;.ébbMgý prN$b a STOCK * a~Bi T BIJE £emnns We have ji" completed S9ockTaking, snd ha»e a large aommulation of Remuants of ail kits, which we ame prepared tb offor at a big sacrifito t oSir u? the stock. ,lot of splendid ondes i 91ess Lengtlas. Walt- Lf Lengbsetcin ual kindse ofucoful Fabrdcu, W o .ai lThie s purely R emnant Sale, everyonip of wblc h le tiokele ofDremS e'sê EmbrolUerles, Towelllugs, Iemuuts or i 1~ 'g 1< ( 's <g ( il ( H *1 nTuIIITA~mcf(klY A T-T' 2 0 eing .ffered at Wa bk Largan at 3 .2toWarner 4(O's01 J - J W. are SI mliidain'g saig Orwd cbetiug ont tà 'fil mN A-iWETWrgoarni cess. Butf 7011 i, 15i rtiflg ent tbS, Skirt aimd marked at si rabilngs, ottonades.- retonnets, hakers, lannels. KINDS ho id.l raxrn t w . '- PIOTURUP.%4 I N L I-G.R-T4;Y -WRAAPe . re4 ft colored pi trefor .~r Thea.pidtwea an mwel wortk getin5 'I LEVER BROS. LMa. 23 Sooti Not Mul vaste vhu jeu buy here; v. make every cent c eut godcansd pricea leave the sitar; they atari on a jc IN GROCERIES vs would cmii yeur attention tht. veek especislly Cider. Raspberry Vinegar, foot fler, et IN BOOTS & SHOEi vo are auxieus for com parieons; th"r'e the k, The clouer yon look the better wo luke il. Cornu B«UTTONED BOOTS at $1. 25; MEN~'S $1. 25 and 81 BOYS' LACED BOOTS at $1,00. IN DRY GOODS thore te a clomand now that the harvosting buac MIITS, STRAW HÂTS, GRAIN BAGS, Ste1 here. Time-because vo hbave everything yen wi prices are. the lovest. W.me.Roi West Nb eure.Eveyt in g ofocod ai a bigreulotiobo âznEsiular Pri0éAthéic 0w Bargains iu everv liné.. Smbwlge SI., Souh etf Ms 10M. Lmi. ADAI~ ýewTA1TDOIi Eitailnbei hOielmie ous.bougil ani rcWaonttitvu four thi otion. COU vu 1Direct P _______________________________________ _ Chout s .imeVela nantm i. 05mvlM uW, aud Chicag W CouMuaTi; ms0 al'«lmr Ja bltk of a. TA 1SABTrHEALE EQ RE oa o aso .~Bank Of1 tho.unisi 10 ee mu ban l gL is ES MAs 1~ ~atieor fl or t emamtienmip.P lick eloa emploi' niait gampT inu -fS aem homos. TUE DLUYOaw.0UISSUC&.. L".. fb=ten onlu ii~i Rlie Helt uato lutleVlgsiMcbte, 69 Elcîhmonai t. vuToranlo, Qu.1- Seil. i i i iStal bo»t =d FaaR Mowm nls a lc ouis thgle ei D&U&Ah eOM l esini ur tm ua iat1a Town Popertyfor Sae.' TOONTO. Nt. x1rmaieml ô ylth Sept nomcnxi.IlW uî ihave larg numizbor t Roua.. lfNantiii m oaeIitvc no icb eî 19y ta 1450. Tbee tago m>I.4 bick 'erracton-e.LRO rbot es;uta WL SPENCE 1 have largeot laid, ÇOB.of 0f meidai eolutNorthflTor nahp cler"k, aobel o téPéo, Ad es-loI b I ______________________________ el entd m!lcnuta otttg10uii itih wraned ournge lie main BnýBoet; reomJly1.6I .-S WI t4.Tva eny alale Hondoric u!Oacs, Iruvliaâ btcnMniaai0101 iu M 11-u a n aîplietti.ou. 14c ofExecutors halof.Hal-.110e Si ber 'Io ent a le cire. property. :ot bit u&m, 1 dt m on te ainOth i F. etitadfcesd lR. P oPU deaTY. .à@ <. tomX«-ma GValuabie Pr@pétRelu LludsaID. le adtaill iof eil bpevt AEnIaRier aillimirer. mth e ai n h aisé uosbie oil ahr Ion salo in Op. Mari ee, Pnlo Emîly,, moi'.bockmé minS y mmo lt WorthlBay; lie prie.A. tlt, lIere iiil e mold by Publie Avucion, on, th e rs la 8SOCO, Will accept arnil cashpayment. Inierei. B, Fins &U dem mbl t roamtncer ondav UIthei iii* umijofitle lit day oai Eslance arrangcd. on ternis.te suit purciasean mit. I c.0 eOr~t * a f tOcobraon 1896 date the u HUG ~( .,<*Ont.fliOt* lving regardo I ibai malice. Kt 2 'olock p.n.,at the EmnuonHouse, lu lie ltoin' rat TIEUBiL Loans made on town and improvadfarm. hotual vlrbiepoprybetag camposci ai Uic Pterty a . et ats ndon. a -ver.. . Wrt utb i o f be ElMoea sol"aut0ai Va -bbktflnea regard ts.palimelt. Modome oobagmIi. g .OTODR NPjsbtae,,*,ono iuy atéCuà euiZ raqnlrig monoy ta moet mtuaing mot- o- ictra O ghl uu oeo u Pm or or an poue houldapply o theTIiprapeaty fmu n nCambilige Street. mm itIlla aeetLd urlder.id bfors mslng tier anceljt. CAS AsiTRONGER PRZOOIF o,,a aet themont, ie projaprtinta tain. There XBN.,PUB1IC TUAS Sl ES I vmMeenimi, lateIy occuptcd by Dr.&Irke-. The Coi ROiksbutIs 31*51M US 1 veriutable for aDacloi eslds"moe ani offic- a 47.ly.au8,Isont 0j.TSIELX it ~oaenmge u~nMdfraoe ntable, - For tuenimi - am iy te T,. LDovi QATIMI II o LéEte Pclowing Responuible Pet. lUaImB*m*A T HUL uni. [08 com Whose lames aud Âddreeo amoeL. Have juSt received a su <>ly oÂppesr Bslov Have GiVen Evd- Unial July 11,RSN Special Brand Pàatry pFldue oerOiTatTe 8 .-ah ve»mCui-ad CE Rheurna" eM et valcy Navi tien Cern- 'CR0 WN JEWEL" sud uine ucmParalysie by paiY (mlniA.) r o O Ill, quarter, eigbth, sud sixteenth - '."', nO<-ÂYlue. TIRE ABL. 189&. Wà, l packages. hi>. - a.ablg moud"i. lm@s 1104 TEN et umml MxI. mua r pet attnui 91Si Vnos treelt edv>ei -Alto~lamo3 tefes eocic ihae.e thed "STAR" BAND I Portend OJI AI.0 r a f cnLgiii of i uO 4$ ce n r io boepnosafrbun, L.amp, lS éiunot outa Ilever, 5Emi4res ESTURION1M 1~ ,UBT 7. 1898 i. ~ ~ ~ ie at~aktk OI3MO oa 4- ~;m qisbu tumePu.e .t VoL XL.-Wholo No 2O6~ 48 etuee e U." G urmb* ftLoo sublia*r0& -eorner of lie Corporation 0 *»VIMhug& ils k aSU~MsBm pa& couk bla covcred. Inanrance $150otc Il C ob"DvmOI ob k bqk wy U& building and $1000 on contenta. ~ k te -The MW S j AnImortant J udgmenti les anuu Q~i p.555' ~ #~t~dwO1ê UUs bO onteal, Aug. 3.-A eable from London aune le!!... &. SYUUý"t eys: _ThePirivy Councl have o'lvenjudg- aiase4- o t n Stewart .theaf eln h THE. RATI 96" uK.l aid restoring lic judgmcnl of tic Court, ot Quecn's Bench and Superior Court. The case la regarded icre ln commercial circles as of vast Importance it establislies thc rIgil Of. Paries lninsolvent concerns, s tt> setltemeuit viti credilors lias beenl meade to cdaim on ech allier for failure to Iconta tbutc their proper ghare of tie capital f the l.partnel'ship, and IÔ bear a relative ctm f losesea»t la coiiceded here, boa, -t.hat certain of lhe SupreflI Court of Can- &ada jldgca must have either faiited la, ap- i~catc tic fActs or. were, pcriaps, over- Iwonked to such an excuent, as often reeuits . i -w ~p ~i~e~&i **~ 'v ~ $pluiVzfag t y4wllO u.Sy-oio. To* k'roIt Nurpea.smFarmer0. Fn uy lt -Iq141h!gof &U plâri & m . .-Tic trous ZoittBR "Y» unm s oslin . r. à; hA i. 4*ta sppom ta ornate aun laturatomal . . . .ai....zU " ci pw .bet saithetcentr~alPO I B a oo uetgri n muas0imU B El o IS opt me r am . lO in T lt - ug .v iw of pobab e i ~ ~ Mofer uWen, 10toua Tis Protsait onm"o eboalo . i KU 4500 O&Kp 1 US . she nilci tathe te vil P., E»UDA, lt&loglus-»c" _______________________ l'h Weab? AUMuaxPAT.-TIOU Viiilea garde. For Saltel Audte Haut. -Party hld as B. Ir. Wbitulde' ou Thumday, apoflfSr the Woe& OudifIta 8.7 1kâliit, h Auquat umdoerthe muaploo f th#pladico »b dasigmolistg i n t o l s,. LImdmy lVa j 4U a lu " trumlà sp @ isMWàé - et ti cùi wila urol. Baud I.attudamc. M R i b y U hIV a am iS a u . e r b uo l D o s , u a à .b o & A datai fParor. »rawtugzom lumftuie, Ompu, iPU T E.Gs prg m e. duluo 15 t uitm m 1e. ouat.'HII........*~*. g537 rodalyivt .atad W8& h ~ e u m T o ro n. a O o .w4 - M L o a... . ...... . . dr.4 N l.c r lo v r a to ka m l tol. ititégu o nt .LS bii oom , vaIr ido , bot a a u ddvale W r a s fua f . 7 . T u m a -- ~ -~ bout", 'aas.f ruit aM d madWUmce. fioles 0141 , " 00.7 . .satanai r islde ut iemos d Eletatoul 1E 09 ces? » V m i a m o u m u r o n t e t _li b T m " k fC mJà ; 1u" B h e t i e T o u o r l w y o m y to wu vat e, larg e g ou s im , b a rn M d d i t 1 0 f tuor nofà I a o p n Coo,5 prng f pure valua. * 1 to , , hmcWpoot.d part cf the road b tw oonLong MIL. ieuI GroateetbfU . ta iday, 0.28 ... 11OMTayBuad miHamIltea Tuebay. and are îo.dar lais f 0 l--&2 eu os a m j>lgogabroad again *0 contiustiec ImottOn. ________________________ 1'TOaionùl ý . Ti.outoume oft'haïr exsmluatit of ethe rond V@tOWl LItnt1896. Not".,om. vengerfr hmum»th of jtTLyuay luad ta a oîtricar lino frein TOaoni MoipiUy.11 T.N.M.t omevila, omIBIM8 qiusiMine ulti troomi sud,<it tirough to Hianilton,ndir the 0o12>0l ut 13k. £f!&0euOAip . ViolOna SUIIO afeMouti ftbutM'1-7 . of- * Thenruto rd] vay oopa.y.Thc truCk oount;ý know that wheu Niet. lmmeby givos liai ave traieutcorma ul.lmlpobllt emuxtclnt divd aie emuioe i 5t0EU8~...........orVSd ti ms to aLong Branol, whlci voulu! îu rney a v r i r g for us.e . et t c à O fo e is e t c 8Hth o ies o a a a lm e p * b . D u a o zeuatbst aotm eh t ltd04.Highoat durlmgput17 yoar.97.77 ti 1895 î It mat m ai l uniikly tiat la a fev Uvred , i el lai m "*e pummustte Oaidat, i ai A vengiIu h ab . L o ts T rm omaa e M v l! b. iaiete go bal -las a o ir ,b? th lait aevt.sd u m om rU a l L v a i............... î4.. . . . âle l m : H a "mil by .m inet car. o. =t lllipiy t be e tithuo mvo lll t h* L e nu t ua .g pu t 7 r 8.. 7 1 27b18 M I LqtlatveAely, sso meps ofeal thesudAveaia Y".niit ...4se 7NELON FiM. tht m ti li i OrsI post a p Inmcar 0 i t ji M. y j (<li l " ). l'Pm - rejiar q a I.no u u f rt LUemIeFrit liUver. en the lut day of &ugnos ,lè9ô. anm 34 souc rutmà arefer IniosotianTotal for the moati ...é ...... ý..z 4 1'si lire vhich Irakseut in tho Millyad waT. 1'«torRt M.J? c5âlie UPan Oe«amine tédliai t, h isa5test for 17 yauu.457 189of UMi. pugleylomsoinmli a couple of vouae $ 4 be o e o M T O ot r IoW.1 m00 sees et 1.18e 88 mo bus b e ei sm ould m g i vr m fice theti t o ot e .p ' o e fl e . th sed ea v e ra g e sa 4* 2 .m m» w d q t d h u h b a t ob 1 » o o nt lîu t llY M t ra ao rr o lciM W eoa ad ln g t t la i .si - B o l t a u r y t h IAN SIYDDAUY. a~~~w~migu uatoied, but a no atStra i cit lor fansaviw e. lme brdl frtouly out gal id u lr DalmiutiBumiratav«e r a4day ai Augues% 189L0. m proportion for lhe moiti .. .45 @cuglm vau tmlhi thc&pot. It took à tory thaeut Sie, . @0 l ,Ï 7 -71892 -short lime ta aubdua tic lcery .1cmnt.for If eya~~~t tnocetefata.4 1.0Leit41 1895 . 'Fo Tlle dace fmot poiseas a cteam Iri kesa u lOUR Le, AIE'Vtea is 86,Avenu -57 a" " engmor liant dim ifias protection ah. oertainly e'ad' O R cn.LADIES"iy flA oulp fElo. a lt Ro. Buz.. paisoaccamauy vIlling varera. nch 1.50DMdpI.Jlitai o'1f the viToni tEU.inte-------tianer Alicoe B-el pamrd out NattBOTSasbl.lr enharduy va t iaeira 'tt r Entrance .tbnflUOl isu2h our vatero on Mon dav bearlng linlber oieehrsd 11h.psron mot1atma mtt-or ndtrain the dîcige and ailier implemnta rscently 0 ofi thc OratariotéraListe ciAict 0 the. cpten- OAxwooD. Bond ai R modale in the canal irnprevemrentm. rarehsiby mld sectlons to h annl=itel or de Fi oetm u ilg abe ufr lverai, oai lelIintm d e puumuant la sMid ac , of a l 8icng Cgiràt s o at mo retli eroe i n. e lia bo m mu f i p e n u m p p a br th e la it » wev a m asu m m m i r o l » i e l o b ... .. .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 li g -a n f r e d f -at. e w o r y t l an o m e i ~~aetIc l=IdWuoluftv ta lie Oumtgtl te -the . Drvée'....................... bursocd or burnlog up, mdl.wosl on m ati io i ty %#i e ucasomi for m Smb ei f t elb c 41011- 'plac ae. b. gtnn u 0se ume h. appcmamcc af L l ttve £amcubly M di Mi Humiu2Wal loàtons, mand Graha m F..4u5. It atuma. A allait ahov r ,lu td u nua comment for BINDING liaim atu list wau tutipostai p In my Oo e t Groom ay. w ialeý............. :»*:*7G ~ou ci time nd moey J.rmsvtlc onlb. li daycf Aues, 190, ai as. Gr.uaay, SmI. x......492buTueBot alit bu ..t uffiocît * reflt.thé Bérufle onth e liot a ef ixminliem Mdi iaent ra oit...... «..........41dry voila, îhlraty fields mii thitrTy cattlc. t ndmne mt ie r almpotilo. Bla pa, aie..................here ta i ail t wic larges fai e rea ît o r an t. b f o . e y - b e c a u s e o n t m m S a y o m 'eaî o n zo r a y o th e r e rra ta are t o la d f tpu ýmtdi . . . .1 . . . . .. . . . . .5 1 o etE E a i &Il h l c h s h b . c p e v lt O tb ta t l medlats iarocchdtn<a ta ave the W edlu, Sam al , ................... .452 shm da y vu ooutradiotcd by he ivemty fi ve MWerriJmcu oHN x oa. CO, Wite, Wlfred............. puud'n,."cauRht lau Sturgeon Lake lait Olert aBdon PIFÉË IMox TALLe, voli v 1r. Heam. ad by h. catch n l>atiaim oUc.bclsia..........i-ii Bd.....m.................. 474 T-ouday aof tht. vern. On the latter day "0AnAD A '5 P R ID ......................... . ......47 Mlienne rry ad M ages c ag i fuleea M ont CA R A D e s P BID W eG a m anu, isena .................. 48 bcm ttuib an s d M r- J. Simplon caPturcd .............Eva. ....... ............. 429 tw em ty.fo r cf t ue ft u y bribe ofthtic aine b 8 oornMi s........... 41 Caoro-bue. I liii qi 'AJj J a",T*m ..... .Î41. Tjizvhcel wvicivas plac a inRovry'i Kuoz, Perd......... ........ it oiboe euaan uMnm End 3 Stores. IN U ST~. IRI L....... 6 .ilt el rk on&i nxn Mak ar.. .. .. . ........424 migitea sud mnaamuffit hMlc m wi u ot Markba..................... ........ roane. ng TuoadayorWdcdy L'AIRMaKcmalc, rabl............. 43 FAIRlas &ml........ ..........XI KIED Frea.. Jobn................. 444 enr rosm pa. euim aatpnr ie.AiAÉCJTELEEIIIN pïy eot.......... . j H.WILSON, Of Canningtn a nca' ,sAl~~e John Trrumattuta a a pitock ofg nermi dry ai. HEPBURN, TOR~TO Tolib, uUa............... ... Jongruanss oe Wctf, IIOS...........72 ood , *eries, readymade clothng, LI.ôap. 81 P( O. ~wh.,~........ bos ushettycients on the dollar. ........... t iigoin$ tb be slanghbtered wtth other Au '3 o i septplii............... ....43 gooda at hîs Kikfield store, The goods -1896.- FËRM 1141" aPuBUo 80110016LIAVIIG must be sold this rnonth to make room for Coudi Wllia.......... 707fail imnportation's now on the way ta Kirk- BQPP , E tris OoeeAug.8th oeU., ain.................. 8 M 10881N BROKER. Grh amua, Bée..t.. t.c...r.......e...of New Oepimnf0ts, luee.. ...... .......... 627 1W6 tth ad. Do-ual..ý..........0 .. 60 The ai-muai sermon oteOsgmnf Bonds, Graina nd Piovisionis Superlor Attractions, .........Lim..e.............. 074 > L.O.L. No. 935; Glenarrn will be preached 1 old on maa$in or otherwise.Ltatliotos M5,hnms. .....7) on Suuday next 9th inst., in the presby- 'rivate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... WestNwYok EEYHN 'TODT. PtsMti ....... ........ etian chureh in that village by Rev. Mr- ?rivte Wresto Nw Yok ]V]CiyT]RNG k- T SAliz ........................628 McDonald. service to commence aI eleven z. oclock. A. heartv invitation is extenided The Peopie's Great Holday KBFED tô visiting behrenawels.tubus Commere Buiaing Adula.f theIOar. .................. and kindred societies It is expected that ComeceEilin Otngotth ea.luaJd. .. ............... ......476 >Ihe Carnerqn, and Hartley lodgcs will be erborough t 0Ont. .....G.. .... ........4761 we utpen d on the occasin ch«P B»mrdme PrBaudolpi...............482 members will me ntheir lôdge oma 271. t-ealnonm......... c o'clock and proceed front thence to the Markets furnished free on Fror Przq Lisa and Entry Fra t. addr a oilan..ici ............. 41 churci. application. ..WITHRO W. :. J. i L. ELsRbn.................B~AEY §eu_____________Pacieut. Mngc.orouta NoQorquodale, AroMe..............525 S,81B1 ro 27aeWayt4sr. iyaebs xistrators' Notice te, XoDonald, ;&mm ................. .507 1THE FÂRNIERS Of this viciniyaebs C1Vd1ttu. Honeali -.KeA..hur....r.............. 48 harvesting.- The cropq are very fair.con- Que <.>ii Molence, au4. .............. t460. sidering grassliopers being so numerous. li FRRY Dua Erroa-P~smclnfrm r rmacu, Enoue............. 607 Mr,. Michael Lears has bujit a barn which eb ivO paman a ha>,10 IS I wltenlaIII mil~ aiPM.rug"...;............... ..6 ealixuproves the appearance of lis mmm~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i aniimasmetl.cti h cnietly ...........39 ýarm; aise, Mr. H. Brentnell lias built lmtc cnthe t..u iploobte t, a mi alelter, particolare of lagau tae. honnot Woioc t........... ... 518 ta an sfe i easac ril sl" ot* i îmcirlcf Rcheser. n hoeIbis season in tlis vienity. >*Wirî U.S.A aw odted an Or about om urby violiI wuaprrnie tly retor-IMEEF I L LEAVIG.:Mis$ Joie Staples lias returned ta Lind- 0 ' 990 r eurit eie sad to Itan d maufly vigor, ait« 48.f 1-eayaam cfsi t erinn idy floge vma oqui isno olalit mfdg iîusvr 1blty uaiv. Baruo eard.......................692 aay after rnakingabre sitalrrny sd fullankiecta Taanof befaac iU5,mugit loai aud v animal wukam umi..........88finds. We hope Josie liad a most ai Adtm tmmtor.et Iber clam. y aI bm ,e le............ .. fi sepicber, 199. aMd i aiter Ma4id van C bbed md wdled. by thé quack; unlJaur....... ........... 670 enjoyaley n-me.,pnttndy ahmto il i stribute the aoC f until I ncmrly lomItuattinumankiud, bu'. thankIKOLeu, ZAnd............«........... 65 . hdeyadMisti pr.t Sd hi sd amonle epaitlas ettld ihorta, hoavin, 1,a&m aOv veil, vigorolis md atromg; o .y re. . .. . .. . .M4r ~ î. W a.%Vrdof Owel Sound p,' i amly toth l "a a f wh ch the y have a àkta m skc tu s certain mm n ue t o u re. . . . . . . . . . . . e.. . . . ..il............... 4751 i friends a flyixig is it reccntly. t a h i OOPORTJO OU'ONTITO knava to ail eu7eorm I have oolbhimgta sall, Pis ,Fond .............. 1 An enjovible evening Nwas spentath a . E. PLumEiq r; NMpadvu amuy utbigafr ebiOXoo>LAf .rsdn f Mr. Jas. Ilehil]. who is about By Adz4 lmagr, Mdvaulnomuey bu becr tao......lve.............. ta vesi freom ng s 2trspend!ng Thea SllotorIsain.desron o î.phn li nuortnat t ,resla rdyt Hurlait....... .....-610 the evenf ing in ils. ft amsen VOL XLW-Whole NO 2056 aa,.,