a Thel ITho etKelsey ".Corffligated Warni AAir Ganerttor. Amy erdiitrv Hot Air furnaçe vif prodtiier hent if yô *!IlI only suIPPlY eàougii fuel 1h .«K sev"ha, severtil sptciÎl anid iIv b ffiemre 1ut-ni't impoat la andh wlIthe son e nt b . a bbeter m a a h 1The "Kotsey l-pot being coflstiictedo o t several uprlght, tubular, ce gated.. cpst 1,00 astclins (set cut) arumd vhc h e afie ~ psse am upthrot j1Eh hiclitheoeIdRirpasteS bOcontS es cLed by the ire strikimg i lolan rpc ithahayae lcàsm*tle Spassin<g dovn outide of upritk secionf that passes î:p lx ween ibis steel casirr. ai the ,d ilanir.ed rou C-1img. iis caplAina' m hy tIl <~ ~ ~~~e mts.m' a tre neore rad;atiir.g SSuffce and çwarn air csýpacit titan en ordi- ary rnace. -The 4 iel by' S evtny "env, htesoverjcratlî 'fl. l ný- aitidftnl warm airthat.%wiil n àîu iu yor riit. 'n' Ilj~ K.:Uey "C hent rýOL1S C> fUt The Neohiey < oes nt he'lt 1our ce!;r. 'l1 ie Kibt. l y uta i.uily gýâ alâJ du..: S..l pofc r dzsi.rkptive cata!orgue. ;,TE JALIÊS SMACT y!FÎ, CI, S Erctuei'e Makers for Canàada. f«r Bale by W. G.WOODS, Liuday., IEIDAY. SEPTEMBRE 11, lUS. b.pt.moer. Wc one irlaklag iitae. efthete i, Prt eops liât u iarblmuag o.w 'Wljhh me st oai» s ucy mbouhitvii UnDisllitram tic haut 0 tedem«. AusI. slat daofporpie sad spld' To thc roug im vaedg fe daone lc le W.are btag III ce's âméefmlit la l*c watt ioflb. prkaia.brssa, Tic indin .. .thc$amli heur Thé rutli of eans ou tbc trcts I$ fthome binseftholie avez The. bontly mi bloomi et the imy Au e« ce gnsYoung-.bel mae wilaàg thc 01fthe smnais labae pmsay. 'Ti t6 raient rère sptcmtmei 1.WItth ls user ri"a on Bcte I Wtb soeutaIr bai tc la spioy Iuglé On thbhiU.lopc'e miiflaitUS 11e. Azd autnma's a thougbt bisa,% 'Ami umoiiflutcms ciel day h. e Émuton tié Io sa plet ailicdoor. Tm fieka an aUlbar ilaltheliiioe mec galboeaiteanaditbuhb« l inlU b. go. The. grain la lua u nt oi lih the exeepileof et@e ute vileo n in- jurad vit rut. Pelatees an. Dt up Bs> ibe favaraiis cason". turlpoand- toru dulae val sâd wlh bc -o BUUXUG.-t. W.. 81ey b bis i mcv aBtoie oarly Blimb. Re latenis meînltie 1% seau vbre ha vil koop à stock ai <anat goode wvilui ho iii »U ehesp foi cash. Buu.iue.Nr.T. ReWmaue.b.- am. epUJMtleou bis DOW bau. Eus tbce mv lMu Thom&* lulutis t. i. the 0OvUceoeta acbrick shaises. Nou&nomaeiRbinsni dGraam Niir nw imallea uIe ......... sre Iiot fce.,No. ,Umiday. tu mhug "Panpeaias le <e lb. Ciy Whou rmarog ohners aret<IT«. e.le a"mai B amaniBombeor e orits. ,mlua.-WhlidiuiIukm e" lc Iêt vecithb. Raaboo band gave oue burt a s aletic. 401 OMMni, mise hsof i lEllioti bougoe, sal4the boys. ýC1me1aalu langa baye becs canWalS a ilag tS tatra VaclMa ompltig *0 menthse J117 mangeaithamba I.*0biSUMs thibslaumvonk. Mr. »D. LGeamu of Wovlieavas e:pcs .tobepu- els; nevartbclee li..u aarg alîmisac J. . ls apsm ai; u mien..,bai..tu.w Uemofw b kth lua hbe t buec mm«** hrp 1 e b iaý caom f iiag p Io " 64 *9 Puuuu. -r. J R leap bmé & 14 am-~~ troo = ~ -ipa, - Be lam ou am u ils .mom ime fraa ywutug ia eil ivo tue ]pasuorater, of. Mr. J.Rataosud v teel Bel Bbcvur Wetoe e soe ahll"y os t"us ofi limai "pea e. ce vult ftapm te Ë07t Mtr. la.îb.0-»"sou.i le fa ulatm* ?m = hbrtorabathobis oru best szia a earIp Iit Iab.n Bbc Bi. Mr. Ra l emaaetpetrfrstu 1as1, am lmI hiat i. at ls Tor ou@ naet 'bis bueboé,for lbthe tenie.oe tbc oriibe dBi. MO. bac far a fourti peur osn ic6p ofp etbis prosent tltrge purs' ta..eTicboard la tioremghlp Win no deiS as maulmmyonédomes the 8rtlof lie reoul u astle bonrd pessc.it. And amet cly tlie onailo. but tbhuIe d a gesoraIly, vil aIsm sat ibet "e.lo-roid es long se pessible a pastel, vie mot, ealy b-y bis loquent pneaoblrbut by bis llsmhsrgm ci the Élu«e«eof llus.sblp. busendearsa i.- ssii S. *Varylan et tic .oodmualy. Wbem lie amie.fethéicboard vas ruade Imev.te&RB". M. Ba, ho mmiii tvo eeeis' dima for elonuton, . md a.ordlglilssuae e li . te olution v-ii b. maie ai aasjeurnel meetInàg et Ibo board, te ta bll a fonlalgit heu»e. UGIVE ME PROFIT 1" The Motte of Those Who Bots«l Common PacksgeI Tie» r aa s.lI a trv busintess monla Canaa vie Marc morefer mcnaaprpocite lias &hop do *boulotletptag tueur flou muse 0bumamcmieho Il laierfor sud Imitionapackage Ipas tor bouc dyelag. .Tic-y bmy tbèscomme. Ipes hmou ticéasakeu Ivo l lire. dollais par posleus IbsuthecDismend' Dles matid ami »ieu aisil let uflb od» 1e- .mis-aske foi lhe rellable sud geaulme Diamoni Dpe.. TiI. lm daepilo. puemmd'imple. Tie vemnen oethle, eUuhip eau soa put a stop la hbbi ilai stmllag bulce If tbep omttauailp ah#atupen barbinthe Diamond DVOi, Poop dpi esan iagp ami sm alty clore, ruinai < o d ct , -#m>.m amunu. Diameul *Dye s ae mqs le use, sud peu alvapu get s grand iciflaW l'en Ucsali aMeuntIci moaey1 Aod MIe VET »D om uwu omes lova arulbie ti aI .12.30, aMi vus l luuiccuné héOoet ahéi rund bouse tie lriis mo Ocls Wit bli ou lic trai ê ahébaevirlge moti etf Mary StcéncHae lpped os tie aïr biakes. amiéMé sesmi ie vbbge sfer thc braies- us. le do llkcvls. As a rmaultic t"at vu bhUup viery qc@klp, but usot Mmii *0a lmooomellvabai, pasi eer thc cili, -onhtgoffcm.e ftlilegs blow the tilgi, -4Tii. &»mt u hoterpocte te te i.o-r.ei .lid ofBwkusa Uueeabup, sud deubleie t v«a mklm Ias vay tle the round bouse teameat lis tlioWn ie b ttuveuli oome la, Il V8a aaeiîlbthm me thé iebealseof l h VI tobo v Stble aulabtelba. lu t. balfleingesmiltos.Dma. Easlood sud Bogart viré e slsI. Msuad it the oe1 Mdptle us.aalele svs à UM CMIED»A=- Win. J. Jegeila«Mi98 Tens, s ofetJmu JevOuli, luanos Mr. a. W. WUssxl'a fam, êait et Ibis oys, buas. laeo bcalui au gmma, aMd resm&lý W ntte Torote a 10 ais luorne t bisbuaiteu«. onaicues te a ii..tbvt. H.w&eubtled a doer ai éTe«mto ami vas erdéréc te reinsboue io.- Tbc youse msomu Louydtssernlt. amion Tueudsy ý= w tedevateBbc baba "telg. K.s eau. do».uta leva maipnoe" a~ Miat »ua ivent snut frou île ltheresiiemus. Ho dii mt ol einu on TmsldgebJami on Wedaisl mo»Wg @ 'Imer.vent so' e tsu Iwbut i~b o t il..'DO"ain- liai 0 1 , ca3»b lue"mmss*" ¶iA WMepi rcéetilm- * luei» .~i1 Ïble ar7Mll aeZgseps0s5UUs le PMIl, aw. taktscM ub s au latrbl 0 tu goaarra~u u . BWW-IMom&-A lange mi a crawl asmblei ai thc reuicaS 0et ma Damuon, Prospect Pot&#, Slsabope, ou Wo"touesia eng. tu ,itabn e Muiage dtber lauiber, mi" as nige Moore, le NMr. G. P. Rat, atoreaoe, Carasvoa. The kaot vas lied by bei. J. R. Pcoke, of Minden. MiasBuste. Bart, adoter ofthle groom, acta as bride- .mai, vhle Bu,. EnoboCook astetd lb.- aroM. A0erl7 cc theBb patp est lewn te au lboUt s premi, le whlch ample justdoo vas lome. Tb. bappp ouple loft Tbudey mornang tor oeaone.thoir boyrnooti, cnag witi lbon. th. bhsh les for future hsppluese ieith la irleini,-E&Oo. 1 RECOUIT MOT ID Wln n BiEery Coatei-ThIs la lhe Resord et Dr. Acuew!aCurc for the Hearl-Mîs. W. T. Boudlceto Dundalkt Ont Ocuid là Orne Day- Dr. sgbwai a asrhal Powdcr thc Ouly B.medp te do Sylvetter Lavîcaca e fWpndboucoute, Ont., Any Goo-Dr. Aguv i Olmmeal a Ctan Cars for Piles-Dr. AguesaLivei PUilaCurîsConstipa. lieu mid Readacia. Comiausexp«enelare mucedite ,est the erlulolp cf nome ihinga, but tbis bas uo appliesalla lthbcosef Dr. Agusw'sCunre ftBbc amaI. No Malter bey sevcrc lt.epaun, h vili l miateip rliai..»ellet comas villa me hait heur. Tb@e iseaie msy bé et voestsaning. tites spcclls viiiremeve té. Mus. W. T. Bondile, vite et a qpel inovu catlle dealer la Dumiali, safeacid uaîcrelp teu a omidcrabbc aMmcro heurt usasse. As abs@sapi: 101vmu for soua tec umable t tenlltule bonus. bll muies.No ismedîce di me amp geai. 1 vas laduoecile trp Dr. Aincwa Curoeo tolhesobt,, mai I muet &av the cmsult avu omierul.Theic pst 1me &fierthle bul day suad I haie bai ne trouble aRiom" De. Agucv'aCataxhal Povier là te. oommeuisi by &ail aes eof people. The Icadlm lcaymco! lb.thebountry, Ouer lhcfr oun saflaturs, haie born. tememy te is eEctli.ucea.ncaly 1 100 m em b ers o e b .l , o u is o f c u Sm&sshain io». t0c ame sovita., Il bas cuiilb.hevoratoso&tof.alueeo, sm oclmé, o obarrb. ,Brlmer Lavreao et Wyslbam Ceaira. Oàt,, a"e liasibis vemoiy lathe mly thlug liai ha.oau use viii eaM sd oecclorl ,Ulm vende ame: 'It la tlic best numedy 1 bai e ued Tevtq bi bauihlg -tU« sai et Dr. àAgueva Oluâmeat la liaI la the mu ofiP" àslvinlc' ulIrM lra. tu six aigus. ýItle a a«r"ntalre for taller, sait nouim Md a&l eroptieus e t sa. BIMPla aMi pet Most effooive a. lbhe td ailisLierPUilaifDr. Âgusv. Tbep arc!710 le adecurc slok icambe, mautlall.billllosems ud 1"1900"tc am g 10. oufIs alal-4o douem Soli bp P. Mrs..-O0 1. Thé. Habit Of Mebng Ready. Teu May mail té vial youlike-ple. us 01 oMWa,a coolbho",quloblhlai. log', or au lastimel to, d Wbis l tbt the fisl tlus-m tesat ramaetahât fleaà habit meuliffby .xpérélcae f bat"g nslyomivapo toms m cl muscls sd bna l»mmel.u.oe-tb* babs et tule l M4 s lIil h u 71do a *~~ voilà amde. WiÎeu . relfa o aud: flavc pageIsl Bbc mai, W" ý4lot« d.10O bl aaasu lclblug I e oP' e? Lcl amml ailopbce thelv uao o a-§alme$ IL Wbe Tou le? Tbruuili the.mfoot aidon VOIn or t=in ouwsc! m-a piot mml come TaNSA. R pIT. A U orm Victoria EILJ). &gloullura The INori Viotettes «otInlislaoluto exhbibtion tak' iff let ie711.1.Ros, S&M. 17di sd 18"li. Ti fat a18K p-tmu ta b.t lii. beu n eld etViMiotOO&ala. The. prialula h .ie.'ou <qtapatban -b.. ,urlp iiibici. LIaw .Pif Ies aa MUodoa ofille prisolnet mmI t the oeuislelnl cn leu.- E"ay spaulal trim.e.bempeai a Iarg aumbar af people, Dat oaly item lih ouIiy bultroboitWais' cetuas.Spocbla la tbhe ri e miues test aptas. A moOIs fiate. viii b. th. mary p.»mi. Thc touti exitili or <amisattioRe. bains,m oliep caboya ai Vtwla YRosilh fuIy £tem. ot interes;. soma.Ofthéb. mtcblgam copper mime people piopose le par Ibeir cmployée@ la ailvcw s au abject lesaom, ilualwatlag tbc lmoouveee eoft bat sandmard 0et rnerey Thceegg sause.inle ecelag .auly in Englézai iis Isar. Alrcady 2,250 eases of Canadien egite bav. boom reoarred aM Liverpool aginst 76 caies ét thesaime perlai las$ ycar, Thé single seuil taoa foi lbe champion. shlp oftheb. vend between 'Zake" Gan- daur, of Canada, sud J amies Bê.ubuwy,, of Australla, vus rowed ocer th.ebamspion- shlp sounsetom Patuepla oMortlake, feur mles.laraiand vau won by Tbecoout mu onm cuth la Qum. Kusmia motie um eldent e ofmov. S. vas bon lu 178? mut for maiy ypars wus a oomaeuaBie .pealgt legood admh be luquit. estiveou fboot.Hoenoacr taslidItiantseamsunil bis184%b pear, but durng lbwpat ic époèe ot " ais drame of wblakcyoeeasaiely. Il in teclau " lb. aevl aqulrel llpp)a babil %a»yot about a promlslaJg caroer. yS i&Val d maive doasvou a. ec EMbu' . iler.m dWiac; aseti.,, lB l AEOM to Humamty Wbeacnzthora n al"ly péWpleviab Vo bta mai ornvw .uiss, Me acs nt perfect oMttutlouai eo. Wa"k8a"ipou giria ami vanca ou a"aluvigom beail. ou e b.qutekly ieraibi umnDr. Wa' Norway MPlusaup -5,94. £En,,«1oeatsi "be prampéy re, m»ois.L a" beuiasia tea mYlugcii"0 w test theamimai oudMMIM@» wbeaumaslY be wfflwei b, tii. aus i Buroci Biasi Bitter.,Unbsbut k»»M.,. 6o.a iv Ie.ami bu mte. m---aizs 6ali-2 as. Wbsm a1y wu i. ,ve Pm aIarIoLu Ma GI*n1~c . Si. d!ff~reuoc gweou~1wta4gr e? chat, pure <ho,... ~.. * L.. WOOD eh Rom, Da. O.KN. LAMIiS ~iaméai !t vUuv~f.g DE. D. W. MHIR EM *rade"@ et 'b- etvauiy.Jais. idw tt7 N.ia.iOR& l. imsber get r ydM a sumgms09 Oomrie.01OU. xo. -I -li. Da. WXITE etaeri -a 1 ouiemuIVonte Nii i6;u 4badiMof lgàtv U of iy bout.Oo Xt"m et iPb ryddi»Mmad urgosiuoiAa%&; OBas.-Soutb7avStoeaiUIMêm mi lm irom t xi. T.boms l a Oor oest ut, 17. »OVa"eD&%. SIMP1194. £cl~.,adi t p.m. bi ah'a.rnmy OMM Talull7CoR., roue Nibr0 oLm hoa.mion SurgDILaoMm..u. P" sa 1mw ork>, 8U001«.Orit EU.aIRbloo Ibm~os Diy H on"oulamie.i %MOHN Imm DO~NaL . AEONMn. n MOORU E h JACONRM - omm esê& mmm" y tucrami. are M . It i otwr.o IL Î. MNOOGEI. L iALE. ACKSO. bn~e, s..OouyOrowm LIiouaTnClak a bev prov b#m aâbébOU., bambiek %si . BY. R OPEIoNama, m MM@flte. lamaS ? er I smNm WR. hnliar l botte !uouB. md etmi OU&. A Ui l. ~Om-E41 per boi, end tei Voieautu =:*m uruaimi e Primoe, m W.~~~~P demtla ntIL ori m GAIIAN PAOI F10 RAILWAY. Saena"bf e oi .â mètu : ate a1 . -atewa AMis rbIN Ibeis ~ éb Ibes fapfleu.h.m mons rÂz NOTEL, jmabY ostbo eue*h p taikagris ofImlsb. pubson a Ibm bugpis uul n the bmbout lrmuiof<mr This la aàmeV ho.mmi dtg m 0f lbé bmmu* la Poebor.o. Ih b oosvmté-h bau4..1m 0.?.& mà mi mo s M is mlmot sbea SLW % par un -2M0.l Om= KntSfreýOloer Palivomher à 00. a torde, pola oloSesvfv m.MdjtOIIf Dl. E. A" . OTTENP# fi, gomaint f romt Unvely, mm d olae 0i Dalea Burgm. AU.-I..the at mIsa& lm Hambcas'rablesi, oaIww ey Oppi. Ol S.LS. DB. ve;o f.A. natueT"b Ir D R. Im muTELN T pu, va imdMreau dutlalry a i pfor 28i Piemaof mo.fof imntrai bah a mpaL Dléo irrite D. eemr r.s Or ho hm, carm t o Irat6 M.417i pam aîr bm. Cut au ode..8y r. NTISTcz àl» a siothe, ito capain. obuers.with MarosI anoou..Be in»te Ib gam ndruDrs. lton .1 Nov oi. ogin. MR.w qiggfo xrotl<toct.Dr oho lre Dï r. oolaaOtt. AUbancheof b Deeory nlada ie ue tii. batd loalpain obtaudro. antiularilsibstnetd af theraloepris Plaeud0 postal ords beor ousigPorte .ou ractipoeto wfbim mponBos, LlusAy.-the45- y. ca appictionsforIl- Yvin. Royal (loi. les oua Barge. eous, Ont. UMbrathes»Io- %"Walnt ed. or tq. m6 s.. etraMct oF 1"841 ,wDa dum leNE leOunOAN. &anit.oUaum OmgiolV ILk of ni iO eti ihto , vlIau. I.i. E. W.KE 014 I. I. la I. I. I. Iller-am ONGEGa moei~a, *Aunosecoe. 4' leuah.ma a* uI . ~ I jo OU 01yt AMOS?1aLas' ?' VITOIALMefF oi" SàgS.a-amoe John lar1 »P ate i@ftm Ibthpe PO01 Ltde % s"d qmù" ShM a lb. ae boive addr aeii d opaua b. prompytuj - Parerai4d ran imd do!1*eo, JOHIN MÀKÎN. ,"W*ansd 13h' âiI~laa Frlou, mii, u8tlllmnginsoe'i Have à larg muotmont r' Goruai ttraê Lands For Sale. Lands ]For Rent. Timbr Fr 200 acres at Linden Valley. 50 acres st (Jameron. 200 acresln Stephenson. 1600 aom ln Perry.,. 300 acres in McMurrich. 50acres lnu iMMrrich. Everytbhing choap. B . REAZIN, Linden Valley, sept, a. 1B94.-66Bt LIND)SAY 'PlidJug - I! TO 1SUILDERSI ]favlng gone o the ezpeof etpat;IUR 4 b patent HOT DRY BLftST DM ING KML &t a oit of $1,0W0, vo are prp&rd te gi Dui cuotomora the benofit of gotzddry uÀéWi4. (WA sud examine aur goodsanmd get mtirnai Ail uinisetf ouldinge, Suh aGab , ý4Nw Bauasi, odrala, etc.. ln atock GEO. 1-NGLEé mhe Canadian Orne & Soiiod FDarnitux C.'Liitd PFRETOLNI ONTARIE .. o@ea.era teW. Sieh]chud1t &GOl., Thae aPUUU~T Âvrom.Ano"' Shool Dui &wmdw the Q .MiXadai Mth amibai Cd "15h iojay nmmot b. end os 0ftgiBmy1 D.g, Adaptabnli ouqt., f 1 la. ls e craaa i ~M~h ~ lqtTY ati . l' . 1 1 ou - ~geope. <woolea, hi jýook ,fCsaada, :W aYper ~,athe meon v goet wind moaah one t hi t u the tg lawrmiade, Lt. sud frc miket u mt à thon *wlthth bU!ii hu -twlned etham,0 ibord ba m~gho 10 bw mto Ibs p th~ qi a fort U11 Imteri a iopDun giasIlois lIt! Who1 et yo"oI hagirl h.'q hif nting1 miar tbat: psisby puAi.ven l-onhurL ~Ilà lad my ia te day fait mI 1 tid »,e wa ru , tri isio bapplag of v ito 8 alodu wi hic dooi N. a1 ont baly. 8% Con freor VA 4te acý; % orwi - StIR