-on The 64Kejmey" o at Wa'nAie ,sS ' Aiy ordi ari He Air Furnace wil Ptoduce beatif yOimwil only auply enouigb(l1. The. KeIftse b as ra pcilad valuible features bt flogImortat l abt hel rivse M t w ls fe sdS 1b mest duraMb«t oer mmdc. et sevmral M-_et, -tubai. Of!w- ~ Ie irn section s (ee eut) Ïuonnd whihtef pactse and up through whch the. cold airpase while bcigb eated, sud this entire section being wapewlt bavy teticaslng whh becom=eawhett by the, lre tfilin à wbeu tInt pansf up between thiis cielcudugcadit tlec galaeîe Iancaslug, this xplaimwhy the *,KIàeyb.buc tîréé times. mOre tahating surface and warm air capacty than san ordi. nary Futrnace. The 4 Kelay elheats every ron.eIWhettsoevet locsted. witbu iike. ,W i ar "irtat ill Dot lejurt: yonr fî,ndturC The. KeISCY "--!Il hast rOoma 6nfcct "he" lelsey 11does not beat Trce:>Ir. The 64Kelsey l' la sblutelyp md du.t Send fordescriptive cataloguC. TUIE JAMES SMART N'G. o ,Gg BR CVILLE, Ont. 7«i Ba by *W. G. WOODB, Inie"Y. WED>.OOTOBER 2,1Rlm. Ouu ou o s.-The, Bea ie HMl e! bo om inal euplet lad mosud&? li muron hem, lbe Vudu fourntel*06898b Ximt»4ml*6 .15th v»M,-whiV" lilmo bg sou ifpgeienby Ibose ulbai lie Cvihpg ôt ibemalmg hho......... TO sop". oft ia m evW hurol lu a eivffovi" vus expooeh t ila&@ pu"on the lll amd lathOfet 4uibsrlu iiPOslPusd tf m mols-a rn-I i%0 jet Ihepala net dry...... Tli. PselûO lu bo beliïÎtieelSuIvSl- y o the20h endllsit f t.T»s MenDe Wovesdelh'ored cmnBmday Md a cma wu srvaon- ou ndait wVh twm.d eut imnalallY a 0 1>*1eS Poro ame !8 thél Sd. 04 tb 46 b.i. lun irea"'mibey sme umaIgoe t ommt lemua te y are l1 » tbm la *0.1119L CO oru ouSmaov-Tb. e leS osi mon 'viulior, bilat. ouus, ul pa.sblh staSmm Maeo" i kv oyefg banibherpou$ Mmd Me.1 vio bas gien bis ooukml Aoue »I Ouen" o tét o ii utaeofthéic L boa50 bou thé emoue biais, le seutbm mê&liel.a umer of Epotta ticudas mul .a vsY P* "$Bmleu os Tîcaiy, ad on Wlu mte imbd, sxprei clatte beuth viii roinu vin sommer cma Biev' Dai,,-Baal -. OsI. Se sovwdal. Tih"l ilibe opo Wndoy enuimng, bbtBmunyii gmltbsnlg hem ho cou' y. Itlab hepsi liai be member ill bIota libéral quanlity f et t hey bav mmi.a oos poil ad. Pige and aieuli maie a lab ie ex hil eu »Ôoe and w*getaall u duhle. eveipome ubouli exhibîie 1ie MS rogardl of et pIes.Tic semn bisa dry oMd if obly lieue vit extra larg o uf exhbi$ lie #W nt he nui. Dont ble afrai et th. hall. Th ics, prime Ibu mailusly rsvisiMd beougbi Up th amui %beysp iipbably ma"e anmmt alIreSItsdioplai. BAfràv nr.-n. 1porteroetA' N.Y , lu a glenaU nvie bas 10. sonse maieso e veuid al <vri, piep*sd te omt hiBy boaygeoo. Ing a ormaidual et business valu. atma ooe tehougiltaovold ve lut eesi. Re bai moi been zr os lieots " W-aid viu sbe. foer una R.0 eai Il for iLur 4d,1 ad a luinsi tr ote shaebor ot f ugs, ho vu ro"oveie .drmiul *f ah emo. Pacuteradliéut,e lie tay foyer, am n. xPerler proposes log bers tOi b. orna kate home.. DMaxi -Amer-ofthle acr i » Vcrl M aes v"pon Tbuuelai ing. Mr.. AmMu vF"aly bad bm ratier tsle ocmdidSlor tomem* llm,tiemiihovuas ewde"4s Ho «muste Vruisu tory.tveyYmer ai about -tbreu pée s lae, atu dcai OU bis vit e o nibitlm Msme laie lie vIia"-etiodle, m imuecf vili su oooal lroma B lai. mibe, sud -a obal &bout ooN ever a lgar. - sis age vus iDo M huovu by hbmuei, but filte V veisiami uivod àa dwferolmg pesta.e wu vacon te à Juses *0 tmm. vos mm fue lI M- mut of c -S i -sd *r »0i hmai of pIkIyOme lis iUS bxa. m. th ab op m b esàiW oit wntile voftesthéei-ibar «*th . ea tu, erSL brnelm lbos cýime. au »M ooheausi àtwm mi Mr te flt u tmàns.,- bu J. mm# sbu" ,sag né m iopta. ywbaf kaI me mgats 4 m. lieaI L.suvlb commmuem ohembspTm te off CiMr a moi ethmleu, oaNl.plie6 ttpisd. hi0mm i lBonbon oovoMai 0vhb me al tme. Rel UT .6veam tiff uMd om - F broa 5mimile um loui« la mpkmdisseisues utlulig seug agat.w Thé blgin&l vem Ml o ae mi y.. vii e e ofth CIsm'lk os6.roat i vii Kmiem the oe ims MAmUnpotermni asIfle- tu elim s ai.luWo lsa 1878lirege mtoma i bal mier la uivu im titon "baum ipuai i romi m to tmmalrm d i Osi limmue.:,aievu vuma. i pab 4Jse, 1. ite- e-i(s uotrimeama ismt vu sIle etof in au alu i. -etck o meSreéabieim oslqmumltwet maila "liéessoée tru e. 1890ate laodu laue expihet onbq iuele. Whea 3i ot ifa omis. tacvuend.mon mi I 188 asu ota M" l fr pr2eis tio vu§ a dl Teb oQatum m aoau loies ngagelt let akiu dst rods. Ce mtr aoe. ieweboealiomgi ba sm iex la ti. vtéloai tlami18990 l umtime vepr. ieffal *e urI putryof 1 cent i 0 000a pmacd >maiéon uolaidmaiun tesi mthe iim M Vnt te3 -sistwmnd.toie oben mut. tais mmke u a@, xauble ft r" v»us. lah1890tc qurllt. etp psae ut0lm9 to u 26.421.00 ruade withtoqliso qumudlttpouai Tie imtt ite * oabeaueel*m ine 1. ,220.0 ouibav le spo8ba"uaa oI,9 d«lmviTiM âe mpot kml est fum mf le mmmdxli et lé Iginl 8ut illeM " la expoit roi I. aulsuu e is 1m aunila lSe hoem ab1t1 vu ahi. o.é amua Pet lieferigumbol.Te utti tadic ul I MEM lb. od ePoali.T themwty bu bern .ftmeve mut iaI Es lU matofth mles e hout Malybs o. b Out 1 ééi m eu. tric eurniy u gmiàwmiddpmaty don* via tins ek&dthaprchieInpmait. kis té %pk n u iai&HfeaupIbouie Arn irutrp. Mdvcàuleamoewpelotlon lisuài lso bime tlo kater te te en Ib-tm *h m wtont i en os emi roas lie noma et is c.mip oros. mmviiOms e Ih oSTls FtINisî Melk Travel Mlles for Roalli mmiWai&i mai A i qDlapptd-De. Agamvw's Get Ors. Brine. Helli sud îap Il ai Yout Fst-Burs, certain a Permaueal-Ali Boalthla UsWolti. ws Tic Ruat-Dr. Agac'i Cuton tce ré Humt la a ponl e medy. Inmthon- il sands of sue«r vieuaureomaidsuddma ag ismih sssmed imnu lis vemienful m oursilv neshave bisadaemslratod, a, madin mmeut mule nus reloIe basoomo in liuiy mte.Smo "I ais s gasomed gimuupenset ifari ileorder me ire ituesiof bresti, suoliormo splI. r ltation ma-paiu lu lie ltS aide. Mra. .L.RiHMr et-Whevoed. N.W.T., r- vns.: 941bel liai Dr. Ameve Cure Stor thesEmart bussandimplite. 1Ivms re affeolsd vlichart troble laa very adute ros . 1ea. Iould moil upi md oould moi a. lis dovrn for foair et smfooslloa. I liii o. maupiof the but phys#idan i vilut relief, ri uniR omneofthitm opmmmudod Dr. m Agmv Que. fer tl Isesut.1 pioursi ai a botile.Oneidomegai oW.fand a fs r-botlies cm ota,!yourad me." of vili lavuiul"iiiupel i imioae a te momluEs. A simpble 14là thé bead à nqWolsi iii IduesIl. i la bsilmaisi s, subje80 te1ra"etthgos m uobasthet ste l is vbore li te imIhbim .etfDr. i £mwveOoaubalPovior bm Mteffeel- 04o a perrésisure.Thic lev. muffo mi ont., Who bu a ommtssrilrsaloaa ly a ivka wiooIer.v a m umt"rtIo ,y eae eslairbal afeotis.. ri. 0es m lMsly ba bouum teilekmile. i la Mia i ba w"u m âw. h a0.dama, tm Ut..le$*lu IM ao, f» F Ha mie. *mhlauth ose. O -m UMe lm, sl ob.Omaqs.bt *E.imIypIeasm ît.Dlmasà mdDet Mys& 641 hogI1.smhlUIOD .v en" mmosu.1 m mtaol am mapoho viiti lis ccuiim Pear Thde yflmMdm a unov of mo gss.mmvu théb e.."d yte WY th ombaer o agmosaI. bau Psaa: si wurfatlaosi Dpoz mie sProdivi aushulib. oin p lumof ho. mi noigtePo the. B. 3.Rao;éemd a, oneoreaio alionrace 'ad Dysa antereafplo*W duoe. uIooofs. e d1102raes mmd makg@eu leoIn thegrain a etoe .." daouiéreVer iona siete tltvaing TB. W f o -Ph ml a ir et ...e0.18t T. elau apullack ............ Bou A#skmoonieau te gy.i i e p ti ool, mio oo lu»lis mumbor tu, is.t lu oas^va mo»l vwy intm thebu sqmie a bétpre ths e rvâ the lém dtma wu xpti urntiesbsim w u At Abeden a grdon te gmoomday paufome vlodu ou e havoMr.ooimit lu iii rtgmaach dM rReday ongto lii. y»lid Tb*m bs;moom dyen ia obde miilnra se a mtirminthénos;rivai ofathe ouslnlu et lb. simlors emm od Bave thei ml. la Msdeenthraseoflie a dayin li he voi .sW levatbmlollovlu tbe ookols ma et iMe. Mrcs e: bo Wt. FAunn's-Bber Teok.....boat o T.d Evaby Rapv ac w». isatrée f tIs ey, a21<» D à d beO fersi reriI f ilare o v lia qImeo ezsalothuring elee mbUoowsA î.mi e ot oerteoaimmracLad offite ldesttose er.po.mtosed orle T.s 0.me elmg isai FortMn. Slo P. slunae ois.The ohoo.........:2dm W.eB. i.mioplalfou., ou ie aima etie ...... 2.46j;viiter4(4; g2.49: ipsnA&lmgli 'e Lest 6tor ......"uid. Wt. AirEv'Simoià'n BanTic..rit..... 5et ]P. stlani,.omTe-. ale ..rase Teime ......ls.day; 2.64; 2.46;i8i09; 2.4 iApet f.80onhmlu tNos. 24en6oy.Ti incp et u ins rima roed auolohe gouy oe baS e the s alion andmm an of, licut ta icaîs b.mrl ovod tirs T.MaorWilliam. Beys oluu»»@ fla W. H. bpeonce&Sondga......ade yu" voMINuERAM. Jilohn Aleu'sLimo Bslit.li W. RBimpn'. Ban trde.. 2. PJoAdua-Litle DHer . Th ic lonaro. "«Usele Sai4."mse pOW 10 lie Unuti l8omg'eru--,lale as »hmv erigimtul 1 61ev.; Sema Wl..., eeml*v eMiLmi -Uo1s u vu aove.& mm* t Impeooai b est md mik Tm, Sov Y4elabou sz "tl11.Ae mhals le Anadssepudmsiàciea no4lyet ev'h Mie uilai. udmU stir, Iwo allplaltiaMd v4s8.08, homu, eMdb *wua" i m. etM asilu, UdJiiiii ~bsu."l 6. ewoumrt w .1< ti6eemcdmanyoir miiguomplaints yiel4 to the happy ilfiuen or DURDOCK BLOO BITITERS. lau sot S iiisee UiMd. m u& esJ.B. Torremoe Drovusi la WperroW 16m. séuome nKIIvltpy, dam ihevitlatq Kiffotby lu'a a "Sec "Meste éMia 114. "».mhm'san sBpmrv lie. Abum suls i aorm, . oeilvmm Baevera B , Ont.@ ept. 52.-Tic bodyof et u? 'mamaus, tse vueofet v. Mu. Terreau mepsbYwdsia mombei t S mraevlb, vus fourniai 9 8e'oloiei la tu . a . Tro e use a i vlt Ioni U t. .98 llas ioss prdap et 1130 &Lu., jea m omus, te viols Mat. M. 0. Oilàb*bmu Thceme goo te luet fla émil, vl vasme dorabi lheaslse09t ls"asodîmi. on huay ei omlnaout6,010eossorneO mottcosia usaebose. op orde. m»i Ou osainion il vus ien si aiim te pro- pouiy et Ur Totrnosé.0 Bôurdap tic body o et-i.Tou96BOO Vasuadiabout boai mals tr o viil 5te liougilticu ooient oosurrod, Mdi ithe mieoea.0 tinsi U p _Se12 o'olak lut algbl, tl e gosunsi lits momalmu mai eontincoi un- Mi lins. toroci a ha"l.Irvas di- ed go contico te . saraMond90au"no g, visa M. WtlIam Bapd i et Lvosb lo e s. biomu ords, lai omsliiags memnsi te uego hlm -80te iY agm - R. pmum i awis Md, amempwulsdbp B. mai Bod , "doionen, sommemoei »Wmobag. Thp mousd as "lose motmnd baiiis e »"otgmon tbmIs . mutes vhsrntbey louai " b'ofdiet . Touns..Tbo tase vers a oul. spuoslm. & Tis moal Mdi elle wvus uosd, as Iflta sisa. liai bOi binmdarp i mItsi le goumdaàs l miea e! Mr. Iobs Pemakl, vbore lis bedp et ber béad Mr.. no00 ovon thé ains sloptn opioiine Tho ligie asone, Svsw te bob torgol itM-.TeruMmosVU le have &Meadmi a taieveli omea le- Uaip te tu peple et spsnov labo. un- obup ofeet 6.oain. Md viii anme tho hm Oum9VsMbMtsle To0o0910ou Ia oomvw oirlU motusbo muai ablinlfi o eusWvet100 maesei sisuauid b vaile, &U values mutile1 braugilte lishevW iMmdmwd. Wial bol ave bas u siMseifer 100 cMte mid baeoy bva. puedsifor #6 in gli viii ocait 00tle iver. Wimi mokas dms natter m mois ustou, islver oi vini tuiislalus. Tic P"&»obasb lis Iovsrmm, fer snalp fitél.. oaru e1t lisete M"m.nuajboduof tsilver lu the Uité& istesM »M Ixls r.istioiu Ie «Oui aud proonSvida vWilons hou veci te vssbtulti value; md ne Paver ezorted by lhe guvornmt et lie Unied Bots eau preveul liai buoluain u 6 tuie. -No ornehâviftg geos vOIii mev hov mué daver ho un obtalu for liom' te morov, ou boy muet 09 olior oom. nodUles isosun obtalufor lte ilvoî oM lie Boit dwp. In laver oet loch a poneoy 1h lu urgel liaI vs viii hais ene.dolmr viosi md debicivmgs, Eveebing imloslcvM be iger pdWs, end a *» ofraPOlt viii sus.sed Y", vca nblli dollar abushl; but the muai et viosi vii emébango toi mâ moto uitou ooli se mors simnstai6.the iY1,Mmi more fim Implumouil hla1*di bafoue lto obaffl. It vM Mihlivolab ixVul formerly nad tévil! s0O&P fer sVeUY. lilg a beonez4 or oms oooned -labor. 1h viii osumiotmsy4v amatila doliver Inuof fetlymn centa si la moli, but M» dImvoviipareu mom ,more lima di tc pli; i i uonnsMmui marelaber lieu bofors, viebut m s.a rodcolim e mlu va is.Ifthe aguof e imb., do -m ots, a voihmm musvork a viole &Y , tastof etbail adore to P y fi~ i l se.M 1b r ,mioulu. b, e M daioi ts e. le veu m«i aelg~L.oui et a dea'.lob bervii omàvoMi bohfo" i beoses i t.. BWMs oot me D& . O. N.LAURIE. muibi" Un uivi . 1mw m49Igts ýb« 49 o l bmm D». D. W. BH118. DR. WRITE Uaieetou .vUiW.l Zeaial1umý u"s"mb e tOlhaiayhl.smadseG.a" 0"..mi uShem e ffi ouL ldd ma" 8" y te!sas8bo .M1b . DB. SmPSyofNmyo& «w te xoesil eed E sUas, m 'a de, w Vo meiet @âeuatte .9 W". LIt 0" Mpuer ferité. &el e.rut1 mkia e 1U.ierty i aIrk o..l&m l-n a%. aiPhyjhus i Srea. O MoSWEYN à ANDERSON, nmilbars "., Uuimy. Oue mmailalsy , vu o. DaMHome KmemI reet. mtle Mo£UU ETN. DtOAD . ANDEP. MOOBE & JACKs à6. P DELIN, burws, . omaty otolmuAt"oamy, 0mb oR lb. Peau- omdr cd isorla.m«.. Keesas Wloat wSe liesdsoe n isse. G. a.. HomeI, 0ku1.,~ asodisitorSu &the 0.11db lan. M111114 UMyl oul.-. mWi NeIMier, SsdWwes On. Lbtday md V..omi..I&e limia.,OSos-Ush.er'sbftlokNeSt. We m bmdngusoff mreA @@Mt@ SeS.et b n - l r e m R m i %0 m u it b rzo eu , btes.. meni alb. theyh"ait va l aet lateret. W. de amai liai se oesor abattl assaty. IL L LAUoBLIN. IL IL MoLAUenLuN. Y.A.MDLM. PIIRI.,. Dlphibedus. À mouveeen ksoo sfaacitheI-,ka -mi 1% m ouer 7d h»aite tom am.m. O~4t. #f~miry 0 . m t .d e," lra %t#« uass b F es Ies. a" per otusam Io M Ua5ay ii,. un tseli W "40%e -, F'one GANADIAN PAGIFIO RAILWAY@ Oai.rk mmmuQu les PUes rmeým...IU 16M. dpn Iub uwo.Ba...&U >. ism Imm e feta ... .. &M 0P.u. b 2SU 0a*10is iuv bmt.Ot.t. s...9p. TO&...Ipu 0. M5..." K.e av eet . 1LU ...ie Lad,. oué Ea..BoutIS VIS Whieq, ais, Bmie amm~ UMU.,Im Rem. bismi«hnm.bons il at t» b« te ý at r Unwté e VaiI t au hevt mi~u~L amimo Ibilese sommein. mile omet ai ta PMU 1%s. lab bofa"S ei1 vuabu,&maimm a ma in. mmvi*0 IDB. H. "T, grade@" et tafty Pter.Ton làteof Gllabe, Dm. Sun DI.96 em. gr oTPa etorue Osset iTwomuS.U*tvutr. go of DentaSeou coues Po. n-am bisé,W«14 moy opoositeP& DÉ. P. A. WALTI uo.u rgrad«uSO, 0»TorolUl CrDoeou Deutai Uur.en. li th OrTirs "'Ovrmrre d rue lKent sud Willim sreet. oeR«i« DR. NEE LAI DENTIST,, extracmte tti gas, vllallse'abr admlnlatuec yese i prat Mmoes». la gas under Dr. Colton et New i aloi etfau tfi extaotlgtiet wris Dr Neelandoe utal ho <as te 9864à7 permons ithont Plr. Neeisas e Usaes tâic obtundere. BeaÜu!stiftcsJ at ioderate prise. Pleas-mi betore ooing. mOffc-neail Si HOn oes,Li y-S DINTIS?, LUNDSA, Mm legs Dental Soqeenue,.Ont. D.ntistry, luolmUdng the Gold Owning Ijetens soousce lir. Gwislepreparei ta givey Ofthéi vewroest ria.., i1 on Arti 1's.thiýif, flnish tuarmatesi.For lhe pelai.. teetbho lea M i igne u &B wh hbis usBel sUmme. Aleoc am"aUoas ht i hng pain., byý_FOmme.Kennedy'. i âtoNET To LOi 190M TO Loà alga t &OMMeatibV A lergo aeoathé et Rot I. . EOPIS thof Moni-te, . = DB. WsKN Suie w.ilm-ML O NêIleum t« Ti 4Cata-ha.i W' -La__ . fiel( Pae dtael _____A*I "l, le "r jf fui~. ~VL1 Uito A ~îurrsAND. a mmatio, LÇSS8SIITJTES ~tDDTTLE Ibou at Ium sth eh 901%.s imri MUUW mh'e tettbî oe VICTORIA LAUNOR - depenc : = a .<sb Ert~is requE 0 u buaet 100Mt*P8oPz. 0a i ndsay thb, st 40p a m b h :S b O 5 e d d ren , b , 1mEv wmg a 1P0511y14 ýto OWW-terM AKINere gama nantb a u .sslope.e sei bas TT LT1 mm gw= ' >Pa ru ra- WILLIA UTR8* LIN»so ,0i, has abs' *B S m d S inle Mill .Maht,,¶'I kp.isipb lour Mill, sien= angines end stemm Pua1,s. Land s Foir Sale. ,per b 1m.la"@u]For Roui. 5O acrs t Cameron. IDY ________ 2W0 orse la Stephenson. 160 merso in Ferry. idL 300. ms inMcMurrich. .50 S re la McMurrlch. wudId mie nt EORthiIg chosp. jd h n do0 ,.'., ~>~ H REZIN ry.or pre LINDSAYbbe many maney ta ziuLL = - aw Ion whe y la i ' m vont Pat, W EBSI, «1marr? yc STO BUILDERFèqi 080@u doi ~is- Havln g gne tb the expense et, patting 9 'a ,a t t y e mt. HOT DRY BLAST flRYINU KI tld of oc etB'aà,cost Of $1, 000:e ae paeta tibora w ithaut pai n b W el aud examine aur good. s ad cet esoma O thlnk] d by him for Ail Alklndeof iouldlnao. Saâb, Doon., Noew @ Pat. W] E ituidl dlte Daluto, audralls. ée.. in stock. mryo lrGEthO. L. NGLE m akerw ha b»given th.e 15111v h h à am accident, vae no 111 boit lnoalP" he angAian ulilue & Soh - ielnda wo end postal oè.md uriture Oc., Limited, ofowed yq PRU8TObu. OtTe coaches sa s coo ffuors la W .StahJso m d t à G., l Eaffmemuroeu0o OSa., Shoo. hrc] and vodrr h16i Mer Royal 001- aurty yx àn. branches .1 à Mud Poitelsit Ton Wu za CiIy retiosi.lai1f cou' d Tau tue benit r er the. b uSIt t« = W I( omo h -u isad nîsteria à extraction o , W oet h 6 Vitallaed, Air Ayjew the boatlocl *,1on the il the, rh. _ M before I wà omr, Kent et. dont deny 1 _____________vu, pat, wha, LN.D lot, .m m nu verisih a mIOMM neI, ei.PmuorADOunG hool WrouRL% 15.r" the Qo m O l Moisi t -o. eJaUi 5es xk iflo Par for Skemgtb, Umw ou DW*u, Âdptabiluty *ver ail, aU W~OU, 4wsdmie isossobet eEGon fa Srnd ! *~~h Mostilme