0~'~..~; AÂlarger sadminUer lis ~of V m itable for rosMtB hmvee neyrbomdiplaymi 'a dind"ay ts aocmpduul in our raulftao e W.have. tie auiable fWe oither 1ady or geullemas, On maIrge vaMity unkes au appropriate seloli. roble te Show Goibe OFOOT 0F KENT 8TIREETS, Tiaaelby the .Id elimbli d«e i.ti.é TICKETS s mo vywherest klovairat« by G. T, Rilw&re ALLeN mai DOMINION LINES L8.,ROYAL MAIL UQÂTS and litemaer ORTR KINO. B. J. M&TOJXUTTt, LMmy. Xay 4thiUsm-lt. WEST END Lumbe r -Yard, Our Yard i. the Mrost couiveient li tovai. Good roads en thwee ide. À. full line of ]Dry Lulmbet' and S3hingles of al finis. Lath, Vgrch White Lime, Dralia TUle, lgewer Pipe, Dry Bard WOMi. Mue VFint Visas V..Iof a11 ies. Give us a oal before buypng ui.vhuere, u t ill iib. 1your mivautage. Veell itpriwoete nt the low market. Re BRYAN8*OM MÏOIiY TO LOA1N. armum.uia by whl.Ur larg mm om b. loa.« on umorty dofrua l. for loq or âoet Jrohon tumm abe eb mwu at wm«of builng, Wllim KU"umy.-UOT4v A slmoca sou*r A un I flame Md a ar fica ui Ud dieu g, Baimms Yi.. à ,. DIBHMI 1 riz,7 $I FETS. Tic orgas of lypocnlmy priaiui tu Liay auses due member for Northa VIctorka vii Improprly beinq du mesu eof havlng liai lie pustoffices oboufn Mmd ilien maie vUaMm for politisa purposes, Mdi liai vithout Cams. Ticesîater lahmi»ver lieus loei on public *.attumo; bul If tuer. la oy ammlely on mmos'apart te have due Pust laqulitIM md maie pbo hee memliii for I4oefivioltsmMdm am Vium Voe u upiawei1p luk tlle. The pablls'plldme »ee tala Immsofetbalg vlnlisive cs sggeeuve icmeber for orth victorIa gav em cahanS tforu4are meuoly golmg 80. fanas te ailelicmetrom bdna cosviotei of an-offeScemutlg rulI. catioui form'r es, easy mcs.h ethea atmosphèe sthon Vicoria. Le mte asuib. pressaifor is-veili galles m»4 ouemem»"oPpossi ee mcmei for Noif b Vitoria vilroutei tiatI feubsaiuceladvopil l e a ver Thsem Mpofmeuehl VU l mn- tsgs seefflad th. pemms haqosivifli foy offenSce ivtliiuàuler for North VIcteulaWie liasmol lieusomd gaiby by the pulloamibydue fsek Thur ur.ap lQ ehlu li i evlaseuicis Tor v -l trdendla li 6 i. r4fus emisgtur m idPàtr a Oa» a mne ieClag iiidlnly yak eltéI I»W. "heeoesu duir urs uop u of ~sI imdm~~t top . m Ada hvpooelsr h *un t laifk*01 uumiap«authei.tempes....queUe. uemsdg du mo-sbi " il, k*0.houme *"tieu la a go.4%se Pkt* bwie bulluà i I..I.f llal. Whos liquussupplMle maolth.*geod old aimai up btuia., but lb.ad always bus bossgivms k dfrigmlsetyle The tiuty sol* em m u l kat rootsM4 bou a bol, a vaiter appeau for th. crier, aMd supplie.*0e "refssim h" the i guols oPub"keof. Th.un ciee ac"moty viiprevai mit.m ev Un»wroi%,only tie thlrstlng mue mmb be mupossito b. inngry suc amd i be a bsut If lie retore party are mure ticy viii abelkhiUeathé ule ml.of Ilquor la tic;i bou.. Sof commons. But they auc Dot inous. Ticir cvii foflowesrequin nr. asking, fi" -tt.,orn*, uhera lhe cosmer- vativos do. Their objeot la 10 ailempt to hombng ithe pubic. Thi7 kuev fau eil tiat thc mte outnhftm Iaowu reguWa dions sud thai liquor.viiib. .cld tiers. noeir smo ionlapursy hypocrItlaMlsd the public knov 116 -Five oul of every six drink. laken ln 1h. put, vue aooompsnled by biscuita ml d aceeéé The mare vii b. tie rnis nov. Thurefor., viat ln patad as 1"aboliablmg lie bar iu the houme of cou. mous" hla myti, a delumina trend on luonemêymd a prelueon hp'pocrl. Goveoro-Gselul'warrats for lie imislngof tIneymai b. lamui oaly 10 metlie cse 0taccidnte mach as break- goe mai. veud be, or cther pressing emegeày ufoiesin Md naproricid Tic lav liasml""Y boecsviolaci by lie rre e Ovrnmment. Warrnts for inairciofettieumands et .iollatm have beau baucd for paylng alrias sud cula- Ma - oxpeniuesos contracte, noue of vmhloavin "umtforosnm anuprovldod for.", it Ie trac ti. vire uaprovlied for, bel they virenont nuforeeon. Hem.. the varrats an ocstrsry te liee onatl- la defanas the <rit excuse goea duat tic pou civil servante neeiei lieu psy, Mmd lia" tic catimotors nseodai moacy lie Uyrpatli a affetai. Abuse et boli tiose classes, civil servante sud coctuto- ena, lim long fermed ose pimaf la lie averag rt plifrm. Toien duistu. lier te b. oonsldered, due malarilson ir mol due ab lic dime tihevaiats vire Tic gril c ontention la liai f. teternu "4matorems" tmai "anprovliii tor" si<uli -b.ildSonncte, and liatiIf an expesulture vire "nnproviiei for" lie w«.arratuhouli Isue. But sud coutruo- tion la ot boine eut by ducebbst lmvyers et lic oountry. -Wcre k possible for a wwoeramenui otne ue anant. for every expenilture uaier gril construction of tic lav, tics lic pover cof parlismeat vouli b.anilil. The iistory et the Brilli constItutIon, îlE tite, groti sud Mdolpm=14 constitute one long mrle, cf tiaggtesbelveen tic houetet of omons Mai lthe ioctive. The kej.aoeof tic twatrggcwutic icansifSthle comoma to acalrol public expeniltun. Thé fey. mouse StheicBritimonttuticu a itai castri. Udr rpus 0tlegovmrment lic exeaulive ver lwaly indeeniOf lie omàumua.Eveu lava pamidby par- "ont m vouefraely amendai mter ps.sing ici hboums; :vwUic.oantrol cf publia monoy ypaillam u a amaet rely diltai iv the. eautive. A strong ezeoutila essentiel10 o i goverucal in amy maton;bult tceday. vies lie excotive shoi oontrcl leglalalou a volt asadminisatia n mehappily puti Aule.g lie ohief amse adlng ledu diliroemeat St JamesII, Maidtuc Piao. log of woilm Pilsoof Ormge cadue linons cf.:.Bnlimi vuthe pretemiai power Stflie0exouav» ot dipo.ing vidu, sumenlg maioyerllmg havi. Under mepomalge p mmi ail&Uai a buses au suppmes it ol .be possie. But vili the MWcreforu gCovmment. ab Otiava iete hamorsi raiesorf.tic Oçmuu outuhlm mw qpapeents, and duc excoUtve mot iavlmgauduority te evourilb, suspusi orilupemie viti lava se mt et naxqit. Thes mla govertld. don; mmi thcrâle dut muemy voies and, papmemiamuti bo mmd eon lic autiorlty cf lhe Houe 0c Comrnm..uI.dipenai wili. if onet.llon e mosue c"mberaisa on weeatgm avrrants, viy cau- mot one huinsi dmIllonY Tii ouly hUhldS vouli b.e "buf appflmite. monit m ah uule uimues oft7li ques" i re dusse,(a) tii ppoe natic .pmdug o a imu i mee i MF. loti *0 Auguit lm1, oud M) de6Slug om - ldujuimie 4" idive pars- Ment opomui, Sotmad warra fo u f - éwca mim udoglme. Suuly eras If tics. vens.dubt oftbticvaMhltr cit du auome 1p m - dus0 ýc Phopu 1 vodi lu" e im te aili -;mmo a tie ~ - opu. s asbui.to s.- 1.- ustSssal.s* austou- ne mWk1poo m vusvstcAsi Tiim- uWy tuom &àSebuiyuii vas *0.Qum%,. eup IL ]L Diéss as usIssmio*a Gmmr vosthe amoling champion- imp or the owom OmlasvoS la Itaw lal omioa A foiling soima abroëd.t*abt1he vii t Thar Excelltetos he.govisoi.gcsSiS r a th l oiiaoulssof Abrdeen, l n mdctie occasion St a politialtriumph for the -reforma aty, or for vhat vas aptly demoilici by on. Indeposient reformer as te le "ieer vlng cf tic Intemmlty ha.becnadiii te liat feel. lag by tic ili-aiviss talf et certain onué eftha linoterio n lque ote ceffeot lii "Lord and Lady Abordoin an retoimers Ma it IlaI.only propar ual the reform Party hors shoûld, lof ailier tievies tu Lindsay. " Whatever theu Ecilolosd Tv onospoli"tmiquestions in Buitais May be, a oicol chili kuova licy sholi tu lhiu officiai capacities la Oanaia kuov se, Party. ÉButhe .report lias gei eàbicai nmm asIt tiavels h greva. The ceaduetot f HitEzoelleuoy mter liie électiona icite ataIs tic podul takes bY tic grils; but no far-inied on»aiivO eeouatic vals boamira. Inasmuci asthicmmosi for Norti Victoria lunt obtalnidfri e ticil Ece lencles lie promis. 10 visit Victoria cousty iii. rose, Mr. Hughes la extremc- Il axieus liat éudr briet scieurs lu dus coualy miculi b. s suocea. Ticiefone, Il *II b. grmUfit teîlemeul ailis friands nu tlilU umost enieavoru 10 make thé exhibition a moos.. Their Exceleles Marybu irumls le size op tic p.tty ring ef grit sonmluuvieofor th it uitlme have umaaod by intu sud trlokeny 10 putt *e use ins a outrol otet du0m-caIlic Management cf tic reception. Litthenefore, i oon»asralo i cas, vimit Lliday fair ami do tu iu ty lu icnorlmg lie reprsmlmilv of Rau Mmit Grmoou Majulri Quoi. Thiada The coomero f Vicionis oumaware mobls mniei, mm i viiioveni. ay fiel ing liai might b. aliru p hy tic0ils gisceful once t fgr1idt hosisil"e Excellemois cas inuisi for liU-m selveé uobltt7cf charter trou V@Dor. If Canadil «an ssd sportsmmen keep on vinalmg. the boy. vilsocs have trapueessmongi tostockf s large national MUCOum. Nicioluansd William embracci visa tiey met at Brumiu. Th. llme uap corne vi e icRussisu bu viii vaut to bug toc liard. Tii lalennalonal -cricket matci at Philephia buasresatii lua vlotm yfor tic Casilan tesm by toity rua. The Domialos cricketera an ighl vortliy ofa place miongulde lier yaet.men, er osus- mca, her rifiemon sud ibe r ilerymon, ail etfvlom havi iuulng lie messonnov cbcsiag shows liemamlves due buti or vonl Up to lie bust cf thilu Iai. R acl d airelgicushatreda an mlnomg libewtal paks. The psityietisteuiBSr Join Thoupse beamum he vu a roman caduéo. No more ireaiful tulagsi ee sM ofSaiJohs m due clumnsof the Montréalmi lme.. Bir Maok.e Bowe vua tteckd bamum ho vu su orange- man. Bir Charles Tupp, nthe othe immi, wu aadldcink =eb a oprote- tant. sud la Ontario as a 'vert te romen aMiiollmu. To-dy Mr. Flynn, lie pue- mir of Quie Cloppmed jmomah e décoit ho 2mWWandTartus duhamhomm aete duuirprovkas thot a mmof Ila sse sieuliboiltum&A Tac doeuglss of thc gemal-apuiof *ic ehin OféâS n lakCéaaishave volai agalailic adoption of lie revled version orthle sonlpturas. IaR."l action duo7 havi fohovii the exampli of mosl cftýf li d*olmtim S ls mgih- spoaklg ciuiolea.Vicie R Mmsae bas enicarei lic king James veucles te due ohuréb-gce'a héart, or"liai i arangment of lie Mev veumios domot ocmmuadi tseh* ler u.as meaoo a pop"lar mce in h e*0 oa -glvfag lie*0ocmas hgmle tsct smile ofthtea pOplls4lesmlg Sofdu0bal moderasolirs, but lSbàiéiusi lubieraers, me. l ue«l "riens64 doceM molse.te b. gd&a om& Letlot rePoof l» D. Naeu'a voyage iaIth liam" o- mu huet k0 dus *Muae v ld . duc h'i juin, UN -e MaL jjgp aeusousvau oeui l la. tu ébe.Mus0-4 Miv lim ae Tho.1 au KlkmsCL,.;wvu oed *le duele bar abiW a ir uek 85, pmsedse0 os ab Pistas, eanduo" uciosi te a 9 Ï , mv the oousetomu ot Viaodai *yeu. Dlug li ai lai o f he"mbt oft tic lovafoi le osutiv. y.su, sMd couatY orovaatre Mmd oisi f S tic pesoshm e1863 to 1873. In Ooberu o1 the latter Fmye levusa Pon.dudj lofth lc outy of Watoulo byrSuJohn J MMcdle sadminbsai4n, m i dusmincef Ur thhoi isbr e ti ui of tiat office. Helai mimo f vWb" ocnatitatues h Mditam rai maMiOci Md vmu vTa sereonots mmcrig of fraui. Probablyano julgi la the provinc wus more deslrouof etnemaontI co justice 10 Parti.. arigmed beforc il. Hie grappilite pointu for deokla ka cae very readly, andJrse t.i lce * the jury vith great ou- sud oleaum H. vas mutertu ohanowr. The judas vasu a roman ctholie, mad a mm ofig muai siamoter. H. vmu lut mutila seembe,,1858, to Mar, daugilsci pon omer, IKD., l"ieoStKingston, site hmvlug lRviohuuro.; dre.Iom aui- flm hlm. H. vu. maniithe scoond dume, December 28, 1878, te lamas, dangitetofCol O. J. Bai7in, isemaci, Torouto, vho mourus hd"s1 of a lovlsg humbamd Traox0of B a d Wav& Bitvuuoo ihg mdSlduvla J.fumos Oouuty, N.Ya, thoienIa stret" et cou heice thc mmmd dritst. 1k. amv m i <tebtitei, aild l tiez 0 WyhoS leu lv o ofkuvnie. h à. a = b4 mebarres reglon, e duc the-o isaonmlas deep as tberoote og thegrass. Sorne rne or otier«Mcatis li 100Mo le poturOn lie moutivoui midi of a ilg hmi lierc mai. a irmou long the fae of t. Thirhoola voie ibrougithe t"s oi, Mmd the ulm sht up i* partiales St mmmd aideutt leump migup due hS- ie. Traoks oft liiiclitraou mq maulbu »M dova la tic iolow, but mM ot I hmba besblovm mvayp. Tic, vole ihW bcume a vave o min& M ovl l rolllng dova grade tovard tic houeSt 01c 0of*0tic durci est " m ll cq the, i..d. It M aut"lste boryl".homi morne day M"M c a et Mm"d foci _a"y.v * ih ot hig. Tih A amnarami hle.virei kl ose Ph pli vitic amd i lea depili et éhice toit. Tic vaMoa iaI passes vi tic rosi la thc uoring lai. a &du. p rt vhere tthevicels msouk lu. Tic iremi of tic horms la ieavy, but st aIgh ticemund lias irifici lu and tien malmim osly a fg et raveL Tçhe great vave ot tend k" s veryliing before lb, hurles 1h. Essai, mmd caye the eft uepi and buhsi.'Sou. roctsandm tioki mshov thicur.ui, ellg vieri lic huilhavemboom.A Patchi of voodi be. yond e du. rofhet icmain v»Te as a fen~ n WIng its snoirsfmi. o aili that ilopis down-mnmghéetrois, tmrly lardl n"l made frone tic foot cf 1h.ei toi tic seti. on lii.levail smdy spots show. Bohinthtcfonce ila a n f S md, tic suethu tfrou duhemuni patoies dovu os tie leveL.Tic vccdm, tie hola whliéb hey I11, and the upriM viiib. builoi botor* long.by Utic L i-Nev York Sma Brigade Oamp i i lnggtOEu Throagi the khInnee of Hem.nDr. Bouca, ulaister of m-lId-, tic iSth baud"shles o lotocampfils yam itll «"treY »' miv tas for ail thesix Ooopany inoiquaemu Ibs, rdsy, moualmgresiy foir dieWmbulios, STio thrae oupanlesfrout Lfmdmy eni Feselo, vith lie baud viii asmembie es ths market surLuadsy, osr - os ,1%"r ymorum mmi mu téhfe Stallesnumier commiOt MajorBau., KihsXP. Horiee, bneadvle mut b. pimosi la lie or osnMea ai ngle. Rey. Mn. noublam, orst I.Amiiv' pmbcyta"oermahi, the miv buaimo abofa, viii b.prenaitaa mm T héii masar alid ia 0haeme gosfmmam U laoak amse il loa dus id lam uesa- pui a m e.oi siailos. Tic Vicori omty vlngof du. dlii baiuhio vi maicul os Tasul merming Dms olova: Major a.. uhslP ses"e OmptIL ]ELH. ylwoc, adj""ui Cwpt. E HIL &isf.Wemater. Aâât. su;- ca, - f. «. e IÇm. 9 -Meh ON., 07t.W. f Hutm, ieute. $Maoe Mi aOb m Md omma"ce W vQr im No.8 ~%O.0iâ JM isi BALADA,'40o. and 150c. per~ lb ji hall pocandpaokages. LITONS 30c'" 40o, OW., in hall pound akag JAPAN S Try our celebxrated 25a. It bdats te HEADQUARTER8 FOR 151A] klIB 0IL tY5g vho a gages the ve a mor the 0a teret. lou ha lion RBeal' GE il- c H - OP C) 0 AlÀ I' ALB]o Qnuia le et" hi .Vua BE. £*.UJ'SELL. Tbey Dîd RlghI. A Ncv York prisober gel late witer about 250 Fahrenheit by tackllng the oliver, question la a semon. Tic trouble bogc viesbeJmmli:-&Tlie propslo 0,Brya ad mi ilo ens te psy li boudeaofthlicUnied talie, uposi ;" 100 et.on flie dollar vu rab.insok a Worth calySSaintm la novaricil ruoslll Several porcoas siotii: 1"'ThWa' tisle,'P "6Yen ésan&g" "BlinupN"t d amiur ilâse. For* smomusl, mis 1h. report n. fixas holà"iiiMd md eici muned4 bul h. socs recoverei himulf, mai ex- ollmoid: If ItieCgomument do"isa Il a uo te I moo.te.ubusiness.' Ho vu mgsln'inturpled by loni sud prosc.îed lisslg mi mofet.Tiawo met nigie," "Yendos't km..vial you mi te" mqabout."Om egry-ialrei mm arsm m Mdexchmm.: 61I vcstuma I"i acy lauge," mi rusicifime-lie buMIdIng Newu foilovudby lfty olior., vh ie tM Sime" asthly Mtheicrace. Wiea h. Ma t fiaitheBrisa mms pro- pcSed *0 psa S1,000 diii viu 50, sceem miuti "ia."The msjorlty ci leemgregt800, judgng iv tue aippme, vue vida lthe vmes. Buîtichequeltien MONDÂT, 1-mat.g of Romi ChoiéSNe 8U TEIFUIAT 17 RoguW rMoitlugcf Midiam Clapier Vo .94. Royal Arai Mssis . t Pragamu.cf imuaty e.vomdlm te bo bail k St. A Ireva ém iIadmi, Thure dey ami FaIiay Set. 17eh ami iSil. .a T5151AT APTNmOON jý-rw 2 30-Frayer rvle-9r w I Robluos 3 0 -.Ops.Ig eruohu-Bev J WVTott.;, 3290- 1re-. SJSoe 4 00-Paperon lieé 1896 Immoa o a- vostios iv Ml. tmeisL 4 20-P&Par-"Tba boliaver a-aa"tp$ bi Rv u bHustur Oaaoook, Quebso 9 5-Dsyti.sIezRiss i.èý 8 80-Addro.-lev wu Jolusoci Wang- 9 8O-Dotlo.leohs 9 45-Repart foffilmU. 10-Bell umliof delgus aMd rparts trou il 00 aikkl e l kiegu cah lakOur . uowt-Xl. Trelem4 is E. i10?-@*HOv te lalueut lise vic lleytar k",,b, hlKsumi saélty. il 20-Q&. Oollqu-Mr EBA Hardy, BA. S 0-Dsetlsalmel Me Jé mme aumgl 8 lo. -J same. Il,!ri. as S ~ ~ u *9Ais.X Mihamt, tounIs. Censeota selag-loi vm *0 !@-quo « TheBlemQa%" coul I 'F ~ You (e e) ~~r~jf i e) (e * ~ *<~J (e (I ~ Look foi c. don't mm.Id raw weather 4~a. w hen you have your clothing or wraps interlined 'with Fibre Chamois. It is thie SilmjÂest and surest protection from co]d and wind that yuu carihae icosts next to notiling, is so I'ght you don't notice its p-esence. adds durable st-Iffie-ss and body to a garrrent and ne%-er f ails ta preserve the nati:ra! healthnfui warmnth of the body in all wea- You can't afford ta do without OnIy >5 cents a yard. ithe Fibre Chamois label on ail ready-to-wear and takie no others. e.. *m *~o'! w &ain , 8*4Set &-<SBPiih te T"Ii Ve,*speimu, WUL-ic *1kos looals ie me pioaiap pie.ite amusi, ticMa mupsua-am a"e la 115Ma mp Assapimaie ts.my mm d*1 est ai orso mh.v ts vola.te M ktm 8*0 >te 869 id. TII. pimous Kooto.ay &mlommli. a149WI Le* £«I Jambe, Ostre, 8tmrCreva Fat Ma Cimea.. Keotampla aie onlymine àir mm lisueiv paver drilek li te marn taudet , -eIl.Ths, drilla cnt ont hm dcr t t1e ton fet orsOffpuerday. Tb* ou te »cvbremklag eevmare ,thon aaiai aI ac mii Th& expert of i.lh..malter 11h va amocatte 120.000posa&sMd ce oaat mes..amusa t 2,00 ofm, hrla avl cf~ ~ ~ ~~l «Um000 Tcvleifbil. ilci at7,00.O0.-~A"I neyer aàmrains hem tie triage ofhm Thé mià Ma uMei uplal liagla mllvoy Or lthr"etcf a bird at morn. onosulasdonu tu ls.ci M i m fSber, Rolamets of mumlos Very moul The LItd ie Glmppbusboas »ouat TIsa éiivados a àuld cf coin. Simil. ra 810000.BetUas Me lm oet mrt lea àlittIe part j alavarli ofmas'. cusver; A Beopllon10 GU4A1I ."~ Aui above Mlb.. uocf mini mnd bird lier.- a < ~d.. ~ A mummun oaei vr Tsu.iay a wlgta mutii ofQussM'M ho, AmiI - tinouhegile <eepofsammu 'li eau, àl . , la a w qU teas facesthé geaulm« atMd wlld:- caam g»Vau"m euraffl olear. Iueem .to hast ýdui d.10 be n ehtatu.& a urail cfa augry hIi. uanir»»P"laMmd l*0 i ..ii lmvuAMioh! for a Y" tlea tound &boni lukuoioité safadylci tros Mii niuug*adi The vini and the wild bme' humml*g, mile claIe Mdite nii a te Ab To avertla e cof God's amlmhmlng fOl BMaxIU W" tU. 7"7 1W y "Ba Paenct.for I AMoomlgi' a bho lmurevsmtutae.auiur. TI 1thfl uitlte joy f gving. nolue .111 b.e msbo* Set. 21.Mdit UT i lius tiémenan umi felded husks%, la ecmi ts le Il. a-4re.Ueg um Me e. Amitara.mp green te gold. lus tmtsaI k Turomet .. > .1 mo.n!.ý Idmis, .~ê g....l ~ Sevant ef Qed Mmd servant f mn mceimg.xemmumss ~i mufe sttho rompues kmie q"It oerW li buot bt"oiei mv. AM airemV part i ila a vlling hmat- whM Ii al msa m a.1 vwon, MUrIt. for hummlys lite. ami b Aai ehl bsot mter "lm us'.raptue Mm, à mmeomil h. Tb* JOY "liai ur i ld, ~Uw4* wu-b te it On *9mi dusuglai fioldi, i.. bav ~1~sL~tImahom Wl. ier&aia.,I prcudly ulmad hili @hW?*a ont AÀA oiller iaiviimoitvis mi vier Is s smw~~ mm&u laigle Siarmet r git hmm"iPa e h e s ýmette 1% "1 mm,," as dfimmla ea le ipe 1etoSiN5 tm tls Pm OOIL--Tbhe vil) be s pis iaitaI'l FO4au lW o bé uie litU nWWme ofet XTho@. hnm on TîUdiY, chs~ l1um j uenfb- B*t 15lb, ab 7 p m Admionici 153 ?0 B4l U «Pvit WtleImbies oMM*dtu &Ulofeth1e choir Ev«ybody W*o Fiff gamejs p-v Qi-I le aour a a ty Le ehTfnle i ibn et ti l or t eni hMà am , u.deutil te infat daughter of i. and imuka uw% Za emidyosSaidaySdpt 69h li md "b »NU awisl meerMWev Mt ura IolfPlace on Mondar tg £dl nemi olier, * aWomY vau quit. a atamione Mrand go 1~~in5ihuMp m te IKUmnsy hava the mympahhy of-th lb. iI ~ k lisfemd bereavemial lamy fIotIMssAaaCulil or, vw" vuasoefor saomple of wUkb f fî t aeMr4 aller,les rétuamai ugal inJBt J..Bl lad am" ofTTay la vishhlng his t nid 60UE ~ Ji Mmd MunJohn alti TESUEINOla tie eider, of the daf té I iBras of Duatud ae mati« a v uveq av - good threshoru v». ,RAVI CÂIVnMa. no our «* »4 allie. Mmd vi viii kmodIb Q«Mffloinhaler and medICIfl amfor Um, WIHOUr fflm ovAa& Aller yenha"9 A* t" and yon md Il a 900n"'l oeui,8ctjay for lame.SMf ..ur -cm ea; »~llsgad rcM dy um U qis. Wmie v le s1 dela a) (I s) (e e) garinents, The bong et the GoriL Wh Iesliy Md rosaaraboum; Ami lis faIm vorld .1 ota in,, For the uplatglmofet he cen. Oh, i.l sud utrong an matiful I stand lu Mmsrred caies; And the post t eams,, athé sulilùt gwu On tic g9rom of.my wavlng blade& Ani 1he palmIer filaga hi. brahee by, Pon whsft eau Ilita olori do Vihthe ti i sdsuon My leaty Mdi Whou the bruen.Cous vlopllng throgh. Tii an bond e ucptor serimadle À s"mt more stritanlmd fine Tien my tmmsslatema, vigie the And the mcrslmg-glortes twlne. goldulk CHINA, OROOKERY, AND GLA SSWARE. iýi1,8!!ýeI il il le, Ill' le ft ý**R ý** 0,0-,Î -0 , \=, .,:, v,ý )0 ig