~ ~siîoit at masMd sbowy.. 19., 2509 400 8909 813,01-25 &T, T ýwegSie stad oitwer ti.2.25, 2.50, t2 95 sen"ge suite, blue sud $ 2.50à $2 75,8 WEDt&D Dres Knioker Pantt..........." 1&.759 83 50 Igos M5es 390 Thuse aue Hot Batgains for Hot Days. UN t sfore OUS bottie'is enoughfo di.uary cold. : i . BgoIlUl & ovmcbmm, on O4u.U OMenu b Tba Pfoei , mqh ..ormalebv A. Sewe rand Culvert Pipes ey &Large Majrity nhe oheapeit plac e" %-0 oys Hmited tomber ai th. ie ."Va. ~<~aItedood r MOM -y eud. ouly $. cloue qulok. Bargains fa. W0?. EcG 77 lest I IuIy e., iUO.-II'.U. Touolmbuara & ORuit KEEQE 8~m~ )ISUitEý ffffikffuq U - ee __s - W 0O U Ur bM n omtiv. - mom te m Bd teok vihez toriag M'los tet te 1>0W *i M Be uf 11S «momt 5E AM t. note, vie. lme 'am om*M f , -, 111e change t. epoeat. (.v, uSt »SI twerAw.et a~vu MAMsud- pflOlt- e, Thor wlU net AU' be Sod. »M. amieo Bmber atoBe.4" ai h*ÇIUs-for lot Be JUM1, Mr iat the k* M e udi l Sma gret l m 1800110v 14 Oweetéer o f u%, Mt psaam e- ~Duriulg - 0»W» vrction one off the1e*vmr mlyo- 3.va&ile ocoiptieuS.but 1tb9 ,vVIUM-450tw.1aimO .Wfhmustta pair mieigl*tO'1lu0UU.WbIUh mita a u ml degro e v. ous et usnb t ti ti*uIte m CIste u& 11 & 15IL1et he ti.sem . hat ve usut Mt Q»ar- Of .Z h Pret»M . O iiun E j" rei vitI, or avol, or am ahui'plyZ 4lim SSuwy,. la 1 pet5aor eitl*e. lidoeazong vian lt 'leou . mowbi"of i w Sketchslit b De lot to live. oimt fPiia, .ea io Tâ. oOUaStaut habit Of lb. bicydCle i- M he i&atos l 31 sipaýtestbe.mfmelut aser empub. ImmersionU lu uooltY doms,, Md for he i *tVé aube reason-It rendorls rudetion limi .euud l th tueory, troquenit ad. is.uenjoyable. Why wil. -Win Un tiLiue&lum11lb fin to~l fISuk viOSyou can reaeh a pleadant Ar..l 88ti B mi4l W abrois à».ufes ofi-.ln hait an hour. VOWtlfludSert'4 étUs tI0fUmo sud with »0 perceptible fatigui e! Tome5 Cablu." and acheved miii b tbomwbe oibt thit ibis efect ot vil uSWOld lcCSs. IX fOUr yem-tbére be podusd: lu the country ne»t.ie »A been prIflted lu tiie United 1Bt&tem moi l., urets. b.cycle. la usn IA coieadprbysS DO luhe oebabl c ting vilunch. aMd n GIBI ruaBBIB. ar m i7i 0l bdeed la,, te 1subutitution et lh liaI dbeen tranaie»tn luFreach(tys Or Mr limner. l'eu .canot bicyle baci tbi« V«Iàm*oà. GEtR Olor 11).' nadaah mUt vuYser uvi* 'or Dut& ~(tW*l>, Dhaim wb.FrU elâler infl <dr; butyno amlunch guen. Spouili mia. wmI (iv.), at 2 o'elock a&M cycle b.ok la ltheco01Riiuan two>, PllUA. EUWUZIa5 cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n th vnn iigmteJt<broo). Wendiab, WaiacklaE (tve.,AI- of the aeangr get«Jwm meulai, Àrabie *Mt Eoiê*A; 604i k 19 CyCllug, t a tact vllhume Be USII m a t lieth" M* laiSO trI los gotterlj>g malmovablity et cgontry- Itbthe Chinue, md 'apnf hTi s oclety. to the incresse of te pl»&- truthiulua tcftii e Pr*m"lm la lu suresiand thé loua of much of ltis aIa- Un3ikjTom- baving been q1OsSoiiDO& fastnes. Md quiet. The. maclent "root- Cm is. Sla lI15. pubishea a. adicse of the couty-alles vil be t10 UfIgleTom-a Cabtm," presmutheti greatly 4Ilnùnbed, a .a" e oUi& 0. t1Ba lfade 'ZwOIR liih the 0for tashicued eno'Zah ta belleve that lu w» tfonihitogi~ r ttkcorrobora- liai qulty va muc ie onl f live stateaietts veilYlut the tratii cf eharm ututUy .-LonuhDoStathe Be WL" lIlb86, accgmpê5ld by ber eharmbut LtMtr-IAhsb Fieidtcd.ber brother CbArlus mi BeBrieli ecrd Wste" Europe d m m , t . » îlt ljoba K watts, the 11%1aluRver, MXss, eft thO ch nevtion ilOu n item- v whelmaa Who lowerd. the record for a"Le Of FOreigu landa» (lii) les a rua tram Sa"n Francisco te New tb&t lUme Ne.S teve liasWMtbt' Tyorn earW lyCglit la"»6gives the fol- zmach. malnly.lu periodIeiSl. e nM Myti a<Sofft et tb* tnp: bhuma subeeqù«UefY Scl WOlSov- -11 bave'had a pretty h&Md lHp, but urnes.À.liD thsaU Volumes at am n lugood, healtli and have galued, uDred, & Tai* o e i. reat D&Mual two pounza l ice the était; I ate fIve owamve <1lm; repuilillu1061f or six meals per day, and bave got- der iitle e o -"ino.Gerba); 1B ten. awey wlhh egiteen and a 'hait t MuklBWooing" (1W)>; -The Pearl dosen oggs ou the. trip, in adition ta c Or « M 1) lad T162;<AiesOnSi other fo& F«g lemonade va« an ex- en te" (1nd3);'"01872)8wndli»-Vers nelent, drink, but 1I bave:.atouvery- o3Iy Wlf e am the <1813). ahIUoiot thilag hat 1 vanted. ohes.l 108BeCunIe.. g O » "1WBtreated Weil throughoul the pet forth ber 'ealOlfs0 o~ entire route, by blcyellsts. I galned Byron. . Mma. towe, thereupon, lni SeP- weveu days belveen Ogden and NeW tenher, 1M0, publiabed lu the AtIOJItIS Tork; I céllected 182 signatures auring i )Eoithly, a&ppetý, -"To. True Star!ocf lhe jouruey, each: af vhlch lu arnxed My Ba' yron's Lgee." in wbch lie un« te abIti, gvlu th nou o!ticdeTtocb ta uhovi thât ByrOn ha" arin- tevu, l>ate. thne of îay cyclometer 1 anlucs ýLuou isoy with 1d a regitier, time ofdeparture, condition uiser, M s. .landT t. a r e frM S 0f road trous lest point. condition of nuueli commen n ai ele.S' Weaheraii mone andsar tailîarexteuded ber magainfe article Ito 1% le tihe inhabttantg, and the signatuffs l (l$), i "*lady By etrn VldIaer d' embrae .station -agents, telegraPi 16) uwthse etitdls'o eperators,. exp r ess igents, chiots of imi st.atemnt, and replied tO th Ii.aie police. tradesmen. f.wYens, doobra aid dverio'glolwhkeh it bad OecBSo,81OG. ,ler'gymen. In 18M-70 sbe vas one of tie edtci't U rode from . Chicago to ew ovari of Hearth and Rome, _a veekly lMer' lu ne ayamai îvutytvohoui, ary journal of New tonk. Ber heM. md roselfielountlu .ton lays vas lu a to'Conn., but mise UO andl elgite ours much eoflier lime at ber multr 2t- "The relay race.-'lie said, "le he dence In Milal, F101115. finest roaI posible b.twe.u the Ivo Oa o Isinbe citiet a1 the rider. viii have Utile TaTeishoa'. dImeuty lu traveling at a g»oalrate Ton. lu ai ithe var.Ylutadf ha $àla of apeed. Tii.road acr the i.4esert«Mli& aPOPulo.r çOlor for canVasgo la reumakablY good aru tii. raroad aMd made over pale bUne 1 fiL ýv»t. traci, anldlithe iy places that) w ie, back atin beit, anl a veuft front be at luil hloit are the tunnels, w'blcb mad. cft biai Madi' m0" band- are about a ft oe fp vlhhmud at 03 kerchief covered vitb ue DIépOttera limes"1.ublue. green and red. 'ftiegcwn 18 - atunulmt. Two culaofthle banltir-, A ~~ 34 ~chiot, trinmed viti bitlace, fait l" Hroe le 8 M elffit Iuth a moral- oelebe. Au boul' si' »oafin' *0egreat BOt- deaux'ark ramirace,, luaviSiàuearly à -»WaI . M mies eftObved * I hOrsM&».piaula about tbIufr»& Ibave w« lun hW à~sI cltisafrollailus b & ruaya vii - Pt ébouttw10t *8O fULe OIieW 00r *..xIhave 1111e laubt Bet tuBSIe Wei. la be-phuIOa vfm abranchésMi bam.et mé « tlutMgArtrllnt 4t he. bm*iner. boM *OM *s.àP» 'bO - mO - "rot l raVw» der" ud a cycilag â.ts ». v«nmt wMS, noer aam il vw*e ith a trl for bowiedg*f Ibo il;". onpiant. achl lilil -bowhi.du ivI." The. ider. faili t"t Iboaverted fatIgtW42g ùM , own 1.1tj odily and mental,.1by oeuYlg A mvn M as l tbe sceneWy and people as lie pOasel«mm WM»t b, M lo"th le toute. lvtme theunMshel -bw- a baka cro n o f rec*rli. bthe àeom140 Ii#J'l'b&YÈ th kuep hl@ eoe asi to a0Wbw e w1teel le doIL thé BOTS' CLOHIW N D gWs wft but tb..O eo s»e ýKEN PRIOE$. ÀUCTI lu ISA-B 1.1ESAY Â.Nuai8uouTKi263 194 tu.oE unt zwi - pmodl*< , a 'umt L'a a.mk. U0* ~a a.qumm ~. 0 ~-bOm.ure.Lds pooaU bt ero 1w*~i i.U&mêW VERY ISýatisfacttny nhat' ôui ve rdiolAftet ficihing utook "à& M, sd aihomb h eret.io-t nos* mc.ey te b. sde lbo.. bar tisesmai ve ore mâ"ld.V -baie v»gome eouderabe effpmsU BOV n ov cee mutentmatIrOu la *18s Oouat?. .Te me" trade rua ensi mkMly,.We bave pwihd lèe lamse t ha*t pria.Mmma Lovia Ont Battons, Shrt, nStd, Um.a md, tr S b4 ms, Enoe I~ hai., tc. miabout hâli b S.anm e tla As aOo mmBOTÂOmie" MW tem a..d au eated tii. profits, anid that'.' argument Tou can't mon just what we are doingtb, BROKEN. PRICES lo]Rt ]Day Suits Mngs is ziped Linen Coats.49rt, 600 17 IOPBlmlellute oat.... 78o 853, au Kixed (oRtatnd, Pure 8M1k VOat & Vet. $2.75, $3, i3 7WSîlu'h riokefing Flan- )(e us'Osmere &White Biolole Suite,2 pice mâieAul Wool Bine, 5'75o,1 We are inaking everything bend to the Summer. C yon corne to get a pair of Pants and you'I ftnl the aid price will buy lwo now-you buy a Suit Clothes and yoa'll flnd you can iso get a Suit for the Boy at the same price you used to pay for ti Suitaboie. A stock of Tics for the year's wear can be baugbt with the difference between our old Sb prices and our Summer 0I.arng Prices scoui ,MC '00 ,imi Bi lmxi, anci e The Wonderlul Chesp Oloibiers, PETERBORO. 7S. £U0.U~ Be um.Ê*ul buun»114 a. aOS- Sta.rALIGE-ETIIELe m b mm = te l PORT HOP' -2b the buyiqj publice e erally: JuIy 16, 23, S%, Auglnat 6, 13, 20 r 27, the- store. of Lind.y Wil 1 doee their doors at 1 ,.m. sharp. Oiject-Bu*aioea Men'u Hal olday. ave lail South ç M50. Ti îented 16 Md W~ m, v 5 arra inaterei Dma requ speoi a fre -W. handie the Gendron Brailiford) Cornetl f«er arge WO8 ï 5 SUMbOl of 5econd.haIl( orideS at 5tgeot, bye' ear *OPOH LINDSAY*