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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Sep 1896, p. 1

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Som mi §Mt-u b 89 s ma U." p l'or nnm lu ~4L& 5INQL4U~ I i. ~Mw-~ ~hU 15. 8I*IUHSO 311<1- g P. sud (JUTEES. I 14be5 lm ths lut. Sa ~w. I r]UNDB. T 8EP~?SMER l is e" VoL XL.-Whol No 2060 mm w--W dm thtluMd cSls. NI H OPA" ahi tftod uilL >u apt Bpilae h show a amortmento! S U I. I G T 30 rakdHiii1dors "s ibluijof.esIhmteni CV~penteaPlauterer, Paitiat.and Pper Hamflsf sha» e m out mvork for W RAeP EAR S bu?'1'ü " ' a na tmonmai xplofngth.néVIMisO.ho" ot m onvering Our - sifre so nid foot lut. ar elight, Sry mdAI a a leuti.' r .,LtR OOIflUIOd ~iOUU, ry mm M tile >"âA pretty ooioed picttre for eve. y12 "filoig&t" Br d t rouaou...rhd a mev tmlgmmi.mdmset. lntma .aelelgfr or e" 6 "IÀf buoi/Emop wrapPoe'& MW outhaé Sordoy kaorui Iy. will be ready by the end -of the, week -to Tis it&e aeteZwrhgUih.ÀZee~a re he aioane Sr teaThey are lmIseta oaaletaoutaatotngtbjtfoa T h m p ct u r e a r e t vio tmâ g tat a1yAg ias :s t. th o n . u ood rro . t ra ts . ln LEVERa. b. Bat& 23 tSDa thct;lhmmlaJetNa aof Pteverytliing A'ew a obMmd Vail iWé. hiy la one eutr 0 ure.Bitta flhe heaun ehatn ~~n't Il1OV - .II~~~~21 TIen te oua ohsaimhed enslgyeFoal.pocekh upi tmho 0 Uing t - r î e I p, . re -dEma u ,] r e c h a n i sC miIL Fu om »io .- b. os ioi icW httka ouil att. lat ata E S #*1b[& nties. L~uîy Aopi onm uet bi e a il .gad ioe.Ldii&hl op No valla of anolma istruturée m unt. MeubeasaU ro ut Th e ela .u moeuag um eaui! asb a SDo ont fomen evsa mut he.ai. Thé, rs vme vss jvsie wr Lnsyhan se varied and wel eleoted stocksansd mn bright Stores U L&Dy towii Bat a heat of R«ualnt boitte iverTs aosMd. iMdu.ociat ftDEI .usR *~~~~~~am ~~" Tile neyr kaev ded it; Wti t id Mcaia5 llgm t.vr uob dîetm Sm W U s. j ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~j,., ~~i 1d finifor oomlmg y70a; Dmtht by.lmvN.,bn ya t pato yK.Jm.8.,ilmnm '~ abe mangemen Rom. ,~ lAI flTA ~ ~Zf~flK 81111for b geaiisolepoilbimmatIenStîul mdforlsolîleenas t826ds te draibienslI spech h propusi ivois i th will be under the:bemnaeetof Mi"Rom$ ifmputation"au&sfirut clamaThe v ent ww w wstoresOa gillant volnttmre. 1»uthe 'szPsnMeo i rsu otmdt l iisse b ifrn col Milliner i lrayestablished. Orb ç r érattendiug the I. IL SXàxuu. $1257 70 for moieob miiIa ta.l hc l hlrahdbo r Wholenald Millanery Openings, ad vo hope la -a short ti.. te>eau select fron variui amd complet. stochi et -Ona.nw»m eimldq I ym bee sbe to.announ e dateof our i lia.a" nt F EGMJJ..wOREeSDvota by .la o eam idgi e1.cmot fîeIutm Openingu. --lmmDoaue tt tlevi[.Cald utis~lgatricoouproa >85o, ___if WEsTDuÂRTE ArDI oved by lMr. (mblmaae yK.tkphc iI.aaîy ho no We ask.our eustoniers to heir i mid tlhe fact thiat w. wM lBOOTSJm & HOES VCTRi BTTLINDJDmvoy. lIaI by.IawN.-t a iIu!po« tPreaoliCoho showÂRVILLE, 5thàSepo, melias, the odtest nodelaieli. nd DRY GiBd.mbise.LLP, dde Sept., 1896. Mh. 10, siso plni soien fteItsl oete.an JRT V " 1. Ini accordance wîth District Order, DiViy, ttthiéie couItGW.eaet _______________ ~~the 45h Battaion 'wlll go lto Brigade foirsrgiry bob tIaIeki. t lai pIL ~ 1.5,, very thing INew, BrîJ'gIb.t and 1Wat a.ving eof tiae, labor;and tr~u o ebuudethoaeroft ap tKnetn nTedYSp.1t olbmmdon iemmmlnaliDnl a5wlI yrn u a amet. vthe doncnae sa issofpevohtmout, m dd. ls mTa saein anminnmd et ritvelrn bv n1 eatabliah and develop out business upon lte fit. fouandation of &lwmys commilt- 2. Offilcers command!ng companies wilU Nved by Mr. Bluwwhmcne ybna ~sradnee r .Flya F3, $8, Fashionablhe patrons, varions Ints et embarkatlon asforllows:taecolliotea fersud. 7mai 1898rimnd pointsma atfarsi ils asmea seul ae impoalforstva tem it the lowesi possible pilou. Al eut prices are bud upon atrictly cash No. 1iCo., Bowmanvillo, at Bowmanville lladlmy bemàptlit iemn iamlnao ahaa tbit iota psyments. We mîke me allowance for bad debte; but fer the accommodation of station, et $45. Is reaistn.Orfd. tss ut1a iest laytem 25tmpo0mible parties, te wbom .h fjea aconvemience ho payat orne tinte the.entire No.2CaPnso, iMrktSqaeMoer1 i. Etsvtl moiib elfao hrce,-ioesolv OUR GENERAli STOOE 0F ~billet a àmonh, w, are willimg le epen momhhly accuasMrovt safsm ta ~.0,Gargl tion.nvll K. Oid. Ia'bMdvNs -thm", H N OU E E L& F referenfauisbed, m»d lte billuare promptly 1 flrhIe receipt cf the . 4on., idaetMre qareMe&aa d ta asmed fre m it I i lsa emritn rag .l satement. W. .imply wlsh te make fidemi ltaIalt e elose N.4G. ldaa ie qaemaied M.tld ia lel1 eu~ ulmdIs 75ew lau e anm P o.mttlieee e mye stnatio.n.ateya h by a n.md msdib w.yn ottn.Hvva afodt otneteaut f«Ibtpdn No. Oao.,Lindsay, a net Sqaeb.vteutsmelauvoteulam ieduitaIsIai<1 emana $4 DRY GOODS payer..~~~~~~~~~~~ba Wa satisfaction in demlifu where this ystom ta-Trutworby ge ~5LihL iirpr hMarket Square uy.lw td aitai bau ta.on yun ad a l erne l i $4e se1.i1a1landeela tutuamtncae p2l iy ggeoedre mly gb rvas quSquare =ep tesa1 hae.= * uLindsay. emn lu mow about compl" et.Drln<itielaut mont v bvereoidMlarge oheerful men.Teouioriptuewl esae n qunlhfa ! resi New Geais, màking Our Mook lteargesismst and_______mut____ a subsequent order.odb i eoai saiib i. gaiuii ot sciaea ~0o,$11 Cumplete we have @ver abowat. W. ýgusantee out quaIihfes sud i.. 3 Marhng-ln-states whll ho hamdd Coi uddtesl uib.avN.-t o elbrgaii ri prtg u vaus- otb «e.4.. Offiens will wean undres niform. siu.Crli . ayylt ar u I opaar Jb I-,t]5. Non-commlsslaned iofficets and men Novai ly Mr.Caplsode lr.mgtmytaIaau ieagtealv m e R os n il be ln heavy m&rchin order. Accou- Davey. tuat Mr. Bivygim re fr9 h ul1a mx a iiabaay 'o 5o AT HE pm c R H R C . _ _ _ _ _ __ trements, haversaks ffmenis s-h e molmsatetsliberoasmigm , rseimluu fmo eml I ml WTHEEd 0St»B. t. worn, andi nat convoyeci in boxs ielmedafrae-Oas.Wlaeeaimitbiimayioai ner Clea =t e.Weevlsso acl ar stn athey shail le depositeti under MKw * NolMaId,lIiisse ohjK.atalIas1w.miMLoumiI - compUI»f»r4to d u h an ing d a ommr and > E aflmy te p.teqare eim l elm01-mddmîea o l CLEARING SALE ' C qWojg4ft I oUea' umuuleNoan.drdahhbaer~ gl vc * tTI e L.O.L feSibmbahvote ergaWt h camp equi ll hvie them billed each vasnomhmi un lieaemdmwl jybeseagpo.Iî oituIl y aSutia h own de;but no exces efbag- ounl rn maa ylvt Ne i stdtrait iipeai o m iy~~v aSt sare still busy, sud have lots Of asouabllagoais for 7.11 Traie (whchdurlng ruwu 192. an m w5p. *- -bih* m hi eed fe,...h%44 aiIm mraalaii i t itm pa fr Iebo vilervoenot touhtid) t. affer ai ilg ýý on *0PID KOHIU[Nncs 3ei~IhvmdV . m aurmg.A? COrjrlanitomen front each vaby aIutwel sudm by om uryyasmiree îetng ir old Shiregular pruce,: Keen, cloe buera vÎIIiplase note Our MR___ Iitt - ait.,W. zILSuatllian m ay e detalleti as Iaueg ar d i . rCmatbel l1 h istlid me ameouhpl au. au S» morteont vas neyer large!. Pions »no eloy t ui ies. cage ill va ce xad. dlna nnl I ShDsaer eme1aPuou -i .MPaem gmi una he neWaMOC 7. A Car viR le in position ah Llndsay, made ~1I The Wosiho. on the evenin ofet he i4th lInt, in order ~~IU"MZNL It IiIIltdnuiMs olr that horse an. liai loadeti. Oq4 i fiIa bm W.- dy'cooketi rations betore ieaving for Meaip. T1,L1*Iav 1 ir est etneM.at _________________________ 9. B~~~~acil hnon-commissioned officer and sevd ta Our adIb uealhMMm.A iat M.Gesl e .lyl i a r ................ 78.7 . ..... -824MdY man vili brlng te camp, laite, tork, thtin nlseuIr MeneMteIsdy ammmblftnaim. ias.Pe!pl 76 end 78 Ket Sloeeet, in dsay. - fLrvul. ... . ..... ?"iy plate, tin cup, spoon, îowels, soaJn, comb, MM& ibetos u iag usl I alr as amnInat 7 an 7 o*M M09lot nmbaer sin *0il Warmeadahm"sL. O810......SUMISî channe et socks, change at boots, change Tnosnmmibanl t 3 Meiehma I ixtI ils IOWUmmOIiP emeil te và o bNu 000- ComdSI et .85m.... satady afshirt, shae-brush, razor, andi ciothes net iie mbre liossmtistaeuna u eeîIumui ~ ~m ua~E 1.1~~ vin un~k Ib.TAVPSMTIIAikU se u M TLm.le t hkt a2 c"1dE Tho vmsk 14 55926.brush. Eacil company mut provide ÔilO dy tu Llndaay eos i oe.bal m aum tmuifao e nanGuEniua 1 ~ U. tjo.<m'gi am aacr mn M butche's kite, ene ment jerk, anc shovel, oS Thuga lebaiialnhuse rzLaC.hv etm o ee mieEMO2 1 eaaàZmi endos a&,andi ance aw; beides cooking O i~~jj~ ~"%L§ -r Mli A I apni 5w ot ae t a gt M das d " 0i1010HAAGrsiMeât L ala la1 day, 043 ... Tbuxdat utensils.Mi . Bi a s orit .tafam bu 1hsma.T» ii heun rift aim e bunie' 510.Dama" aU Tagz rata or le*.88 cers houlti se. tît he mon are Instructeti gros a r oti, emiibfgbdybrel ai ttr rm s ek I*aa 'g. an...a. i ..L.TO O. bsr ~ us auut, use- me rP.O.R aI. lnpr linary dill foding o greit coii5, TIi homes bag ianv ual e. 'adlmsvae e o" Gi uOWfl I"OporY iOf'.uw ~g aaSmd simple co9.mpny movements betoro m &s u t uiaàe,-M sgea aedit ttnyagttr aIsvob Ca>C i N'en"r te Roi.foe sales proceeiing ho camp. u~ tleoait.<aa E. î îivm largo aiut~~ef mues la IÇ.rt WANT - mati ml gg loatietior reatiy ta esds milst1 it in u haaesefl URform i in rUd t» itIe aE le ~ liS b" *M Ume ma* = ,lodeti ah icasi twenhy minutes betere hIe o Mmd k1 W b hua t ulni -innapmam eetu ouetg n v aSo t W ZL 14 i m ol I O i r t 0 m *h e -iu r et im p ortu ne oa i he train . 2!w ushhU !Ib . M mr.olo e i emm 7.o tIL.UOI te. memmd i 12.mafilàs cmmandng "cmpmnles vl uP5 ii a'n s<l 1 a m adySp.1 a 8 rma L W511 asnted ini a~~~~he m oas, etasa sbu m aIn ee a maiilten pertl o f a gu asl mee t . l IeCay, îlocing, na cOx i i egm ta w len t sud william -*W Géod wMa 7Wm -e= Me-mfflis Dom »"W ontid. S rz b ad&. le aiiulfr l v cmmy F&RX?1U~ERT. ~ nm~ 8" ?etmà?' . XmL - vwomb Ide k mmdb uilati iit a.. .ml ev .H uire elom. -u . ~ t sl Iptvo a "m~M c émlm alame» Iy tea Ils eIdlantibarrav, w o tsutait l ibiyli.E inb tnt s hlv lotami la * ail Peaomu m u 1 . ' '" t mee cî te tuhet a i.u u .rs. ia um i W rayD viat>b. am t» lsmo5mwo bons% tau ais M . y=à . r wmIg m si b---*0 ..- ..Company.lutunietten- lfoi " eIil nt. y", autiÉ te aowal .@md W mie d4 4m- J.d' hueEA Lut.-o. .a lsdpmle leaate a h ; W000,â Pm 611oo a u w m m mt - lwi0,0SMn pjMtýpom«U oe imu t aileui.I Im 09 0310 J. ueBl, ommanLeutg UAl.,suJéa 1i esmst i i h» I~ minl 0 Axa" ae. arimougme on tainnt se luit Pm la s9r 1 4 6 % I der e su a m v it o » U.ftO a c i il % Ileral sot. , IS*U fuewkilse -li elem duaee cu.bt aMUrabM r. Bpia as.».'ramdy dwon., mi 8 VAL =".W______=________M___au_ Li SO.s.u M i elsmnta0Wmi Is mesmmt t eginbi emmi s rpialap, lethe mmet ew ois prep.. .~ ~ -~ ~ m.....dMme,vis.vIA: o Lm Xé.lia 1"1.b md » ý 1mi p o s s Toronto Worli, Sept. g.-Ran. Richard dluuostui br I lt prtu livi W  TZI i p '_MW m dm la .abbseeu. ,wacelamnrre tir ob m luibsij 5 , - fiI abalfuecikmmmt I~.mmi !he Bahbuunom.-igat.OPI5O asiha à ofIl a t el -* MI nm- mun li aeteéhu e Bt J MeseCa itou I.a*PM boe ste )n ef 'te etiet ad lloa loe a oa d Làtof Lmll su the îad msé hae sd of mail t hc# îe Mavà Das id e@ ule s me ofia quît. dvs bolsi >unq aoa rn te r-M. hum râfle a. ceo@t a Md< 7,m have A".11 142.3 t#,r,ê Il >~5 TIIE n ~ ~ I 0 1 ' VOL XLW-Whole No MW

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