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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Oct 1896, p. 5

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2, 18fl s rM~i $.250000 Jï NOTES =sU,1li CASH CABIH fAiI ils zoawoES& DfulauW a tWaght loma neI. Ylmim mde who eddtoum 0f oaNMglag 110Ev abe M.Vo, ootatla- mas nt" %0m N@W IZAT N0a u b I.hath l.opoetmwlyte bmw mau pio.'aïtbut0. but MateT pudob.- RedI EsttBongliland Sold onComsson.e GENERAL 1-N8URANOE AGENT, I. H. 8100iHERAK, Bank6r and Broker, 91 KENT -ST., LIN D8AYs ONT@ Lita"asi.0& . M4 ,uSL--Iv. ~~JqUW.WILLIPJS ~f~f U nEPIDEa Il il I f I <"A~. 'r'- - 't 4 "«An emnp ty wagZon atakes the Most. noie.», So rrnrituza tureil of short !cjýs- ut-e, 7-r'Y em'-;c:, zk te Eab' c of their staa.-t5y A gyood Stoc'.'.c-'"ot 15e Purcha-S-% at --5 per céint leÉs than standlard gootKIt tns is 25 pe-r ceî:t short in Tne.ý- ure or quality.. As you pay so you re- cev.The beât ful mea3ure palnt l1W kw ofris diJG&,EDWARDS&GOI VISITOItS CENTRAL FAIR ahould oal and WaMe toot of QUITARS BANJOS ATO-HARPS HARMOICAS. Sheet Music -AT- GEOI Ai LITTLE8 b~ook "d.Statouery Store, Omp Pal0%.,let nt., Ltay. Sk* Ila 2,ulm Aiai lmmIdâ ifVmVa. W & 0O ~ 't: IsMuagoofdsm le *viiiamêdlmnp- el,= =b iuM pm h.raame- hlm. Tkm d *ma umy yr mm Imut &Wa m % IeynMta keop It-ocior b& Yu Wam esmagllmbulkée> log - dmss.W. tmw ibsymé»oegable Bile.. y«u.MWuai s tns f ame our m" omajulomi À tee laue là the old too Adlmutos& ý Sb" .muat b. cou ille xonfer New Oocs. Trnais mi Tall., T>os.lug. Mt, H.6SIS S ONo BIgni of t1&e i Sw M0LENNAt4 ti GO., Poriland -Ceient Glazeci 8ewer Pp&e PUWser'Par,,.1 $oraon. - Oôal MOUENNAN à 00., Edwkw.. h au ia FALL,-GOODISB amd CW ea da. in PRESERVING K ETTLES, S TEW PAN%, etc. &mrericiu D«eShot, Sporting Powder, Losed Shot ýshel, Cartridge and Oartridge Oaa.. GaS 111]RO«sud Revolvers@ NazI dm ooluP. Morga, Duumt IUT. 8010 IN BRITISH COLUMBIA CANA=If lu Meisroke aku amepa «.1OU n RSossldad 52 m i u Cuf.am PeEstva« lest Kiq mm on@&i* .Tef lu usuel mmmeo Giu.'V ie»"t* Tqssl, s mi Ua.beyou agfnes iraS be MoasU. fiw.à TOnmais a. T. =a -a hona e a a1b h dum na.u~ luL lm en m if Debm me a Ib 1 hlef" i -1 wm î te mew t awp u dise5flb bobo.l bouep. M Sadsabit w>e@n Uaimay*» eit baou theimimm- vensu I.'haily lmud-w . m piemor Tesî osa a mm m smw moion.snlb. nmalesM aro i a iu ami saoqmaimttao b1Rai mu. opm. lua imih-bitc.at omgug abiau dte lvndumgittei mm.. - b"l. deAie liez. w leta zx.-Tbe Uonm laithVSr unimainthélle i ea a. vur oer iiÏ'%ulanfaila vone ita ami a ina.kally 1.1 nunhomae Vlry lb u . h ra& 1 t" a mlIsoi. dwt s viitu litmipbe 10mb me Sisut.av aime the as lapim pia"ts aueeM uteil mla . om iate aY ma mutal tuhamal but jm bile biol MiaidIbseta iio ;, A m c le om Te 1uym.-himesh Amoasualie ltaIMI tlb.bsgaah0 oeau d et C.ity lu 11e ftue n l»hormo h om lb lcrnseba viiil e iopdvii fDo lb. vublievouumaui by Ibatty. Amn uiti pkhm t du d& mt alisi uaefana sud Mb.' imliluum a - ouMrmauom iii6 of vblsh sm.Paving hm spatas MMMWl laIs 1h. 1117 luais ie I*l u v DI.Nma IlR mv i spln ci urgea.ulipa cf immens dlmh eep leuait1 ltimutation.dav*l 9 u c& TEIMIE made, by Xr. Grassovr .2 mm ogo, ami M111bslm ouamitai RuÂÂ- hl u tim éla eV a*mcvi etm talhélémues fon Mfor Ogalio hoim akiosrlag m d hi1h. ba iai bana hu---. m eb a d utdmies aet Tv."ss fllov aisiU"kvMsd Bitilimu l. oopmatodtlg. bWbem eppsita Il. Pmal oUo BueklaymWa as bit ua" mgsutm ai t ove l."laic ib buW. ilas tIo a liamolos.hold imamblia quie a ciemitaibd iami at vuaaycmsa tarmivalléei emp Wlamet. imolai a. vaul«uoV u&a The ,ovd vamaiaMidlb.eiMavM a .ie ttuuag itheom m sop Ken Md miis iuda" ofabMueimu liv.'vbelagli"hUIb 1mw la.i mi»aae tuvou hm. mit. EoSd aa bak lagup Seridan le eui pmitlu.*i o vut; gcad cemateelabuibi., lest alv- euot,9 "naatily «0 ofetDr. sIblesU.. I&I tao t clp homm u aa bm stlW. 7KnIG oU TuiaWumnv To Théi Cmpliultii aet. otiatu lb. tollsMag chio wt mi alit mur Who M- icqtultai vltht li gco- :OaTuMal ieinl1ut a iml.' vomio maivlagwu mawýmomaa J. lo Md tit avealincatimettom mltpwi. lb. bad im à cppe. Thldiii. m u la elt miisi, mai the youmg Man. mausUT" titionsma atiempt e munasgooi dlivalet wmult$10 tasi 50le tal Mcmmy. Honemp---» a mumbe cf eur maiwgsIloos..visoe tmbd a Rmis ufSa ivlt etIbeni auomi H. fmal iomavu dipumiof tu W"valth 8850 sud m4 encaoé umiibhi. imaidlieu.. Thé oupi. th e tud te tle h. mait citacitpuaoai. amiavtmalbdtaihé teRe. T. ILM. apIsL. Tbuir m w mie oupla ibis bdto» taatai*0 alleTites.Wtill »mni a hoCMvethon allw»liediffuaIb Mâ.uaxauLiomus,ude 1h.épYovidom of théBe mie14cm, o m.ii hiT. 8ma!, astb valuomo., ou Aibet chti.iIl@*y tlimet et iay botcom 6 am. samIil P-314 8110 84 li offihalaSG. Wî B"l'. jevolyastérodd b"aam hourisa. umml-U55lt G.T.R.PfIR UGUzà.-Th. smusi ap- tuisa cfhebm.T.E. â»e bigiditestplaco on Tasmiai tleusbybpMr. Diiotci lteé mectaulcaidipailmeslG T 14, lostsL Tte mutai movausu-qulcly mai. Cutmii topu.', T m illa., T Gàlari locia..77 lzut dam. a ,uI da,-41*. Tma rawaxohmn ImVap Hepess Poil ti-O 810 aL. paiVai ilud lb. mtams=MM Me A imm~i1 <Abetqio. iK lesk eu. pmmm VM-Sa -Wm 1m* Oe t Purumb mai u*11tg Pzs Ams~edmiuPM.ti5i5 gasla d*9 uitA5 m affltnmm §a Ut d. C.P.&. hOmm.-Wiaiavw. SUmme Me » us ephrmm ioalacOS" vuIbm msut 01OsadisuPectis rday « 'leo Ah Uméelma us msaibitogata ltas. N.,1 d91lUalIy l is a meieiibaia siete m laitmm *kt àa hma*tla &e0at 0 m &*Mtils léibi«"Wiemof them mes Pas Lmma -Touoqmia nai a n a Roaiay, tmamuin.' a imu mwu blit lamsy et 1h15 MLM .m s.aelsbldéamhite magac, chst. uni sthéliirat o ketlady* la the PU&. t.ile. Il MUaleb -mmuomil j% dmiu mt u omu orni4le lIaI Yi.bctmiuur lmmii ls lamatie.i mu d Uaw*t ke WUou e a.-Th. et aivedmlgoe"me. "MMle&saute do lieo mm" ue l B Lt Hug Oisimlt Md9: iltoalha th"pili Pau ai et am c am be base th value of OMChiai'dii e.mhouai Io bff iîmp mu taphilt u iall e a. sot Wita" l ma. ié SeC.PU.ailso 1h. téaomagmaili f tth a tth lth lm milion Mftheeut ami Ibm pommme a poihlosm uaafll avialqa lAaava.-A iplemalaimutbot pis. eI lb. vdmme s Kr. D. 4. Molatir. os Xemdaî alfgbkt , be 0& Adiesdaue obolu IsIe -fbesili le sluba.MrX. P; Miala.XLM& Monk.altmbmoitlowmmla hai bal M&a eomia lads 111.ou. a lom. 'b. ouooo.ioila mahlagfo hobmuais mot futilmais, m th e 81. La'àivgta fo BmIlai, mii h.bu is edmi opcs. cib'e po il mudlilsol, u la h all.a mSaba o a.bilai. Duhthe . .vml ID. Xulvos e 0 lb. isiola ta buaene- liait ooot. Mairibmboa.s Ma i l"1.off. le plumamIon. ami 1.11Ut hpiuiy te lSb M»a. EL Ouvmu. vo vipste alypsm mvar M W=imaia oiilg lIt fwaile t luIoai. m eih@b.vu «o a " tnau e loi a Ue àd mp.uidoslt suielle mmm. Btamu qdèEs a vrm algjil carphiilesÇ~vaum M u eMil a kv nah u l%& î. l ai If«.ema. tonuni aamNilubht0o1c aoq Mlms i hS hlitly hoerlb. mmay kimi mi gaie quaUli. mdupomemd. H.' buibuai ad farnly oet I"laobdies havea a l.mrpa» tc thebm ed fimadad m la tflad111vm mdiiibuouornn. Tliy ail i&U de"as Mu.îaaar Opmnva%.-xs ismarineà Co. leva laIly adidie ta* Iu dwouie huslahma mailleydepalrorn, thmé1NU opoblag et.ehictohé plamaos Baiuuay «vMing laitaMitlmathe verdaof a pesai lady. *118 mujil loiehi."The déportement fi pr«Ueiii sîuby Mms.loam it titis abhlltyami jaiosmt. W. omaodo js.li ma db tsuiea Is ahevof mlllluovy ils, csbi11*0 May ifaMy yonq nia cho cam- t.nplatei bocernla a lmoseio a dit cf 'theo» uoome mmli mg. hlm te l"lY no loge som i. teoeuldbave Ibm pli âpo Mrubg smeof ef bmprity weun. la deprtaisl f.' te omm vomi.>. iI>ua bu it fia.h Fna Liva Y.-Mr. Albert Joetet, Làadsa'u miikuomu mai obllging livury main, bai bâci a noW Met .stabe saucl on hlm pramalmos,:and &aieI ullg avorhauled, oleamid, repàIraiddfila up lin te mut mcdiii, equlppod style. The »om haUidiàg coa otala830 homs and viohlclm.A1iOgoIIIiOI Mr. Jeeti bas fcomdior oi60 bormes.and rusole, aipaie Revlg ama.mâ aid 'ls imatà titable.logetberv ith pumclm, vu». îe., may rouitamurui tihat teboit cia viii hi ltaken ot item. Bedde. double et&% sthere ais tait à dosa loas stullm, wblot aisve MOuy oavaueafor faimeis. Wih vell veatllated huidlagm ean m elisi yards, abundambacom* modation,. uoo boss, maudnom ou the PlisniWo uuubam t.he dlgo tem. Mu. Jevitit hm. a liver thai la a auedit talte lova. gouex ams, TEm LTmui.-Thi blg ipd tpo rm iy.nii. olohb.g, mai" h Gorme,. heomietul bsup nia, cf Petubes mimay amiPoil Hope, atbuiioe «m Tbm piim "i axu 1gb.'uni agi valua 1ma miat£moa lai ils - 1-Il iuml a mml <Mly' of 3»OCtor Pierce's ,plits- - thegeai- ___ tic tir. Illatixxg, as Weil as Uivigoratiug, éêfftct of tlxes- 1 t:!ly, sltgar-coal ed graÎxuîces. If you fée, drowsjr dulii Prcssibly tiret or -deblitated; if You've nof0p pýetite and freciuent lieadaches or dizziness, a fuirred or coated tongue-it proves that you're h/ii/ons. In tthat case you should use the "Pellets." They are anti-bilions grauuiles,wîîjch act in a prompt and nalural way, without gnipîng. BEST PILLS FOR TUE LUVER. RoultitTMANSON, Of Wet R,'e, Rockiughavi "Threec yearsa Dr1 commnenced takingDr Pierce's Golden bMcdi. cal Discovery:i1 .' weighed 10i uds, and unow1I«.cgh z75 ponnds. no you sec how 1 aegaind in heâth 'i and weight.- Doctor Piece*s Pellets are the. * ,-,. ~ best pilla 1 ever took for the liver. Ail my friends 887 they do tbem thc most good." IL M<, Esq. LWVER PILLS. or No. 1Mr Çmmil Ave- nue, PklliàsbarXk, N. J., wtes: "There ta noth. Si that eau comprare M'h Dr. Pierce's Plcas- ant Pelleta, as Liver Pifla. zotha*n any =ir îèd- n.1have cvertakeu.-» Ma. S. BEâxu. a. Mb. flua~~~i M ommois ayIa m Inn candum'oKamî mg tout cyfala TMd vu m Dflyof WillamsIsu" ThImmlimaiape Matter the. mtdga Md umîbite »w. .BOode hodootiIngIis i t . Thne asmuul OualY plowlmg match *k.s place et Et. Leiiy4 fras, Noth O».. 201h Mr. W. Nedoe. hs haubiea vimtbe Mendeala hum, lai otIalv for hicm re la à o I" eti 1plus vums mppi hm olv Toude a the .Naimbe"vS ok paâlmg on. LIML u ". aiseS E R ion lfITbMMiUdY outlaumo nlhlaiy OuMMset No. i vi<Immtul dipel B. E.IL L omica, Tm e anot. vho cou"mionst lalian hua.. udu W fa k wvu $ he .oms ho du the. hoavimi dVoetlml. Turnis ray b thsit ie of a gpoilDomnion, exhitlin mezt ymu.Tiie evm u in lg agmoulgM,O0linm éDorimlcugev.'. Péeobeo eExMMIUOe t f uisy-Mr. Frak KMeotU 1lMdaay aps uadq la lova on hi. va, ibx o M MaImalvbée eh.go. o.m vina. h.9mli.taiMOGU, ulvevl. Miayoe REaul or Pmssaulm Mdi*hM. vifs mmot aa ort lieluLinday, aUtendinq Ima weddlag M lhib ouda Xi..B. Tot.. amivlllg ic iliwt XMr. Telles ami lm fsmy. HUM LladloY, th. iii Il.. favomito p08704 bêt. bat.. aMgmad"MoMidu*ltilt Mr gitl Hs&yM M ipomauob otha iimp end via WblMh se obamctmzdhi. la hie jouagai D)r. Feviees Eztrsct cf Wild Bavb oures. DlairloosDym.slm, Ovamp. ois Choiesm ebu% -Ohoerta 1faut ma miail leaimo.of thé bovol.. Nov' rao lb oi IL iS 85-6fl4 .Theo rnthly foilovmhp mv viii b ol La 1h. Qumiset. methodlitchumcb mou Sabbath uoula.t bomg lhe fint Sabbslh of 1h. menti. It Mil bogla et 10 olook. AU "4Ne Mora udguladlu"lu lte labial b bua e o omo eonj mjalc. Wetes i. sivoymoms éout"laronody. Judea i.ymoi wmli véry mmses utous public aft.-Doboay. am '"pdentima. Mm .Laildlav, Mie of u. 8.L lium, of th. ffl. Reformer. loit Lldmay MouGuilut &ars itavlm geofimiithé. vid t b.'h ocoula MmaTotenla d vlmti for. a Mrn uit b'Mmd hil et3 S. PaiR l t. XL. fD. Rbehm ofetDumtd, idt IIbi v« e tb o. a tbis.vesa u as Mla oh. ta mumy sqp" Hé.à*" esllenvh. am m ~bslkfuiiidhomo iduallag v lis evot tImIilit. e-wu a =odsIULA -pqou buiMW..OMt"as Dpi i 1ai.Lb. am6 Xb TO.u ustomersz-,., .Wo askoa»ftiQonuide&UOfot othe following lprioe liat. ft wili pay You to- read every Wordof ft: j laImthe.firet plats vo diretseilattention to oui ]SM NTVEML.Lr Shakereau kaste-od goocis at,4je, Sjc;. 32 inch 7c. W. knw Our 35 Inch, 9 sud. 100. ares uurpiisi.- Grey InanatoRa, 104, 121, e, 18e. Fiue heavy Factory glannel, 23c, 25c. Paney Flannela, 206, 25e.- White Blanketu $1.01), 12,*.58m5,8.<.Hre Blankets 45o complote. I*diea' Oaahmers, Gloves, a&Hveo, ]Oc.; large iuortueal. Ladies' Cuhiners Home, 20e,- 25ç, 30c, leader. Table Linesu, 56 inch, 25c, usîrovers l2îe. 15e, 20o. Towellingm, 16 inch, 3io, 18 lnch 4-5e, al linen; Cotton Shirtinge at 5é, 7à, 8e, !Oc; bolier -tlasa suer. Mea'i Bisek SaIson Shirts- 45e,> 50c, 70c; gooi bisek. Meuls Sbirta, Top, at 35c. and 40c; good heavy gooda. Men'm Underv 20c, 25c, 36c, 40c, adbut extra heavy all-cwool at 45r4 are the hest yet.. 8,2e pois Ladies' Vuuta12ïo, 18,2o' Ladies' Drweam,_kuilisi, ai, 25a. a pair. à papes Pins for 5c. 3 papers Pins, % lis larger,. for Se. W. boliers a permnanent busiuems mutI b. buit où an bonest bais. Factory CJotton 31t ,4c, 5é, 6c,...e. are leaders. UnbleaehedSeeliug 15e, 18e, 20c. White Sueeiig 18eý,.20c, 22e. Gooi Garter 1Mai10 5c. a yard. flandsome Lies laeor e.m and wvite for trmmingu,.5e, 7c, 9c; vil surpris yom. Nies Ribbon for Ui, girls hbmw, 2 yard. for bc. W. do wha vs are capable of for y in laDRISS GOODS. -Wo shinola ii Cashmere- snd Serges, -bset,aI 22c, 25e, SOc; lthree dandies, Single fold,-ail vool. dandy goods, et 10e. and l2je. Double fold Hsavy Tweed. 156, 18c, 20c,,25e., Heary Serges la oolored, 25c, 30c, extra speolal. Shiri Licingu e,%8e. WabtîLininga8e,10e, 12c. Nice Gioep Trixaminge £1 Sbc. a yd. Drems SWeha,5c. bbne hie boit. Cretonnes 7e, 8o, 1001 Art Mualine 5e, 7,100. ]Peinis ai 5e, 7q, 9c,, vot a gritdca ime Mo' heary BScks 8c, 10ce,15e. G0ooc beauy. Cordionus 65e, 75ce, 90c. Job lot Ct.pu 10c, 15., 25. Men'a Whbite Collars 10e, l2i.c, 3 Pif'.. (JARPETS 100, l2ie, 15r- an Hemp, non30c, 35e, 40c. Tapustrite25e, -35c 505U Mee. Odd Coats 81.00, 81.25 $1.50. Mo'. Odd Suitse82.75, $3.50, *4.50,.vorlh double.' Boys' Suite $1.00, 81.50, 81.75, vot meelug. Fine aaaortinent Mou>. Fedora Rats 450. Good large Batte be. eicb. 3 Speol for 10c, different mnakes. Fiagenug Yarn,.5c. a ekein.- - Fciory Yarn, Ibîmet, 40c. a lb. Ladies Mintles 82.50, 83.0$5.00, Ibres hosutIle This Prie Liii lamn lait you ha&ve the ruoures of a complete Dry Goodu and CloWhng bouse atyour'dispoual. Boie E.E. .McGaffey, 9 - tte P(i air ane weleome viiether tiey buy or net. Oum sou lT asasa ane fiama. Sem.Oct. 8, lm0 ,=i do 1sdo..OOtooid iou, i ren ...... 0- 1 ..... lt. sos Cele mà4 er 00...6........... ...155toi1 ouM.. ..1400 t.e110 no. 2 pa 1 M te0 a Eudl. No. I per bm!. .à . ...--5 d. go. 0 ce te O04U Polloi pO ba - . -.. .... - 60 t.e 6as App«. pebig...-.-.-..-----Ue Wb fflft--- ---C1011l Tiukeis ..4O08001le Du.e..00o e 0 d Eliaie. ~ ~ nolt.oi a Nmiculper&g t Dve.dEp..... e..... Sinite$ le Bje=..- - - .....«erl 0 lé eN 12 at is p er I ..u....... . .ê 5 ia nom - --- --n- -- 8 55es o - e,. pare «M. e..4 051CAS rfêten&e 1%»*b le«. Pm 2 o.las ali on t. l mo 49 t.e 91 POi.' hué..... .ver , .,.,SOS W 5 MelI, p.'ar .....ise te.é SU <kulàt% Jm..e-....0il a seCU9 IWO 0s.9le 0C a 41e t.em$10 0@8 t.roie r -. ' pur du-... t~ * e. ~ - esét.aie Te~a.eUmu.# et e fl e$or, 044 t 640 0 49 1*'e ~k~= il28 Huglan.4G. WATCHMAKERS# 52 Kent St.2 Lindsay, Rave on. of the best equipped shops in Ontario for WATGH AND- J-EWELRY REPAI RING Our Watchmakers have the skil!, eaegy ability and fine tools to do YOUR. WORK PROMlPTLY AND WELLO Our Prices are Moderate. Gliv us à trialW. have plcauo aaab# adw. ceu pleu YoDs %T118. 'J j rmy, .man fal ned hl i s xtra ible iof ost- t it. 0sdey. astoft e"-4 tia *8 sombl lw I., t, umufi m a eaU. mut, Us. VAaDM ahI le' edudi i - 1* mi. 'I..' *~ 1~ 4 mu a l' - . a

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