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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Jul 1896, p. 7

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'eê -u ml-B garnit ('s- alleR ~oe. -et - r L i..' thal verj ~on1 flues, stion tam I r Me 60 o ecth iiS ie&iinefl1 puple buyte.no Uo vry té100a mU .9 sa ve o luilWa W io hnk af tucanhuuigtawm peope uythelnk o U 00 Vry Novti may a* tb« suagkes sch ood lare 0f:b= Umt Tle Clorth a cent, WJo r or ylk fou an Imortal? tovery of Ameri ca u e faw the at Wrthn, u te qla Uic fogunpo anr I>otal 11 'o pie n ee divine lurpthela: &usriano riapo-en, th espoil toheardoitinoaGdth i persar.al affairs of aur IBrou! W of God as niaking a record of ti bost, but canflot re&.ile th Bibl that He krows how many balrs our.bead. It seemne a grand thl Cod providc,; food for hundn thousands. of- Israéliteglu 1the but we cannot appreclate the tru when a sparrow lIo ufgryý God down 'and' opens Its mouth ai thelseed In.' We are- struck v idea that God file the ufliven nis presence, but cannot und~ how He encamps la the crytta of a dewdrop or flids room tI between the alabaster .pillars pend lily. W. ca" see God elouds. Con we see God In the In oaur feet? We are apt to Place God c great -stage, or try to do It,- ex Bini tiiere to act out Bis atul proecta, but we forget that tiw a Cromwell, au- Ale:ander or j Ingtan "or an archangel le, u rinder divine Inspection thau yi or. mine. Pampey thougbt Iner be a mist over the eefu of God lie go much favored. Osesar. Bz iasno sueh mist. Ne ués evex * waters. Trùe enough, but no nw tanly than ReNe. In lthe 'valsa glass an the table.' We gay Go thp stars In their courses. Mag truth! 'But. ne more certain tIl He. decides 'whieh raad'- or atn * shah ta.ke In comlng té chur< derstand. that God does not 'aitz inlfeetor- ufsympatheie but lhaI Râ sits dowiklbeslde ff and stands beside ifte to-day;' afair' of aur 11ves Iosose nàIi but that It isaifimportance to In the flrst place, God choo< occupatian for us.' 1 anai see how rma ny people th ere are isled wilth the work they 4aVE I think three fourthes wish '-the In sameather. occupation, an sj~d :rat. eal -of-' ime in ttir7 that they got lu the wron Or prafess!lon. 1 want lu telli y God putinto aperation ail the ila 'which led Yau toi tha.t pi chole. Many of you are Dol It business that you expected to Tou startedfor -the mInlntry ang ed nierchandIse. -Yon ostarted law, and yau are -a pilysiclar pPre!erred agriculture, and leu a mechanic., You thought *16 r ~God thought another. But you Mt to ait down and mouru 0 past. Yau are to i*member tl p Rrra nged aIl these ofreumotan which yau vwere> made whatY * Rugh Miller gays, "X wiIl b. mason.11 God says, uolw.111 be Celt." David goea out te> aIl tather's sheep. - Sul g9ees eut I hl fthr'Eb ssite, An .bagad"' bk" nd eo u ost liCiIl~ orkYer vruldwb contl benttthéa s.I ai w1 1 us! .God th a oueZ ! me Pth ircumrtcfy OU hio w --M w«X *Uot r or sp ~ at*tbat &Rlotionau uneot fyour gr"t- um-. ~t 1SIMlawoIltg of edbu a atraugw wY vlth 0&."10»- 1 ut-~ thms hudanother seh fousid hou WY tb 1the priam n-0,*. raIl *7~ ~'~ U~*s* 16 afrtênI plissi t maaya Chaltlla own l tmt m. Wl*t mton 1 a z;Q;,Fbst uchair by beanspushed I m eub ta A $&"the 44&. * tha my dffren prtsetth mabiery Qarr matbia*"; t11edtamoud i1m te n"4 4 m"wa Îueme- s ! of; t 1 to yvurlfe and ses atrange muet -be grouuad; -the <hrlstlan mm at 1gt , as1009 *tg te. XW10 1the esort, 1 thInga. 1Ute oneprovidene P"Ulllg bea*rn.tem and that single vn,26rM 0ms or l t1hat "la elle uY and moer 1 in aothex' vhlc)xyou auppoged stod ýen1tirew. W 1 «W. koff W&eY. But thae am -différent parts ajone, vas a e6reclut 'Iink betvoen IN«11l8< *6Mite bh, 111a* toW. pute of one UWa!1iry by vhJeh ne vii tF great chaîne, one othitur«eing bul ,,*tt4'a ==L O*llylie 14he f 4,ance yenr everlastigsud'- present hrugb al eétenlty pat and th o her tti0s WOM& *10ttemOt Ia.ii w41& vol belng. . ~chaireachlug lhrough an eternlty tuo. OJ4 0 WUo itand 2ow yu knbw that a boemd mort- tors-mo mal u «antt astening tw, =lo e leawVrbeW b holn alace Sameand a a ad fourth -morlgage etewnltles together. & vUh oml ai enst c E1 0 th b tl ~? a good. la  m lsslou1ry o rmlug roua1 India to o -wM t1 7 1 ea 0fI& t s it be fLv, t tel Yu tat ver, Crisiante Unlitod Istes stepped at St. Helena orda 14& My.Si Sut '0 *511 Vwers t.a ha a 0 let orageConistian whUe thée 'ucsel vaa taklulg vator. H MO -prin hS I dh pt bas 'a ~~~ ~ lad hislm 1e ob iRd'h hlm. TheTra.&ueav.vj~a*wy tràMandon eveay Lister, aud It.tl=«r& ern MM i akeapavanent otetern saa- aIkd aloug by «au embankment, ane ut o-wbfn aod i amt mItaS WM ge tubie seul. aov - many vor - a.rock at liat moment became looàen- cd tbcgaettemo qtorelu - p, idmii tt*k*ita I vuld tae .out et your heort ad, *nd fafllughInstanly kilIled the child. o, a#ed to vbeaddttg.o te of ig »u b.Nlevop IaI fAily. Tou buy Waa lb an at-eldet? Waa It a surprise maa Msu ,*t aVrypet iras- ëd& ad ho'e he picewill1 g up.toQod? HU.d Ne aflowed Hie servant, and 0evgr16hl&$& but tnt wbat moebagoS6 are là t l.ad aiii o Ulfor'fter a lite of conoMUerton, tucorne te wouiu cuit a nices vOuan»' -,<what r f11 r aa rta frvnfrsuci a trial?' 2(0snobcila my God. dos sime augm by thati q81. moan fertePrIa. vill go dova. Youucie There. are ne accidents lu th1e divine 0@~~t 1.mnumdsue must t.buYthe. gqdis, usit r our beat dis»- Ok*tehemns ids6 - muse * ,t thtlp~ 1e matter; aud bien say:mlud, though th"y May seem gote U@. îîiug etIhft Immoralor ludeceut that Led,14'avedoueti.boi j od la good, aud by ,every single 1ncJl- sto a u< iitc e bu h hIg. . i ouai u ioe rnatpident of aur lMe, viiether Il b. adverse* "zretty and olee, womau. 10 o- eoW& 1 commi"t hao tansiatirenor ot.herwIae, llbfore earth and heaveil alty, ne char-ite, n noe" t-spite, à cr. WOl tegoo fo, OdItlaiiidfodernenstrate Hia mercy. envy, m am wsho lckedzuau. That N te ao'thi 00 fi, r li.godfo iean a man gay: "1liat Ides. blit- le vhatber heuart ta ful of.-5e ,oIm I1des There are two thînge, says an old tIcs God. Tou brtug Hlraclown ta such ber litti ebsé d preaently Il growva Keent pro'rt,' you otgt net te fret about. ,îtIeUhn." Oh, I have a more tiior-. hIUle ldo 11 mn -us-lee that Pira%, thigsa that YOU eau ihelp, -anc ough appreciatlon of God Inliue110It îke a nomtous w-ced, and wvIen. l'ou eend, tinlga ici y'ou cannaI help. tiugs tian I have lu great thIngs. Tie lieut h11e DGs -the landered voman, lin- !,If ym,,eoa elp thetm, vhy, do you n>î mether- does net watt anil. tie child he turne froua 1er -Wth a aiuidder- n an appiZ 1the telaedyl If yeu cannaI îelp han crusied Ils foot on brokren 113 ar or hulae er with excoodlig ager- won thuxY'u mait nes voilsurreuder tiret before she adminlaters sympathy. Tii. noua. >4 su 1<1. -1* ear bretiros. ,o uotait chid cornes I luw thli ost brulseý, top »' ta no -sà7Y tonÈèt rn m6l1g âboüt your.eclger. aud 1the mother klae% t. Gaci doesaele , " leeat DOu ot ait ieoking go dospondenît upon fl-ot Wait for corne trenuendaus cris*. a risio! enYy tIi o e youTou lod. Vout stock of unsaishie od .Doy Suinour life, but cornes clownto us Ilu ilfeol- m1ore vhoeomoznefori i, lMe iour ink that (3od la going ta slow Van, aur. mont lusignhtlcut trIals snd o012e haa doue a good tbln«. Stop Eid te 'a Christian man, ta' do business aione; thrown over us the armaso! Ris merci, th i 1 h11 1e spte. the lunuusado tiat 1st- God la tiec qntroilUg rparnfer lu every*tGoIug up tie White Mountains orne Yeu lnow Would tell no W-eilagafixat o, do. nBs-,ansd, altbouch your debtors nmaY yasao puia ! assag er.Is e e eoiehgla 1. ,vere abscoud, altholagb vous - eouriles may tn the Bible tiat spéas'ao! God al lteeanu 15vmx u a tbey - £151,althongh yquir aoemybus-nwetghlng mountans lu a ba!suice. Au a bevy' load to carry of!*Pain, sud Qee--Gd trill, out o! an lnainlty of reanît%, 1 loiced at tiiose great Mountains, 1 ~ sd ntirod u trade <lacose for yen 1the vos-y bout. resuite' thou ght, can Iti be pc'qlbIe. that God negleot, and dosertlon. We ougl# tol litai'~ D nethaim'-auyIdestiatyen eauput leue realmountîne u e uii<t10 sci her. We suifer alike. that D not ave ay Ide Itha sies ? I utt w-sa an ea boua greaInfor love and> are boloved, or forgot- ec: overalezu the RIt lI tat Qed hnidsa mes? to g as u w-e I saw a luerbef ; Wb Mlyand' are cheried or nlar dowu for your prouperity. you wIll e ,grs, u We I awable elnegleoted; vo beur- the chlldren of ail i the'. el'er gel oue Inch bsyoud 1. Qed hasncown by lie mule0a foot on rny way f hn vorid sud, kilovw-lihaI the mont Inl. ýdeided bow much progpsnlty yen eau ui> Maunt Washington lien I. under- sute pysalc1.ug eas w- >s--stand honrerbly, axud enxploy use! ullyso6bcknus n odeso bave 11esmre littie iongings aud hopes rtuie sàd cents-ol rlghteously, ansud thlie c .(30& It la flot ne muai et Qed in greal andti tars. We are-more alike te one TOUof et syean yen w-tiihave mat so many tiuga 1 ea unuderutsnd, but o! Qed inauir nmnaseW.bvlee cnedollars sud cent uls ut nomuol yard- 1lIUth iuga. clent lu the moréntelus moments dit w.'robe., semo ach furnîbrJats heel mnvemaa Tatdcîfe-uave ta wait forlove 10 spsak, m4 aybond% and mniages, sud notfl- Irine cannet be true, because thîngs do hvt $r nu ii .due r heig mores. I w-hI give you $100 for every go se Very wr-i'n5' I ro9ii. Jt 113ne çn- rnuY a Pnivilege, iccaus. w-eare ,wo- Ged penny you g et be*oud lIat. God. has conslutoncy on. lhe part o! Qed, but a men. Lkt uns top throwlug atones. a by i.*ked over your lie. He kuows v wh ao1,k 'Ofundesstandlng onours-part. 1 15la a» futile, sud very 5apTee ar.j best far feu, 1sud Ho la golng to e iair liaImen are malng very an. aie, noble thalgs te, do, and live for, tone- Meens YU t~ u time aud blesyou for: siawlS lu nome,'fitori. I go ion 1h. aid glaestfl. twos-k et woman'a geol- etera1y. and Se vii d l t hen t Os-t floor sud ueo aoIy tic raw mater.; haud les among ber -own sex., We are bi M.nu w »4M gak " " t e th e 1e swls no 'omn and petty, wet w-men., The bun- V tht rha* bM4 r '2( ru.sya tl* mea *oih at uq. A wc»aan's tangue "N, Yum, i m Pmanufacturer,. "go upt* thet f*2 for Its uncéazing qiaok- àia,.lIe,, and you viii eult unslf." libe r." And Igo1 , n e-1tee 1 b~*W i r: - Ifw-e sm 11 Ei stuhave $1,""But yen eau- tem e esignOSS. But the D5ma syseh rone, hébye ways, ud afleys g ave»tbaire t,"' Y«eP quY. N glai r Do ne tp e e. Go up t 10 li te' tuPop ff r tae opeling -e us. ZPebapgaut ici12 ail -ad a theaMm an d maya e vWi I oo! ofj#faceory sud you viii 500 ,w-emux w ider ae.!>1'e wus v eam wereb@»ilbul you Myi b.ehaIlnothave, *ie Ifuy ckrled oul',."1 dri00. brasdioe, lberaity of tlut, the11 eutatb6à &f au no#.' t n M l kptg ut a"d- kavlng corne tte o lp., 500 'thee tblci of boeu- and i#uvlry teo ore 1>e« r.tM&U is oUbldren. coniPlete pattern et an exquisitIe hâavi ser. Opd se*u %: for #e -nel 11. a my _j <1 bý -]M«ejly V*e,, te toSet.»0, la oms- lité. standing dowva u a 10w, -Xit, lu lprout td m lre. n :t ay JI& i1.l of Chrit5iaexPellince *edo uitt- d w .004 aM 0wO cM c> 'Teu {u eau 'tand Ged's dealline . lie tels uV» m 1 et magV and mt,, tefg up bigler and liglor aI1- we.~ 'a 4 n" -T« ï dM1A<I a 11.10 lb *4.Uale *divtie me*n- ib i. en.-ui%-l Unoat I 'n .u 1U- - ----e O4VýM ""7 <. â7 - usa y ooeu ~ulu.ab.isqm .4aJ.~usehkO. - urg~ ~I afa muine Inn t- e mu t" St he whJ tu» t A m dksae of!aoekhkdii. DismeslaI plieoli. moral,:aplattuaL. Bas1esev vbsalagproducoè certain Playalel Ify.' aw *puot & w*m a n d wxMeaoaaube mmdm i11 Sâ *hss16g produte certain moral and pitai ailmeat& 1. amn avare MuaI W ha" a tt' 10 lamfie a quoslleno! conaclunee and moie. Tl. Seripture psecptlàla Putll oh, Yar Wvbetlert eeffl oe u nt or yFm daftaIVt#lh1k. er vhataoevery.. do, do. anl to te lb. ' ec. <gloi?. 09 Go&.' If4 ten, My mennuet ýua qa' tlm of vbfoiiagla net to e egiori 00&tt uMy dmr te 4ve UP or tmt Part of St 'ehlol 4lbILous e" ad' prorua a masre ratier th a bilcestiwet.me. "Tbere ar e,-oextrernes te waloi amlum taluti quetion: FIs-st, a0d APUeli *1.1i foplsmi; sud, seecondI&wiessnos. It la not Dàslble fer. hlm te aalmthe kàigoitIdea W-ho vlolatos physical, mornal or Spiritual lav, but non* of tUefo nosI hb 'sen If 1the vieei be *7I stand beside the vieel, sud Il *blapors19« on o!mm, suifer me te put utato your eus- four use! ni iooncfer dail? use! The fbraile, keep ls-$ng. Noua 1 amr rnlded o!f1the brtlimie 1 ts-led le anouat a wheesi. Ailes- a MentI duai ' Pr ungraceful gyr*uonsl profuse perspration sud 'hr ii fri-O=btheperspiraion,contes-tiensof la tb. eontiOl tblatad that hilu pité or' a fe' u9nct=MoIOu sud. ancieutlkiMwh- ....be ...... Il! led wo' tbels bauds lin oiy barro thta persan sheuld descen1d .te nobit sau Indiniti'. To tiI. dayl bear marks on rny bodyo'oiep lrylng.' "ithe nexI bsgon tic w-beel wviapor la 'Meep rnovlug.' We oertudaly hu» -- eoete grief. ou a bicycle uiesaw-e the 11 Meep gaing,, Ihe.mmarnas Il l ucear te do Iu lite, iorder nol to e . "yel,' &gai, thé' vieI w-bsperc eep. den. y use 1the ieei beoemes- cor- rode d s'piamzed w-tIi m*d, and to and often ouled. Panl wroIs, 'Utepthy- sl pum"S-eBeour seuls need lb. an- ,lang Of, b. splrit. Keep tbysoi pure- lu -beart, lu lUfe. la liought &na lu pus-pose. "Jgy vihei vblspems fluely 'Keep Owest.,Iu w-heeliug or tempes- la sre- 17 Mre. ,becanas o! lie hiiution oe! tubliug..-'Our advantage la te sanlie et thé stéel ubeedu pecuUiar aneda TIensse m:»AuY lhlUgmw-blchtend te lougl«unu, yet happy la 11te manuof: totmated Spirit. By aa 1111e muaie- ment w-e are seau able 10 Inu Idmul- T tiensa blm lfgu. "la i.spirItual w-osid va o! te _____ , »«u frr - us atan l. lhe .fl'.lr flanet%1fd, ud to i aIOu te "t ma!'-lwIr. m"s, lainl.me- tif ilwmipi Som -. Aitention! r yrWeol IIdirect té thoso wbo ods buy Ixom the manufacturer. t10 t ; M leege * an h*on0basoof dBIsuket - 8, eetintgu, Shirtiu1 ru%, Ifeds »â#4uer zTp SBir.,Cettoos, Shaker Piannel r, wkie » at " a!a4vance on Wbholésule prices. r IL extra Pa for W.. w-heu tradsd. HO*'RN ýBROS.91 Lindsay Woolen Mils. Is~ BOXALL as Removed fouUà sie of Kent street, next to the post OEc, o e BidO, ne xt door to J. G. Fdwards&Cos RA-88UT AS AN ARROW affect humanlty there is ain of health, some spç>t bIé.ý It ma«-y be tbe-Iiver, :rhaps- it is the bowels or t is the blood. Bur4ock t to that spot strengtheixs reinoves the. cause of the lth, bocause it acts with LI PO« upei th ail i bouse as botte, t1Our ao biat e,. w

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