I J wtake stock onlo U M dovnu »a i PM a p. Durng the. SOW qpeial induoemt. lusthe W4 light Weight Qoodm. , . so llgmredLawnmd m getting 4da t im Hosiery, .Gloves and Ladies' U nderwear te alay in 1ig deoead i nJQlY. W MuP Io dateia',«u"et 1thèe elima, with a very complotea aaortmeai.t i ce whh& ouaut b. basten. Dur sopari mst bu Unuaually attractive juit nov. 3w17y reqimiemeul frm a ed.flr Datte te a suit et Clobth«ea b.fum 'isbed, in )oret tyl t a Our -siaple and Ilousefutrnilsh' -ing DPepartinents, ore crowded -with -baeuna. Our values inOOT"OKS, 8 EffJŽGOO, TÂBLINGS, CRETONNES, TOWEL8, W1EITE NDI OOLORED SPREADS, A11T KUBLINS, et.., are sn mamiiA.I. We have 147 SETSO0 LACE CU« oNE TO FOUR SETS 0F ÂPTM'q Mq clearing pim. duulmg JULY. ~Taking Jet Asput Warner&Go.ý Lindsqy amd Woodiies.i lOB WORH Of ail. desoriptiona iiUy zid pro luy done 'ýat c"The Wswrw"Oe ffice ÂDERIS l TEWÂlRDFIR& THE RATHBUN C Rave jeosi= e uph 'OROWN JgEW£ Port.Iand b* -Obu SWApmtEL 04. pu. uth %t Vq. t. FRIDAY presrig SAQI.DY W. M.Robi - Wffl xE]i 10? store&. Ska~Itsra bol W st=.biehisiA' AM O ~5W' 3T5515555 7*. bocu »M nmlmu or otherWlsu. ] DIrcolPrivai. ýW*89 a tKw oSk ,ml 1s t nd(hlmga I eNE"I.23« f PMUYI~~n 'Ail of the Fcllowlag Buapmikble Par. som .whuae Naines ad'ddreumo =ppearBmlau Hâve Gironn Eu- d Uas mér Gt>, Tiab Th"y Rave BeouCred -cf Rheulnatism and ià $onOm es tPirulYalmby RLYoKMA NIS<KOEÂ OUR&. mculmPatlxm, 91 Vié sireet, Thoma; XnHall8tna, 9 lmh.stml., mob Emi=ea je"'n afWlPuWl«14eicei lshix M NUIlatltums l .' g~. gm*opi . m ami mimai 1 rW b" obetia, - *a.on gt ob l Leda a m w - cm il Iimha~uik f mui atmg.lu#s b ua q tdu uad méaagnuMme asti Miebtui17 . sbu Md" k lte e.iih poupge b a h i mI ile tuaelnuc Tm m i5S 11 i0SA"« « . « q mi ubuhl giaum oaIay cm &" the daMp wuIIdel. lIagaiailmi»We. 'Who e@m bleu TheVISom.t Moeh VIolil. TbouA t ,teusmur gbon& lu ci lm iearosai lut m. m ."o UW..salom aies =Méé is e uaian . - 1 ha bm liqi. dZ aao tt i.M ciom s ................98 le S. wiq .u..............948 12 0. Khag Wh-a& ........ 12 74 302 ................ 68 1. Dm ............. 48 22- IL Il,*... 48 a7 se oey ul Virsiakc C.ssa.. La'. ........... su Emauqi~Qlmtoa4T.wmu.p........1' ........ mafloa .. . ..............s a u v.Amtugm Iliuism itm .. . ..i..... .40 80 enum 0. 2 is 26 ltàe ciaci t" pmim et »M amoi mnqu. Ne 4wU pwwb" maSt t. - Oius, v ila me ais .eta lU e skbi% i».lt u ma»e on"laga admet T vi a" I~mm veu-ilaumde LaI oeutauuy. lm - -m ommaw? Md bare es tathQyb th»vu fbd »" la, te est-omdu -a£IBIumI. pWb mla; mou P" ao" sMDet = ~t te ffl à"au sua, mbuet o5I th$ i ymi imli ofucrb me W"tê alls muesmle licemoboo di~ m """Mut blnt ~i it Ut bt a ud3g0w 10 m..-Mile a pvobsbllfiy liaithé M« SU blbfUt t he Soutà Victoria eaum" muilty lm b. vWdby bis sle~er h ae GcaauaM I perit me ail i li amttentm et t. dIrootff tet.hte Pm" o e ric iMbu d rtgulaim mkg tâà». 4 the mais ourus eof fudag pila.,ftr - *0 a th etofmuay vmitlof V" ibwiemiéb. didcoureàed b4 the 0mt, Mad .eaourpé by ernwy Mal tlwaghtul Vsrom Who Kivcu te b. lIemalterPreVel largel, ta Shi@ liry; M mmdtnhle ctiodaetof oudaction i"Mt"li do mollteami mppneclablc et usd1 liai paitlof et icpublie must @&V 1.i...6.J êL m* armSê e f.L.. Dmbthe icMont atcuffir n0aumrmi U1788u5u8s C5OW*5la ~. ,~.emi ~ ui -~paimme y« M viiIuIII. p podIom rom thé US, mi b" U6h*auadsPMU, et e Prt1iathe frui luama Tia "acmmaa.arUMM la Q..b5.néMd flmi. WàuMmte llosimg piper vomby Uv. I. Nos> »«*rý T" l ttpu & huatu.-, t of odsock et théc maia *M mua tu. ba dw pfthon d1', moSimi .e-*0 7. y. umumtl togtier *0 "%auàvuad M ss n uék bnof &Là MMjet *0 am nadasami lvgamati .b*8 euso.s 1 ttu;Md*91 »r «OF tu *0 audimue - pWulm MT.tisa lt» et mai Qui.. ihieusMsa. i M&-Yeux Tt a lemg me é5osd ishuitpeslg h wmegauud us. M 1hl6 l. ramaI Iuetut bacb fu et mo no. et e W CION& rd«- mm .te lad ou airmute àmtdv Maay ut e. u ind etmMo flIi m o...und à o thé vbMitiatle i ellos matub&tuaéba ffmeg N " ..a" mmmly 1ev liaitIpsow vio*ae v hm neiii ii W ï nmaw m.MWM Ité Wne fr.Yg mi.r« uanthe.twic 0 sMonkspWho -O 4 liauiliW. mmtei fatudtutecri 0"ca . â imi -Z ouumusé VA is-iw mo. y dloe aMunlggsfimste O simoe 4m et 8 hvl ai M.l h mi. ufciw *sat. o te et i h bMuai. Oar rua. asm1 le ie b.tumain di l 1 ti am à--,en uhlua mmt gs.lserp.ef Idams i lu thihoms, b«"» t te aiuye hSouIman *- a"ls.sdlagvin »"bl Iht e ie maau lb.bo sci PMU w rlset Qsbu tui th Omm -euulte . pim o Miet h mammc uas # hs ft os 0 aMdu. n m" aLu4 Imm"o. lié sapas O~~~u f thu@,mal~s. n Imm th *M ya.ai &5 avé.oU * hou M esfso ie mia tub gl im ta peauas LauInmtas mé 0M ha eeg-up alimé Y%%acia. t Qihu1M S~~~~o cImtmu itooe tiswuaiua -~~~M i ldu.m«15l1111auP 4~~~- -attis -nidm t»c pa. , .n. ....... 4 .............4 78'9 flN. multS.gros b7il., cMd boy se oveIci u m att lgums ib liton ho. Suotiae ofg tinot.n usa umtlsMmd abuiduat bomrl th&% matabe le Mal. I.- Plaatlg It ,tI be tSo Muim te atteepi a rowdy shen, the ma. oa. amturhty. en& .v«Y fte d lis mmmcofethlié items Whouplmttg & noumbe. thc nomue tilibuadmgt. Srd. I Md tas*iludllu am i cîg puah wd b7 uatupriutmg mcym I hat Md et p coaetm thi ltereat of fruit u» 00c 20mit à# tà mOut aena tt.md.l ib.ppimmum. aAunc Mué iameurage. 16 mm, if vs ataenOurlocal ajrlur ýMétar.ully euy the truit Ommmt eu l. pou, ouviii mame.ith ms, ltbut tbs vaie" baordaetfdtoreeuaivegot a rat, or " s liaifruit aR»ola hm ke1 the Hlia fits lapSomblitlos ula' la thc exhibition otfruid, la giv. duo. M ainu mmksagtic ooapetition es se poeiN. beisucgroessif Atleuseul " aimmns buo uts;l1a do moi belle,. tim* odaus ta* ttm eat 1ofMyv of -turn Mlb is sca -ou undwsious duiy, M&, mt faieuiblag. Mmahg aMd uIhov. à@ mathh49 mes fuits, but la gumwdtmg àu lut l.g ie14or glvbog yen a thasm M. turthmTMvcvpmy ex. is ba m fortltcmie oefthle pmtiy .1 etit rt ~tay'lbyomit *0a buou bo - 1 m a ouatu l in hitufo- M mud M d ainhiiouila.viii a* ie v@do% ais.,edirmlatin a Mouu ais ia. .ett t.l f rut cIoatI,, va ,. ltlvtlnla i suiuut.pu isi hi lcmvr utl imà*xwlu pss. u at oi goum~ vulust u opts I ?" la ü» bie aiN t mdzh da u*< in tilil ci him. Wi *0 '" 1 alak*0 prise .bné ibid te aof t. .é lateu t àmb*kW teM n IW **mWoélopueêqU *b d «> b., Ma 1" îsm' t.'et Ibo ?.u mik Steamer ALICE-ETIIEL, mm Uodim. m i ii a Ooaast ucs g, o.Ig - IUU £ lia. 5 haiWu* be »ffmi___ *0ahoaet f» -âb.lae b «4Vwm Ows1 aiI .mi umamu. ci maubu Itou. oBu042 of t", te Lb.q rilu lcmulatab