!UW TLLGO Over,50 packates of NiEW PALL (08hv alteady been receivod, aad every doy reb a4ditioni am, beirig made to our stock. QO.Packages .British and Continental Goods ppeileio thie week, împo, ted by ux êD[RUcT ?ROM THE MÂNUTFURERS We.. have agai Pailu Particular A ttention t10 furSeleotios Izàve oecured the mitikta in evry di'efo ai d aebe very ouccesefl ini apecus ng aole extraorclinary valmnea in wany Ues, nia i20c a 31-2 ko' .Oce-400 t 5cotc )ress. Butt 10, 1< 7o.G 315c jotT ajirtfng o $ 4o,~6O.~ Wel Etrà Vampés ln tiret sad Wblfr Vilons, Sheellngs, !lllew ÇeoIîïýns, 'Table Lineu l n M hit, u,,bleachedo and led and Wht. Th4ý finest .100. Cretonne we ever offeredt, 10 Extra iVauHuein White Bpreads, oommencing at 76c. each j5,0O0O yards Fiannelettes from 5c. per yard up. .An imme 1noni ssor menzt of, Qrey, White a.nd Scarlet f j au.elsi -Gantons, sicyetc. Sleet-ing Fhinnui1Is, and Sheetiîng- Flannelettes, singh -and double width. Al BgDrive ii Lace <JCurtains., w.elu hve cc,.,.n acueil nother lot of those fimn 75c. Lice Ourtaie. 3j varde WÂOONs, BIMM , UO G1MÎ, sud OUTTUS, ;lm ~ml.O LINDS~1 il SUW,1NLIGHT IOp WRAPPERS À»"reSt coloredpitu&iefor eet y2 I l igt or ewry 6 "lijbitoy" Boap wapr nm. picttw.am all A quvulto~&ging.Mdea LFVIR 13qO8 Ltd. 23 Soott St*eet,_Jrot ýShopping HereŽs&s Lindsay has ai varied and ccii eeleot-d stocka and as bri4ut stores ai ary tawn in Canada. The cu.eomer cho viuit4t ýThe West ndS3 ore ca-n select froan varied und comploet tS4o GROCGERIES, BOOTS &.SHq and DRY, ES- GOODSI Whst *a sving, of trne, labor and trouble ta be able u er the one roof to supply the ordinary neede cf overy household. it mays4 an innovation tc> etatifiéh and dt-voIap aur business upan tbe fBran fondatB of always consuit ing ibe intereflle cf our patrons, seleoting for thean the bt goode, and selling then ut athe loweet paiseible peuces. Ali our price are bad upon etrictiy cash pay mente. Wu mnake no alloance for bad debte; bat for Ue accommodation of reepouslible parties, ta w hom it ie a convenience t psay M one dime the entire bili of à month, wve are willing ta open monthly accounts,* êrovided satisfactorv reterence àe furniahed, %nd the bille are promptly paîd afÎýr tis reoeipt of the reguar oeonthly atatemeeot. We ioiply euh toa ke it êt~r that st the close prioes ce oeili w,, annot affurd to continue the acounta1,of any but prompt pavers. What a satisfiacti-on in dealing chere this system is.,-Trustcarthy gaade oulyet unifarnuly 1ev price. Any article ne etintactarye*y, be returned for cheerful reinibursement. lW4 S-suis-te M.Robson, West Enij 3 Storels. long, anU tlourud. ExËtra values mt *1.00, $1.25, 81.50 and $1.75 per pair. Ie it:~~~4iW ne-nIe Ever'y pair Bat gain. w e Doparment.aI Ib nmm tfo stocks of New coods lA EverDv4>ed Prce5 t~ as-m d..rv.ilg. eSirsri ent At15.the cameiP V 1o,5 I 1 T.Si., Sik h e [&rires@ 5i rthixt 9 buam la . a, boutl"le Stro Llaisai. Joue aai,tnue 5bal o. aci or tirasyoarad. The - ecuer lb nquesed %0 provo prepeti, yaV exp5DsO a"Erenu I EDrroEAND mcPrU!oMM. aI ak i eaY TRIÉ?, _______ ~To Beottiln Village ot Woodvile -6 ad78ZKrî LWsaYA N T ED ymog man te do'j Bi# ksmltbs %hop & Tools aiidt Stre1,etj iday okfor as lu thlm iiiitv. If tliai have Bicynîse ail the bitter. Addrffl"ADVWhI" dal-»mdbikhu W an ed A n hiir Whieo m tt Dhe..T sA A i ALENEBrnfrd. COtaro -281Y.." Poocosian ie ou lot of Soptember; aise a Ico. PrlstWdU h. ---M opamsOUtA THM Ai9 ocS yen eed NOT 6"CAt;ADÀWS PlaIDE." fter tpartiulars apply te Wrte J<ýWi>e1tBU1tNktCG, lte&Unt tguaplfor b ot1er O <f àMas. GRiedOn O&WPBELL na Wainutofl. D.<Ç.. for tb 4.0prpOilv ffet ehyonrnasneand FRE E1 T MY.itn t o eehundradl uvaS un m. adFREE crclii4maB. trial boItte _____________________ IILTAT 505..IIIADLA1E «.rI %T 1\rT c0i mn ' -À T_ strS 1515 -N Town-,, roperty for Sale.,. ..lhave large. numier .ofIlouses la Noth a4d Souti caros. Price..range item. 810W0 - ana foSBaie. to 14500.'Lree largoe olid brick Tir r-'aemusîu ouisu ul Twa very vabuable 'Hoesipropuriels- nte oe s 100lngte siitua" nouthle amen weil Xmntêd ed liceaceti - laisede"mirsIvI vSroibeces H indc @et, thra Kent and William atreSt property. mOmaid a bout frota the stao. On lie promis lboela nv ialinab eIm m e ebor FARK PR>DPERTf8. e brstsrbUai.tipcswc - minc; èe. Tmvi «. * eas se..fUmlub Have c a rgiIe t> 01'O n iPrOVi0m h et m mcisoi à«. lm-ta eahoduml %0l lar sale la opa. l& FPisipocuFOD1b, EDm ove borai lm ser. I cais.e srth amîdt" p"e.l Verulcassil Eldon. Pricia rane tm S"00 lalfl ad sucmm fore ruetuilaI oi te 15000, Wil cocapt .aen =0 paymeuat àinorool u au ildoca cvi tiroe ton lauer Banerranged ou lerma ta suit pumbrr enss t ra l'gu o5tII.fae i eure ah 6 intreet. Fo pmriaml im, apuly ssUj or atUihta texill IO-81M OÏiMrsP.0..Oal. pre y t we j atlsAndo veit ir. I T OU~T.OF DÂPX"NESS Ihr:onr.equiruw m* o -«t s miel mt9111101 11 T gata or ter env otier eb-oiliappt&Y ta lie AMY bTRONGEC R R00 ]C. BuEi#801. P C RNSWOa I TII4I flAUl M the FolloW*i9ng oîbePr THE R THBUmi a-Whose Namesmed Âddreaee Rave just received a saPpIT of S peàial Brnd Par 1 tisfr OCROWN jEWgL"l lu quarter, eMt, sisXtemtb 13L "STAR]BRAND Portla nd Oemienlt AN] WÂTEEIMZ Thle Rathbun 0C e rsil rock bottcu Pdffl th*e.F Vomer of Lindsay t,» Mud twu 1 MIL, Um Ring lu Udr Oti, Thut Tiaey Have Be-ms Cured of Rheumatiom aid in seme Casea Paralysie by' ]RYCKME&N's "KOUTENÂT viae. Margret Pattirsen. 91 Vin. Street, Thom" Bsill Sterling, 96 J-lois-uri, nomI Hamilton. lits. cal 2 iriute ai [tIue,.içamD~N? ameu<y uttilSii Uomm DOe W-814 fi laar4tret ome.4 se. IMM~.,iOisetunê,Otc F'AIR, Ami~~ AKCLuaAL XBIION TORONTO Âug. si. to sept, 12 1896. Entries Close Aug.8t New D.p..rments, supertor AttraotonU, "atest Iuvouti*fl8, I EVIIYTHINO UMeTO DATE. The Peepie'B Great Holiday Outing ot the Tsar. Waittfor 1$. cm zur-unaFrom lv mess For rs i m i lun try rma. e.. ad,. j. z. w1?HEO,, . 111me4 l'ne, TUE TABile. lm ESTU RUON A tre. ~ ADAM* BOPPE,! COMMISSION BROKER. Stockej,'Bonds, Graineansd Provisions bought and sold on marit4n or othercise.. Direct Private Wireu ta New York and Chicago. Bank of Commerce 3do n ]Peterborough, Ont. IWDaily Markets fornîsbed free an application. TOWNSHIP 0F ELDON. BY-LAW 7No. 161. A B~-a auiet.amo of Ti., touof Tas ber Dr&e Md L 1%"at be leef flb'mul T w .bp ¶È lb.~~ýj« chie050, sU57le disiU os lametop book mm et .es'l eyp0"atIos k ca u BILS saa fu l.. miacuM"sb droUsib, be m d aOm m i , u dU l e l a e p autà - sw i p o i si l a j»» om ot9l *0 444 =1.. $» f thile m m ase or im o o i b ' teU àme of b 0 ietLb ap.f.u l'. I à"ten ommabiDa"e éof iiobnva S«imb' perl 1kM dl1b. mu .ak , amoo. "o» si la u aputhe MW, amil ab - k têhm"eu e= hctiosm2,22!= s.@ A M o &*ma nelm bdle w, . é lA h ms . thé Get Our Prim 1 Ta AtYQU8T 21. 1896. K ~ u ~ The O1~ Baoii. A Petition Agamet k'reston. m &-.L- On. Haneat Man. Dm" Enrroia.-PiuInforma yeur rendlri, icI if crrilttn tuoufldeally 1 cli ail la asealed l ltterpartloiclm of agenmuce. bhet home outs, by chlch Ice. porman.tly reetor. ei tu healli Mdimcly igor, aciter joui et sufeting tram nervoee ebilty. sexuaelvlu"- nais, nait loessiced: ceak arnmkeapuett. 1 cas iobbei ami acimiiel iv the quicke ouil 1 nuiy lest falti la maniim, but than hiévcenI 1am nov cmll ivgotous cmi itiong, sud cii te ucaeltia oria meaua etcure kuoca to aIl mu7mre. 1 have actina te .eIt sud cent ne meaey. bul baleg a Birm bahievur lu tie univoisal brothc:iooi cf man, I cm déslrous of holplng the unloitumate tu eain lhir ai:-t boisud -iepplasss, I proms yen perfect sucd an 1do net cii te expoe num it vir. pisse dedou, ipiy: P. O. Box 888, Lomiom. Oui. What Free bi-ver M«o. A corraipomicut luquirc ana te "thi enu- lot ciftreem ilieas n mcdlatic Amenima papere" Tha mesninit of a *Ipismi" le oflin obeured. if cause il.&framere Mam dîoosteu attech ne mecuàing te ilt uemmeive u fanitla bochusa they do tt catri the public le under. tudniIte mosnisg. Ntiohr clauses obsuea the moeuing etfree aitier se ltm aivocatai knac chat tioy caueSson arc datansnluei th&% averyone elmea bmec owil; &am. Fra ilvai menu. the frise ege etofcl ior bullon brongit te thc mini se goli bulion le cou, frosiy coluad. sud tia 16 te i ratio mos.. Ihat Ste elîver dallai tins treely ocleti&hall con. ta=s l6 rîmes se n-uc meti.bcelit. cm the god dolear. Mijdur tiai vaytea e& mon brngine 14 patauds oet glver te tie minIeu have it cîamped into coinsa claha mcv cnry acoy or axcionge for golil celinslt the veagit ef one ponni. or, by bingg eu poaa cf goli to the minI ha can have Ih li coins cblch he may taie acay or ex., aheer lest16Pound$ et sies sal0".Thot cas tic aallet , auder chiai the mieS cwu establiiuei la 1792 di the exception tha" the ratio ces ticn 15 te 1. oi tIifrae i sui eiveooavocnt I, ira iaI hstexception, î.uîorsd. The originel milvur dollar mantaînai 37 1lj graine et pure motei mot ooaallng thé aboya8 adi.i le hatima il. . 1Tuat ratio cwu ohoea saisitel l uieol %hât la the cipe maket 1à peunde et milvci vert f quai te oui possai et goli. butlb. ilm- prssosa vuae reeg FuPituen pontade of olives cere Worthismare thaue».otpouamiet. pli. commequentlv ne- oeaibrougit eclvai tu lie. minI s e .aacibut iaane wucas er te blgePound, et gehi antio&M yacal 1é poaaof saler coin. Oe houri liver dolles ali b. exhangad la the West ladiai for 101 geld die s m ""nolu 0"si" iali the cii wdollars hiereanti ai.e golidallea bock agate. Por iaS rissu 1i iael1"g paroca»dmaioniooet cliver cas itppei lu 1805 Th* Raniaumaet hadw usMie maret aftcrcamds mdo5p"Otna5 ativir corli more timan meeposi if gld aMi emodtismvie tevemci. Tie eheupr clivai dateru wus»Mosla clrculatlen mdi thi geld 1ides ces omrrfd te thé Wat Indie md stuccir. Comsesasgitteoumuit tua b, ucas th e leege ratio- oer.iti Mn ialti. msrkctci»etfthc mutaea madsptedii.h ma*.ilaoium atIe et16 te 1 by rudang tvl ceigt i oli la s dollar trout 14J grpes te U822 gpeine. ,Tih bame ce.é tma rac Camp.- evernici lua mark. Tic b««« Ruai dolla caeWorthi more them Ski aulVu huit n«Md %cuahlpped ebrae.but tic ligies wui duliar c v su htansit aiVe i o s ud i S.la le e ppmme& ateroiso sille sui sen iwle. Na m e osald tLg ali w tele minI, as It mcmii bu mo jeattw ab m bwvad se bails.Tîta 1ui ulm ilea e ff la nelloea.e cciii-130emi k aofsum tP. ne» ut eecoiuldl. n I amoq a »Vi mimes bsa.gt dec» *isVaoue ë dicer tle hul elm x Q0dtumli le is" 1 t pulL 511. ecacreun bm a. Il 1"t hiscilàu t Mel t ti MWaimi ebtola 't4g m cle t 1 Is c«obetbit misel"a I bvels Ti laI tie em dbC b M ie Mm bdg uilo.Ai5d c m iS hà*mcc phe 91qmrl" du ,e.dtepee 4«5Wbal là- déib"buelSr?' . Minu" Jeui Wuh aalvitsbldn àr a"M 'lp er mau Lesg d» e i,*telr A.od itéle -.iiny A qro uise! co ài st tepose. sme Au bute oiligma Who tosis upon haie On behalt- of IL B Osier'. IL P. aorose- putttion wuen s Tuaetay Biled wlth regietrar 13e!meettd et O&guode liaïl. praying thet W. T. R. Preston b. hq Ii d fbon s tting ia or. vOti%« et man iatefor the Dominion honte of comment, The r. foim canddasîla obaged euh briblng, tuaadng and exorting «Iumdue lflesoe." Theo ore.petition states that ho induoad cloctais te voto and refrain front votineby suprIlying îhem cith îefîesh. ment&. by bite obo to tek. votera ta the bostis, by ontrlbu'ieg te a cirtaln erganizi. tion fund. and by ui, king promises of pltione te ,certain individu" B. Lrioter Edmund Bristol fla the ciu petition and depored bost by Ldghtnlxlg. Forpet, Ont.. Aug. 17 -The.moet destruc. tive sarm thst ever occutrtd in this ment ion cas duel cf Saturday uipght. ual. f.êIIla torreuts and the .lotrioal display wcee grand Iy tarifiu. Seîstel barns cear F eest eru suruck and. burued witto ail th, ir couten te. Mr. Glit lgoPhexon e o Warwick township loat tua bars and&Ili bis cr0 p. worth &bout $2009. cith ouiv $500 ivaurence. Mr. Muraý,ck lieDaaluLBuâmquet, .jost Ico bain. and 1 le Amonq, thé New-:Arri"/Vals Mer-tion Seily: T11E. ovala c heuomi ta the i. agit A" id thill touagllag mmi Li as ledtw-"sn1 ef dAiS!" sheteni la th# sae m ag mrn. Visa. b.l Isittle morneton c4»r,, -Gtly e à " tf afear upedmo bsa ma'.lin hair " ur n.ur lassa fbh*voit th@ eilvererrasoont Tirows soit bisés to thé tume: A"i tiey murmur back à messne LIgh:ly stirriag la the braisa HE"ui the lb.cmii'. rude mka la the etillam ofetthe nicit: Natureloepe, ber becatim galmg la the mooma orssefg lat Net a wmd ber vot edlrbing, Bave thi mateis'.soit 'l cùa't 1» Wblch là followed in a moment Dy the mcmi, voie@ murnaured: Diat !" Evea lhi lla acorner. Whau the maidn asa111 coa't 1' For h. dous, iv tous quser reasomnir, Evory timse h. murimra Don't 1" -Rai, de Y.OCrroll la T=06i DATES ON -PEICIPAL nImBriTIONa Llnusy (etral............ p. 24-26. lesduisfilelTorcto .... Aag. Sm-Spt. 12 Meatyl,, 1'rovinciaL .......... 8ept. 10-19 Bey of Quitte, Doelhla.....sept. 15-..18 Wt eeî ana emmvle sept. 17-18. Petsberosah Central .........sept. 21-28 Loanoz. Noput« ............. .Sept. 22-23 Ontarlo end Duricm, Whitbl....Uept. 28-80* The. Weatfer. Esport for the cash sauna Satu&dy aigu,% Auat 1lOUa 1 18 96, heom Luadqay obsetq:- . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . o s d e y Sot..........-* 5V.9 '.. . Iidy Wuu.t da, muete.. 820.8 ..:.B"unmw Cou sit ' " 70 -,35 .... fM ay Th. cash . 74.5 MMEIPIATION X ut ES Grtst filofraain 1 d*7.0.28 ...Kuaday alm tel! on" 1dey. T" "Iaafou, M0.. Tuas. Erna. n Sm cmWmac »W ORDm" Mclcîiaîu lont barn *va hal; lais 8500. no Simetihn l'y. iSmo& N. lnsurmeum. Alvin L ,uïhod, Bouarquet. test -Wumhigtoa '.et. his bain. cocp ed implements; )os&bout _____________81400. Ineured for 8650 Mr. Lougheo ihed Thi premdnt'aia , teLU.. a stalion vorth 88W0lain hicbain, and th. almai vas baroud. Ticm loelmg leac#ti la.ofthb.Massy Iaeldmalletipî ouesfie te aprésident :.OlilIl*dButter Only. Bryebat et linon.- bddlag, tecela, and aumi tlai laIofuraleis. Bu lle ,&d y thé Tiheoatcot cti Mesur. E der Dem potar Whit, boue barber. Blt table me apfeba cite .&Co... for providina cobd stoirage accommoda- à@, ImeOt, "dmtlàdameib< utwitheo tien ou the ettaumebpa. alapuJcles that the mat onqule itsoie, and bsntftUy aupplied taaulated oompartmenetmRire fer tha corlage miiiou gr.aithe a hite h oues oo.sgervai. etchllled butter.only. No butter le te b. ide . If kg sa"de a& tehom ý I t lae joun . put la tli a la cted co cap rtm n te n ]@i i n ritm è. l»im t: ib te white houés, for ina c @iladociditien. frent haîiabeau inaa cilci ticge aet p -a lîau o raery, >refixeratot campartaient ut a t.m perature met posteta. ., oceS hlm notliag fi hgi aboie 390 feur., fur aI leest throe do?@e de"ta a aucmi ofbIllards.thorao le a boeudi fu bor. eug deivrsic-w the etaam.hip. la tas4botn; uulfi eate tea am drive . meof buter ooming in by rail la rolnlgerai or île bscble. c7 hia ie vest pays the ocre for throuRh hlpmnes.*'tie butter ment snfram e lad toe..se t . &» aply equipped. be la a lieroeahly oold and Brm oonditlan. or WLea ie.uamm be baela.offioiýa >,mma l muet mot bu put lliethelnulated coupait- statioelai lie demi ta spc n dd oel andcm o mnt witb obtled butter. If ed chou the a prieae agwtarv. te crhou tic gevarment cilehuge of butter exced the inauisted"ome paie a alry .ft85000e gue, au". hl wut avaellble. then pr.Iaeeos in te ho given, Sau&t. hle ýýamnpe"o & aa.Tkobe s«ôm et a type. te ohilîsi fluait Comédien oremeéry butter; -wl.stW4e i0e»aluuehed. fRe le peotected soomd, te chilled Canadien buter ofai claver tIou ic visai ýby a mamie et private quaHty. and third, te ohillui butter ippad cataimmon. shouli ho veit, iornaesaeby c Canadien liru. Mr. F. E. Jodery, mansoal amumsblpfron t heDavy laepiacai officiel inepiotor at Noutreal, ha@ bien et ble ilaposl.. latitctad te née that thios regulations are Tigraâne »May oSier Slaga fiai omt hm -oouplied wch and ta asol c th le oeaemohlp notlig. snob aMIiche ryarageens, £en ta ta excînude m&Hbutter offered chioh doea ble stewardcite dona lie marketing, the mot mait tic requiremeats laid dace. zmy fsmnoy delta" hsaent bhen by eatlcrprluing Ir" * Tbf.. by.tbiucay, laamtonueoI Hon. W. 1). BeAtour 15erloueiV Iii fat Is mine te b. tiho da.ke otevey memufte- - tarer eftORMo w e scetabia or dwlkable te get Toronto. Ana. 17 -Hon. W. D. Balfour, fate tie wcila luse. Tuas etaivainu. ths the recantly cppalnted provircial ecretaiyi le Sud, thr ccv tiare e noveta cptd.- Iving in hi. roome et the parliameet buidings Uevr'a Roai Table., su, daegaenoly 111 tuaisttic pbgstoians feer ho tuay mot survive. H[li itma shan baeikapt a Otonabees s <8,fefliýt bMotifd" close secret for tbe vaut fec dea.s but thi. Imoruidg. chue it cas fautid that Mns. Balifsour At Ricolas point, O nabêe tooeblp, oneI had arriied trom Amherstburg and had beau the moti albroie, RicosLbo, certain uzîsu btld ta expeot the carat. the nes loi.kpd rut. sive beepasiud rudges of cai& h ava bue Trisi mncinlr. Baltour aeauned offi -,e bis knocn a te -b. sttera for mmy voars au au wretch Ri appearance bid 6ciored comment, laudi' m - battor" or e'foilt.0 Duntlgthe tut ie. naledy cawnot thought te b. serioùs pissent' .ucimaéreful exuu>Iutioes Of tiffl.until Friday, chou hemoraheite îesulted. Dr. euthcoikeavevammde entIer the author Amyot. bis physiinas. ciurr moned, snd ity eit tha duportuieS et uducatico.. aed the Dr. IRcPbcdran called in consultation. 19 cendlàden a msa reched that -te mimdu udm csfound ho wu suffsring trom au. scute in question ferui.chist le knova. cethe &-teack c Lufiammation cf tI UgiO. On 'Imrusnat den.',an arrangemntt ocluected ISaterdai It cas decided ta e ui for lMr$. citi the MYNM 0 1 iBRUIT pumitiVe pOOPlO On IBalfbut and yesterday hi. recaîsr ceu pro. boti sîdeso t thé corld. Inottucai extrtmaiy doubtful. Mr. BaIlfur ie Tie meut eoted oeslu 'Amrleile. in j Iing.at ltépalirmezt builtlegs, chere iii le Adime Oonanly, Ohio. -Thf., ltgh on a boiug dons te make hlm comiertcble. Site lergor a>sot thon thc Otorabe mctud. ienet hiee e.înmption of bisc ffice, Mr Balfour has ÎOmv moirs iuiretlng or leati uotiv..anyé Mn. worked axtremcly bard udisi. linee.. wa Davii Boyle, choie good fortune il hem beon paitby bîceght enr by that. An effort wae te ldeatlftIc Cenedie ruims. ,Thé Oteme. made a short ime beci tearrt adjut hia dopait- bac serpent oxtende elmoüt due emet cnd veut meut., saaon taliltaxa hie duties eomewhat. (theibina painting seatea.rd), ced il. total As editar of The Âmhsritbntg Echa' , end se leuVh aboit 190 feel.- Berw*u e bmhogi candSpeaker of the Houae.bu geinud friands lu ail tii q og cuin ta pte of 23 lad. *bile the ports ofthebmprovince, vie wili b. gricved. te latter mcud lelitsait sabout 50 test inla sglt parn of hie condition. sud 37 fie lula cii. (Sime tbm aboie cwu la type Mr. Baifour 11Tha discoveiy of liai. mmude, formlng died on Wediudey aftuinoou. ti. arranmenât ciii. nutiraily leai te the opeaag oftisecusion relative-le tii buildeis, Latest N OWB 1NoteLs. vie, pmeanabiy obuli Bot havc hem. the Ojibecys, chus ieprumtsaiv.u t.'ilinger Thé prent ceosse srotume Wini gve ab ot ar ptlalte sgebrdlgtled. 1 yHamilton e ppilatslof e er 50,000. ciliis u aitai iituItiruet by thie de- olsTii Canadian a«cotiation et atatlousry gle of both.omtlats.'su doneil meny engineere opeucditis soeui&anual Conveu. metmbera efthle Buttaiasociatin lllsa c isi ttien ut Kingston on Weundey hb. Otonabes serrat moad nauxi mumr., OnaWedmesday, Mr. MNON8111,a&fermer. -Potuibo Ro eileci. nur Weliertora. cea illed. by bis rusvY _______bharse driagglng a biner ovrihm. .eturning Exodueters1.i. Owan lacn, eàlBantford mrchenst, ie ether dmy,aetoaidmtaoemtu mitaks for Thars u eeaibi on thé Mllloy charf Ibis muslareca. aid lias poisan khîmid him. aftiueraeea cilu e mlixésont la Terot-- A mssage tram Liverpeol statethat lthe a ouet oaied-*Msag goa scby twe boises action etflth. .tesiamip Vancouver ciainar th. und omaianig clthcoe piaohrnlia for tbme ak eteiohabenu paîohed up tumpeiarlly. ldL e hpa lae a.bundone à'4bla t r la Mr. Aadiac psttuUeotfWoodetock roelvai QueuetProiuesiemd cent ta lite Mt& ofethie libéral n omination for Noolh Oxford te ihiea. Graduelly 1 e fre l u asucoid Bit Cieér Novet lu the Outarie hlm tta ho ie ici proly Isaphi ont of thc Législative Aaeemblt. tringI-Pm a lithe, tli>. Thbioge vutftuia Charles Muffey ces &truck docu by e coin- bad %e o i mutilum mi hila in ohigcm.peal on n lg met on Xedav alait, àmi »Watit hoba"ate duapir, Tien came tic diai sholtiy cIter. Gaorge Badgehey hem baan »Mcc iSama oen t bai comae l<ts muteil la moasaotlen cillalthe ffa:. P~o ID la Cen d m r.Ciapitalne nid-, Tii Amerdisa oner, Friick Goering. v~pa, cesha do batti t acur 0Wa hema@un ha benuadjuaigai graity iv liae cilef la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t and;liagoak"Tiseeiltheatse e iivoecmlty court et Halfax, lOuis caltai tur, batdu esho h iiindMthé aBd cong«moted forîIreapaaaieg la Canadienl chericîlite Pay thi. pasaege moasi tan liàb ca%«m M aiW. ils mIg.soBd thett mine robie US - .h l T ii Qlqbi'sOttaca conrepa Dud at an netuces ons te Quabi -e.loane thi eais of bis. tîittun a rouat cf fiiadly eonforenoes baîeean 1 va doue. fhem wc o e r thé a ldnias sblk c pulun. S, i t wu dî j edpremnier Laurierandihi calleege!acd the 1teia 44i~ citu Iceaiti an ia nti Kantoba minlatora.Meonsis.Sillon. (Jamtrou laei h paoi llaa cvwagn mnd ndWteln. a happy cettlmeat f tIti le.uihe __ movim2.càP00«11d11anItobe mohool question ubicsear rivai et. rjioeumy, Adt. ecac ob ago ticome ktai 11 iifae ett iNmoigeai Hn LBar uoe tiicv u mmd lu e théistdp te Tern, ie. itoppleg su er aai, cesu . minte inlaQua 'a eud S un. ai mo:s est lmsv' sm ssiJbury, mi Hon. k:. Paterson, mimiater of r aiMd . &mm t oitiipala ss il .aatemu, cas 1m W" ominatatfor North Grey aot *4 mi t~e ep cetPataiepbaesb lamesedr. N.ilmàot cliioppose Mr. Blair *loug the fote, ate nior aria i b tIanly Tiud aerosopoet'iib auuuiS tefii c lI, mmda ltaset jMeealmoM pollng dey . le Tues dot next, i. tees mie Mor cM m Ot(NmasoiL."WicAnglet 2&5. i %B*iteatieto i the oally maidIgtu aei Ec1_ gUlsed Ibis yen l kcly tae muRer trou & I~~~~~~~~ -W u Ule letaa U.Lla-ap.Iic t a u terhv t .4-proed ý 1 ;l Vol. X.L.-Whole No' 2057