrt. Groomls prepamiefl bgfre ya em cf the vff lovat prioeai ltbout.,lterme on Aun"Tee*b,,as, Iambsud maberial guaraBoed.Forth. e, elwtr»o*s of seth bla ml liutâta OM Vttahaci Ab with bies um ulsueeu. ÂMso tWbouet lo»a ap>pllOa*Iio hu lihifpain, gum m ubsi ;F5UUNm s. Reuember GROS the. id- ]»L W. KUNir, owbo aiGo. Emiloav Ano D&E. 3.P. LEONq. 09 owkuloVodib&7 cO5eTomen. os u »M 4 ru ayl aisme. Oppodwés" De BPA»,1 hdav.MMame uea se u F oi , Bmw. an6 ShInhI&l. Miii Mmahi Fleur MIII. Ieam #Md stemm Pumpe. Lands For Sale. Timber For 2m sacres aet Andon volley. 50 actes itCameron. 2w0 c8e«lu inSephenson. .300 acres in MoMurrich. 50 asmln McMurrlch. Eveythlng cheap. - H. REÂZII Lai. Valley. Sept' 3* 8K.--6t PIaning- TO BUILDERSI Haalng go»e te 1h. xpense ai pntUaq BHOT DRY BLAST DRYINGK I. -at li sMd of $1.000, ws are prepared toe anw eumiommi theboeust oftgoad dry matd Mui mai eamine aur gooda and grot etiu Ail kins 1 of uldino uu. aDoors, NMa Bêula[ladralmste,, in atock GFEO. INGLE. i The. Canadian Office &~ Soto D'urniture Co., Limited. PRUBTOà, - ONTAN SuoomoisSo-W. Itahbchrndt à Co.. aumeSUw Om O 0hol.Charch, md k Tha 4 PunnOT AUrOUATIO" 8dhOcl Doà The lateit md butS. àwwrd«4the GoId me"aiKt th$ Jamalca £xh MMs Sohool 1>e of IbalaCompanycaauaot be ax@ kr Ssumgh, Bautyof Dil,Âdaptablitiy Ooeaoeto Ib Icolar Ued trlusrm. ii ftect.Sting9 ~pti Eyes mus ~paqkL- ~enested byretlirn1 & practice M4 cla~ ç.Addre g coOl I yail re ctual jdu 1dand I per boy. ODODD' Sdnit the s1 avlueod by i ~ofar as -Tie se8 ck, diab the agafle! an th. G.HKe bave been .iI..np1ote Who ;el &enpublia liai K t.anud e loves ni: SCureci 4 with eczen Gf a1 ierup ti hM lmost ever: . ih jnumeral tId he child k hsmes, but sdalse the use ucng the ert 1«p confidený (SignedJ) Dia.m eniora at t! round was IL1ndaaya' i 13830. Tbe but put npa t tlzed 1 place.I boys. &y of 1 at rond di with an des à Fý lut, the fi laufois to faot tayear for weal lon, wit -Xidney-L Ood. R. price2 *Murder longbasai Violence Voulai dei thse last.8 the Uit, Sexécutl ~iry aveur and V dty mura fo hlah th anmd cfdiminti liefars 1a tofaiau ~feî Tors <inge te laOMu x liadm ÂFÂc I ' rpqq y 'rti9 lwtvý codmoPÀ334