I94L c The " K.isey" o'ut Wav m AirG.netM.Or Any ordiM3rM » irFurnace v*111 ptoduce i.t.....if y:.,s=1YlVcaxUgh fuel,. The 44 I u e pcai d vaiuable noms e ut impotat I. shtat h 'will uiotdurabe heer maie. Tii els-9"ire pot bclng conutt efsvriuptribt bular, ccorrugamdd, est iri ohia(se . cn) aoud hich the fire Pauses and up ro<hbliti.clsrse wh'Ile beini heato , and this entire section Plbeing wrappedwitb a heavy iteelc*suÇ iwbhi beScos hoated by the. ire sWrkii< st -heu paaaIl down outaide of uprght sections toifur sekepipe, k lin tumi vains the air thtP«ms up betemen thissgteel csnalnduthe g2lva1tUirod ,0 caalfg, tsus -«plaas eh e '-Kelay" bus threo times micre ,ndiathng suaface and vain air Cical t iau an ord- nary Furnace. Tii. "Kola.>'"- heat& ver orer nl wheretYeloC8We -iuaai-e your furulsure. STii.44 KeIseP"WM hait uons *0(et The 44 KWY "'do.. D«otheutyour coller Sond for duic-iptivacataogue. TURE JAMES 'SUART IFS. - I ROCKVILLE, Out- EmIduslve Makers for CaUa. For eale by W. G. WOODS, Uudhuy. virnir. ÂUGU8T 21, lUS. l" iebuovu bby-brd, lsppl ulu ltste Wrapped la your sat% àtrapped ln Tour tai, - 'Yenr**o*li ttle ordle.bosrd rl'uto-to lie beauds are Tumut; Il swinags fesu tbm down.beading boa* Sf . theoask; Vron wtoh t jamhu lame, m"à thé curling psay ammcii But, Ofor jaur, puaIt>' bisaI ýeTesli4P I but, Little bou ibabY et line, gota teit. Mltte bron baby..bird swluglng ta 8s09P. rinalg i nieep, 8rnging to àlocp, Tour wodérblack moyéi that so vide open Shlslding thIeu .I.ep. The. heron i. honing. the ployer ilati!) The. niUhIow1 sella tram bis Lait au thé. ii Afar. the.fox, batka, star1h. ste PeuP; Id.îlo brou baby of Mine. go b alep. -E& Pauliae Johnson (eklbomuabe)A Hmperi Wmkly.- OBULLLLi. The Winpg Pose Prose. questions If ther. tg sny piue la the world depusdlag en Dei agmustural resuoure, #bat bu »0611»ed restr sud moitee *aurlg prooperty thari Maunioba duuing the puai tuolie or fleonyearu. tTho in oeetalaly 120 plal&«If he Unied States of equal waethaïSShanome up tb the Manitoba tord. -BoxaD-Ouaidian liberal papero spe&.k of the fe ilver craze lln te Vitled Sisesu asthue loglimate outoome ofthle protée- tionlitIdeat so long courent in ibat coutrye. Between th.heoatand thbe elecin exitement liborai Papors eau haril' b. efplea ho b. it &caljUat n@w, aises tg ouid bo Pertinent, 1 point ont thut I e1he Uniie4l stalles proteottoulsi part>' whlob boidu souud rooney ideast while th Iru silver.eamas dominste the Iraes traie pari>'. Ma J. -8. Willison, edior of the Globe, upeaking la Norh. Yok lthe oIer day, uid :'-4Ithla esyta profeus virtue lu opposition;ilus no suo easy tb pzactie vir'a n e l ou. It la easY b o udema wa,90 ehoenthe eusmy ie la pousbeaon of the . teasiur>';-ti lanet saessy go prastie ftooomy wbon tiie oidren of oue'u own poli limai househoid are proftteil by thé expeuditureul. t l easy to cut dowa the. offi,.. Whou w. do flot cash. the monahli> oh. qes; il la more aflnt WhounOurv fie4s aie on the psy roll.", It ls. mndeed..aad tual lt.e<lobe should lad lis ocon patio. gogos. ON ueeasday ' rnmulg Mesrs. Wbieu &Rswutis phetoppbgah.ry nau, the Ikvus dioovre« tb le ounlas. The tS wu as .puaded, snd the Irsuiua osa. F A tfour ulroB«ak ieau. plqa. Ait«r Bon, e time, thora beimg mous rn** tlau "reaglb suseedi la euUaqulhime huem thé faut 114 wfrU te 411alle ilà lamomse se - rs lb. boutl og wcl te titevegllTIsa the faubieo, e. n 1w lmaE Do~u&' 5v ,16U hile'dorues ,seds ite elsinus. oo Ton wrevok4h g. 1, M21014 Tea noe parti us o>' b Uatosatu abc Ptue ,uulel tuqs w Mtiisent s a ai t ls Useé l sessnri ?rBI liu l tda"0 Osseis, sd hernie theéIarema emma wvu almsiid esbMàm ou vtev bu be in roewnl ilipaorla"asý>Tberote ue0 nanmy lItrahtrouatêle Doubdoo sonn a t 151h thélaîtosamaui- &»d ogmerbraou4 etthe W.O.IT..J.à54 ltue ach l» alps..#"ueas EngluaI, aller imesosolim.TheDemmbêe Ibo United Shahs lisuwiesbave Oiel sud ll misoe r rsemt'leb th* same veal, -ami appmratir ibought thhir@muet ffiMes bte *Dorialen Mas tbec' l U mem bsey for lma-a, he bcprosent 01 the Qalarlo Irgisol Iseturs, #ea" #o uaos ar moitbthe @me.tir. 3.3J. IlsLaren; ils Casaim oueper- "ad te, le me o»i«Uor-t u weeamaod u ege o», b> les relUmt. r. . delasa, ovesonthIe Amoic» a arole.Robertson, asudilthernome's soil et In arde te .uk aa rmlelhas. ibti>'ai-. Caada b, M.M àlfulL& for v.rne.'swvme, the beetriliiThe. momubers et thc district W..T.U. in rLcZsAI ep'viol muait e Uas& atiended te a body, and offlplel sie "d tt appeu mbattête Baobab borne are îleécentre Vt i.eawrtta. Harnlllio tle ouly oués s lm#M11bb il.union meul a repreosuleive lu ils pence In the reparle ai thé ladlng MOoI of mes. M. 0. David@»en ut Peterboro oera tthe-i îe b Stiis>i appeau. union sont mm .Palet. Inbtheibout uov le b. strange ihat Canadaebîos ,unD f etsIe ers telb.Illawing relatives: vashel viele4q»aed hlr by 2 ta8Mv. W.EB.Yoman@, 8%. fbornU, Ne cotetipar puma1 m han l.mre clanof 3. Ort el s, iss relghla., Mm. wol la "yml8 of' bIe Amerboanmeni TablîbaçYe mas, Mins M. E. Teunmue meat. Ounlleofs a ves boit titme long. Mr .3 A. Teuanms, Mu. W. 0. Touras, voeh" 4e al oi.$it*s, sud evea lu Mies Raeburn, Mies 3ane Oreijihlen, UM Obl ud gIÎesslvaulaabout tIrae. an, Miss M£oL'an sd Mr. J. 8. @mas -trev baol ta àabsort, bal-fIbrel Lsule. viol. UUINU su arnran lrooler seu- on thé platm ere R ey. Mr. Emery, ducai!>' Impouta a"W hI Iront Canada pb patParlarnut treel seà&,-là et Grat Batain bis liag. Vol dock <ue obtrI, -anIe ho s lalmthe lot@m loa. * Mis. Toummus e stilpped; Le,.D. Chaiose, selededlOsuadmvol lu Parler, Bei. Dr. Devaut, Bey. -Dr Philadelphies le quotel ai 22 cents ýa B*rs". 8ev. B. P. Bovîso; Bey. W.. poul.,, vhisI ewYork, Mlebloan, Pa %teuson, pasbor of Cooes presbytboula Iadisaalsoaana au im " ioiiyquotid elurel, sud Mms.ÀA0. Batbevtord, ai 14 sud 15 "e'à speunu, and ils un pru.ldeuI of tle Douilli W. O.T.U. vsbed wvoils'oetbilsoyeuX ouil andul The e ryvs opsued vlthbproyer, àeutia.vesteun eitl are unir'quobel at 7led 1>' Bot. Dr. De verand su ersal 60 8 cents.a pope&. rsadlcg b>' Bei. B. P. Bavies. The Wlt thé, .prlent aifishieus l wbye hmai, "There insalad of Pare D*Ulgh," gooals, md thé deuoàd lfor early lemuN'ta iain & bnmitlImosveley ouc, féeu car local sel foreige- marketa, f*n nern vhlel Rot. Dr. Parler. speal ng au a lite aould têtrive by k.. ping a good bol Set 1J Lng t ttiendofthe deoeeul ldy. éosol>' long- vaol siteep et tU, etrcede aueutioued. attsehed- yul ber lu bar publia vork, AYagwmi.sur tarmere ioul ksep, mure sai Oth&% &Uwlo knsv bar bues 11ss&hI uhmep mandleSer unse anduprofitleas cao broder tIas ay desorinatlon, l u pfeg bosmea. Thriten lu amini of moue>' ber religions vlevs. Fer liai remsac e baagod sl.p, tuaséveral oosildevsilous. sld, thbe lest speaker oethi.e venini lauh lias laiglace lIer. la sno u Im mued. ou idb. île Ror. Mu. Patrso, er.. laie roerbuatonsa iéloutis>'. TIers pripssuting tbc puesblierlana shrol. la often. a duplicata erep if Iambs in one Mr. Pstborson'a splendid uulogy ta the yepand*so tete lwvol cror-tbab la, shrltilsu liflaul voul af tle noble lady, ,11e taruer lu mbklng moue>'rapidi>', ou vbos e mor>', ho said, voul bc gresu 1 teiuiag Ili ovrifrom tva diffrent sources a t îheaouasofthîe people long mIer obe- -bis mutin ani the cool. The granit RBobiule. Goulds sud Vanderbilt&shld &gracalterml vealth if Autais sud New been forgotion, via Ilaienel 10 vitb tapi SZeeland prnipally lies In the ibmep at*entiooa. Whilsi aIe lad gone troun tndumir>' aud the expoWi ot mulien, Iv ibisesiathi>' tabernacle lu une mot made t. refrlprmtor system, and their stockof ol vlh bande, mthi vuld, be eald, b. ro- vWomi, vhli0 10 DOv largel>' manatsotured membeved for $bs voal ahe blddoue. lai te iler tveedsansd bvoadolosbe. etc. Ho., tbe speaker, bal lad the palvilege of Tbere lu oee lusback, liserer, taOh. ylvsiling beu lu ber bomne, sud h. mail 1% #Ueceautul raralug oa i uhos la Ontario, vas a privilege, and lo conupred ber to mu it aite .large'umber ot sorillos agresi geoal of ma ma>reo.lvug re. legs ilti-rus. I large, Sud lu lord.. pnrts sud sendtncg ontmuasgau iadance aok sud destre>' large sumbors of good sud emourageusmi. Mu. Pahierson eail sbe.pî 01 »aures., b>' th.rericad ulues ébtho le ol mot ex pri eh.feelings cf 01 Onta"f, maand hoamoding toe sre..lhe pueubterlan burel, but ho vas bltr eotlvo bylivo if the motets!munioipa lbc a>' lIaI Ils>'appreelatel'ber vorl. 1 1.elio, dles an uotallowel tu rua ai Tho>' nover 1ev antl liber desth thsi eh@ large, amiess. propiri>' Idmutii db>' a wvs asmneihodlt. TIi 'only Inew- beu hWouel t«. Y.t vyori>'ty, lova sad as oue ofthîe Lord'. muoulel. In conclu- 1village thuougl ils ontyla Infessi by alom, ho @*idti îl o .pvsyed blai lx abordsetfgod-tor-notblna, destructive msnOIs ulgît bailupen camenson.@ciel cure, ilialmake night hldecos hrougb vIe onld vorl s e lad l2ue fou tle theu yelpieg ut bmklng. Tbrougî Ibis causes of tamponane, smaltu0e eIl dog auhasu.soi lithé esheep aus lepi mmm>' beats o .tb oebrooe.. in Oûlarl that,4lIer. henl be., Oui>' Mus. A. O. Rutherford, prealdeub of *1. remeuil>' a poekofethugy doge furo Dominion W..T.U., usad ssiambet Lmolouvoest'radel scierai Boks of lelegraro saud letton ai eomloleuoe sud aheop tla Loulou .bovnsip, sulvosuap av m pathy vhlol lad bisen, relved.' pose the township f11 bo bled te the Frarces B. WtIrl, Ls. d> Heury' tue@ o1 some #7 to $10 apieos for Ohm Bomoutt sal MissAna Gorden @&bled lammgtà -For mlles rcuud Do fermeru the.folIoing: cau lsep s Bool of ubo.p lu proper von "Oan&dasDéoerai bus gons. May' lait &!uIdealbby condiion wboe a loi et hou nantle rest uptan thb hrle daugbteus Yeiig surs -are icard. . The nerous vIe bgbO th Siaeursof.rum." airain the l. bd b>' irnq the noige Frein Portland, Maims, Mn. L. M. opé lev*lopment,, mal Iptchera 1.11 us N. Stevens, vise. pnisideut ai the national thatihey nerer flad t iuly>Iambbe vbsueunion lu the Unted BStes. feul h Oie flockl of 81o6are suerthe noise sud foloviug message: ««Mue. Toamans 7610Ping.1»oMarnai ous; Lot a dog vueugli faltîfal>'and eloqaintl>' for au eue, Oh&sse s bd etfuheep sud kil! or eae. Eadurlng lguatilde la ours; erer- mutilate eue of tIc nuber, ald 11.1lauîing glory lion." flc neyer thlives &gala. Boue ivelve The Manioba provincial unienset a yîsra 690 * promluenl sieep breeleroft ilmîlar oeesge, signed b>' th. president, Loulon township rooeud$1.200 trom NVre. Dr. Amlîs Youuant', Winnipeg, lIai ruulalslyfor lb. Malmlng and bsua s sheat of, leat ta le placed open. kllllg of four veil-brodl sIea>,for ih vas the ier. proves, trou expefrt ieslmony thtthle. Mua.Therâie>', Lonlou. prealdent cf i ine.uof. athe o vole. bord ,vae do. b. eOnaio W.O.T. U.,9sent.s àmeage or 4il .oy influenetl leii PO K tO D .1 Leu Rti C0 Aetéb e tio i puiam rome lam~ nmubsuetMcl blofid Ils sevlso.Afiral~qu oe cf ~ ~ ~ M 6" n, iss a ey. suds 0gubon trouse.avlus. ne. W. J- Paris'msai jator v LM ue Teunme lu bi ar >' vork laeItue violais' seai fbarerbeflfnl aens Vith theimn Pl*, s e * elfte l thé uldn = op sd.hoflgtogetber *I ver> loupbbe dm sauvIlol"su bad a VUalest ufmil le u nefes ta ber mm"gy dmm Bus eWetezaluispusbai if1 t1 timpersa sbi la Priamnsi Eve. Bey. S. J. ableue', 1 Lindia>, follol wf11 a abort alîreai, aul siI bée vorI vus arger ttan idm sahlopaWba r iphers vus ceuilmetal. Rai. James Kilgoar slvayu foqui Nue. Yauone a u O ne frsa a Istrua. WiinCl The rowalaivers Il acay' la ber leauliful mut lu Glenvealeesaeiry. Doegtesfrein the W.C.T.U. et Belleville amI osher point icSuel the fulmeraI A large number eoflesutitui &cd moabi> vusaiasudil leers wèeelaid- ouna» atonbal th.e offi-Tsmplar. FIRST IN. THE ESTIMATION OFI CANADIAN WOMEN4 Dismoi Zyes the WorWds Leadmr. DLD. W. BEHIER, DB. WKITE Die-L e-mmm ,Uohlà OB» nd radai' una »Waidn .0112 LCaLciF clbil<gga.; OLl Ef lqeca Umdasy E& DiL BBEUNER. I* iSa ok), 3 MM fBt Uanom.mTe ,UA -1».adaya uogulaatr I aia.rah. W t Cri. lt nulr11. XaBWEYN à ANDERSON, Buweam ", unduy. COaM Immeatdr opote M.a OORE à AKSONCKON À. P. DUVLIN, Brlabc.. o'unty cru«u Attoraey, olui et the Nusse to lom et oS; a Oce Kmi. boWU.~ am P mm. He. ROPK.ImS MoLAUGHL1N MoeDL&BIIID. UarrlatarsSo"oMa,"a. Llndaay aU uro"hua. LbdatoB.-Bko'aSock, KuaiSt. W. ais lombtg mosq on rW atm isi ra .otg~ la amuslarge md amal b ml% b=0 ea.onite boa berm a d i be My r 1< e uet i nturegi. W* do motImd « o»to« ,or obatul m.outiy. IL IL n.A.eKoMAZMID. The voues et Canada, usup pars «ga, seloete leDismnsDyesaas tlhé sadard Dp. for home dyelag,'Tlias muleio biau prarel a vise one,,The qualit f et is uromd Dl@@ boa s aver * N W delaitorated; Q tlb.>stiad luitsOhés brlghtig a, huo.asiand fatsh osislon, M I" sud nVer tiSte do vha&tla prommaso ar £Aura re o thm.D lphuheuia, Tond Mia>'laexpeuisecd bayer auarcpu# le caoet Ubla udi Moest 1om and acomyssience b>' usai ibm uatroven bevou @rude anI Imitaiol*& 0lyca. i5YU P If eVer>'bulayânt Isa upon Isving thelsg tmgbplburla t OODlsrnd," prolit sud pisseur. wooald =*. WIse idare sresult from île dyelng operation. la '0 m M Bevsre oflrnitation#; sfàIon Ohe Diamoul dEIlv1?ai drmuas Dyas; tale ne otier mains, umeror William Delighted. BoulIn, Ana. 10. -The plan lu amso- Mion vuIbola Gemma usai usuoeurres ta tut thletthgle value ofet-IBaitie Sooti Ses canal, bas boomearau ntu vithout a Iltol. Thlray.nlse varalips lave traried thlecanaIlu 80 bonirs lN vilboul ai smdeant if amy lind Iappmn. 1111AfIAN P lui. 1TbiI.pertoranacos, lu yleofathél advesais toeiguooiuiient upon tls es- paoh> . loftee mai tw regmided asas fostiQm tIai gresti>' heuhsitlhe folueae of lIivatorva>', bowlug, as Il loei, oeIthé .EnlaL.. rapidiy i>'eh vhliè varsbipi eau pun « lie ue as ses hOe oSIer, Emperor *- Fireo.. William la leliUgbedvitl lhe resnli i oftyOe. the amanureos, and la pertllpla- Arv e1 VU th Isoe.uumita pa0ae thle PILleOuRDI>lE n;8 TO 6 NIGRTS-DD. Âgumws Olamt sl O ureoa&H masos ef Isching Pilos lu froin 8 Be 6 uilbts. Ou. &Ppioslo rlugeooamtort. For Blind -&»= BIeIgPiles Il if porlos.MAho sursToiler, SalII Rhum, oEmea, 85 Mts. Bal by P. Ifoug.-57-1. Dam 81#1-1 Vasm i rba lult simmer .wi11 oel.le da fes ldom.et Wllitrsv. «M -ymol i.1 mI an e u veounhg *0asîl bus umedy min nua" 1cinet splt.. 11811>'et IL lus. r»saYWI6, " Pstsrbor.....I Arrive Cariais. jet.. ' ' bouiruai . .. - F~i - Lus'. Ponant.. ~a OriEls....... aine. Dons Day.... tsars NantI Day. Wlualpeg, oie., Soes.-tsatypoei la TROB. 415 lait mîreet Liai DISCOVERY ran el O eR.tlos l theras IIt.q Ia.Croie. Ibo.en. n. u arrK Iphtbeuta hm ed a doubi b> lIais uho bae M y"etm taaibe e "ta ou»e tient mai pumm thai m ls. "Au ounca ot or thman apou"i et ours due flUI.. bd 81 pur bottl a, ot te a.> upo rocalpi or prie. PLbNkIL. r PAOIFIO RAILWAYI Md is T. 10.42m. 081pu &Mi pin . 40 ia. 1.64 P.m. 1010mu Lfi p.u. fo5A mm.IB 0. m.OIa.m. du. p.m LI mm BRAND TRUNK RAILWAYD, Pm IAT a u Bath"? Puom te 5immée vImilan>', maLP40 m.ue utva .labt ett m o vua xut ZOXAL nom$L sisbl. mmdi laPurIme kbenosvtatu i MB.2.fLAIT, DIL IL. TOTTIENI, ou Donti o OOoc ua *e wAwi-»fimrpývAs iKma w4. I. MO-NN7 O&Mtb-7, floo J. t h ilitale tomait, hi. JOHN Dc 1lGLàU Ooustmb!,, Porw SVIOTURIA L et* nosa tg litom the peu>pla 01.~ te- - WII LIAIt STI>Bs'r.,L 'l'd gondstemma-. 4, sba d!, lpttntf w '" Lands For Saie, Lamas For Rent.m r oSue 200 acres at Linden Valley. 5 0 s o i e s t ( a m e r o n .e 200 ncrelai Stephensaon. 1600Xnm là Perry. 300nomren uMcMurrich. 50 mons lu MeMurrich. Everything chesp. H.REÂZIX LIN DbAY ,plfnino'-a - Mil DB. F. A. WALTEBB, &W.00».oR 1 anetheUmlatv Mditu-.a proved Wbrchesà-bDer*moru«»epurm a&. ising .900o tO e i x$,is- c f rI~ -Pr«", viSulà of *tise naral eI* aeipaclal>-.pâten t <>tis t sd .11 r ote.y 'm t. amrc KnnanWlltm.e...Ch.gennsels-Si.HOT DRY BLASI DPIY1ING KUI De. NRE LAN os t a coat of il 000 et .zt. pr-ç.rs,. tog NE L N S Our custonie it. h i« t ,. DENTIS it194oUStee4b - vitboul Pain Vit toitexamine oyè,iýtM gas, vihajixil air adaminishrel b>'binm for SAil kiud. of 9,W.U$dugç 8-- 1) .SssW81% ymas il< rba osisuos.Re studiole BalsIee. andrail,rtc.. tu et5c.< sasaundr Dr. Colto of Nwlork, the rgls. (EO . star of gas for xtrating teeth. Dr, CoisSG G iriteu Dr. N"oeluda t Iho lias givon,.the J 18181 g.. to 286,417 persons - itlieut au accident.- Pr. Neelands aise ais Ohé bout local pax di n1Ml'czSho obtunders. Beutifol artibotal . eeti nueted a aimoderate prices. Please sema posta l dI Furniture Co., L:td bafoue ooming. Ofàoe-neàrly'opposite the.', ' S Simupson Houa., Lindsîîy-9î- y. 4'TAR1 Wucqa . l Wsti!P, b t hCàiÇ., Nanufacture.0oOt-O,, rLch. .L-Urchii;"U ze, DXNTIST, LINDSAY, miauler Boys! Ual-. loe Dental Sorgeons, Ont. *Ail branchesof Dentiatry, lnctudlng the Gold sud' Porcelain , , Crowuing SystmaS aeasfully- proûticdd. Mr. Grass in prspared te g<les ou the betefi t ef thse veryr lowent prices, and thbbut terme. oû ArtifsiwTetlu, fi, finish sud xnaterial guaranteel. Fou the paâtuloesextraction of beoth ho la mOllI usaing Gui an'i Vtalized Air wltb bié sSdMolacoss. Aiso tii.best local applications for Iilliug Pain,. ruma numbed. b~Fuxme.Reniember GROSS, thse Hl- a to ovOi Kennedy's store, Met S.J* -462L. MONET o 140",. PRCN.on abmhhioe .oîi>' WM loi p&ymt te mu t"sborovai. Ersm uum»od lus-V 1zoo" aJACKSOR MORETO LOAN- A aremuot ai Tum ter Iluvumonimd.1=> ,blo ubiat utisborvr amaiTe lueafr me DB. W. RENN?, E tWillia Bietouffl. DB.. BBOAD9 srlas~allgsjtorunioubuga wme.DOJI>TofOn. bdisa.miloba cmr* maillaWoWsaVilla. AI4Iby me on t*qziopsuilprcon maae.. GEORGE POSTER, Jotoossel Amsiîsmeea', U~çnUese.isiaL eorliI'Sm*i lor àg.Ew mw IAN hU>*8 Usi Dv. IL »M The lalt ..i d bost. A,ed e' ii.Gc.d Mc,. ait tbt iJê1alc&à"Il The bool De%- ut thi!&Cowj'.ny, "ar :,t-t 'pie. oib Btrongth, BË=f ef iDeaWig, Adatptri'tity conforti' t>' qe.rbnIr. banid 5fy rc , 15 I I~~t~-t~ -, S-..~ ' '~.,4 '1~ r. ~ J FOR rnsect Sting9 Sre .Eyes Eru ptions Sore Feet Soreness Chafin, "Et Bv the .pt.oe mn solL,ýr un t Hls.h w ]Rgvpier h sin" 1I Wben t - O'the, ,g.lder il j@ the 1 And Elm, Oa thea Whieth' At the; "d the niad 1ul * sim7h et pclitulO ihere asthIe e] tbat ffry we leUe paç umes on Fa!l to ae.hadi' evfer obui utumythil gÈ.th ele î»o trou] far peri blind ùW à Victor! ut desi charges1 "ators C bleetion ls the M baye he uiiey com a bottei i la rig, Iman thg 4sd by ô, Mu oru u< thee ~vby en of àI *Ju etc 1, Why WMa of k in &ni tbe do It. Hl Mr. I ln' uglii atuff a tv00 0onl PhII stand m is br bri eot ico L t a Paovil OtBT1-LE 1 im