ÀNOEST TH4E PHYSICAL. PROCI t t",' '~~tenir a!olkWilliam hla - i@ii OSlgubSs ? A r$d b IleritaDSe or Fr"tez* hhe'Gv&re USw.Kome 0~ b~s Ot a theur foinb!âti'vrily k-"a h 5 00GIl thee xpendt- JT 'bC'1hp u.-by IU muhhodr. MU& O uOrfixtUre% o s, SO %Ilaks f a dossa gaso% «Mdta, iM e.i - Of a subbornOlp ai stubboru genof fferahioS, 0 - aesry'emauiy9emrm tfhie fathers viste! nm ~a1lrenu 11111thie t1d m an!a ~iMiu?0S that 'hie teoo , tOty uth e torce or a psosst1w ~ ~ tii O 15S O u foamigihlmt atatpum c .mt t k. Osam rsu t us <hMt, 'OOsoart thon,ý thou you a%* "noObd "Wel," smye soe=e tbsit1WlitM -m" &* q oa tm dschargeoet'omai issp p egte OY SW nomtay be bund ta b. good,,s4 I8 Daî ourelvée. Bon> etut, et oua toi we, not help mii'sev ? Tic centr »etal orce à î ten ew7 h bk v "4 C 'entr'e a U!theesiore -a li 40M- hutb e nt . e *dtmi ng vlf gout *o g t -,1-jwL tide of mmTm l à - EU. o( oeilSu a t am hhE ,d g e v T h o ' Ut é . o vu - igN h oir bu o uIê»11Mam tb.Il W«1f4 Md the, cmo WsbighuAt&.2m Dr. Tas- ohher fie tme mage 01e.as hie tort L et xUl -iwete v 55, *"Whogeson at tii.u,, Young of <ý i Neyer vas there a md rft U ghtuaj tia that behueca Dv _ Golit.o~~ blect n la tho W eyi, vavi! 5 foot biih.Gell i* D& s m.I yo ý t shepier! boy braugit up IU#d ur acsutr, To. len>bu ocentms,.Golati a WBttl*aï rotéte j"s<8 hIle gloritteuslu-, gian; Golath a inountain 'of bragge- ,. àce, or, If Y-an have coaetcfa docio, David a marvel of hiumlli5y; Oc,- desirmymisneO»try, thon 1ht. rour iuty» ilati arme! vitaim tn apear, David ho brace YOursejtagainstthie evil Ion-. arrhne! vîhia siing vt agmooti ton ednol Y &U 1prayer, sud Chrlst" a..- fronthie brook- But Y-ou are hot. te ten ut.AU 7011an to indaout desPlse these,-lutter weupouati1t1! sdhiarnig i Tiare vas a regme t f Ilngema ln ie/ *u PI t tie utrongeet guardat thc tbeAssYrln urmy au! a regiasent et eg m Qt& Wth the» . mooth jjngers lu the. Egyhiarmy, 'and atones fron1i tue brookIl Thope ho strike gley made terrible execution, 5114 fiey y0n, nOt viere,;Dgvl4 struek Golath, oulid cash a- atone wlh as much se-..a hihe heu!, but vIiert Nathan stiuak c=cy an! force as nov eauMn .sent Da5vid. la«làteqtat. '<Whaee son r Shah or sbolI. The Greeks ln hherirm~zy thon, hk@u 70=n a.u?p bâi aîlngers Wio vont!thirow Jeaden . Tite e i. sOzu.hin uahit vnter hot- plummiets Inecibe! vithilie lrritatlug idays ho brlug nup hieo.01!foike. T tink words. "Tuke tlua!" au 1IL vus a muuy- Of cUrthiangits ut suai limes9 inlgbty veapon David emhilayei ln that are set ho thiehune oft "Aul! LangC famous combat. AJewisî rabbi says- Byne" Tii h toula voe e obus>' atr that thie Probabllhîhy l& tiat Goliath vas Suci tlmos ln mailug ns happy an! in sci conhemiph for David that ln a Per4hape où les. resaura. made their 1t paroxysm 0of laùgiter ho tbrew bie sons snd daugirterx happler tuai> yon bead back an!is helmet fell off,.ari! ou latter resOulrose are able to mako David sawthie unec1overe! toreheuci and' Ygar sous and daUghiera. The suow( hls opportunlItY ha! comne, îWj4 hak1ng la.> Ivo teft saove theu graves., ont bis sliig an!. swlnging k e¶iad i the hock oftthiewite bîsukets and iead hwo or thire tmes and siming Iingle! lu the holiday festlvtlea-the Yi ih at that unicavceo forciead crasied Sanie vriUkes, thie sam e atoop of sbout-. It like an ýegg.iell. ,The battie ovrderi nnder thievelgît et age, thie sume behoid, hie tableau: King Saut sitlng- l style cf dies or cashei same litie David standing,is linger;a mlhe,thie saineC toue ot volée. 1 hope ol clutched int thie hair of the decaplhar.. You remember thon> before he>' vent. ed Goliath.i As Saut sees David stand- avu>'. If not, 1 hope tiore- are hiose r' Jng thera holding Ilu ils ian! the ia ,have toate! hë o yen at the>' t ghaatly, reeking, sharir ,g trophy-, c voiWee, and lIaIti ere may be lu y,3ur nE dence f thie comnPl2esviatory over ione. some a-rtIcle of i!ress or turnri- .i Go's enomies, thieking vonders viat hure wlth vilci yon associate their lm partentage vas honore! by suai icro3.. memp,Çrle& T vaut té arousethie mast tl ism, and ln mny haxt 1ho aàsaDavid lis 'Sucred meniorles of >'euî heurt wvile hi Pedigree, "Whose son art thon,- tîou mak thie Impassloiied Intermoguhor>' lnu younigznian?" > 1 r 1ari! oyar pedigree_, "Whose son wj rihe king saw via t you and IsoeFart ace tout titis.uho are el tint this question of heredit>'19a Piret -a c hrise na rest.îdo- ai migbty question. Tie longer 1 liveth Sddoa ota nesr.'do n more I believe in bleool-gaa<j boa! not ask' Ifyour Parents vere .pertect. ti bad blood, Prou! blaod, humble bloou! Tbere' are no p erfect peo>ple nov. and ho- honest blood, hhleving blocd, berale TI4" 1>01 uflee'-there er. an>' perý M) blood, cowar!ly bhoo!. The -l ertdency tact people tuer>. - Periapethier, vas (la May skip a goneratuon or hua, but t B5umltlmos toa muei bloo! lu theîr e>'. uM la sure to, corne ont, as la a ittle chih4 iie i> huie -u u rm O you omelme seea smilrityt b th T1kew eM you, you sot no more tal you so eti es soc a l m i ai ty thain y u de v d an -! per iups a lit- W i onrte at:grn!fTihasethéphicre anda tle more chalsemet*vauli! bave been tur on he ai. Tathiephyici al!salntar>'. But yen are vlllng te ack- uni mental an! Moral qualihies are iSuber- nweg .th t htthywne a4 Etable la pate nt ta aàn>'an iaonewokpstoieigTtiink, tht lie>'vne!-1 us eyes open. The s Sart a s80, ho dl onverom vIWad yorn over-f striking sornetirnes as ho be urnuellng. Ton sau ah thie taMlly altar uni! at Great familles, regai or literai>', at apt- negboro bsequlea. Yon know that eh, ta hae hiecaracteristies ail dowu lhey ha iuqted Go! Ato thelr heurt MOI Ilrougi the geuerlations, *und w-bat las'anu, thalit «.. Thre platsomethh;ng no more. perceptible ln suai familles ay t sh&e iesadpepS1Pi a ho seen on asuiesu iail tq4-.tJma td1t' onb i daub absue-h T t ifA hasayears,*ave nopovu hig dMtgjy T*W-expfel6you ever suri hemrte *t"-. d1fferenes1 TeIlade 1get h t'oeiven teoi4t hem as you ox- Pr&: ip oft he iouse.f ust ala leseeu la, pet' tomeet e.lie j mBus hit..ri al, thie generaishia "dsu nlacalled' the ?ateryases ~habe e Eisburg lhp..Tbu. tSitÉsut harni foi yoru. Tbie. o tas a lime Su ;1al&Y-a meaus Smail generations orueitY w* veft yon got rlght np troua a ionse and aini! bgohry aidsmualtty. .W[haeau of lnlqnIty an! *Wskeoutastnlu tathe. w-S SQue.n of Stes. vitnes.Charl« . ansd fregi' air boconse yra tiiongît. our .Thei Charle 1.. whnezjames I. d James moher vas ho@Mg ah you. Ton bave fo il. snd aiulith *e somdsrtM ofuthUt r uie beà ve hagry la min;beaunse 11eve 2.ne: 'Scottlaii -blôoo> nexa>ws:prterace, . of.ua- ,èL ou c. tg*t voUui present ig PLnglbiih k>cd moase reverencdé -for the -itseif. irmuous vicees ftram the paît roui ancienS, Wesi blooi neans reIilO.tEy. <So«te! YonuUndh b~ eteemnl ans Dazdehbbloc! Moenin t ondues. for -te audible, 1an! risyo oked aroun! te ses mone, lu! ian blooc! means .roaminé dis-. vio 81>01M. Ther. vaan ostate not un! Position, Clt e le 1>00meass vd-tmention.! I hi hat viii an! testa-. ititud Romn 110! mur. cuqus Thei.'ment, as vaut estate ut prayer =4, e Yevlsh fucilit>' for accumulation yon holy example -an! Christian- entreat>'MY rnuy trace cleai back ta. Abrabana, uof snd gloSious nemory. The survrivors m I whiomthie Bible says, "lie v ta ib ln oftic tamuiîygathere! ha heur tue wvit!V2 silver an! gai! sund cathie,".an! to'la-' Ses!, an! this vas hobe keph su! that vain. sac au! JaSb, whli ha thie same 'vas ha be sol!, an! 1h -vas "lsame an!d vain, charucterlsuces. Borne famille. are share allie." - aln caractorized b>' hngevity, andthe>' jButthier'. unean nuritten Wiîî hial I h havea a oucty of lita pasihivel>'e- e. roui nth4ilngtke tuis: «'In hie namo prayg thusele. Others ,are -ciaructerize! utf God, amen.' T, being af Ésond! min!, Culec by 'Gollathian stature, an!y-ou can g- bequetih o My children ail my pua>'- coulk 1h for eue generultion, twa gen eratlosj ers for their salvahlon.T bequeuvta j heavo Ilve genratios-lu ail thie .genaia-.hem. al tue resuits of .a lifehlmo's teli, novez dovu - j I bequeatuh o thhem nhie Chrîstian re. w-a>'a Vigorouis uieoîogy ruila wn hie liglon, il.wci -habeen s50 muai com- j m>'n lina of thie Aiexani!ers Tragedy ua tfort hi> me, -and I hope na>' be salace houaI on luthie famIy of thse KeMhlesa. uLitfor thiem. rbeque«b >to tiem a îope lmade t rature rue on lnu hieî huéet t b.>Tri oc < r= r j~ i Puitnga utlite loes. Phllaunthropy ue on luthe Une bée an>d shaire allie'ina>' avir Of the Wilbeiturces. ,Statesmansiîp tbeT iteiSt oteTtiat riches. 1 bequeati Iteln runs on lu tia lino 0f hie daue. o thi te wvoii iat hie>'-mu>'-ava!1 id usefnî Christian min'pe etuv v as the son ut a druken horselà r. Tide of vii lautremendoua -n dalgue 10o fam illes. 1h Asla U N ag rs _ _ an! y et Men hav.e g b Iwwt M& been rose.. vealtu ha. rale! up Ato m» Wfflâe 015 M46 tiai vas tunded b>' afler. b. baiýVeut o«talle, a I 15 e t tacks b ecuse t e I I ontamoe lias i o ueoo, hW qàftn Md grnd ad gou la he oh b a' evmb "o011suppose t Iiib. gwp and bSt h*$>l ~VU and ffe-gelu *1.et %mllmamie _ *The thht GI et miese h 1 tye I- down lrou gi the artels. oC oi. U be rembda tei .b eut. M- Fou em = .1 mw" iw uglilt low ff-L -m:1 y It UW ý rtaira.. i-ii t n t fflkt yë >fluio.b. botter ùub.'a d M 0 c:hwo b"d ne> rty Cirinm IL.usir e gle u e.? Uhad la* ion do t b . ê' 1j cie1 <Y ti.geer*tt ia i Sm# -past en 1 thé ofthe s h Mtb ocome, are yf PM Wblou.jnon, or sare lin W* it1tts é fýblessing - âii"ale d'O drapM ofsîgythe Are thetÎuatee cf ptë. lu tht anei line, an!d s enougoing te azgmet or M-a qusder tioolemu trust, fun ? Are1w lue -on golng t1>disinierit Tour sons %'Loq@ 0 fris dsughters cft t.he lrloom wvici yz>ur O., *Vf parenltàîettî.you ? Ah, thatcannet t> central lin .poMsble-1t cannot be posalble ths Rkab i* To aegoC ta tzee suoia paon Ijtl& W, ait ti iToi are very. caretul about &M at VMi the. liednuancae, uicareful aboutOf th. mm ticdeesan!carfà about the mort- tiie , Ue I! 91'ffeand careful about thé; tle of ycour jamfly ,ne ProIZty because when you step off- Cal table. the tge you vaut our cildren ta Tiere wl get Lt ail. Are, y.oaig 1 g n p o i t e l visin t tattey saal SMtgrand- es.of i father's or gran dmothere reqliôn ? BorneMan Oh. what aSalit viii and testament roverse.Ille YOn. are making, my brother! 'Inuthe Perhap th naine ot Gai!,amen. T, being oC sa-un!d dwn ta y Min!, niake tuis MY hat will an! testa- are to be tj mient. 1 beqnoeath ta my ohldren ail la te putc t'ie money 1 ever mEle ani! ail he tlialong lI bouses I awn, but I disinerit them, 1 clos an!ds8W rx>b thean oft he acSgtral grace and tram thut 0a tie Christian Influence that T lnberxt..for a etui ed. T have squa.ndered tint an nry Prombe yo own worldiness. Shure and uhare alike architects mnust they luthe niafartune and tue arehway Il] everlastlng outrage. Signe!, sotie! '«More thaîn ,and deliveret lnuthe Proseuce ot Gai! your heredit ani! men*and angela an! devils, an! souan!d al] the geflerations oC earti and hea.. &lmlghty. Peu au! bell, Zuly,1898." the homeatel Oh, ye oC huilY tavare4 ancestry, apenSatie oi Wake np ti mornîng te a senne of bloa! tu Our rour apportuuîty an! resp.)nslbîîlty 1 on Our osai tink there mnust be au ai! cuAje or king; ur Bi a fragment at a aradie umewhere thstkIdngs an! c0uld tell a story of rnSnigit sup- Cômernesd i lcatiou ln your beiair. Wiere la the fthe palseg 'Id rocklng chair lu whIoh you were founta4ns th, sung ho aleep witi the haly nursery crystal aud! rhymne? Where la he aid ock that -ont-orthei1 lcked away the momentýs outhat aick- gardens of ai oes0 on that awful ulght wien there the. tull buri were but three of yen awako-you sud Yon banquet 3od sud moeher ? la there flot an 014 tors. oh, Wh, ta.f lu nome closet? We beg you ho verd!; let 1h n mrn aver a ne*w bat this very day. -roeked yoi Oh, the Douer oft ancestral PletY, the craie 9',el Illustrate! by a Taung man of firut world ;ew !York via atteuded a prayer.meet- toit s'weeps f ng ancelilght sud aàked for prayer Your 9,mve. bh id tien went -home sud çrahe doowui MaY ri bee Word.: «"Twenty-.ilve years ugo *Whose son o-nigit my motier het o he&venj manr' Son 2y beautiful, blesse! oheand!1taIkty, hake avo been alone,, tosaed up uni! dowu Pon thebillowe oft 1db's herpestuous The W, ceau. ShaîllT ever go ta heaven? Sie A w u >Id me T must meet hier ln heaven. aunual aggrel 'heu aie took miy iend In hem suad papota of the rued lier gent-le, ovlng oyes ou me, ad! guze<1 earneatiy und loug into mÛy be 12,«0,000,00( Lee, and tien litho! them ho heovon ides of this n ithat luat prayer, aie prayed thit that st wouli ntght meet lier lu heaven. I Wonder 10,450 squarei 1 ever shall? My motier', pzuyer.%! la printed on 7I h, my swoet, blessearnother's'pray- fulthiei', liati r! Dl! ever a boy have suai a 000 represleuteq other as T ha! ? For 25 years I have anis, 1h vauli. thea-rd lier pray Uuhl ho-ulgit. 1 tien> 10 *lai ire heur! ali ber prayers over &saiJn. rangement, *v iey have ha!, In tacto. terrible te tien> vetoo*4 rrectlon. Oh,,how &ehe *aa wont ho i'each aOtur1b Lyl !She praye! as lhey' prayed ha. aU thoue, sBd ght-sa carnout, sa Importunate, so the ie la «ould, Ieviug. Shah I ever bie a Chtltan? altitude eo£4M, ýwas a Cirluhian. Oh, how bright SS0 miles. Ca dpure and happy vas hier lite! She ugo mmn spe w3 a ebeerful an! happy Chr4shian. his paper tu t] ire la my motier's Bibie.. T have l0w estimate),, t pene! It for e açs.DU! ale be-0frthe Vnri e T coul! ever negleet lher. preciaus P le? Sie snreiy thought T vouli roadin wl Ih muhaindu!otten. How othonoSi Ssic reu it ho, me! How di! aMe ine me ho kneeî by my littî bed _ 2put mylittI. banda up lnthe ah- E ie ot prayer ! How banshae knelt Tii. omdic me and over mie, undI have toIt ("Il) News, wt warm tours, i'alnlng clown up.rn bis-pet orn stej han!dsuad face! 'aftrthe fohloi Blesse! mnother, di! you pray ln a nevspape mî nfor yaur boy? Tt shull not b le ln OCaman Whosne n. Ai, no, ne; It shah not be ln ils paper lu put ni 1 '.'li pr..> for mysef. Who l>aa holding .np ho th, e! agalnsh se muahIinstruction as and shortcomini Lve-agalnut no0 many proclous vint vould b. 'erg put up ho ieuven for me b>' aritlolser woul! of tue mont lovely. tender, pions, outraged au!dil fding, trustlng of mothers inluier Tien the poor 'erly Father's cure an! grade? Sic shh or shoot s( er doubted. She believo!. Sie ai- beash of burden, *s prayed as If aie, dld. My Bible, Igt, neyer does tl tnotier's Bible un! mny conacience provocation. It >IL wat 1 amn an! viat T have atral! ho *i!o 1h, W myselt Oh, thie bitter panga of mean enough.1 Lccuslng conscIence! 1T nec! araun! hrying hcn lii tond> ~4Thama mlld la oe E be-ail U Mti ar"hoi 1somne o ,e and! apei rm be soi e an! reyq lebbosa, 'e etar ol roui mai, thr ifa !î,vn the Ue ut gu aritahi oua Dn whileiil 2Z7. Tatid )u as fiue of beavem ,t>, lmt me langihers Entiaged .ad, coi'. ýf adoptiîe ahciheon. ertuer la Queerasi hi down or oe. Comae bah, tinIn alabauher. upiolaher zualea and reh of the t thpot àen -he te not stop ai mr 111fa that forward I but 9,1:thi reigu fore art the of - Go!,1 yonr lui egahe . It 00 copie. Id caveri 781,250 houi if he runi ed, muotea hAaieove Or raini the day q( vu fini &PerS.-,s n'. sirikes lo presui 'Pped on,ý ring tuaI A%, ever>' wierely ci Rbu., abatl 'e puog kgs Of salI She resul 1 hlukli wouI! th qull driv 3omeod!>. athe cou ihls oxaopl lsn't be but bacs Hi ultoa :odestro>' ipar.calted he edItor Dh on sqon Ècoundre' ut theb ÉÀ.ÔRG INI SALE» bIy~xrilIn.r, ayou oa MUh ikties*ohoosq Irhou Md4 - t 4 and A Wate rt. Cou- ME INTIRESTING F'ACTS AND tbl& im ~algr FMUUS CoOCRNING TNEM.tLJ U é-aan * tNagsps butLa.Nowji he s. t UOil. US That PuisUmq oudeMSm 'os ifSeos ma". h" nt one@ ta *t i snskrit 1sUuage llaiwd toIbave .d gga~ r to oui'worl, 2'ii- Caine.. language bhs 40,0W< It, "d, inu thefr an- X1MPlé-WOrd8s ad only 450 roots. Ions 34bo>esm and. PhuIolgsagre that 81 au ae Mr *ýOBathahebé Are devstoped Irm onerot ta U denlied- 'Thie Word "language" cornes fram -the 2OOS i. the tI m f f mtsm 1 L a J ti n *lùgua lo t he. tongue. -M be fteuureted *4,4 T.e rabbin taught that the language mie arise In each 5I'oken by Adam WasS Hbrew. en & new IreDeSiog0. (3eGWer says that "*ail word.sre de- Me Jsephto aiseV*eioped tram a few simple souiids.1 ne J oeph ta aise Jag*i. Bleek, M uller and m any others _ _ _ _ _ _ rae the. evil i.nlu- amumu language to b. anoutin - snd tiiere ulil be ?The speech of theabogines OfÂtrbca e in t befUne and changes wlth almost every gentation. Are you usUsie.d to have lenoe of Bathsheba. ,Very rapld speakers enunciate about YOD as muoeàey ia & c f hope may 'point tvua words Per second, or ramin 0to manufaces «iL IH you vi ger. PerhaPs YOu .]»0 per ,ainute.f nyar s u M l or the h ý*Ine that Elthu Burritt, the Iearned b=lack, acywesbtaril e brektri sud stop smltb, l8 muid ta have underatood from 1e.. .7..L enestogioaî tenden- fOrty t6 fifttY laziguages. .~ r « ou anoher tak ln 1801 there were only M000itailan_ and close. beem Wn running speaktng people In the United States; do that, snd 1I Utl now there are 460,«0. snd .tbe Underwear andtifHes * a palace as the 0 f the leadlàg dialecte 937 are apoken W><>î vaute th L epar round, nonbuill,- the -la As, 587 In Europe. 276 in Africa wth the Woras, snd 1424 ln America. or." But whatever laninnety years the Spanlsh-speaklng *R Vauy yuMay be People of the World have lflcrejaed f the Lord God trom 26,690,00o ta 42,80oo ou.-l ,18 6 - - .d ebuîdren trom There were,- in 1801, '230,000--896persona back through the In the United States wha spoke French; >n. Therela royal tiiere.are now over 1,00,000. There are creunu The Germnan and Spanlsh languages Oui' Father la. are remarkable for one tact, th&t eveiy king; we May be, letter ha. a unltc>rm sound. STRAI Ito Gai torever. It 18 --estizated bY Grove- that the S the -ivory bench Mdes of the Plpe organ was borrowed __________ and wssh- I the groim the humnan chest, mouth and Uto the basins of larynx. r. C ame and look W thn the lim ita of the United _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ re wrindow upon States, In 1801, there. wçre 5,250,000 4.ana.ranth. Hear EngIah-peakLig People; now there are T orchestra whlle 70,000.000.7 >tntates aud vi- At the beglnning of thia century the I l ics etsep ak POrtuguee la'n ail di n useSb 3, t e rafl t at 7,480,000; I 8 0 I a p k y 1 ,à so m e w e a k i n k in ancy, but at 0000 rocked the At the beginnlnt of the century that is the -scat of t d when the thete Wevle 0o21Y 5000 Spanlah-s3peakapg b u t et t not so tWpl ateUntdSaesio t May b h 'throne on which 5are05,0.W Y tekd m ,M s rever and ever. At the beginnlng of the centir the u, thou young :Oerinan language was used by 30,320,- Blood Bitters goes heir of lmznor- M0 People, wblle In 1890 t was em- tew a ln nt lersta.nce!: Ployed, by 75,200,000. 1jtewa i ki' In 1801 It 'Was estiMate! that the dîsease, and, restori [mod ethat tl;e P f Pol; n19 tenmbrbd cleansinrr. force andc -c i ý o o r h e I M M & mD d t a 1 1 1 ,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . , k d la-aclatc1 ta The alphebeta 0f the Tailous langu livrne ysbowe, To grap any letters, tlis number eisWith good red ëVe May etatè ar from equal ta that ot the aounda.11. no.fewer thaJi la waies the People clain that it. disease is. certain, surtace. tha.t _t Wbbl teMost saIent angimge ma of paper, and, on the esrtii, and that Adata. Eve and q? d mbr .(2O M h sret chatted Weiuh tagether iiheol rm le Mu er o f or -very known language containes sno blood poisons. in u Nç ftht. ýai'- n&m«.as euckoo, peuRt, uhippoorwmn rgess and PU&land ochers, I w&hithesowuis emst- lotis swellings5k ýn Twui ii Q3 ýae tlie&m . B. B. B. sho ldbe- ap s~ ~ ~~1e h'tbs ls Igtrumma, s50fatas aukfown w.« - the on ca b t 5lUE kah ay, internai!y a4;orui-ng 1 round ubrow t a uspected by sou. philol- that the. aver- Oeta tliat lhe Latin was a dlaect of iinntes readlng th* Etrusosu thlu la s very At the. beflnning of tuis ontury that the People there ver. 81,450,000 'Persoan uthe spnuily e.~world using French ausaspoken b.ngu» fU#à% «omd inCa 51Mte 0,000'à"la Sinmest. begtnng of tht. oentury the use of the Italian language ham arestly Snoreaaed; lai 101 t was spoken M uguatine, md 1U,00000I. nhi10 .-J .B Mably. bas had Cardinal Meazofanti spoke 114 lazgu- tells the truth&ansd dialecte, fifty of them ih hiou: -Supp>oarn ch esesand flueucy ushe uho s. lme ha bosartWmamsakon for a nattye of ritieuIseshmor te6'aiswhere tiiey *Ire ù"e id retallate bW %a eienian I&Migate hbaa sreaiter gase the faulta pouer of comblnation of wirds than Id tault-finder, &»y oher European tangue. By the 1ht? Why, the 11beral, use of the hyphen, almoet any Imseit terrlbly ÂAcowdlug te the. btat autiiorIties, trgh tor gare. omoinatlon May beformai!.F verwovuld get there are 8424 known, languageo and The patient loading d4aleots. not wartby ho be olaas- znty jurnl- d as !anguages. brlng up the number itnder qrteat Mx Mllrteachs th - mitaivefram the South aid, eecase e ltiithory of language, that a languagg ause ho lsn'tlasu Imitatminofn lf natri auna Kv. A. Osupisils Gi.oy, Rmnt 8t.e.. Po01v wvrtblmeu cI@hing in your hou-s, vhicb coes bd article does if. bought directI roni the firm, who, mut Rsmulue barRainit for rosi solid vaines, without, es vhiéf are eljoqueut in t.hemsel vos, corne bore. Dai"ie. Oitr SheWting are filne Ou àYrn ha no equd, e ld ul im710. per cent. leu. thau elsovhere à.Morufscuriug, roll cardinq and cuutom weaving pmjUrattondoti to. H4ORN BROS1 LINDSAY W0OLEN MILLI. T AS AN ARROW TUE MARK. es that affect humanity there is tthe.chaini of health, some sPfIPt the. trouble. It- may be the liver, iach;-' perhaps it is. the> bowels or likely it is the blood. Burdock s traight to, that spot, strengthens , chain, ,removes the cause of the res health , because it acts with curative-power upon the stomach, :l and biood. blood hbealth is assured,.without to corne>and Burdock that Will positively remove aJ, i1cers, absces ses, scrofula, scrou. disc*-s# çloh;;,ýoId sro )plie> eàternàIy, as wcll as to directions. )lX-AL em-oved e of Kent atre next to the 0O iceo the uextdoor to. j*GF YS NEED A NU(W IT HOW.GHEA-P.WE WI-LL gal very easomaAu pc s.Uuime to fit a Boys Kmw Puts 5c,50%,75o% $1 pain& mae <aisào. TeesprpelMmne SI.00 a"i 81»0 é Ihalek tirouglaiL.à@ ~ T~eusrhgo Md iauy. hMsg h~ M d, theIb agmsthe Greek, Latin, Germai.si- W. have a large oeo f 10 OMM5< dé' vile, Welsi, Biscayan, urIsii, A",i-" bOMb bàt Of banian, Tartartan, Tlylan,, Jaaylan, prIce from 8$1.50 C44 8ome chois. 9-hsvo . in-Chaucin and FlnnLc. .Malle aild vel lmadt ame miR la I t80h<oee vere only 280,000 persona %y hm fr « 5 ou op]t. >I&. là ,th* Ibutta of lie United Statu s* 0gak: m As a. amother tone n0w over 1.9,000 utour people, G4W.. I. I Os mana, or defehdanha ut ermans, red E N M T E D U I 8 5p It uisokthut language. à a.îméetbf f Ziurlngthe .relgn et Queen Elizabeth ~< %IMMM £W te 53Ot Uonof]ngllio coumerce r.Vu, 4-elwt mme M amrpskabe ereopppt ot CltZeïtii. Dnlai lage and aY'&MCi- nfe tm th im :ri aon th, 0 de" o f qmIe tqe4s Wblbw n oere lqai *14i è0100 n%.pI M e ne4h .*taaiomê i tgtjOomon use. DEPÀ m 9-11006M th, bout« af t.twy, wai tf le Wmtiive vd bu * m~4*b m eme ce - mi Ma.,- bit anl A, s, q - i - e ~ ~ I J' ok gIi heleetstls W!5 CàmbU4a rLL, Kn S