1II -IZ - 'l'. fOW msnt 1<5 beiglt as' h avc rom ei tho astatlotl-yai'i- cf Wm,àr- vo treep a8i, tastenlll< tle bruIâe Of theo boSe<la post, gprang iUV <ho altep5. es une gtatle0-matsthart<t th vhl<e t< face and 1 mG.splah.4 figure,_ andin Ru lis.amSsflelt brt>5ftrgal te t~toii m bis bat. -P. aine'nkeî <bhe ta marqtus. boarly. h "Tm ylord, s, quarter ot an heur aoff,povas te repliý. Md The marquis leaned against <le Parti-ter tien of <lie boekmflg-oeie.,va 9Waa <t1re "-lie cauld scarCely force bl bIMaelf ttrafms <liequestion-"* vas tiere a lady-vas Miss Grahlaine, ltb se ber umai, a passenger?.1 sh- oe tation-master abolhie, hou.. sh "4NO, rny lord."ca "T *on are sure ? ~he eQuit. certain, my lord. 1 knovw - igloo Graharne vei, of course, and in cauhd't nmaIe a mîstalke. There vere he .oly <vo pamngaers, perdans tram <heor~ thwn .n ne elche, MY lard."pfr B e adici <t 1< wtas -thelait train eV te beave <lie station <bat niglit, and <he be oaqi lovly aindlieavily doceai.i thec stffpsri As 1.14 ed hborne0 <allie lIn andi gtood vatching Iim 1.111£ vaahei daval, le:*ondeffi vilther le ahould9go ae'xt. He blui oen. se m0uÏr e ithet' trou- taking <b-cm or bearii ofethem at Wav- a ertrose <bat le lia!mt tholâght et mml- CI ' g ton<aigate .utiether a caiffe -a lai pusei along the od N a élue wbhateven tà belp him nov. The bl borfe veuld tale him ld ta tho To-w- ci ers, and le could nat al aiiy more of r4 IL Even la <le moment etf sVuprm ia agany le <ougit ofthq.dumb animai, adthougi le msoi fer nothinif forc himseif, le gave It, vithblis ovn lands,. c a <rsgît of ale.-M Tien le:got into <le sAille and t ur1- .4d back. Be rade more al>vly goingn bomewari, and the bouta amemed toa. * ro gne to daya, days af untli agoay. Alil thway the otas et Constance 11ev- ors abut in;ho rscali e .ty au- dearfg word tbat b"a myly droppei trom ber lIpýs. And ho vas te bave boom marlei 1 lber 1-morrnov IOnce b. *laugbed, an awful laugh, aid ourei<the àam. et voman. For a lime 1ho acarcely -<hought-cf, Rawsan Fenton ; tIen vben lie di no. lie <lrust bIrn aside, no ta speélE. WheomC 'they met-andi <l o venumeet-be wqould exact Juat Vengeance- for hie per-c 11dy, s measure lieapei up and bniamn-ng over ; but bie theughts caaceuttated *theimselves upon <he voman who, ad betrayed lim *; <heowseet-faoed girl vith, -th eyea of a cliinsepurc. se unsuiiled, Ithat <lie mont suslpîçlous af men 'ouli inever have dar<e lu it<bat aught- base -dwet ln <ie seul bohini them. Ad to-monucU' vas 10 lave boom bis wedding-day 1 This vas tle avf<uIl e- citative <bat rang vîtI devîiu rhythmn 1a hlm earo ami toturl 1dm. The barme turnedIinte tho To-ver. stable oe t 1<8ovnaaorSd, ami the mur-. -quis. linading hi= aven te a groom, valked <o the boume. TWe aide door opened at bis approacb,4 LAd Lady Ruth stooi avalting hlm. She hadno need to askaiqlBbf his face t<adhler <bat lie bai l afl<o fini tlem. "Go la," hie sald, in a iawvceo agsi and loarse. "eTel hem-tel! <hei <at .ah. las gone-ab. Qeod Iuliat shal7031 <en <hem r' "Nethlng yet," Bbc vbuispered -, "noth- Ing t111 <le moraing. I esîl <hinI-of, somc<blng to say by tIeh. .Cerne ln now, Wolfe, yeu are vet tlirougî ;" alnd she tcucdbisesaturated steeve. He sieak bis boni. "No, I v111 set go hbene. Be lurnei and let lber, aidstrode :heavlly.io-wn thie avenue.' She tan ater hlm. - 1 " Wolf e, yeu w111.not dreain et valk- 1ngI Teu caninot 1" GQd ln," lie sali, roughly, aid walkei -on.. SBy <ho Urne ho liad roacb.4 th. oui %af ils v.ary trame, a terrible vebltsus lbai set i -Xuxdiw couli scàrodIy O lis foo ;.t h.estops amind areely l1ft 'bits liu'i 1 th. dean. It<wvasopenei by Belford, vIle startei Iack at tie it c f hlm. "Great Heaven, my bord Jet he gaspi -d. The marquIs.Pessd.hlm aidenterai tie rnvlng-reamn. IMo marebiofl Mb at b- tuù esou iaimi 31e ahuMMOi anidunE < o hl,but put1 ber gentli alie.'.1 uot me soino1ther,"ho eaïd, boarse- 1"-I vant 10 b. atone."' Fie 1eft ber and 4reàggcd bhnsel Upý ,eatafru. As b.fatOred bis ror <ho, -et <bing <t mDet bis@ e05 va. is dling-511l lmlug uty toldei, rem.y rb the mrros-for to-d &Y 1 I '.M sgbt tho ciothes brouglit hlm-to a stand- Iand he toit <tho roem and pecc up Edcvii the corridor. Pre«entUy ho *nei the dee et ÂrOrb room and' ,tefed. The. boY vas Iyîag at aalee>, ggolden-bi'ewn _ha.ir-WhfCl Con- anosh& baielsmo mctten--beetrbU' t tho pubSd. l'h marquis looked dovn Kt the pret faceoIla t<. lanoeig llt lcp, and a oan -broIetmmin ilspercled lIPs. Tou Roved ber, <OO." le Murmured. He Bank iown 0on bis laces, voru eut id.ezbausted, a i blis face on tle ,4 besîde ýi* face efth<le clhi. Ail the an«geloetmerdY sent uleop and nt to hlm, ani mno.avod hlm traMm ma- MgenWhlle,B.&wsn Fenton'@ carniage, oldIng- t< h hliroa* asmuol as lasible, eped aui its Way. Heo liaichodeul-bis tva best and fast- It bornsafer <bis nlghl'a work. and, .ustl31g te <le Gevice by w1îloli Lady atl wouhi put <lie marquis off tIc mant, ho- lad 11<11e tear ofbeing aven- Lkea. constanic, vitI ber cloak drawn over r faoce, lay lad 131 <le-extrerne cor- er oft<ho ca rnage, *opeechlese and leiogse, vhule Maryi, mtrlcken vltli -rrer- and i ataeflint,! nat and ataredi acannty at Rawion Fenton opposit'. en. Bbc vas devoted ta ConstanCe. and evetraltinmn 1<occurred ta lien tî:t he wouhdi ling dowviltho window and hout fer Iielp,; but a glance . auth<e alm, paie face opposite ber restralned. 'Thete vas snime mystery In <he busi- mass, some reason in thé maduiOss vhlch ier belovei uistress muat Undertaaul, r ah. vouldmet le <lere 1cf ber ovun rt jril but Mary couli not torrn rea <le fainteMentIdea et what It oould 1<01 a word vas spakeli as.<ho car- age vhlnl rei along, a wýyIng tram aide ;0 940 Wb"nthe roada vote bai miii <ho horse" vers urge« to TSielr extree mpeed. Ravsen Fenton mat wlt)ifalded arma, calm and impassive, as If le vere he supremne master of their destiflies, ani. Constanceremfilned more like ont sleep. or Gond tien avake and alive. Un -ce lie bot torvad maitouclisi ler, but ah. ainank away, and drew the :lcak m6re closely over lier face; and, not a whlt, dimscamflted, h le aned. baek and foldei bis amus again. Atter a tino vîldihaeemei heurs the carringe stoppedi. Rawson Fenton goi out ; and- Mary, loaking tîrough t<h %ý i lidow, sav <lat <bey lad pul led 31] at an Inn, He came bak in a te-i minutes and, laid bshieai on'Cati atnies arm. "Winl you tay <ho nlght bore. or sal we go on T" lhe-asked, ina slow veice. Coeuatance dropped tic cloak frou le: face ; it vas vhlte as deatî. and tbon uwene ùark rings rouai ner cyce. F« .a marnent or tva Ibý e erned <aadaiei to unieratatid, thewher bond vent <c sfari che . girl'a. ai aIe iécleng- <o 1< vît a feverlal clasp. - Ga an," she replied, nImost incît'm cauly. "Very vdil," le said, calrniy. "Th dhobe resta viti you. We she cLanige lherssbo.e" He ieft the, carniage- agaili. but re aPPeared pr-men<ly vlth nme vin and oitfforiut.ta Constance. Sh. de.t.linsd 1It Itha movement ber bardi, and lie poured eut a glass fi -the girl. : 1 1 111 1Mary islookheu heai. If lier mistrei -wouli net .tale,-It, xnslthen vouldi aIe. He ad .ordsrei a-fr051i pair of hors4 te bc in readines, . s nd <ho. change wi - oon maie. 3ý ust. before lie got l Mary .vlisperei, "01, miSn, vîcre ai 1w. golng T" Constance eho ber head, but lio fast toteh<e girl'.band.1 I do nôt knowv; but you Winil l'Pave me,. Mary ? «Ne. mmis," aie rep1liedwhinpe lngiy.. "Wlatever. happons, I vor beave ýyou. But, oh, mam-tlO Pc 1marquis I1" onstanceturnei ber heai asiî If DotaY 0.It sIo Dt tûbte.I1 tabe you lack asu 031c; I1 may the marquisbaum Dot OMeaPs." mhe apransu mp uhîte -aMdvau obd@w ami meokry of ber ol ms "1 am x*ay. -I.vii do as 7011 vi Me. mai. lna aho11o ir-oioe. 1 lie o9md ber bNi1 aras, «but min fumel, ad c Et. Mary's.and bei %M.aurMimiu" s.rm - bbbumr viei mur a-tV. v ug w té,&rc Ior q«0 mm a Oo Me& im ~T~outh vl<h i Oum oth bomm grlb. a t h < l e ir l s * h e V a w la to le mariieê to-day. Cou.> pO pead ber hea" o40Pt honlisnt ni urrle Intlate ooàrtlaSO an tw Plls h. ,oui&dif tho e Md&"- be urged <o. and moppligolyt dhaflSO oeS -at midSY, vent *a- if the lournfey wouid uever ceaso. To Constance the speed and onwari rush brougS e lotlOUs killi afret. It vas ln barunenY vitI h lie rush et lier own <hou ght8. She did netGare <o think eft<he man she liai left ; dinot daro <o Ptcturt. his ailgulal atth<ledIscQei7 etflier fliglit and lie r seemnig treaCliol7; fer every tirne aIe tii <o t<ink of bine ber brali vhiled, and lier liemit ached wltli a pain' unendui'able. iBut as <bouglit et the n&rchlOfle$g <ho gentie woann who liai been as a matIer ta lier, and of thie chili ArOl. wl 1o lovei ber as a brother. Wliat vouhi <bey <1m ot lier dis- a pearande ? Be. the man Wvbo 1 l lier, .voùld ur" SOber. BIC knov;-,ail lis lite lie wouicurso lier, littie know-. ing <bat alie lad sa.crificed horseif <o save hlmn fromr uin and ilagrace. But tlie gentie,,ioviix-liearted mother and Arol One can nfot describe thie emaotiOnu <liat stretched her saul upon a raiÇk, One can scarcel? imagine thcm. Once or twice shc raised ber bea-vY cyes <o the pale; set face Of <lhe mani wlo, heli er ln his power, and she turned <hem nway again with a shudder. There waà no bope there ; nothuig could lie rend ln tbat face but an inflexible purpose. tram Whldb no prayersp.r entreatica ai bers couli Glvert hlm. Tovard sunset <bey approached the town. Mary, looking tîrougli tle wlndow. caught sgltt fater. and ale toudli- .4 CongtSflOe. murmurlg: "ILooU nmils,<lhe ses t" 1 Constance raised ber Icad, but drap- ped back apathetlcally mrto ber old at- titude. e1The weary horses pulled up et a betel, -"We stop bere," -ie Said. " Corne give uneyaur arm.- Constance was aimant to exhaustcd, physicaiIy and mentally, ta refuge, but Mary vas staunch,.anid rew 1er mis- ress's arn wlthin bers. "'Il 1heip lier, sir," sue sali. gr!IlY. Rawsen Fenton ordereci n prIva.t rocai and dinner, and Mary ici Con- stance upetaîrs. " Look, miss," sbe sali, <r3iag tI 5ipeak cheerfully. "1Her-es the sea. il'y ticrer seen it before. Thank goodnessl we can't go any funther !". Rawson Fenton' gave lis final In- structions ta thc coadimia. " Make your best way ta Lotin." h b sai. *"Yau can keep a still tangue Ir yeun head, I- knov. If amy anc &sii you where wc have came tram, 557y fr01 Cornwall. and that the ladymail %i marici twa days ago, and <bat ahi The coach-man toucle ie ls at. 5Dý Pocketed <lie batik-note wvhI ouhi pay bis expenses and leave hlm some <ing hanisonie fanoracief, and Raw son Fenton walkcd iawn ta <the pier. jHe vas tîrci, but <he lation of sue *Cesa supprted 1dm, ana he valkci lik, a nman who bas won n gret victor, againt overwbelxning odd. He maie bis way ta tIc packet oM ce aid interrogatei the clerk. " Steaniboat ta France, sir ?- sald th nan. " She left Ju< tîtree bouramgo. Rawon Fenton bit hIl p. 'Only <bree bours, lic sali, -quietl3 "Wb"en ioes <thc next atart V' ..Day af ter to-maorrow," repliei th lha there fi other for any place bx fore that VI' " No other. We only carry ta France, repieti the mani. Rawson Fenton leanea agaitat rai~l of the lîttie pier aid looksi outa the se. The day atter to-morrow ! In <hi time <lic marquis couli overtake<lier But there waa fia hclp for It. He toc a cigar from lis case andi lighteci r ani looked aut at the ails In the ha: bar. " Do you have many yacts lier. he askcd, for thc maIe f snyng soin <ing. 8 Oli, ycs, a gaaiisl fcv. "Whose yacht ta <bat lyling there b e asked, noiiing tewad n neat-looc A ng schooner Iying at anchor Ilat] affing. The mati glmnei at IL. "I iaa't kaov. Came Ilat nIgt ! aome sweli's I suppose."- Rawsoli Fenton madle a fcw comma 0 place remarIa, <lien ventback t<o I Two Gaya! Inl tva inys mudl itl ffi haDpen. The marquis mWglt rab thi Wel, I hesho l e-Ravien Fent 1'-luhlm la lia paver. Evenff - marquis o'crtob <loin, ie couli a >' natch Constance tram. lus Rmwacn Fe t cns-grasp. He enerd <le botel, and vas cc dûicteditthe me oontvuero Constam Idand Mary at. I- Cntance vas Iyng bal inun eon Ir chair, paie aid lole-eyoi. aid Le mvement of.lien banda--a quick, s veus gcsture-osiy Indloatei ber og, a ance of lis prennae. Be e vent up ta01er anti ent aver as .4Bond thie« girl avay, atas" a sali, lI L lk v ovlte. 1 .N ," shmI t. *"Say vIat jeu hb 4» te ay before ber." Be bit biseli snd tI biaud ti - resesd on tho lad ct . ho chair, ohm i* harply. "TIersWle a kwav i mtb,ý" e m >7 t'h pa4ket 4do" j t ~ ç U nisl ~.day a rtb csuà»o." $hg mâds rii olO e« em , 55m l i n e : v i te a n d M m t t5 i . biw alle<-mt*lnb. 4. 1e~ê"e- lie të*, iocim.#* *àW -the mu- &liq m~iWi4he o b"huoo Mtr tqp. eus blai»ber bhead. plo thé.. - - ,.x.à Mte.DotOIeta ,-bo1 PW Ut 9 docli4;c i4 18*, ta ~ ~ dl 5StwtfliO ow?'berked <ho bft~sY ;an wIîkn , V a*4 telr,' brS.LtOMi d ive lm m, 1 bave W tlrmteb .BgU tebi nundto*g t3pridenc frtat ho viii g te bé th yCh.6fS#leii SffX liai loOkthe na»- aniatoP.4cloeûn eslie I i , la Yna lIl$I "WblCb I the les bo *i t w.M hke do nOW V'ballkd the et the peW ~ ortu ,,orâ -t. l bieelabr'sae the PiermS~eV. ?'mneci ady ased ber teatd coin Uf" BUla ten Ogeat tl aeadlo n a e unUihI vhich 1< w athebotel. WO"ItowbavOli er houi hive faie 11k. a bleelnguOl t.ntbai taken Conatanee. h. id 1 m ai8ldgroem-Bfld fr-p ifwom the 1100 bad 4 beeaed mechzi - bove1. tuatheY. n a. pa4W1 hakiflg *" t eîhînk berlits tu ase an ne tle mAft tulm. heV h-tes.brtOSSw»I blk thererner MY CEAPTER tXXIV. Mert tAd ye t he do hlm! Wh T-h mO1the. fl< boke bIb a ce ar,"<lng " rbaaepilie uches. ohm 314huer f thet e ea.al ~p~i>.4&br theaIird. lh. edd l eleTht e e ta ladyh. aqis.dbrtarsam bav rIg mrry JyoU pl et lgh infacdjudetvs he ad a£i an o'clock ee iRet, awhiidatoneu-eto <h.d 40Feyýtaes lke a esn s If h tonrealfff 1115btbeilage thatmorne-bd aad tbrug avei-Sniglbertal tawg»,Fentm> v ba iethil happelci. mued.;btlicaeorrdndb caenly ndas Shsperc doIbyl, t0310 ot he liani n br h Yesme her <lathore vof ile50 eUg.atle. 1 fo aonkt, butla nomea 10k The yIllBg leU~bqd aI tb Ald < em vbih wrug bohitem lha at IA= fiat utlte oas<. ella til r- bwt? maledmunt, nd rooms vht ndere seenm"Ithiuglit youoldcothe <o hon," Theing rmhocate asu ifhon uret bjtd; b& ai bis vo11efornded ollo alns, muc h rumngofagle rui a hn b oc foeboeld hUp at be ovtea <ho conenton be nglb.I l ik yu dce heas id. eCr1bdblgbelsetht bad ep- i, Wolthe 1 u 11shucut&sy pae nedba alea li o offal lonie-bt asHse paced b witeband . "Iiy poor or <b. fret ino adbrl @itesho dlh "es, I arn pzoor a nenah f besl, * ~ ~ ~ ~ ta ea asoewblo miIcaal e- orl."Ianrbe cf i <bateli tit on She .d loîsi Constane afln ieuvbt h iringforHeatod and prebail loobW» tois oper lptomefntta Sa hmband. andlisoters lmelihem tbe v thoraerMU.O MO <od pUmylngtedilyor a domenat, brt emOrsaflly * prtotsecndUltht, wtb*e rko dlu"1<0< quie batr' gb sale. mn' elit. Aui <o ulon.va theban t <le gil e mrblf*m u u erlm a misos whom h amthog< mc vot» 10 ocandreuui.he aocovf on blY. o t upy < he Ti osIIlerth.nseration cf "We g. dilla i oe you, tuhesmoe, -a BrakesOribe; ifs t ai e. lpe h Wolfe, Wlfurod <lieaduhesa.l, Y aenothèr an flb. n lghte atouro <h. day Be tcker ebai and.he"MY Pora £rm xed fr <o s rige Bmlc W omfenil. ~ wbernedber. . Ifamlnroli o nsole mae-bu en wastola t he me antr& inclfapabOrn g youka 4 ba4 t1 sca .to u e sand Sacetio ta be dukOe, as <bey mad lfto ai rokeliv. fr--'H 1, band dloe srln he arangeicin aid bssalidnue is veber's tlY. er the wdint televe 1, eOR lOU'. thel Blooke ow et ber rem euly. ntY p-are ofsueondlthe rwthat»eode.; -310 T qesh aliU e as orye ihta. Ri-dthat ab etu e l T h oe earboentte ma etbandLanote t off th wltb Ravodt Fethe Ma' manf -eulbave h loe Ye. Ou thei'@t. n1 Ah yra effa1< la t qo, 'ueoe." ururitAWolfet-lmvol te greu a.iau ante LadynRthe ht b reth er pt0dibH. au i hobered adpeldtng for a Z ie 1for the.maria. aimp011 l oeqa<ls hmomenotuetm.i r.ttu t mtO7 0fOOtl5e~50'U4lS~ I##IfI <h1o!ght < l a co-"sole ye-but LO tralm edber. hri *5al ae lvite ton îe e ore- e. k.i tol aute on" rori a me. Sg ouno h.ca gtrmcoan hur. i The I haee ntvelsai fili d myov!" oyjd ar!l n." vic re oas .dsh saernrnefl11 ydgmellast et cbaOand b1ohe nhm lria hm avl ,eit tew ter aiInm mxi' casuminci tho e ws«ainet w. She Otarg ovetr'h 3,- addheas, nthe ta t eriideti-n vMirhed mre t erbe e stn.te sading cla tober eyesI. ee Dw mou n ooeuceet e cgal. Benatpaye Wbartur, te sel eat i her5e le DO dTe%"b îe alley- se tIc Sbaio Of 7 <bttladies vere prt se bs en. 8h. athe10*aeoy a ebettedMn hanLA. et e m i <o av11IenWof frmanu'Ie wbo t t mhave elb otter ot. av In 04bAt.yn!" attue1 umU n yoet -aiet<h oe reave lotueu cgILadycRuth. Who1Mrtlïin erSPro- d*t ibl' tho sli.ate 1a painfl silnce mine abol te es«. ad- ot <," mthoe Be knbigltotedfmcInlove aumIne. duchesa, alm;teest bavee-btor h ile. la n ber *0, bb l7 b"e o loeibe d estht b r h1 là <le bitt eestSt" Y. Th0 ve. T have et a lnbMY Ol, et &I lo.n hog <i idw Idde rnens ho My uf ent of140 1101 <hm sulighttaiingeon is wite vn w- dunev-utters af lave Oulmvxabond Wildaeradiimorh.terretst. m h star.'gln er yas see i uc eu e, Wol e Taskalu le- -Wth h dlel okei b* hon inlthe< tib-hro uc teal a oustee vhlepe of k eldoPute heluksl5. Btig e aa-fr ad sib the aneetO bI. <btoUBîbe Woleaboselsaln e d h a Ifh.gasit la gtte <heinbpro eut!"lue sortnet msn, wlth that osîhavesence. e, coud f c d amim ely smIll ae. Oh, ' M" t an r,h e Midbat! de"e rpated vaUOU - at belleel lbats cal aou 1 Utohelm«0 He k17n"G way-"o uc ov s ie maxchs oul e auh marYCOUS ctiO o ae, Wvelber "d.mobber le metr Met ast laps uo MM aIl W =114 I -a hebiFo rtne»Ofatm ny ohr"h [. aeen ber fce whT fet he <boht b. Wemiii, gtdl.o ygtouhth e wido5 olk unbred; O ai Of eote <liot1 e, ort, vere eeying rernsndu e0f 1<, rnom, t Ife era ve. 8h n 0%d k- býfe@drnat vey moent Ter ldte si er- . detrelh êoys" b t<peun b u in mt ladoe, Wole as'111 "- >e-bTe dteNSonakese ber i rukelthoepoiaei ta s a nbd i'IasPebe ? eblt te er eîa. - ItHe bred sli. here andle o a rSt led "Bbc va a goi aties," ea19 trem, »bat lad couten th beré;vc- Ladyi Rhtb; qukilela"bcvoMid lvvrwyItr s ascle.sa delvedU any one.Mabers Tee, IfI Caatmt gonmai. ?"e clip vcasn tdocitu: 01 no uver "W" ea ihan," v'he repd bvaue-05 >lc blked er " alh a dy KC&,1 or iy, vMO saab;Let lGo, ear-, fratm man sh haud ben cylag penU ver aInctes ".o.D, holf"salI muthegot et t has bipeos e n uve.IL"1011 banve-doa" ho adied, only, mai grimly. lit.XI.èd ente. vayDo you.hlk I mia £01115l M. ady brutapWbeface*cooemlgb he<o pay ho e vmat"Ho urmnd lM of Whauobeetsubedolfe" anti <bd the, uo i yu N e bi h ilt upiiifltsba'ma oelW os- u- rumuvrksil 0l dns athfle th WUml'. "5 11Sv 1S Wn t fl bo tam" e là-tts," sai the ducb«kl, r- r e Uo al i ffl tha4 t i t l e *bat Il m lgh %, a n bSve, o n50 d f trï WO M g1 pa t Lt ln. 431 of <hem ooiil gom4kal144 ~s., e lt *I'PraDs. - t»Isomucb fotIbIs vroaged mai ho 1 bom e b.WiiIa" -Mrl votth 5<101a S "-hbu v«Mes tadc-M e a. 5 Cle~ ft t'É ts flballi ber aI <hd ~~cw . iqo, la a be" ublug l'duho*ega < th* "-Il barWbatistu f.,P uoe, Dtis, .oMmgftrmp, ud caor OU. 31 Ph.Bt li gUSUtS w clure yyetS'useby, Io .fXosetU, aste&SSt»7WoTmS and allaja me glDtob" mmd Wipw o :iliî Castoie 5rieve ts~ug se.hsvs sutpstOiisudBaulec "ilgetale masudusmailus torduS- h~ NotbuISbavO ,qpeatadbytellet IRa goal oint upc. éllires." * El 14 - ~. ~ft .--~ xa~ mfleoIBiâ mdus. aInu# ase a cou 1fbssiouakhe "Cmebelas.i ovel adaptedto cWfdrea fiai 1 ueaomnïmdi taasuporiortoany prencrpU=a lit u e S od et. Brookl7,. T. " OW pp«deaasa inas ecbdren'a dsput M" bava spembaifghil ort ho ein pSf. «M sleaO.k oirta spmetioS wlth Caatads am mait gbw.-osly have aan oego Medjil aupRlesWh"ilSk knovam regula wsuli,.1w. "A"re. 10 oerW th"*$m m ,rj- a ai ods bas wosuns te look W& Umm en ana , uumr nom nu&. AasC. 8WMU6 PM&$ W,, b S - ~ m Nw W W 8 né WOOd'SllOSDIOd M.Great &sglisà Remedy.ý Ttim vetaovruS an m nulng tboumadaor casawith au knowIn Un at blt. bus ve dis th*raitàar redy aMd umtmt-.a umbhO tbavil 0B pemPla," parmanh me ina u atagesof 8d i»MYl~, Uue or Zacnna. Mer»» aWdo&e", ZrnLuimt- MKéul wm. sa 0 b: 9mseg/ iOW&.,TI.2o, .ortlAkolk Shlwmù ail&Uof * vte~ - bai te auy, Oammuid Mm mL rn earY&gav.W@d's 5.kr. * ~hs~ sUaS hem mles.nl .saiuly by bondredi ofCasm thatMena edmo bepi. -uf11lesun. tmowytel mo* tiai dp&ysi-. "~ gi, i I~*Bmo mi dpoenveb< -0of W.ooe Pbpgbea. - IaS 1ae4 bles#hsiep te dis% -me m Ot who hmB gRil , up -mhnuMb-4ba zsnedy k0»W wittha your Id...OBO 1 SI iap0l.Pby malù» Set poobage. The Wffd Ounpl, Wlan4er, Ont., Canada. VeU * kS~ aMb ,ee.slaw0~dS d retil dugMlth* IeDomno«le. CLE.VEL.ANO Bu oyal Beàkingz Powder are el right but- no b»tter than Hfigin- bothol'S Jer8eY Cream Bakring Powde; wUih is1muoh cheaper ud là ]made bfeh every week. Ail we ask infor you to Aie ta VICTORIAPLANINGMILL Oppos Ka m'MW I>els&SoLumber Yard. FueOab voon BldM uii e U ITuruingsetc., letc., Cmli~ ~~âg "km Is.twrsdp rcbefore you buy elsewhetC. 5.?. T.lqbooe ISSI .'20Io-tf, te Was Mmge Nev thian t David acenes 01011; Vath Srmned tdesPl1' Tbe <beY couId camne phabt o Jiad 8 pluni Words. lngght faxnou tbat t in que parox bead D)avid bIs op bJis sE head It a.c It lDke little clu 'che ,et GOiî Ing th ghastIl denQe God' s jpa ren t ism, an pedigrýý Younlg ' h u that t rnigbty more I bad bIo iionest blood, may sk lu sure you sQ grea t-g on the mental itable i atrikin g Great f ta hav througy more Pe be seeni lles. A ta oblit Up of t aul the lifflbu alwamys and big SQueen o Çl&rles I ian d Ilis &nckat, 0Ma, Imd poSit.ici, Roman ]May tra whorn t BIgver an aac and Characte cbara.cte bave at thumel by Golia It for on fIve ge tions. Vigoro Une of t UUre r bopes. p 0f the runs on greneratto Il0sý]- 4 7of ý ITURI Io >SAY00 .011-J' 101CO