LX ns A iXlgjfl Spa, ve &p.. O-te ERL YING IIlI rddapmé ',! vet iedocik LisorsNu tiGeka brd, sud 1W Sohool ~ I. ratios hI ainot bu AdaphabiliL tOSIBlU. ___ i.. PIB di 4', a: i .4 j, marntfactlred b! The Cook Co.,' Windsor, Ont- and Detroit, Midhihal n20tiytedicine 0on which ladies ' ';-i ee -oe.n lm Iz~~'~ very lady vwh. r ada jt.isieq.uestedl to inclose twa pot. aj .tanxps, with .ièr. addrets, fur 0,,d fülX particulars, wlijch w ~.dlyreturn mail in-plain. Seleti ;Oa Ld phy siciat, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of 'abe consulted by letter or int nst. Address our main office -1,m lCOK COM PAN-è - 3 om 3-No. 2563 WoodwmadLe., Detroit, Midi. ÇOO:z s Cotton Root Compound is 50d by al 1 responsible wholesale *111 rtç druiggists in the Dominion 0fCauada alid United.States ±for onc D)ollar Per boxc. FRID-Y &W UST 2. 1898. rc,6E.r ji-the mor-Anxba. buxled j3rhh -r te 'he pthvsyfurnlaed ý P iI' -auouni., way; 3ot,.r tu the m1ýouIigjht aetreamlcg, Hfigh wiged cirrume throah- ]gl.opior heat sud ewsttr dreamlog 5wa the .'th ih.hestl!glag Wban thm dev tà deep. 8weeter t D5oNy's kimes a.ltngln O.' the Upuetf Wesp. Rdder ta the roue, "ud whitor- 1. the iD'Y trot. AnsiE idmio'. mii.te b:itghtuar *smnoe I met Yeu i Loveler the. dameskt plush le Os the Costed pusoh. Whto the. harvist appls bluebe At the f.rmer's rese. Âuüd the true .ooùneharel evez * iad suoh lovely bu- Bat my heurt ls tot totemo di.ûoe 1 uiet you 1 The Bbw O(M. foMie Edfor of the Wstuzr. Sa,-L ai mde op my mini to keep o~ fpàlitiomi ditonolon for tAis tutur,,e sing uhere t la uthimg lu, l, » mnyov; and as. the electerate eft ho country biai demied th&%loei le lime ton A eobsûga» eut eîory veek tiere le à sliai t fiuff in oomi a pèbre pnltei lu this catnut> thSl make me mai, sud ountlIas Fengloný Fable Gazette 0t1îuià 14th luit., ordited toe tEâniag Peut, usier Iii. avboie eaIng la. &ë uttertl utruitul that I oanant help replhlng, "i - If over amoyebe maie au M s us t.iimt abou% au>'limg tie Gauchte bas lesos &bout théelsîetios f et Ua Iri of lune, and uhen il sape "Ibèhre vould baie eonmn nonube about ogettbag id ofrt l lai H1azheo>) sud!cf hsvlug a liberal t jPissant North Violonas," st ouly shevas ~ow far personal haîrm ai prsIi-atsi &ay hiioadon e orsai fucto. 1 kaow ébat 1 soi sk as olpostei ou listhe ehni inu ~Lr Viclenla aï-s, e .Gaette; 1I itni, à grest deai botter. asud I uay, ami (I know Wbeî I am eàylag), thst the viole- silo chars of etbribery ébat il le sud- bu ban maklmvgare tlse ,aMdi leultleg toi the clois retfNorth Vioent;ébat ver. the oeleolion te -b. gezre oser eaan nv Sim- Hughoe veube alaotei viii double the majarity ho liai in June. I bave board tIbaitmore a£rits laid lia>' coli hav i bomîcu lmin f tlsp liat a botter man. I sel, aud 1 kuuv thml it le rlght, ébat <hep blait.every bit mIn thoy senti gel ,aa m anmsre-- specidb>' everien»..,h vielic l 'vtd for blm or neti. But lt i nlb. *There mai poeeily hva bien emre fou ltgbi vlolaeilom ot th lav b>' entbinteanosd uàolftitops Were ofetMi.é Molugh sud &Mr.e Liughliî ete. Blghitviola"ie t e. loy! 1Wby the Msnm 'l be In thb. esi1 fdeoeo e l uaoffie@li" spperters. Thon in anoîber plaect ho -Bave 61 lic dsqaalifyiog Mi.Meunsd i.c Lu 41ln. BEveryoue 'kmoet - ébaI 'Ittils toild b.e dons Mr. -Hughes veuld baya doteG tl. Hov ignorauàt hemuaitlhe of the law_-a petitioun conli met ho lIe 1aaitilt Mr. bMoLabhlin only I eluibcape, f s cross petilion after oi, ad issu lied àrsnel Mr Hughes. Fer MI eva part I don't housse mach inaMY a0bs fontrupt ptaelioi» perSo1mliv iv . MoLaug bia, auj more than I b" inl 1 cb tf a&bout Mr. Hufghes.. Nor do 1 bilieve Ihst lb. result rthe eita wue thîugd la elther va>' bY briber>, but 1 bem'î thack tlii *'enîulaetwic ui lupportaes'-of 1PLi. mataglU.*i nie abute u t att viols bus00 cause te cempilufor lésé:etr aulus -iher thlissum itevuveiIhamo*51ci But 1h fiel lu Ibo Gazette m U i vu Cideraal an a ept -the t at Bàaim Siuhee s nperaoually poptIUl R u thl V ioent. Tboeole ne semsiIl8Y Ou it Ptri for bribery. BEocrvono doenol uni Iflotlteck lbrou<h b. ieGazette'& Bp... tacles at Bani Hughes, éhep kuov bIta RUd .u knwlng bimut hel kuov ia idleno 5lO on excuse for lte mleerabii siliesa of li eZ6teGzaI. if SauinHughes vais on thté Othi r sdei tethe, . Cszeit voot biea oîhing but praisa oi hiai. (lvi li les et tb. GuazleMd n£aidlts@asst Atile e Roui S. Clarke, Wallam libat %Ppemed &aboutithés final et Jus*, 21894, thbai sec viat 1a.uic« t.lléq o b. pli bc liboyjî lhé final o!fJ3nue.1896, vmIsll vu Ibout ihoveud l1aifmsg Sm A liS. M ' %ao anoli sud Fbur e se r.pLOtIesW ?h. viner v lisioulamielt.ao Thou Ami ibre à@l*a' *«Îl %duh vIt l efd du" lie. a vwu aa> ablei ohmmssab au,~ heu s îï% o. 0 - 0old. P.a »tu à»M sMdmlé à lui buZuImdsIon do4e ot dutroy tés valuE. I letau buma .11ew. Pet IN" alysea" la . b. pot a»d moh it do« &Ua *ilte Worthabont 58. oes 1% eooaltae 7125 graum of Pare siUver stiudUSeUS foc 100esmb .Why doslbl. olu.-worâhbutl53 osâts puie fe one dollarP - Sioeplybue tsavammgo etu uder uakw te baot he tua a l ue an sd elles upon De R.ld gmem te do 00. Suppose the. gold »rveonto, diappear. Supposée esry donar- te gold lto 1 he c0.57.. Suppose ts govertmm.ml no, longer aible oly tupouïtes ordit, eau no longer mmDUil a s ilvoe dollar ut par. Wbat lthon?, SCons y. tarmenuof PouuayIventa, New .uuy, boîuàwoe, *ud Maryland, uniong viomthe Ibe lquirr orultu, whas would happea? The ellver dolar, *btoh mow pase for 100 sent, no longer bolalered ap.by gagd, vodd be. Worth.exastly lt.s oltftng pou vau-lte bullion vainue at the markot Witb Ibis d.prooiltd ourrnuy tu jour bande, wbal woald bappeu b o ? You voudbe vuusod. Th-% a le. long sud -short of t- le froc sler budIue.. Vote for le" f ier 0l you wii, but malté il jour preps, lions iu advance ber bankruptor. You wexe foolol ftour les#@s&go by the agttatom ns. hpossibletb.l ion au be AMONTREAI. B USIN MESS 'MAN WON THEBATTIE THROUGH HMS WIFE'8 ADIGE.- A. shoréýthaï eMao a monlveal business ma retaua &uri li a Newv Yxk prdvale bospital, levli ounttuton Ahe bai gomes. lad ebmur>'fer Isalmeut 1Thecse vas-s aerIons oco-kiuey dieema-antbai bffiei iho seuh ofthie leesi boston.. -The Newov Yenspeelalis*, abler a moulh's close attéatiea, eould not bll 0111 îery stroce bop. et a complets sure, but udiW aioilcuce uniclued Tie aloi mmioplng for botter reculte, romainsi formorne veeke longer, but finllh> loft- for home, elck unhappy und deupoudeat. Upon île arrivalin uMent- reul, franmds veon siarmei vhan us>' foond bitoudtiohtl.lainos Improvei, aud soute enautmmdsd a ea ,Voyage. ,The si rusu's iletf, bavhsg lisai etf lis vendens aomoplisbed by Palne's Osier>' Couelaithacases of kidue>' diseuse, urgced ber hiabani te cive ,il a tral. à eupply of lb. aisioine vam prourai ad usmdiÉathlolIp, und lis îlot ltl #«M p aipelly for tliee fflitti vi dmy Ivaulu-vu closel>' follev- a. Alle liro veokése etofPain'. Celorp Oompouuti, * besesu hanppy change vas oeomniol.The. patient vas briguter. .and sémoagere »econstipation, ne baei sciasurine vas more naturel lu colon, and. wune atsht:Dd elisd "0e et Paie'&'s C.lCouMpoumi, Ibis Moutreal udnobe14 AsWeil esudmionils te bieluenst.a Peor suffiai rom ilnsy trouble, wbat tbilaiyoeto!%bis Montlsu ss? w 1I met ite se ma lmeul brLag Iou lbhe aihandt feedot rou die«ase Ibu pou se mach seiàÏP Tes, ve are certain Il viii Palmes e'Oler>Compound viii quit. raucv jour lite, andmivpsu où a long lesse et happy dapu.. Use thb. uni tuai sured tel-b. aeWmetabant; ne. uubart lens ars lmutious, uni icr> vottieousee0ta. -'Tii "Patue's" &Wa araks5people yed. liowai*opulalp0*mwBWflttfl O.. e memt amoral pots Ella lhee aS lox bavlas leti i the ..Wells QuadrIlla," viloh la &à upoolsifavorite amosg "i s b viow tai mneuolahavitul 19eualOr.i, s someo* u bs asi, "A plemamrblepals." Mn.. Wileoi déclares' il oeil ber Jiua lime sud effort thaéan au of ber elbois. A-bail voegiventu ber issuretaI Madilos, Wil., omaseoalevage8, aanm 1 lsi, * marlois mau, put hîle bagus e o u aipigautfor a valîz quadtilla. Ne iaiW bien summnouci trou the oit>' amnd1.14ber bu muati bve the Salroms le saisit tr ain imuudlat0lY atlas lis dince.Tiep chbai cf bygome piommandamisud.ai, es sic mpresid St yog.sè liaI homut i a"e, beauhiv - inagIaie ia mu b a éàvon eoncelins via th& -situatinm dhblbaie basa If liey badinoss sutbhMOU ens an 1"&ai, »anti heImiulant "0 * trans Imm" lis e -Jgemlbeua hato a o1~ a" boabmi g aýilmwe b Ie dams li doeigittol, .uid&'uie '$oias au imutus te ber otegls m stear af«a« sternuma theis posé heudelu a m nif. The duo ned, .bm ar mrlefiber. inah damsalpmanmi as rh ome, ests lova lu bar baIl tiCu, sud, as the g«s, llgbt of Io day mei hrough 'bu ululev, e, as raIbuerelli Mi VUl waiely nuiis iepoeu--00C'VeU" of vilsi fa afavorisqlte 4""- A slamone a Mai, md b.bauai vas81111, 'TaeusunM4 ge alusdemm iamidlt aM of 15e mimis sem m U.u1a eNt thed«a* e ho sou Loi aMb -. hurl u m m * *y et l~ bolet. fhe provincial, offie.holialré.dive. The ooavasltenwbh*b* Mbala et Patte, n-a a kv dLys s. e a gà i sample. Aoding te TTh. Globe »eParts the chair Vas eccupis0 iv J I. Lile. n. e t Isne? Ofatiuselicmas"es sber th. urownola govermmult. The sefte- téry 0 et onvoen vs Me. à. G. Maq, oounty creva ateruey. *Mr. Jlames Sharpe, division court baliff, movsi the firet resolatio eungralulatiug Mr. Laurier on hie îiotory, vhite i. John Macdonald, division court eleri at Ohativorîh, dolivened an, oration, aud Mi. ?Bonj &aint Allen, division court clerk atI «sta Sond, wva oecf the leaders ini the meeting, snd erooriod the candidate te the plittorm. Thal wu prstty goed for a-sait off, snd. ince îhen other officias bavai otued in the faun sud wl keep it going iilbthe25%h . Whec 1he liberù almr&lisason the quston of partisan cifieiala begîn te air ihoir ariev* sucesl, le', <hem remember tblile sentiment: ne <bat La vîthout sin amou.g you, lot, hlm osi lh. irst atone. Toronto Worid. Loose plothos ud ni iovmv cushona btinit eslyr a nag*tive mort etfeomfùrt to the *,>man vie Ua suffiring with corne oiseuse or 'dérange. mou, « t the organe aiettaotly teminine. Som@ oloth -nd nmsrnepAtious mke the pain sud the dieu. 'ct ameom lmu. Pethspi thc morves are most IL. -ted sud titis lu tara dietnîbe tbm digestion. Notbiag viii ciêt completoly re. Iliii but a radical cure. Tu. etart ot ao.oailed Ilfamale complainte" ay ho a very sl.ght -bingg indos. It may te that i he bmbgitn- lng §OoE mall hygieutà euoa-xovould @to'p the. trouble. Certaluly at Ibis lime, sa 11111e bit ot the rigitt modicine vculd stop lt. Whou the trouble beccuies vone, It in harder b cure but .1111 It eau bs cureA. Dr. P.1etoe'a Favot. t1e P.Ocrlptlon ylpoitivéiy auma boy trouble o? hIbicaacter. Il uapbe abeolute Iv ralici upen. It effana lutatgrelief t0aa vomtn vhomm naturel modusty bu ke1,t ber from conmulti a phiien. Baud, 31 coenuose entstakmpu leWorlél'a Diaenar MdimiAamoitînSufao.N. Y. and ruosîv Dr. Pierc'a 1008 page 4 Common BSuse Mouial Ad«Ie.." prohusel illuattated A Priglitta BOit. Napanso, Aug. 16.-About 11. o'claek Lié terencon iuîlag a heavy ibunder- mz throe uttle girl& voesorosia Nup se river, about four moiles op luaa boatl on Iheir vey to Sondsy sebeol, Wheu- llgbluing siruck sud imlsi tIvocf thems andi rendermithe other unenuclous <or a lime. The sates et ihe dead girls yens about 10 aud 12 pete. Orne vu asmm. Lindsay and th. otien 311U. Fzghtlng Fus WIth usanone. Oleclai. .,an«. 15 -A apeclul te Thé Prêao tram Lima. Ohio. sais: At 1 a'oiock Ibis moralng ighitibnmg etruck s 86&000 barrel. ril tsakon the Kempen faim. thume mnati souti ci hems owned hi the Standard 011 Co. lIt Wa uaLse in ua group et anob tankisudat the âre eommunauttm ;o thne ers. The Standard peopleo uni 30O m ut. titre' OP ambuukmentm. andmi e saithr aïeon on tîhe Pouundbd e oaeth tie aks te 1o.te1 n t The.sum» bonstic burain oi bqi oh.aiesu, anditIlvu a uk e ma coupas. The litsvu ndir o>utrol ut nom. Lau« $76.000. Blown Ont Into thle Llàke. Bowmanvillo. ont., Aug. 16.-This &flernoon Mn. A. petite and Miss Darob veut ont on the luko la a emall skiff.' Sbdetlp attoîvards a beai>' vina epru op, uni lici voie noticei onlsida ths barbon, driltlag outwmni. As <hey i .20% reluias sortly atter suotier bout vant out te ami hem, bat oonld gsi no trace cf 15cm. Peurs are ent.niainei fer lhiu mafl>', as a.-heavi mealb iling.1118 Would ho few Wero il net lî erTr Aches sud Pain&-Foyer Stili te Men sud Women Alike, Were the Grea t Senti American Reales lun 1 Every Hcuse 1o0casaf t rbumoith.u or seuraJla cf os lonq stauiing <hatl Il old no sueumb lo tie vomiertul South Amenleas ieumalio oCr. Mrs. John Beaumont, Elora, Oui., saya: 1'or 115 yeu I buve beau n intenssufferer troin rbpumalisu. Aj limesuieÛdtom, lbei. I doetored vili &I th@ local pbymilaiuue.but vilS 11111e or ne iouit. My reOOiony vas almout déspairel eL 1 va. ludueod by a tîmnd tetry South Amerheun RneumatiO wla --.*àW url lsie.êu.thé t aa»bMée th flood a &Motoag s,<mfl *Aspetlauby tbm Ioa bg whleà t val b.ugbt *"hat uch dhtasor.e.oj bd aildcd. Wb"s tho peopleIé oe t thée bellang bollii nehelL ,vaSophia. CIlapperi m i )malop Strêml is .tands? be$v boy usèeasveto iboir p»ocuticas vien pat to a sevéx ers ta. Ta-d< I'bm vbo ova bas becs onteelag Ithe tomr0 et l. torut, wbieh vua appayenl a in thee$$irs et bhe tovn and ila AùmuddlS yard. vhcre tb. damaige wu the groateal. Thue stro Lastei about tIv oe#sas ule *e lu saylag t-tléb.damages vill b. cou- 'iderably ovet $50,000 tth i eva snud tiéa G.T.B. 'Till noon yenterday -the day vas brigbt and aleran sd lie beau brJnghl leuMmauy exeursiouisti.t, po ont by lt.eIfie wearer. About 1 ,'eoek ibucdet clcnis bouta to galbe trom:lgboe upuh tÎi the sby vas ooepreed. The wd ding rapidly made tébal a maseof toam sud oarnled Many lurje trois sud part of thé root of Anderton a breverlm dovi ey il. fêrem. It vwu aearly 4 oelook beotre the ralu bogan lu sanneesu ëd lion il sumtd lo somte dovu ln baokeoli. oom <ho valur vwu rnniuig dovu thé stretesMaIa 1goo raie, th. sovers ut firet oanrying il cff ail Thé main body ef thé vaton vws carrMi &loue the ereok on Sophia 8treL. vhlcb gradnaily svelicd halo a -lorrent that vashed oui thé roadwray on Peel shoot aud darried avay idevuiku la Il4 patb. Hlonses weno ucadermiiiid ani abois eur* risi uway &cd 'the voter spresd halail tbe adj olulng lots. Fr.>m Sophia st tho muaI ef the flow seed o b. slovn Clappenton street, bioh vu.S Mnct cOum- ploel ey ashcd aval bit lo od han189. Dovu Ibis the torrent ruehud, tearlng up the noadvay tb lb. depîh 1eft hroo os fouir ,et snd 1givlng tg il au the appeuaan ofe a rapi. At the Fice Points the cerrect tunasi &long Dauloo etreet, sud at ô o'olcoia stressa even a foot deep vwu ruebiag &long thé pavement to flad au cadiet by the depot, thé people by means et boards and brooms, etc., mesanvile trlryig te, keep léI frein enlerlng theirplaces et bushnuu.I On the norîh aide.et th estreet the ollais for mcmii>' hait a block vete flled, cauloicg ousîdenable logs. At the pive Peintse the water fled th. cellar et Cash mau sud Porrya store, sud *eusnrose te the depti of soveral inobes in the store. The rais -oeased at six, ani lua&bout an heur the voter hail eubslded, leavliàg ou neanly everyde et flte tovu traces oe t îe vor. DAMAGU lO TEES AILWAT. In tbm villas.oe, Allandale yeseruday'e storas vas a record broaker, sud as the Globe reporter vitiied the G.T.B. yards early ibis mornlng a ighl met lhe oye ébat vas almost incredible. Tho vhole yard vasinha atue oet urmohl, trocke rippai up, car§ on eni, buidings asiant. %ýd big bois& la miel *places. Thot snob a condition of a&gaina sonibe bo héresult of a o.vhor' rainvwu bord Io bulie. la eeuveuuation vib thé reprtaiuupola. teudesi Web" W sai aIlbvus aluse lmpimutble te believ*boer bmavhly tbm sioru came deve-jul lu e.loudbuet. a 11111e rais eau. up about 3.80 aud paumi e uvard, vhere il met amo*be etý)rm and rneurned vai tSepowyrtl. ereseoi treucndeuly. Il meemel liai tho aky had opnSed aud the vater tellinh tili thé flood vas gêmna. Thee striai ébat tuasparallel vitAi the yards tla&bout the lowoui point lu thé. iinit7, sud thitier th. valetruscd frout the bille aboie. Prom thee steei hibroie ha on tb. yards aI the frelghl ubud. A ftgv minutes aufficaito seni vatiegtethe dopib h e heo or tour test i. a focod acroe eb.yards, se Ihatlél-vu Impossible for mou so e te othe cars te mois lieun. The. traoeusud valku biae cadunet- mhaded, sua ha lasà thon au heur- a amp et &bout Ieutw letsud i egi foot deep 1 hail bosu mdi sercs ie arde Ious the vefhbhous tethe bal, Sotbo ite 1grouml vas carried, forming mev grenail la lhe baf le a couefierableextomi. jute the gape the e^s, ovei à dois., éhat voe on te ticks tumbled, sud lhe velgil bouse vouali base geDe tour ,over Waipet able te il op. sud visa tour botlmu bai Fifti ymeset ofnemu lu taun iDarnoS. bean lakim .I va. a vîli auser. Wieu -Dy»an. Cholera. Calte. Crampr, BLvii Il la rnutembsnei l"authe pain vus-80 Complainte of sommer sund 1.11. es., stamp liteau aMi lmes tliaI I1coli Dol b. Dr. EoWIi'iautt f #4 dt rawbeime niovai lu up bei, I cumbuts oa>' t up ib m hateued uti akl.hsi ocars bas bien a veedmiotl one." r» 1. . ...... ... Tbismutelhmdicue of .&0 liseuesMte Dr. DitlsGl5,5d0Blen Mhm mm aur«M peibape tlAidS01etlb. kiduetM M lté .t 0iog~a-uer Pot. AaàuMW" ont? vlidina kv erns iaa dfl bêtee Md<.id w«W . m rv~ melioi isms bs bonafepetu, sud bsTtlu elseplemi e uussei eoflVceued ithtu licofaviKU tbly pertose. f il Ute't-..ê1wl tises lied iaorre. 'Tia Ihenams o otiM> btsly ele' garmthutl casa vhuibave beau icîpel ml Ith" nover ltut ti. ilmur nei iuhna absolotélv coeiinlu bescueotethle goust fithtully oasi 1 nt'.- hotus1bagi lu] South Amcuiom Kknsî Cure tl. proo.! hou tomUputi.The meut i%hm ys tesa that ubo propriorofe, s onmib iiho.'inmbu - M&h "A &WDr. Dido'b gilu.telie venld tbih.valoablaie aer," ~ ~ l& es1m.d. use. miade a tbotoui taiy e of »à Uugbiog huis b CeE lu m.utoppeti lv dîanas, sMd Ibooe UrS th l i"Dr. Wood'. Nervi, F* ine nu.Thc bout ttuîe h ifflt.eene.à. WiotamsOnt mumsfor Cougia, cade M ant Lugtisbl- casios afiler, KhUam.srOnt.0m., a 1654 promimntal ctize ff ua hm oru, 1m is i $MgiIutD>'toe usgriat becntdt la trom u oeu. cI ne agil omms tu#s UpWes as le reatuet et boema». muton sansummattforual atons e at lb Mmuiis il ea. l a owues ut*I - &al duefaSi." Irs mbeIp lu - Sa ode msS lm m 5e .-Mpieiieeaa ,mbveale M&ina EI mey uu y ha pullmmu, Ob *"i th.y uemao, &" *ibm. &q bave m alhshave opensi» »Ye v a , lieu of Iuriabi a dseim"woSs à thon~ b vh aebc urolet KIDNEY Complainte thycuglithe Usaet6 iiaOf - dort n modicine,-thoos whose lame hainl iov tmro re pain, thoso Who nov have ne haaohe, <hose vho bave esoapea from the. death gpip et Diabolosenim Brigt'. diseas by the use e1 DOsa PILLS are th.e oes whoo e opinion le valuable. When scores et snob people corne torward and tell pnblicly that Deoan'. Hidney Pille curod <hem mter other means tmiled, il la ovident bliat t*c only CURE for Kidney Duseu, Blader aiUrinary difroultios, Lama Back, and the numbor- ijus réSultset disordereti Kiacys le Doan'e Kldnoy Pille. Be. sure to gel DOW&'u Pnie ilty cents per box. For sale b>' Toi umae by B. GuuGOoX. Tou Would Nôt ha"s Wsd hit tbrobblng beobe bd you tak*ft a Burdock PIU lest Peotul Orîing ohlldrec should b. gliou Dr. L3w'. Worm Syup- Il rauletos the.sytei aad rotuoves vorms.-55 4 TE ITOi A WAZDER, 1. 05T.O oui@ mat o e nibi Tobmtsu dmsu»afodgrs alyls. amde m«ou md mte « " mdju OuSi. Itum meqmw.epardI 5 3" s'elmtbaeM ........ _ mas*hqmtalf u ........... S I d btquaxiamok.... l . ..a. ..... ?EOWESSIOWAL GARDE. SIx mb uame .t MM l.............mal sten»b a&ulquwam m go...--O US lm m lto taM lmfii wo atUm -BU 9....40, doitym 84 0 0"th e m7u kom pailia gnagu . % pUOd aL N0T1o0a.Mdm les mm at% mUne ost nu @llsms-t UuaauW' Clpier of LA-M.mta ils tesmme Hailini Kma ~bloa,0b"IlndTbumay cdR eturymowil. 5.5. Patni& aL Mrua . En. S iI. oreli nemuslt m SeasEas M u1eM Ms or 1 mou as u "u tu «OSihnémomIlla OaneUSDobesmi ilo IL non51, lgsia:Joli els iss s.la asNe M. mese uonu*Ibm u dsitunu Mo. U , ~ btau lid Ilshe %M -ceiy R uméà mlii ori oodeu'lméoP. Mr. M*a"ndIrvtc, aeretaY. nsu mm Lau"sBueevo. M, meo lb. i£m md M Uend maaRné9M&ouCët SiTra M»U Mn i Liai d sai. avut Elaaven Mrst e. EMr Wm.UmL 04% tnei ". Lfflaim.m - G-uliing tarN. me do b&Laimm d tiTumsda ot némentI, tu l. guemUum baIl, user et Ment md Ommi lbeulie atres e i lae lt aistié . mma Tb-mm Surtugl. wSddljfm Ehiun à9Ea. T. Buntini. sutemin. idusa a r. OsassE nors N. i. X ~ lgon ffr Fila Si m arymmiat 71sepe. .zooma ias DomosBmi.E.Jebsuan, v.N; P. A. P,.a I m m 1ai N . I, m tsl amom i d Som *l Ihleuj"u 04oRemmi mLmnaU. Le. 0. P., ne.; i mtou mvsy MEomiay satgu B d " % b u"i & E.J. lo bu i e u r t n Mo00&V4. oHe«usae mty. Rf l= i i Md "a 768" etolSic mt&, . WEaWaitsnue, ueImai i emfle U ofId.eva a uai ni cambrlim a - e"Wvut5 keil aot, aill O.l Tad e. 0.mm »â 0smé, baiéle ssas~~, a. 15.uelm faiami Md ftooodnu* i ofkM M a sUSeS.Mun Jbe" w8y, àUmeà 1. «Mo -m4m mNe. d%,Moab man,-Oumasse-elo Oka&.J i& Ram Hat- re UaàM abS ore. a. ReIM uta d fa m ~ÂA me, lm M"cm *0 8", am 14 k « - es- -m 1 te oUM né«116t OLDGIILD, Cigarettes Retail everywhereI perPACKGE 17 Firot Prize Medals.. 4.1 r '-t t ~L1, ~' MIt If yod want to purchase a first.class Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine at the lowest prices, and on easy ternis, cail on W. WtLOCAN, General Agent, Lfndsay, "wý Tie toilovlag are saimplmu oR bis alUlli te Huai yooe Esamm us loi liaI au Usutnla les usai "plieS ~'be OooslyJmi. Suumey Net Wa~ Cslem, Oeal. g,.. viglit, Saine~ loi ait. vood.~ ils Oouniy lulldlmia. eut oui orsinui sysien, loi J' Neelauda, Surmey bol air, viol. - tir Mmd loi val e oslmaloLe = pM ono% mtUr5hot. vater osd omi. br ceet. othýdIftchuN a 1 semloi air Tarure.uanA1 Peas omabtalm hot air m»d aImaus,oai IL. Auair'm browny bot air, omi. ilt Peurs Ch % = lbutair, o=aI en vt S lami, S Sarnelu hmiloi Wod raudbaiut. folesi, Buok% hmbirGol. soil bWmd Uoboo4 ui Baard bot air. osaI. 0. mrMoLmmy bibt va? ualun*ML.1 D..Blle OmSans, li nu 4sai 0 DJh -110D=r 'OurnY.Bnlb loi air, osai Kmn Houghioû, bot air, vood. ]Clins Boyauboltaromi. Sam lavishGuiy ht valr.oouL. W.D. Onde Gurubot ir oaai. J. M. éootboren. Srm*vho, Xanol. John r nad, uey bot ar ol Dr. Poste, Suumu hot valutosai John Deoomn, loitvaet oel vm. Nmedl.nhot valetosai J. ]IL Knovlu. bet vat, osai. Pr. viluonhoitat. ecaL KImo m&o.. ho vWesai. Fbott Belitls, oo&Lnto oi 4 util Dunoowoo GO.N.L ;lise Seney bel air,Wvomi. ,loI Kelle, GOunsy bot air. vsd, Gom. etapbses, Ournqr ol é&,wvomi. Oes nues. Ourey h bolaWv"i Thoa. AdamO u;;s'hbat ar, vomi. Kme. ou. aimrney lot ai, o.& Ilb. ladiarbottvab, ~wood., Whm 1le, botua b od am.vod Aiea. . urney hot vdter, wood. 1. KIMJay- Ouffey bot air, vood. l ,,D.Favoee, urney hot vit..', oul. Unidurm oua, GuneyHari,, hbol ,r, vood. R. DTmqtn, Driov.Sevrt&gieon, botîirocmL. MwH¶tGurney ba r. coal. Q'ý uki, Gueybot wvere. oui. Dr eAptne, Surnoy oombtîou c'al. Tboe.NatobetI t., r..ney bol att, cati Dr. Degraul, Ourney bol vaeo. coaL ges. Mailla, Ballon bol vater, saut. Rugi U'okmsu. urney hot valt, eosai Smo. Lutths, Garas, lut vater. coat Co.Daou Grmy bol vater. col. %..Fle*s.Guney combintilon. CUai P> . BroI., Surney hot air. cal. à col, Ho ard ho t ar, ceai. Giis.'Bltt ?uescombluallon. coul. Eshard Kl. Srney lot air, aOei J. P. ayley. au-ney bot air. Osai. JamseLOVoveI urner bot air, oeil. -W. IL Robson Boc'@ hot air, coul. TIse.Bul. bor vasercombell4on. GSo b>D. uiSolwar combloatlon -W W:. Loca, Garney hot valer, os, Oum 219010at. <iuruey hot aIr, osai ouBoaGursuerbot ditoCUL. W.g KaSmeybhot air,oaL. E.jw»w yl aGurnsy bol vaser, oat! M[m Foite. CGosy hot vatmi, osai G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o H.HpînGrojbtvleca . W il, nei uubjob l m mUnlsd.tulmeialW U* Dr. Poste kindli handmd me a 5ev dap s go. '*Nu*Eos W. CL WOODi,ý um av tuMr oMela ibm autumu of lm W"vutuAly Wba"vore=1aeued It te e, nad gave satire ustidst- Mtm.M v nia e a-d*mI, n. umike, a.ga%, mohalai, as Idr ueem.d piseasa sibd agreaablela braile, lIi n. m ada oagb 1 y bu eduri« Ie tre vicit. Notuiltbamadlng Itheeverty oR~ ~~c 1e winerou hu enva =mfeU&l th«aivo lad te> géonstaNe t10 ltheIbmdayvwu. o01&, ile the qus~of oionemtad wvu a H iaNemSu Ias » hi& burusi laformer visteraS ino»s large oo.5 lb ithla. tomme le b. 1ma-1. m YFrmaes..nmna g mmuge Odvith ordib.ry me. the tempat. aturstt hoR l é os mI o l I at mY dogmae do**&u. 1I» oa U itiyr.oommemd i te aylemof bealhg <Ugd>. THO&. W. PS&&OL. >.U~am. Give W. G. WOODS the contract. of maaking your life a comfort thiswinter. at GreatIy Rcduced Prices a Tue .Lïidsay, Woon Milis A few hundred corda Soft, Wood wanted. in exchange. xnarked un plain figure-eune p rice only. 1.1,5, 1890-Lu-hp. HORN'--BROS., WILLIM STREET. LNNY .1~ j' ,~y - Il ~' bont -I1rgst cir«uIstiOfl of uy pa&p:er in th ïMWtIhBD DISTRICT. Wardere wooCD DS Z70 Kent St.'W.est. Loade the proc«MOIS la Furnace WorIr. a All prices 11