Jousc j7h. iKesy'Cocmaut Warin AI# An1 ordinasRot .Ais Funace Wlit roai beat a yn wuo Wd ly BuppIy emg u î.T UKlÇbuasevera , peai alu si M cta ua-tAl tho t] gtduale OSS Ra eamwe. mdl Tho4Keiaey lire pot blugeoUt-t <.et u paght. tùbula, c..atedi e hm sectidonl s e cut> arotandwb? ate pmsm »td up itagE h b the old afrp*u itie belng hcae. ,md tis cotirse ctca b « r&ped wtb à b.avy Iteeýlctàlng wv bcoecs catebythe ire ms t iioisv Paule$ dowu ousid of Uprigbi acIG: towads aokepipe,. h in mm wavymilthi Abat passes up betweti sa t e4c lgim galranired bon ca tdg. thc xplimtOl suurCOm &d iworm ais capaclty thasm en oary tua»ace. The .11' XoIl"heat er momcvcualjwhescmove5 locted wihni< mild belLlwr»t ah "t >wi Dot i.d jour foltusc. Tho $1KdiOY wiUbest roos 0 fi cuaTh Ieiy 1:do., noct heit o"gr cil. The 14 uiimy "iab@Ut0Iau and Secd fr scurPtivé cataloue. TUE JAMES SMART Xys. DO SROCKWVIEL, Ont. . i Sai W .WOODB UnUi loe mmi DEI»ATBRPTEMBER 18,1 X&m. o nm, ef Ldidaiil gui-lo g miageor* ing Belm :masst. oupa,, fori Ol s dibi.4 viaiOr làU KimIe.ou -Wedmeeiq mw blmg anaio cfhe local ani mie sempamry lo Ur. R. H. Baker,I »tmi lbepàyleagest for 1111« TÉ&oHaus' ouaunaL-Tise S tocm ouat e iseia' omrnll bold on Tbuîiaysud laSla, sUqu aud 251h, lia the Village of Haul A SUe. m13î».-Om Tuemi sé Mm .Tise. obiaale,MNiuieutonl vu a aalg hp bi b ie foulia make about 18 latulong collai #veeu u sfethaer k *ad sua. as» Commldeilg tisailise bal vuu p §t te iurpdhlng boy lise -anahe vrin un Upthe @taie »id tonbe tb I Nus. Heiuvasquit@ shooel IMPmRovmEElts.-A nue iuugeun bi» latell been Made la tise et.. peaimnos et our sobool pUIauale. we.h. &go a newpuop vag piani th isevlt sud atise pieoa Ume as mib bell'la bolng ýplaud on théba lua Aîel oonîtîmood sud. ex«Ie dialahel beliîy,, maie Sp Kum and Keànndy, viseare eedets1 leotïon, sud «eolleai tiamoe. PARTY. -00 lis.aveset f BPL a large tomber of lnvSled gueetev tsa f&mly umlentea o1MIf. A.. (lu haveas Moabole. Nonsm*vu appotutel u $aifl feboni lu swl différent amusemient.>,Tiset dlapened aIi 11 olooh. su vwisisis apeaiiy tlutaof à dmilai gatheui PRMEaoNL.-Mi. J B Ray bau M te resume bis. practIseou 1e h. Oi ..... u. Bine Ot fa t pruesi Vihs bis parents ani irlenia, aiter 0 lngmome tlime lauthe0 main The actilon w»s iiaimm Thoésottom Stought by Mr. 3; KsUuady 0f CaVan, ausiaite. tor etOsveam, for $10.00 foruleu am hy tise dosthet Idie vIte vho wvas by béainstsi feinaha buugyou Sait,1895, ou» up at Cobourg ypu pe oabamellor BolI. Tisaswu me.. L:Z la.0. Oete, (Qý.OTo and E 8. Huyphe, Ooboux r, eu plaitsif. -uis. B. B. &ô;w, Ti lad B. M. Body. milbooekt appea lb towaahtp <of Caena, Md mm B3. Ajiavoatis, Tlo ntodSI H. A.1 Poil Hepe,, for tise Ibil party, Ur. Miocama, Whoovasi lihe faim op viser. lbaoedent oeoed, Il B.,Ed 'ardi, Petsnboro, for the. tè Caupitei, vise vu lthuat - ima 1podis blhih.0 aident1 ved D illb. usmebaielUn augilenu oi idétise Iaff f laingesvasluaflUovlug ismos 5* toft ou the oaii.. Tise 0c»as t11. itheMut a bath1e iri a camBouI the xa whoueby amoi soas afféottug auni leu . a oly be tIibd b, juige. Saitet evidmuee-lor ise pilotU been Seisa bu oidsisp a»Wi$hmu nce vden.. on viisiha eSld fdus Ibo defendiamîs vs lublelb. 15 vu Ob -wv4 olieh.deatb eftMKm moOrio ami àh VUmoe hos tu t aumed by lbhelaene Nblheh lsj lis, aide of the ro" lmbUoeltu bc Mdsud oo riai51ou i l u i- tse urinai. Tise gAaove vu buggy Wb"sapoa voien ytag au ade, -ad mt ouse«top me.0 vais itemeiat uempOo puée w a.ze tise ob ody 1km MIN Moâer ate ietb*0 body isS 1»- .er ou tob thomse bu et c "s, withust e 1, m lelTe pae.oi etU.Mu. .On a Jili? DrlaOuumbla te te met i.but tîie. sasmani suo esa - -- - e p . w . csosm stae tm av ai a" ld a iapila ise isathe .PToaptlti hé depoitis lu bmh nea hm i bmmluaéof mai a% - i, dhma aim. At ls mta Iapo.. oma iMpioy0a7 tlthIea, nasa klsa kmIhomdt uf e. i tamn i.ia ,- usaI tas laa ubmg--"telibmm% »b sd jotlsloek banhi botag oaT ;e,00ooo, vbkw*,tmai& 2 tI o* ,. UM b Cat ffbaby thseuadimai b oi puiiosS isumd la uvtags Sbk 00' al» o-6# muV à = .tý? 5gus. .. a VUMtl te bu fciiy ta Drit"e isttet vhioh The tum Sff.~ipté l àhisis 1si S p use. alaiblt ti e bndipsdat. « o use .,* « bu lm ,, Dîm Pm Iwo b anBiImoikm c 1i.£BV, ussblli isl O fu 1 Jini Tetmea - L&ou S--' -- -- omb-mêm ý uhg Di.e Md m àm M«, W iUSn e bu l m v ta forl. a a t. lsls V ,, -à-oo'-e »We-ta tzâ mdd d *ub Md a bsM imeifop ag 4. ZMW WA. &-UM mmsIVTl.nmADysG »*lun wbuldo valto ali mmd smmbaobonilm BIOuuIvu or. 1. mbaisu 1U.. o--l.1 mdas I mle tuiik ! a rg ivumi *M nomsa' .sm ysu. t TMsibés ina beai nomébw riam a ui, a _____ ____ Biobut motoisn 5* te elle If fa Litidlep 1nuo - z-_ -uoWI MU____________________ "Wi u m dlvrd eut. p~Iu. Bbw~ 1), ~*N. LURIE.~~am i.-mart la hm ma. wss noIobs î *8 et loenduet ssa WB M15 I M"b OM M le siai lmt-lieuU bis .BhmIlatsOI ILLAM SRU E LIf»-y a«.waIR. 1 itnvuouf e los m oan W DR.d . bMCe e l19.a m oLAME.i~ aw sudSug.Mi a1a.o mmmus 0 1 la. ovaetouis oS.e i 0 JOHN Ml m b ai.. T» B". sJei I fvudo. e fot olOhmboum a ou mmt unk%. ati i > - ý M a lu» of *0 aids 1as h.m wion 1 bd matb. *.th"11.MMai oroe syoemu e .î va __& De W. BME& 3mS o. c t. Oua MINA ai pulli»Ovioedoaof I*0g@gobeIltu.Ibosasaut i aiBa canduvuity c vin hi mam tshaeabave us -, bi aveinethéébum aL YhVO him Dei. Da60'tD ad tepheso - tat tua t itav be-buels oM Md Pu-) s aoeoemgmaab.s o.H.HAI.la0soes a cMonch at ou ua e , ebh«wVaib"Iuiply stImulaiMi e s v.,hoDi. rall usui. @rai"m et enIl ui te111Sm ~, vst 'ý vyfhlg he lause lai1 bsa Naigtieu a *0 llisbu Wo»lwe ioUI y r, M"ithlsa uinsa beMl i.soalo. IMM1 ~.-~, ., p~8,19-. ùc. #o"us.aibMW sF flumI a10. ova$Iathe »MMIs. ofm s ». i. .thea wlgbt t is' - 3 f0 vain* ,l M e au »EiTo Md a md@ont Pi. d ae Ld is Pil6la to 007L l id» h*.i T5 , P INS. O. , .s toi.ài ria m thdmr M M osb à mp l . e Ma s., u d aulloz. mi t Unet T ia. '. Wame81A., auT06B U iL D R OPlee os I igh ula" seu se v <Ooffets. lphbst-*ys b.09aovey lobi il01ia1,b eIravii esle. I me i-tdui W$ - wdn à .>ood 1aa jîs.Tm'Ws a m #0'tu M 11M;" ' R. B200S - lIgof p00 o prprdth D. 20k sisois a100bserceaInualy NuqifmtSlensu oissa eid slogoin ustemybelfo lya dm. EO pbSi hm jeli.Tisb"dfl* (&oo LuGeLiN , ýmm èeloDARMD1 l e .Nl300 aIh îa gvaib imi a'Oi lienmdbbeloesoomio. Of ioa-aesn l poea tise Oueado s W«mVU mmDRmA * 130 tsl uss* itkanvssi mat *m d ml n'1114 mi ioaia am<.Slvs oeLnsy-S-y EO ON N A sa10W. buèb oEUtW eben Io bpoofR"se sovIobvemomIi ialts I _______________V5ahahethO Tmisto h * i aeba arfoiget &tima sa l wI IIIIsentasI .lisIThem da â mi amatao<urnule o 0 vileY , s ohop"Ohr8., ndu paîei Il.a dumoi ,vuymm Amauls is cu hae nvalfathe eof si la ufmai r pi a ise iu îlssisp .G O S mis Dot bl.tvtonblao»àWL..m mm OI. hoeoiMacen ~s Mmithaoolte aoint blp a610 omDETBT IDSXALTmOr Royal l- Majou mranbe ed. mFor tisead for Pte Mdxtas me orn o! MUNI" Bomau Wamlla. Thea ceisas-o bs au lua thDomino,-a ts IOmgbt. ami »O how aiesIemtli t1AU Ul O 1 RItAc b iO tuhh iWif an a ndVilzd Fm pu o f m, e loo.u v"e sud - itul u."0 USdl mspîueinoais bo po qlskto ot e. of 1.mal tain lks thé , u o.w im .eop vs L ul io. AqLW! I.. S.bal'oa Fu - m ate o dVt" o qiop oi .ah of Lt. ezoslautall lsa. éot Oum.bicasooulal po1sSwai. ( 1W et1h18 niuume t, #W.fMd MblB u ll ,O Ja a"it'e lUked m tai hli e, lumasmni f . lie o aifesm Who ulhbasfabu o f mt a bo suiabm m ilvei.a be he rdrbov. ot o bte . olbo ut distte b a v ru oeffi ie. atlg ofthéal tis m' a o eovd §WatiriboltE r NUT RY pii< of lis loue viserai Vise dandas au animu ho seo"ubma ho " 11 ise leofu - '81.00i0.,___________VI_ yondà*,Mabr 111h, Boion.,l e, sa lysan.t e l»&onfat Is.ovis pesONitsuim, vbies u. __ MONEY tthvTO oAZ<. dexme ug Mbliltai - .Ugl lsia elom e aa astIs ttanîabau mbud m kb4 uh. pmasse ermeool .d BWLga4 itu a ,* asièeff urll7 for àUc i neo udb àu is '.dac ai easl tWe pr amos e 1!. m a a oti of t hé boDt.féuv e i n Pm.z' o T " 1 Ga he0c odlEt h eac x vfia h iefor mhe ltte ofu i oh bel oout. -aiTestasoafoutt, mi Ibeis i b v " siefrhemiTat adMva.bamol u weà*tbe Smith.' lt rqt, oauy r o,ý0,Âdptbll 16 2 m eouîmdrs Iifou yTeInsÙ . itîo @nimfse o My six fosde.y0 us, ur-o ex. Afl AIa TeM *> MLàG MB XDI*BN b wt r. Namsn da t bM.. ho m ai siiient U I. <abhlr cdtsorlr.l non. M"yet e OM» M otère @hM - Sit pary, qiéo # me sat ammrnasa' ".iaoeranMdrm" F*5Vonnt<Cu ato f,1 erm alt ts bsot annidm luml Ts yu»mv Ol iin etof~ esan I udfi b a lossu e. UOrANMIIAN n u mrs i amè LIVRam I iamr. B uit M gtehh Tan eh i furOsme 5 îelna mngo,10dMr- Fo s llmooioîi stoma.isTh1mb iseai tu' S. N.EOKiNU. baiks.,tLIma k I. ma hetiet189, iss sa ioeeom tha sd.bllMnea=tor1lamorouel là u ot u ryo omd best Imm .4. et hei DhèUa.MIetbeot 1005 * .ewa lyp h Ileble. ee r is o oth oue àsottime, D.agney 1 mo0orthehoumitislmu$t ho TrspeasoknveruaplnW*damand s u u.a om. ipu Bue id--v FMO airme Mu baiti iswut om I h à" 1 cure fr. Agvér Liv avellu. isoy - 1» 8 e bii«y yfgggÎ_J muein IlaI <arêa8ýr W e valmshetisamlyma 'M@" lut o 'aave oerfêoé bPola iga Md amSao& e m "Brtl dP CROSS e-"oma.....oau a E.W UI l»V bonluv #aiamia mi you tonlmoit! va illimsimaile.f rJJelue inyfureTht lge entl SrgensOnt bunoMeýonyhuDr po' ctlnodsetra ,00tix «Ulm mantysoc.IAl b &Îh p.m. -pode Ami,.the Wrin.."Ma o.* p.-.@"mme. u bas*ât o*ple bl.e o vaiigvu tro~ ubebaoucs a taik as as ett2000 ou . sa D.Agev IvPila, n Mol5bu.Sa ile amaT1~n e M Truble lta. es heno.vcm llfag .< m. om nd i .. îte uls eing elor y Osad si s est e 1for utel 1Mr.c ysu monla..... sos ino.gî E irntebeei a ho Jl ut m t boigt . b vrec am@tOh"$@of lu105U oiinihoneil bush eut Mebrs eul falypoMUoet.. ..Thie.Oute ar ldmtprce, nth ten ane eot ILof o, bt ai ho d osllug 0fairMdwonealttvupce edpwli otpopeo rMWTeAfnshadMtre b ru u &d 15y im a snd otla.mi y thhae. «traction. ê p. a, . ahtpieheruwvmm e BUTaàm aie beOumsfore&ll ai lb. gela alli. 0f Sulloilp AtacleL h" Air sr P ud Ue o4baure voue i e . ih»ytrlp. e ngmli.prld laIsve bétiez capIto . oftait of lé.*te min"mo k = fmoS i.idesly b-y mqN s it isu U m & J h ba icl c 'w ' in o o s e. U d on 0 -,.do ad ft G E ut o Ba. u.,I éo aill As te or~onto laor , U 1=8 Md Elasy. St ai tma On». p.. E. 80.»me R , terg biande huak dlmb5 ui eu Min, e. Omm O Pfl yotiOseasEba e lus h .. -. -. e, r s. tc ve éieysab tgo .. seule.dwgo' oromi le lb y nsaIlait fes emd. akn a h ll hala theuuiyt raspimaita-them. iiis Vmlpmo. ss mis u bel o KuiyDesuai95hsuRseai lva.nadu ui l e hno 7 ilsubait. umJ*1 aa*"i 1. ci.A th oew r h d»# u mmda o 9 m&Mr h FORtCa BA» dýýmrIofpie Vaw, .m sue i.dusisoste in lo oty suasé o bHm aalotsofmmi hvvuexsh &»idtiivOis- .O &TEU'"r JmluTJiWki Uv1. 1t,Tou Iuui.btimismdvstsa iuvl e "ta n rsdlng ec. fI I le au los t n. .. eItou udWks0s ilmlb .m £nul"ii~y o»inl pinlb aINe!e.Eoeal ivr bahaniVi b o d ondai, Jme$uiq Met t -S4 triigb iuiEh sbo a r n ui ffl a mut£ a rea. s oridye u 6 I .8traîèrnOetis Te lgbo d ui aost rt eesatHumg àOautok boutreai eet Um sia w so as e nsof'î la.sîto à GRAND 1R NK RhILWA . T A'- tevi.i trâe 4 ists o beiventiamdtis, tisa v aon oaau mmdale . 0 f e in: o " hIe The iaLatebintum nu..1 rup eti a$m om of Nort Diilt.b Co »Wdina i- oula eMe. oubleation 0» alai o gUEae-aues.u ane silaiae 1111s10I M col ueo - i o g o humai lvatM« .baieasoiwulvaâdbi, uelbop m bor4su ho i ii ibnisél ua. - 1, -bwte- à- - ni nintaL] 19 The bo yon iiugi iseOuesulBmveut cf t lamoug tise ioMxstavsbvebilaite ex2LWib. uIt t. KýA.w. s àmp..Ut.tUlbéeE elIE.~U ~.usastm-u.saooedi~e ,or aide tout apsasostexe ume 5egm usa. andbwu For a disoS e.e etomav. c1aE4md Feor Us. » .tb t boulelut boad of,10% wheàIe wrot home .thet &oéi sud-.... . thème a no re di Pu to AsD of .Omni loodais.a en" l... ff h a m i esedobda e. vI l 8cfNthin W distsemi51.Raa r r f e «b. 6 ;]de W Bsla fu e. isd b gaive!o An tned Sb *n dre *fean Dollar FRID 0 We cal filla calied l'eis aa Where r Eu3It in Ous Would A. Plant t -BI cont. Tise Iullp' Iplain h jknd aer~ Il; open Tisi.patte AmdInla tii Its hum ,a.d cf raingent If nea? of Eut vison When But Mo Wisit Mo Adoin th Tistie bl To Uva Amd evez Tison vhl HOTS8 Tne Gre speai Skng ont., toon H Cure Wlth eales it. lhittlng t ipeoefioa prostrat tiom, au ,manine 'lumbox prosirat aa hg In thse and go Having aderti $0 Rive ID 0 w poadil, bolles, *Ver." Mms.J. gour a A% Umie silto Pr