Mmd fawmmers aayS et rye boul 50 lonu of th ie vort," gMa the marohlolxs. witk ler gu*è depmecatory smile. -"that 1dontI1«« whle lagreut iiewàayu&' et 1Weil, 1Mr. PRWUOftFento%es u t rate, dear," asMiber gr&oe.Il Rela one of thos eat vsoem lge momarait S m cheerful, and wb*,om froWSSoumo deprut' d er' me- romarked the maroblo- nos, Ilthat's very ,peeticat mY demi, but I1 don't la thoetoast kmow what yOu 'Bocauseo h.leuis, or rufku«t e md them money, dem," replIef lte duohess. ofMr. Fenton,'goo lu' for foreign Ioaàs, and &Ul that kihi of thlng, yen kziow." te.MY mother does't kunow' ln the leat~" sai the maLrquis, latagiing. "Be content, mother, with the tact that Xr. Penton la *emorMomy riali, and tisat h* là; ln consoqueno, iomouuy poweu- The marchlonnsa looked perfectly cou- tent as she murmured, ptdefldy, -Des&t "Yes" s li te.duchess. --Hebh» taken a amml shootlng-bcox near us-; lie taiks Of buYlnc 4spfell Court If he wIne the. eléiction. Ami tisey tell me that »Ince ho lbas been devis here they bave bai ta -put on an extra, band t thse teregralrlioMele. Think oet tiat 1" ik laughed. "Woadertjlil "sai 1th. =arquis, muçh "Menclens, Isuppose--come post- < Ing dowru tramLondon, smutotmes Ivo or three times a day, toaftechlma, exactly as If he were a prince or au ambasador and they queen's mnessengersj'coninu ed thse duchem .4"Do I eragirate, Nion ln ?" ah. 'deman ded, lauglalngly tutu- ing to one Ot thegentlemen. Constance stood buside thei archlo- noms ilstiOnlng silentiy, and Lady IRuth toUched lier on the arm. TYOU really' ought te ho prend of your Waest conqmuost, dear," sho vhlslsed. "1fr. Fenton," exclaiedthe foomma, solemnly.- Ho entered the magniliccat trom, more stiking e Ven br RIndescrIbtâbe air of. refinement àùd ramk than. ils islagnifleence. as scan md l-osfl sedas f t wre heone reoi In a but lnu.tihe bush, notwitbmtaniwg thse sud- densulcnce whIch bold hlm plainIy tisat tlieY Imn teaknt about hlm. 1I. beg your torglveneus for my unu- Pubctuaglity,' Lady. Brakespeare" ho MUrmured, as lie bout over ber band. oBut 1 met wibli au accident on the J"An accident r cxclaimed b-vo t hree volces ln chorus. Yes ; nothing of aMy conoequmce.," lie saId.quletW3. 14 ffdeed, lb Was-rather &Mualsg than otberwbme., Thse vheel came off my brougham.IeL vas oe 1 liai hIred at Berrlngton, sand tbe vorthy owuer socmod ta consider tisat a ixv coat o! peint vaa ail that vas meceumry ta keep il together."1 "And you walked-tom wlere r ask- ed the duchesa. «lt turned'over lust outaide thse lodge gates," hosamuIlooking roudtise rom au he ie skeý Thon lie aw. Const ance, and veut up to her. I trust you have reeevered frn r your last nlght'a fatigme, Mima Qia- hame ?l Nobhing couli have boom more con- veentional tian thev*ords orthtie tone ln which theyX voie speken, and no OU âtldtiat ahe barety let ber flager taudish lm, or tisaI bthe simple. mrj "Tes, thank 7yo2," iroppe< Ike, 10e fr her lime In thsemarVelous fsiion vhichosnly women can ultdertani, the #uesla W-ci Pafred off amd marched 1510 the 41fr Ing-room. Ceuontue'bearb muak « PR5wu PotnaPPraached anmiii er Î M- Theo marobteum sb" ad -m ber te, hlm 1 4What a boutlfulace, o te ter ha mId authe marqWuid grm, Mdar b eteti bhemseýltos. Ieto1 b" -ulyo ofzelu*g Ilta m4&V«ta*sî"J wlked up tise avenue ; the, MOOM * Ts, sliCongtamoë, bàl M5tâ81ht bfoaber. and àa me typtesi maywbere," ho eeatimuit1 eà UM oWn »at e & rm &ImàM sho womily mm Wu 1%ORW "e teli vwpi -< ýbe m otlfa& but t. bu l=i #omd uozihauomw1 Metn the strenge mmd, UmaoOMMt- tae u Eawlon ÏFetwl M l:romon, wheu -ho tuînei ta lier and **Hïm' seidom onmeo a crest tisaI hi narkediy appragrtate.ta tise lioseso whies tl log" Cosistanoe Iookei at hlm vllh -a coli surprise. '«A strange rensaris, you thinis V" ho sali, viti a smile. %éLt me explaIn. Tub oest nom',"andihho pontei ta the ePoon, but oýwlftty as If lieid mt vent tise gesture uoticei, "Iim13 the Rikespeare*oret" "Ts"assented Constance. - "T1~he Bitâkompearo crest,"liberepeat- od. "A spar, broken appareubly,,vlsh an 'eagle isoverisg ovor it.". Constance waitedinl silence, feeling his eyea keen as a liawkrs, not au eagl's; dfred'upon.lier., "Yon se, of course ! A broken spea- Braiscepeare. 1 ion'l tink 1 over mot wlth one more appraprlate te tise tam- lly mamie." «%j0 ?" sai constance. Ho turned 10 bis plate witis asmlle, but hlm acute brain vas,.wonderful ta relate, in a whurL Tihedinlng-room of Brah-espeare.- Castie vanislied tram hlm v.:ew, ani, Instead, ho sairhmuelf lu the loneiy but lu the Australian wills, tic lo-lire burnlng briglitly, ai hlm- self kneeling lu front of it lookngat a ring 'vhîch, hohad plckoi'up. tram the floor alter thse rangers adiailed. And that >ring boire,eugraved upon il, tht. saie cîet-a brokon spear and an engle. The creothe b Marquis of Brakospeare ! The man v ia it rob- bed hlm ofthle wodian ho içved, 1he -vo-. mran holiai sWorn to mako his ovu: Ralson Fenton. vas a clevoî mn, wilh a heai asnisard, a iseait as cod- save taotoe wonsan-'-as tise nether mlii- atone, and yet at tisat moment biseiscai swasm and hie heert bout turletimiy. What didItilmoanT - lie looked Up- fiomns.mplate ta tise man whe at'aItishe. eai et lbe table, the go'est Marquis la vismns tise wbole couSby secmed to bo* tlb. isnee. - Was t'le ring bis t CoulditIlbu possible tbal be--tb. marquis-m'as. there intlat ti lu lhe.-bush thal evottuul liht ? Na, i: m'as Impossible. And yet--tisecrot? Pawson Foulon, willi a face perfectly caim and self-possessed, vith theo blani lialt smille whlch vs an bel lb oui iuty t,:> Put on vils aur dre.s.cIoth. esfclou fire. vils a vague, isalf-expressedi oa lion.- LISe mont soif-maie men, hésellicvei îlevoutly lu inUck amd Fate. What ii tIbsiscovery portoniý,? - As ho aIe the cutiet wiih tise foot- man put bere. hlm, ho trils to folio-v the m'alter OUI te lts.loglcal conclusion. Who -vas l intse but thal ulgt ? -No tue btrIConstance andlier fatisor and hlmsolf, untl, Dan came. NolIser ýf tteii.couli have bai tisaI ring, vith Its -cros é, thse. cfest ho sa-von the spoons aud kulvesasti forks before hlm. Ami a! lerwari oniy ltse rangera. One of those rangers muet have liai 'lie ring, lu bis possession and droppoi It on 1he. ffoor -vis erale, awson peu- ton, roundi 1, Who -vas that ranger, and hli-v d lic came -by -'t? RiBo" boenIl? Il co-uli mot have belongoed bo hlm, unlens lie vas a* member of :the tamzi. Wisat vas Uic cie-v ta tisemystery? He liooised up and'patéeicthe mar- quis. Hie mas tisgta .tise idces ou bis figit, taiklmg ilu Uic free, framis, volas of a pertectly hasppy man. - . lisuson ýFoulon Uubonod -lteutiy 9aeut£4y, and as ho ddi n o mething. orne far-off distant weooeomici ta- Strlke upon bis eam 13uDII il 'as Vague, lInefnite, Indistinct,,mol t e anm-' alyssi. S»q ho beard lb. vuinkesons N bent - fes'pri,, t'appaarlitalen ur iste ot "*W. U Zê*ipqw, nue, veaisam Ila]bW' Plktenoeï*# th n4Wli m w satt la ss va .ebultmliiisu r fl White, end bu moui. làthbe.mde rrlddhsII" hae8*a" a"d geOê'mlt.- x the door. 2 watolobsout& O-O*bbwo uu."- "stop 'vbore 70 eu W e sl, qwt et uor ome, oneeb eh 1 And who W. "The moment Yeu lay your hsa" aslglit ibat. lie, pvay r-*8*dmlthedoor i cmli thcladilord." 4Pht's no bumm'« etYoms" the 1%e man 9pbppei, aidturbot la hlm piagvowlod. 4'elt i* e ab usio4, VitS muppremsed tuny. andi 1#1 tell Y= no, M'"aire a ere wbab youIre about.> Ratmaveontoni eyed lilas VIS aWUge'or, lho mnttered. -1mta ut a ensile.. te le pimyed vilti." ."«I wQIn u at you am My rInd," «Nort » . retortel Ruvom Mmoia b. thlielt ; <ut 'wbat PM *» intima DoWt stars yourseif. Do as tel *bot lraespareC t orr 7% a W*v. set aon eery yeN. 81 hi@ am Te 1e0man Blouceol mrosetite r0011, Rawson Fenten put bise bauds lu hb and i 51k to a chair, keeping bus eyos ceercoat poobot. - tei On th* Paie, comyrossed face of "ý'DCp't go, Mr immm," ie mmê mootli. IdetotMentor. IV. "i see te fflf c>gat able -a bs lt," saïiRa-vsom Pentusa. lv thse Inn Ibeem, ai iand ho con- lf*O SvC an balk comtortably. Touche- p.llcd tlaumii hm Ifyou slteni t t bi IMS Lou lqed- o ot eebr liave *Yupntrmmo Tise mman si, muanshot abgaue "N 1 Idont-aud domt't aut te," acee the.road urberé OwSe olcsaau the icman.,wviUi anoatis. stéot, m as pacu Fule ba mad. 1 ? at'8S typt r11posiedý lisue . i als'l mrii cf 1h. hobby," h. mi, U 'BOMu I âam gains to try muelnly',but -ho stood sUlL Md WX&0UP Your rocollectloa'a-abit- I "Very gool," retortet NAuIManpeu. V«71 ton, "Ilion yen eau bavio oblItavey oDsu.n ony. te bls bolng préMeut st Our i 1111etaior- JWQli* lmookthtie msS trfmhs lmcgur, *1ev.Md ai audaainst the manlel-pîce, 1%0eam m nuered au Impatient 0406 boIui'W down aI li.hme -abcisfuly, "IU7Whm jusaine. guvuor , r' hoie- .bu t 1h aliantosmlle maud, augriy. > v gsIm iMse. asies Ln iivs a man omployet lii vits yen. do yoen at MvISmeMy 7 nd Di~~l- SKo vu not a-parti- Caut a mam gmm the lIns et nisht trygo" ser 4 ,but eut there ta vitisout bec o M *W k ora *ïk r - tSe buali mevajjlmof aMr kin sam very "Not 'by,"va liseblww MrMpoMe. Mot%-mad 1Dael kopt . Mm oUt wvutte ig tiU&m*WWmtmtlaua. lSta« aOut Uthe lafo hiegai le bo mis- atm«ireus10 nevvli je mlu dr'-lbs MM M IUttudue«a1Illta bUs afie jus ov, su d for ubsas yen bais . mdaietgs em osge throngh a -vluiom' t thie rocsuee «Ur-ath1«,'mpeS4O { 3)5815kePt .hie vàiab1ea ami the Mmin P.StmVOM aubm»usmat, auisa lit. lonsdmuRt ov ua "btaur t Ve artno4m m0% aUbe. ' uc rofaaas M, o teov1I natter WPflB7 krsi" »ho ~m t mimai, e almg thitm own, torted. "Tou ans kesstas Y' MY' *Sl & babil o! lAtMpezg A" proms; liat lf is mumbor «& Md~:pats You cpeet le m0s yqor brolli ggy nî.o mthtag," 'loied Uicémma.L fram the ce s1lE. ii wlng4"9M« wt Jarf P&U The an uswkM bA mgesle - »Mtn. oddlig Bapprovingiy. »Mu "les ne bustseet youms" ho al'h400.- mm«s tise mtamge, part atheb nadci litsbrealis. - I tor.'"A tm'eke lafberm'rd a fr4 "No; bou at Iran aese .WalSdm'etor rapgtiouhis vers~~~~~~~~ yntttalmlutoplsrbush, aidcamne upon aMM. alltlmg by Tise mm booked up au If h olo Ie.hoe e e.looklng TUvek IeSma *elcansci thes uggestion. I1Ssody. it vwu iLODgNé& ed, amiMia "ý A clap Migit do votas, jVaté him- Vi a vy*yosaarmw" le «"&i.1.%0emani hait rose, but ask ova IVsonetas &OU.A andmutbeu -hie@ba esdnotsaI tan "'tAe, umber tt*e-"ho e 0r *@u at, b Oin e bs at bad ie is fce.Ralma ni ebll,Tou"en r . »pmor y, w1 FOtoman" tammn- Toui. enhaVOut ti etheM Oezb t oW«" a wy b~at m Sisse CeMrn e uree, MAt -vhen1 am ut-, 0%»t.vas a ioer.,&milie xauel» lue 1 am n- 0eazW gut 0<- Youil the ari. What do yoq thig ug maslb Li youll have 100to olm'pu eUt Wê1mier iriis th I il» lietosg vo »art." 91%e man maie nu nopy. *Tm guued If 1 do r, wmasul be mua. j Weittise trouble bat limoncaa, "Wh.eaze yol&4I1 aiuli 1Mm010 kao'wr " LOUong Mid mi, by a lilov w ha -"ru teo ,U" vwu lie cal-a-s ose«; bUt. mlrage t onMy yrisatim "Ny n"m ela Ravsi r euleS." Idocte exraimob sevenal pbmcès Tique man started, a"i look"l ug as It t*om th enue.. Pfev, as ar m Ouaoff 0<hiem gond bhe saoaem. me a oai t hefvb _4" t gue.andthleughir1h. Igta »Laum ientes sa-vtise ombUp l@oo 01mwlfo. 'Dayen moé?» icrWte, snd hie Umsgty gevm . b m-v » M fd h tmn sp Idabeaid* -w le. Ravuon, Fenton povgpui out a a,*" xlth4duecare. -Tiiere 1izo vmi *qmporl," holId a. L*rd )Sornma «tel and nodded. '"lt Wvi inover ho boston," lieésal, ientenblou*Iy. "A&nd yet tisore are se %anY rivais te the fiok," saI "WB= k entos, haIê Ing bihe glass u ta tise ligist and vlov- $iZg If critically. t"For.itstance, the *Lusîraian wlne&s.' The maaruis bout forward wtl icurteouls attention. 'Youwere smylfig, " ho sali. I was goinIg to Mrytisat the AUStra- lian wies were meeting vltit greait deaI of notice," mliBawuou FenteS. Rée had movei up ta t~e uext ettp, th% marquis, and hWm keom e«MS et* fixed upon hlm,"bot vlth a veiled keon- "'Yes, yes," assented thse 'marquis,ý t~Ihaye heard." ",Theli yau have uDot tasted them 7" *saked Raweon Fonton. "OGlve me port before ail tisevines In the worid," remarked Lord Norm2an, vtonslstentiy filUing lisglass. 1 l ake great luterest lu Austr4liea," sald Rawson Ponton, leaulng back ln bi3 chair vIls au esSeful anille., "I Ug- pouso lalbecauso 1 began to akio imnythora." The marquis lucimod his heai vltli Vracious attoublom. "«Were you"Wvor there, Lard BrAe- Iwpearo ? 1 have heard that yen are a e reat traveler."1 Tise marquis rais s C lams Md tranli hie vine.lelmuroly. «0Oh, yes," lie mmli, careleuly, 'I have icos to AustraioL." Rawsou Fouton loverei lis lido le bide the flash. of he oyos. "Indeed 1 Wiat part, m.y I mai'?" Thse marquis csuuUy pusised tise port to Lard Norman. 'I beg your. pardon, Mfr. Fonton. What part ? Ob, I roamed about prom- 'rýcuously. Il leamu lntoresting couatiy." 'I euvy. you your tei'Vebimg Sipwt- onces, Brakompearo," sai Lord Nor- man. 'You sons te have boom overy-, The marquis amuled, and shrugged his ohoulders ."'A rolllng atone gatbera no insa Normax,"liehosali. "But ho gains a great deal of kno'v- lc.dgo of him efoo-mez4" remarked, Rawsou Feuton. "But vo vere speais- lng of Australla. DUi you pouetrate lnto thse wilis. marqisr'. "The viii. r, hoereplie. -"Ildepeuis i:pon what you "sIl thee vîlis. 1 di the usuùal tourlat round. Finish &eo bottie, Norman. No ? Mr. Fenton, you vIl have some more vine r" Rawson -Fonton shoSk bis bai,, and thé. marquis rose. "«Shail vo loin the ladies ?"1lie -nid. liai ho tbiei ta balk hlm? m'as,1h. question In kaweon Pouton'a mini. But the marquiWsmanner liai been no mat-. urai, no unforced, that Ponton 'couli not anavor tise question lu thse mEn- atlive. They vent into th. irawng-room 1 *,bauce as. ae ataIthse pano, ami Rawrsou Ponton vms moving lu ber dl'. rection when tise marquis etepped, past bîm. He stoppoi amd looked at ber. Ifis bralu m'as .1111inua forment hlu questlxin. How dii Il happen tisat tUe ring lie picked up fis th. e or ai lI but bore the.Marquis of Brmkespemre's. crest ? silii unansverei. Caffee wu smerved, amidlio fou i m- soit surroundci and utlonicei about the comilg oeetiosi. 1-1 .A, ton deys go it had boom ,ereoost ln him tbouglits. Nov lie couli mody' apeaiK, f IL14 ,1910,oyea ffltWtadàr#w, t(ffard ConmStanc e Ucplam. er vo$Ce-for lhey bai pec~aidder te 1104*-rmng .iaN O.m eutproonce, tise !sllht Mof irt tuestkeho eort o untaK h" ..a s-la 'Wisart» r55 ua t. t do "wia ~hlatas oui*agte lb" M.rS ZtR t b ,'. .- A v_ for bn& tc uwdrn.M e u l * aue - Wi» AN c gark»'d OA& rteboubs modwm queMd Cbu Nmm eM~U.u~bsI. îbmy mmaàso ~d~m.tEhis~efIin I&W 0bM OMM W Iuwmy r ..t, KNw Yor.k City. noâ*mi-77ie Great EngIisk Remedy. *0 Mk*tOvg 357«MOMUO thumb ofcamwfth al knoim dnpl w t lut w. have dbuovamre ntir meady m~d freatmint--e tbwmtomarptmmMd pemmanet curein &il atagesot &» »dgg.ADue.'w R£-.saX--awWeaâ*-swRmio*s, Menwa Wfr~. ~ Ueq, 0 obe ?ô.cr,-wAkeo1c Skmuantlo nmImi t yOoMMPUMr&m auorly grave. Woodsu R~e. u~s.ha~su'=eefufy Irhunrecs Mcaaoethat sem. IàlShqb-5i.4h" Im wOd5II*1o~ a "Moud phyi- h vw e &».0ga WUlie wammd usmd pusmmedmg eor irSft 1oqoam* - mSoýtb bi hep glvuup te di%,wr i1 e hui-w d À@Mk ç y=mudi uldtespar-uo mat- Iwl» lm seJ Sm upm àmx-" u151fumou'»Wwlthia your magaiwbu b m .iuau S ut IoRba Neufmduluen aMd bappiunm. puw~~bw 4aewmm ~. by Z" fts.ctommaee. 7*0 Wsnd unpMy, Wb~so, Ont., Cana da&.C ITe *woks P mmby uuwds - omml tU IdnaMt*gla th. Dombehe &%- 1 e 6m for fants W éOPIsuXmorephine nor te 9b ahar,.le.s ubatitt. du Biu, Md 4Castor OI. to* a thirtyyemes use- by ~44etroya Worms and albia mmte v.miting Sour Curd, Md colle. .Castorla relteves aatiati ansd £atulency. bo. regulates,1h. stomlach hi omd maturai sleep. Caçw wama-thïe Xotherts Frlcnd. Castoria. I reaoenmd tauperiortoanypreeoeîptm kSwn to Me." M à-A AEataIL nD, 111 8o6 Oxford St.l. Brooilyr, N. T "Our Pbkjcmlclu tii. childre"adepag. UMM SMbve spkeahlgbdy of Lheir expS&~ «mS la their outule pratice witx Castorla, a" mltough w. onlyhave alnong cw mailnippUm swha*' la known as reguier Pauducta, 7Y« weelmseto conte.' tha t tJ erlta M Ca«Ma h"aswon Un te look wuk UsMMu m&&ornà»LD DXPENMMT BOUC04 EU& A iiomtly by taling Paris Green, but that à no Tme why you should do without it wh.a ou eed it. W. have the very -Puresi Potons Paris Green-,'ana our Inftct Powder we guarantee. b kili flues, anto ana insectes of every description. IDoa't lONgot1he spots Higinbotham's Drug Stage Lindsay- L Em. Tumiùw% etc., etc. pou buy else*hee mur, IURJI 't Go. 4> AN SUI~IflBD w am~ie, arnast