know la - Whsu you puR=-as5mg Loutli" o apyis? bueSe. .W ae aro.i:amBI5a Oo -:o-tb aJdeO cO Io aoOllidwl urn " outt« hfl u. 'U le' 'o n u$ ev « "hit O r FOT F Et STREET eg7e WWusAT. Tviby the. old relimble dcuble ao route. TICKETS ebid e7erywhere % lownt rats. by G, T. Rsitwmv. ILL aN and DOXI,.I0N LUNES S. I., RLOYALAL BOALTS sud 88.aier LiORTE KIXG7_ B. J.. MATOIIETT, WEST'E40 .Lumbe Ylard. Our Yard i. the Most convenient in town. 'Good 1roadý on th-ee aides.  full lise -of Dry Laimber and t3himgie ofal kindg. Lath, lresh White Lim Drain TRe, Sewer Pipe, Bey Bard Amin Uir lm<J Cod (blOf ail Bizet. (#ive uns a oel .before buyîng elaewbere, as Î l iibe te your advantage. Ne uell at prices to meet the loy market. R. -BoyAN 0 KONEYT T LOiN.. WrmagUDSUim bv whieh laie or mmmitutuum be 10»4ed on mut o il1tefor l ut r i = M01u' t mle IOto bmowumaeft W cf0 ew =5 io i per oaI RoeDoumflhk buldIng. Wiiam .Ldm'-9Tv FBIDÂYI AUGUST 21l, 18M,' a£qm ol.. etoMd-*sUm set ém-1 A tabo - cm ssvs A aubes et issus tis "b t Lmdsth «Op te ae Bun ri amdsabutmdsa." atolly tiesre mnumtrcu aistome et tilalueOn bhc whola Clai in ftra et nationo. 'The Isuis, ici riv aIsl proluolng- ted.IuppUma, have set beu laveri %bis yeanTic U laldSttu bul raséWbr c - vopgolekWila tler.Whu e* aese0e auprulaag. ut iilugtic ui m vintar vCs lise scoutâby bthe &lofriva l beachb ti teUnflalStatue lrusawbMm s d t Tmc Onop lslu bbMB OMs, lem la .b . m <M «1 «M fl lasmm MM t" Me a fat iMd lta" Tb* m4b sud uaut ýM 'éesi dabuds cRfot te sMUN"ihfapmpe'eumotion et awn ale u Tméc. Bais siemid hie orste and aller lli id6 i. Aegms sa, se a-aitua Dardas; (Gres @ioud hou M asedu Mdculu mt ana epiosan Tw*rko ** b ib td SwaUa siu schétlu bishaïtsismmfaitien"la raitu sa b l mreim.Cuba es a statO O0ut iammLc SUZDYSTWMT 043815 f0505 O.1 'There a aretsfev Toronto Who tiuk Iîproper tei temo haable te bure a a b ocitedrhlptherovn s irls os à Suaday becus. cf tuilu umaldi; but vhe aserlously objeub to te bs bulng a street car ride toi av* cent.. There W~ main a tcv ssci; but tortunâtely very. The mont bopetul sign of Toionto la the broad oon aunai methat la atau-atter a mrlement ocfiv. or six yeas-ieaaUcb- lng itsit I Toioubo iotzana. For soe yemrs cYM lad Organisation tram the aocity te provide everoma rthei bpoor of Timbuotoo te that makhag peeple moral aud religon. by bylav bai selaci boli et TorontouauuWtieb Q ues CKtY beame gynonymoos wvlbb "ce d u td". It bas, fremil clit youth becu bbce pilviiege of -Oauadàla'stu mon te go viilug, sud oftn berryplcklug, squlrrel hingI lover plcking, bcech.nuttlog ee., on0 Stindays. A revicewfthtecpasl shois that tue boys sud nus vbh> are, nov a eai ugéod 'as i bunscgbbcrarei those very lads'sud lsses, Who vers set maie ait iwth >thi tamlpy bible ,or the oatecclsta betore tbem aIl brough Sun. days. Sncb baa" Ibeirpropet lime snd parents -and Moinde minas voli, l a truas, 'in.eosuiug. oili.en bteb. good. Âu ncdnhowcvsî, reclal tsult Long ycars noe a Toronto parent vAS la bbc habit. et biingiug bIs Ive-ypo li aon te churci cývsury Sund&y aorainq. The. lW wouidM141al*cP. sauboame a sensible fellow-, but no sooser vould tbe oeircivi eye cf bis ChrIatisuparent rest ou the sI.pingchild disu, eback, vbaek, vback, thzebard -.lave on thc litdeo caca Ur vouli. recali hlm to bis surrouniluga te bheau the InarIable eider, "wakenuop, sir, sud hbpr bbc gosol». That cold gentleman la nor au ardent eppouet aday caus. lrue, bIs boy eu walk as be rigularl do.., te tic divas of ilu*ani Mnl sud ilniquity fou"n la abundance oveu la Christian Touante; but the old spirit et coudes stu eseethe fatbbe' Thosevbo bave visitait asy large centre vheie Sund&y cars are rusasic lavsnlbly forclbl y Impuess i bthbbcnalursi benesl religions. spirit thero displayedt asinl etrlkluciConasttte the veneersi Christian Àlaplay In Tloronto.-uInbtheue Instance 6Love et eue'à tellov humas belng,thc blgbest c etkind et relgope doinates. In bbc othen lb lamcrcly thc peofesaheusi.l», of the Lord", that ls dtsplaved. Toionto la il rigb et at b. The li Quccu city la rapldl7- iecverlng ber for- mer balance sud souudcommon susse., Jadias t fail-descrIptIons vil'oon i their iluftesveaken. People i i soon agals liasntuat "holy lite la -more than rite". They vile1masnsolte"loiSé in toua tbeipit." The but cgymun are nov lu taver of Sonday unan udd idite but mon sud voens of the city viii support the piojel. The; Kingston Wigbeglua au editoels by, the satlsaissl lit "tasto inuit net Ialu loegrip on heu manufactures, no Md dom M tiat h ip Mtiesgbttu, Obock"tite avakustii -mdsi iaa onm te kr.*lnqet ou t Nkev ckSa u Mi. wm.yl1a d 1MOI thi(lt UnigwSte uélabliuiefor tii Osa lie0 a las"etlà u.utoa net ezoilalg due watcflasate owai5B bu"ileexpéilllem&"gluat mbirnt w« sgprspared vithin ia ,bordu«%. 'i though Ibis priluipli bh" net bh ein ruo q slbd beforiNGratbit alu quasi dte hi bound tr b h, sas &a et tii, United Ststes boeitid te theaimount oelt 1,. 000,00. -But mnov the beot la golu« te hi fittel en te the ether ie .Spai late k. iug te pet thesaine principle Into forcé againsl the United Statua for allovlug aSd toe bbcnJubu lsurgeula to e hi rqamm lu Uuitcd Statu e.rritoiy. Thabt Ibs bau been donues»d doue pi.bty cpi nly, theri,>: la no manuer cf doubt. But viether thc Uni-ed Statua goveusment vili show the saine.alacrity lu paylng as lé dld ln roi,. lnq the Alabama damaglea la quit. Mcliii matter. Intercolontli lTracte 4'àOurish'ng. Interolonlitraie appaste hi fiourlahlng. The Lake cf ho Woods, milling compauy arc unable te ledc sufficieut' icoz ait Montre&][ fou theli &hip ment@ direct toaÂusuall, sa the c pace l ail .pokeu for la the Vaucouver sud Syduey liue up tao Obober aaiiing. 'The above lirm are aending 1000 bonm cf vbe&t ta Sy'dney *by thc Miowera, ieaving. Vancouver Sept. 8. but suclbir sbipmenb of 500 baroascf fleur vill go, te Hong Koug la tbc Etapresa cf Japon sud be trsablhppedto Sydney. The ipit ain OUtba. Havane, Âug. 17.-The neya thab Gos. Roleif b.d landed su expoMton at Lu iledras, eeast cf Mores, and tbso Garcia bad esptared the City cf Helguin a lamri  busirsi Spaniah seliers ubo vire escorbag a omoeyf rom Canteo le, CavaaiM sunli vesurouded by a supirier foresoftlasorgte, vii atoseilthbcspanlardsfroinaul aide. The biceps austalu" ehavylhuas, lm"c Isîger than the affoli gures Wih" R» gis, as bW6offiesm d*1 Paivats vc kilh.Thebi es eoftii due v«M lWb os thefe ld, lie tîcopi bing Iupllai to a nirely rrerasteeoa- em lhlsi The. roels are aaid te bave lost s klle, lacludlng Obongo Rivero Md oti leades.  body of rebels attaoked the terni ot Guira de Maiena, iluthe suthirupart cf the province of Havane, sud oaptured il, despite s desperate isalaauci on the pat cf the 8panieb ganuses. ÂA umber of stores sud dweliiuqs vers looted and thon burned, af ber v"iche.robota retired. No menties la maie oet lassa on cîther ilde lu the officiai report, vlue redita the Spalr wlth irepulsing the rebots, bbough ne expisuatios la givos ci thc acfruoviedgod faot that the rebols ooted sud buruci stores sud dvclliugs lu thi hear ocf the boys. Jose M1quci Oarrillo wvu shet et Matanna te-day for the crime of rebellilu snd luecudlarlain. Thie bot"oI44auatbon. OOMmuNm 01 TEE PRINCE FElu ON TEm 1 oo"SEVAnTiVEPOLIOT. The statuaient made quit. remadly at 0Owcn Sound sud rep.ted by Mr. George Taylor, M.- P., lu differsaI parts of tii ridlug cf North Guey te bbe efect liaé remediail legaladlosla ne loffer à paut sud pareil cf euerad" epoIly, bas causcd noeud of ceaiment tu tic columa ~N TAS 400. and I500. per lb., in 1packaIge. mu , pcfou oudest Wmu m esai Oum 1i1MOI basu . mtiu.mgsdwiti Um im u sdcts m i atud eaiet isioi, al ~o 9004 pola" sé Moreimit pisuc Tz and thue ommc lcauspices Cd. Ism of e Mamaspromises te MW large. erovd on Friday Aimg. 28t]4- te Rosads lOchaVis idiay Der shUepef rmudhD. Io bings *oimpi- mmua trjp i7 tue maicas te cbaud Wini prove apleéanat eus ITh ba iampli tee bot t te le wltb a bempenabure of 95Q la bbcthee . I bave b a e aqulît foi fiai f Mâle- lng. "lAuld, Aisai," tbc la:colleter hovever, having bics îstirred up smecaisto be bont on kstblg thse taxcs sMd seisme are diseider of the dzy, maingbed viti groassMd curies on the comacil, e"POO, laly Its reavi sud clerk. Wîtb tic sheriff turesbensite bi ment bers somethinir bai te be donc te meet tii. ieloency lu bhc ounty rate sse long oveidai. TEE sacraments of bràptiam Msd tb. Lords aupper vus held by the Bey. Mr. Bourme -otthe Englilai obrch isilon of Wilbeiforce, et Goodcrbam,. Aunounme ment Vass aise maie of atforluightly Sas. day service te b. held la the orange bal tor the future Oua methodit ehurob fi stili unfniusbed bb lb la bbhe pc cf the pester sud pe*ple te bave ut' reïdy ton deilcathos hefore long. TEERE vusa very beavy vini sîcrin bore lait Saturday clÉbt féIIove by heavy r"inRua bau ceoies on thi grain mince Mnd bue farinera ie blsmlag the change ot govirameul for It. *"Vex PopuIliVox Du" muet he brus you kuov. VAoUE rmnusare f£jing &bout mnt a changé of ovuersblp.cvii lb* . B. smd O. railvay, lb being saïd tel bthc Grand Trunk railvay are te assume controL Tee <ici. te b. truc. Ouz band is tebhave apieute theiend of bila mont44, vilciva hope viii hi a asis... Tbey diserete.bcsupport of lie puhilu fer bic enlerprise they baey ehevn a"mdthes bil(ty lcy -bave uai- teme tuvWWW lefu3s tg psy for theu 0u« estesual frieni and ftîliov ese- koiper Ur. Bau, bas alded.a lne ver- sudai te bIs stars sud doubtie.s Li oujeya té lhis bot veather. ire. - tf.eUlar ipsasi nwomiiWI Sumuaamusements la tic forai et ercursion@ snd sociale continue te be the rage. The siterbood et St. Jams s pent a Msct enjoysble afttrnoon ab Sturgeon Point ou the 13tb, ueari'y fltty snjovlng the. sali dova and back per steamer Qreî- hou â .... Te odfellewa apeut Mca- dey, Ibth 17th, st 'Obeaong sud this m"'sb dehgbîtf a -ialvv ol sppreclabed, ovlng te the iovîly brue on bila dey. .TI R. O.pioule f Wednday, 1"9insmt., vas verr largoly patronlaedi a large nuabir cemlng frein Lindsay, sud Fathur Nolsu ma thc able committes vho assletcd hlm havi reasonbecfie proudaoftthe suou o f obli enrttre.-ý à basket socAw at. i. James Grabama os *icsuss evening tau ad cf thi baptisé îobursi vwas a"seWeil atteuied, a nuambir snjoylag tubeatital drive dov .. Severof et ou », tlstek advintage ot thec" crsion te Orilla .ou liais- dey, lia SOu, par steaimer Greybcsnd. ...... Tbe stirietlensin Ibisliâe saui Sonutinus for naît veek. ÙOs Momlay. th* %thi, lie 0 béi, hptist smd puusileisn Snisy have a Unio plealo l tu Breec point end Lliiay. On Tmeaday, 851h, us Cranicila mviil rau s trip fein Lndsay le Rasadele.Ou Wtdnesda, 2tN.Oui, mimusai evisý hui, ticsena'saliunte Oicmonc. ver Orsudella, sd 1% la opictsitisi a *hu Win ha wn mie iama fhm LIPTO NS; sOo.. 4£Q00.9 O. luhall pound Packages Try our oeleb»ed 25c.. It beata,1-her< 'ut", HEADQUARTERS FO.R. CHINA, OROOKERY ANDGLASSWAREB et .LJPEL A $50,000 Blaze., 5teriific bal storm yesterdsy moruni the Qeîrgian. Bay lumber oompsny'a Mill, store sud etorehouse at Fort Severuneu struck by llghtuiug sud completell deetroted. The streuuoua efforts of thé mon pîeveuted the ir6 from usprohdinq labo bbc lumber yard, sud many miillici feot of lumber vire savedi. Had lb not bemufor the hevy rain lanodoubl that the wbcle villag wouid have boum, Au lb la, over 75'familles il] suffit by thia loéa. The &Mount oft bai by fire la placed ab 050,000; parti-lj~ lnsured. The bultan Approvei. Lmone, Aua.17.-Imla un se b> mcmrv the Dely Nova vii s»J lé, l mted that fuither diplomatie cerreapon- dinces viib. lesued sbortly. ahovluIg(thai the. rmenlau iutrgm b.d ibir origa fiàth lb sl:Kicsk, tbc residenoe of the Suiès., sud that tbér Voire approvodo01 by bis maj«sty, for thé purpof t ams tag *9. TankUsbreform party vbas toex-r péee ul...Ità imembers dcslatd fie. thair propeesda.l& 1.0Piprd*eolar tha th ob orresposdeuoe vil aiseshow thl100,000 Ârmenlana ve sar DUPUATBD TEE TUK Âtienu, Atg. 17. - The Christian lu- iugusl n t. béhavè deféaeisithe %7Tuneth troopo lu the lMaievlse dIstrct, klilng 3 0 cf bhem.The insurguts cal> tursi 50%mule oaded vlb ammusitionL whièob-vill greatly aid them tu theïr et. temps te evertbtev the Tarkieh goveru- 1ment lu the lsisud. Tho viaooy lade- tsorlhed as a builliauoeela the advima rudiied boe. Dans" O<eta There.: Washington, Âug. 17.-Consul Jamn. B. -Téney wvilte bdepsimeut of atate frein Belfat, Ireisud, that the Canadiant aui malg great effort@ te 'Iubu!cduoe bousehold aud office furulture lunail part& of the klagdlom. Oue ageut of au Outarl Irai, witblu a veek, tbox eiders for &bout 05000 Worth of furaiiure lu, Belfast and lu Dublinufor about $10 000 Worth. "Il ÂàMorlesiimauufaeturen!." mye. Mr. T oy " u i eth er t e retalanoru lure s. telu" brd ab bould auderstaud ,tbst h w ilbe néessryte giv i tthe muet datul atitention lu direction& that ame compara- ui i v t t h sm . "o %6 rtepruaestativea muei b. propar- ed te moet reproeusative Manufacturer& or cliii coutriel., Who sckam 1"S rua painst extend thuir rade.'1 1 i. Tnaiy sale ébat la dii.coneci lb la6 nobt teeM"sbte sMy -iaI th 'Um" am e ot ouly mobklu ri&orou *ffirta te diveil expert trade from obis comnîrb- te tis a w, but arnquit@ qumou1, neo çin l temy Iumnubuaof m.obeima m ci d, bultaise taproduce la #s6b,ehecbo a" s1 u tâe us -w- ami,1 iMrsues et bermab*wul lalu. succMbe Yea lds hmic iel*boving thidaW aua - bat* thé fta Ume** 6% bb Ire 01106d* - leon, AUX. 18-ThufEt. jsmeiî' ozutte Itwas at dinner at the Poieiie "'lhave some bluebterry pif, and !-ome 9 b ath ter9Mapul abescoluma Icadlng iceream," said papa. , aticle polatlin>g cMl liai Btyam's climi t "You mayi bring me some jelly and eleclemttboruslmncyttb Unaed Sta And.mekes" a id you have?* asked the tilt b Ipcs.iite duubthlaIt toufltas 11111 " ii oe the sanie," said .immniehoy.- s Amaloas vii ~ ~ ~Haruer'a Round Table. tméiliy baomume bhey tiak it vil! meela: 4 iesdly biiv Wte Zoglichski ~tastisud issu.1 Gemafly's Pocitu on. cie clora oare supposédtotehave asoealb te- igela front th.e outry -sud lpaeisbedUSHEIuDIPLOMATIC DISMONETY TUZIN- 11Ký utiuns ud frmou."WHILE ENGLAND, FRANCE~ AND i) E là Tii. Beinuopmss-f Thée Obnmlclo APEAR TO BEDRAWING~~M:'l cel ma ta., ioçkiugtheliiposilltty cf a pio. COEST OEÂOT1ER. licenaigai Uute Sita meor Ne* York, August 1.-M.Iul lMIcalcp amI lb.0redute cf th* North Frederic cables froîn London. to thu Times. Gerisa Lld.e amailpcompany asUtlste P ersontal letters from Gerniany rmphasize »wme lim slu otherdheoImi. sspu tealy l the-Un'ression given by the Gern ipress *Mu ouur hl for bis employaiet cf thlir that grave and increasing uneas ness ruies flest. H a Myethat tb.1y viiak tie govers. in thée fatherland. The Eniperot',s sudden - met h lacneslb. ubulv fr ~retiremrent te a country chateau in Cissel, b liai et bla OiiSOt.. arbre lie takes long solitary wI: in the 0 fStet and la seen to wear a soiiý,rv and #or DEa ZN. distraughlt face, lias given risce to a wildly * Ma. J. A. MOôuu&lITETbu edbi careering flock of rumors about the ýtate lounas the uia »oin fterà& c" 6bis he<h. These reports need iotble .......aJ. DM Oumtpeio* ~substancet in the vlew that Germany finds r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bÉM weia.Slgcuiss ~ UiI sei adilug lu deep and dangerouis *~ ~ ~ j l ILL siui. Ev.N. u pouasési -tetàvaaers, and that lthe Emperor*s moid oly large Eompatlum. Suinqa éwi" lutn@ 1 iri'ors the perplexed and appreliensive metoili cmuc.... Ro. u. Sill lefeeling af the Empire >at large, Niceh is axpetede ~ te.h1 <.mi,, ~ ~ thé. resIlt ftwo years of jugglingwmith mtsies&ub..Ur .1.MUlhal f a million ef Armenians to thTrks Md Kra X-Mi. . AIw lr Pteipovo, h» beASt. Germany now dicov.ers lhcrselt ta 't aong ourivlîiu'a 8udsy lit.. M. O>uihorather iverse off ttian better. - ler aim s Turbsula bons fuca 't ic n<Orhi'stars was ait ail bazards to isolate Engliand. She 4 &beace or sensmouu. I cTred Russia.and France aitbolt} Ifree hand in destroying British presrîr-e in 811MIR i Z5 the fer cast, and eveýn offered to help iem eon the Pacifie if only they would give Eng- ecoraugutiSti. 81. lansd the cold shouider in the Le(vnt. This~ à CqvmOL ÉPacomni .-OoaI ses t i waà Bisnîarck's conception of the way ta Ali-be ftbrs;keeppeace in Europe, whih, to hisimmid. , augs on the question of niniitaining tie pousent. thé sers la tihs. kThe 1imisttTurklsh Empire intact. This policv in- cf 149I MeUnt M rveusai mfirmoul Ieed soue of theo rost atrocious crimes Mote i7Mu. zUa uscudel byXi.'aginst .civilization that are recordeti ttu à oe *lt* 1 i y1r hitory. but Bismarck insisted thiat it vvas C alul t D 1-v N. a by-lav tl vy enly thus that Gerrnany cou id esea:pe being rate b lisd à l a o.-Oanb&erushed between Russia ani France, ani I Moel bvil Mu.Sir, seoeded b 1[r thé Ernperor, against his owvn htter feel- Grifutis ti tolomsg eomtsc p ld es, took Bismarck's advice. Hhas ii JMp Jueph o&rd1 ttase bamaiedues OflU Sultan nd et holding the rcst of Europe bar $235;Du . N Lmrl, ateusue ~ bck arben every human implse tugged 0 Misie te ami. Bdee,8; iumpitedrear the sword et chrlatendoni ainst ~ vndusadmuS.D. .. S5;G.W. ResU.thse Turk, and lho bas worse than nothing ~ tobdo y. $6,01 ; Haàt B Rhum'. O ste- show for it. Russiaanti France have etau 1804, 8.O;a Rgse.liuh leftGermany absoluteiy in the lu rel, andi Md am &dvutàimqg tseonot, >125, JO"s at the present moment it is understood ». a5jm mon *u. e é%Xarlg. ille bem. that they are read y ta a-rec with 81 6sitd i 0; IL lott éemmtsrn s.agaet 'B and under certain conditions to tell SSwift'o,8S.5& . EL is. u4gmois upplisul. %eTr ta elabeen lit(Jrete t oo long on82.5;Ms eer veWr maet six Ipars87 anld Must get eut. 1 have extremely gooti J. a. 109914f,#7. L_____ oo athriyfor the prediction that these s pplied A». in-Uer4il,.s , thme powes wilarrange a seieof Hsaatuslmesteroi uI,1 , la ,I 188, which will remove the Turkishi Niurbsmd& laesf.flU55e5teluu, OMO"ciansd troops front the Island andi sasch'Il go.-0:014 . useumal <Of saiay.redues tbe Suitan's sovereignty to the b 84 15 01m, pstug.10; Attesimes et recelpt cf au annuel tribute. 'The ('rctans bond et heitis-Juba eil 1P& . R. Grsbhave already 40,000 breechlonder -ai more a U&S. IR. p».Ugy $129. À A Korril 2&garebeing ianded reguiariy froin 6 reece. lu i M& 814b7.26; &Drtuisl. ceofaiegedau OU5>OlcCan relue 70,000 fighting men, not s fi Nu Daueu, $.10 A.Meu..,ooUsig Greek volunteers. Tt-irklz. i as e'quaise oUalay uti-àb ' lg expcisa 5, CtOpei e Island, but if indpe d- $2 M IL dla. to»y fr p»keueisMW ere declrd shte would xîeed îli),LIXX *a taSU CaIia oa? 40; IL. more t cepe wi thi the islindera. Mre ~ vaio luOeisomk. 4*; OSI u itpIf actual warfare began, andi if t he Trks ha u.. lg~'P35 tartea la toi fi g ias they understand b ~ qem ustaUse Mms~*,j fgl4sg. h vulib. absoiutely impossible b hlqbq~ igi SS îl hOWM Greeci neutral, and almost as liard bâfo àr, do* to ePEngInd from iutervening. Hence ýluflamn hik h Sultan will MOt#*~*T. . 'chocs. tbc viser course. make" las -....~arias he cen, and lei Cretv e.Tvc poeible obstacles are foreseen. Tuas ve h ls e drapUNI milna thébeIyswh(h the Turk alwaYS 9 &M hhl h y M O&W ayhést t s t . deia i dâ lu arbicli te consider thintl, 1 Babik« sdbi« ù i eéa egobss% eVets evhappes wbich will set the Fast~ 9 eum a ,u1or cfe04Miaos" srOl ion Ire and tforce immediate andcd adieU 1 M Mo i ta " e u s etGý . OJ, s 5 g jdl4 u Po S bbcp ar tcfa l oi cer nied . A ain t i]' s 4 Wdn Sb&U * t. m -' ' . rOeins-n Palace clique in Flussia nlav et to audatg ni* o».fin a eans et re-asserting iL ý ati> r»» n e admtsM ut, w eu = ng tbc power once more ln .obhiiofiS hue " flMebnposM£Res,. But as regards this Inrter chanc, cuMAM4 -a - U_ M Ï& au tàlgt4 apsnet Germay. The C7ar 15< as lbIraite vist Vienne for a couple of days, M'm 14 bu but vii rotais again et once iibto Blsiafl s Vy t ub ,* M W M M Ma -- tsiitta ry.. T ie en l aIs to ceone %c t ard r ] at " « ié e«*l it. Germ any but a littfé w'ay qeïn h Ose EnsPeror amy 5 et rlau and Goreit. ~~*~wbrs Immens amy manoeuvres Wl1 à eumoble hlm te .appear as a strictiy miiii tarf :Wzm ýMVf»Q»*Isiteal tpreoeedîng te Berlin Or cMd Xe te Dmmàvârk' by water and thence h Breba Mi. otbet C penhangeflài2d, W *0 I t C Om as viits. w illb e of a M #41those about him iili b e m sud Croea in synipiathy WMlI salto'Cherbourg end travel vM.ertbisreception Mwill be %0 réeember for aIl the rest Of Kil Ibth programmie the le t. uimln t an the eleayhome is observable l OR ~riht Loi an sd'ail and ha gOW TU Ban) 9KENT npty c: A gocd s' sSa per c c tlss it is r orquali «t.Th veknow oc TU si Scho Scrit) c