'q tuew"ofi vow ini - wlm-ob lsbeen endorsed by * Mi"et t.~m hio . 5I..»It9-h.Q.1aI*f P<OfOSiOftfor tWen V 4 cxvtdmp hru~ ~ . * MoeDctr) IIS Vr4IIt IMM." i ,e«thlug W*M 0 serO= la alwayS pa W~ Y me art. Dr. ?iwweu text " rmw*~e letes flalSt-V» nomam Mi nI. x lat tu~ ~..1 :wftt a aie, a# te I ilyoon. » guli' wft th d 4 "tm EW«19«ý bowe. Ch ehaul l 1h. Mt « ureV m.e&u ob& and fis. smmie: a l sl Jwibt e «&U» Mon 1 «alS 15 Pu uI2 ocn8O t* I ef ithty I il V4 twelguI g8* u ouder miter b e etM .0i wnw hyhmadlargeIrées My futher die. An iiiyd4W Th fff ie be. wittheh. hildr' On ému faces I s s and proposés te drier .8100gbte0cure YM rcoqil or the mark of recuit gKtofie ail of M ae goea t=ypo«y t~trshftors irse a.tsrsMCr tMrefltOtien and resua w he ai our« 1,WS mi'bush, 1e crwem are oue, thélbe fls f1epo ph jme, uil atter a.while 1Isay e a ODOROM Awe 01fl805 flas o thae b. O sPed > bahi Don't crowd me amy more, or Iri IXPAITS i i ?eS t10 1 avelfae d iau r- e. Whut rlfht have 7011 W OCOlO NUIS D regard te how ur . erey weIi, thsnkbore and drive me Ca MY prenilsê? onyaakhow1- m. er Y ell tair I gel this famrm rn y father. Mmd he j~eoe e 1u fpaI>, 011 Whhhe ilW8. th brcin got it from, him f ther. What right Mme or u sie ~the iiountaif8, oai abath ln the surf eYut oe « W ou LUI gw 1- tlLong Island1 beach. or whether jitla8hae,,you btocne erey,-Oh.I mo ode44.u4 Ouii 1>7 .zPt mte tb. joy of standing ln Ibis gréât grOUP moe t uYou baid. s-y1 "Olnteh.i kn Tepedeot Tooth V@W4BL of warr-h&ted friends, or whether it c Oinz&do.» I e ngy haihrer 'The. ina new*uappréciationi of th. go dneso hon you d. 1 could put Ibis grouiii NEV ~-- t G(1 c I cuell.01 I smple kaow te a groat deal btter ue than you o» Immama W q abl1 arn happeY..it was mid Ibat -304n Àn you keep crowding me back anud lmBAwâ Moftt, th. great Methodlat Preachord crowdiug me On Into a- clouer corner ~te ltrlahI" imsenlu 3>0uai pred'calle-t around upon. me uufferlfg farnily, and, luaybr I a. In ui!oo 1h . recmarne llred by thir hard@ipa, I hew Yu lu tho-d ut 1 M ul fth Imwaln.- Forthwlth an lhe world cornes rlsoing eaut is mrufl otan e your funeral te pronounce ealogiums For~ba Steb A I.qBTlN.rlU~tig ou. year, i n givn ew~cornes le me exécution te anatbemMlos the keyuote 'of me fouI lwelve menthe' m.Tuaetehr.IanIecl mlnutr. Iwat 1 me i luthetuEs prit. Behoid tbe United States GOV- 14L ? E~ ofetAntioch," "Ariel" and *Coron&tion." derum ent ad 1maenoh americamor- x O l Y 1 It 1 1Wat -btu.put a new trumlret tp diangs red h ua to' or e wo allow our persoual aorrows to Inter- whiul ae ruck oin éfedse or. ahet -tere with the giorlous. tact Ihat te ngwh ome, la rtght lefneofea.Wafh- kingdo, in cminSierrareNevadda. Be- The induay pair. kndlIinoihR e at ional. homeon topofeh irra lu defne - ifm.aerl pp hendow nourfaihî O fore ths dwinditug red raCe dieus coIn- md1sin rtie mitsiown fOuraeitnGCn pletely out I w» b hat Ibis gener&» mmd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u.,nýh 'missionioaith uie soo ecîeofo w o urAth e <>1 ion mlght by commnio. justice atone for and on' mie MDR he arcst tOC peole.TheGodWhohat ben o th - he inhumaity of Ils- PredOcOSOrs. lu of g ide of this nation seInoe the Fourth of th1e day of God'a judgment 1 would luly, 17'.%, w111 nee lui that Ibis nation ahrbablo smearod Modoc thafl ohe btcomtsuicide on Nov. 3,atsir be aUbiod Sae icrO OWB 3171! IXevl Ny thelifle 1the unparaflêled bar- ahe Indeg n led Salom . Oeowo f-werYl ura t t*s oft18 .summer getdown te he Indaian aroaMvaol. and WM 9. and ovetiain twn.mabardWe shall be'standing in ara rane amteba 5a.VibutA, bar sudNovltis I ISR. sunhurstoftnational prosperily tltaI roendad alu b . nyhg bt a bpr- - ~wil aaty e . pessimiste who bY bariul d ea mavae »i ter o- If ~ r ourqreanytbugh. u la yutheir evil phopheciets are blasphemilig lne eb.arioe istl g fa i b. ae u evem our Uey uygthe (»d Who hbath bleme4 thus nation Christan nation. Notwi1ht5Jd31 t <rom W. Fle . aveTY v .oa oe yby n . ugblsetn ter iis,.1hegeneral digual with war and a eh irt ray ufntherwnI thul e tis ubstiution of diplomatie s kili for frOln- W.P. MOARTY thO eve raduaei sbat ruof h,0f 4ipnéîlntet he li~ glittering odge of koon stesl lua& fir. uman butche*W. Within, hla hag nmitlbl.htleda ua REPAIRS ~~~twently4lve yéeru Iere have been ln- 1baud ohrra týdnl h done promptly and au1t ?omOabep?005 ternstionl differences -which would copreind a f the ray ut dsan l th *That tte secrt cf sur enofl. have b roughtl a ubock of arme lu one compressolofi. old'5 ientlOlm- other day,,but whilh were peacefully Wa lw nilkama m possible thlug would have beoul the Brlieyour Watch to adjusted, the peu taking tb. place et~ worl'srectification wilh 1,400,000.00 Of the sword. lTh. Venieueli1 Co ntroversY ppltinadno facile meas uf cer- in any other ýago of 1he worid wouid poulation; und w hOg ée flEu lhavq, e brougbt bock. or arma, but uuw munraphe or tey nwthrouh Cln- dwp y~ III1Ute beimg se quletly adjusted l taI no trahy for the eyo and Ihrolth- lua- otkuows .lust iow It la beiug setîle1. tme o h ead thuiearn-W TheAlaarn qustin l an oherboating and reilroading 1.2,0 77 mt a . ibaff. Th AaUm ueto i n o tmiles outhle.world'a oiroumterenloea»s a. iu.me o! the world. Would bave caused shrivelilng up Imb linignificant war b.lwoon 1.Ule llmadbrevity. Hongkong ia uearer te New E:ngiand. -How vas Il etlid? By menl- «ork Iban a few yoa-s ago New sf-wal ocf th. Narrows or off tie Mer- Hayon was. Bembay, Mocow, Madras, seyt, »y. ho gulf stroani 0f the ca Melbourne wihbln upeakiug distance. croased by a gulf slre0m uf human Purchase a tleegbaphic chart, and by bloudi Dy the pahbway of nations lu- the blue linos éeo tie telegraphu of 1cgxnadined?> No. Â few wise Mon .go0utheîand 'and by lie red linos the ivttua quiet rupin at Geneva, tant the cables under lhe ocean. Youu eo whal malter over, mand telegrapi lu WaSh- opportunlty this in going 1e gîvo for mmmw-l/ ngton and te London, '«Ail settled." the final movemeuts of ChristianilY. w[.3 MAKEmm. - Fe.,...Pace, 'peace! EZnglaud. paya. ta lhe A forîreus may.be monthe or years -. UnIted States lb. amount awarded- lu building, but after il la conslructed Sewer and pays rmalye more than she oligit t10 may do ail ils work lu 20 minutes. have paid: But stili, aIl that Alab&me. ChrisllaxultY bas been plauting ls bat- Cu4ve . PIpe broula a etred-ueltled fore ver. Arbi- torieé for 19 centuries and may go on C i e t p Stration-irnàtea'dd.6t baIlle, lu the work tirough other centuriesý Au Limestrnm z . £. 32&" Aise 130 lhe quarrel about the Canadian but wieu thoso batteries are thorough' connections. ftshortes in any olier age would bave ly planled, those fortresses are fully WA'ITE FO' PRIO#S. causedwar belween lhe United Statesbutlymaaidoherwr<i ur q~and Bngand. England.said, "pay me 24 houru. The world sometimes derides THE. ONTARIO SLYI[R PIPE -COtr lhe invasion of ni> Canadian fluber- lie churci for slownoess o oeet 60kADLADE*T n. ~~10~~ The United States sald,' "I wili Ilascience au> quicker? Did l nat take flot pay anytbn. el het0T cence 5652 years to fiud out 00sip PAOTORY AT MIMIOO. TORONTO. lions _aay, -I, gueus we had- bettcr icoNe a thing as the circulation of the humai the viole malter *tla a commission." bîood? Wllh lie earth.aud the sky full The commission is: appointed, and the of electricity, science toai 5800 Years commission examines lite affair. andi before'Il evon guesued liat there was 1>, theq eCommission reports, and pay we any subtle and mighty eloment. When oughl, Py" oe muet* pay we do. Nul a good mon bake ]Possession uofaan liese P u tý-f powder burned, nu one hurt scieutiflc forces and ail tisse agencee X.0r.. F10 mruch as by the scratch of a pin. afIinvention, I do nlot kuow liaI lbe Arbitr.ïtio1n nstes)d of battle. redemplion ofthle vorld will bu more Sa, the Samoan Contraverse Ilu any than the wonk of half a day. Do Wb clher- age would bave broughl GermaflY naet maibe Queen's speech at the aud tieUnited States mbt bloody col- pnoraguiug uf Panliament the day b.- Uion. But ail lua ettled. Anbitralian fare lu Landau'? If tint be su, lIo I inslead uOf baIlle. anyting marvelaus la belleve liaI ln France wilno ver again, I lhink, 24 hours a divine communication can througb lie peccadille of au ambassa-' reach tie whole earli? Suppose Chriol IIdor, brinif on a baIlle wilh- olier na- sbould descend on lie nation-mnan3 tions. Se seestint rod, lupunsh- oxpect liaI Chist Win carne amoni -'th d o cm or ww*ua a---- la & OU la y Ogh se èik ad are sure h. e la t t e , t 70Y *y~~~tlUWlthb t »I5î ùut aû. lie toe oh gen gs..If Yeu la a cea9e on the mf1u t. - à*b cmpaein assures y ul.Vesseid lanoma- and lbe wllds are ciiibKS rate-I tom quartor, a4ho .0lu Xre ,>e it bring you mee n10 liethe ar~ber, yos patienly gubrnil lueprOent dlstreSS wit# the thoughl of- sate arrivai. Nov, 1 wmml te kuow whethU e re oea- lt 031n lovuie diammty, da3me5 mmd defeât or oit tour. light. and ble«Med- nom. Tou and i belleve the latterandi if ano evory year we sped in ome Yeur oubtraced frois the woril5e, ami & overy evenl Iat paumea, viether brtght or darkt, bringi up one evat nearer a ha.ppy consuirnaaion and b>' &Uai la i nexorable lu chronoiffl. and mnathernaties 1 commn.d Youu egod choor and courage. Ifliere, la any- thlng lu aritimolic, If Yeu ubral lwo from five and leave tbree, lieu by every rulling sun vo are cornIng on te- ward a magnificent terminus. TienY every -wuter passed lan une 'severlty less for our pobr world. Thon ovory sumnmer gone by bnings us nearer un- fading arborescence. Put your, algo- bra duvu on the top uf yeur Bible and rejulce. If l la nearer.morniug aI 8 o'clock lian l la aI 2, If l la nearer moruizir at 4 a'clock than l luaI 3,S.lieu we are nearer lie dawn of lie world's de- liverance. God's dock semee 0go very slbwly, but lie peudulurn swings, and the bande move, and Il wll stike nodn. The mmunad lie. moon mtood sti once. They viii neyer stand mtli again, until Ihey stop foreve?. If Yeu1 belleve aritimollc as veli an 701W Bible, Yeu muet belleve vo are Deei lie 4awu. -Thre day laetaI haud.- feloved people, I prefth Ibis ser- mou because i vent Yeu 1e tell vlth the' sunlight lu your faces. 1 vanl yeu old men te under5taiid before Yeu di. that ail the work Yeu did for God wite yet your os.? vas aiert a.nd youm foot fleet la going lte11e eauuted Up 1lu lhe fiual victorien. I vanImil lieus vounger people le undersland tbal vien tiey tell for 0"d 1he7 aivays . in. lie day; tiat all praYerS are an- .swered and ait Christian vork la iu I sme'way effectual. and liaI lie lide 1le setting In tho rigit direction, and . tat al heaveu là1 on our side-ginti?, cheruble, arciangelle, omnipotent, bchariot and dexoloi>and pro- t C«"m, pr = S" dominion, r .Eviehobath lb.hecS under RHlm et P ad aIL lie armies of et evec OU vhul5 thorus. - . Bolher, brother, aUi Iamn afrs.ld et rli not thal Christ wIl!lom the batle, rbut biat Yoeu mmd 1 ivi ot gnt laI lb equlck enougi te do sometlulug vrtiY t our blood bougit Immortalt'. Oh. r Christ, iuw shahl I meel Thee, Thons of tie scarred brov, andthie ucarred a back, and lie scarred hand, and 1the I scarred foot, and lie scarred breê8I, If i. I have no »cars or vounda goîlen la -Tliy service? lb shah! net be su. I stoP &out to-day lu front ofthle baIle. Core ;,on, ye foes, of God, 1 dare You lte0coin- -bat. Corne on. vili pans dipped lu ymahlgflfcy. Corne ou vIti types soale" àed Ilu hie scuin of 1the eternal pi. I 9 det> you! Corne on; 1 bare my brow; 1 uncover rny heart. Stnike! I1ommuet * eo my Iord until 1 have been bhurt * for Christ. Ir vo do net suifer wllh n Hlm un earti, -vo casnnot be gionlfled I it Rîi Hm tin hoven. Taie*good hoart. 'a Ou, ou, on! See, th1e skies bave brigit- se euedl Sée. the hour 1s'about tu corne! n Pik out m&l the charrient of bbe en- e thems. 11 t tbeorchestra sIrl» i« si sq Instrunltà. -The nim a:18 aï-mspt; Le li.d&Y l8a etbaud." A leell m atek bhiverna lOI Mkglte Oam tewutosle la wopm m m se tapi. Bell loà aïve a 5n 15U5 à MeWm rlla pepno relns lent stresS. meut 0a B y. omuone- -,bOge&i ut,,l I b w isity etfNZr. ieux>', Mr. Oea illa fd the viobouIa tour allia la bbave »V sau otuh esaM ciommel outil,. Iu . Tm U*s sa *0 a krnU. vweqilj» Ora. bbu baU ltwmatm e 34 it ý-«tm, - l b, Um W. w. oplaywith b. Z l P**uTiob.tos I*would bave been a surprise if W 5I~~ oq~ lks* P4o-uobioms m no.UU.Su swesk, but beosuse the Clothlàg xp14 mo b. bue*.d lhWOauda. tb. iUou ofthe. bîg &tore: wu aI st ake, and were 36ré !Oe ro" 4 *01 ýbv.desemd l*à ood opiz"iof the direotons asWeil as th. îhousad )l men Wok A# -th.e B". Xow we're lilng up for a rttIUng big Fei bout>.. Weve. od a good Start already, b0stii puio. oirds sme boomlng a mot o n an tudy every dayo and the figures startfing iiougk to bring us the irade of 1h.UsMOs CLOTHING. Cauadien sud Englii> Tweeds, goo4 rim.ivgs, eil made, dms86 tu«44 MIus Pure. AlI.wool.Cmnadian Tueed Pante, neat dark striped pattërnu, vrelil riuimed and cul, aime 32 to4212 Eoulbu' Long Pente Suits, in datk brovn, mll-w"o tweeds, cingle breasted, vitli good liningu and good interliniugs, aime 30 bu 35 inch chest, regular A895 MIen's odd Tweed Veste, dark snd' light soloru, asorted, plain and checked patbarus, wihb good trimminia, aime 36 to 44 inchi abot, regular pries 75. and $1.00 oaci Boys', 2 pitoe Saku, in al-vool tweeds, darli coloré, neat sected patterns,' outt neatly plsted, strong Italui lhzrM ngztu lined ibrou«hout ams 22 to 28 ir oh cheet, regularpre9 02.,25, 82.50 and 82.75 a. sit p LU1,6 Yroutba' and Boys' «Ulaters, al výool faney Pries., dark oolore, allwool checked - tweed linings, SSorm. coller, haif beit, elasb pocketasises 22 to30 inch ohet Meysurev Belarprie84.50 euh 3.95 Boy' Nvy ineSerge Ramers oréà Jackets, medium> weight, twilled Italien linig, brasa buttons, aime 22 bu 28 i chut meaure, regular 12 prias 81. 75 0osa.2 IléW. Oveoacts, ia imported Esgliuh cloUa, chinchilla%, keru.y and mon- taguls, wintsr weights bine, blaek aud brou shbades, with obe3kd Chstiesurreua pieOffl i 8.95 Menm Di. Edoa PA RTMENTa. u veet uePd, 2.inh ainkbbaudand .1bindinclor, Uwih 24 iuch briatnd 5j inchicrovu .-ou'. Soft Hâte, fedora shape, extra fine fur foit, large, modiuiu and. anall bIloaks, the very latest styles ini Englishand Âoeeric*sn maires, colore black, browu, nutria, siate and fawn, ailtaizms, pecial Boys' Sfiff Rats,. very fine fur feit, lijeci ùr uulined, iu black, browu. etca. Nice neat ahapos,. vere $2.00, special Boys' Fedoras in' black, browu and mouse colore, lined or unlinecl, fail styles, siial' UENderhira ad Ravesdhie-. bresuted, heavy quâlit.v, ribbed cuffs, regular prias frc, and 65c. esci - Mm'. ilaGroy Wool Uudershirts and Dravers, ribbed akirt. adcafte, doubkýbreaued, meu's sizes, regular Men'm Fine Scoh Wéol Undershirte ana - Dcraer, double brsastel, sateen feciag'iextra volil riuumed and fluinhed, regular prie75c oaci> Meu's Extra Flu Wool Uzrdorhirts and Draurr, lin fecy stri3ee aud plain gre1a, double .breaated, ribbed Akirt -a" cOER, saison facinie, regular price 100eich Mges'. Pull Féwahioued ScotcE Wool Undersblrts and Drawors, rihbed vie and akirt, double brouuted, aise' fiue medinui weight imnported natu rai vooli,a imes, 3410o.42 cheat meaure, regular p"ies 1.25 each "ALWAYS GOOD AT GOUGH'S.9 00P~ Tii. Wonderlul Cheap (Jiotibiers, LINDSAYB ourse ~gemptezs. YorPooket Bokok mot resut hhwoupnsvo vili ib ose 71durbia .baams fph mmonthaMd uapslly bu BUvrw.n B a TWnERBOR h Cothe Wa~ed-Apj~deQ~jj WawÇd-B. .. fut... to 1 m- Ma- WILLIM "M eUN? LiJ4DSAY saw #Mmd eh t amilai N.elaei amitam 10p DUNN'S PO'qWDE R PORT HOPE., 1Fifty ears BICVORE TEEI PUBLIC A-ND S. I STILL INCREABING. syrup Gurni everywhere. K .ERUTWATSON & Go.. pRtOplRmi~0 (3) vNRmL 1.30 51 ýur mi, Our a] gpthat -Bai inspec pur 35 cents 0 rw Twc .5 prie. 6c. special p Our 6p 'I'hey ane 150 .7 50j The Au 'te hr mutu Want Town I have mad Sonl veRirer F. Rave Piopert oi,u Mumen, glef ori We handle the 'Columnbia, Gendron, .Brantfoi Cornet, lm a number of secoud«hft 'We teach yOu to ride at th 1 Wini PETERSORP& IL r