, 1E "141 LIFE APROfI FOR HIlHIE wè,tMI it tmi~- Ie lm.1 have aMa f l l ie iwlth ts ut' me6ut o !j* Obc sildt uat la the 9bds pliblk ice2Nero eJam*èerseai unitIl ahte wug the. suIcide. If 4âme cou!4 not cure g of thetrrlauluty, I r, that au the ages il be. oDIF Prolofgl- te te ditV, M ue un a oeaen upça witic "unPl cvWaiMWV, -or ,w inuy walk hoa apalace; that as* ii.I AUbl t*W"? Yenturther ho notice cm dêfen.'L L naY î i.ase la, a q'¶ t4at ao.$ ue another von.! h cuit cuU' t an.! appeal t and hav, (t i-Ils thie rulu ef hais. Nwa'pposecho <go up to the suprtme.ooart et chBncery j lwkip. man lta aurcd tMat atten aM ed ail L- ~COýýsth irown »ver ou -h iLie lU1e O! vldkeduema he can flx it ail' th ihier pin ,y,e a nMan ma s acbthie Wt up la thre future. 'Tha t. "ul.! PO tue iltàis world, but ln tii. htgbeat b. the. demSization of aoclety that au juricdictio» of! ecrnity have the, de- i wçSiId b. demolîtlea-of tire hurMan t.i eison of .the. eartbîy case u met S. Tire.ar*,e mcawhè.are. uew #ÀidE, ail the. costs remitte.! atd thes boit oui tl,¶iprIItéýsnab-ythelr fa ,deenazi i ti-u u»pant fonever Thre fer tat if ve &a eb«dasU un C The't)j t fmY sermon lahto show feguVea iere ttwHIiinet b. velviii au you uirat coi-anon senu. deeLarete vit uUs ln the next:existence la the chic! the tex:t that sucu an ,exsettiss Ls tfluelc le t ht eps civiatlon* trour J'l cijimerical. "Ilf the 'tre. tsi! tow*1d r.lublu< back Iflie seml-balEbanlsm,and5un tih. sou Iti or to'wçard the, nortir, l i -' efl se-baxt>ainsm frai. r*bg 'in place -*h1Lie tire'tree £talleUth tbre t- .bak lut-o iitnight avage'y, an...5 sirail be..'-Tier. are those - vire ay rIuBtmvgery tram rusiiing :hah If tire inpnihenh.an.! uuforgtvtli htis& in extitonl. Nov., tii.man 70 insu n fLitcr thextyolaama .u epton the laIgts et msi. But thua w< the disauteri as a recuit oft tiat dise- ilu, oemug « ite bis moul, this ides th asterlie viii humn, the distresa th ic ! anotetr ehance, h.mays, «"Go ho, te, cause of bis netormailO but'vo- have 0W'. l'Il gfet but Of tuis ail there la luin 1,Q000 irstunoes ail around &-bout us fa. Coure, gliutton>' andi revelige sand pr people w i l,ave done wrong.ant ie-.. uncleanflne8sahdu.! scnsuiitem au.! th, maqter.siic-nly Caille upon thera. 1>14 watt liin nme. 1h mua>' abbreviate my ku thec d.sater ireal them? NU; tlic.>' vnt eswthI>' lite by cdliumluten".ss, but - that Un on.i oiygleme iieavenly Indulgence hul There lu a. man fiuns of dissipations. ona a langer aie lu a shunter îcngth, an The, doctor raà, staho hm, 1"Now, 1-- *ofetihm. 1 vIll overtake the righteous OU trlend, if you clon't stop drlnking an.! before. long. I, v111 enly comae lu heaven mi doit te tis fast lité 34u are i:v- a littie iktae, an.1I ii!b, a littie more ga .h lng il daiiaforiwre iâ.ianditUiéra e.! theuruelves on eartii and! tien vent as ietterî. lie bt'gine« hos.t u>. begîhs tho' ag Uité h o:oor tGo., because OhU wal arundtherûoý Lgin tugo a IWII , ee oreandhave vider ex - in, busik and tst he r s bans e gnrlQfCursion 1au« I viii cone In-o heaven ve bus.gpins an.! : t ,kcs t i snerund g't'lu S.gehÏenna, via siieall!"Hearers! gr, grog'hou wicr~Ire ot .isaurllgRende! Anotirer, chance lu tii, uext ver dram,' and! us evening drain, ad.!the wrdMn felc éadted-T drans b..tween. Down aga4ta,. Saine vn!masfe les dted- d octor. Saine physîcal angu.sii. Sazne lUolton of tulu. Suppose you ha.! a on medlical warning. But now the sic- case lunora. ail the. Ju4ges aud ed mess lu mor-e protracw.d, thre lîver more ail thre.attorneyrs agreed.Inl teiiing you- u obstina-te, the s tojikacl more Irritable, t-he fi'sh trial t.i lt-1h ýwoOlI be tried tit thie djg;ei-tIVe oréaLs emoane rebeilioun. twIce'tbe rgt triai wonld Dot be o! tel But st.il.- under medicai mkilli, h. gets ver>' mucir Importance, but the second j beter, folthco;îna t iesaine triai vo>uiticdelde everythiug. On ani s4kitg alti tn, conîlits hsotlheth.whiAcitrial voulti you put tii. most tho Sariejjýt leg n a t hip Luys.ee texpenditur,? On wiiich trial veulti h son...- , .ls he aktsle eýz-ut> Le s d- you empia>' the atlcst counset? On ad lielu 1î~ axi h r..À&~iîle18 -~ which trial wouid you bc most anxious d stroy ing iris faaî.y ud thttirhislifete hvdo tenac !al i.vt is a p.- îr ,tuLai p ,rjüry-against W iim ar-tahvte tndc oaltewi- f riage vows, and! thüt tirat broeu . lese?"Oouvui s.y ' t Cr. c ht-arted '-i rna-n. is s0 difLXtftt fi-en are ho be tvo trials, sud the flrst triai q the roseate witc ire manmled thâ lerdoés net amount to much, tii-- secrii old schi-(hrua Les do not recoize lier tria! belng everythIng, everything de- u on the sure.t.1 aîî.ltirat in sousj arc pending upon that. 1 must have tire th goiig out in ]!fe und.n tir talant of a meet eleqjient attorney, and I muet lu fait.,»-rudrukn'L.,air.!tuat us have ail my wîtuesmes present, an.! ti Ldaugliers are gotné; out. lu liteunuder- 1 vill expenit My mon-ey on that." If-th, the 0erflmor L a dsîgiepùtabie an- tiiese men, vho are Impenltent aud.th, céstry. jit. Ciý - ai,: ailt a langl*D. hQ are vlcke-d felt tiiere vene ivo an F1rorn croîý, nlof iaad to soie of foot, bc. trials, andti te firut vas o! no e vcy vl is on. aciug,. raesping. crUCify.ng, :great Impontance, sud thei second triai tk darnning toi u:re. " ipËi. slire? * a. th e et f vaut and! lfinite im- ajý .H.elu hell on eaîý.h., DOes It stOP Iportauace. ail the pncpsrtlons ton eter- th lira? Ah, no! Aftcr aiiae da-lrln.nre- uit>' voul.! b. post menU-rn, pont fun- tlu meus'pours out upon hi. pliow, a whobeteral, post sepulchral, sud tua venrd to Jungle o! hirssing rel:tiles. H.s acreamà would b. Jer4ed, off 'Into lurpcnltency dr, horrIfy the neiglîbansasire dasiies ou~t sad godleecries. Another chance lu t of bed cryig, "T ake tieFe thinga <i anouiiter 1vonid meaus tue demolition le, £ft-' Ile .lu îxriinkirig clown the coni!'tof !this world.th or lits ti~f-:y, tire ducatioiof o!lu-%'Funthermone, m ri rends-forI aur et] cblîdren, th..ir pios'pe-tas for thus- lite VreaChing. ho myseif as Weil as ho Y011; -- an.!' penbaps tirtnr- prospeaits fer lite ve aire on the saure level, sud thhugh an tu cone. Iti una cQiivalescent b. itse ti plattorm be, a littie higiier than an up. Ph3i.4ciîîsiy8 to hm. :"Nov. mY>'thre pev. 1h ia oni>' for convenielice, On go.od frIliow, ' hir goig te have a ansd that. we may the. better, sPrak th plain hallt wîih y-u. If you evEýr have ho tire peopie; w. anc ail on the mre tho un ahtack o! this Ml dagaln, yev ili plattouni, an.! I arntaikirig htani>'seul qIi die I z~nh sve 5ui a.! il he oc-- ile 1talk ho yours-my frIendu, wiiy th tors hii t'ruat-il.n t .e>u." * anot-her chance in anotirer weîld vthc-î Thlr- patitnt ge.:ýs ulj, sîa.rtn out, 90-s vw. have declune-d se matI>' chanties lu la t:;( r'aîiu rond f d aad 04 sjhis? Suppose you Eèpread 9, banquet TI down agalin, bat Vuislaime.medîcines, and! you invite*a vastt îuîîîLr of friend-q- t do not houeji iris case. Consultatio-ns andi amoug othiers-you enti ar. Invita- le of ljihy&cas su:' tire.1lene b1oire, tion -ta a m-an wiio dIsnc-gards 1h or of le :-'tin é-(. ne.Tirai proceen cof tre&ts It la anr obaîox.ous vay.. Durni ifluia ion und pùiica.1M sufferiug sud 2X y-cars yeu- give 20 bànquetd, a ban- zneCFEtai nya-nr!,, .and i .imeelutummz î,quet a year, andi you Invite >'onn taking plaehaiiuashne tiof et Iend. &ad a very hlm. you Invite thIs it w: -ou sit aro Inlu veny ncighbor- man vie dlaregarde your invitation tir eh iiý .lIs htendom. Pain dues n3Kt gendm back omne Iludignitt. Atter iCir:. Sn.. e ucrut.otCure. \Wiihit awhie yen ilive. luto a langer bouse ne i ula r tt- dbO esîin W rueaund ami, more luxuriant surrouadInigs. of in regarid tb ail sins, -and 3yut ~~and yo iniv iteyoulr'fnieutis, but you ùxp. dci 1n g flu the.: eit - ltc 1t-3re w-.. do not IUVite that uen ta wihonî 20 bt ruiy 'ipr~.ra 2,U imes you eut an -Invitation LI> thc erni;. l TaXi up thiý priLe.! rtpoits ePialler hou"e. Ae en o lae Of tiio prisi-fls, utlire Unitedi Bate" and Yeu woui.! oui>'maire youràeif ai,- litai that thre %ast ajorli> of tiic crImi- unit betor. Qed anti men te Selndthatal nais w--' hi, 'botgrt. saine ton two > man another Ih;îVtatI*n. p For2.1)years lai tiaries, three tîmes, four hîmes, six be lias been deellning yrour- oit enà,a atla thnes; putilshet a-gaIn-an.! s'gain,-but sn!n lsPa~ yu iiîtisat thcy go rig)rt on. M-Illiqn ot Incidenits oeurtesy', and ran he blame 10oU? Cal' 1 al.! Instances working thc othen -a. h- e. corne u ah your bouse on the. th and 3et men think that Iu tire uext ulgh --t the banquet? Looklug up anti ni MerlU puî:It'i.jnent vjii ork e ut for. seeait t u a-fluer bouse, i Wiihe have i thor iaThii offOt9. W-hy. ybtaan.! au>' gihteaa>'; "Let*me ln, I de- ICaflhot. imagine an>' verse .tortr" mi*ned . ail tiros, chen offtmebut tUis froî tuotiir ionit thn veir la sa ~~l5lNflr bouse. a baighten bouse, a fro1in wother vo.!, an!a v is aay euIiant5t afflt. 'Lot w# lu. 80 Wiuer~ cns-uene.Gi mre, siother banoe?" Go.! bas ho cons:U . uenct-. pqsecpe"Wda * biL34ut 0of31W gm»befofe miition la another vorI.! la More 114- ftI3 alevo S Probable than hene. Duo you awryt re- cur W-: Rine the ttthrcae, sh arta In eMebud* W fMq"p1j Ibis riet *.Fruits et t0<. i w ral»uWhero 1: u" lie. - , trenendous imprpIt, fibail *u 0puth or toward' the. norti.in l the b Irhere tihe tree talleth there At lherc 15s ahovering hope la tiht et &vast multitude of Peup e+G* thee iii te an oppoïtun-ty la tbe -e~ oid of corroctlng the milstakes tbs th..t imm~ ever comiplote a tI- ?wrecjz 'a e ay make «; Our eairrnY 9 ÏM er4dr bsforê the lIi4 qoht ét -=4 *it i Or list uPPir*atty t-Mak * wpeso. Witb o thUtUh Ur - «d Christ. Ob, xiy brot*i- ét, &bout aigo çsr qo ; ibis ie *e Iiia* Ochas...Tu niIe tuni e o Zwar4 IL, at the battle- et MwUael- lr& a >rtvate .eldit4 se thatt <he Imm of z1ucey haitbout bus belmèt. 7» Ptvt+ g*141er tooli o* bis helmet, bd vent up to the. Nsr1 f ciKntl, ad put the helmnet on bhW bu..!.NOv, he izead te, aprrvate, Sflér Maue- re ho vas aoon sia1n, wht ig scom-* sale r rodenlusttythrugb anit out f, the batis. t (t s dIltat lu -out ae. Zustmetcfa prIvat omering a elmet te s'*xa si, (t là the .King et iLvèn and esrtb, oftenins a crown ta a uIwortEIy aflectthe icng dylng bat vo might i.ll".ioh, tel! 1h to t» list ot the eUmsastel! (t to-daY id ulght, tell (t ho earth and! heaven, D tt & Il the. ceutunlesan.! aIl*tiie Ileanis -Uhat (3od liasglven us ach'a magulffleat chance ln thué rrlit that vo eo.!e no other chance ln nthert A, dreamn. I amn lu the. bunnieheit ageuet hall on ths test day.. The rest whte tbrone lu la fhd, but the. uig, hans Ot y*th takenht. While we oe walting for Mes arriva iI bear thre Imgor'tiMlà conversation. "Wiist are OuI waltlg torr' uays a toul that, rient up frour Madagascar je a &QUl at vent up froin America. 'The lat- Dr nespouils: #"1 wm Ilu Amerlos torty fro &go, sud 1 heard the gopll resche.!, and I ha.! pleuty et -Bibles lu ýe hous., sud froa the; time that, I nelt at my mother's kuse lu prayer itil Mry last heur 1, ha.! great, oppon- ànltIes, but 1 di.! net improvo them, Id 1 amn hene to-day vatng for an- lien chance." 1"Strange, strange," âyo the seul Just corne up from Mada- ancar. O8trange. Why, 1 neyer hem'.! e gospel cal! but once lu all Mr lite, nd 1 accepte.! 1h, au.! 1 don't ant an-' then chance." #"What- are you vaît- ga forr' maya onc who on eanth ha.! 'ry feeble Intellect te oue whe ba.! rest brain, sud whose voice was bi1- nry, and! wbo ha.! meepheris o! power. 'ho latter replies: "I ha.! great power reartii,,I muet admit, an.! I master- clanguages an.! 1 master..! lîbranies, nid coilege conferre.! upon me learneit Mes, au.! my usine waa a mynonyrn ir eloquence au.! power, but somehow negiecte.! the inatters of my sout nd 1 must coufea to you I amn here )-day -waltiri- for ajiother chance." Nov the groun.! trembles witl, tir Lvanclng chariot. Tii. great folins oors of the. burnshed -hall 'ot judg- iet are threwn open. "Stand bark," ry the ushers, "and let the Judge ot uick sud dca.! pana thrangh." He takes the, tirone. He 100km off pon the threngs ot nations cerne ho he lant Judgment, corne te the oniy dgment, aud oue flash from the hroue reveaeIs hte oa .!I theo ohers. An.! hçn the Judge mays,. "Divide!" izna he-burniahe.! walls echo 1h, "Dividel" id the. guides augeile answer "DI- de!" an.the immortals are rushing his way and' that, unhil there te an Is betweeu ther, a greah aIsie, and ben a vacuuma, wideuiug an.! wlden- g an.! widcuing ntil the Judge loàcs ione side of that vacuum, an.a.!- resces the. hhroug sud says, *'Let hinm bah la riglhteous be rigiiteous stil, an.! ýt hlm that la hoiy be iioiy stili."1 Anai ion hurnlng ho the. throug nu the ther sîde of thc vacuum, he sv~ 'Let hlm that la unjust b. unjush still, id hlm that la iffihy be fiithy stili.' ,d then He stretches'ouh boh hancls, ne toward the. threng on each s1Coý ho vacuum, au.! maym, "If the trce fa> ward the aouhh or toward the nortli, ithe place wiiene the tre. falletal here 1h shail bel!" An.!tiien I hear ometiing Jar wihh a great aound. it 3the closing o! the book of judgment. Ie Judge ascends the staîrs e bebnd i. throuc. The hall cf the lant asze ; dean..! and! shut. The. high court feternlty adjourne.! forever. A Bn.1 ,î f $ymp:'th. They were tcsting s new armor plats'. tha.! suvecesfu;ly resishe. shot atter hot. "Here," sai. a bystander, "1try thls iw projectile," an.! le tossed a cube fdark brown material ho the chie! muiner. A moment later aund lii charge asâe.! mquarely tiirough the wrecked xmon p)late. "'Have you any more of those remark- ble proJectIles?" Inquire.! the astoru- she.! ondinance oeRrer. Pr9ved o e vangresht lterest te me.' Mt »5*, Wiex on m7 y h o xIDeit as, voey turent alirlottiture la s&»tli ,psater 0< tii. gIob6b I destre ho gAvqe nomes aoouaxt of the vouilerful r*aIUs a4iebaevelua reunote sectl ofetour" Ova eonhr-y., W h.t Imay lu.! Lu tké thre Osand"nvlan onutrie romualis te b. sn, 6but Iancofdn- I ~ ut>ý*ber* kltness the earth btinaln9r tontb Sùehi- bouanheolilraturas for hu- man: effort aàshei. doe»'lu' a portk.r or Amertea, Of course almout eVPIY- oee mev. that throughout the'Sreat mriddle negle et et the Mlsulpplt and! on uearly ho the. PacIfi, agrieulk hure ila gSnly depend*at upon Irriga- tion. 'the nornmintaîl lula euR- elént ft« the grolth eOferOPa. 1h e- qires M luches cf vater toenemure atUY coi'0Ieo iuo ta. - mueh mure than tii to urake- agrtcultlwe profitable. lu the vat reglon Mame.!, thls quant!. In, net obtalue.!. Tbe great Imountals ranges. howevér, c4tch thre moîshure- bearIng currnneuhof air an.! cétue tht precipitation oet a nand! aov that upplle tthe streamq vhich furnlb thé means of irrlgating the lands. that lie Mlongtbeir gourmEs. rtunately fer thla reglen, there are a numben of planta, Sneludhaig eme valusible granes that gi'ow viiere the rainfal la yern light, and tii... fuish foo.! fer the g'et herdu of cathle an.! flockaeto siieep that live sud grow upon the vaut ranges- of wblch we have hearit no muel and whlch have prevel tebe a great feuntaiu et stock whome streaislun lute tue corn-growiug dis- tricts virere they are fattene.! for the. easteru markets. Thre buffalo gras%, mrnwnluau.! curling cloue .ho tii. ground, once furniathe.! too. for the, rreat herds of bison that éroae.! thie region, an.! whicii, as, are now cx- tîir; but dopiestic cattle hav 1e taken the, plaqo o! the aborigiuml herds, an.! are croppiug these native grasses oo cloaely ho afle etf proper seediing aind reproduction. What' the resu'lt of. tuis- wili b. e, nains te be seen. but Pl-1 ready 1h la beconiing sericns *ln the 1 fiminished food.!suppiy. The. resuits of irrigation ln southcn Califernia are welilkuowu., Tii, pro- dluction et citrous fruitesuad many otiier valuable producta, Is a!rnosh en- tirely dependeut upon 1h. Tii. achieve- mente of leua than a quarter o! a ce-- tury excite our vonder an.! admIra- tiQu. But gtreat as these are, they être net so striklug qu.! Impressive as are the remilt. obtaIne.! vithln a Yery few years luthe. terrltory of Arizon.a, whcre the. deser hba truly been made ta blossoni uItlr roses, an.! tbo str in.4e and riscoum cacti ha-vo %ven Plue;.. i, the chelceat et trultu.and muet preci- (jus cropa produce.! trom the. souit n &ry cinarter of the. earth. The desert et Arizons ln vast ax* Iln ituelt ment forbid.!lng. ExtenlIng north an.! south neanly turoughUr1h central portion ln a great whale.l'ack rime of lan.! that meaches seven or efght tbuusand thlunieigiit, ard through vwhicb the. Colorado River bas cut the. immense Canon that surPasE~s iu extent an.! deph ran.! vonder al otiieri o! the world. This iigh land catches the eurnents of air troni the. Pacifia, au.! extnaehing their mointure, ban as a resuIt growtiis ot grass and foresha a! pins. But hene arc the oniy native trees lunthe. tenitory, wvonthy o! the. usme. Ail cime are but brueli, or stragglIng specimen by the. teebie water-counses. - Tiirough the aqutiieru portion o! tiis terrItory, uouth o! the - hlghlaflds de-, scribes lu 1h, hottest an.! Iost an.! detriet, flo'w the Sait sud Gîla Rivers, ted frem the meiting snows o!fiilgh mountainh an.! wih unit. an.! emPtY luto the Colorado. Rer. the Pima an.! Maracopa Ir.dano have lîve.! sud have gruwn llnîlted -crops o!fviieat and barley by a rude sud vcny limIte.! systcm of irr.gat!'nn. Long before, thein a prehistori-' - o! .whOm wv;e1 know nothlng wh-r tx v- cxicpt In the traces o! the!r -ik :at stili nem:D-l, and wiiom. for thes wazit of a truen ;anme, v. cali A.-tecs., irr!-ated nhe'sc vp-ileyq on an exte!rs!v_, sce Thý?.rj gr-at tranals bear wltr.esq- hotlitr-kllil ln hydraulile erglnenfing,apd the rut.re o! their'towns sud villages .tel o! thc'rj great numbers. LMeut. Cushing -e«t!- mates tirat apoulatiôn o-f ait Ieaet 25,- M0 seuls ene. reaideit liereý. They wre prob*bl the saine PÉOPIe ausIlle cMTI Mid -cave.dwdlor, whozo, dsrte. bouses s exciote, our vonder to-day. . be= ep nt -of irr"tion !n tup am mustrtlà a tea yee*s -la UI&Mrted b. tbeisa'h «cfthe. towi cf Pboetttathe Prrtlozet a c"i>. cUnais.wme *uselted tiA- eld POsttu.tiýi. j UtbW Y madie of goa, sstrag Tweeds, pnoprly made ~reateê amrvce. Ise~ wajdmmquoh 8&sîêO,~50 sud $9.00; an extra good and oi ~d ~r wpr;d Saêit% w., but d*p ihru iii bear clou inspection. 8" Bit; Mcm'. Tweed Paute tbreNtmgbule new Muuesd yawly ~US~~ij ~T 1~ Miuie , y U,1 Bf 4,t *ceQM-egi4M a tu#* *0*< Nor mmaub o aKoollOfrom. Mb04J«ý« m afrab i it.Ik Pi»"dl tdieent i r *, e@mse UMITCHELL. sý - 0<ofry alfaitfa hay it la aluost eut 4I ds»WaOIW latbe aaliv& MI animais ruw and ftte~ n 1 t k sn d uqt.abliig r . ity. t eezua to bd suited te boauss cattie,- aheep, sainùe Ae ;ý'S 'the rnffluipoMr and empty, la Ove - mothtImi douible ' thefr welght and! t Ârs eu, satis<ed W. bave pour, wortbless elothiig im you r bouse, wbicb coïs ai.. double their value Der Poun., . is a. mo.ny as a good article domi if bougbt direct t roi the ÉinWho SIo tg, maturity in les. than thrombfoue tý-fyuwn en eb Yleia, saitPig are qull*ly ready to mnfcue ~I o at~niebrait4infor rea1 mouid values, vithont market with fleth ef excellent quality. £SUOYWord#, but artiles w bicb are eloquent.iii heaiselves, corne ber. thSothrnPcilleda etstto OiyrBlanktels are Daisies. Oui' Sheetings are fine bee bre Wit 1was in the aby .on ûeaeo Mbeeves w ad andi don.e. Our -1arn h« no equial, for the California market. Wbeat and! barley are the chief grainf"'Id tgeUndeivear and Hosaoey is uod tolUy 10 per cent. leus tbau elsewher. eroPi grown. and.these rield abun- Wool wantod tii. 7mai'rouud. - M.ufacui.& oll cardinq and customi weavinDg dantly. 1 cannot give the figures of pvoïltly att.uded t. oM -,but two or three weeks before b&arveeUtl I estimated thie wleat HIORN B3ROS.. Yield at foetY busiiels Per acre. Wheat sudbarley are winter oeops as theY July 8, 189O.-21y. -L»NusÂTWoo&EN MILLU. are la Egypt. Corn dons not succeed'_____________________________ W e gYp r tIan dur& la consideeably B3ut, luteresting a.!Important as theas strietly agricultural. productions . r i-r areU omadmiration i9 mont arauneit by .I> I . the grewthà of fruit». Extensive or-~- charès et oranges, lemons, limes, apri-Tun 0ota Peaches*. fige and almonds, plant- Tuî5 e.! three and Ive years. ago, are pro- du<elng emormnous crops ofthhtihient %~ aigu. 1 have seen the orange and tt lemon groves of southern Europe thie OLPrtcots of France and! Switzerland. Vi~" andth 94.ofit Asia Minor and Pales- tine, 'but ln non. of those countries 'BC# . - 1cý3c . bave 1 sen mcii extensive plantlngs, suhperfection of grÔwth, greater la$ eet" r xec .n frulttfulnesm or higiier quality of pro- i " duet than I oaw In the, Sait River Val-I ley. "ei total absence of dew, fogou No oihý:r-rcrnwdy possessessuichpetL cais;,, healiî.g and'raîn.. causes an exquisite finish rcf and pii 'r roPrxŽs a urdiock Bedr~~r.I àkin, whiie the temperature with the onîce~~ nzernaiiv, but it: heaks h' -i 3c~e U character of the soli produces the. high-j ail sores, u1cers, 1»t:eess, srf~u oc est qâÏiity of fleali and juice. AU fruits: ripen earlier.than eiuewher nte etc., 1eaý,in ic- h skin ciean i,îad pure. s a t -.ti . 1 eriL- IUnlte.! Stats. yearth orange nally it ren.ov.es a!1 orbid efjete cews~;rtr~~'nt: oeOP Was fully ripe In Novemnber, and! svster.n. arnd too Ii egiae Î, I~ !~ ~ e titis sprlnira.pricots Were ripe by thfp restorinr the soah ~eb~e;<n ' t' ~'~ 1Oth_ of May. Citrons and! declduous IntkwvhzScbi"e el,1¾, fruits receive constant irrigation, In carefully graduate.! quantîtieis. wo have that tfiiod, "voril O.ut ,feeiu'w- -r PJaa~rnmanietsare reached. by buÔvant heailh rnnd i nts. so týi-t .cf~ branches te tthe Southern Paciie Rail- ar'petitc i s poor. , vu tn'r'. 1v"r ' .b WaY te the south, and to the. AtIant,0 f 'ill rtstorc %.ou. to fithe f1 l! Vft and Pacifie, known as the Santa Fe route, to the nortii. One cannot help wondering what ' will be the renît or ail thus marvelous development of Production. Here tii. desert la practicaily limîtiess. The water ouppy aioe deteninines 'where f Tt te auRit foail puFr tpoes n luthe s ..JRTI in luTUE WARDBR- le tiurit failbe. rt.pres ntInthis ituture ,by- storage It can b. great!y Eaten4led. Iu no far as these irrigated!__________________________________ districts furuisii grain, and animais, 7 theY adm6nish us that the excessive prodction that has no cnippler] tur ase agriculture by Its competit'On ba n ' et reache It ts limit,, whIlie the growpe of t ctrons fruits threugh-out î the venld vii fin.their mont danger- ous rival te be adva.ncing wltii re- siettesi strides. _ 1 have- sought ln vain for a ±aisfac- MB IMM tory analys of tiiese desert sils. ML The. territoria experimnent station NR Ml I roui. netsupiy me vwith the desired j e- Information. The. food suppiy seems to .b. abunidant andl exhaustiess. Tii. dis- .integration of rock containlng feidspâr bas furnished the, potasah; the crus- tecea of a former geological perto.! have furnished the phosphoric acild and! the nitrogen, from whatever sour~e It eame, bas remaiued undissolve.! In the, oei that ha. nevei known of nain. m=an to -use by thie application of na- ture', sole agent In feedlng plants- vahe. JAES WOD.fram the South side of Kent etreet, next to -the Tombe of the. Apasties. AU that nov remains of the. mpo8tleq post umO , ie o te of Christ, says the Hgartford Thues, mr In the. following pla.ces! Seven are sleeping the sleep of the just lu Rome nmlSt. Peter, 'St. Phllp, St léom S tMtheLseýtlasJude, St. SBmo. 'N rth.L side, 'next ýdoor to J. G o' thlam,S theLMae t tuade- St. Bn-n The. remains of Une. le hi the king- dom of Naples-St. Matthew at Saler- alt 1 1 . 44 eme4y~ i- Uknowm -~ meut-a itag~oi Mach! ~ s, aitof - Woods Il ,~, - z 4 - <E j 4 -I s a ~1 <"t; 4 ~1 -f J- -i -~- ~ j: * -- -i - r ~- 1