* isO m *A m * IaUzet4SWPla faim The foies >f n uked ta Tme tMlailords 1. bmmIs. Mnotier ehbci ont the oukitleligt Am uibu bb lmla the duimy wDit Jut ote meu 11.0o la»&ur dmil" muai 1po u il u* ë4 ln.lm id"Itdla- b faki cip Haother vollut up the. culas Wh 1se %lb1. euêraleienta imms To *uh.ou tkhhil tu laJu. Vhs. eur vu:Bm ula travelling ges Cerne aimns .&yoy le py Zyi ee Ith b.e ia-l chuewbhi df= 9p Vhs.the. aumer ma k loi. ILm.lbr li rocka ber 1111h m' crib TMI tai l..h.duoop mina. TMe iep. upl ueu 8-bilcg suffY awàr Tne bbi Ojuloge mibuw.. £miblpuyil ne lu tbe dwau W Ait tuetaella e. mnerof ~idai" liphi Wban tile felk rai aI at * obdosima aeer To lb0 loup of Cr"i!.LUai M" hêrviii yk. wllb a mriag m& Wll a ,oo L.gIuby. S«r baby meus-v téa lb. aI lui la "u cepit em thé me k ,à" baby wil.wako ýwth cutis la a ftu. Wlib cOntroud arme othli, litti. Rus 'Vil orne to the hurt Ot U l té]. il. la àvà hé icpisylIn m ouibeU. Baho hver f e tourwc ietkla - ~ ulnlng heel. the b. ulding mmd ,eelllm of thé sblmàqg ore t te"tal? " la the lamor an,ti lb.gladueue of the mlgty moealng sky. Ai tahe cltte romd rushes tocars ou athe d.w-batheti boni clip by. leiver know.- the boundleu buoymce f ie bIIJuw, br*#zy billo, 01 tbe Pigt c'ents ailtrana yen, aillMe iueut? îtf, eppalig tille, Chf z ; memery etof ks iII- D"ahlc, rb ,ima hrough ibe sauilmo, b7 . v - old$d entlaite, The ditt aý -au.helgbts u luelg oaward, Un: ca u ,~oarain 0f t.. ~hwri kahe 'relia 1 * Tit ft~ ;.:i~Ô,1k. a prica., spMithée Cbonged the city' 1am antmltu& te.j&r, sud' no". enba!, And ctth ' munirai.. îtraiulug a* P<uand fa . éé u atlactiion, chalb thé g.. fut t- :i2toacla 1 lever kz -:Àe>io lefultwandilslagbasi, la vit Lb. from a mliklng scteag t.' You lh-4. feu the <bis% o r Uti * ir' i ~druam That e"...rd tIrai U3'U lago 51111 eonflUb uet. nanud. Aatmruam -Tie uc'Jb. Tia -d off qui ly hm*r. ot thé c'- * t IDIistiats, ipi, ami lço i majorlty HughesPt cvu 48. -Id .a..indeeti a gret vktlqlu t loueci teruole cddu. Tii., u flriMids nu It. - ébalm ai elir,bm, hî ale~ ~;htcn ni therumbit atheb wo cbisiL' ..:,OIrleader' viiiMMoa shmm I no- d m grai te o s 'È uil et .mfs ulp t. oub. L& ias. " aul. MUsi * l m lMpW ffiMtseu ef ma%"W. tCT U.hmb -Ni lolr.iHom lion the Unf ion a. Tqtalkol of vealdlbmafwoomt The..mmofS t sa il, Adoftlb. moitaI pope, 1ThtisdeMOUsbfaDda. *Th.ip lMlloy Irue propeuly ,On vlrbuc'crocka la besel,- Andmire lhén maahSmo WIlhIs l0.home àasl Thsp saliof et u remoL There ave ntheblaeom., Aived fo-swiesu! TIFM=aotesdova blgb lauhf Busause co oheme Thal maie the mmormasbude And duffelmpu et"@m. Tbey mii It ucttage Thl orne Moula wealtbp groî Bp moias.-of vile extorllou, A"m mthode base eami 1ev 1a0d thoe:: eProm maeh ouuplos Soe lâal cll p*rlfy," Th in 11.0"he ole cllh latoe- To mal.ie te. Sme, blgh 1 upo hetghls of cernes vealouel ta dilate, Là ad l efovia ase84 »i bld how lovlag comas Corud uglbh mi dreine, ]NOM sopbrvs ulgu.ip Andi be (Mi hem.) o joel eftcuilli aMd mhtu$rare, La l. hepceaI cad- wle- emeva, acltmelsnd, la oe of.tie hlrnghohdsoetIlb.Erpeaajrtm e 51m ,gulèted pisuadireoeall a efol bau omma taie"0camtro lie. cvii amprefflaWon by lt.eadats. àl vas mbullte lis théileoet aI of bal bogiea sud peoph ln I et bosue se vbelou iaI stée culor m. meaver.sacanodeplecumla te plas 1 have mnov dose-" Thoup lhe vile qsiem vu as aat alliepoilu, pet lie ed»oI"oialea ae f l*e0ipaiga leai. *Mm. ButIle o pealaofet Ilas heipumaid la recilly a Morai ,Ietary. The b l afinemnce-of poolvSun lala proteellos et girîbool, la lalleilo by lbe tellovigcilf ail Imedomit mealloueL bp ls Piefie laigu"; 'WIsabm h via iflla eueeorthéb le*li t rtemaio bae e o oseil .*s amitor mreusto a W..T.U. com Jo b. prehunt la the gmIlsy 4uriag Ibo lhsuoeloftieblil poaèlibhe.bsh un usai." Fhl:mtmissmffllelvu 1b th~e eI, aMIdî allertu dp tie cat vu ki bullIma llalm pleiiew for ~ tiomfer Pouing cis mBll mo» bdPhd ah b. ies ai oe msaharo equaUj wIh m mis slegl0aou0 b A » 'ypef ou, i. mmuê p h »d "»V«wav. sihIS1 m Simple Pioe.Utis Im mu A Child Cm Urne Diamond, Dyse for homo ipeoun ltao lu 15. u t m huI mmi ImurMWaerviim r* el éM ise, VlosAu, bs, Ol wiari .bots. "IM dgmuhb. vei culMi dVU e ap Mai»cit fl .ogdW ior pone lu% iIaeila bd u vý alummiIu vbledamp. Visa mp eteue ila emulel, the Lysoliho tBaibdpom mami - i i otL If Ibese oc pmrummlneoburve Te vmi be ab" îJto ululer, bIghi Mad mer im U ima m MIaium dpte bom u, u lve yen. Be mmreyaur damiergise po u eDiamuaiDp.; tihsm - loiy càaw ati ys ll te vW" Hamb <Joé uis avyCoulle atuum«é liorwaP ia. SiyN Tbe but la lth erd& -505 itoiaCubêI. mi vo -04ae Bere, sore, Bibes. Voai. ijilLd a ABOUT TIRILIVER A lop,.loor toil lvr Uummco ie viole "Mm%., eouolagbemasol"bada- aueoiîo cmpozsu aueramdufa.. livat iroub W*eV ug o amihumejb eu huasti drvi bp me tru vai Brd= EBosi lta&s. Foe ou sm1 vce. cilla Uvur-Sm tli.s te . a. pulpes. Ihai "utolgivmu p"hp auli mu bey I dLilaudsito *y i=e 1Blesi Ilts, I anm.mec »iaim nu. mproumit ruutl froualthse dtéli Zrbolleaiatlwl d iof tlb. sIxlbbotl I iialmud is umn, helm orlueoutol. GEO. NICItOL,8buntOi I oaa ftt cetif i abat averm, ParMIoe. 411tf. V. G. »oLENNAÀN, siSeaf ott, The BreamIliot Iii. Plue& Ceagie, lde, Asthme, B itroaile. Br Thbt mi Luagtrouble. ar u h 1cxS cap ~ PA PUe rp.Pl.lMai 60 cme t bneaie.oui ieumus gvlrtuof ethélPie .foreel.-454f, 'WlasnBaby wvas ici, we am wsbrkl. Wbcn hasevuailiU, ire erSWfor miada. Wbemie boas idédme ii acug tea (lits. AV »oV HAVa Uaaà. ma lu Jyour âna Idu t« »4. i, WWaA PhWft lBspaimh lm .è.eut e.. d a-o e -ttthé 'Foire tiaimmelvea bthe lit te; b e vernemi by tiesuselve& Vtom 18»8 to 1158 hey ver..ruleti by c bins,. but Kigtal" L. ba'ethed bis lust whilc writiât bis wUil. .ébad riQlleste t atnone et- hie km la om4 socf e thelb.thone,, anai. not o» 0*1118 relatives clalmel the- hoer.he 1e pl, four Y«'"c later, dtrew up a coastltuttea, tai TaVclAi'S bas ben a ver? ucceSatýl 1e f0- publie-vc icre. In M. 887 ts lide- pendence wa remogiseti by its.ly and., no doubt, other poweru veulti have recognibeà ti It os>,if they hatimoira of Its existence, Il has DBoaimy, ne navy, and t'i nblbtanta live bY Ollhlug iunt raislng truilteansd vegetables. The achool bookas don't tell!nusny*- thlug about the. republIe *-ot Gouat, whioh la an overalqbt, for Goust là., os to aiea, the umallet t fail the littie republie. t la not more tan one- Iid o. large as, Tavolais although tt boateti laul year a population ot 130 oulu. Il leanueider republo thon the U.nted SBles, haelng exialeti. mince 1448, anti erjys the distincton et be- Ing recoguîzeti by botia Spai anti Fiance. ClouaI, wllh au ares ofabout a Mlle, la on the flat top et a mountalu ln the Lower Pyrenees, hou aa president seleoleti by Its, councliofetwIelve, ihe are chesen every ive pears by the peo- Pie. TPhe prenidepl la alse tax celite- lot, cossessor antiý Judge. If hlietiecis- tons are diepleasins te Ihe pepple they appeal to the .Blahop. et liaruns. In the Spautsb parlmh dowu the nmountalu saie. andi ihat lte b1shop saya la law. CloustI bas no churci or çclergyman or cerne- tery. Thre people vorahip In dhurches beyond the limita ot their country; andi when a death oScurs among them* thé bodiy là esud down te a cemneery A Omsan valley below, where ail baptios anti marriagw aa pertormneti The Republe etfrenceville-le 'dm Wl- landi suaI et Australie anti north ot New Caledonia. Itsaraea la about eighty-.Ive miles, and its- population, 550, et whom tforty are ihites. rhe Islad wasuoce a colony et France, bat Ia I,.Wwm.s declared lndepend- ont, antili a1abtaz its at once atiept- edeaa constitution. The gev- crriment la la tbe bands ot a pregldent land a counicil et elght elecleti by the people, black andi white, meni anti vo- men. TheoMofies are helti only by whte males. The presîclent last elected isb R. D. Polk. s native et Tennesse. anti a relative of James K. Polk, onceoftIhe preaidents ot the Uniteti States:. There la a pertectly organizeti republlc ln the western part et North Carolina; but, aithougla it la practIcally Independent et both ~tate andi National goern- mente, it- bas neVer been recognlzed by toreign powers, although its. Inde- pendençc le, la a certain way, acknowl- etigeti by the Goverument at Washing- ton. It la the homne If about 1,000 ntf the eautern brandi etf UicheCberokee lu- dieu.,'anti la known as the'Qualla. Re- serve, a tract-comprtilng 50,M00acres- about elghty square mles-et the rich- est volley land oft the Olti North State. lying along the Ocona Lutta anti CoOO crecis. Thre *'prcslient of the littie re- publie - Ji.elocteti every tour years. Me recelves a siary of $500a lear, -and ,uben Mt Washington on the republlc's businesa, $4 a day outra. R. la calleti chiot, and >ne but a Cherokee, et more lt». 86yeaaofu et in 5éligible ote cbl.ftainabl>. When the chiot la absent bis itles are pertormeti by an assist- ant ~,Ia a nictber efthîe national ceunei, îlerecetves $Moli.pi15 a, ysar. The cira cabinet la =&de, Up et'thres ascretortes or stivisers and the counoil or e00gf0a comp»rises ts'odclê gales item evcry la membera etftthe til.As. lCierokes males ofet 6Ymkb- or 005w, asti anl ile moen ibe bave Indiln wvme, bav"lb. rigft'Ute os AlIbinSi *b. *M - lb. eo peuho uaaot atlà Publiepbiky villout suet*e t»p MUMeuMo 0» m hmeM ice ibo- 1e~ ic xibtn00et oed or qç laet- MêbS ; -. - anb- *W r. v s I ~ - i - b- fi*m.m4 LuS ët !#om%* e DlBUN liom td »M lI>, S a am a"]onM &bwg fl$« A onlE ~e. 0. i Jnor els, E la m .. 8"mate al azirz bu cu , slte uit le me ma t"l li IL IaUn lu.IL tILn.O&Us-NoSIi. Plikie. Diphtherlab, A a»mie fe 1r aun sla«u ofithe l, *b mmwwý» =8dotheaua s bmsspftimbavsud a domm » ytbswbobm Osrsta e pmistn mi puisc romat- Pria 0 st. »d aIpe blottui% ueomute. m BM, abEdmimIau ldiâ io% P. osna L zdmwS en& GANADIAN PAG FI 0 RAI LWAY. -Oua* 0md" e" Dlaèlu. - c me " ~ to Brsmjs.liAMU Lep Setemiet..... -ale .m Tao& . . ue e.., a % @blaa&M...Lpu .. SIUTRUNK RILWUIW lei.llm DL &'. HTR et DMW ouwoom om-liue. tbwný DL y.A. TOrTEN, Imm adi c Yeut amUBniuv, MdugapoyIai co-t Va bisagotyaod.pAU tlae..-0 fin. 1 OPWM S, Ler Stu, e Digit exrabat. iTe tuth Uliarav a P" b Oels. i Dentai rua..,£1iowdby "loua ffd l y.easvUa ert Is alul tm& l qIff euied au "d er .OaonqurodINg w r«km*0 i mmDr. SNEELAN oSb îw h DEt ,keNIomt0h vtha o pla ee md àiWhs aoses nlthred b«, Iifpain ybual villo arntrtueoea H. utie lb. geoe ood.rD. Coe muNe alb outethe aoin" agou fr . wtdug bat. r. C wr t. i.T IMAdothal h.br RgveaCl-. DaitoIS, i? uassua th Gout aan oeleai. à&.btu nrBpuul to i calthé ba nertd of moderate pries. pace. an tépostalter= oma a Houa.Tim,: inishand me . M O&Fr.theGROsS Miono lobe Detalmm mgsou, Sud ÂU biAirs DetI bUmm , uo 1iun. AI", -tme Put localu Crowuag Bstam auocsufuly pact >1i ai&atIsuumcems.t» .. &. Mal4oc. pmiatimoformngpagfor ium tr o mi te oumyusoe,. u t Eome len um Ict z3 tugb mh et Oak. poy~tt lutFI bo0" .m= ubttb uo datsi. IIlv NOORU .IAGUON.MI MONE T- OI? ='SktL S s' UlWh vu M MAIu WU.LIAM STRUE8 oaWe and eUbtjJ bai 2Mou, MinI, btam Ugî and. Uteam oPuaps. enumme of ftaq1 P IiIai7,5uy lii ISL- of Lands For Sale. Timber For 200 aces ai Linden Valley. 50 acrecsta Cameron. 200 acres ln Stesphenson. 1600 'acrs uPer 300 tcrm, in McMrrloh. 50 acres la McMurrlch. Everythig cheap. H. REg ibden Vsiley, Sep"' S. L84-55-U LILNDSAY Planmg . TO BUILDER& soving gene te the expenge of jU.L patent HOT- DRY BLAST DRYING I at a eoul et 81,000. ne are Pri\.:îd' Our culemeta the beraefit Cf gccd di ' 1 Cati sud examine eut goode &Gel gt týM IAU kindis of Moulidingu. Sseh, De-,:g IBaluieu, Hantirsils. etc.. la atotk. G141. INGLE, The (Janadian Uttice & Set -Ffnrnitn.re Co., Li U-ted, PRE8TOil, . OM »nouluturaotor u pok'a »kp 1i ,qI1- 21olD" Sound atigatîl aircua aLrs og day, si ubel Ib ld. rs aP .sluHall Lose i,12 Whoum ai W ~kproI Iimmd OI t Ihof mi cther n "da u.aA sir The ltet and baut, Ivarded th*eOold Madal ait1the Jwausios 1 "le Sohool Deks o1thi. Compeny aanot tb §or Stromgth,, Beauty et Design, Adaptaig Oàmfortte t), aOchola. bond fer circulaxi FOR I~I~ect StIrge Srel Ees j 1la oi u le 0bis re see lime wt cau dei ..ton, i momber of fh Ises 1 d a, lu ffl apeal ho hl Or kmot &sd wci mol .'h.Cos fmlai r.a.t of etBobcc.pe wok. uiîli nLg4.ý&bdTh Smurehbard it u an E- màL