ose, PRICES IN ýwi11 have continmO ii nter, PO m=rner. .They-, otit power to r2W îthey lhave no ef- cod-iv rIo t ihosphites, ij Cod- prtly digested and oth e weaker digee children.. O)DOROÀ, souty t. 1h. TuetI 044r4 gemooi by oM The Perfect T00th1 NERVE ,?~ &a en me _ Sýeer and Culvert 17Pipes TUE ONTARIO..WEn Pli aummw.%T AT imiQa ' TOIr: By -a La.rge Maorlty Tàle oheapitpmi l ev o bey sgeai reliable Clu pIsidihl, m We F. MoCAITYeS Jxewel uSre, ""MY~v I Àol larm loolk8, csly 90o.,A limîled nunbor at this pria. vmr. rmuted good or mouay trfuu4ed 8 day looka only, $4.35. 1 dayý Clock ouly U88. Omo. quok Baug" u.fer euh bujuis w., Oti 77 1m A*-S - Ihaq. j., i ao-zu AND - 'I olSuitýý ~ .1 O Mt qa amberscehur et aw W » w* omiai uei is.il. hv4a., mwb"lo rnlUi isg.s. m otiet l v. uueoi hum.. XWiq lla ioavhsvth ioi a ET i* ci5omte055id011onaor. TRuom. . . f*» N«. 151. iso 4sbt aoaniu I. Bson m oMow la oah et théli 4ola l eoi m~fh oupldp~on 1. U t~nmntOifor ooaty ooulloeo. Afler ~hlh aboIo tht yen'ti0.oouaty oouuctl shah lbae lb. Ti.O~~~1II.Ja4m1 a Toato s Mn Imai Wood et -oua IvlWng film*. cp 3 . MOn d t» ls uldim Of D3ufm iomouunhD fhio m 0Ti 11*1% 13, av s ute o9 ab. os. ala tUa». Bm, o e h-svomsMW L. ILE.Dýate if l vi hihun Thé pmu*m mhmo uunlbeutlthiai hihdi la Toe M smaennblas bmu W"fo ieSlaiaula go. atI voit.The pbaezy lu la o». imbus isIesi ontblo vl h ghul oolod. ne M m Ouviei.ovusfomlag " bIn I.M ma 1*4 »dom Wi th* tou âgxu la.S. Md -16- « - *Nauhom cais - Il. 806 TheY vm the.pas Oof 3r4- )I m*Wui bayuIbhimut »i b a iO WOSikS 1M Ulmpu» Ofn Xi.Pi f f l*Wu"lI1mO1& oq wumnyupa nUS Iaimylam -the au. Of n . D L L*etm eaam u quuuithon 4d&y>.au iii 1 - 9 9 Il ou vii le be o*m"S iad rAb aoeli i~Pliamodmalpoilohno,. is poisitu a vue" la T«oIsMai tw thm1«uov etToas éfhi. ianTday rcuaTà« du leva, I hi. vIeilfuon dut vnl ate Lt 09y be hm n.IiAab-u* t «Eldea, w Swavmi Of uSnLladoy "lMam vomit. 8atbyrnm i. vwuhome a vwtoia.Xmiimin Sgot haaa BRU&. i As4r ,otal*m ailoT obMdy dm h otobt M ha" mm up m& 5g Tn Mwbumum the abelam -tlOy vIlsly ~ U~?W~ motnu an. mtSim 0dek 5lkht0 lavem li à » w m M W ouioptauliol.mai SDotmUSa t 4m » Euj. &M.i[m . tumn vhohm veboom - iltbqUM ad vomi'. mu, omnuuào, et US 1111 qmi sàii day. aEni, utuiot.ui lUslAmvl.Tbenwumluuotbhllhe E.1 .Bblm IS i fi Touais nm Xmw. allodumnetIthe. VlaW oa.vomet ID. Jbea? .Planîpdlvu la tUS Y.E.O.A.,la untasla Touai. 1h leva 1m 1h omi. N bu B i . ii uomod W" bus pwiasIe USMk-d'à aIl MM,, ubase oopny oiPolvbu vla tffl m» ua @eh"al 4n epii rnTfbOIBI St&Wday. Hi Mt"%aie U mil>e.e nbisvle enomi l.uiili bt vItal vUla i&U Wé ugat ledaI " E. AahiUNI ISfDiý. BISO.i CIogi. miiade numiXtulamai .z .vnim etf U osrnwau d vii le 1h pumta, Xi. Mn*atmEumleet, n Tïuday l1i l.emtmh, iii vW". The dosue mla TMW ae uiebmiao~ bus -m mtnia mgaeT» VàImEai liÏ y. . &W. Bmuyvu-es"la hlmdy aa1~ mphi. TI olinh"obveceI"i §W US taui ab. Ab. EXe fe! US Thetfomum. m cai i ma. Mm viL àapada moalot luhm y akhgID au Gosm zi. ,la4 tu1 lmv4 auaum~ sllalehbd.ItiulbZomiqfasim «% aam la thé vorkMg mais *Ma.4g lbile vatme Q" lea mmueonsomlm mus bolma. TIi eoesnila na Y n mapheuwlà lige of UShe dtp trip n m badar mi vnt vma thé b lite olbm la USéeumThe ht T«onis. né »-,asv liuofathUS vpabllumaa mie a diiodePbaa U PMil» m goagCI h iiumieofietfuwyonua MdYIOW0"UrXia b. m Ia u 1ew. dhu.. y&-Di" à huil Itomavoieà m n listlag lupi. hIotuu -m US ddluai Nay ai US iplnIwdu e la Jouala REuI..Wlbtt *1.1 sote 9hbu a lvamai Mdhope laa I. PaulI B Adq1à * ùe Ru" Wb"eff Soo I5~Ba.. ONI. i tla à III tepeai Ta*US doâvel tua Soivor11«1aaImbu Co. at hmiom finettu*en Il *h u day montasThau. mé. mi' %0 boo a"Hm "i«a lum dvo. le & mt L nm@jBoly MI. 11he la uivami joumai mut dgh US MII. ustuie ie1h viol a&llaebunt vii amy bdai on oevl.vul ia.Elm* f«Ia viseaiost SI Jiq o Umutévh, vlan oh.viiiTi wu* lai dm ohmn lm io ba énge i a aIIhuy d eplm aesm nu ls.omaiurly.aslo guormdhgdu om Imm 1» ivii le1» dhPaoi vil, n veihg.d ha dimbI amo, 0 ue.ait Xe»la lea»1h*vm8,USmmo éis bIo i due ,o1 mai' îd ol.umgiIL Xii.E & h a.Tiy lka -. TIi mon uvoadiis pra.udje, m- Tuah oméq, afoi via sviiwvu hwilvidlhgq nul bYl"io 0dmhinr i liua«Die-fa, d tmi via. A ml humooiem le abvlmittsl I . bwflbm m m d hm he*»ifti.»te d14 le w - demi là g» afl ,u1fmm iUmlammjehmmtgnonaspoaq Gomoimi. ufit*o.. le 4U * iant i 1Po i dombU5a a tu lte" et ff dono ID et rLmbn 4vlBtUaddonPta~yTSl SmtiU mtr tU ! ~~ ~~ unia Làm ga- %osu n. Ep jun Wbé 1 - _aid1vman m MuWai ul auj à onuom teim h mrnet lu 1 MI, mîv&" a aslai me imp ma a be., udbte elte la US a ü» im d m. liis m=%mmil là dnlI% dm'e &W * u bu my wum o aet àW b uo utéy fi Ihat u MMa l ie vudm -475t1Um valo ue if S plue ele n otehOU D~n *za on op or voembaiu vil USore i USUo cielt iOn US e hit» m am as mate sut Ma bumdatm ay aor asi 1e am MmlI hai&tla, eeotbook. "rou "R '- Me sai * f4lought a. mm&l 4i Came te lies vil ne bu int t 4'Whi, 1ov 1i4 that IaWer i*mU th. short, tht. vomna. 01E-vol!1I swiome Il vasbecaul e heard ne moit lI1 aIplinmu rasM W cetmat ote a veel lIeu attie d.i& mud th" I Want.i ornest thei liai. 0f courue, I 1 iu'. jux Mr TtILt te .ber. y05 kaow. but éa e er m&. Mayb, I mentione, too, tha* I givt My nurse tIr e ntagi out éa vot., Girls vil) be girls, you kiuw. nml. busbaul cc" look mter the ohm enon those eveangM au wvo it ashme oaa." IM'hm. It keffl a man fonfiai. Img i;ulivi hli ie tes mamne. to.. if heu keptIO7 whilvuebWays 4 home.0 W 68aé, iMd lve notiosi that hy thé lim e 1m7atbed hem to ted rtO t1)0k oig ouot,. Weil, as 1 vaà sa.ylm thaIlsI 0020a0eto me lthe VerF mort vedni. Ci. mdlthe ibm mes toti me about attiek oveù to1the thimgatmeu ~salI about me% you' scroM ellbye. Ta. g&I oWuluit inn to, remem &W or thon ai firit but aller rd 30Usd 1er memoir im. 1011 mo lot&. Ratme ve eStu iMI, qaodate. .1. » lin Mt t111 at M k v. Idlai.Iv ms a mt- mr t aibabr eYMetIum "Tasu. ev oeem Ilthi a r oume mot fremnov 1"., 410b, -altî I t"I »U Th irlm eut liaI to ber .11er a vIlle." '# M r ' igd t e s o r t t U Ri O UP Who tw» - vIe m. bosse taritR quesuos 1d puaOMM Par-u aen»mlllw ho jnmoomdIhemeSU, «W thet, aM wve ejust about- to peuriO to e ydij aigPMmait vises& Dwe mm t. a Ma ot tbla e et -- so i. W=I vepi ymua s'Abê moytgr UW$ mi wMr SÈ&Y i& ba ka 1 àra9i â 1. ;We're tiot. gvody.after Profit: Tib hted te=n needs nu heated argument' You cani't , ing these times -union yoUu t thto life o«t of the. profits, and that 's just what we are doinig.th witb BOYS, CLOTHING AND MEN'S COOL SUI TS. The stock was bought iUEU cha oBOKN wt PRbtIheGoESeofrdvyhae Boys'Wear weon made, pretty 1909 260V 400 Boysi' Sailor suito, cool1 and showy.... 9.Me,812 Boys' Tweed Suite, 2 -pee aior .service- ablewfit......... $81.25j 31.85 Boys' Tweed Suite, stand b.st wonr...".S2.25, 82.50,8$295 Youths'1Pin.Iuish Berge Suite, youths' Fne aul wool Worste Dre 0 1KnlokerPanto 00,010".. 1908 2609 390 Then are Hot Burg"i fer Hot Dayu. anc. idea-ridding oursivos of al Summer Lit * 0w pr -cor BROKEN PRICES ]Rot Day Suit~ Mý1efl'ls Striped Linen Ooatu.49o, 6Oo,7 Meân'o Lustre Comte.... Blaok'Ai psoa & Bussel 78o, S5c, W. hav in Wh ini 811k Mixe d Goat 'and Pure 81k Coat & Vest.$2.75.1 $3e -3,5 Englièh (rioketing Flan- Mens' (Jmehere &White I>uok Vse....W......6ei75e, Nens'MineHomespun BýioycleStito,.2 piece -$8,25, $4, $4J mens' Ail Wool Blue 0o in all I Berg. Pante .......79o, 90o, $1. Our stoc Mens' Tweed Pante.... 650,7'50, t We. are making evorything ýbond to the Summer CI to at tb.o bout wo can eýxpect ta get for them now. STA You corne to get a paur of Pants and youl ffnd th. old ýprice, wi11 buy two now-you buy a Suit Clothes and you'Il fiud you canm ag a Suit for the. Boy at the smre price yon used .to pay ford Suit abovo. A stock of Ties for the jears woar oa b. bought with. the différence b etween aur old Sb ance d aur Sommer Clearing Prices. GOUGE WEIN s The WonderfuiChesp Olothiers 1,UNIDSAYs PETERBOR O. PORT HOPE@ ____I I - VERY Sa%>tsfactory 2a' oui VOËM are it.Ièhn ta .t"-a"d d mlloiOh anela Mti lMve-g@ e cMilome exmu, Mi atffiaq our prealus, and hare »Wvorneofule mousoui la-"0»Y Tbsbouly Mme ftas=,u mm le sohya ve8" MIC "Vin g OufButIn, hit hi, LogciaINs .101, M 'about sI - bouse ol ae l à 4 St....' ALICE-ETH EL, 51 Uku~ ulli ~. 100V homos 1w êlo' ni ~ ~E ~ Wnooi - 2W~WI-UX TRAME ~I Lai R'~ il y. Wants IL lVartin 's Cardinal Foo( ~OR IINFANTS AND INVALIOS. The xnostpalatable food prepared'a is unequalled byany otherpreparaiý ,ofits kind. The best food arid the' value, put up in one pound Tirs, p 25 cts. per Tin. Sold Retail - y alDugs~ Grocers and Wholesale by K eRR? WATSON é 0..PfOI Town ,- h ave BMi Bout ad y-- ~hma ~um 47-Iy. n... - aEm lori * W. handie the Oolumbia, Gendron Brntfoiý oret, mmtbOUi fOur lro8 a aumber eo d j~ch yu talido st nomGS baD ImUS