i >o~ mb a i0 u set m - -Qo - Sv» à" Per»ttesil ma Woei mIr It vas a leca ncyspapert.dlated te day befere, and lie turned It vet curl- 'ouaiy. Nethîflu ever happene l n ltaI quiet, reglen beyoflI birliui. leatis, and inar- r.age5, and lie glancel over tic co11115fl * Vithout any curîoslly. But uuddlefly bis- altentlon w5aI't. tractéd b>' a lead15R ln large ltype. "*Extrael'dl5817 EloPent ln- Uigli Lîfe! Strange DiOmapPerSfce etf1Mr. Paysan Feston 1" "1 vesSer ybe 1Mr. RaWson Feston ma>' bs," lei utteretl, andlie began 10 read the paragrapli. '« esterday evenlng," il a, 1U the iielghiborbood vas throvul mb * the vildestl tate of excitetieflt .by the Trmar that Mis Grahamfe had suddenI>' and mysterQi'i0Ul dappeared ori the eve of lier inarriage le lie Marquis of B3rakespetire. The lady waa..staying< *1 Barminster Towel'5. trern vhlch place she vas te bave gone 10 the cbui'ch Ibis asornînlg. The greatest distresa of lie duke and -duchesand thc Mareblouicus etf Brakespeu~re ban been ocsi5dby' the extraordilnary . disappegrance ot .Misa Graî,ame, -wbese arnlabilly bad endeared ber te a large cîrcleoefiends, .both rîcliandI por ; and the deepest sympathy Ilatitfor Lord BraItespeare, "vha spent bbc greater partof lisat nlght searching for iss misslsng bride. At asu learly bour tIbis rnfgwe 1ars that Mr. Rawsen Fenton bas aise dîsappear- 1md. As be vas net eMmunlea.bed i ll anyone aoflte lauiy ftende vite are 1exertîng bhemselves, on hbis be&lf fer .Ite coming- election, andI as t la kulon -that heho ad an Interview yesterday evening vitit Miss Grabamne, rumreh an sot becs sov te connmct bbc nanes:; Indeed, se Sdental bas becs efferel by those meut Inblmalely cennected wllh tbc parties, le bthe assertion ltat lbey have gone Off together. We are warrantes ln remnani- Sng ltat. consldenlng tbbc crcumstancea -bb thcf Miss .Grabame's marriage belng fixel for th,'s day, i e .nerqy vbh ,wh liehMr. Rawos Fentes bas fougtt the elcoboral battis, aMd -beile n1s«tcer- lalul>' et bis...beîng reursel If lie bai remairied-s merni exlraordlsary elepe- rment lias sehdom or neyer occurred. Up te bbc present no news etflte missîfla persoa bas becs reclvel.", Lord Ellilot sprang tramt the sets vili thc paper In bis band. That lu vas a lie, and a foolish une, ho e 1.1cenvnceel, and, he wondered boy lie espaper mtan weuld coeeoff at Woife'a banda. Anà witb ajaugli ho real the paragraph a gain ; butji lhe resd, a cold chili crept over hl lb read Ibis *lime ike îruti. Re tiel le laugli. Constance rus u.way on tic nigitt befere bier mirriagel! Constance, of al bbc vomes In.the wrld He lIung Ibm pilper fromn hlmt, but itood and stared. atItIlas If It bal becs »in me reptile thaflt alament sncceedcd In sblsging hln-aîrnost. flot quitc. But lte idicilous paragrapIt bal caused hlm te change bis minI. Be woulb go te Ibm casîle mt ote isatis- faction-ef jaugbln gaIoitehe affair, If possible, belp In.litnging tbic swpapel' ,,mon. Ms conl holmoeut C onstance, lor, of course, 5he vas -married 10 Wolfe yeslerlsy, sotwittstaflliiff IbIs abtird libel, and lie coul go in safet>'. Hs cauglit hle cap and ltItthe roos', * te go and bell bies kipper that he shenld set ail on ticeuorrov, as- be bail la- tonded, and te otonot a train te Ber- rlngben. Me vas golug burrIedi>' dow lte uitairs. Ivo at a -Uie, vies b. met a. girl comlng up., i. stae va>' for hms to eine, asd hl i theIe i, for ber, '-lihen udenilb Itséeeute imtat aho bad secs ber before. sud eaI moether place titan'Ibishà.tel ; and ahi, 1sncng up aI bis face, utîcrel a teint ci>'. Re stoppel, andloloked: bard at nel'. "lTon knov me ?" bhosaid. "T.en, tmy lSrd," nid Mary, respect- fnlly, and viti an azlone glazice up lItosaîra. "And 1Rnov y. Wbo am you, snd wb.re bave I i s-ei Rt»V;.T7" que.4 to hbéa&MOLU &tIMe ettoa tus ,Feu ot Il" "é#Tes, my lord," replied 1Earyi dhep, çlng anethor courlea>'. 1 I 1theugit outi And se you * ba e ut, and gone bte -'-pibhk .lite,' Mary' I" T"es-ne," sh* fattered. * At anaîber tlImé e eoul bue e nilimi, 49lvi? lier liait a soverelgnandtsIpemOs On. Publlng ber bcstalon di0* ue5~' OMic; but bis slnd vas mastb M * over tb. ridiculons 1ipamml-aub ileh efiffd and regatffl -ber ae. "Whou III yeu les;ve Il 7 takel. Il"&,i.day befor te r*,Mbr 'MilNam1,wlttli neoer tl Mary loolce over ber Shoulder with a albiver, as If eh. teit that gentemn beiililber. WlDoes abe care for bita, My'lrV, she salil wlth a vzorld of maaip. Aý a If you eoiild ae tny dear &1ti0B 701 wodn't aik iaI. Coto fr im--4hut "1 muetIsber .» be sail below bis Mary began 10 tremble. "Oh, rny lord, -%what wifl.,sheay.'whlen rhe knows Ihat 1 bavýe tlid you 7" "muais«c her. lhe repeateiL. "There rmay be tomnehope.", Mar-Y sbook her heaiL. <Tliee'5sno hope of changiflifber, tnlnd, rxnY lord," ah. sald# sadly. I don't know ;îw hIe )bas dose t ; 1 oniy Ilnowth&t ohé bates hlm,, andl yet she'a ieft the marquis fer hlm. M lord, If you think I'm Acot speakIflu the truth. you shall see ber. If you cone te the door, Justtute bdour," * êe.went on, i a. hushed, voice, " yen cas sec her. Y ou. wifl net upeak te lier, my lord ?Il He signed te, ber tei go upataire, and followed, ber. Mary openeil the door of the room cautioualy and.l looked-in. Then mIte toàk a few etepa andl came, baclC te hlm., "Shesao!sëep, worn aut,".'sIte whiFper- è* d. Corne and sec for yourself whethcr sIte la happy or sot." He crossed the*room on tllptoe anil Icokcei do'wr at Constance. SIte hail fat- len.. nt. a state or stupol'. rather than Fl2ep, and, aisbe gazeil at her white, 'wan face lhe <9il not need any furtlier as- surance * tamMary. 11The lears tb&t rose te bis eyes wcre ro shame tla bis nanbýood. **Core away, my, lord," whlspered ,ý%ar. fearfuliy "be.may corne in asnd 1"drew ber entlilde tbe door. SWbierelli e ?P' liedemande& Let ,"sec hurt.' Maràr.weit tthebwIlow overleek- Stlle Pier. and polnted out twsoii Fentes soitblnt nov on ose ofthue buIk- head&, hie arris folded. a cî&ar ls bis moubli. Lord BiMllot looked long and sleadlly a .t hlm, thea riove4 lovard lbhestaire. .Mary, ln lier trlgb-t and excitement, caughb bis arm. "OhI-my. lord, wbst arc you going le le v, sIte cried, In«a bushes 'oice. lie stoek lier off. "Go back le your mistreasf," ho sai; anud do nôolIeavm ber fer a marnent." Ait b. vcnt.ilovn bbcestaire and Imb .tie streot big sole Intention was te seize Rawson Feston ' blite blroat and tl.rash hlm wthls as- Inchta! bisIlite; bût, as lie approacheil tie-man, and Jcokel aI ils paie face.wltb Ils sambler cunning andlresq.luteness, lie changel. bis minI. Even If he gave Ibm masn1the bcalllg ,ic mrerîbed L -weuid 1neyer serve Cas- stance. Whab siauld hm do ta save ber? Me stapped dead short. laaklng at Ravson l'enion hdingnlly, hilehands ltciing ; and as lie lobked Fenten rase end abîressel the captain efthble sbeam- * hlj>, vie vaspassng. eYen iceave, at sine lo-merraw, captaIs ?".he saI. "Yes, air," reple Ite captais. I"Are yen the gentleman that'a bookel lbree Tes." msal Payses Fenton. "Veéry good, sir.* Tes, ve shall b. punctuai; azid-I thisit ve shail have a tairloli passage, consldenlng tbe lIme of year-,." L-Iord Blleot, wlbh bbc ionglng te bath Rawson Fenton te liee arîli becomîng lrrestatilI ewung round and strabe off, lest hc should be overcomne by thie ternp- tabilp. , * , Wbaýt shoul he do.? 1A taise step, and Constance woôuid b. bcyend sucocr ; and liow easy lb voul be le make a taaie CHAMPTER XXXVII. At hait pont elght Uic follovlng mers- Ing, the ameke rWsna' lrom thce stee nthe icaiïr ofbuatie os Uic pler pro- clalmel taI ah. vas about. le lake bsir departure. ', As hour before, Payses FPentes bal bees on board. and .Inspectal ic hear- rangements wbich bal beon made for bis party_'. nveryting Ibat moue> ccuîî procure tsuicheva>' of cornforb he had thouglit of sad.oblalsel, and nov b. àtood aI Uhic enr cf lie otel, volt- Ig theg lUilb.evbstl uld ound aud gise 1the sigu@' for tbeir staetlin. A -fteerloh mpatbbe. igttylluù>Mnlk hu r olqsuedcoses a takeVmuoU f bSn, a&" h. oogol 10 bav* omsbao mables oa hu adu on -bua>' Yte France. ne â b hue uufale h.slop panl *iat, bU"lelb> a, vague fea. that sostetlg vwolhap-: Pen. 4ou e o»tretem1i le »b btu, or the reward for ' i b1pa.lt vatIMnS andgem» - g It J alya itis i=Mont ltat the .uhe IOgrasp tbàt the - i thinO youa arha ma.. 1 Lav rea= tubelle#"C Nias GrIal ame 15beO? .._And il tbe e, whISt business 10 It )f yeurs. #-Ir ' ebai t.a5yi .Ou. Eilt ad a-tard *ea4r, tad, hs âcI4 t out, I au Cs id flz4ftt4"be re- cateil, With an smphasis On lic word alended for os#t.flOer, 41, "d I1 eg that a,,e: wil se te lnufr roment." nawson Fcnton'a eyca glearned, and e tare bhe card In tire. "Miss Grabftfne cffllsee you,-my. lrd," he.saI, curtly. I4 willhe 1ar wlhe 'sIe wih 'or not [rom her owfl itps." .saidLordBEllet ; RnI he stepPed past hlm lnt> the room. ,* Cer.gtance-Mis Grahamet 1" lie cx- claixncd. Constance baok a sbep forward, ltes toppel, and hld ber face In lier banda. and lie ent up tu ber and touched ber 'l Miss Grabaine, ln Ged's namne,. what dues Ibis mean V' le sald. gerltly. hie vclee tremblfIg wllli ssxiety and ex- éiteiient.I."l icre arc Y,ý,àLgels;, and. whit ~is-~gent1enan' . Befare she could.- have repixel, mw- son Fentes strode ln belveen them. IPermît me le answer, Lord Eliat,", te salI, with an ugly encr. I" Permît me tu answet' for 1h15 lady, uponwhom irou bave IbrUSt yourself. Sbe ln coins to France with me,, ber atanceil hus- "la Ibis truc ?" Lord Ellaet said, still hdrslgler, and Iaklnz no manner of notice.aI hlm. #6la il true ? Are yeu Indecd golng wllh tiIs man T" Constance dropped ber hands wlth a gesture af despair. "Yes, lt la truc."' she salil, almost ln- auclibly. "lia-7de sot think worse of me titan-btas yen cas lielp." IlI neyer thlnk anythlng but weli of Yen, Miss Graharne," bhe responded. his volce uliaklng villiemotian. -"But liow la lt that I fini yau here, alone. williout friencis, and-and au, unexpectedly T MHe coul net force hîmacîf te say Ilie day after thal an vblch yau vere tu have niarried anoblier mait.' I1 caa sot--Cas sot expiais." sIté faltered. "Tell me Vti. at Icast." bhe plet-ded, earnestly. *1Teill me whcther. you are gclng of your ovn fres vill." "Yeo," alie brcatbed, -ot my ovt free yul." "Nov, air," said Ravson Fentos, malignantly. Ilyen bave recelvel au aser te yeur impertinent questions, and 1 shahlic oblIgeil If yen villi nI ut, of your unveleomi presen~c.- The second wblstlè shrieked, out as lie spoke. Lord Elliot lookeil aIhlm sleadily. "Ti'ils lady lias repîlil edmne. but 1 amn net satýlsfied." lie rald. IlBy lte righl whlih ny triendshlp gives nie, I Fia Il Inasis upofi yenr nforinfg me how lb happens that I find ber bere under yeur care."l Rawson Fentos's face grcw black. IYou Insist ! My lord, your presurnp-, manners. Stand aside I Nelîher 1 sur tbis lady have anythlng. more te ray .Tis was very well, but. unrfortuflate- ly for hlm. lie ventured to put Y is19band upc'n Lord' Elot's -arm 10 rushi bina aside, and lInsanioment Lord Blleot iaI telzed flawson Fenton's arm, and vibli a gr!p that caused lbt tail hmpiy te bis s1de. Wllh a enari b. raiseil bis ether hanil, as If ta rtrlkc hlma, but Constance gel between them. INo, neo!" BbcVantail. I"b 1a no use, no use! 'Tou cas do nothIng. Ljord El- îlot! Let nic go In peace r Lord BElliot drew a long b- eabh and set k la teebli, but utepped. asIe. lMe bad donc ail li edul-and falicI. The whistle' seunded for the- third lie, and Ravuon Feston. taking Con- stance'n armnosnte tee gcstly, drew[I wîthin lis ows, aud moved tovard lthq Sdoor. "Good-day, my lord," b. aald, ovei bis shouider. 14 11" yeu-n 11 uccea ln yor next atteuipt 1W interfere lm maltera that do isot concern yen."' Ilc bail reachel Ibe,.door asulhe apoke, and at Ibis mment Ibmre came a ouiat et a qutck step mmenthb.stairi. and baud grauped l lawwfl i'Mm b>' lb. tbroat si aud hoiwaàg morffelb.1 1 copi. mmè o, a. Lord Nit tstar" tg- 4ToUu ser" »d Ea wlIos. h'k- IDE u i 50ba u ad &atc#UttO,"OS- tatnce. 'l Ireu bear 1 MA " Y 011 atis fl ? ' J ' e t u n P a » t T o u, -i « , O u d m< . Y u Ia Win . çt0p uni t I our P au l '1 SLosd =Ilot -leancil atb$ h eb.deota.4 thO maquls stretelueil @t biB band li Constanoe.but ste feU OS hcIlo knea lb- site messe4, ber oe'..dIlat- ed vlth ltrsud aXAgIWl, *let U'a go. Tou do dot knOW a8111 )Ost--IOnt anger hlm l" The ýmarqis bent and raiseà ber. --My poor darllng 1', ho murmured, the veIna standing- Out 1kO WbIPOerd 01s bis forcheal " Do 1 uàl knO'W ail? Wo shall se. Bave no test, Contance; yen are sale 50w, gtle 0w." * t.yi I-I aStmaqteré ositepnel wbité, with terrer. *"Dt o-b, MleI you vould osfi>' leIme go WlIbh l r --Listes and obe>' ber, leyd marqui" one ered Rafflo5 Fenton. nomethl5g Of bis ordinal'>' @51m eUtrint< b hlm.4 !Sie ' wler tbar. you. Tou have màle rcene?ý en'>u h. rl-.ou bave any regard for te woua-n y -.u prote» a t love, .te say xiollg et yourniclt, yen viii tate hep advieo."1 The mnarquis litteil Constance bodlly n nd <arrled ber ta a. chair. *,IllotV" be mIl, qule Il to"lenltait f14!ow te leave te room-thc lieuse- lte place. If he refuses, threw hlm out afte bb indov.1' Corne, mir" salà Lord Bllot. open- Ing te ber. ' ake the chance my friefld offers yen.", Llvld witb fur>', PRavsou Fenten rprang tate itendeor. l ve yen a minute," be salI; a minute te lecide. Prevent lier goiitg ~w 1h me as she vîshee-as she wlshes! -and I cmil fr assistance."* Lard Eillol advè.nced upon hlm,% but the marquis bell np hiseliand. -~Let hMncali, Blleot." lhesalI, au he knelb beaide Constance. «"Ton mbali sot soiR yonr fingera wlihbim. Give hlm ln charge et thc tiret polîcemus wbe sp- Pears. and let n el 'ld et him."l Revusn Fenton glarel frost one te tht: ether. I.".holm i, I: liste lte pglice ere asobbcheon..' Dut when Uicy. corde It yl h. teocbey My o rIera, sot yours." "The feloes' mal, Welfe," said Lerd IEthelt. " For heaveq's maRte, Ilet1un end J .hiai1*1l ftch a cartage." ll*' wenltevoarde the dbar, as thie âlkaquis noddcb. "' One.,la valtlng," lic saldI l a1 - 1SteP, My lord," saId Ravuos Fren- bouc " DÔ ouen know wbo Ibis mn la whbem yen are aidlng and sbetting V'" «* tark, starng mad 1" mutterel Lord. Bliet. "ie la a felon, an entoast. ýa mas 1-M'né tram Justice. That mas -la a ,crimiýnaL Tiere ia a reward out for bis Lord Ellilel agfted short iaugb, but a l0v, vallns cry ros from Constance. "Yen. oublsik I arn mal. that i amn lylag 7" vent on Eawson Feston. vlp- isg lie perspiration lrom bis torehea. *Ank hlmn. u obr." 'Let me go, Wolfe 1" panlol Cesm- sti>oe. "L*t me go before it l15100 label» 1The. marquis t100 ber band and klued t. "Be calM, deareul ; test sotblnt," ho mnurmurel, sotllai. "The vB= vbomyen know as tib, 'MarQUIS cf Brakeapare lu a tIbId , foes. anila vatteilb>' the police, la Au@tralIa. TOU iffl ftbard 10 belle"eT L.oRt at bisface, Âsk hlm if ho knevse OMGntlman Jackbbcte Iadetothei *rangera" Consteae ulterol a h& sudes gto "'roe lite- Pt. t e M ow r'brokté frein -ber Upa' 'Yea,, Il lu too te," sald Payses Fenton. wftb a arie5n ater091' wven Tilicaaomt 'a*" Ils'. O. ofag t t bIs'; yos vl Mt oujoy the w*ivItma Icdgï.T.n.............tr. h ~ ~ c -. o mS U e*a W the =an," sm2d.the: martN S p êly.w ttb a, ton. et u diieom sud elr*areffrm i bis voice, but *lth per. Con@tsuOê ovetd ber eyen wltb one hbLail,but *atm lcluag b ldm,i. ad -Lord hlot sttxil s*d oeked at him wltii RaWO eulteSfaSe ligtd lp witba aileof maliglis O atatefl Toeur frIsnd lias confessed& yen sce, Mylord. IUc known that 1 bave evl.- Mffle whch ie, eau sot dIprove. -v- dieWhicb WM lsend. hum tô pesa à le iience r-"mail.,Lord Eiliot. sternly. gewent up te the marquis and laid a.d hadpos bis oboulder; bs ac vas vert pale,. and he, carefufly ,avolde,& loohinif St Cousasace. leWbat on, earth doe you mneas. Wolfe VI he demrdei. 0 1iil -bell ye)u-" hogan Raviesn Fenton, but Lord. El lict silenced hlm wltb a look. *1 addressed the Marquis ef Brake- speare. 1air," he said, vîihgrl hauteur. naweos Feston sbrugged bis sheul- dera. eyon wlU hear the truth trom. me,"- h. retortel. wlth an Insolent uncer. "Tou shall bear It tram me, Elîlol," said the marquis. elDo yen remement'pf -lie spoke In a 1ev, caimn volce, and am If he meant Iliat Constance. as wel as L.ord lliot. s#ieuld hear hlm-«'do yen rernember thc nlght Hendrick the traveller dined at the castle ?' "Ie 1 do." salidLord .Efliot, knlttlsg bis browa. "lTou vili sot have largablen tbe etory be tel ef bis purmuit ai the bush-- rangera 7 Lord Blliot started. leGreat. Eieaven r' be muttered. 1Un- der bis breabb. leTes, Ibere waas ot a word ofet xag geration In bis reeltal. I cUit anOyCI for lt, becanse 1 vas present with Uic men hi was pursuin, ana I vast Ieir letder, Ibm man Uic>' called Gentleman Rawses Fenton lauglied aardOnCmL11 b>' way oetlrlumpbant comment, but no one boek an>' notice of hlm. kmâased andl bewlldered. Lord 13Il10t ased bis hand on thc table- and kePt bis eyem flxed on bis frlend's faMe -"U am nsolgoing WOffer as>' .201180 for myseif or for* the mes vith whOm 1 wasBeonnccted." mald tbe marquis, gent>' and tenderl>' strokinu Con- eta.sce'a band. e l i sot even pleal youth and the wlld, bot blood vhîeh' lias aiwayas rus rlot In lie Brake- speareveina. I vas lie leader eoflthe men who vere 1aw-breakers and eut- aBide the pale. I vwili not eves. as Il mlbt..do, plead liat their deeds vere flot no black as the>' vere palntcd. anI that, outeastsasai îey were, the>' never robbed the poor or vere other than their frtends, and ettén their esly nSUOCO. I' eta±e lthe simple tact. I was tbm man Ibis fellow saw In the but la Uic bushi and It was I who sent Decter Graliare and bis daugbter"l-his band cloSed Oni Constance's-"le toMelbourne- This IcI- low. bas evidence. lie Baaswblcb wMl prove irv Idestit>' ad cenviet m- 44That la truc, aI an>' rate. Il have!" ielaimeil Fentes. tit remaîna te h. secs," vwent on tie marquis. as If thc other bal sot spoken, e"wbat ha wmlldo. I lare hlm 10 do bis vorut" Constasce uttered s cry and vould bave thrown herseIf at Feston'. f cet b ut lb. marquis- eld lber gentl>' Asd Loem Bilot wle~d Ibm perapireiM flro i is brow. Clood GC4r# bo .zoialmed. bclow bis breati. .4Wolfe, 40do yeknow what yen bave eosSoqsc*.?' ,r«% i kSow, aud liskaieva." vas thei çMM mfl pOiSOe"l Met, I abouldbave tom 'a, *là bfove, tbut rI*vas vea L Ikt ,t. aven frie b«i.COMMl'ILba" bora. I» »se ber àshrlk from me - Obe woulM bave dose--"' *0 ,r*Mbreks lu Ceutande ;5111 ow -mdbus baud 10 ber lion asud bs- ffl ft u4" 1Rt aul aIhO uiglt rt*womPhIIIm «»bat hê *1cm y 4 4 '1 b.xs t ..m «k l u * m ltâ S 7 **W * m' t &pS aa«Wmedjeineto b. gives yolw.cM Ibo WA" pu* vtoub vreu«s%. M eu a liaIm IMMAMOM cwobigbg prmOBtlor lb. faMousDr. Samuel PMwhe. ~fS u yeuu, mail tà.more Oamris te now uold tbam - 15 ptet. .Ul1qm~o1ce t*9V lu~State.and ef eow mmowiý6» wd exchwM rwu tô Dr. PI#CIioeed hi.assigne th Unethe wor& pu Ir"Iuet1c c bo vwsfe palmg Ibis govermut prectlonva mu]L m lsdom ce C.aSris mefnrnl6dsurfa35 MR tum vemuoet laspoMatLnsofyoc hl ma d.k&WXSo BWg a& M e ulbmmSavwvrdtetu eeyadUamný- Demie phOp 'y h.' P M ftuuwVyby haresof ca.htsee caauu, a ea u trw estd tlmoesdtlentru ed hMsyadtemnZ *0 mlihln thatylil ouge aprmptperanencreInaw ofes0 gw5 Doun t, Mëd ea iscaNerzo dî%kns,£mçoaMu - w w aud b» U- ed f yS âu, jt d«acc, r-Ao/w i Iuatal te Wo e a fmy h Mmasu*il la Iuuty C ow mpthidn .ry gae W *M4b Sas se .y«o aabeeuoridt*o uge aeuubmdreso ae hts 1.Selm ov' lS gavebotwftrlb octineilm oroariadse of titbe agimy CO UUha..h.rumdy ' OwtlCnad.your okn WOm'*PO~oUBlà:aeMUby ,amib wd*lmdrotaitdrugglsts in the Dominlion CIE VELANO y' and Pwoyal Baking PoWder are al rights- .but no better than Hligin- bothm!ms Jersey Cream .Bakix3g 'whioh 18 much cheaper and 18 mýade. fresh eveiry week. &wea8kklafor you to give A ia P. i~X"LETY~ oeiL PLÂNINLI MILL - w - D~ ~. - *de& Sons Lumber Yard. XOOubdiags Tumoinge, etc., etc. PC bàe YOU byelsewhere. -2010-tf. te ail pz ln lct =dar texi Meri< Boult pi.ce vw i*Sdl$e cue la Oiter s'- owle d, d.n'I su her ic phy bitler. *ghk ai jMlftsý tamm *oclor. Omo ia obst ina the dig But st. Setler, boe Is stroyiri xShge) bearteè te ro, ou sel dm th e * qu'i lhe s-.ý lain Re Ï hlm? A Mens1 jungle horxif > «t bc- ef his childrE te cor tp. Pl plain an aI' die.i The *wn tepi Deati tmoi Usedic takiný ý'herý refor %a tr #a rel elx be 0o ftati( Of 1h, tais *bdy and therr Mien Nlui mze 'BE ÎTLGo M~kerD ~ 00.