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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1896, p. 8

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of science Whes madle in lreqiietiles and by im- pronng ethode9, aa .lnuI. mjon mus be mare ger,,Fi tan when made in the old- time way with mortar anid gestle :a few ounces at a tm.This is why Scott'. Emulsion- of cod-liver ail *v er separates, keepa. éeet for years, -and 'why *very spoonful is equal to every other sponful. An, ,.ven pro tr4jughou la etQ do=.MCet ot.e afflht 0-4o.,4>.om4 .a.a@ly r ut ohu.k> The Paetot Tooth Powda. NERVI mwzoe~ ~ow- HIuaRBOTHAM For a numberof years 1 was, gréatly troubled, witha skin discase. 1 went to Blot Springs, Ark.; and I actually believe 1 consulted over fifty doctors at different trncs without getting any relief. I took oas bottie of your Kootenay Cursead iLas cured me. Previoustouusingi l vas'unable te shave. It is no doubt a wonderful. medicine. I recoznmen.d It Most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMANF Ma King St. F.. Hamilton, Ont. Sewer an. .Culvert Pipes Connections. 1THE ONTAHRIO S[1ER PIPE CD.e 001AD Al T.. P~TYA1MmMeo~TOR'ONTa 4Mnlsdber, btlt"4ythe la val bw lit. uni bapiu. avaisjt W,.u MW8" m l . Omamàsia"i Wbi r«musm. esa-*ae s muo mm fbuarm la Aetua l VaumProbe Uth J atmoms a 'liaitWs* t in oomfflby thooetisoreuukl conveat wilis tb. subject, 8&73 Am- telnette V. H. Wskemen la thse Ci- SoO v'iuig I*rPý tisaI liseChicago Nigs sd' Manuel Training uceol 18- spe of tise boat equippedad zmeut ably imanaged isttutiona of Ils binG tu 1151 co»assr7. It wee opened la thse Me of 8W. usiderlthe amagemnet Prlt t .. a Robinson. a Nerthwenteru lUelverSlty Ëin, vseho h"for nmrn ye&n baensvromnenuly conucteul vils lthe Chcago publie scsee,- and vWhe la Bull iprincipale o tha- tiuttiols. ,Mue comot e4xslb1hulng tise plant Mud opeasng thesahool vas meneisng more lbe» $7,0, &»d vould have been mUchOtý but for tise tact tisaI prop- erty alrMWW OWned by tise Board of vaucoIon uWem -monoe mrel, whieui neludu an old ucholbuilding. vas ullMsd. 'Tise pleut atone euat *1,000.Tise appropriation for tise cont- lucIetht. ao choel la from $40.000 te IN TRIE WOOD TURNING 8HOP. 350,000 per annuni, although the actuel outlay -at, premett a conslderably les. For ,I natance, leat year thse total ameunt expended was $38,000. 0f this *30,000 vas for Instruction. Bots tools and -materlalsa are furntshed by thse Board, cf Education. Iu eacis department- connected witb tise manuai tralning scheol specilists are employed who have a practîcat s 'Weil as theorettcal knowledge et wbat- evur'they teacis. Althougi tise atm of tise aciool lisa-net to fit pupils for spe- ellvork ln any Une, but toe n train a boy tisat ho la able te thinlc co-ordln- Stely, conetructIvely and Independesitiy suidtisaI hie body may become the eady servant et hi.' will; lu each de- pairtment he gaina tiese me accurate ,and 'practicai knowledge, as far as ho gOeEa ttiIho wouldln tise sisop. *Thse course et study ln tlis scisool lu thesMmre as lu otiser higi scshools oft tise city :with this difference-the ian- piages wlth tise exception of French,. are orinittcd. That studenuts may be ]Prepared te enter tecbnlcal scisools the course Includes two years ef Frenchs. Tise examInation for enterlng tie Seheïol le tise marne as for other ctty ýIsgis sciseola -and tise average age ef emterlng puptîs ta 15 yoars. As lias been Sald, tisere là nothing eliminated from the regular higi scshool course except- Ing, German and Latin ln' the cur- -ticuum ofethtie Cicago English Mlgh sud Manual Trainig scisool, and thse inaUîü itraintig, whlcis làabllgatory,, lasceyet a boy cenipletes9 a course isere lu three years, wile lt takýeshm tour years te finish tise or dinary highs 9ciseel course. Tis- student on enterlng thîs scisool begîns tise manual training course wxth 'Wood work, and là eccupied durtn.g thse 'liraI year Wlth its different brancheg. Us begins witis woed-turulng, to whlch ton 'weoks are devoted. Tise next werk ta8 JoIherly, vhicis occupiez hlm tise saine lenglis et lime, . ad then he has cabjnet and pattern rnaktng. Tise sec- o0nd year làs devoted te foundry werk sud the blacismitis shor, and tise third yýear teo rdlnarymachine shop work. A t-eature et this achool islcis lends an allurlng interest te tise students i tisaIln, eacis.of thse manual training depertinents- cornpieted work, wlth thse exception of sucis as is keýpt in tise »cheol te exempltty wisat la being donc, A la tise proporty ofthtie pupil wvho lias ÏüaGe Il. In tise woed worklng depart- ment ail- sorts of -pretty and useful tblngs -are made, and It is Pleaant te Mee Wllb visaIentisustasm bôys, vwho M aot net aPPoued le be Interested lu s.o15 matters, vwiii work, overa satin- llnuéd glove. or handierchiet box lntend- ed for, a gifî Tise fancy lining ho must ,ý.PreVIde hinisolf; everytising cIao is fur- ntmised by lise Board et Education, and 15e oftems adda sachet powder, and wisen At la finlshed notlsIng couid be daintier orn i Atm way, more attractive. AJ»Onig things made An'thIs depart- ment are roling pins, closely compan- .1enied by gavels enough to cal the r n'iole venld te order; Indian clubs for Ïtbletto exorcise; gracefuil utIle tes, tables; Jardinieres tands; amni a for reterence be ..-isad lthe pateçrns ussI_ýfor tI l -c ngs thlie toundry verk. WAt ce*ton tise vans la b>e&t.itlly .* rfectly vreught, as itla taheld iby ipromoters tisaI the atm et th., seh "h la te enabie tise pupi te er*i d vith perftect ease hm we-i 'WIi.l ultIeâ, cautot -b. attsined if les should be re- qutred. "In te bl !W ud lthe -fôunm- * au r t Ry varionssorts Wpracticsý - ré n% but mucis that inam I ' wa yofr wught - St4BL Arai- eful tbsiuge aGde. bt Chose hg -the yrea tisat 't"am Jt a Iment are beau- tÇaflos~ &Morts, ne dfft- -- - - -~- c.st M~ - - wàmtràt dmteu& e o heur0, woex e hdevoeAite tht. acrt et draviit, ad enouili of i@"»trtti MUostruola I tren 10 Inciteo accuralie tb*àklag. It 7 b. Mâdi la PWlng uai osuablu. mmd sarts ln met a wray as tii totoorigielt, arttle do- ligflL Onè eur a week tbreugh the whole coursla devoteilte free ha"ul mw- tau. The connection betwe.a the manuel training aud this department la net qulte au evident aa in thse me- chanioal drawlng. but when l la leku Ato account that It tec the.bey te mu. correctly, and expneuswbat ho u-es truthfrfly, IUn Value ta plN.»or thon tlisa, It maisessmible te lh. stu- dent thse orlginallty or design which 15 often in Gumand in tihe abol>. -Ilok- Ing over the work doue in lisa.depart- ment It la evident tisat tise tudents hava flot only lemruud tous. correctly and expres tiemuMev truthtully, but to combn. and separute iu sucis a waY as te torm original, artistie désigns. Thse uquipniento ethIis achool bas be» renerous tlwougliout. and the bloegi- *9and sdchemical ia.boratorAeà are no exception. lInlise former departmnent orne ef lhe drawinge wlth which tise wrttlen exerclses are lllustrmted are net only modela- ef accuracy, but'are pic- tqrlally moat excellent. In gelng threugh tht. soiool one la impressed wlth tise spontaneous ener- gy wlth visicis everything las dons. There la nowisere tise sltghtest evldOflce of perfunctery work. Over 400 students are ln attendance and there ta not a duil, unlnterested face to be een amnong themn. They are ln every way an eapecially fine-looklng set of boys. In wbatever department you aee thenz tisey evidence the tru.th of the amser- tion tisat 'work la a meaiis ot happi- ness and change et work a meas of rest," for nowhere, as there arly wearl- ness.evtdenced. a.nd a congregation of humnans who are, If one may Judge trom appeararices, more unconsclously bappy It would be bard to ftnd. Most of thse boy. here have a distinct atm ln' llfe. Many et them are preparlng to enter technlca.! achoels or te taes tecis- nteal collets courses; ethers on lee.ving tise achool engage ln occupationa tesr which the akili they have acquired lnl the schoel especially fits them. .Dusrlng the three years thse Chicago EDngILlsh Hîgis and Manuai Trailning. school bas beengraduatlng atudents It has gained high recognition fromn lead- lng collegea that have entered lis atu- dents. Wtthout soictatton on the part of the Board of Êducation or thse tac-, ulty oftttese chool, thse College ef En- gineering efthtie University ot Illinois has notifled the principal. that credits given students wtlI be accepted 'for ad- vanced standing ln the univeralty lni ýarcbttcture, mechanical engineering and mathematics. Thse University et Michigan aise accepts credits given la thi. chool fer advanced standing. 1 THE RIGHT KIND. %Wdldo P. ]Brwn ives Hlm Exrperili«e With Chicken Coops and flousemî. Afler over fifty years' expérience ln ralsing- ciickens, 1 have thila year made a lot ot coops that give better salIs- ; action tisan any I have ever acen, and 1 weuid aivise every famer te make B orne tis ilnter. I beiteve that it lu not exaggeratlng te say that millions et chsicksens are lest eacis. year on -se-, cousitoethtie ktnd et cocps tisey are kept I. Tisey are eaten up by rats, drowned by rains, or poison cd by sic- cumulated fllth. On nîoi,ýt farms thse cisieken coopa are temrparary afYsîra, miade frein oh barrels or boxes, or imply a eew staises drIven ttown and tise brn crowded Int a sparî? tntite]y tee amati for ber. I bought ent, patent, coop for $2. unid found tisat 1 iaSit pald luat 1.99 more tisanI t vas wortis. Lately I have stuiied tiese ubject aud maie a -tew coops .sad tested thein Ihis year, aud while I do flot tisink they cannaI be lrnproved, I have feund Iisernbtter tisan any I bave ever seens. lu studyitgtiese ubjeet,i enctuded that tbe emetials c!f a geed coop veto econorny, portablllty, tisorougis Protection frein boths torins and damnp- neas, aise trous ail enemipts, a*id dura- bllty, for tise coops heuld b. made 80 Ihat tisey willI lant len years or more. Tise*coop tisaI I have cisosen la maie Iire tut square, witis a ilier raiae.l six Incises, tram the ground aI tise front anô elgisî ncisast tise rear, tise ebJ.et eft tiIs sbope beiug te pre- vent wateît ram runntng te tise back part In -came ot a drlvlmsg stori, n, d tise object In ralstug tise floor ta te givo lmrnunity tram dampuess, and! yet leave ne plise for rata or olisar ver- min le ide under the"I1cr, sud 10 niaie tise, ber laut mueS longer tissu Il voulu! If restIug ou tise greuad., To maesthie coep lgisI, vsune sta at tise corners tvo Incises square, cover il vIts haif-Ineis lumber, sud mais. the roof et siseet-Iron. Fer ventilation,. vs out a wmall wlndow, aay 8 by 12 luches, at eacis aide, sud cever Il vils vire netting on tise nalde; but have a oaal alide-door ou tise outuldu, toeclous la cold or aterusy veatiser. At the front ve mais. a do6r au vidu as tise coep, excepting a tbree-inh smlpaIet eis aide, sud 1h1 dom a sa ltgist trame, eevered vils vire .nstting se cloue tisaI tise sinallest cilken canuot gels 'threugi Il. sud huusg vIls luges » tisat ftmm esu .suug open vise» ve vlis te let lise heu or brdoeut. Wben the coop peeda cieaning, ve open, the docr, sud vIls a heu sd brocu can smon remove aIl acumulations., Wbeu the coop la liuimed, w. apIse a trlp tle uais aide, whtch pioefta bots front and s'est about 19 tuches, t10 b. nsed a ndfies te move il, Sud lvii me»n nwalk rlght aiong with oco tthn. Tise. tnpo uaud as baaIéâý aboutd e-i bu 1 ahptâlchen, c f lt Ibut tron W*oed, Lii tise cornmers h&MiM b. rotacisu *bfrr'théy, Dojet. A.-M t'o buldbe made Inbtrt the, eoop, -thse 0" e bd m"*_ foovbie et t M ma& et f se- 24 *t«'eQu or tw 0 1 ~btte la an W- $tairv roatutIn "y b7otbcf place. 1 bavsWe a isog-eu» 8 by 12 test, *1115 a 5154001 'tory beIev, and t« 0vwAl .yuim I bave -u04 thse up ,,'t o yOUDW ellicisem 1 iput tour bes asse0 wIth 1n Chîckent «Ch sla t, ad uso benfll h«,peber mU*orner te brod tisu Iz4lan sd fi>b&"sneyer *hsd a .,itckuu killec b? tise hens. Wu keeap a uisailow box et *tue gravel, ansd one of eshes and duat for tlseïrl bath, andl tise chieakeep iselthy and outgrew ,any that i bave ever kept on, the ground. 1This 1masy I hatcheulan lnoubm4or lot,ad a few heus sAt the sanie lime, and I put 90 in thi, loft, and tise reet lanCMI», andl thoes la tise -loft ml Ilveul and grew me tha t hwes jiard te cenvince a strager tisaIthey were etf thse »M &eMa&S'the Oouain coopu. I took tàem dowvus t four'weeks, cI, vwhlch vas toc meon, for'eue or tvo ot thse hema vet te laytng, and l ltI oeene 'lth go, aud then caeeup e drlvlug, cold rain, and tisey. plled Up aud Mmobered Wo. This la one tlshg te be su&rded egeinfit with hce but tlsey % SU never de Il if kept JrY aud warm, arnd bore la eue peint lu wbich. ducksa are superler te chickens, s tisey neyer pile Up me as temO 10trr Wlth uch ceeus au 1Iillustrats, sud 26 chickenu euly la. a coep, tisere would ho little danger et 108s, for rata. vinet go through thse lBno w1e, as thOy are tee caiullous. I greatly prefer these coopu for ducks tOasny 1 have ever tried, but up-stslrBM romS for chickens are the best, and by makiug them rat- proot tise barn loftIs eau b. utiteulfor early chi kens, au they are umuallY enîpty untl June.-Waldo P. Brown, in Country Gentlemnan-. Duflerlna an Aretie E±Plorer. Âmenng the arctie explorerasml Lord Duffes lu, wbo more than fItty years age vas tI the northern seas In.tise! yacht Foarn. At ReykJavtk. tthe capi- tal et Iceland, ho made thse acquaint. ance of Prince Napoleei, vise wau aise yachting off tise coast et Icelausd. Lord Dufferlu pushed up te thse dangereus mas off the tsand et Spttzbergen. 1%Tise 111e duty abtrked or th ise 1111 diserepancy covered up may lecd te disastrous resulta In a clerk'silite, just ag sortie Limnes dees a hldden flaw Iu a piece ot machlnery. simple Enongis. '«How ta It tisaI Twttter can gel bis teet-h extracted for nothlig ?" "Oh, he bas a pull with a dentIat.'"_ .H-£ MA8TER TOUCH. th l MI 111air thé lmuse lieu unisuard: Uthe hmarbis beauty bides ummec; tuaIs Jemunie and lth. beeut7 need4 Tise Manter toucb, lihe 'sculpterchse .0reajk4ster, toucis us vitis thy alliai Lot moltb musSe Iat lla usMGlu! Got Seulpter, 1ew mnd polaet un; orte1 lddsn ndlest, Tby fortus ithin ue Ile Spare net lhese troke. Do vitis us as Tiss vilti let lr Ibmb.nauislunianhed, brokea. COmplet. lhy purpose, Ibal veu boa corne perec ~ i 1-Igo- Tisesoui GWi m" No M* mdy -mUeamoe OOUI*MiSE Dhobo% »yfatet7. "t, ampeemptly Mmd galb epaix m qUlsy7me Dr6 !owloeu'a imo 69 Vild Bmwbny. It h.a poibt doste m'MW Mdu taàtavsui .o. 41.2. 6Î4-Ïnityo Wm fOsm.pDlw lIsfmoimuet&s-Dr lsWloe'u EIk t Viw Owbyb a popt mdme - - wMIe dbe@U Ials .b. b. betulaOsb.homs-61. Leters Corne. by .day teiling us that "hi person has 0 been cured of dys- pepsia, that person another o ed ache, stili another- of Biliouaness, and yet others of various complaints cf the Stomach, Liver, BoweIs or Blood, ail throu gh the intelligent use of Burdock ]lood Bitters. It is the voiSaof the people recog-i nizing at th at Burdock Blood Bitters cures a l dseases cf the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Coibora. Street, Brastford, Ont.,. guyus sDuring Mye" Ym" prmierla486-a'7wife vasui",en t".he» VA*,wl VIO&Mi beadebb.m lIer bseWd4 wswmo bat-it ft 1k ,*Ih 4, bwa *«14- ffli~m kéb ble t eh*"acoWId ly do.pybiz sh o"i om m Muat~n 1bgh si obsth~* eSb SckWflod ju km FOR arn BoYE --,oung Oanada BegliLs another Six--MonthB' Schoc Tough olothes for boys to mwa t<o uoJooI i'bsNa'11asd Witer.1 That's. the burden of sog Strong eothes to stand te WtuMd tearlof play; r«ugh but healthy. Strong oloth, bsa the work of out of doors hsu inl od weather.. W. have juit such things for th jouxigotes, sMd beoide.bi oa f w'ear the, are nouit and shapely. Did the laut suit of clotibes you boucm, fu your boy.from nus*Wear asi well as it Ough< have worn, . sderlngth piob pad PIt it did vos, should. go :to the, same dtore for E next sait. You get Jour money's worth . desorve our patronage, We'll dobette1 ý you and by the boy thonauy othae lothr, FriveOase.os of Boys' New Suit. \--41 me to us.t heJp you Thomaru ouly the advmnS peurd et eutVAlU stock, for thse boys. The are TWO sud =ma5 piece Suie, auI vill fit boy, ail tise vay frorn 3 top yeuro. W. -oeil t". bhuat fevrything te houep in the heat and keep out th oeld froin boy&s. W. vers boys ouruelves once,-it seema an a wful long tirfe r Wevelail <oacIqueities of boy,' clothing. .Weve-probaby-m0~ ore clO i»in. On ur store tha ni the other âtores put together. We've a weakane for iupplyusg uth. boys. ,6.1yens'.if thsiiss't se? Bone. l"deamy give yen et the. value nd inducement we purpose gçtj- te, buyors, when Wes amy that A$2*00 BILL will bu! a. beautifal, heavy, al vool, neetly made, well trimmed, and bu;:-. Auburn Milla Tweed Suit. 0f courue ve've cheaper suite,: and au loy as 95c. per suit. Better Suî up te $3.00 and! $4.00, but $200 SBUIT 18 slA OORKEIL. Just the tbing fer a boy's scisool Suit, and asgod as ever sold for.,3. .30. Mothers should see .these Suits. vau* Yuknlow youar bo,'s' wrecking prolpensities, You knoi clothes- We're fu of economical-suggestions. No matiter. what your poney ie, vî to make it go as far es it cau. Corne! The verdict je nearly a1w ays in our favor. It imn't often that the. osieful buyjer decides against us. "TOUGH OLOTHES FOR THE BOYS"9 THAT'8 OUR MOTTO. GOUGEm im ot c oair se'i C is und( i 'W in la now in ail Our stec STA BI 1 wi. i "Y -]ROTHE RSi The Wonderm ful Ceap clothiers, LINDSAYO guru ~empiuzs. Tour PooketBo*k osMot reuie the Toupl.r v v!e wM cgyou dmbhg 6b S bsaof " iimonts, ad mpoosily 184 tar bue. Bargabin ipuat war Darga la Weddhig P»ent ySn . u lis> uhlir yebuy or~ noe Bo.*bgspo-AILrmglb PETERBORO.ý PORT HO§ Wanted-An.idea '-' vrai.ft Y BUPORE -IHE Pl STILI. INCRLEASI: Steamer ALICE-ETIIEL, -~~~~~ «htsaewlbPaa o m& oau t. ~ M Uodumi &M mmd buroo.am en" . WU" elim b.bhivau 1 -. JoWDmy.. Oflh 'SEkTswImg s £ Oray's Syrup of ! For COUG RS, COLT AFFECTIONS. 25 Ct PE. Town 1 have] ~wo vexy rBLIC AND E FA Y«lïa] Red b&ItOà Gum tus btUer, rq everywhere. KERMY WATSON & Co., PAopRI"0T THE, ]Port huater We handie the Columbia, Hyslop,' Gendron, Bran tford, Cornet, w"ic accouat for eur large Sa!0 1Aloo a number of secondbaD wbels. WWe teach you te ride at Mi n t Roistreet: 1w -q

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