Th.x c 20NU. Pet. Mitbl mi4 vautCi Alles MW e essa il b The "K.IsY" Conmu0t Wawm Air' Gefisu'a$*. Hot Air FuflBCW Fod1Îe earsut moùt imnpOrtit aP th" t SW in ia moto hat th[ufelsdiib moa.durablç hetiumd The "KeL* _,, ire- potbelr ncoUttiSttC ofseveral unii4-t, tubular. COffUKd. rast (t eut) &roud w= cthe ire pse u ptiira wh-libtht coldaWtPasaa wbIle eîng eatettsud i iotr section beng wraPPedw ith£ý heavY'm1 uel*¶wMh * belam Sheated by the t lire hen dmamcown uide Of fupdght sections loý smake pipeit lu tnrfl wai the air that pisss Up between this steel asing and the gajvaoized iron casng, this expiai=a why the -4 oISty" bas tbree tintes Mo"rt ralatng Surface and warm air caaty thanm «dl- nar, Furace. Tht -'KelSeY ' heata titi> onieelwheresOcverlocatt wit*fplce, yoarar &aï"7 amL e. Thrturge"if heat zoomts 60 fot Tht " Kelse>' do s.ahat your ceflar. semifor i scr',,t-ve catalogue. TEJAMES L a MICoty le aenby W. . WOODSmLhdsay MlBIDA UGUBT 7,1896. goum te- TA Varias'. MILDfET.-rU.Emoct bas Im tok alvery fine msotmoent cf ilab ehmuuluan, vblch will hosold à% re4noed priseos,& VICTORIA ROA. spdUw te 20 ari~ xiv XEmigNOeÂl-Xr. Josph Uoeland, vstchnabe mmdj orlehmbas pemed ont a sirlauSt' b10014 lirl-ieil, vie h o id imairs l.1i m a rtii. usai &als ulivthe sud jaeIe llne.-94-. eou memt ou 271h July in tbe towu bml .The reevs lu the chair. Mutes 09f ba méetlag resa oi prmd. 'Th. fI» m~mouals vm orue e-ete b. Gud: id.ffer, soutraes tumupikag Mmd gramllmg,81870;do. gravellmg aimi igeumle #017.50; . Kirk11MMI duaing ok.15 $ma Rading, 69M0; J. Vll, iliysgraeling 42;O. Gif.rdgravel tui. 81.50; 7.P. Et. cromtmg, 411.50; A. 3. 8.11h, pmi 1.4 J. Gunm, ring. lubell six meathi, #7.50; hi. KeluImU,. rsptrlg 1dode*vmlks, 88.759 W. Màomr, y&0pd pavol, $12.50; total. 880.60. cOsmumil aij Uncili$ lltAugust. Me Quastbsu Anuwei, ?beRasen Wby 8nom Dite Bau Pèoor DySon Vampladieswbo have beau imimivai hp lb.a imiliahstiopas ma golten mold hy sema imlerS Msoi iamgs, ma tbe quoctis:. «Why Win thosm mÉta iêeisat .lu aeilimg us ips %bsatrMpositive- -Il vortesel' Thts quelom ilu e&sil>'anseos. The dealers Wv I mil ieue ommon arts do co for a very umfish objec--lg profie Thay bnp lhiés.craie suanicuesmdymi fer math lesos t the bmclebrated Dimmond ires iost, 'sud thmp are iold tu th. ladios ah the carne prise, ton cemte pu pasisi. The dealers tu Ibis wy aike log, blg profits, wbllm thm decetymi cousurnar minet sufer lo65 At evmr simue Damiers knovwonelthal lb. Diamond Dyesaauthel. oùiy truc sud warranti oblots, but the lave of 1 gala la to.. pnal te allov thern ta lieat the pubIil honeslly. The ladies eau ooon 0o, Wel dealers to do whstlale onest and rlght if lb.>' loiui eery dîne upon- gsttlng lteDlanioni. Desa. Ton ban lwmys fiud 1one doaler la your lown Ihat 10 snxioue tu sel dymo thal Wlll give satire.8atisfatoe. AcciDEcNT.-A. lbe.XMioses XIl&anma Maria Davidien veto returmlug fIthe.b uaaly Meeting ,ah mimoa e hors. olfritilaI à trastion engiue ssda upon Ils rosi. fHe suddeuly bolilu.theb.ditohmd overtuumg lb. eairrimga iragged 'tie ynung ladim# for tmre distanee. ,Tie!p vsre gOM 1 OUakea Up sud reoevea su me ye»f« vouBd. abot lheface snd heal. Thnsm yoring lmdie hAve the SympmhbyOf the, auir.eommucnit>'. *W.. ail rejolèes Iht themamtlor vms mot more umrions for v ma ilU mford to, los. young ladieof mmmi *simlmeîs aiaoeuthes l.boV.. Ther le a Moral la conn.mlloa ssith Ib Moodent:-thm g sogMines sbouli moi leIef h pm lb.the o'sbgbvy ontr Sandar viliu mp eue irla uharge. Tbhisamm ylte eIg*kilimi vibLao 01bis proparlp. Ma, tua.ImmMai partler immmt us le'Ib me leM e .1 o lvorimssbila I. m eesuoy. tubome5 h r0,tis gu m mV MwtaIwlmn..Xv. etyIM W ào l auputà ail. voe aspiM.4, tem md 1.51eWL jr<israe bma~170m W '--, hyauferupoeM.. [L p "dlov e rM& h othe -[Our sup mo ailte t ato Whou là* p.smitiea bopu"ismaswon' ase wbmê v lu. 3E. WAEDU Wh"emi uyat of the body lsu'h dola tii. woirk thoit iiture. lateudel ht odo, It pute thes .Imlssyule Mst if tue--mut ef hatiy. Smin osu .Pm t ifthe bil *t wm lulesSUParts of 9» bu obuli nus smd asW rebiW e m= . tbq kuel thie vicie r, do'.. by ipetInioie baloki Tut le eimutlimt imppaute, he he aai: whm thfeuw*teg penfor*q h* U ape ftim lo.CosltiOS mmuaatrme&Ha $Immi the imeý-puis4a. inst of orderf te lsd tir the âMbags-bad fortii sto.mb.It bold in tba -body peissaue mat, sud bW 0«» eIt emwuelg pisa01eija nomIl ges th. bioci'Th*e Ioa til 11oves lthe syst. Thâu aaIne luggli4bu& laludi lad broali sd foui toits la di.m oI, fI118 thei etommb .11u gau mai causes"wy blebl&a topo dlgestuilu1b2 sum*0 mam mmr soumo. hiarburu sdbaibe yon cm avilin.mlicii mble, fS r D. pherw.i Plisait Pellets cmomecostpatio Mud ILtadami "te'i Bomai31 onte lu oue.caul ilaups %0 Dr. IL. V. Plarco, Bualo. N.Y., fe lotbi "edica Advlier" Itleh à bok si 1008 pages, pro pua inus.-mr. Burtonhs a livel'y "a au -BuOday , Julp l2a,vth a fie %bat bailbea u moulderlng for sorne time. -About Doon Il began te epread and socs raehed.the fonce, and bof ire tcéould bé put out ho hai a&bout fort>' rode of bis fesse buinri. Ecd Rt ual basa for lMt..Buitou'à gooi Man agement Mr. M.Douald on the uiorth aide of him Mdi Mr. WuiM ou le soulh aide rnlghl af bai aomrly mil et tbef' fenosburned ........Thoe *» à s al ie ou Peter Hortlai'sle u, mut Mr. ILD. G'lluars. Foi corne lime Mr. Gillaior bouse Mdaih Ibhol bos* vers lu dààger. t MxGilnders md ihe Sunday Bebool boys "te.feuedov aMi lb.4 £va. sonburosi lhâtit out* Ma. W. K. Burton bai Mr. Waller et Llmdsmy 1mai ,..k butiding a lime kilo for hlmami ln tvoagiys hs bâa amglieut bila reédy .for use.- Mr. ButonIsi gIo bum lUme for a Toronto sompsay. Rm sape hs bu a market ttern for mSU heoeauma"s. H. la. old band st butmlg lime amd le sure Io- prosper ethamythlmg *ho madsakesa HM aTa ho.VOzlés e aatclmsvithin tht.. miles of bie. bilo. Tifs vii be splendid Msthm eueia 'grest dei of lime cloue onUnlb surouim gfari, and lthe isame vilb. ghd tu get iiiof IL1 Im porled mare igi 0bis vsk.1ofiamma. tien wus tb. cuse of bar dealb., Dr. IoKes-and Prof. MoRseare vwi"ig friaude lu Suiaimu. Lut wyooi lMr. W. IL Burton ralusià slable 18:40 'bel by moullabl.Tom Hefllmgworlb aMd Jasi Wdgit wu 9 cati..Tom vas letmm. The biliug vas eccpletel bp il p.m. IlaI à subsatl seture sudl refleotcrillt on lit..Burton. Fox oox n b te lem thel.wéather- béates eh sua gel, smileioniho presby. terine of UphIl Madblemeed lIair piaule sud eveng c"00e0. Peihapa Il vas tbe umablme. or the noei a es or perbape àIls e oà gosio use a tuated the srowd tu do tie decem ti blt d lai aide lis von Mdd carset 0e*iydsplItse So a holiday garb. But, vhàtever vas île motivae omue Il romains blet Il vas a gooily ém&d uhPy thtong Ibaluongrgaiei lu Ibo-grove ii the22ia 4 ar il lu lbm afiernu.oo opltheé*aaato pour lu from m&l dire t 0 '.We , d aifanillar faceaafxom lanHead. bY, Bethol, Oardem,ý Dartmoor, ami leS b«Jntia from Sobtlghl. The alhcrandamoe---vas un- uoeuall large tram Ibis latter place, *nd ve eu assure Ont Moundsof -Ibis uster station $bte vsalvayu pVlead la vweloome. them, no matin viaàt the ocam. mien m'ey be. Tbe allruoos on tbe groundi wveo ot'vety umeoa, but lhe cmvi vas goi-mtusd sud aeerei l6 e . omtented vllh vhat lie day eouli afIoti. Il vua aubjesh cf great Wonder ta us vbat maielD. A. MoBse's rafrooh- meut hoohidraia as lb di, but nos iubt the pgeseaieof *lb. hvooumlrnt yomug ladiesWhs o>80dIfulde explalasthe rmys tory. Tovlari evulibm asprogramme vadomamussi. The musical porioin vuflu i by -Beltlgbl's splendid choir, madUlI ldeadi oir of vblsb v. imomo speal teo e lblp.aunsamis vus alse imilvefibp the Roi, lMt. MIlle oS Coboceai, vIe vau lb. oly speaker proestel, though soyeral elle.s voueexoold. AthougilMr. 1Mille's tim» vwullmted, ho av amn y wvali àmd pemoltable ougm e n s o "brisîlan Maallaoss. Afto thé, Programme marne mu euun« ulli eMdMd m oif dii tic esultssma a tu'v a belvea. aa - ix,61-4 .« ~ S hIr»d *hWa abord ~lal~ a fe, Bsitee Is"a spequésvat i.. aue...... BU 'etIbom u o4léeavu w IuIei t .vurlvu lSg u r.. wu exba dW w of VSci Waest. TiMsvustolW el v mumbbSpMrs.PouetVs as v1IehtL5< gemiUPS ound ore~ il.. wtb a cug all oiell rose~.IIM Jok WC" ou s Tàw aîk. ASa oetthe éhoruil choit.olb. premommd m tyât illona dolar th »wmv rPos. in the * *OODDAOUM. PP. CuolTýuaaibeys ladt Balemrhp Mud gave a tote mOnu»'a ene IouIJts whloh sould bo bronght befl * people bp omtus sd otbeas" 1 oM»ot saT ShaI I stho approve eofl*. subjeo mitter vbldivus loroWy laid beite # aimall si ses "nu m by hi., ms Ilw vsydetIl »9"u 0 l'ae tenïoeop.Beeldesbo ellé the ousd10 afibbelua the ubsiOfithé N.P., oEuf mlu thst ho drslted âibMImmeaudsaut Ilt Bit John A. Msodoumld long belote thal gisat staflonammmueided it. ISb remsrks on Insmeil lsub'eols seemei ho Impreu iescaulènies for Iïharboom ne of the. cap he sboula behonait OtlSIFSho help mluloeter Yxeldlmu lin:reframing the tariff 00E Engiiib eouh serviesylwu'h future b. heid fortmlghtllY. Bey. Mr- Boutas hav:og semuped a belper on bis stati ou. We are gîI tdto sim ur esisemmi celgbbor, Mr. B. Woods, ooenpy th. position af ay rcsder la 1h. chutéh. Tm~ fuserai of Mrs. Jase Dodd took pluies onBuidmy lait mdvwu lmtgell attended. Ihe'haben. mkel bp l*. .dlivsiouai restituer tbrough Four isîMmus to announce Ibai no lteamet o au.Ime plaeuaier thémsoof 1896 outil Ib deatb 1bus beaura ltmred mmd a buttai. permit 1lesoed, Sui Ibal uso levgpma seau Sonoduit the serices#outil snoh permit bus ibien giVen. 1 thlok i"isratber a bard lav for a oewlpsttled distriet but 50 1muny msasaof gravs yard lusurmuse bon o ropped op eofla"ethettheb.goveromeut, I undemal, bu as sb " bi muise lu ,order te, have*a oeatlldoopp .1 ti.Oums of 'des*b au mass un #tub= en £ :5, iffla - mmlow VIsa Rab>' vas sol, w. gave ber Coucu, VIesa dia v.aoefl6, inoalsiler ~orIg, VIs. dia lamants Ni.. oho dnag t. Coatorla. WlmdieleIc~Sfles4e8Btemem c~esh, W. handie the Ooluimbîa, Gendron, Bran tford, Also t' which aecount for our large nis. wheels. ,WWe teach you to ride at the j. RIGGS, No 0, sSteeLidi &bd"i-y. 0 nus.11SlI ýiluglian L(o WAtCHUAKERSO 52 Kent BSt., TLindsay.- Have one of the best equipped shops in Ontario for WATGH AND. JEWELRY REPAI RING Our Watchmakers have the ski!!, energy, abilit and fine to*l to do VOUR WK IlLI * ,-. i.... D& D.W.SHIEE. ~ eiseai slmdw paà . iigp 09 - amshage MmIet aigs"e 0 et o tmo 7=08 I.-USS.iv.6,*» OUeIotk aiown oorIdY - 5d a5U »oodeOzuhoma-0 t. le-se5 a...; LuS amimate9 Ci uIYitT ai TrWJ COMl, T-S Ns-bard COmL.t ai hregéons. ont.; Wtpib ï* t. lookemai Aaylm, Kimio ma"rmk 1917lurgeos Ldmy hUMai. lms Z&1MW i De TarI.M Rmer Buat aImIllew join m chi dat.u eil u.fUu è., undw~. OM Mas e u btly opposite îONN Nom'WETK. DONLD R& A»MEIO. as B &JACKSON (Suemssa t Hu.hJaokoln> Eaaaulco u- Oioeu, aMm. Mm&., aeiLdsay. y. V. MOORE. ALEX. JcEgON. u"BwMstb4o. Cunty Oowantomalrk. e G.1 à H. HOPeenbuIS, - vo e amaraieollelorfor 1mue &M ,. M~L Mb.ek t. mmosa a m ut nia. OSae-e. ILJ Ln mOe-uhV booKiS. We à aràongmnyo i asiateyfia la~~~& lalrg m saft. mlietbo0owS.s 1'. -1 . I Mo-Y*fdU lio41». mm A 11uaW DIC V A ame aua f P«.1aWulo MtCiils iiav Si Aaues.i GANADIAN PAOIFIC RAILWAY. f.eeMrm L.. .Lt5m.S.Spm ' t OL r. P-. TO- MT13M m W »da % u$Efl m. -r M vTa bto.... - II m e fa 5.053» 6, m . * laaiyeeo...iiam " ~ ~ ~ u oooIr. .1 u &..iLlu Luira Cmrla o ect .5 ..Le - itwa....5it««"Am.m * Mnkal... 118p.. 78O.m Lase Trone. isNezm 0'- in -taon wouN>N- nd the - etrein It .Sol W11614IAit $T]aUBaa oa Si Uaws ud Singl 01P I aboyae descripiîo nof works T» UNOWDIMN BOUDE tu. «14ios. ham m m iut. t.botk E .i CLP.&-=» a m M *0marai Mm amoma MMwSums.Tn. pi, day.Sada- DB. H. ==T *luqv"" te PM 0'.. DL -J. à. TOTTEM. er"*adu ..1t aromb klastymd noyal Oollage of Danta u L o maiGce- N. -let aitret, Odiloge cf Dental Sur*ons. AUl the.latent mai flm- provai Ijamohula Demiltry eaflly pefotsai Pre'svvalou or lbhenaturel 1.511a secal>' orfn c 3 O ur ' G mros % ding store . a i o DR. N£ELANOSý DENTIST, ontiois teeih without pain by ga., ViQal Ob a 1 Lm* * . . -_ - hl . Yom - *i IMMgassi use _ studied thé Su =der Di. Coton uiZsw Yeà, the oqi. slor of au fer extrsoilnc tbth.'Dr Caites viles Dr. NouImest siho aulipvon the ga" to 996417 parsonsithout mau aeni. Dr. LÇoads ise us e .boat i1"sipain, obtundars. Desutlf " i c eoih ineited ai modem» oPrims n. m udpostai car bel»o otnlg., 0*.-narly oppeele the MR. .ROSS, DENTT8T, UIiD8AtY nmbe layMai-i loge Dental Surgeos, b6" AUl brasehesof Denthsiy, ilMg te lb.Gid Pezoawan, Croaln ~si~ somesfuily pae ai Grass m t. liTe yuqe=-b'it 0ef lb wy -siilss sdlb et terma on*l" d maiat«all i ebh o m -sa m1 Ming u Md V â "ai mdiA ir viii bi uue Umm a.Ais.thbbut lo019 pàvst te Kh m leste, let t. -lUe ÉAouMM& £*mUmma lids$o ms an - wms-berf On- zuief alasalq.Tr MdUuàg uo&Z bE aitibiiha 5B i omn 0 mmaier W, l ai mm mi.Ati Lands- For Sale. lande For Bout. Timber For 200 acres et Liinden Valley. 50 Moeas t CaMeron. M0 amue ln Stephenson. 100 mns ln Pýw. 300, acres in McMurrich. 50 ares ln MeMurrl ch. Everything cheap. H. REA Ltaimn VaIley, sep, S3 1.. 5-tt L1IDSAY Plauiug - M i TO BUILDER Hnving go». tate expense cf puttt - patent ai à, out of $1.000, we ate prti.paredo g out custometa the otnafit cf goed dry motel~ 0.11 ani examine our gooda and get estimai AUl kindi .1 Kouldine, Saab, Doonu, Neai BsIouiS landrala. etc.. ln stock., GEO. INGLE. The Gaznadiau Office &Soho Furniture CJo., Limited. PEEBTON, . ONTARI fumesmors ta W. tahlachniidtà&Coa.. Emufaoiurar oOc. lm ol.Chmrh, amd The 'Pamm v ATIon " soool »î"belam at. A*wrid ihs Coudal etlte JauWmsIrak Ibel"Docof thiRa ompen>'cauci ot aae= fer OUmetil.Beaut>' of Deuàgn, ÂdptabWlty Oamfortto tI#c oa. bond for alrclaem i L mLssc RpmmiIt , bdku", Sour êM< - - *" icat l1 WL~~V Hzà ais». coo auc o n - 4j1z quest e. ~Dod phyl practice f.Addr, OitE 00< ea nd ose per box, Tieloala cou, am of thi 1 SOWi t a tm*" by m*g and lai NOIE abStOOW"rd wjasnuuni commun, OrAL.-b ah of Tc M's'a .. hvWho Le Ithe T' Ameri ~tRai YL.E, ; fi solka l! A r x~rnt to n e m ffmmffES IIbTua LT . 'Si ou h~ i tiini 1~aughCm lma4. e CSu uies s bp D1 -0 dsNes lu li lqosy=P. =lvup bls i -4&. M hfl for ai». Smo US MIc PATN utANN Abàcltl ez pou. m bas a a faix talai m ai e railsjouruine rFme»M net . uOb cmi. couma thina le msm bflTbblapSnImieiO umeS 0.rh in aiu 8s sge.Wite vithhoni dkws. Knusc IUzU.A!5O 00., M TOUS. hune TomSao, A anume -sud PlasemtTouas sd lloa SPPatlMs-Miburu'souhsQimWIs -55-4. VERY *Satisfactory. That'. our ileit afior iniuhing stock tsking,' sud- although chere i ot much money to be mede thes hard tirnus, sîil vo are' uatisfied. We have gone to considerable expenhe,, in beautifyinq our prernises, and have now one cf the -neateut stores in thia County. To make trade rum more smooihiy, vo have purch sud smre lunes et haif price, and are showing Cuf Buttons, Shirt Studs, Blouse Bette, Stick Pins, Brooches, Long Chains, etc., ut about hait price. Borne of the fineet Ârnerican casses in Goid snd Goid filled. We have aise reduced our larom stock of SPBO:TkQ,-L E S 7ice. @"Wfer 3ft. $1.00 8"M tor 79e. Ifft pebbles la SNul rames agvefmU .3 Md oWfeu II M..-«Obp--m