f. IE1w fiEY. DR. 'ai gIo ppostbeUl victory WiIr -to-day 11ev, Dr. grent conflici pro Ibe Cliia11-a 61the IWeswt. jrMage(IUOfl. Mis t= lion x 6. 1,"And' ihe together In a 1i - - *bretW trngue Arm Idegiddo 15 tiie it t otks down. upau ibatep. peatest battiefleld ors". n. Tbéec Csfaalites, thera fa&ding <,'ypttans. 'tuie wRoleU gsnds fot' battie, 4n& théi of ny test borrows ite w&M and Is heC~e used net' geognaîiwi but flur'ttivciY. whiesÇttn fo*%the idea that there le, to be s we1i'i elt- big b)attIe, the greétit o!fi iUs compft!d w1th whëbtblonecmlq <ts cent ury aSi-a ét U r C We'r-, nqlgniiflcant . becaus of Lte grcater narnibt'r ai comabatats en- gs.ged, thçe greater victory amnd the greater defeat. The exact dite of that battis ve de.- ýot knox,,:andi-the *exact l00aItty 15 uncertain. It me rb. ln A»4%, Europe. AfrIca or Amreka, but the fâç& tsat such a battle 'tlt ake puma. >ýýàM certinasu o'.eenituu i use the superlative -iaffltu- tp that èomntng confilet, 1. do flot fessait that there have been vwans &Il al.05 on, sitiupéndrns Écale. -As vécu' at Maré thon, ~ Iitiadesbl Ibtn ils teli, flot'in nrdlnry march, but 1qt ull ru, upon ,the lhorsernencOf Permis e4I the back archer-q of Ethiopia suid sctter- ed themrana-d crylng: *"U»nng rel Eilhg ir e!" set Into ilanws Uic ehipm 01 t»i Invaders. .MA.4when Pigarnoaveime Peru. Aq when Philip IL. trutLpbed ov'er. PortugaL. As viien tii.. Rls nmet tho flothas. As wiien 100 Bpartam Mse- rfcdthemseh'es ut:Thermopytte. As wlien the Carthaglms tpokAgse- tum. As when Acxan4er hesiei Lbe Maredonltan ph«amx. ýAsuviien ilal- bal Invaded Italy. LBu t M i ÎtAIn BatisleoaiValmyl 8UWIe -~ ioa Battle af Aréela! Utt» et. Wom! Battle of BorodIno! Bttei. pi lmwi IBatlle of SIfefnot 1%àtt a eÏ<mt where 10000 yen USa' ImmUis*dma-' Ions, wbere 3M ~ ê U Batlle of Iierat,~ iU destroycd 160 00ilott~0 ITiar, viieYe 1,74A0 lfe!rt QLOt death! One ndflç«on"c h idmred nd sIxteen thousand a"iaiut TrayI AnI Aneracan battles, toc men S 5W tO ailow us La apprectc tbrI' awtil grandeur and sigimfcatce, egçept Yol who werc there, facimlg the lrorth or faclng the soulb!: But ai tis a ttiesl3 1 b ave rna mcdput togétier WvI!1tiOt equalIunnumbers enlseldor fler*ii.Us or grandetir or trimphorouth onrnng Armnageddon centu.Whte It.1 t-hail be fouglit *wttb 1intei'5' tye or' keen- steel. whetbier by bétan Or muscle' wicther by peu or carbine,. %Nhether hy btv-manz' nn -on or Liii!- ders o! ChrIstian elaquence, I de) net know. and you rnay Ltake wvit 1:!"Y ' a fguratIve -or literai, but abo asu0W-- tain what St. John, lunbis vision oni Lie r O f the Greclan archipel$go, 55 pienRed la cati Armageddon. My sormon w1iii frSt- mention tue r:mnthtuaIwill b e ngaged ln thé tonfliet. thon wl1say sonlthiut Of tue itttminndrs <n bath 9m4se,&a4i Lien . pak of thé, hattlé tilef aid lhe tte- ~ît-dcU~Issus. eginntnt vith thoSe n-ho %wtt! fight on lhe vwraug aide,. I firat rn,-n taon the regîrnentt diabolie. Ini thiq very chalpter frein Whtbhni>.t0xt e ; e wo.are tld tbe.L thc sPWntz df d.,\ de will b" thpre. , Iow rnUlty -Ml- l, of tboi~r- ý crie Caln tell, for thie ~% i'-~ f lV~satpnic. doulioSm bt no ~- -1 -- r-portei_. ,and the r0li or~ ~ ~ rvl '-t1e<i'ny"on eanrtiibeefi c l ' i it frnî ithe dlref'ul and con- tir(e...tal andi planetary vork UieY baive -t h- n d the fart tu&t otry w'<'mRj' Lý'an-d Chul1d.-ôn earth hn- a V-npripr ths're rafl«t be uLt leat i; o--o <f eo-lr qnîrlis îamilliarwith our r-"i erli-ie e s mfAYnymO IL" engaý%r4i on espîrcil -enlenmnIsO OC thorninatlon amnfg tbé mtene .Md enipiresaofIte eurth. 30511Wat, there miiqt h1*-an inconclYSilie Duin- ber or l',hai.tants lu reaIgnd P60de- Ifiia. nnyngthens tobke*Ptieit CR'-itts ln<'f in g.frein ege te aie Mu y t hor onc ltei ~ baYmn; 0fthe' dark pein mti IpirItual ïéo,ý ^ ý Oli, what- %a Ihei p4ei theoIt10 botc. Thor iti QUor. dealeru' deds ornillOSew t - Riblp Cat t te. enad cin »bt $à -*rt t ,w imers u LuS,ý -"F51ai 0 ý. le 9 been a-<un~h est f1_3ýOà * dMlUS every rëqnire. iftbh mage are Li advancc 0f any*iing l'eIuy a tempied. '1lhe ovenls arc "0.ke hdra ro a ci, evS dorshrned wth linr, lire-box piro- *vth pOIN;eitatsef ~ I - updoehaitandextra h 1~ M t -~ -t awwrW.lut q Mfreu4dpp 4zi fou or swecolkng WU~VL U ~ or ýw- fi I- cs fb., Itdescriptive calalogue = IV &a4 -Vbf #W l t~ q a: tiolât-SM#AIVW1.. ,LYS.. 111EaoouVIaU * 1 nim , ek" 09 -i r vo id by 4. 9Wo 1, Lindo Y-2O48 26. ths h 1ie o m -i~.labin raggimla o lm Mw9,tti.0 Oûn i4loiaI~ ? RO B V 11% e o » -m t "* m g a. e r -W ro a. r Athe May 0ftae aat cté oftiielnfored a jý 00ne Ith e f ot ý ' t#yW flhuonmie, ILtom ,«,ùomüt.U&J ate'àit .~ ~ ~ 3H> iie tht itregth td"_ur. aa&"Mathaka, oabe l* o the .pdbnowf4 stok otZDues sdj"nxe *ilala;av-wad M".We.BOC the ooiu 5 w o bW ioC.Ivabi Te onea a4 b .5Wqflb wsi. 7Diu udMstl ii h.su presnt ill tbreae ttbe Mar of t ii. roah, f aiv. ni-mi r gl ag aus0 th ' thstu, ,I à M7 te mî"SM eto or&WW", tbnt. %hk ovmMelCHELL W1~ mii de=.*é" 1T hpe U the .jog q54 hemoue âtit wlkune e>ehv o idi 4*"h OtltfUt i.NJO' lppg~~~~~~n open thbet.ofwhchI pili. eglrnfte ugIlc viien "i V&of blworid i<v. ecollaU ABeté,$ili n PO»h«Mâm of? the i&t àurtt ii>cmmi the*t aaelPctTamd mi .e> rapky, hsn ,o IL U~ E a Tb Otmm tY o dfat50-,72X000e0u, !S33 r s ils t iâr 05* the Moniiv1mahy'i s I u b of7e' as a.y have vAe àuienwltten, au lu2,bet urszO Na f,0 h lls*.ei ï âtiilo, n s y, the IàÉh* ii.nmndiDe ~ sud lest. 2L'«ý a tt n h à0tUW«*Ilbavl i a!unî mtt mun- t1 Twý fila tnrl'ft sth Mt drwiO ..k Mg ver" thert an TMJS*iubsrnar a e w 4eJuE 1"4 W f thunadu w0n1m8* Am*ie t .C taio s'o0tuaecr If~~~# *l'OrE.G$ tone ereOrim w eurIÔàIt-dt t i h.'wmb.T &t Qusaroednt tandilCrisad. &hou..~fré) n oeci 10 f>Ile » &waI ii. TUlku5h 0V doub tt ma i w*lthl tbhe An<epecave, oùonm £the w.T#e flm miii tel o he gar cramet vobattsy s of-eltichI lt rehlngthe owheaoldr ailng cUrke to a ctilat loseé t Wllto boebnu~ment0f ~ê mn-o~.w1r ea t th n ee omlmiJof te àmaalpln ot Zaun o"e Our wit4o rlff a n » ewe »v«bi smilor trea oi; B phu. tlith le rah .pîte éime i!nt b nge uA*n. wiii7 idèrd he' '= gt ,,ce,**n phàU I mtfuO$i rnfreti. A tie taite!I ti eIAo~ TE1.xa outhe . -a o~ir lp. ,mua iýtLIoIua.haMr.raii -T hefn ft " tondlas my benthe, nsLioaam ier vlag,' voeitalita. réliglon Whefl pon reachlng hotmacplace a polce- p wlth ha. oots foraetlAM sud torcbt tk e ra pnarthuto i g- ot corne ta berna- Iiinath exdelu mè atn uerureoen ta 1 l e d mi free, bolnthebroUkaàI. __________________________ touta liber aL. !hc.hum tcs ii11 i. at'aigty a2,nd ioc &A bq . con inç t wateer o r 5O~ i lthe II ae liO00000 BrMiins 40,00,00 ud - thm, thu reimet c.ematlm1- run1ii ec f relayvh aml It a84,':e croo'!, ami a aiofthe hgle b4ts. ln, i heablte t hoe-Theg nt t ts t atti.1heLtin e-é e vçtr, Th* b ath lenr7 ud she Boot o tIe entur>., nthe mmlur n cdc > on ra Mri tuI#tt theer Q t heor ail-u "O, Iau cs qudesptn ah , M l Luj pè h ivrBprt% n n nthe Ilet ta b w!it "h.the d trarlge I ouhbedmfcuttod-Of teW ae fth anc ri movement ailOUrn lnrc* <tiuert l t&â *6abbumu&0-glof, ae a mîdtsr puits liehan Govrc a 0 4 u io viIc onoun a nd x ye tbcr e' n»ty idth u t e at9 ~s of sud e - 80y06 N1. Sud liro sa. P tn 1. di luntcnvre Isuretio ,hesoalan eacdb mrn lsô tfun ets! oaibig vi 'irlleosvr dir ri sete-thi efrMaudersô tieo. be tsri gloea iiuthc<dbyme Dr.be IW t hAnui arnUm» e mè w88 CS U ,* bq' h ave çvne d rnmb e Cpipe- Imm crlmhrnal o!ail asy. haeve hanks. aryhng a shtandard tnleduuare aylnuy.-do, b n ub a rs s mu bra ch s R e t oe peorai dtl.es' o! aocety, tuetgue '0f Iaeter ollgIt es U AwAdythe utntenor&buoan bac! mtea =w rageostane> Fouam hr mans'te> aa eweiti r ha tèn suyterarred; atniped auSUggeUtIIIg Hlm - - rêpr hql'UesWtiitiMem 411a1refu moisM" b. oai 90n" ot efr hate b virn osrpe ear ieid, idAKi udm.y oyn M .voi !timdeetiamt * hae osu*takn ies~but ienthe' sarri a wlt th ~ue. battwoenTi wrîàtm o la for bthemas *W00- veybuioe aheo pgo vil! eluaiefer. l tal ds.Wthvo ue da I é Iffolum sa lahnIudaryMÇlqUc ruc ba asqle tenleiaen ht rm h Sub ie fKntsret nx t h wiatveor, ~t.vit ioenewth hnesa iestas, ibw ram Vf.mutée),48 er* wh o btaIn a it vsmii.Wiut'.mtWrtn. ~s. est .lecope, ti~ ssilbrin Li amite'scouethesé rf e spulaste -thy V Oat»Ilstblgup o, ' il ot Bdk ntar o 35G zualUti'~iWe m." tlat iiidoviu .he venTm ses Are t sdhae Ma exturweth uni Ianls éhith ul e'eahan wmi. &the a ioandiug b iers a at e it o!. .p w Bn en aunhe. I$ stioeo kp TcCtaNtiDiA15 If wlu u i G tout Li L im e ai*iude ar a sdti. ble, Te rm atthgas. utasotameue slhaléos.14, chop euodlrs luaesvii ti.Mm<b7~ utmeoi5waer! è si.eivha H le dotu ma r Aoaident a -ki nUrysl.t.utie yti Gvrret itaso f Turspte le im5i a tt"v- s.l Sk. e ut 4h pt m voe ,.rh *tch An e>s oltr uîme . wic ipar ls * qi q -ocpq aàmeiuu prc. eramengit W tou eyS ion t.'WO vu irtitralg n*I, iekhouvgb.qflong 50 vue. o>aéý4a laýw _ -m ourglies, or âobiSa wblîr te'o v ba lb tàha d tr vr t and a lbo* IM WeIé1I Re sk3bu re lu ic o*1,au.p te sîcinentao! camoe*' ea$s is UuhuteliUB ii HbtW lt ar~p mEP150 ~500Upiht ~r Uneu.ê ~i ~4vr II. meliWta a pro r rife siiot. ___ea boinbedi"t, o t4eMM-ofwÏr'rom are n th eyès indcatig In1piet cqp)è UIith Onevet s hWQotiImg socle-te Bopl7 e . B e u-6L eie lp rostiefl 0! - e te tme ist .'Iip lDo tb u inii i * ie giwi phréés l âm befre, he atttiiefr» menloedlnmy ýX1lmMdalâ Nir astdéorrote"tàz0ý0 '= po ra*tagi at W111maChlnwilkSOr ad OIM iewetthouh hestees Mk ll aý,ddenr-eoBedthJ I fte and~~~~~ GWTHING brpttite ra ocrn oha is at xodd. stéé%"»>elug cus Pt. iercoat o~p MOWe, frcoka u assyvhec. h 4- - t -I. usleê& - ,~- 4~ -: 0%0%s face- agual Ma",s ii~ place t, ~he0.