31:am-i---- Ru zj 081W Timber P don 'va. deaion.. phonsuon. 'r . Mnrrloh dh'nloh* 'ing oh. EL445t I LDER&I 3T DRYING EKt W e are r$ pte.m good4 sMd Rot uilus ,'. 8a. Dean, Nus omofi& Sc hturs KATIO"t &* OT= the time? it Is tlue 705 were utaMag ORAV'S 'I RE SYRUP SPRUCE 55 OLD STANDAR.D CUI ,1ad aW LUNQ A PF2 C TI 0N S. 50easaudtevedc èPeople is that itothe bet reLeY kncwfl . ano. 50 Pet bottc.it!e. l erywhere. .~y ATSO 60.. Pmopots Mranufactured b y T h e Cook Ca., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich.,is the only kùownafe, relluMe ~othly mediciflO o012vwich laBu cnde eniià m ndlm this is:,equested ti Cros;two post- age stamps, with ber adresut for ,,a fuK'partic1±ar5, whch vwe 'w41 ,àudby returu main iipl ain. .ealed nodphysici&n, 33 yiars con- J ned practice treatlng dieuses of~ ~en, has chargée of the office, âmd b. consulted l>y letter or inu n.Addreassour main ofâe. TmE COOK COMPANY, m3-N@. 2538wodwi4A'".~ Detroit m b. rCook's Cattou Root CotIpýa4d esold by ail respansible Dolssl stret.il druggits iii the Dm ions ocanadla and United States for One ýjU a r p e rb box.)y' I I k #14ItI Puiiln ÎBIDAY, AIYQUBT 7.8m8 Y.Pà.B.O.I.notSe N u * Tovcoia countrumleaezemtys em. b 11<1la Llthe SOPa Tunsia ma j, SpL 17%hi sud iStI.Thse osumti la oremapoui*enoo vth sevami puimiaet ,hom thel hop* tesmec M.smouk@M. moado e1tib invommt wIsa vii eh.b.a futurs. Partsialmiali. le Botioesin *lb. Ju4ýigamée Oft he * ,o Hiruli 5a1Po" ca "elfv a to*" by Ut. . KL &OsbMu 01 i4 tuiY.I.O.A. l ii fl b fourni log sud laawmouc te ail sisMdVIQMl ~~~~.~it Wu>u.-aZl iiMe. Aibeel * ai va M umlinlathc bineais f TiHa asi. DmMIWL WS :the ouu ocuPlo Mm buppluqo. eramops aiuciëy groiSuii doualy barlay su.d sal,Huuu PIUONAL.Ilr sad Mm. MiDomli "olaiIn ISsi u S » ldiftg ab Mr. èhmim .......... ..Te Mit»« tieillualsof.Toionto erai.. lalg et W. LWhitbsu. ..Tse -Miss imot iof oto5. Who 'evuslllug frilmis te dis ooalIly, ro,=$ nifi otson Wcduss- by. j,0Iavlug Maur- louase Oum Kr. James Patulaioui louai bos ifle ba bueximtoi accght hnm.ed Wàoui oS hoq y .scssome Itle55 lUr liqi boney. ~E CQIMES8E .Disease, Rheumnatiam !U Stomnach Trouble Oonqueed by the Three Great South. 43.714»N ;le l6is Md Smthe cu#m f».l itaimis 1Umm4 uny mu *= i ~fsiplmsio Tisun t f~ dlw mpojcus km.i ~B»80, 189 lejusi vas 25.M, no - nmvu mmuisel viti ~Eius~ wei 170, ibo 819 la ibm aumbsi N 1 Ms 8 sa wu, eos lu , um1 o» lcash obvi aslso mmi lo miamsope o mdi 2»4,8«9mDII the ibm veauà fS cash psuusugue BujMu u18,651. balise ai&am b1àte 7.08, suhivvsiu - 1Usfed. 6. 5181.W77 Pua-Mwu Est4SS u*unffltu. ~Bu*aad Y~iu WiII bHappy P&jn,'8 Oel.rj compon I Nalue's- Avnueto Heath. Tic Tournes isibsil h vilî * Torotoeu t ma Bauy. wotnu.la lIMi oas amfeooMr *Y beuIinmo toum m u fusice i A* csrîy moilus blase o ou .ie et~ veik dusakod Uiche aète partlof IbMX b« Koualoilèlà on Uidiegi .à terrible umilemi eaaslephbe io ple about lvi Miles ent of AlisMIO eitf -about 8.80 o'Boek, ou TimmiaY suemlmg ohfluiteW«14ismillmg la the i.ii o .42 vpsMd h md lsvuiag ehf >Waeo, a 10wc lu Texes. vu asm he b cliiiday by ouiBs. Delft 11hemy Win. Lovl. foada m$&», biemffauie vilppsi out a ioVOWls ai SOUA' Ivo tic on",»va sd .put ibm rui 01 the guet tle gla h%»dMèeo 17 e4th 0m. T. a. le a lgy la avai 01 lb. maal muou' eitaluusselaiea. A esmvon omCd 1he. LI.0.A. oh lis iaiBiet sumil da iii bolheulB Moutemila Uoplcme o' Ligilulac a lItalimu aeaip Rosi ublg a »Cent stes. A Icepsdo vau mutoff undeoth hall01ohé.abip la oiis te mmh barbofors fin u.aobmi li povicemagauine. Tie no v 01 laiu off ta uai&l boala. Nobody vauit.k A povic M agasimoaist fisbsa omiil f aimy. z--ddos Thueadaj et-O lui vqsk ,.aai Wusulli. Tic leva damatea. Mois lias 100 poisons vwu lui uued. sMd ii. la hal iii the trutt Tic Globe of 1mai Fru&iY saj:-"Ut. MailaBmzk oh BowmvMmuil fls vih foui otiu ei geu saapsui a day fthblg et Caumeica eel ou Laks Begg, a rM u iui dborne on liai amboi -Mo . mai. TicénshlODgu miossul fiicmn Pound@, Uic aMaDo u"sIbmg six peunl »I S iIbo egsu boia 26.pouad au wolébht mmd46 lu"h L Aà,mouale P.lileU te the hoicia gousimout pumylua toree-ic fl Ï«*ulalof hChise Immilg"ualla Osmada la boisa slvoulalcd. Tii. pettlom wSi ootilgeuat isu bouami marnei vbea il laje aàtt Ollev. Tie peg#u eolic lai Chiase Imbela iulimg 0ou ibit levikn mu; liai ils Uoitad It yfls jobd*- mt 0et a. ile il"Ibfm eolu comleendamibnhal Omud jou peo .miejouisSES hrMdai sheal aealep i mSUSI B bp te -ou. Xi uiplthal stax- et 0W î.vis T let b e db' *b' a " V i VsTmoffl «*oh Olummu miailmg-tbe shf o tbuI b hbot - miot m hgw 161-. i u i ndm.Iabollo. ga ib mm MMlm h éSNATCHE Dfrom DEATH lAt B4. ditj smibomuty 40. usiis euse10 Wuui u" fetPbjdoa Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart mlgmti» olb. SaV" the Life of a Lady duR jt iam-màM pu nom Resident of the Northwest. i~fl~~ se oouuktejus WoD»EzrL CÂTÂRIZL Povimu IIb.Whou. umm uCym A loqU"a umU«i%1or le..Bo fi IlWm tba batio b u mith 1S*4W0Wif)tle47 togtoblehou Ri ihuu. "deutimg sm soabswét h. Thotd . u r. m Illoc. *ntbSa Bs bs Dr.viboit i Im à9.S "Tho els amts laioosiiut »A M i Ir "a MI aoubls. mi bave Doti S 11.pmtluwrle udlaiêy. uiito Wis hisatmdethâtau vose MI .11 ile l»Mtibot bl¶ a u Mtal offsets. TàmsOemtlaumd yult Pal t OSE!OMiommi aitu ou-bok & î. pageiocetic dise ubeome to nsm Of Osa lmummi"i te 1MIu aiib o the l yim. JIU. J. L. M1i et Ilie5'5s is. muati tlitihuat ilas I - bupo.mlbe te neup o» .da.for to Passai. vo vu sompelic by a Que- =11. oiie.Ttrzbut ootos m la ibm. I ~ ~ or la, tso c800,000 1of ivm .loISvse eaii b It boodi fl bs he mpuhol wi lé Naey ols am .  lo c iilatu HUM& sLo111W . Cammlma Iufa. ~ ~ ~ II >mii vttb inue t at I lmmmdlaimy W of rIUlo tMi euli.Q2u th@ MMICIfttobIdt ~m. Te 1mIf ommu, lU U@M: le. k iviu ey so u alMT m0"9004 IÇii msliS tovDe1I c mdlm nui"ilm4mj. md-y Mh." w-- abs.ii.soum1h.PiskaOf l tb.t t wold bewàmbtdw.m Oos UbetDr, .L%1mawUO , m * I 8U Ij mw Âmosateitid - Pevira i mly théu baoo alue foi",V«U* *@ b baiof thé ibis, mni vih Vonefi mI uim lo.es%, mifubua. wmW. Pf*uo.OadIOi, a lulatbem oei. lo"a Kilmals.e t isssdbfficimad ie - e.ai t-at babuk Dligs.N.S., lt *BIiicu i. li ImitheisWidssudle s o g<ont aofaas htaiih. TII. g.um .= nlb illswio.I.feta item oaibil deutoam4 but .f te We bais Do bubi 1hs1 Pteud..m pmame1.1. tibsimi ovas t1.1 S ho Who 1csai. N' R ",bis, eompmldoisb s t geeu it stnPilulasm Mid lia a lewm. vIlu of t'ho lb Lausis' i- aun.let rsau umtummu of BmU ratin WUB.anv v mito Of he ikinis. loti P . as.4l 14 Dernilusknovu viet "s hoy mads of t. imr povsi. Will they *zerclsc bo W.J C. Te U. if tme s gw« AàIoamme vay ovew ibm ad goemment $l îsba imedland Imc? *Tbér kuis vo lai e.Lbn ud hd -b 1 5llcai 3»14«3 guetobl4WnIo '*FU~ oir Eu d nome =d"& tieg thv e utuf "Zg bl dvatie m4 Se sesad blibldi. My01 im te, th* me .vu le m"ad it ur Mi bé 5que aI mewsy bd ~Oob 5tad ~v100 m 0»tl ls la vj1g ~'~ gh. Nv ak"WlmO. ph» els'stl a aum âmeleIL la wcq sdwusdt $islmt muus o.T ii os mcl b ICIo"Sasiegl if o~~f a fi, » e o deoubé, fan& tic flgUow laiffi pami ba#c411W 57balUBii4 Vii e mibm u uuebss ad T, aovuiula Mom xhrt. ii "lb. me mal 1'svummc 1 i àe A lvi Uý-mimm - UlUlaS ufae analic suc!etuas lc Jsme. lm u E e i dffU1sta Pb Imiamno lOb@isa éip smg l u ti tlvm ty-i oa icOser 4.11 msui adiablim bsoc the *0- Wleihi55li ijlim 1 etIe o0»idliimicc W "i Bot po sld e -_A AL-- AlL- lusu Ïtsi-- ou LI ArnLican Rem.edies. Lpt Rouitf lot cvty suDt, Saty te thesufautrtomi kiuq dises i izvng the posOfn *0 qtic 511411Pl i powd4ra, ivilet t ibsigliseappuienfttoIla ma thua doosIV4e l a:mn. 14domt famieab b diaus. ,rise.abd, maud- lii.partil lt ate aisil tic bloi muet b dmuêold1 isom tebaetlai fthe P018alU la oly a irumsdj ý louSti Amio av115 cis us-i vio leothIs. Xic thm lilla vsll.kuaovu iusdst of Obosif wu. va ia tîuofl1dnoy d&Ma% se@wu titt tiumhosouhd sot liH4evw., arima samiy ose Posiion toi a.8uli 0flof " h s $dWnm u mmleto 100i aIma K14msj*ou*s. The m5501U ltluems. afin uId" *lismdidon, -MlW Ml~ Mud ta-dal tim i laUt asffofl Igble tu th. yium. Thore la no qumuil ofet i mgaddoh let of South àm«imc.1 hbmmt* C» %bi ueudy viIUime lis vInt teinc 6lbttsm fiotele ythe ts. Ur. Embu L Gibo.et ohPcmutoko, Ont.# sulo" M 194 511151. tDeoi lste"tmi m. e 'Iliàsi vry kuoin niy, but di 1neiq» "T0 fluai dose et Souhi a4dme Eb liste 0% toia. Mr, hif lou euam auto" ros stration tba04om %517 womon oaa b' 1uokly oumsme by tI aftadSu t Arn souëas. lob ibe 'h ttanus Ihu m iorve osaf- . w4f à%im.b faàmo im tbabMohmkiL ' s-ti« amy ibs ldu,"ium u i m- i te mm e-ro and owipu hem blahbliuéeh ltic iïl quivasde m iis alies mgoa veshmmi pràulalibj lthéisuw . it imgt* Muah41 mos ou0 iou 13tcle a»t cad. Ris cpuas.m Mevu, d uamciec Mi . het " 1 ff4 Wm S w iibt i cli evlb d evm ydép - qe ms qu i ienosU i mom onsa6o tei etla" TsisiI à «toub hou bulm #LOO. la a 10 or& oumu GoNifKA¶ION à»I LwmI ls-D L. Amwe ul u 11mis mtic 10m0 bpeOà It i. 0oal ui- m 0o iota. Sali b .Hg"u% Sbu& e A hq, sl o thqimw IshUmomo ibmtu vli McW& p. ealsi pan. I v tb&e wit am o mt Md trw aqp *b4 9, o 4tua11Pho I &usyva 0tis of~' ibmd dadmi ~ ~elouaw vii li reomiti mm the"maihg* mpeemsmesl istud he is mu I*Wf ibm O.O. NEOLL MB OUW..Os bo the bihyind publio den- erafly: ou THURSDAY 27, te-6 Mb Oltolc IdB idi lbefr dor at .8 ..srp. Obueolý-BuIDeU mca' CONOLUSIVE PROOF. l'iota uWoul KaoWnlCtsu ga-asis by I. Guueonx. ~ D~been curd of dys another of Head-j ache, stili.another of Biliousness, and yet others.of #ariouscamplaiflts of the Stomach , , Liver, Bowels9 or Blood, ail through tbe inteiligent use of Bu rdock Blood Bitters. It is the voice of the people recog- nizing the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters cures 411 diseases of the Stomiach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. bMr. T. G. udIW, 334 Coiborne Street, Brantford, Ont., ayast During seven years *Prlor to 1886, my vife was sick al the time with violent beadaches. Her head was so bot that it felt like burning up. Sh. was weak, rua down, and sa, feeble ihat sh. could hardiy.do.nything,! anid soiiervoustb.at the. least noise tartWe ber. Night or day mii. cbuld not rest and lif* vas a misery to ber. 1 tried &Uilekindsa of medicinea and treatmneht for ber but 1 he steadilygrew wo rme until I bought six bottiez of Burdock Blood Bitters front C. Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont.,_for wiiieh I paid $5.oo, and It vas the best investment 1 ever miade in my life. bms Ludlow took four out of the six bottes- there was no need of tthe other twa, foi- those four botties made ber a strong,ý healthy woman, and removed every ail- ment from which *ho had suffered,' and 1 Ïh enloyed the. most vigorous healtb. 1That fltre dollars saved me lots of money ianiedicine and attendance thereafter, mand botter tissu that it made'home a conifor to me. 1.Advoeti-in The Wadfe A __VI-TO __ ----U9 JobPdUU*oU la otm @u 84 aimoiosi " l o aY I wu o 0 m muaa... d e 1 et u.- - 1a1 ~ ** qu *t bl..4 u. ls ~ E y5.. ......... Us Nau maiunie.Suis -imb .. ......... tri ofuqUi ~ . o OUmoil Pm am Oroby Un im i . i t -l o il. p t=2 "00 inmaPla 60=1a2i. m e iubu -mB4«M MSUWT~UWht- -Wu om w mnm WNiImihiuls t ~ boda mh la 0o ui r, 0<o on » mift i a Ibmeomm 1mnouI os meoturtom mago. o&Mb»o i uiug oit lhoo lgrl. je etl é uol l u. no wmtnuIs.m me Kémt. If you want topurchase a first-class Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine ut the lkwest prices, and on easy terms, cali on W.W-mLOGA NY General Agent, Lindsay, w7n t W eOs Loada CD C)omIE uFrao ok il llevmms lo et hm abPr«-telUsIL lr Noms o ea afoovrVm oa. -vs Ooa7Z5 sMW lnoi W& .atomu. !.Iu.Wrlgbi, Ournsy hot air. wvode nes Stima Ugiwe' Mr "m tl~ « Iu cses. batis.. Neilaud, Gurasyhot air. yod.. abOBd let @ 00bobdlO - I Th. hdhrbhot galer.,Wood. Llni tu OS1 omlis bis vin goalmd yogi. . Woods. OuubrlD"Ul.Mlt fi Ckwut S.-l P" hmbotair, inV. "le. Gurnet bot wat. ,wood. purnoaceMd Prns c -U;rLmio; boilear Mi AU»x. im1 », ont wates, ood. st"4omi ol. 'x. xuKljl un G y bot air wood. 8L Autreles Chuté, 8 Outnq hot air, oust. John». vU.Ors uvlt a! a aig P hu bis aiht lr, oi. Eraibur Houi., ourn.y Earrlu bhotagr voal. = as tS. M. hMM g G2ey bot agr. yr . .ntonBrou twt&Mlmai.eL 1bWat 1so. aOua"M b'o t oMu Hopruny hot aib u. iudm et. ssl Bu*% ut bolaft, gOal. .Prl~Gurney hot, water, cci. 1 Dr. EcAlhot airr e oombtnatlf oui. IhuR f MLm4 olot iivaotuer , ci. ITi..MalbstSt. Gay hou air, oul. 0.EueOrqliar ! r. epuni, Gur*. 0bot vater. ou&l L= la ij S cos o l ultOo ui. ot o atr ooL. Mu Nouglot aiair. W0ooL. h.Lttie, urnay 0bot Imm slvasbolt, geai.0& W. ecmGunyhtMr.o& lui. emuaub.. . Utut & lion, hot àai, cci.W.. laveas, Gurne7 ombination. osai J. H.flfomlu» à. o IttBro., Giirney.oai.o@ 10" tmmiy ew» lm b, to; oh Briton'Peuce comblatlots. Dr. Pooms, Germerhot vat, mas!.- 1 ar w. ui'Gume ot ircoùL John Debio 1 4botvasml Vus. Nes, tVtisvle, soi.IJusLve! vbo ici . &. Knwbtm. bot 4ILmi ;M oen ukubtar ol Br. Wllêatli als,, mmii. Tse. BaU, bos water oombsai KBVMOwIuaigi. os ,,o. L>10e». Bah, bhot gatet combination. u.MLd s, ht m ler, oi. j W. W. LotiSC, auursh ot vaet1.s, PaSsi Eribsulm. eohlsaim vol. llas Q=g.Fff ot tLir, oual. David Domo. H ou uylo 'Zoi. MLLat. _ Cuotunaev bot air, veel. bot air, o&L. Géo. IL .âmS lvetebtb814uWood.bot gaser, coul n. viLKM$ Qumihmbaiet- W"reV bot water, ouL. Johnq m àî jwoG. . Hop3a, Gurney bot valer, oi. Ueoý StpmOti5y lt ait, oW" * Rouas, uaun. Thom. mui, us iiut ut u MoKouztO. Klrkflsld, Gurnsy bot vaer. vos& mma non,.GuumsY bot a&Wvlm"EK McKxin<. und sany otioru. The mhjolemi luesas uoil ooMmuslinonlaic Dr. Pools kiidly hbàntot-us a .few days ugo. "NuE ni'r boSeulaIn5bla .20s»oogila My bomeus thle satire vinter. Notwitbuiandtlflgheis nrly 01129t CI ttothusvu Ws Onfbo tllaiv a i mte g.o utle tofliif lis day. vu colt. vile ibm quua17~<cou simuet a 11118. tmort lima ve lad bumned'l former vinteru in onsle 5.51 lau roon. la e oumSa. w saally inuagoi. émd vith ordiuary omie the teopet tff ci *0 bomne oeil 1 kept M, aup'tegtss ousld. Ia eau stily rscoouunnd thlsm yso of ci bii to aml - m e»uitg euontutton vi ealot eato tesaoy viat 1cm boul descrIbe ai loli osufori." - (Ogd>ýIRO&S. V.POOLM. .».. Uadmy. Give W. G. WOODS the contract of making your life. a comfort Aum ,..2ia1Ï1M-1889.17.*m - -- - tiwntr at Greatly R-educed Prices at Wooleu *Milis The .Lindsay A few hundred cords Soft Wood wanted in exchange. marked-ja plinfigures--oneprice only. - la I IflT 1'-' Y~mk E. 115L-l1.fr. ----w---. HOR-N BROSe. WILLIAM STREET. tDA. AUNER ha ~ IWS~ ~ii&tIfl f ay ppe~in 1the IffDI1ÂND IDISTICGT& TOI Vomi àmàiaubwb The Wardor. Db. 1 Il -ý 1 1 1 l All prices mu t