wwu~, Wbn pou va*1 il ac Whaàyu Iawls* au h 'lb.m of l.eaitheaâe about the». *bat& I ile Our laluMe WMos zmBf boIIM e m mina.. LGut mo~ VI* bar wIlhtrngs. 5I~TTOI< FOOT 0F KENT STREET Ttavci by the *Id. relouble *tcacmk TIOKBTS ssId emoywhoea ai Resuairats by Q. T. EImy,, ALUeN sud DOIÉINION LINZ$, &I. ROYAL RAIL BOAITI md OWSe ORTH ]LING. B. J.- MÂTGIIKTT, TuiAamiu, a,e .Omo% Ladmq Ud. qlitb, I890- ie4Vh WEST END Lumber Yard. Our Yard je th e Most c3nVenent in tovn. Good roads cqp three ides. A full Une of' Dry -Llimbee Mdi Shingies of ail kindi3. Lath, frcsh White lime, Drain Tule, Sewer Pipe, Dry Biard AI*o virst CIMs Ceai of ailsite&. Give ns a oail liefore buying elnombere, as it wiil b. bt your advantage. M 4e el at prime torneesthe, low rmrket. R.BRYANS 0GO MONETY TO LOAN. ar«Na.gs.bv wit.Iffl or w»I nt05K Is IRIDAYI 46UGUST 7.1l18. a «m so! hbu. M aà lMet iMB Au umm us M-e os mouiay st nooz lie lust bout for wbo hbben Sninlg on lb. ai'lie protut - kWu.Nor* ' Vietorla Mm lu matdeles.Tici'vouli mol mekk ùek *1,000.1«b.refre, lu-le DoMe S Il vmu mol Imhn»doei hpulbs ou Violona 16Btl laslWmiuumar $à "«dm dmse la Torosto badime to thce eai am RaaoHuhes ilogo li hab th"e u &ralUi. MqLsugila vouli t» pilubiovobacri, ami GtDr. 1 iug. Tii map vas ob e&isbave orllasiila mrut lui ose ai Bai" uhlImeioimi vrami»gné Onlulday vie boy lu Uamao messu b eelo y lie m« er *o h tmd i qwsm darïlo jei e MMbm to R *mi u. no ubS qb*" A& pnhiw me mur tebu 500,' per lb., in 't I G., m -boue-b-e& da au va l - e lia mi à" mâtvq hv.ie T~~s~oBhn ti»' vm. 'li e ik due o âo'b» Mejuoe ___ Sthe h im u et a Toronto. l*0 Hamtmi, Kmoto, imam A fI« hmavemmai> tl"dhemuif« UUdlisoo, lut laraltaO8"iWimt-. bà«Npesaee w ,hiw lif* wuib Md mi Keblied., yet thon. iag e b. e = iiI evvr lb.ma*itn .bad lieugbé h bi l balOauceo.amlenil ouai.To Ou amrm e.r ie*mai cmiii ssu'iham.beau mai.- la On"al yobrb tb. mau'rut"aMM"i ia * tie .egisl pupom eemfcemg ébat Uaie ti eth-» -d "la1w té le oR rbe ulgworuli. courmte asudiffleuji to iamuset thonTho seffela ottcu cmlb r tihé mu forme*l; but tu tlié asmeougb teforemsuulof thé.reguaMos bau bu airmaytubobud tehm ,doué thé vork. mS bemeML -al m m tliai ibm ene Itle *0omu. tuuaivenubae f15. m o shthemaesive ad Shefr familles mu.t m-sula Qumbu.; but teibm lk mn mR ato theoompsmy cmi hhsjbà&c wouli bave Issu vorth tic umlmg. AM inc secnsible m» lia Ce OP Thc o m efor lNr*Victoria mmies tub li babil.. de" bch rehis elmentiani.te is__thé______ acay réfermera. loceRalmi gese0ral týMCa".ma vhoi.la.hstidtiers W iW i BOM MJC. bo u. '_ n s_ aqalt BsocHuhes.- ?aslamuarl mmc il mot le ogoten. Rumrodi me efrcrn "lb.et@"a p" To the poulrip h vhl, -major la to the efèct that *0ePope fâvordr Bath= e ad io", ieu leraileauder. do Laurier lla eh@récent elolc, and that. vo espeoé iserthambu for frioleuiit f1.ccgfv bub1 es luItu.-Wile ourcou doue, once lis fight vu. mou,rvutec, mimol a<o à vbo favoedthe coumvatlve 'cMiidtus fnti s vswkuoof tie klmili'Intereil cau llkely th bu. ,dlbopllmetam au rly towv i upeuamill. date. Ouireauders mmi' rernembir liai TE NBEW - RAND TRUNI MANAdVdge.uPvatdaOf eltitemm nthu mgo t vu MET NDPRCIOALPAOHIz. ammounomdi n thea columas, the-iaèomm BITION.tion being glemasi lu Chicago, ticS MVU. Derl.g récent yesu. tie profeuional Batolil i rpei4 talve o ti op probidbltal hm. beu imvlnqrallier mrevsteabttoiilaca llaouy plli to rave Th pubic anmd liaI hi. am vu te remate the roman tkony ath trvai. Te ublc bvectuolicu of Québec who bai bsoomé araiuaUy, iel, ,e .public alvapu diviei over the Mercier and Manitoba ecru., corne bc unicretani that once ai- miri ci xto.mey lcufl>e udild a chool - iue.. M. Satofli dld vieib thie professlonal prohlbltiontak He ha. Canada, and this journal then outlined beeo oliged to gis up the "Icobur" hut-. th. Plan that vould b. pureued bi' the ma,. Ib feiled bco pay, ani once the roman catholces la Québec -Rn the pocket of!* veu, mmci a seeif..arlflclng approaching elections. The source of our gentleman asthe prihlblttonlsb lecturer Information mevor leoft mui doubt tliaIttic le affeted, k i& sgula hov qullytheissleu aQuebo vwouli b. a. h nov in, conscience le louche&. oUid uit. At Préseut tise peofeiloaprohibition Il vu in vais tbal the «ileva ere r»vflm islWtedto omiou. n i lrnprs.eion lie tien Remue cf 6" datas forumalciw lhou= aMud tea vorY .uuiw arty. Thor mone mauair fev: clergymen vho bave no superlor of emperler knowledgs looked vie, mai abiites ooxcte th Iterstandoo. eemed We pity our blbida.. Evsnté allIestheac e ofthe Poune. hmudcen ave proven our wvarng tbbave beau llut, bmue.profeelQaiprohlbtiouis el founoi. art being roleated te, oblivion dose fot Durlng tic monti of Mmv lest Informa. au a11i irul' tusthe great temperance tion va. furmer recelei frorn a màovoenmt à oprogrmese,, or th& mquetlonable authoriti' tiat Québec vau pratiol .proibiionlà oloving the golng oid grit. Thers va. alla i me t courses o!prof esslonsllsin. on thc con- ""le lis parti'; eo v.e ala varusi eut tru7. ,despîte the oeil eeou o!the pro.ç leaders of tic plan. Inqulri' brougit fgsional prohbtîonll, prmao"pibl- forth th. nov aelbrated assurance of tRou la m&êlug ltng aivamau. Hon. Mr. Angers tiat Quéecso ould go i u iec'ubo Inolden lms. toueem olwitory. Hov he rrlveda atsuci a liquor .fmI .y. Mmmiar ànoble !eilov conclusion noue centom far emerché14 u-"maan p>t. ' Il vu I.ase kuovu previousa ,tei CIW inth , cltiergym an - "" lo I lons liai certain roman cathollo waie la èle ie odunlm e occn aonallinr F rench Omnadiauscails on ém orn e i Tic visoeg trcv the ptivai'o! hfe blehope and la uwivr tethe question 14ot lominceuo.hàvu Our prlviegs t boy to 'Vote r.etvod 1the follevlog, cdre tgi.. Minium te o ret. Thes ud "Whlch. athe mm likely t10 do justice le tic ýroughot la the univers..noe t eOur ce-pattiote inaneitoba, Mr. and. thers lis ci'. vouli teson tic Laue vo vwiM ci fror hie ou tracs vzak a a jumper, à bobsleghavo, Md. tsiI<Ious prlnoilic, or- Sir Charle and mvn a bugg. Thone are landmcrku TippUtvovl se'mlfe oli of the romi am . uhutrate ééy dani.vum andngo agi plllln primerai couditiome.An tic ,oa W Il vasia bliop usuel! ami »«ml&Uai coines mor m m oremla koej>lng ulithth icerg'bookthie Marne nsteo sir uva1 civilisation 'tie li vtoke wS ivaut .ah. people. Doubtless te c stronq consevé- 8o in huma. i f44,- MMI 0821,7«nitim tOve lte" vouli d oacmre*a and babL., Are faut vmUlilng before the Them andmentitlIn !proisi bhoy ie re quirements, of moiem s ftukm n e lergr etoci. Tihorbaigot, thec crnk.rv t -i' resimota te-ay h lea aquestion of tlus leaders ornrntsed. Tieli game tie the 'trl"valo! lie fitleiul"wu to e. ure lis reformer.ila0offic. lhuieforeà laKixlm sfuit d vi w, mmmiof 1 the ouerytv, app»og.Tb*reffmau bioi.N. French Canadiens eougil trbmealt â1o be um 'm bultebave a foremen or aai5lemt la tisa, iaior, but am tué fak o. b lie eam é um o urUr . o le mq ti vu baud m he Reu vthe I 4 ~ ~ ~ r,' '<DMALS .MUI~UL~' ~Ur VI Il bom de« au*muabo*tai vo euima 0"a mo mpidh a a dieseés angbook Ob" ck 1 1 b VfiobalMd te m.bieme a . la *bi le hà ias' bom boise ée vah eyelgh ofclii.hgovlug peuiwm. *0 pao9MU.pllocm.So h eciu*aba oaaucse. eilele . Km libMd mn&4u« mt a v. bv. mîd olt lutemim e l.gr.af& ei 1,1 pab. 14 wumClispeut " laie TES MrEITAYAL Tiécrtsux mparti'froa Ontario, Md oouhabnli'f rom Udm olier proilas., opposé, lue. Trent canal asbelmg -'asmur 'and umproctlcel. hmdmhg iast lie resaiS o!flic doutions algâe ha as Il il sud knovlug tue procllvltlu.o! tié grite tié membor for North Vliculsm mmcd everycundeavr.tq bave the vothof onstruction m asr a vamSi mias «Mil dllrlbutei as possible.Thé objeot vas h bave mmd ucoder eculiaci ami lua ofroonat to Ira,, aildama of construction coder vsy. Tins, harU, fb altl mml= t« MOkP l*6 week. In oeuf ormiti viiiA"liaiéeiathe member for North Violôrla uiWidtle premeul coutraots t ha Ici,%cMd liaI mi elbois shouli Rle a encycisoci otier 0ection &long the mnire route ha paoei under contreol amivork begun. la the North -Viotella emotion, 100, thieM» pinolpi. or dlbatlom vu slmedmi Thc rock, tue swamp, tue t0.1er, the cllzi, a. svel mastieroi vork voe a&l gottén coder vv. Thu if lte! ara pirty mudertake >S e top camalna". ther vIli faid emelvisla a VOI avkvcrd predliml.o Iniesi, vile tie refora haice cps.l isclarés thc vholc vorkmuet stop, yei h vUIlbc lateuestofftoe -e lim wylb. Thé,lll1nWin a yth a4«"no & lFor Once tàq vRI anidliluig vou 00 plamuci as 'le foosse thons i.follov lihe lise laid doua hi' lie tartus. The Tient cmai mut go ou, mi the Préent gomurmentom ia i MdvMR mit stop- It. Ram lie tariu ruemala. l povet h voobi bave Isom epliéitla tires yvous more. -Tii. champ ci govusa. mcmi ocmol ilasé l meRs boveoaiti périci. lniéodi a emrnmib le h ice iàbeas li t u OU opl08 Cherl àn» doît ute . Blov.il Overuie tis psmac . mi tL.,OauimtiMdsfof.v onti lie litV'hi!dovu y b' e Rte govermoml. M eBir le a mmo f ami vilm ne »0 e mmigmi of li canaL br xbmi n mwilgt lae siliwull limag~~ alim- u.2As L o.0 amcsik ~l>e*0U~ liai ~ ~ b *4 ~ li ls. 4 ~ G . b m a dhIu' -t al" - -~- ~ - «kh 00-V, In hall potind vaokej - ~c ' ouceIb»ed 25c. It bee.tst~IrTE HEAUAU~RsFOR OHINA9 OROOKERY AND.GLASSWARE. M...£*MPIE... Our. Time to0 Loseo. HOT-DAY BARQAINS ANOD BROKEN PRICES IN Boys' Olo-thing A ND Men~s Cool suitsl We're not greey after profit. The heaWt. trra ed'au. heated. argument., \rou can'îmov Clothing these tintes unie.you eut the lifeout of the profits, and.that's just -what we, are doing this week with BOYS' CLOTHING AND MEN'S COOL SUITS. The stock was bought unusually çheap to begia with, but the goods are offered vastly cheaper- Aow: BROKEN, PRIGES BO' W"ear 1Ohildren's good, fut.- weli made, pretty Boys' Sailor Site, 00o1 sudsow.. Boys" Tweed Suitz, 2Pu"oo orsuervice- 19a, 25.oý sto, i, 11 Boys' Tweed Suits, Yonuhhs Fine Irish Serge Suite,. bine and bak...8.... 2 50 2 758 $0 Youihs' Fi0eail wool Worsted Dreas 1KmiIoLerPants..9...9". 82.759 139 88.50, 19e, 25., 89q. ýB-ROKEN PRICES (en's Igtr iped Linon Coats.49o, 60a, 750 Me-n's Lu8tre Coats.... 78c, 85o, $ m I ixed Coat and . ....... $1.25à $1.65, $2 Pwe SikCoat & Vest.$2.75, $3, 'S.50 Euiglieh (kiakeliing Flan. Mes'Camere & White DuokVeWatsj ....... 9........ 60c, 75o, &5c Nens' pue Homespun Blo7oleSuitu,2piece8.2,$,$2 XmW Us'l WooI Bine egepants ...... 79o, 9039 $ 1.10 Mfens'Tweed Pants.... 6,5o, 75o, $1 ThonareHot Bargains fourHot 4 mW.~e uaWmg .vwqMag bond. to the Sumamer Clear- ,0eidu-.-riddiag oureelves of ýail SurnunLia. m*hst w, -va m up.cto get for them now. F Yon.corne to get a pair of ?muts saymtu"ld th. old Pejco WMU y two now-you buy a Suit of Clôthes smd you'l find yeà aq li gel a a t fr the Boy at qtýmsan ipe you usedto pay for the $lai ibu»v. 'A stock of Tf.. fat 1.y«ess r oua be bonk gb t he Mèdfrence between our old Shirt pI" aldon« $=nier (eal ic.. ,owt du pro] 'se.' 5 If- ~Oz empty cal *e'galuon. A.good nlessitiù UM ret qa ccre.T veuno.w Oniy fc Sweet ýA Poui ~When won-t WVo't, r ~ S rHOPE. ted al e-o 4bhOl me.- q bel