.?I * ~ W1Holdl-a 80 Days' Sal QI. ai od uStock.This, la not an odnr ae SummmerGood s,ýbut LETINOGOALL OVE@R TESTORE. ]ET .i~ uluIe et~'~~i If yu seize.,tla opportuflitY byVne ibid lb. roreioc'~ y ýu lf.e have 1jU Alot of BPI ~ji8Bapure ( 1*- w w v________ DRES sGOODSI single fold0ai0wolSoto 10e.wrh40EL to 40e; ~~~~~~~~~~Back ad ail wool. Cashmere, 250-35 suBle od we have a ltoeneWe are ofrfgi rm312t yards at 2509'WOiPth50; tihese goods are from 44 to 46 inohes wide. Colored Prese Goods reduoedfo 0ht 0-40 a WÂ-IST-LINI NG,8c10,2e 7e; dobl !l% 7 o8 > Ffs - Wa.ist Steelo 5o a sett. Gamo..rie, sug49-±u ~ Fibre Chamnois worth 15aefor 10e. Â greatjoiDesBiE be a Whitew14 PRITS.4eSeTe~ You waut to see these goe ht ~ wT,8,1 LoveY Sptited Musliflfi, 10e; Sheetings, 14e, 15e, 18e; Plow .CottonS, 0,1e 140. White Qtos a,6,7.G COottons Se e e,6;(retons, 7e, 802 100;Ar Muslins, 5e, 7e, 10a. MPA uDTU tTmTWKW mý12-e.1500 20e1 25e. GOOD'TOWE-LS, e Glass Towelse 8epair;,Larg Toe 1 pair. Large 0Cotton 15e pair --A..w-DIESRIBBED OASHIMERE HS,20eo ar INT AYHNiADBRTIn IN STOUK MUST GO ivW~~rP rn f!P CiR (IARPETB 6 difféent Tapestry attrns 8for 23e0 ad teseqal scep J)JIL L LJ.LlbJ6à-% f u' 1 - A LARGELOT Oddsizes (Jhildrena' Hoses 5e0apair, easaily worth 100 to 20e apar ÂBrgiLtTa Covers, 25c and 5(c, OeniOlO Ouetai35,2w0 pair, lve Colors aud pattrni. Au WoolTweeds. 200o ad 25o W4~T~ff~~tPftttaImfla1tnuBevid Shfrtig f SIIADE BLINDS9 33comPlote. Curtain Polest complei,1oend2c àrsis u~~ w 120 for 9c. COttoD.de, 20for iboc, 25o lor 20o; therne are new goodu. MENSANO OYS Strw Has, urlng gales 20c.' Men's and Boys' Buita-Boy8'9 S100, men'. $2.75. A.jb lt Mn'sand oy6 Fot Has, &o ach CD wo Mmd thome wl eauC~ silo en qmlodst. 'w e~n Pr hbave large n m* outh wara tb#M ILiree Very valuE ranteda a and Wi1ia Mm.a large1 arr ange( ýî$ %taerest. umnade c Sat lowei a. s regud IERi I utrec RO v afresha "UBTA >l'Ia: ts, 4c, 6c. 8ci: 1Olg *odUfl r - - - A - -. c: i thmun Merve. A job lot Men'il and BOYS' 1POIt - IffatSi 150'MCh- 1 dam MIWÀ