e. -g. et Ob~iem ~frh. ~h ami - ~ ~v.u. Km 10 mihue have mmi u.a.tlamfly meefeut me a y*itkedom et bu, ald lt',on effut #ý h1. %u r Long Nul qsraigte hW@test M& &a vmced tbreatoit.T "If you mua buainel, ? eutn, bu sae&,betven ýbIs UttS "u s avon un 14 BI ot Umob. but vIban isoentn mosaiet fpov- th. serce face ' .Toucb me Wytt as Wb as mu liuger,. No ls, idni&queIr, -aMd ud for the Constable a«Ive .you l14 charge. . Tan f00l1 I Do pou Ul*k y7M coul silence me ulO uU el ma autrlght ? And-do you Ihiabcor mn ,Whb police arucgh muRe s Ste lot pou epspe mftr lht ? 'Bit lov% ed, lit lovai! and. let us cogne- te business.,as Nul bruathul bhard, and eyed hie pu, secular as If he oWdul bave liked ta. bave »frang st bis IhrosI but mil 1 OWhat I vautt10ov le, àýfor Wvbeu îdl ou mistake me to-nIÈhIt" smu~ itavsou Fentonl. lied set'bis lips tightly, al >iiulet bis beard, lookng slduvayo UP t tbe pale, cale face. "It vas ual a pal you veté expeet- Iimg" contiuued Rairson Fetn, «*nOt your brother, au you suggested,-eausO- 7ou mîdressedl m eas 1Guv"uc.' Il vas a gentleman, vas It nol, Nel StUR the man d111 nat au*wer. Rm.vuou Feuton loakel lova aI hlm villi that pecullar-kiwi of patlêiec vwhlch la boru 0f couisclous povwer.Re. bai t.emau. on the rack, and moomr Or haler voul bo able tovwrlng out of him vhat h. vanted ta know. S3udleuly a hbouglit imabdl upan hlmr tbat maie hlm ataft"sud tutti awar tram MNuls oye.. If vas marvelueus bat il bal Sot oc- curred,<o hlm bfore, seingbo'w close- ly bis mibd hat bunes st ailtUn even- Ing upon the malter of lhe Bichomepue cfflt, The ing vas the est ho bal Viakul *up an lb.eflogor ofthé bu aCier the rangera badlie.1, mai l the twu the Brakespuare one I And lo-aiight Ibis MImm,,a 011 ranger', bal darted ont up on hlm asho meu tramthie castu, éMd bal ntlstemehlm for nmre one vhombe bal expeced 10 ose. Was ltt-hie marquis? BIs white baud tremblul vwi hexcite- uleut. H me Ws tlu.if ot U»0 ta u sthe 1parqluis, aud lu. eveuing drest one mani looka vory muci Hâte asothet', uspeci- allY lu theu-darkuesa of su autflmu Digit. Wa It thie marquis? If se, .hure bad been soins o.netiJS be- Iveen tUn marquis am Iis vretco' tramp and outlav, Ibis iiiabe of a gang cf robburslovurwhiose beals aMM hung s Govrnmeul Zocard. CouI t bu passible that themar. Qxls. bal been la tUn but 1hat a1gh,~ «dl bal iroppud lering ? I l i ual b mmiii t0 *&YtisaIfor 'oncu Rtawson TetoWnscool, moule brain vbfirlud at tb. ucre Ie& It vas so yl, Il seemel n lImpro- bable!i For If Unhé marquis -ai bes la reahit>' bor e. bu mUst bave buonp*et thie pluadurers A puer of Eugland, one of tb. oldest familles lu lhe empire,. <bu- .#usr S VaLSt eslato.su»d abmost uuebUntahle vealth, an Australian rober 1III eeu- cd Impossible. And yet, masobu sfy f'reoIoS hIe b Incidents or 1h51 nver-to-b&4eortt beisriug o! the ladèr- of tUn Sang, bUs oleSOdfe«te t 0 Unisi colonimi Ivang, bis courbeous Itioreaiset th5c. stance--anho remeeberel au the l>- mnastic stories lhe bal hàu cetibis mysturlous bel=th Ies,, lb. SuW& clou, grev luteto iaulu ptise If It shanlbuho-If, Inle ie, n mm -quis ashoul"prove ta b. telijet Who bal ývaniael soe inysteriloud, Ibm- ]Esp ut bis baud up ta bis tacs t. bldue IgI Wt tgloiammU la u b orse. Whybyen hou bisa la ma power. 1-Bte ID b u lu Un >eS*v cf 'hie baud. Asd mot oly bi b« OD Re tooli Ivo or Ibet ~ L 4ovu the ,éom bis k - tb. vatobluleyésoS Lct 1f Tisa bhe gted moqtbWtig vusumint biseoCiattitude ,tiblieni lm said: 10MS 9, tinsbreoegêi *» ou c g Ibot.angesvuu ï*s, ~ - - 0m ad rwiiat yov're blatiai 'oug l. H"Mté th ~un 1, 4g-ASft Wmil r, wwý buriel ta 2,tstniure My tri "nd "TO Ton gee ourl **Was~t.a gueà&, Nqld -kt»MO auldel 1 bteiaubsa »i ely o! rognse0 Nul miaik on te a chair, MdMt satma- ini la lin gr-etutheU mSea oS bis face tvitehing sparmodicaily.. " *Weve comnu 10 businessnov," l'O' mai'bed Ravuon. Teuton. "*Tbc Mar- quon If rukeupear. vas tb.leader OC the busi gang.,Yod, Mmd yoU and 1I Thie mmm. looke l upe Budimplayel s gydat demi mre emotiou than h. bal donc under FRasm Tentons accaunt "Il't-it'a abanglug usîtter, for' aU 1 ktov,» he enîleruld, boarsuly, Rav.om Entas ulledL " Prohbly.," ho msseutcd, eml. "-&Wb a ourlées matter, at amy ratie. do I tem'you gaint 10 do?" duma- ed Nul, ater. a'momleut or tvao!f i- lenae, &nd- he loolkd. »P at the pitileu face abore him vllb soznuthlng like en- tremty lu bis ores, l'u me s.- yl,"replied Bey. son Teucu., slowly. Nul rose and touchel- Ravon ]Tu- tom'a arm wvt aa mcv and strange tiî- "Lookhbere, Mr'. Teuton," bu saI lun a 1ev, boiarfo voice ; -you dou't meaii ne bara 10 hlim, do pouT, Ravuon Teuton rumainel sIlent, keep- lng bis cyes ftel an the rough, Raggsrd, "T ou cant men no barm la hlm, boy coutl you re, continuel Lýong lied. *'e neyer III you no Injuri'.' A Sudden ight lashe laluthe keen O.ark eyes., " If lts true-ini 1 alt going ta »Y as l le-moIf 1I #ma ing burnel for It I vouldn'l," sud ho avare au oath; "but reven If il vas hmue, Its no busi- ness or 7«M ruTonuaa't got no concern "Rum 1 I tbhUnhereverdimvaltvq thousadpounda," .murmurel Ravsau Fieule., a* If commun iug vili lmself. Long lied loolted. et hlm heeaily. *1Ah, it alu't tRil '-he said lu a loy value, and vitb cOnvIction ; - that don't matter b ou. Il v onldu't bu fortta. NO ; YOU voullndaloop 10 a lirty motIon gfer Une sake of t<bu pleces, not a gent bigi Up 11ke. ir.1i Teton."Bais. value grev .1111 morepioallng. 1"Bu- sides, àà 1 idl,.ha nee Md yrn ay hareMald-amI laku il ail round. bu did mnore good. lim harm leevryboly. Wby looahebnM 'r. Tenlon, theres ahurs haides me as 'nI lay lova n hIr lveS for' hlm I.Ie'd have shaxul bis lent crust, bise1aI drap o' vater vit-h ay of th. boys." Ru stopped as Lt subIen- ly gashul aous biliahbuhobal ad- iittth<e truth of Rawoon Ienton tUarg, a*dblthi$ lip. ,"4Wbat I lfai whal pou think hlm, you ail'I olng to slit Upon hlm ? Mr'. pton "-bis volce grevist ûre uaruust li untrtyb -'« you can do as yen ihc vith me. WVbat's it"matter vhat becomes cf a Poor levil 11ke me ? Mut hlm 1iAmI be's rive l up. ls long aldlong ago nov. lie'< gIve lu", Ln&-eud--Ihlfinm changed. ]Re'@ a aeMdl on tU right tack, al4-md--my Ge&. tt'm avfnl la lhink otr mald-hahc is baud aros bis brv. "Why. look be rNi.Tenuon ; If ybu vaut a bit cf revuge for amy misebief the boyelli you, bang il out ot me. ru nobeli', rm of no coasequenue.»Ut bu"ve al&one, for Gol's am*e i Wby, 1 uM " be'luinlove amI inobMAt- ry 1h51 bepeU4 o1 b:* l eu. If b. b" etaMmmenet My obans of Lm»*g kavuim Pgson's egt vhl* beêmu -n. au ve - toydtint cebmt% PN OIntgeUbov, dgbme& Md b Uve c" ffll;ffet o kg mai, vOb ]rd 0000«Isp ha»e gone *ad d414RU tbo #,e~te&. "But rotmug mot del aa llltb, Nit& If ffl, vaut uîofey, l'il lve "Tonr iou el d. vlth vide- op~~tb c~3~Ie rev splolousý and ho nid, sbarPiy:Who*t should y O give me mondy for?7 To aplit >en hlm ?, 1MIbattor&ed up -bis coat and d&Àbed bis hàt ox.- 1Tou a enkt-ep It t1W yoiï rof,*Uv. Fenton !" he.mast. vittie oath., iNo,,, Mid Ravuon Fenton, Calmir., "If, 1 gve you mgney, lied, lt wl» bu 10 hll your longue" The. man uyed bhin hait su$PltQuSlY. " Tc bol Muy ongte," bu said..4 TIIUI yon -mean te let, i alone ? YoU're- you're a. gentleman, Mr. Peuton.i uslght a'koovu h."1 " Tbank you." ail Ravcn TeUton. 04 'th obliged for your goal opinion,Ned. Te. 1 w!! help you, but only on.oxe con- "What la lt ?11 "That you luave hure at Onlce, and go vbere I tell you, ad @top there." Long Nul vatched bie -face. «'Go on, guv'uar," hie said, attentive- Tou are bard upyou uay. No muans of living ?" Ru shook bis beal. *"Boy can suai a ap asu guISe living ?"9 4'. Dificlcmt. I Gare say, If you vaut 10 keep out or jali. Weil. for the sake of o11 limes 1"-bu e mllu-" ýI vili hulp you. i vil! tell you what I vill do. Take My ose.ror lave lt. If you take it, vue remain good. frieuds , refuge 11lat- He abrugged bis sh<,uldemu, "LuAt's her IV'" ssiI Nul, roVghui'. Ravuon Fenton bo o "e gol tfrouR bis vlalcoat pocket Msd selecing tbrue ovreigns, bell them Ila hie out- etretchol palm4 rlght before the mail" eyea, Which Instantly bocamo glued tO them. 1 I vil! givu you tlfeu nov. Go 10 L6ndon angr settle thuru. S8und'me your aIdrusu, aud on every Uiturday I.*111 mound you thecmre amouÈL.Threu pounds a week la a httlu over Onu hua- Ired and fifty pouncls a year. Not a bad valary for doing uatblng, My triezil." "*For doing nothng Io, repuated Long lied, upiciousWl. Rawmon Fenton lookel et hlm wlh. talm amele. "*Exactly 1 for doing nothing but hold- Ing yaur tangue, and you vurte qulte pre- pared.to do that. You'd moner die ln a dltch, you kuow. Living on thrua Poundi8 a. week punctually pal1 .linbutter tha.n tlylng ln a ditcb. la Il not T" ',But-but-vbat are you doing It for?" sald Nul, kultlng ltsbroW. " lon't se-" 44 on sec the monuy," rutorted Rav- son Fenton. 'lThat shoul bu qulte eniough for you."l "Tl ou don't mean no hare to-hlm j m.ked Ned, vltb aasudden return Of!ffl- picion, and ho looked rotra hcolis ta thé pale face of thé mm whVhad made hetempting offer. «IHarm T" Fenton umiled. '"If I meut him hare I could work l much more iheaply than tbis. What shouid, pro vent me golng o the police straiglit.away, my friend " ~That'a Irus," muttured Nul. ]Re stretched out bis band sud 100k the money, sud turneult lovur Wlth a lovlug glances t lt bufore he put t in lubis pocket " Tlat's al riglit," remarkul Raveoil Fenton. " Ad nov I thlnk our pleasaxl I1111e interview May bu brouglit la a oaa- cluuion. Be Os, my.frieul. (Ut t10 Lau- cloum» soos am you a, and enjoy your- sILf.Baeul mu thu addrecs of your llg- gIugu, sud you aallgel your allowacce requiair. Remember, mlni I ma you to do, le-nothîng but hol yoar tongi*e. Qood-night r' and ho model a. di>5 Long e tred4.1eoctoolr 44,41, lht," hlmsii, $bol"i. "le a bula aw In, 1 40 il, tan"-ot ow evo on e uderotanOum btvff - D g Mag iabout. '. I tite tb«:I t«b ta bat.illl ~ ~ U table. hsWu l*~. k . < o.*i4.a1. ba t ,hobe t.wgb 1Is berhm% t . vu .1111 b!ut4 * l 1hwdU~it bdla «&- we amremeëla nlbe- satbWà& 1 halom bo s-bom iImott. bu.Who the mhouMLho Ité "Ny ise" e " b m i.*oe m et w afst hs e % *.g et x a .ber"al wli*l 8k. bo Jalo&tw b. A The laa o rept thnm* unikuttees sud avh m- frum bit &puiM" or a*- xast mu W"m la cbII lthe *5 *paUm of emmtmptbave tom. to,ýbed, te root If »«mo teiuepbat It v UOffle- terlutie of Ibis m IbMtoeâ la Ibis, the, hou t O I ezatlUoa vlm. h op., o t bh W U t., v iis k b" , nmoa& litti wiifb n o buobelme,*».sLow witbtin hie grap, bat he ooii i' .m.re forâe of vil b. ahi.<to t bi hW t Ing thougbts avai' £mm himmad cs- centrats hie mimd-8. - aflur maièe. Me drov bus ltten ami paime tevard hWm, and opemmml mmml idtbom ihb tbe careful and sylbwmatba teatiom wblob h. alvays gavt. Xe. mvewrel mom*, and put othez, a«idefort ui'r ca deruon. Presmeri'b. nmas %Pmo osebieb causel hie brow. 10 mWt contained a reqatUet *. nast therlbe<(M. Teuton> lateb aumsadIng fer Deriglou. A fev hourImgob o. ewU u» avm- uwaueud atonce la the mragme Bat bhobuettalèlnov*Lad posme deepbly. Par towool hm mgoU r pidirm Inltention 10 se"al termi. d"but <hq eel zlsi'ing. O faIe maiLMd T 1 fflomione.1 tb. eleetion wvi iaeeeM LtM Mpoftne hemeand d ihel 6éa hu" iocou- stance may bave.. I *8E lbu e Mto » lier frequeUmty. e'ver day, the voas Who la Mr future va ifs yvIft 1 Re went sud fLong openi the vlàdowd. and -le"ag ont, loobel toverl be dola mei mlup1 ,mumrelsu hie volce gre-V bo hIb #A7Lm"0 woul hbave ble b""«.à& avion Pu-' ton'i vole oulml Vao-oo Do.. 8 dretu? T es," c M4 I.e fcediommiuO, de f' th. e mt ama àâslaves M& t iluku tbc .6to msoery; not « gme, »o f Wme Dresu onomgust, Br INy Huvea, 1t ivakeuh>g vili be W*ioth aeilu 1r A vamk bal émame the la.,- Party, ma" Couutuom bali »M noth=l maore otr aavso. s. Md gralUmi herýa mira*puymme et geace. Indeel. il 4m s mfth 0ossuthma Prebeumive mA" o Cu vi .m ststirt wblch b bis apsrsagbal orealel. for 1-1%4 vu'e 1t Ionmrem àroh won 4vhg la aàa 4mespheeof love Vbmt harm coru lou e ~ber wbM Vote vwu na esr um' lu eer and o bd er b #* .<wL u f LA " " e day bislo'*a lm4*Wmutme ;t~ uvIlernI UnI * b*lmatu lie* l' IW u l hefron o mi tu. »bk a 1ev varde em e o "e .marquis m"a -Uttgrh ae "Te, 1 vii" bu mil;".1F »0 Mye w oomt te %ma At cs &Io*," m-, Rvep eu07-a ôiriffl Irove by tu vb" oh vue y kbe aring relov rosettes deTOU muet gel Ibte ladies te dm oue, e~Oe's" mmlItlb.maàrquis.U"I'ctunae- hi' for you, bMuela mor e coming tha ygilov le moit POople." asso n teuto ok hmbauor, ml 4rosettes Itou bis pochet, and belé lbm sout laugblngly. > loti rouil persuade mm .Gralasm te Wier w badge," bu sai, hie eyes iashiug on ber *MM. Co»atanSe wvback, sud zelel bu @yesta.Whie, itb so hsm ie o 1k.ol deàlSa la their leths. The %m . n tl ook moompany- hg ft wb oomrkud- a refusai that ta. marqus vaarathur surprie ; but Ravsou Teuton did mot mcm at ait "Il va.too, much te -hope for!» b. me, bovlnt deterentially. '«"I10MaIe ecalient vtb the, reflection that Mm Ufaame ii. Itrust, refuse My 01100- meUrs a olon asshe bloue aime.n'- 1 « 1shah vuar n*ther," sald Cou- itance, in a loy. distinct voloe. . " i, mu atimliul," le sa84& "Ilin soue onsohello 10 mcv Iat It you net Mofr me- you anc ot sgalust me, Tb.nbtS gatherel biW relus la bis baud sami*MISelbis bat% 1 " meut mot km*p you Good-morfl- iUg r' sud bu rode oit .Tbey, sas bey rode off ln lb. opoie dlrectioln, 111 fdot uee the ontraction or h bis ul urom e look of les -l1te'u inattou -,su expreon ble enllrUImaormul lteeself-poeo fan mto ue or almout mAuCOMsf Mnotion. pro" lç1w , r le uuttered, As b. duff <hie spUrs 1510 bi*.boise. "Iiii me-ý salIn ionc tIhat presetly.,Lan&I iZ_ choce., you shaU vemr blué for lb. te-. emier of your Ut. r If leconstance diI Dot hiheEavm" * euton Ibtere wye a agruat maaypec- [uças vho -di. A" mn or lb. .voe am pu» ebitumezfpopular for a Mme. -Mr. restn es bal o mners Mmdv cet; be bal maabuikant atuppay et mnm.Utalk about the nothifugs vb* amuse itlP u of tve.Iy peop aud tbueomty fammles round, hlm au- tertalnlmsund vôtelhltm " goal gorm.19 rort Un ove classes bu bal vid" »Or. toch for atrssk mud open Man=e iieth »0. nonsense about 11," mmd leia Imo Mt afagu"Mdmasey hbmueif tins'. vaspleut -q« monc-e«nd bou- la Uwrzlngton juet set Ibispeiod. No mor Ccourse, hues viiere il camq trois. but il astUre, ama i va u lentood th"aI il ovel. somevbu M .ter Iroug linHt. avso Toto As lb.eIsds vut o, Un e tomtumm botese; lb. candiatev« te sea Veybwee; AIlsyu MW l te oem"sbande.qor toadOm MPm m ebailte e bond s; or, te admiý ét a mommnuts noumIm mr utmmE Nut "mesoar blseu vilb svif- kgmi - yul ***or lmOt the m- a" - W.htw,.. H. obl em «a ~ Lai wyekgof Ibue vb*, ~iêB hm amed alte a *tien' Belme - iekou air. wI du. - tk. mima uv premirne ~U oe .vw ~mwpe.e." k.esur« Obir On 09 ho*Mr o oe' astorl&e IbeW~ 100<8the r ed R*Md medy.- aubo bu v e"& sdbv"$ Mdo Wusm us«I>'aui rammt- W,y bymdw u- of Cotbn, 2b1oeen, or4l& 3u.,aul ce Wb" mm )ad t. lssa* omeqb.pdh a. s eoy pave. Wood's ~ekbubSUlUlII!bu~Od5c cAsaslia somo mm>-Md m mm*" M4 dbii N, amOu 0 à"he bongiss p f» dis, mm upa âmml&U tda NeWsud ai oubl: *p Z lg*husfuouage wmiMin Wnft.~e.ws~Ipan~pswh*sd.ni mai51 dwugélsta hibe Desuisime. w a. n us ,~.a au w s M u s i s s.. A AI ~U1~ID BD roon«?tIybytig Paris Greene but that 1. no resmoliwhy you should do without it wuwayon eod it. Wehave the very pu»u poLhons. Paris Green, and our InsetPPowdoe e gumigttee to ki fliles, auto Md uot of every description. Doa'oietfoge te gPspolHignbotham's Lamber Yard.' orunngsetc., etc. you buy elsewhere' vasd .u.bmozo-tf. g Ri tIo l 1 0 - IL irab