LMONEY )So SIN itis oucan t-f»fl are doig'â ght unuiiâ 5uits 780e M5o, s t. 50 54., 5 t.8 5,$4,# mmer i now. bny a .Suit ot( pay for the ,ur oldShr s 'w'. $250000 »-&COnQ x§tsi srt ao*t.e.oSSiC Ete to aeseelI îtGeD I'BIEthenLmo u fovtie dor c camgisgthé orto 4. lb.an n ümyiaoeled le eda«. ta Ra Ehate Buteyu and îISM qERIERA 1L INSURANGE AGENT%' il He.,SOOTHERAMII Bankbr and Broker, 91 KENT, ST.1 LINDSAY1 ONT. SýR ne.las97IW - i~ ty wagon -mksthe, -.464 . Spaint lvt shIort r eàs- - - ire, çixtly: epyca-!s, malze the Most nluse 2k 2th~ ciC2p~.ZS~i te"r sto2-ý z y A-, g*od st3ockn cannot-be purchased' at 235 per cent 1es than standard goods V1e3ss it is 25 per cent: short in rnea&s : or quality.- As you pay so you t e- Cive. The best full msure pain We kowiof is Gée-Ri4 If jon deu'I lay in a uupply of DEMtBo aMd 8&ee st-oui ul. .nile it laut& Othqw s are-@&Wg rnouywhy Dot you I I[en'a VWhite Cauvasi Shoe 75, woth ý - $4125. I Boy' Dark Canua Shows 600, Worth S85c. Wornen'u 'Shon, pegged Sole, for 50c. Women'a Laced Boots, peg Sole, for 65o 'Wômeu't Dongols Button or Loed Boota, Pointed To. Cap, for $1. 10, MÎW ie. inrn ,ssu il to 2, for $1 MMa' Fîms Soeu, il to 2, for 500.. Oo In uand use our Birgain Tibleu. Corne witii-tiie orovd =4 tbricg your JOliNSTON & 'sissoN. LImdual*a unawlg SM mmlin. 1 "w1à"0oe i Sigu o! the MinI aws MLEN RAN 003OO FI3NE SPORTING GOODS. Portland Cernent. Glazed. Sewer Pipe. PZaster ,Paris.. 'tie Celbati Soranton - Coal Dîuvorsiet Lovit Primoe, MlainY. July 301. iLs an a. tChurch's Potato Bug Finish kilis the whole crop of bugs with one applicaion.,oly2c. perlb Pure Paris Green, 2oc. per IL. Sectidns, Riveta.,Gusrcis, Boits, Seythe Snat hi, -forks, etc. Good goodsan d Loweut prioes at ViauOamp' sg, Nfat door to P. Morgan, Druglmi. 1181 ABOUT THEM' CANADI£ T/E HE WI4YLL M 4u TC Jh e f U P P ER iferc a telu r LAKE JUGIEWAIIUS& 11, s PORTS J-Ut Iosr . 10'u3UDîPA Only for Thee. .......sng, price 35e Sweetest Slory EverTld ... ...4* l'Il Waîi for Dear Old Jack I... A AFount ofMusic *..............40 Il i Teddley, HI Ti...... ...... 35 *When the Girl You Loi'e........ 10e Won't You Corne OuI and Pay ..1e *Wont you Caoe10My Tcapii1y 5e Sweet Bunci ot Daisies8......... 50 Sunahine anl Siadaw.........5 Any of $MveSet te -_On Rsof fPib GEO. AI.LITTLE'8 Book and Stationery store, Opp. potol 05m, Kent St Lliluay. WBII>A.AUOUST 7.18M6. LCAL JMOIG8 A eve ospm ou&lui ufémVsubdm a0boroai mmon ol.l. w Il IL-us »zàý dim. VIA 88« '<MANITOBA" VIA 88.g'ALB ERTA" ?e'It~ For ~ t 0aM5.7SWUimmt.lEre OmasOUin Pr. m 0 OrWtBElOeddvrgM. Ro» $ah.wllmil 001doer. mas91 rua, eu btm 'b md sIfe afruli awt1iAea1. o C.f". EIEE or *1 agm bal» a, i mg en Dorent..fo mTiKo"O. C. LA TCHE4 tu Eu o o» B.m OeUtset Et Oses. oUe. Atue - vbat e . ot *Uyzmd-54L bgwTII. Hm ooif l8e Km*,lb sthoe fo b. rieM* Ovt lthe wkw 8wlla. BaanuaVWrus. - Tv. patio. m Eopallmes . X. lt s îom te. 1 xivaa fro 0t.5yso iaiepanoei Mostar 'Whule 0 Pian, Tol ise dXUeW, .i.a e l PwRo.-Tbe msaa PWO Md il eonis of lb.eeuploymeci the tiiDuiu & Plave ou Àai&hy lut Por te. Aue$ 1Ethel mi bargé. Aboum__ thé Phau l.mi - se uol.ltle la mitees alose, timertri. almbag1"8t"d À Aplelot 4*W vu "Mt N" M4 humagum Xà.moxo.-The oaua leleom.vlei la ousuioica yUlBrook lW"geNo.8Ut. A. md LIL. Caaalagt. vu bell la thé mechoikl oh l la t MvIliqu oumlsdkq. 20d lait., vhom Mas lupro ietneavu dlivori pby. . GrOikiz poiluet the oharel. lstuo h he S c f tIe 1811 loa.0 e lm 11h apter et matthev, O"Nov mach 9Mba uSaus. betlmr he. Thmn - a woe amoul of lie bSties oi thé iyidth is, nst, a aabu duvt ei beoaiP.oulat fom XuMrY lo94VNo. 4M6 Besyerton* loigi No. 77. LlWmy, vosepe »Ws lby h0..A. Osibro . Wl mu..* NloGlbbos, Tboe. MooanliW. H air.& J. MinieRMd J. KeIlp. Ta.-Doa'l flt*le tep oui, 5.- tes. Yen vill biiallgeit. I i l.A. CAxP3uNJ S. S. IRvomxu, h lq .XP., Don li- I mue rou fis. esmtui forien, trial difonul Madee ofmidle. 1 vu ai tdu hespillfor seMaimoe. Md vu tbld Ilot lbat &Uhal bea dose for me liaI soulihoe done. I ouad tretumil el Chililaa After ligl ie hieptil 1Iwu aider the car cfa Hmilona phyiaaibut goesrelief. 1Ibave tmlufoui 1181 tlSdKOotosycur ail I au nov val aidlm riefa eimss Youn ru vt ilp Wu. Miuu, 242 Burte. t IEut, CwLvIsNGoTan.-On Keslap m alta purtp ooapoid etRev. I. W. OMIlia Il popalar putor aif1StAlievo's odurci; Bey. D. J. Roam st.au; mi. Aiea. BaU& Tonale; T. Btevart, J. Brileao. B.I Andeon ani Cailp MclIlaia lofIt on a caiig trip on tie norlioa laIeés. Theputyi vent direct flieu hm to10North Bap.linos.é by Steamer la Eau Claire, vers aumn vii ho abaidonel for batilrcuaces.The trip bhomo yUl ho via lie «eutthIcrof et .Nlpl.la Mdl lie olaiaor vatore la lie Nîplamiag lue trlot, piaulg Ihiugh Algonqula ParI and througa Bellow laIe, HRaliburleWc ouatrte lie Oull river viton. Thé trip itlaluxpetai wiii tale thic. vimîe . TEEWàm> viale lie Party a plumil ime on tlié trip. TaNEW Mattiaen aACT.-On the fri of àuguaithebmmcrrimge st pamail ilthé 1maI motilon of the local logidature came lie force. The. sot proviies thut béforà Piocouihaa minailelicena.tubeofethéiscmiliaotlag parti"as mlii ie au affihvil eatint thé daleon vhloh lie ociemony lu te bield; liaI thap ire asoh <full gIlasa 7Oiiiof q.. mad lt liiehre le Do logal bur to thoir marriugi, A record of thon affidavit. vii b. lept by tlia Immunof tli loeéaid he viii foivird 10 the reglt»r.geîoral'a dopartmeal the a me. ages, occupations and religion of the conmiingpaulle. Thoseneamyfoaluro. efthlé marriage luv vèes .11.1etltlb Suggoesnef lhe maînlatiri vho dlool lieu pietti fui!, at thé rMeetinga. Nm&uursesLîcuisEs, aider the provisions ofthle îev sct. are lunol byT. Dm11,et hie realdeaca, on Abert tutet syuptime et the day boevesn6 amn. and il u.M.;-aies84iblé office la G. W. Beaia jovelry maere latti bausott Sa n uail--a5If. WEA&T 'En, Do IN Guaxair. - Dutel peamaîta r pevbially etoli aid lov but thsp ire qu oIenoagi te grmep Dev Ibm for tuoeamaing Itheir omfoit. For Yomrthey have nud voode Saibote for foolvour on aceuni or theirllahtaen suddvarmth *and mev tbey have socîlngs -ual. of jeari h i. apun ent oft para vool fibre; and théta.t and veste amo luterlinsi viti Fibre Clamai., vîlol lm notigmore, orIolitan a voodea clti, mai sIl le enil rei ont.Sprueo Fibre. Thmi Samaatotul pasats u ula lieroughip tie aon.oonmtlg -proprise lia vool davaili liemielye tIlo lez pensive vuarih t provides. Fibre ChMtoi lu a wvrnd vido ropuatllos ul'. varti give inla Ilrlina«.for ilalugseliait lIaI lIs Pmo aSocel&hardlp feis ilaa gmuteilpt It glvea au ibeohate Iiilthtal protection fucu the coldel blueta of along dmry viIo- 519. .FÂRmERs, Bnîuu Twnru.-Bei aid lu str it filory prlce t Butheur k Cosquat Ehev Il 11 i :enma vlo leuolb tbe lu"les tb ieDauda u & hava.SMn' dry goodu utabllutos-,via @he wu tre ampleve.nTho hppy eoupl ato oveulg opro. for la" i:r u bvee ,du au. - vishes. T»a lasemad *itt Iboin uay fttu l v !b!%!" osit.o UMoonfulm b ppjoumod .mi, ii etlut vio*. by anrmegem.a to BebMoW4 t1 bs b jeul 'bolmgt»viM'ai ~md fM 0oubol.lu t»,U e if u a leui âIs i w ussmvuu ii bo -mslug t * = ~ M im D1 -N4 i ti lml, IU.tm. l 4bday aeMeés lb. III f sh.aI st Ylsduupon Sept.8m& TuTU mode -by Mr. Qrm iover a' nom M-le t" ne om la o S.- ab tet svu.msbe ao e T» 4p'. Daum. lby or Il solam %ri, <t bosn te due et v.W. y B""i hesea hltey e a it," aug vothé. vy»Wn. auoo, yso Iboof"e. Kr. fbave WWkt lme, ageaà for 1h. Yak LI.m swi.ewo&. -ina epmg ont vith Mdola Nubsw* Mu. O A. B Ofi TM Vizua uoporlul m a ml IouTm&#iyfor houp hâ e s ta Mdt#vemUr Xi.Mr. UIWk@W ide lWodm4l pmoraiag ftu Wul Trnto, vIreho lm u ouri Me». Tbomau. uibouo t ouu, puOIR eIwr Rown ~ion 0TaOmIaoz hi. vYte Cavm- Mli.Dliie Sbeort f m b meeburg l vlilng in avIolodna. llee ét vitI Mr. aMd Xim.Cla*"es Nilr la lova., Inn.11Miai.Buik niar asihme OR wolodmalléîer a pboimI vieilvu bMii lames Co0ea Md otbor uMs&ela OaMDnap, i. Mar XeDMBsa1 morpasi.by bha sephMota" PorM ZDoS s a.oylag àoulofvelm'hb"7ay ihl oatives@a Zr. Sa.. Taev of Ueavi, Md'bride . lamd home m Tueayafbu àn abrtvieil le hie anèe m i aunal.Mi. miidIra. Davii Treve Thé Dominion goveramail liolge hm. ben loba"ed le l Qtalo ovemnot te veil la lie bala belov Linduay théunI bridge daUbg lb. soit fev viola XMeJoIn Adéie, et Wlualpdmdot«le. UUCornili, aiehoe.vielsiag st lie ou hmiLv bomoitol, biellesamerou bfuonde la op mily Mai lda"F. in lis64I. A. Pavera, genleman. of Port Hlopet wvoe i. petibloor la lbta itDurhrbi. piooseési iemeporton Wvola i. ys inepsoter or dettuve ia lIai Iocaility 1 Mr il . iho Wuvila oharge ofet ' Aadrev'e pulpit hon lust par duulagtle v«Mooy lai charge of Bey. Kr. Elllgai'o dhurc inlaT«oronle dahe lb uaMm.. Mr.le. B. lioggpropristor of lie coda valt vrl e illas, bue poluami tls laterlee Of Mr. J. B. XsWihhmml lite star ol. water voila. Ltaleay. The ira amie vil la future leB.gg Bues. Mr, William Broun ef OMareturnel homo laut viol ttom a piéonlt tip, 1. lie cli coutry. Mr. Brovnin eag, ai suthuisalio oranemen, brougit basaI tymîve atones lIaI ho pioe.1 p ai thé historia ville .f, D.p Aalec of Xi. Broya cme cul vit Ilm.. Thé big cirons vhIch lu tû ho la Petrb«oo mouiiy la Det comilg te Ltnduy amidoin.- qaastly ue ova mmiidl rathr. Il Ils émumaugeom -eoldonly luiIl.vevi ueMON mEsteni tbl a iebosI theai hi the Lmaybon , beyvwould tfnl quite "ummel f imeve a Il asem@a liai lie abusai 11!.Eigllmh eparov vili regala the frh«eahp of eVèrY* body, as ho slut l ov baa at vorl feeling os the "rv orm vhiol lu aupaM nel «t aumbirsinla mreplaces. If the 11111. bir' fomadiaiufor tlieclan ai food conlinea, itl b ii . ntel vonthy of i v.rmènent R aeumonget usaim ml ueful monvut for the gaudae and furmart, '.te miss Mar Wilkinson, left on Tuesday af tiIs w eek for and extended visit *Ith friends ln Trno ="'arfi' . 'aUEtMel Wilkinson. left on Mondr7-Y of liat week for to visi-frenda ln Whltbyv and vlclul ty. .f=w:1 - «ZÂt the meeting of lbe tovýnéII_ o" Monday evenlng Mr. P. Nicole waa ap- polnled colleclor ai taxes for the carrent, Mr. J. Cuaip bell, ot Vancouver, B.C., le tàkInâShis holidays by vioiing oid friends, and' man1 y ln Victoria oounty. Ervidentiy the air ai Ithe Pacifie agrees with Johni. as h. loks haie and heary, .Mr. E. S. Soanes had il hi. place oi bui-e ness Kent street, an Taesday, a maslcin- ange which turned the scale at 19 Ibo. 2oz. The bilg ftsh was cagli ln laie Scagag by Mr'. IL Henderson, game wardon., - oo tlolumaadote lpae bill. F y ommli-S nulay.a oSdtt u avait te hi thon.1« Kr, DMmluto01etnom. l.lh« u%, Eldu Moila lea o ms ituvay. Xi. loa Nuguat 09 Petobomsigb - us vMtoe ei'tougcuPoit lut vook-. xM Jn. o.Tbompeca mi reukll,414 Fm"er. ail a, - l lvTuoiis. WmK. ouve io roWu n oilet jevelV nehauut m sa viai lamek.-2$tf Mr. AloxUbofetTontos upal a feray la t.vuti dthheok l.gueofet Et.Sa ZaeaMotie.,e..of Ubies, rtu"ue hom. fou a UvieilBu*% u Nu iediiPou" Soumien o. Taea. Mr. W.. »amo o ugglet et Porth saoul atowdeysuof thevoation, vlth lie ta"h, Mr. DaviDuaso f the sortivu&i The two Xium .TRmley ebve.9e-rm alto, ePeudlm aut ujoiable holiday et onl th w v ivth hfin aGoitu. - %ùiOulflusn. of Pose.laula, aibeW daambipthe.popular tomesof mU"l. ceek Shol. upomi Tmoeay la lvai. Ala min, e o» oi id CUIa àoyte XWi Kughee tllr, IL Burke, ex X.P. hminu W" a d aby Pitore01ofP.tet. b o . ua ne " W U " o l h m e uf tier aà - -m Vlét «*t *hé ""W.a l i isV& XI oae.fliy "«"*othée ezmiallnen t l60 Toronto normal aohool, l llaWUiq riMins e Maia. i.Rqm e wtumod ho# u sObSture dalyw" Uv.lma a plaémait ,l.1 of tInos vou ie u otbrothée reuimal Mm .Rogne la GEWlol. Mm .Robert Peppor ci Ottawvvth bar lys daughters u aevlmth bhrSes m M danghte-nlav,Mr. aMd M Mua Ped Po, Cambridge aInsi. Ur, Marshall Trip rtuuasi te hm bomea in Tooto ounPrldy of luit vool ter opendlng a Div diva vlutlng Mondea ltova and ojoping the breeof th. Soagog vitre. -MIma Leura Moul", thé blgn u0atm la Ur. George lUtle'u book dmatoé alore,,loft on Tumdate ojo a olt UeMd holiay aet atboro, Lakefioli adSlsy Et. 3. IL KoNdollie.thb. giel aud ollg- ing -uaumtt tM. T. Matchett, oaaiy ole1rk and.treamurer, loft om Sîtuuiiy for Port Hope te viit hi&. ther ad ojoy a veOU onaod holiday. Mma.Thom"e lohnoton Of Penfion Pallu aid bot poanguet daghter vesvlaltlg la lova ti. vol, Ithe gaut 'of Xi. Thommu Stàple.Mr. Johaelou came up on SaturdiV on buunm anmai emanei tillt Kondiy mon-i lag. Il the tovi of Lindeay vould bNov ibasMta the mtent of oetlng up i drluking fouasala aomavhoe n oirthle mai cmii., Iloui hoe a grest lomafort te Ihoncondedu ding the hot vamiier. Thers la st priment no place wbsi. sither businmessaiea or étringer@ c8à gelas moutifol Of trou enter. .A etagar la lova the other day remsrkmd, liaI everp aInsi oerner la Liudsay bai lIa ou partliu mftme. It lejataboatt ime thît the bond of hoilth aboulai lves labie andti la tu ome vay te aupproma lhe aboàua able amelluar=l rn t h ou wéru . anddibobo Mdi otimi quartaiu la ova. i The. foiiovlng miltli,géuéral ordera (affet. lu. the. 451h) hav" beu pprevel ai2éda e JuIp lot :-N o. czpmy, CapI. Phillp J. Roue la granteai the brevet raâtof major. No. 3 oompup. caps. W.. J. Brawn Ie graitei.1he brevet tank et major. No. 4 compsny tla .lileutenant. second lieutenant. Gamaet Dnrk Hagheu, Vice Hozaîy ustired lUIy lOUi, 1896. Complots ratura gva the folloving me the ocoupationu of thm memberu of the nov houe af commonu. 1'hore are 63 iîwyu, 83 larmoya, 26 merohantu, 21 -phydmu 19 gentlemen. 12 mîntLaolurons, 10 journaise,- 6 miliiovuuru, 3 contractera, 3 rial estate agente. 2 sarvmpors. 1 veterifniry urgaca. 1 townihlp cml, 2 distillir, ifinanctil agent. l ineuranos mmig, 1 beaker. i siip ovue, i ranher, i oit refluer, 1 pilator, i clivi enginoor. À lady bmké us vhether etiquette reqaious one te knoollia hedot of a prlnlang office before entérne.W. hauten t e ply. If pou ai oomhng 1. uiy pour saburiptca or btlaig i a sle@ item of ioe, doi't stop to hnock, bat 1maI vaik rigit la aM If YOuDoueIR. I* plfam Ifoalthe o" hond. yon baocutoun a ofl.latai our, o aid maire the fact &no #.m evminutespreviemalten vW&oaa trust hlm, D.BIOUOI 1SW Te ~- iYou want .Scott's EmuI- mit ~ ok II.Mru al, i.4.-XiWi Ision. if yqu ask yourd1:11- labdmtm huaI hue la :hm j'.fo_ . dais.'m w a *i gist fr tand get it-you at- a.. ie '~~t can trust that man. But if el~~5e uO dausè. le offers you ces4omething Jt as good," e 0lldote »m bo me when your. doctot writes a prçscz *tion o which he wants to get. a pileffect - lay h 'Ofr and deayh fe sake of a penny ortw t m rir .ofit ' il . tired ot" w',a vw ocomaniuusof baekache, lîcadaclfe, logo of appetite. ex. treme lassitude and lIat *"donlt care", feeling Mretty sure tebe ae, nfig rovi "PFeaale Weakness, smle arregularity 'or derungement of Uic Special <mitions of wotunuood. Very often womb troubles' set thé nerves wiid witi ýaffiiglt aisd es a resuIt the wonaan suf- fers frOnt meeeMtess, nervoumuess, uerv- oua prostrUain, faintnieus and dizziues4 irrita ility and indigestion. lu ail caseso ilTegularity or suspendéd màonithly function and. in mli those nervous diseasés depend- ing upon local causes, Dr, Piercels rFavorite Prescription wilI restore you te perfect hcalth. I ustead of the exhaustion and feeling of veiglit and dragging down in ,lie abdomien, you, feel fresh ad #trotte Vr yoling girls who suifer frotn irregularities, for the hard-working wo-nan wbosuffer.5ý froan catarrhai. inflammation of-the lining mnembrantes causine a const ant drain tapon the systeift, there as no. prescription used by any physiciaxi which cau eq al in. re- suits Dr. Piercels. For over thirty yé-ars Dr. R. V. Pierce, chef consuitiaig laysi. clan tethç Invalida' Hotel and Surgi~cal. Institute of B3uffalo, N. Y., bas u.sed lais "Favorite> Prescription"Ilan the disenses of wonaen. whieh bsd long been laies spe- cialtT and ini füily ninety-eight per. cent. of al cases, it hans perinaneatly cftred'. *lrs. loinq M. Co,<KÎJNç, of PAàuérson, Pafuam Co im~Y.wites.:«'Im eni g Pered eat. md bavencsince Itook thec last bottle of Doctor - Pierce'à Fatvorite Prescrip-. tion. I took five bott1es of t. ?Never e:c tot be aüy better wlitczi I casi. _____-c nenccd takfiig I it. > t 41 thàiàk God, I cati say that 1- I ana glad it reached asay bomne. Ilied fiali:zg of tl*e wonb, snd Bciwing aued .by micarr!'.ge, .zid iaye~ cdk wi"~ 1Ccziinea t! lidg 1yolir anedicies. 1 wa. iQseu< * bv taking five bottles fir ail-two of the 'Favorite c Prescription ' and tlsree Mas. fI*= o! tlie 'Golden Medical Discoory.',"" uap~ ~~~O G.TiAdeo. 10. Siua& o fa apslg. owyPlus Syrp.-46êti. siNlet, -OMO .Aug. II, 3. iry Lidede dok eS7b8 Sdo do .. .....-000 $05bi do d-------00.4 ..... ------ 80 -té 2 SO pâmar»0I'b..........1 Soto1 &0 109 Ibo. 1 . lbU ..... 1 001.11l i pet ba...0U. 254 0 002 Eidm.Uo.1.pebuahl-...0O00 th0 U 0 45 to0046 ---i.0 8i130 45 O.do.......é 0 00 .0 18 Buckwbat......--... ........ 2010 . Potitorm na 0 .0 c Butter uor------------------ ýf««Cb*,lehi petlb -..:-:- -- 010 IS Larp oelb-ý..............009100W Dg 5.. . ..~. . 00 mga.pu limaa...0..0...te C le1 mi-m .......O-0 OR 0? Qom -..-..-.-............. 0 6 »00 Obbeke ar otpair ....... 0401.580 ikav.pe1oad. ...... 20C10! 55 I.Mdem- 350 t.400 Wod .- i 00 1.3850 MISCO .PS- lb....0018t@oU# HuPork, par bl......1 IN0o il00 IÔaj , ptOu ld, 8.001. 9.00; new...ô. 1001.7 0 m!"-000bu-50 a lie------4-- ------ . bram par ol *..* ....~50 oto0 60* Shorts ar et . ..~.. .-.0680 to C70 IW p.9n p0vu 5.t 50 Almon.i. . - .. -.. .. ...--.. 0 la 2 Ttàothy Ssci. pot bu*.......... 900 101225 rorouta rtomoe Om, Ag 18. 1806. Whathtpr buM.--..0?67te00 00 Ment rdpr buh .......-..062 th 085 whatgo.sPrlu...... 50 1. ose EarlPar buuh - - - - - --... 01 0 Os% par bu*b.......i... 023 se 024 Wokwbea1....s-----te03 #ce53 Dukspur...........0do40 é os0 e #44 Tuker par008 te 011a ormalhoa........012 $0 010 P, par 0 te1.0'» PaIeéý,parba - -e ...... 020 le C M. Papar sbat,-... .... 0.1o0 0 bbL 10e 200 90 0 toId, (Baf. oro ............... 8. 00 t1.le ce tZ Il 1L2'00 od g 002te ."( Do" outom.e taNa '514 lilosairue àeri, aci..3.60 30 uhn duallls.oul xi00 >2010 3B$M"eSoeeu", . 215 90 0.21 Ubsp parew. ...<2'75 a. K Lam baW ,«.. - - 6f4 5625 Caio blc.ah150 40 Vam - = emam u. 8... . 4 0 30 dé 400 ee 8.0 $00 2 U gole ait LEto , t Ommik euIiout Inurm Ao 0110£Mt.JmElc , mI afot, 111. Don 09 * b iOSo.noirwiO4 Deuudulgm.d ba termego. st tb Parka lw qm&uÀt o bingloo. lambr amid whimg «buttêug matialvia lad I31Io. 1hai- d lusmp. 10 #ive una "ii.Pdm e *i3UW. KVE JUoroewoekA maMWb L ;isto i For Sale bv A. HIC,1 SBOTHAU By a' Large The cheapest place in town to buy s good reilable Cleek is positively Mt W fF. MaoARTY'S Jewelry Store, Llndsay. Nickie .Alarrn Clooke, only 90c, A limited number at this price war- ranted good or.money refunded. 8 day (7looka oenly $4.35., 1 day Clock on]y $3.115. Corne quick. Bftrgains for cash buyera. W.F. BMcOarty 77 Kent St., LInduay. IMP.APTS Beauty te the Taeth, fzega esoto the lrea<h, Âud thtrey, health!n1 oolcr btb e gume. O.d.o.r.o.m.a ptonucad by exîýýtt cheudate The Perfect Tooth Powder. Sewer arici Culve"2.,rt Pipes MU Sies fr-in 4 i 1n. ta -"1 a.. Abse 10RITE FOq PRICES. THE ~ SEE ONÂJ [Y~PIPE Co. 00b ADELAIDE ST. . FACOFr T MMiO.TORONTO. MIRES PGSITIVELY w -tort P.er,Nerol Debilitv, seases, Ùased by tli e errors and Àxessoyuh Young. niiddle-aged o aidTIRO tMNTU of foUies audexcesses, rcutured tco heultli, m- hood and vigor. Price. SI.00, 6 boxes for $5.06. Sent by mail. securely sealéd. Write for our book, Startll»ng Fadts, for men Ouly, tells jotu how tO get WelL àddremn, QUEEN MEDICINE CO,, box 94?. 108 TWENTY-SIX TUARS DUNN YS. BÀAKI NO POWDER- TIIECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN GANADA. APTr AVING BEIN K»? UP ALL NIOHT With that MONGI, if YOU do 11ot vaut to repeat the experiencp, buy' a bottle of the. OLD STANDARD REMEDY Gray's Srup of R.Spruce Gum. neI beet couogh Cftini the world. ~oîa.veywIere25 C*. abomte. i.meWi~ L= mý ýRE@