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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Oct 1896, p. 7

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PiL FO~WA THE GRMT DIVINE «T4*S CV P*W " tIe Cmtilosée OSp tuff-A ýtm5 4 Efrvatil»- assiy%.ms of the Future,. Washington, Bee 271.-BEimuclh Iat la depressiug iïdlsMa4t t4 wicked- neonao etthes tbt ft *Il *b'un tu reai *.bat Dr. ;Ièime %a t 1 bthis sei-mon about teIdr CO.UM rodeMolt. ,The text is Zecharlah vii., 4: -.t" tIce streeta efthîe cite shah bu full of boys ani girh .playing lu Ue ic stcsthere- Clirpaes Of ou 1r itldUs, roàç,e Nom, boys sudgirls Who ~pin luthe strcois i-un eudhz h rsiaiunaiuies et ibm m-end in ruin. Bui lan'thec 001 îng urne spokren eou *r i- ules vii e su loorsi 'ihailais ai lameuse be Mh S ute le public Uioroughtaros a tbe nursery. pulpit sud pi-iuthgpr'ess for Uic 25<st pari ln aur day are. bunupin'a l- eugsing île condition o et îl ues. q tis im re, but meuld net lu ic Icaeltl- tully eiicouragîng ,te ail Chrlisien workers. and to ail mIe-are uiing te niake îlehe ord bètor.If mc ébeubi fer -a litile vhle look toi-ari oteI Urne >when our cuba sîsîal be revoa- tionized by -île gospel 0f -Uic Sou ut (led, and aIl île 'darînea et in snd trouble aud crime sud uutfering shahl 12e gonie frein île eri?, Every mn. lias pi-ie lutheclcty, of bis flativhty or reaideuce, If it e su e lty dIstlnguishci for sny iignity z:r prowess. Caesar-boasici of bis native rnme,, Vu-giluetMautua, 'Lycurgus of ý5parta, Dernostlonea etf AiAheus' Archtimedes ef Syracuse aui Peul et Tai-s. I shouli lave suspicion of- base-heartedneSS là s man rhô bai ne especial interesi u lnte, .cty et bis birth or résidence-»o exhllaration ut île evidence of lia prespcniiy - or Its arisulicembelislrnis, or tt innielice- tual advar.cimrent I lave noticci iliat s man nover hIkes a clty where.le bas not behav- ed wvell. Peophe wlo lave bai a firee ridle ln tle prison 'vanj neyer ike the eiiy that furiulues île vehicle. Wben .1 find Argo sud Rhodes sud Smyrna- trying te prove themacît-es île iril- place ef Homer, 1 concinde ai once Abat Homer belmyci meil. Hoeli them sund, tîcy lied blrn. -Wcmuai not xar on haudabie ciiy -pie, ijr.ý with' the lies et building ourselves tii' ut àny turne, i-y te pull ethers dowm. Boston muet continue te point te lis. Fanneili*hall and to lis Commue %ad' to Its superier educatlouai aivautagée, Philadeiphia muast continue to point te is Indepeudence hall sud Its mint ami Ils Girard Coliege.. Washigton must continue te point te lis- wondi-ous capi- toline buildings. If h elouli fini a mnucon'ing frein any cIty, havhug nô, pride lu ilat ciiy, thatcity havlng been île place, et lis nstivity or nov being the place et bis lesldehe,,1 wouid feel liII.asklng, "Wlat me an thing have yen douc there? Wlai out- rageons thlmg bave yen been g«uity' of ilsi yen do net lhue the ýplae?"ý 1 tink me ougt-andIlhtake. It fer grauted yen are interested lnu is giest' moi-k etevangellzing thc cithes and ssvlig île wmoI-d-oe oughite toit .yilhîle sunilighu lu oi' faces. VWA arn net fightung' la a uliserabla Bull Mtun of deteat. We are on 'thc vay to, final viciai-y. 1 >know ibere are soirons, aid here are, sina, sud ibere are utferings &il, around about un, but as lu momie bit- ter, cold, winter day, wben me are ihrashing our arma ai-oun us toIseep our thumnbs fi-rn freezuug, ne UitnX et, the warm spring,'day ilat mil alter avIle -ome, or, lu-île dark winici nighu me lookc up s.uad sce île nrtîcin ligîts, tIe indows ef heavenhIlumin- ated by some gi-est victery, JuSt se me look up from th2 night.et suffering mand soi-row and wzetchedness ln oui- duces, and we see -a ight. aureanîtng throngh. troin the tîr s'de, sud we knon mc are en île way tu morning-moi-o tian tInt, on the %xvay te la moruiug v'yul- out clouds." 1 want yom' to uxiierstand. ahi yeti who are toi]-ng for Chlst, that the castles of sin are ail going te, be capim tured. T1,e vie ýorY -for ChrIst ln îles- great tov;.s ik gsng to be se compicte thai not a man on eartb or an *nagd In heaven or. s devil lI bell vili dis-. pute it., Hew de 1 knon? 1 know Jiu. na ccitaiuiy as Ged lives aidthai tis. la hohy trulth. The odu Bible h ful et thero mii 1e boter 'busines S esand iager fortunes matbere.d, aimlgbtli successes achieved. .'The gi-est business ilsasien t tt Counntry bave cous fron the *«IL goilÏewsa pculms0 stock gambiens. The <froel o t 2M a lucrime. ,Whcuï. t~ lave bucld ik hl a"WUuUE bave pufifii l e * Mai hvtbtnd ton Sitoe le Imet 1igWt umm, «t business, 11.5504 tisasO gain makorsli m »flt tmlS M straction. 1.a au, t rna* ag' 1 am iteiing yen*Oo G elsinal In, tIai day >Of whicl1- Peak 4 WMlba more noiktsgNw Dms mon amc t&ZO l £0* Cii7y taxes. couati taxs-et" mar^, iJlited Statue-t&%$@ *a, hicense taxesMm taxes, taxes, ti3*l~oiou havo te makS a Ms15el 105<? crime, wc bAve dm,48ro" a bit sanlas, 1 ic1m1b he fieet os . aw bve upt b arb* et Syr»Mus ho roy*btteboer arbi umglasa, and Ufll. l'tstc~A u s -ie 0 *~>~lis feuscithe su'sraya opon thei ~ ~r~ 1i ahps. ov Uc slis are winqs of kbathUic am or tvice. '1b*rs viibeý hp e h su ~tumis, t2 l ,8r,.. hmante tail, Uic veeabsnlk wia. h-my riend. byitheau»giass-et ihe ~~1~UL~ et0 g convergiug tIc ra» of thc sum ~rnui~aîet nlgbteensaee5 upon ic eins, the luwleiemeuothe c rosAi vo il make Sets te the lmprovements, drops »iOtlctm blase aud expire! Uic pochais of those vb.o voici ht. NO In that day etf whlch 1. speak, du oyer a"m i~n"er keptUp ai vasuex- Fou beileve there vil be any raid-, pene t te popl. e epanllg :f igbt carusai? WI t ere hosny 3isisite t t ef t *bdaté -and: *,kioing oçafrein île mar-be steps of der anê.ioUdftau. terou . tileigmeimtW htere be fitetri«x 13*nde dcgtïtir. MPher a amy uwah"d& nUmm, uncernbci ~ <e... BiCez. ohlie? Wi -thers anSwbiaphem- bQuipse. BtterObumct sMla Uice treets? Wm Ibtere be snl mo1re numerouse.m"i they wm ~bu lai? No distilleiezo, vbere Uiey make tle or aid ther viiibu rnre devoîci te three XWs. No bboodubot eyme. No the gospel of Imms christ, aid ey bicaici cbeck. Ne instruments et ruin Win acomibbO <ta' ejuemncesfer sud destruction. No liaipounded fore- ueBl. Nev, t lu ftc» tIc case tIat bead. The grandobillren ôf ibat vo- ehurcesoamc envions et each other, MmnWvo 9g o dethUic treet vitl a aid ove» minimîcre et Christ sorneîîmencsourseood iby the beys iat follew ferget Uic bond et broih.rheod. But ber. viii be the reformer.amand philan- ln the tinte et Whicb 1 speak, vhile throis.an sd Uic Christian meu and there vili be Juifas m auy iifereuces the boncst merdhants et Our cles.- ot opinion as thero are nov; .thare vIll Thon vhat municipal goveruments. be ne acerblty, %ho bypecrriticlsrn, ne tee. ve sbsIl bave tu mil the citiez. «clugvén«.ý forne Cites are verse thon otIers, lu Oui rosea itiues Uic churclcs am butln dmwWbyf Uiccit alss yud bob net to-day barge eaugl te hoid more wl ai ome e Uit alle aoc dpilook thon a teuril etf Uic population. The l tnm fteron cùldb elurches that arc bulbi-comparatively poliliciaus sud sec te vbat a sensuel. tem of Uicrn are fuily, occupîci. Theleaîlsome,, Ignorant, bosottoi crew &aVer#4e atienimuce Ini the .chutcles-î:ýtCity Priin . ctc» abaniened. -(n thc lUited utates te-day innet 4 tîchy stand'arouni Uice city bal pick. Nev. iu thc giorieus Umne ef mblch lng thicr ieilh, maiting for- moine r @acak, tIert are Seing, te be vaut emelumeuis of crumba te faou te iheif cdurcIes, ame tbey are.golng te bu ail teet. malting ail day ioig and malting tbrengea i nil vrshlppers. Oh, vlat -ahi ulght long.. reUslng songsa they vili shng! Oh, nIai Who are ibose mretched vomen camnesi sermo nstbey wiii presel! Oh, taken Up for drunkenuesu aid carrici whaî fervent prayora they wiii offer! UP te the courts and put ln prison, 0f Nom, lu your urn e, vIat la caiei a cocurse? WIat miii Yen do mith the tashionaible churcl la a place wher grOgabops that make Uiemin dunk? a fe peole,,havng at more v Nothing. Who are ilose prisonera iln a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r te epo aiî ioii"~ Jail? One et them siole 1'a pair et 810cm oarefutill.y t ieir telle, corne aid li That boy stohe a dellar. This girl demn-tbey do net vaut te be crowdcd; snatdbed a purse. Aiî oft tei crimes Uiey l1ke s vIole nst te theimsehves-.damagIug sedciy bemne ian $20 or $80. sud tIen, If tbey have auy urne loti But nIai viii yen do with thc gaxublei- froim thlukiug oft tIc' store, and freonWho hast night robbed the young mai examaning Uic style efthîe 'bat lu front et $10W? Nçthiug. What shall be donc ofthUern, thee ait aid liste» te a ser- With ihat oeeWho breaks ibrougb mou varrnuto li ht, ne man's uinft "and destreys île puriiy cf a Christian aidlisten te mi, fc mhlch la rendered by & choir marranîci te mîng tunes that t1home, and, nulh an miroihosansd noboy, nows -Ad thn ater perliiy that boat Uice trstcgy ef hell, uobe>v uen. An tIn mteran flilngs a shrinkng. ubrleklug seul hIte heur anda ait etf indolent yawnlugrl? oîn. ltviiyud the "go homq retresîci. Every mai mitI thos whecd that ha wl yungo feels uttran-ofte rh.ls odaistp.man., gettIng him te puuiloin large sumo 17 mr ay etthe murielasiet Christof moncy trom bisecemployer-thie ycung lu~ ~ ouioda î a m usclu impiy' ear man Who came te an offtcer et my mcckcr. Z ave nta utvae i~churel sud teli tIc utory sud tran- net a utvîivolce, yet n n ma eau yakd hthosoldd do tuy .lughng tfoi' me. - Ihlave noîîîng NthIiakd ltl se o toe uay, against artistie musie. The $2 A ed o t ullsnl or 85-. .pair:te eaor anu1y oethte great A.w oWi epns ml crimes, but 1 bave sometimes ibought Queens et uong la a goei Invegtîrnut. h ouii b, botter ln nome et oui' But mIen the peepleassemble lu ru .cii.. If îhe -officias venudnly tumu ligieus convocation, and Uic hyrn lsouti trem île jais ilhepetîy crîminals, read. and tle augels 0et God stopti rtheîle htîle off enders, $10 icaperades, thcir throne te catcb thc munieoan dpuinterlasnoefth téIS' ingt, do net lit nsdrive ibeman iipt1 bi pae c.e l monuters ot nquty mle drive their s.vay ,by our Aindifférence. 1hbave resu opan through thc sirsets 90 preachclIn »churcles mîcre ventsiafluosvittly tIsi bonest men have te icaP et rneney vers cmpleyed to keep *>tegtoi tUc a tbcp u Ilsmuse, ~d i as s equllteasover Oh,, thé damnahbe acéharnes ia.t ay bear« i on rtl, but I uboulit au protessed Christian men viinmre- the. sme.Urne that for ahi matiera Urnes engage lu until God puis thc practical 1 *veubi preter Uic learty, n et ofHi. retrIbution mie îlehecol- oitbrsaking esns. et a baokwoo s a0 o their robe et hypocrisy sud ripa NKethodiut carnprncetigt. I clear te the bottemi But al] ihese Liet eue et ilene.starvching fane y wo vsil b, ihe.1 x tt tonge uung lu clurcb get Up betorc the lîve te mc. Uic day. 1 h illIhbaer throne et 004-10*w muh h tscemlu Uicthedistance uhe rumblihgs et tIc standing amii Uic great doxologies et Ki» Vs chariot. Net alvays iu île' the redecrnei? Léet îhe ftneat operatld mînoriuy lis îhe Churcl et Qed goluq, air* thai ever veuét uz frornîlte church to b,- or are goi mon going te oe. of Christ get mauy leurs île. atart,; t The strcets are goiug te 12efilled nul viii bu caught sud pasaci by thl regenraici populations. Tî-ee hum- hosaunset îl te Sabbath selool chli- <d uad sixîy belies rang lu Mescew rom. 1 knov a churdh mlere Uiechoir' mIen one prince vas mariled. but did alf Uic.elnglng. Bave one Christian mîcu righteounewan sd peace lies inuWvo, tîrough 1"persoverauce oet«ehel ther l lu mi Ueý,eartl, ton tIen- Uicesaints," vent ^rigît ou,aid atcr- sani urnes ton thensand belle ahall wari. a :commitie vas appeluici te strike île jubilee. Peverty enricîci. watt on hlm sud asic hlm If b. meuld Hunger ted. Crime bantshed. Iguer- net pliaestop suuglng, -as le' bothored sue enlighteuci. MI thîe cli.. aveî. the choir. .1h net ibis a cause Werth workung ln? Let. ilose refuse te sing Oh, yenutihnk, somnetlmcs lu does net wb. neyer kuew oui' (oi, amount te muol! Tou toll ou lu your But children ett Uic havenhy King difforent spl *ere%, semetimes mii Mo.ud speak. leur Joys abreai. great discouralernent. Poople have no - e i Lri. Let verything fail sand aay :"XIt dees net ameunt 'PrSloe ie anything. Yen mighi an vel quit vil breatb praim e i Lrd.". In the th&t.- Why, rIen Moseasiretceci s <loriotg 1121e coming lu oui'cctieszaidbaud over Uie Red Soa hi dld net sec!» iu Uiche. ord'-hosanna nil mcet o-1te mean suyîîîug cpccaily. People snaMai.lmlieinah, balleulah. jcame eut, 1 suppose, sud sai, *"Abs!" me.tbms- hitarto coula ne .à 'si etbiz li o iarc done ln umm". c5 t eOf F Freu2m th& for te.. MY aOCChila pDahr b00115te h.be affled teUicl -,tom4 0" th doIÀnac owsa tI un , 400-49tât wçCeA of the. o.lgmt ~~ ~w, ~Som! ma, fr»0 a, unzotld Ut 4 ~tmm a tact am tgelm Whe JSUOB' 1 1mWb$ fau et !b -ama q fmefl* Dmi of et rigrants liaa .*riiv- **~wIa~So. )W0 Setout, twel've dluctplms tik Oea- vet tIc o~d te janains. AU et At t fl te I.. » am Vlley - Sby thm b0ed ln -theft mission Manoee tIc ptSIdOS et HWUT co«ufty1cmir. is Reiin, achim Mai7sort ce &»inis aebrokmea u thetIlitt isceOM&. Oon ee or hle visite ln New tR7 v7in in intrestwjt thà « Yrkstate lie became a couvert te the placese rnuch aTea prtenhlons. tli"belo t te ecolouL bli engae Tbumda, Spt^ theleaders to torbid further m"-r 83 a" 3 14. .theretgatherel frorn ail, risqua.Humbands already married Darts of the country the lurvivors of weft afowed to stililil'e with theW One O0f thÏe strafgt religions mOve- WlVes* but these who were betrothèi ment* whlch &tteulci the carly -ami. wmr obligmi to break theirvou graStectntrac northofsthe Fr0111this Umne on there were tréquent W85tIccenraIide et~'~ oey r*mevab- from. thec ooony. About tIi. rtouU4do he Ic coof e l11Wpersona mm Umne came Zaiion8 traglC déach. >Wbioh carne to: BIshez> Killua2nt&, and hln51Mth. e bd corne te tU. 00101 for Mtecui years man of*theIcpet aan dventrr amed Zt ot ladh theorlea advanced by Edward Beufarny talle» la love witl .lanaonts daughter were I dally practlée arnong théee al eecured permission to rnarry bhS, SWedleh pioncera. But ail tbat now re- but witb the condition that If at a" mains lu a rOw Otungainly but atrik- ti îliewished to Icave tbc place ho .lng brick buildings maii a uttle further might &P no, but that le could net talm, on1 a great square achhiouse, W1tb ber Wlth hlm uniesae wm entirely thc 014 coiouy churol near by, where wilug. In a short turne itoot tirci of services are still beld on Uic Babbatb. the work retlulred by Uic colony ad 1 Most iutcrcsting te Uic studeUi tOfwilshci tô Icave, but bis wite was notý sociallsm however, la the tact that disposci to go. Bo le carrisd iber cornnuiun, mnolferas it went, w»5awaY by force te Chicago aidkept succeMafu, and lbai It not been for bier ln hiding. «Janson get Utinhge cf Uic introduction Of Uic doctrine of ber aMd, with twenty rmen, b. set out tCeiebacy. Whicl wms nDot EdWard Bel- on herse back for thc clty, .ieaving ru- lamuyihm, lu 1888th*c001011y rnight stIli la"e of borsernen at vàriouasotages cf Pbe. Intact. thc Jour. Root- was away trom The promptings for thc toundation home wbeu tbey arrlved, no they car- 0 f thII.coionY arome lu thc brain uf lied Uic woman of£ wltbout trouble. t ee lian s f Belingland, Sweden.: Rtoot rau turions wlen bis lons was Re was a« son et 'weil-te-de parents dincovered and he swore vengeance anMd wmsl given a 900d éducation. An againot 3anson. His firut step was to raggravated toru et rheurmtism, how- carry the *caue Into the County Court ever, preventei hlm- trous doing more at Cambridge. On the day set fer the than to 0occaalonm1Y lyplw hia tather'. -trial Janson camne Inte court and tcok gardon. While doicg this one day an bis sent, but as le iooked up Reot 1unusualY severe attack came uPon shot hlm twlce witlb a revolver, kllling ,hlm and ho falntei 'away. Ou regain-, him instantly. o ug consclousnes h ard a voice say- Prom tIis tirne things did flot. go s0 ing : .Smoothly ln tIecoceiny. In 18M articles 1t in writ, whatsoever ye shahl ask eft. ncorporation were' Iled and neveu i prayer, belleving, 7O shall receivp; trustées were appointed to direct et- ail tlhinga are possible to hlm that be- taira. Olaf Johnson, who acted for Ileveth.11 Uiecoclony on the markets et New Janson recognized ln ibis -a vol:,m York, Chicago and St. Louis, made frorn on high and founi that hie pains somo disantrous financial speculations bad entirely disappeared. -Hcnceterth and ln 1861 it wau decided te divide be turned al bis urne to religieus -af- the property <of the colony mieo shares taire and after mUcb study diuavowed and, diabani. Bach person received the Lutheran doctrine of sanctification twenty-two acre. et land beaides an andisoon lad mnany couverts. But equal alare et sîl other property. ho was put te mucb persecutien and Many efthUem removed at once tei Was severai timon forcecito e ce to Uic other. parts of the country and those mountains for safety. While ln hidlug Who remainci grew wealthy by talc- bo planned Uic emigration et bis fol- lng advantage of the risc ln grain catis- lowcrs from Swedeu te Amorica, where ad by thé civil- war. he heped toý obtain religions telera- To-day Uic village la a sleepy littie tien, for lho bad become convinced that place, but. It la worth much troublé he ceuld not long continue bie teach- to visit tho peculiar buildings erectei ing lu Sweden. by these early settiers who openci the As a preliirinary stez> hie trusted idUcetof wediah Immigration te the frieni Olaf Oison wms sent te Arnerica northwest. At Uic celebration a menu- te examne Uic difféeont parts efthUi ment te the tiret comers was unvoil- country and report upon Uic best icca- cd and an address was made by Col tien for such a colony. At New York Clark I. Carr, ex-Minister te D)cnmark. Oison met Uic Bey. Mr. Hedstrorn, the teunder ef Uic Swedish MoUiodist FOOLED THE JUDGE. churcbhinArea, and unici' his ai- vice ho carne .te DUlonis. Eriy in hie à UmmessieBuse te gave. aoummod tour he fixed upon Uic. proeut site oft Muroirew'm Neek. thei town as an Ideal spot for Uic col- "Sore ycars ago 1 vas on thc benob ouY. He was Joined about Uiis trne lua& Nebraska circuit.,,sadi Juige. A. trvi si byJaa =I5iJdfmn»*a t'EttIicnau ILY enous of Omaha to a Washlg- ftallerasi MInu<ta'auisacos. ton Star reporter. * fnmhy grclngupn Osous beie. "A murder was committed iuder Jamn decided te rem-in, but Oison ratier peouli ar cli.rcumstances. Ama set eut for Sweicn to cenduot. the ManiBlCawc n aun emigration. HRe touad tIat1U0O pe- cd Tom piUmer vere eneinies, and pic woro wiUling to ombark upon tIec , a fer to' soe time, each bavIng ncw eniorpriso. The gois etail vere uiaeated Uic litso f the other. A .01od Uich proceois tmmcdi nto a reconclation vas effected, and oe *comme» tund, onc persan coutributing day Uic two men veut hunting together. 25.M Ocrevua. -PIUMIMer returuci siotie manisai lho Iu Uic summer ef 1846tUic iret slip- liitbougbî Cbadwick's horne and the load of paasengers set sai. Thcy vere latter bld gone te Kansas. mietluidne Yok y aen ma"hp iU, er "Considérable suspicion exisici, but bi guiasnereedcte ashn' ez> ilChadwick bad ne relatives and there whichvas nzned fier ansonasbinh- w ,, of0 îsprovîng the story,. place hISwedeu-Blubepukula. Prom Severai menthes lator the bouc. ef a Chicago ibey were ebllgod .tg walk mnivers feuud whero it vas kuown and many bariships e e encountcred. Ohadwick and Plurumer badl bec» te- Arrived at Uic choscu site log cabine gether ou Uic day Uic fermer is- were hastily put together ana dug-outs appeared. By moans et the boots and were made. One large soi-bouse was a pecullmrity oftihe teeth the romains crecei vich orvc mu come» ere hIontiliei as- those of Chadwick. kitcheu and. living rem. Intle dûg- Plummer vas arresici, tried, cou- outs, which wore" iark and uuhealth- vlctei and senteuced te be hsugod. fui, twe tiers et beds were placed, Trcre or tour days befoestUi time along each wall and eachbebd held two fxoi for Uic execution a man entcrcd or more occupants. lu eue dug-out my office aid saiuted me: fifty-two unmarried women siepi. As dfo sgjudge?"8 a renuit, o ôercrowdiug Uic mortallty " Bow are you? I1 anveredi. What va frigttul, twenty deaths occurring eau 1. do for you? 4vi lanc dynlu1947- N«W parties vere - wc-on%-yo-d -ow 9m1.-b b"Mh ammMMU oM "Di Cavck? No, le den't liv. - b~UI1VE' ~~5.&0fl. ayrem -Be' . icai.That mans 14t M -élé o *l trn m e r. Se do m lok Eibro*ies- W" thc maiWh vâie b Dt- CWmk. "d tIengot pardbine -dWtM. tom&*. IboIe- Mut.Ur k'a Gaid4 IMNERY, OPIENINO r""ý lm g mwj Mt. We invte t"c public teinspeot om, TuedayUveing22a4, sud Wednes an sd Thuzmdy, 2SaÎ1 and 24Qh of nlext wek, 90084f. Are oOvs s.A. OaMPbchi'GMOocr y- çm Mt.O" You Batsied? Are yen sstisd te av poor, nortalus clothing. in yeun bouse, vhich oass yen as.muai Dieney as a good aftile dee bougi -t direct' trou thc firm vho manufacture.it, Il yQen vent geauine buaans for real moid values, vitlieut fimy nords, but artiles nich are éloquentinii theméelves, corne bere. Ou~r Bkutkets are DaMims. Ou&r Skeetings are fine and clos. Our. IYarn hmB no et7ual, sud the Undenvear and Hoduisr uotd tally 10 per centleu. thai elsenhero Wool mantod ticyear round. Mafa rcù oUcardinq and ansiem vuaving promItlyattended le. J'uly 8# 1896.-21.ly, JO (B Imm8ATWOOLEN miLLV WORK of ail dsrpin notly.sud romptly dlone i 1«£bàWardee" omfces ADYBETSE in- TUE WABDER J . BOXLL Has Reoved fram theluouth oidle Of ]Kent mstet e to the PuOMmie to the North side, ni door to JG Edwards'& Co. BARGAINS. Alto oo.phtig oi anuui hooktmk mganl tmpober wo have a larg arnubjar Odd àicd" Maid la ?WEEDa WOINDB.M&R]Rte. *W, Mt0DBetJloi P uf Oakwool j >1 Il t 1" ~ bi~ 'lai g, wes'~ I. nova at-a« 8« or miel erg JL "j'" g' j' ,4 'f 1'( 4 'IL i"Il

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