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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1896, p. 6

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i. Notes f-eptember et 1 1 And m4kes r p Tii. catteher of 't' Irroin' tUs tuf. 4 Myrtfliae bak1 Avisionil ha1ýb The Wraen in ai 7q ing beyr, the lalu el ok * Envol. Epember moi.. s ef*der grov, WlseeaverSasis are sot ln boct. Ga ,moon oa, beauty, never go, ing bey, thb. lCueuaddle soeki -New ork JoaruL MOLIEST 0F AFFECTIONS. Or Gourm e 15. ovlBer uabami, Eut lb. Rai X.w a Baby AIl le ILafe. Jusi a word'anciat tic monarch af thse cradle--tiseautocrat of tie bause- boid-tic mlgity mite-tise trivial Cor-2 porailty-tie baaality 'and tise »ofa home-tic darllng baby. Jones bas taisen tic rubber. tires off thse- Irân wheels oi hiu baby-oarriage, sud, b.- Ing 'pressed for the reason for com- mli ila suci an IdiotIe acecalilY Ignores the tortureti nerves ai ils xixd.gibara as hée trundies Lie crcaking, rasplng, *rattliag "*cantraptiais" along. tic atone wsklk. Tise baby «ýlues tic noise.',Forsooi, if Us. baby le plea.- ed, -dacu mItnet -suflce? Whoa asng us wauld have tic audacity ta Inter- fore wlth tic, pleasule of tic baby? Tien ti.t- love, ticeisolicut af human, affections, a-lutile-leus tisa dlvine, ticý love tiat motier bas for baby! The_ * fatier lovcs hlm, ta be.sure, snd would go ta tic. extent af maklag an entire eliy vetO uniappy to minister ta il delectation andi pleasure, but . tic inother wauid sufer torture and valve bser hope of salvaiSan tisai baby mîgit be apared, anc orrov, says tic Toiedo Blade. Tic fatier, .betveca perbods of joy, pride and happînesu ln tise possession, ofis miniature human marvel, ai urnes grows furlousiy icaloua Oi ils unconsequential tyrant tisat ha. rab- bcd hlm ai thc atiLan a o iel vie, and, hic sema ta hhmai times, af bcr yery affection.- Hlm confoît andhis peace have been attacked; iscollaer buttan ha. béee ]oat; ic recîtal Of baby's cutenes, a baby'a colle palse on iSs. "Mary, you don't love me any more; Itiat cveriasting id, marnlag, noon and aigu. I h1vas 4ying, and tiat * baby 8squawkediyou voulti rua ta uin and leave me ta, perlis.- .01 auens. IsiUlt, Georgie, he's suci a-helPles utile ting, and I do love hlm no muci" "And you pretcnd to lavesa mite 1k. tiat mare tien You do me?,» "Wiy, George,, dear, I haveu't knowa YOU Bma 'veiy long. W. vere strangera once, you know, but baby-7why.. I've known baby- ail hilii.." AnuIndenu-correupondent telleofains incident vici cme isader his officlai. Inotice a ag luýtratf of Hosan, Mad-' ras. A Europeaa vas isunting black buck on e hllalde ien he obtalned s siot %vit i is'Marit-Henry carbine. Tic resuit th ticabt aug-ht hlm .a* lcéon about te. dangers of long-range bullets. -In a iley: 1150. yards away beyond. two ratierigi hi-lisud & fil, pond, a natIve was Standing with ies heati bawcd and hands clasped beiind is bsck. Tie bulici, broke tise wrlst aof tieman's handtIn latic lnveatîgatiln ihat followed thc course ai tic bullet Was traced accuraieiy. hn firng' aitih antelope, the bullet, had bit a stane on tisehIllsîde andi Zone baundlng end over cand aver tié fiirthi.- At tic next i huInother Place wherc tie buliet #truck was fouati. Here tic bullet ieabed UP a tise air elmoat perpendlcularly, and vien it camne clown la Us. rice field lt itishe mans wrlat, broke tic banc, eut a gasi mn is body, tien dtoppedto tahte grounçl a apeni bal.-Pearsan'8 Weekly. ]Preservtion of Bouquets. A faioifmsny years' experiencé gives the folowlng recipe for presrv- Sag bouqut-:. When you reccive a bouquet« uprlnkie hIt ightly vSti framis weier; tics> put lu miao a vemuei cois-, talniag saine oapsuds, wviib nourlui tic rootu andi kccp tise flavera as brîgit a. nev. Taise tic bouquet -eui ai tic uudm every .mornntsad lay It sidevea'm la fresi vaier, theselck enteringfixaietata tic vaier; keep it tiére -a mInuteý or tva, tien taise Use flowers oui. sud spzinlueSit lightly'by tic, hanti viii Pure vater. ]Replace the bouquet ln tic soaPsudeansd tic flovera vIii blgoorn.au vten firsigais- ereti. Tic saapmuds neci ta be dsang- ed. every thbrd day. Ny abeervlrtg tice ue mIa ebouquet ean b. kepi bnlgit snd beautliai for &t lhast one The Peumd« oef Henri Dunst,tie Crame invemeat sud tise International o lmaunouuccd ta be lyti siekacus-lu, is aid forelga basapital. So« donc, ve beileve, ci matds by nmorne0f l dlettes to. relieve hi vanta, ant w. are 1 Hein Rummolu, 4tise atutigait, ha.forme the. punilameof Mau Provision for tise vu aiter readeritg»suh bulu iy emtalle lu hls oid age.-Britâ msai. maOis, en of thea Id ai ot o- et 44 s : <q. a I* w4 ab W. flsortS l ineurope L"A ' td whioh là the mut éà.l> ý toi A City, aise fou'mie la tii. w«n& -oeV1 jThse Saland IleMalta aad the. t@vn Eà vaieptew- tu iaopitaL - te me dlftb t4 I low. Ui* e afl5t aumachto pu---A tbas a sbkaownt. manklndki Itak a trip toMata.Tha imîh ong raalabitI* ba u»en an 1UoresB1Unu nmber of viàl' tom , to. t, uâtil»»w St bids fair lU tecilps. the, -Riviora and' Madelra as a rumort where the. lniaid. May nd beaitis and the tourlai .njaymmflt. Prom October to ifMay the température rangés from. U to 71 Fabreuheit, wille. la ttO summer the olimate in tenperateand. periectly healthy. Mediterraneman yachting> parties lava- ly 'put ln at Malt& for a trne. lit Is. an important British milltary oea- ter and tortrens. andI t hua a tavemrfa and staff. Tisaassures. pleasani se- 3ciety- ail the . year round,. and. as thse Island -le eaeily reaoh*ed rom the large European cte, It viii be strange f.- wlth its climat. and beautifulbcnery. It dons flot tant beoome onc of the mont poPular holiday rem-arinl Europe. Be- aides' It has ane muprerne advvitage. It la lusi a littie -too far' away to bc poIlît by the. London 'ArM or* the Fi-ec or Germin ciieap tripper.* Tii. hlstory of, Malta dates frorn the perlod ai the Phoenalins, who vere i t. firei Suhabltanta and af whom xc- mains eziat. Front then untîl now IUs history han been mont varled and ra- mentie. Wlth lIts Uny sinter Island, G0:0,il ha. beianged ta Greek, Roman, Moor,, SpaaIardî Turk and iastiy ta Great BrItala. Bach dîfferent popula- Ltion has, Icit remaIna and records of Un. period. Tiare arc Greek temples, Roman villas, Gotio fortresacu. The capital, Valette., la a Perfect mine of treasure for .the arciiaeoioglst. X1.8 -bcauty, wlth the wln'e-dark ses, on one aide and tihe mountains. on the. other, aPpeis ata thc artist, and the pieasure, seeker finds It aonc af the gaycst plae.s8 ln Europe.. Representativea af evcry nation la' the. world are t. b. seen on the quay and -strecta,- and la thc harbor every power la Europe hIte~ls battleshlpu. .Under the aoft Purpie hase of thc daw1 or the Crimson of-thc settlng &un th . acene la one of. surpaaalng bcauty and Intereut. Malta le a strlklng examnple af how flatural conditions *may b. overcome by Industry and tirift. -Altisougih I15l now a. verd ant Island, nearly Its cotire face 'Was arigînallr a barren rock. Sal wa. brougiit ta ht from aill parts of th c world, ta be mirlxed wiiticth .Island atone rcduoed ta powder, tortu- na&telY the rocks arcesmît and -egair Pulverlsed Warst lau uknown there. Tuais tisat are 0onaldered. vaiuelcuu Ia more fertile countrIes are carcfully treKsured; egg- sihefls, ciaff, hc aweepings of the shipi' deCki, ragé, eorka, kitchen waste--ý-ail arc kept until a tiny Patchi of land can b. creatcd out ai the. mai14 atone. 'When that great day, arrives the peasant former breaks -with a Ptckaze the. sur'- gace of the rock to thse depth of ncarly two -fëet, levels ft tirows bock the ansaller atones and powder. tien adds the sal and refuse h. ha. go careiully ucraped togetier. Wiien the. acrap ai land la diked and waflcd ta Prevent a Odwashout", and Prote ct It from thti scorohing beatu of summner and Maeofaiw.nter, tic Pr9udeat art ai tii. peasant'. life la aCcompliahed. Great care la taken ta Pres'erVe the Wa.ter. durlng tie hot montis. immense olaterns are eut In thc sôoud rock. WIth. tic numerous S'Mal springs Utile trougis are con- nected. .Tii. sali la thus lIrrlg&ted ai pleaiure. -Spauts lcad froin wais and ýroofe and every possible projection. Net -a drop of water la wssted. The, resuit of ail these palnataklng contrivanceà,.lin onderful. Two, or tixree CrapU are riàsed during the yeart: -while the. rocky aurfatSeoaithe Island .lu qulyering viii ieet W4thln tise - t e r r a c e g a r d e n s a l a . g e a n d l u x - birdS,* the. humof thiiê mcci.and .the -pleamant murmur af runnlng watcr. O'wlng ta the. mcarclty of woad upot 1the Island, hardly a woodeni mplement or article. of furniture Mna be sen, mA*ste a . " t ti iMde 1a vintu 1 et 1b sois ew dlmigi aot Tbev muetq *Ba<eumd asiSs *oWm- koepaibream ai Trth; abetore . uglasm ber es'mptn.w oumivesmuai pligrima b. Lauigbour s*wer, and steer baldP7 Naratemh<<leItuesparu wlths ti -lamassLULOoveli TO POL DV BALLOON. Th*e Pariag snd Fauelssting Atte.pt a, Tiere arc features et novel luterest In tie latent efforita oreaci tic aartis Pale Tise explorer vis a l nov cilms- iiig attention in Prof. Antdre., and, althougi he proposez ta meke tise trip by balloon. It cannêi b. sid Usatiel plans arce any marc Impractios bIc tiss tisas. ai may of 515 predeceusor Wien lent icard irons Andree was on DanishIland, off tic northwest coasut of Spitzbergen, andi h. may' slready bc started on is aerla.l jaurney. If Dlot he ta expectedti t be under vay beiveca tie present- date andi Aug. 24. lis utartiag paint, Danisi Iland,. la locatecl vcry near tic uine af the 8th parallel andtlà hiterefare about M8 miles tram the paie.. Th.1s, af courae, la -a canslderable distance souths ai tié latitude attaiaed by tic mare suc- cesaful explorera, but Ih le, a resson. able pratsabilltY that If Antirce maises any hcadway ai ail he viii ai icast aivace ista tic reglan af tie ilgiesi known exploration. Hia direction, If wind. favar, viii be ln a stralgit I11» due norti, andi la a belloon M90miles la net a very protraîti jauraey. ]Bo vill be amply suppUieti Wl provision, cerrying la addition tee sîciges sud a ansali boat la case hie mammouis balloon eollapeeu and ic hm. t. resart ta otier means, af iravel. *Tic ativenture seerna quhte au dsrint anti iasclnatlag a. are mont ei Use polar exploration. Appareatly,Po. Andrée vili bave tise usuai perlion lot af thse pole-huntens If ie bailocu, cames ta grief, but if se succeds lois succeesabmiulti be van vith cansitier- ably icas tissu tic ordinary isrdsilps. Wlih avorIng vlnd. andi n9 misiapa. i. mlgiî float &Mram Use Pale sud on haLa BritlishNorth Amerlos., experleno- lag only a alîgit part ai thc p«119s and rigars met by tis..osa gho té&bas asdseies La Use arte o ous ehoulul b. of Stesi. The. bursting of a fly-wic.l ln a co unicard af la Engîsuti, uotvtutwà&ud lag thc bgIt-speeti engînes vi nov have runnlng. yet lu Use United States Lie fly-wheel causlies have become a tuatter ai vcekly report, asys Tise is"- don Englacer. hn Englanti ve have up ta slxty tans welgist, runnIng vîth many tiausad ofaillgi-speeti, casi- Iran fly-wieels, and very large wiece very ilgi perlphery speeti, and they anl rua .safely, andi yct la tie States tiey say :"Tie sutide a atveai of!lccal apparaLue and ti lhipectia foan People meking fly-wheis aiofcai-Iran, witi a narrow factor aof* safety, or, Indeeti, no factor ofai afeiy stail, If vc canalder tie lmpousillîiy aoftetectlng linerent airains anti Imperfections lua tuis material No anc caknov ths velu. ai materlaj moidet ilntofoaiM a e emperature af 2000 degrees ad tien cooletid owa ta a fartieti of ti.tcm- perature, nar ean he Jutige Internai structure by surface Indication&. The faci la tint cai Iran le not Îulia.bic maicrtilfor fly-vieela uaL are ta be tiriven et igi peeti, non laIt nacu- sarY ta maie tiem of ttua materiaL Ticre iflot even thse daim of ohcag nemi la their favor If tic methada ai maklng suci vicels of vrouglst Irat and steel were once woricd oui. "TvcatY Years, ago. a Scotch flrm, I viO a st t maise a large fly-vieei foi a splnning Min riveitd up a box rlmà, mnade from roileti plates, and filed hi viii cementeti masoary or Igrout.'asd tdit a very sensible ting.19 PIedovation ef Australie. Tic propomed federation af thse British colonies ici oomapy tise Islandi continent ai Auhtis ilnvalves questions af gresi ps'aotlcslIntereutIo thc resu ai Use olyhllued vorld, vaito Oven Hall Sa Auuat Lppuboott. As e- mere matter of poUiSaai apeoulailes. lad"e&tUs.future ai taisAs est t continents prmatsproblem Wflb*m 1k. the. cauky heu. *udg glt»r lstoory aofismum tgpuIaul. tise vusm tus i «is Msme, t,je.la titou 0f iMapoitin l. a4tise grusisb of ita apparent stores ai MMW51 OT ailier vealti réuidertUsai future"a moatter oc. apeolai iuportanoc ta t" resut fthe wMIt w a oouhtry iwUE* eve4 . 18mestissu Auselo, -bas is islhW tory 7M ta mas., »di vor etu tilt gons -te-#*. mokg fes ctry ' au laffle»as q1qae ma ui W bsave Lupwtmca.oebth eSuel ocm.raeLfor <$bsr ttue 4 Of ukooum e" .qbu MMem- t fie Ii4 s~i ten oýv. a i. P- J*Si te* eI* t a. ple» Ila tn" bo sfu tfietIOIR&" ami itsondsa no. aluN luro ea nomUSusare aUlprint- et t theBible ou000-orne et tise lauÀguaes ai thse uMieme auit, k.tic, Mmoaes be . itffi m«ore cieap b* native workmsm in the country t. visicitise bcogag. The Canton Bible. viebsSala Inthe, *laQUw ltangue apoken 1> mcmi of thse ChinesehI tiS vlclnlty. Sa printe4 aiithe Bible Haose. la the pont elgili 7 s i ifIs ezis- eoi ,theseoclty 4haus mu e mo05il volumes or thc MalT SerIpture., In neerly 10 lenguegosand dialecte. In' thc fai twenty4ve ysarm ofIt. ex- istence t prlnied neariy 3,000,M0 books. in thse second nearly 19000,0Msd tise totalissuseofthetii ird twenty-fIve rearm v«a.,44815. An aId gentleman lntgregtad la the wvOrk -ha. silmatea tisait tere have been Bibles enougis prlnted to supply evcrr persan in the. wori vwiii anc., In the midat of a ortarmy discussion a gentleman rose t. seule theUmatter i dispute. Wavlng his bandnm- jestically, 'ho begun: "ýGmemîcnq, ail vaut Sa common *,]xactIy,' lnterrupied another, "isai ha pemiy viat you do v. But Bir rEdwsrd Clark's rnon Ja tic, Zameson triainla mè mre ta the pur- pose. Tise Attorney-General hbaig u- ed againat SBi vdardClarks point. mu bgIng coutrary ta common mense. Bir Edward objecte& ".Tien you iinS," laid tie Lord CiotfJustic, dryly. '"that conmn Bomuemasotisgta do vith a lesal *Wo" repliem Bit Edward, vutistat qulckne.s sud féliCty vilci neVer talsimr: «'I amrn ofaiArchbiap Whateleym opinio on. iauad Usaicoin- mon enue Si su auuisority ta vwilS every one appeals on sny aubjeci lhc dae not fuily undcraiand."1-Housciold Word&. Ticeftare Y7O.OO orkmen, exclusive of englacersanad efficers, at vorkupon tise great trmm>4lben rallvay. Tise proposed leugh ar ibis graicarrier, from -Ciullablnsk ta Vladivostock. ou the. Japan ses, la 4,547 miles, ai vlicis one-third heu been oompleted. ]Purlng thc scaannofI 185,918 1-4 miles vote mut, thus, glvtng a direct rouie from St. Petersburg ta Use YenS- sel river, a distance aof8WU1miles. ,Ub te June, 188, Use amaunt empended va. 32488000. Thc englacera have beca terce tot abandon the. original plan ai building ecross sud tiraugi ticeinountinana d canyons on tic souti af Lais. Baikal. sud trains viii b. ferrtet ivcaiy miles acrostic laise by meansai transter steamners. Te Clos' Windows. Ciaoue a dull de-y, on ut ieat a Uime vica tic Mu a nltu nasisagOn tise vludov; vien th i sa suies On thc vlndav lt causes t ta b. dry mreaketi, ne matien iov mucih Itla rubbcd. Taisea paiat*r'a brush and dusiticanm tuaide anti oui, vasiag aIl the vood- work lade before taucing tiecglans& Tic latter Muai b. vailseti mply la varm vater dilutid vith &emela,]D Dot uese ap. Use a amall clti vith a polnied stick ta g-et tise dusi oui ai ticconea;vie dry viii a sat place of on. clati. Do not u»e -hUnen, Si inekeu ticglas. laty visèn dry. Pouah vihh- tiasue paper or Od newapaperu. Tii. eau be doue- la bau thse time taken viere faap la une&, sud Use resuit viii boe brigher vin- dova.-BusSuesa n. &Iwsys Bevu, Wlsm Emperor william la eut rlding or driving ho lm kcpt eonatauuy.buay bjovlng right sudlt t. is geestiug asubloct. It hap.pens frequently Uhsi ho lu accatd by Individuels visa try te gcm spectal petluiona lut. is banda. Tiscospercons an ivway aresated. as It ls isat deslred to epour a .tsbaibu- 5,, iSa migisiprove depgeoc. a e. ~ ~ i =,vPet-aaptllhsirml tie sns~ btsthsUmasror O UMperor slways handta tuteausad- tutenut vie laces t viti tisas.Usai Solasby Mail, sdno dbsihisotlaa - - mmdlo nd auf tundm *"sOft 010 otikeabe tafe te #1 ~ oami d vol miiraU bo -r m fi e lmesest»j ~~.ulft asimotteB autm.uthàithe - pituetofwiiaoecash. osastat &" utd paawy. viSaila anhffl om oltuaici Obstise a0. a fom under the r7.8 e rfflltl Ti. cark et tis Jan<.7 gilea t out la ion boxes .if r"wwvssa neelpi for' St.It la aMuSai ýtF*postai train, uinder »borat 0f .& um<et soldlsrua" mi crod t40aie buths t Beukingheàm pels a& give. a icooliftr t, and la rëo#omàbile for t viii. t remains et the palace. Tii. marne formaIfties are obueresi là tlag St buck, and ail personacu- cernel ane glad viien, t in Ouomor rcaOMMd ta thse safeOePlnq oftisbe golà pantrY., Tii. totl value of tii. plat. la tis adepartmeft là. neairly ,e,. 000. A great dea I Ch dates from the rehgu-af George I..bu.t amen tise antiqulties are soroe piecea whch worm tR fn tmthe. Armada. Tise ouutry edior in a eombinatisu Of tis. entire staff of a clty newapaper ]Riea phere ar usetune, althaugh tin 00 uyàqiltous, la <ulte te important as tisai of the greai contempmuares. lM aingle weekly paper- la la Minia- ture tise seven imues per week Of tise grettdailles. Hia constltuenoy in 'Otten the mostm mra and higii-mlad- ad to be found lu «the domain. aibis- tory-. H. reaches the home of brain and brava tiat eai ta oiliegcs and Chies thse great, welWmola.ncd men of tisa age. R. MaY fot uproot oe.ndai exPose corruption, tear dowa religioffs *and poitîical parties, exeat. empire. Or crusii dynasties, but h. reacies sud Influences thse majority of the amy boys Whoianla ser yesrs flght tise great battle.ofai fe in thc paipet, s.* the. bar ln tic hospîtai sud even be.. corne iMsmari distIngulshed ca-vork- ors. *laiJournWmm-New York Dia- Patch. shouId Have Company. "Bise kilfld barueif becuse aie could't Cook.,, uHow abeurd 11" '*Weil, mie aoulda'i help fL.sic iad ta est ber own dlshes, you know."-_ Detroft Tribune. MlUIoet-Oo Jack He.rdin lje- uis et lasi ? Minor-Yes. Wamust h. engaged to .70u a anc Urne? Millllcent-'Yeu; snd I bave r«a»= ta be tisankul thst 1 escaped marrybuf EUlor-ouhave a uood ma esoaMs ai that kiad. After thse ]Honrmoon. Maud-Hfelgha! Ia strange.boy suaM. nage changes a man! WMI used to une vtsca ve were loyera tisat my ch»»e ver. ith, colar of a rom-e. (»Mabei-ÂAd nov ? I 1lUnd-Now he maya 'leur face axai aa a béet." Tu la a viole daim tank for twro mx ta fell a znhogany iree. On acomai ai thseapura vici prajet ram nthse base ai Use trunis, a uoaffold bs ute be erectet antidi the e ut off eboe the apura, IeavlngtiQue a. atump o0 the vely boit vendIMfron cuta f«te«u 5riedsbl4a"ithi Nurse. "Hatti. sund yen do not msm -to le £frctis anY more," mal thUe shiort, ibIs Weman, . ais e pait her £amre. "Wou. -ne; vo arc net, r4pled *ç tau atut oman, supplne ber dr ba*inlubéer poekeiba.k. "You know tise nuue éaie tisougbt Mo m"ni0a came t. 1ve viiime lest 4shuter.' leWiyov lwdii tist ai baeur' sa the short,- tiSa ora. "M-ell hsuppose l. vus beenu»o the boeard mcme-y tisï1 ai ps Myr e 90 Omet more a veek ibau Hattie dldi sud tisai Ivanici on.*aitisbe> tisa 01 course, I didali7 uaua rtisait. bar, pou, knv,but se hebard m %Maybe. I 1euoused, icu, UseS 1 give CY' nurse tire.eveninga out awveci. Oirigs WiIib. girls, py« know, aMmX s àUabad ealook aiter Use isEdren oU tisaee evessing, s. v OUas meé, OR26 * "Mim.i iceie ea mam from 154 tui tauxi vMs i.ue S manaement tO.S if Ws kepi bumy ville is.A~ "TaiahiPft etied tisai by t be: tIn tdie re»la bu ha tetoi 4te 09 gslag ont,. Well, 1 vo ae u os mtu ust ai. 'u- ~a O.b, à m Mi1 u, à- esae leisys ~U gal e I~ Mt. rmed Oe acetbécé as btafter 1' jegged hWeu pSr me. t. lot&S u ati. veaute muagTel vii mc, Iedukemint'b»l Uhe ~ ~ -fto tguiqi.Sre O.kU ffbo £sisbi~#s WB. j News - eus tw*nrtto poeeitiufor n màcwuen. i«ýaew iu-j. Opium, Morpine a.,o etbm mmUo suboum. 1*la a isarmieusa ubsUtut, bt -VW"Mrl% »b*Iquu, 8..tgByriiPm, mmd Castor onj. 1* b *. 14 guawatee la tblrty yeare me b I«àm f3Db.o .'Owtsoel destroiWerrms and auajg *w M -. l .teeia preVets ,vomiting Sour CU,. ~B »lata"dAWlnd Colle. Caborla relleu tousm r$Wk.%eme. nB .D tioI a nd flatulcn07,' ~ UittIt ti food, regulates the stomafti à~ bwa% Ivtm Jsaltly ad naura mlep. Cam tefl 18tis ObIdmb Pasaca-te Xtlir'sFriend, ~oda ban .zedlstauismfor tu-i commis be bout rumdy for dhizu cf vhbhlmmmudo& tumil"&Wmicue, idehg lekIo"ami , byfIR, 1gqpbm4 1 1 01 i-imgv l owtuns~ - issu fok *O-i iub lebm~opu, Castora, 1ITecommend It as supcrior to "y PUÎ maya ta me.,, H. A. ÂflcazIIED, Ili Sa. Oxford S t., BrookynXt "Ou pbiaiclulthe childresd~ mcent hamvepoken higMy ot thêir eqe nS la Umdr out" de ractice with C9 sad' altiaugiz " only have amnteig jnediccampplimes hat la known as rý prodmtm . evo eare freato, coates, tat mlert Ci (oris bas won uz tao k Umm 1Houeras. m a ,i aiw 8C. 15i4,Pme., -~ Oma1u CM~MPU, TI Xm:éar Street, New York Cit7. -Wood' rÎIo&bodl.-77wGreal EngZisk Reîedy, 18 d tuaet OS 85jeff teaune thoumna ofcameswith aU known *QM muiai t Mvo bae dlmooverod th tue reraedy and ueaurne"- liai viii wMiu'.&prompt andi permanent cure in a&à stages ai £Ll i d*, .UAMwor Za, Nervo. Weraku, £uamn,, Neig Woea>' 2w~<Use of OPhes..Tobacco, or AkchoZic Stiiulantt,,an ci siJsum Iud8 aaSty, Oonamption aMd an oatly gwae. woed' . ~ ~~bb t Saiueefily by huadreda of camsthat aeoeed IMMM iuha..-2ss'M4 boum tUatet by tise mcMi taiteti piyuz. ~-cuu ~itweoe fvngo aiduuPafrad lnuay-.caum tbat vere ,Weci'pb@bo&koaslimasOums nbai "boau giveaup ta die., vere ir it U R& myvlembsl.f.i you neoti ot d.pair--nomnat- lt Who bu diusm «epsM hsw*hl-tze remedy lu nov Within yourl :pUmIes ao, tlpacaginsS5; by ma"lfrec of postage. ~e $.uede uoauied~ oe.pampheetDanay addreu. Yh.Woo OonpayWindsor, Ont-, Canada. AfuTu . Im«'go<.Piiaeas laasfby regpmdubbewbosesue a retaiS druggisU la UtceDoalé E S S S W S S E S S CI.EVELANDO -I and -Royal Baking Powder are SU rlghts but no better than Hligin bot.ham's Jersey Ciream Bakrý ,Po wder which is mucli cheapel and la made fresh ev eoy wedi AU We ask is for you to give it 8 tri"L j P R>ilBY <>fl"êS E*. DokIs & Sos Lumber Yard. V~% ni.DOMs.. UId, ou4IagU, MTurngo ValamiImieotW«1, 411 .. pries before you1 gumrnteed- miL?.P-lmT] ERNITI 9RJGENT cri ln] tic res Ru lori Pri fat' ci edi tie duý- ln 1 gLUNDSAYà net ae EUTlie S, etc., et; ee !Vie buy eSWC te thse andi btc bac men buti 1

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