-or cure for ti Thlere lhon of ' ever tie ' 'SA ,e* em WB Sewlei Culv ver 011 pu-are --------- mus m. mIsaifrlp.u MEER IPE Co. .AIDE T. K.. a thorough knowledge of th naural ,%hich gavera theoperaios of digestion ition, and by a careful application <f e Piwoperties of well seleced CocoaMa. bas provided for our breakfast iand r delicately flavored beverage which ve use maiay heavyf doctors' bis. It is udicious use. cf sucli articles cf dia~ ustitution may be graduaUly bu,7it un rong enough ta resist every tendency ,e. [undreds cfsubtie hmaladies are around us read>' to atta& wherecz, t wcaL pint. Vie may eespe many af bykeepingourselves vell forti5ed 'wblood aud a properly aouraheed CivilSrv«Cei. a;et JAMES ,ppl>s&-Co., Ltd. Lid Cbmias.Lodo. ýuceia LBRIÂGrn 1aIONWBBB. . EALJ... IJIOSAVI MILa.se - I" SOMehla o.wu DURNi fou oifakê wir m frMril e. hu iutelit. Bue à àDS" a defuies i shtocopvtvveut i.va besoann Mhm, bis purWof a gp oust "uniesh. he wble Maioa #th"l qnu9ào&ý Tb cou- uari. q g l ave ,,r rmosubsibis- byarmUoIS0Ioe v M b. a goci M.V oLoa, of Baut Yok, la misa- tim oat4bu te.»0o=tmi vl!mors eh. UIoly roulueh. MM Ctu, hm W.LlqSeehp, or Belleville. e. meW yo mouaumbiifor - ..a*Ig. towrckth onamvtve Party. i ri.aaamud di.*eh. udlg. Jobs Buahbess, i Wtelrboro, ont of th ont cap&blemmof. eth.oornmiuva- live lut thJoe emse by Ch. phgans Mr. muh4 lmlong diisi b srmaia ont of politimu buCt tobilgeh. Paty h ooummsd i o ru&. ShouXlut ePitesb, bé-.oeXCq e" P o v s.. "0h dobl gitgaé hydon - m M th" veàd résuta. pietuher> b> ntumiaq lapv, PwrMé. Bmraha.or a Oumb2o gocmsovv. 1G, & & Oockburm la centre Toiomto loute "h.M ",Wbh vo o. lul bis m orit. le vill be sdocmed eam .Gioru. oa mof B! ue Lambeca, oute a baid, Jt.a. H]Mdefist 1»ais. votsonsfa mtloa'oSy la grosCly to bs diplorenL 1ev m .bdimm>sst.umoh Mdomietathe. onh.George.Those sérong pmWtattaof BEut Lmm w h. voed i l it hlm cmueé,fielproud of hut, vork onm slgh. gami voukuiou te. oounaeey byrQuebe provimos. The id»ofP.P.. à dulintra romi. stic oli ahonflior ti.te. u -*os'ahonimk ultra protemamat os oaution. Mr. Palibsu, of South Perlh, 1k. George Mmmbtuf, luth.friad of ivery mm la te. Roui. Ris diet la due. la te. ametescaai. etIàslmfris amoîifs lu.' leluhpedbothvhuu oomh.ebsok.- Dr. Roomi la Wist Midlesex la sout thi $andamicapable mon of e RO" oui a.doua la te. fighe. The asme caflm Imim la bave opérated la te. thu. vîsterarklagst osithce.pa But Dr l Ecu.mé srloivil! Mmoib. ose ouehr Ca thoeoonaCry or tlate.Party. Ir, te.oCkea Provincs oChr. an e segrttabl. oaivale ous sc Mssa Hluilantf BiClb Wambis; W. W. Maedomli la Âsslalbola; George 'X&Odoam.l1 la Algoma; Louis Frachilla a»i othur la Quibso; Hasé., Walmoé, ObheeyMaiW.9dMtlauIÇ.v rumwtck; aMi Kusa>, Pala midWhitei. aNova Sloalta au aIl deeply depioréd. Ms.> cf eh.. vIl! rs. in, bovn,, Mid cc thoir li plaffs la th. beartu iftr as e reother réformeasd aduo, mmy oft vom veri very usembl. id.,.w; but um tM heIr pèae iail Mii ky *Mtdelm tbri oivmon, te. oa. moevgClygref i. aoC gmsa. 0f 0. *,v on,.OàuuvlvsOan os vs roml h. oo of *aeh.abMimm of thé oulaC,, sud matidulionwMoug.roW on Tsmmu.M UNla. if lbf rs 0" *bé-in, in thi eh. ~ - m£_ -_ 4 'Up Mr" mcabss dthe~ a «Imégbe t Vers htuluiiN. wo.u à« 9= @lo.uiha;MmIiswa puM s a"s Md lm uu& b«lue.uvtg x^ fnb. Xh aMb N s * mn l s idluhoÏ& *r. u*u, sabruy. * wiai whai ham i m u do& hat à' MC Kaodj. h.-, oe u lMd frte .*ror .Mr. .a ;iW dotIff. le GoushIbauIsmI; gr. Md ID& 1%is0« . gmaur~~ h.l a mirN. V. v~ paboisabet, NMd. "sJ.. obai Clubs smployo.huit duoiMd mita pot; oi .ttn0MI biihi;u. jobs,, sin a, l lmom.iephtorsf; Wr. J. N. lisais.,fruit imus;tWr.sd Mm IL MUN p~du. plbi moe.t rham sopie du" .laeLuimy dor u aech.imlgai te î th@ t"ralbA onh.ut O.IRboir ,.w. Ct Mnl rubla 17m" rails. rTios u ti.m tâbét isbusu et inyuooeti blonde fer Cilifutur. uIfars. asb lgeai hs ho i im i b hbu amik un . las> if C Um am..buuSk1Md thesud imWb"> osgimhW Mmbu Hatis sudwi ba Ins l sec inri ollM ts X16A mr, et 'lin ae Ile. al.Ef=via Ime bosi lam la th@or> 11in muuoj s bcth.st ustocka loua M d t la a snlsfl io Vb ipé b6ae.n W Do Tov bepyourfurlrtm sa L.M'm Anot ati W.=Uaiu l fmsé, ah> ait. The Porl P"eu lam a ps.met Lrai-, mca on Dominion dar and PlajMopinât te h. coliegiâah club. ire as ompauteiby Mu M. KoGilI, m. MoGIiI Tfiraina, Mi"«s Ssngier and Meon". MoDouW aud, Ebblm. Thé gamma worm played on lb., courts la the, vont cd 1h. collegiala bilding. SesC. bad bauprided for mpeclmiors b> Ibm» scool. olib and -thora vas.a ver> largebu cul of ladie ana giatlemoudurlng lb. ai wr- accu. They wers revarMoi by acting mn very g mcd teuait. Tho playiug aI timon wu moolln. ente layaon sacrai every motbut ay a ban? dial bboria conteut. The younRaium of tle.-sohool podmrefreshmeatmlinlMm shape cf 1Roa-. Cd, 1c emamsi a a., Thm e nsern.i th plalyer snd the ý*àriana h. gymnéslum atthé, 01080of litsMach Misse Brownand J. Moffle», Pcrt Ferry, versus Miasse MoMlie and MeKenzie, Min MeGiU sud. UmsB. Mol eu, Port Peri> versusn Miss Vai»d mi imeAmy Mesces. Allion midMoMlaPort Perry versas Monr. Steven.s md 0g, Peu> verue flmkbA»dmiKylle, cDigt . 0 la 840t.W-% M ai* rhja bOs.Isâs>éà. cM Muds>, * Ta& Boa*Mtg.te, tu ote-29.tes. Touattib.ddhwm ve e i oua wu aBmmoi iaOumille hvâmme X. is Mr.le oai .k ou.1 l auf1uo Mis w.iisuimité huà hg *l - tu Tebicycle race;vire "landai vtt ani kept Che spiolalor uermuit sawt l uté h. BIRnoof t eb tua.O ismuslr" ithat bh as av&er vmnlg vr> rce ta ubcic m te»&i. Îhcothor ft %Wua" oteHgo , 4Enoua",am Ia g, eta . l i c st u l > r e ei h o evenaa, Md oomqu.tlâywmm eptycem uilmbe. vit vitamausi. Thé e bàshaimatch bet*em aBs1ha aMi the.Valimam et tova, vas ot Ct ueblo h.eawrul, a very uor mid fe fient-«M11edguul rin ift ua. balajiput amU»i a psa.si iovgma dulayele ~Cay puusi Mtntlis adteeu gma184 11n ?h hthiMd".tee l. Y.ILO.et bah Ids.Aft lyif o asrly tire Rier. h. Aff in a asgn"ralméle. (0< ~ ~ m" aoi)?hc ehe ide amueti sad tmChu . resait baiam Mme tMMe" bis W"oem! ws d"b«& moa *0 damoutratlcamot oM d mi mlw"Olbér exeiales ~i e.aUMMMWUUiM lla the county w i» lJurommc*i alia, lthY. M.O.A.b ratéosbley hvematoie commedi e Et be lova tbm CWIF jear.Tho fc lowla le1t8e jwme lnet. 100 ji.IO F.oot lEsm-.boys nies' 14-1, H. port&$ S Vila; 3. P. Broyn. otteo B]y s--RW. Reniera; 1 G. Braidy , ."BaL -1H.Jacson 2,N. Jackson; 8, loba Bcle RacP*e-ou. p-!, A. E ILBVer- vOikwomioci; S& Oea Evaina, P.Cerboro; 3. ugh noe%, Lin" yd. FotaM-11 J. 0. Devit , ]H. brovigHaamr-1 W.M Andrews e.a exhbition pr.,otI tla 1h bamer119 éest 10 tahe vth Bianulng HiJlm. il F..W. Lily Omemeeý b,tic.; ST. Bmck. ebc. 1acjI W. SBaver 1 . U Pedlar. Moyb Bce,1 mile-i A. E.IL Bverwood Owrviéd* 2. LHou5jiii, Llalsay; .11114>110. 21mi. d »&;L 9 2 abob lU h..- J SIWqisNt, ce. k aîba n Lia vain of goods fa firut-clafse. Mk. We'il PSY you for Pdeuet t»u Om..b bmwe.u sU d pay 0promptl~ ebod unlowrt&h6lM O au smy1kdr. Ourga is jour gain. TU ESDAY ff '.I~ A Aiad 1wel.I sen eu dt viffinIy -and promptly. RIRE IS A BAITERY O? PRICO8 FOR OUR, BARGAIN DAYS:. Neu'uBlack OumeRoHse, hbadsewu, double heel aMdi otee au r pic. cfer ............. N..'.U luiem uilime. fout at iio.. SPWUonl ie cf Bslbrimp B1s antssd Draver 0é. C à j Canto~fr. L u ke o Cmrieero 12 "S coiaUmsepmaalaorattaohed, en the.bug" toble t lS0 dome. Flamnlette Bhlyts, menas or boys..... . II OplarsOub sd sfunlsingooda. Shoppm debargain day. cm save &rm 15 to 40 per cent. ... Ov&u si amSoks. 25e. for a iiood, atromiz service. a m or overali.............. 500Boy'Wslgblesatiga 49c. for the aui%, o s frByw SbPae goad, atmcgani serieal Bowi Blouses, lamge collars,>vahable, prett4y maie, on the braatbefor ........ 208 Boy", Su toud aimes, boughtfo.amkrib vanted th e y; aley talmmed, drattclsus goodu. Born t tha areorth #Là%, our cbole* 85 UBj'Suto. Om chelem... . *'a.- BoXs Bats la strawe ami folte, a now WlJe*la& Pret#y ahapgs.loely goode, op la daim stlée ,The pria. are too loi for snob goode. W. atarI 1h.. à" case ethmer>latet Bard Hat@ ami FedoruuM soelei ro.Mesera. lekhold and Miller New Toit. Theee goda are thm lateat, tbm quâIily 'à eni thé mhapemebmver> nêvesi. fatter rlok2I rpr'm................~... 150. Bleur bt.,up u dtethénewstthe nobbiest, and ehoprco juf on org...a........ ....... Mmu'es Suitse Ps apecial une of inens suits, ail sizes, segsand tweeds weli made and tirimme-d, your chiefor,"bilot .............. .... Mo'. Suita $&75. lun this lune we give you a really goi suit, wo Haifax ln four shades, Others charge P.O0 for tlb. mre goods. Oùr big enap Chia week ln Men's Suits is a Une of e puits Out for cash fÉrorn Messrs. McKenna, * opsn & Co., Montreal. These suits averaged va hey sfrom 87.00 irbolesale to $12.00 whole. sale. W. bcu he b entire lot at a sacrifice. Step la andi take vour choice for $5.00. No bouse in Cauada.taking coetlnto consideration, can dupli- mate tbis Hum for less than $8.W0. One man who hmba beau around lovna aad, 'Il looked at a suit Up mIneet ad. ocasder your suite from P3.00 to $5.60 cbesper 1h.. irbat I vas, ahown." -PÂNTS. eTb satarI t t e. ia tweed, running up mmiii ire he ânfe Worsted Pants in dark and lihî a rtpee For $2 ve vill seil a really good Piat, of course baglu<aya, Tuesday and Thurs- dan ,pues olu tie WC tg .g.Suifa..f..m..... ................... Heavy ::-....k...................... 1o~ tf. i alwaj te à W.have - W. guarante.e everything. Mû. your eieoti6n before payig your cash-we prop f» satisfy-yon know when you buy fto un 7« ureome "jiabt exmtly what w. isay it is., OsIl sny val. you friendsin lu n as if you owned us. Osil if joui don't wsant te bu>'. Mako, your heidquarters with us-meeù store-we'li not ask you *0 buy unlee you want to-feel as free Vilh us Il' 'I AÂB T GOUGH'8E"-TUEBDÂ)Y AND THIURSDA&Y- Go,- The Wondedul Chesp -mm. cce 20 ent Street, Lindsay. VERY I F-o*ma vLuwmt qh. n uiw V. A.Goodala bu s Satisfactory i~ ~ i~l;~ ALPP a I AWALL. um-a14la Miht Ouirdict afIn finumig stok Ia hbasud aithegl uik luao ICUE Mac& momqu ey aud mmd b.br bave'Poas laoidrble eXPiai, 3opposite Express offi la CmT, oWk maki oanad, nov'customc »M . mootkly, w*0 bave- hg Wd m i, J IGIN OTNAM the -bM tgoods at mm âme staC halpries, s fu rP____________ c.& and Ci@îal " et "tmi bouthi Akbmtîne and Roo, ,~s. ou. ci ~ .i îoisaa »Win dc am la oimmid hEu."W. ban.» mdud iMr uBsM»:M* df im lmffl i A /à T -TU ci îrAL,' .emovsd big FRAMING wkman Block fice and NEXI 'SON Houk, vour to pleaSc iers with ol) the Iowclt miMoudineg 'e s e. a 14h" 301vi t ~ht~ I V. badie the Qometj ton rde I 1 i