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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Oct 1896, p. 6

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1 du* ter con walk deul W moroPer- hapu ?" ishe sAli. wlatify ".We saal ee, cherie. We sa hâbve the gardon chair doua to-day, by-tb*- bye, for I wrote yesterday. Ah t good mornlng, Mrs.:)XortMO." Aldythls color roue as she met hlm. and she id nelt quite lift ber eyezte1 hie. se mucb of naiame .bai Ibis flrst -ime. ."Antd hou la my dearest on.e?" ahe sald, klsaeng tb. girl. "W.hat'does Dr. Lance aay ?" ý1 ýý1ý * .ordërs mediclue,"l sali Lance. wth the wlckedeat giesai -in hie lonut eyes; "and that Dorothy shall aeep In ber room. ah. baé bai ireame andou rets nervotu&" "ocrai. dear. poor chlld !i sali -Al-. dyth. looklng pîtiful. "40f courS your Sordors are la*. 1Mr. Drrell' 8he di net 1k. l. 1e saw. CHAPTER XVIII. The gardon-chair arrlvei illut after luncheon, packed In a perfect cane of canvas,, and DarreU ibmeif wert out Int the great hall te superntenditIs unpacklng. ond then wheel WIt ute dinlng-room for' the Inspecitlinotf t owner and Mr'. and lire. Mortirner. ."What a pretty tblng!ilbth theué last exclalmed, vhiIe Coral. 1leaulng on ber elbow. gzed on It wlth eprklig eyes and a rosese at flshof pleasu re that ade ber exqulsite beauty look. so ethereal that l qave Lance's. hart a, stab 'Quite a litth ouoe and gardon car- riage. isa't It ?I ho sai, llghtly. "A Sveritabie-Beau Nash, Ring of Bath, 1 think." 'That la 1h !', cried Coral, 1 lappig .ber bande like a gleefui child. "That shahl be lts naim., Doctor L4ince. Oh1. What a dear good felow you are to cri'er me suehi a lovely Beau Nash, 1Imn't he. Aldyth ?1 . And aren't you a chili VI sai AidYth, laughing wth goo-naturedi n- dulgence that was edifying. "Oh.. dear ! oh, dear ! mY pet, don't yeu over aifean to grow up ?"l *'Dont know. ma'am : but I'm 'grown Up,' and don't want to be t Wbat I do wmut an.d mean te de just now la toi go90eut thi thLt chair loto the sunsbine. .D»oro' ance. You viim laxoeM. wu'l Yeu V" "ydear," sali lMma.Mortimer, la reprovlng remouetrance. «"and Justth11e . Otteat tUrnef et bday 100 " 1 *]ot ?-that early May sunthat la hrdly iwrm oven T" oxclalmed 0oral. con temptuoualy. adLanceé l.ghed cutrlghttas Aldyth turnoi te «hlm. "Don't look appeall*agly at,=e, 1fr.. *Mortimer'. for I amn a perfect salon- ander-worse than that chili evon 1 She May corne eut. but I muet bave a shawl for ber.", "*Oh. ne; I iont vent a, lot of ber- ri wraps VI sali Coral. wlth an Im- ]Patientfrown- and deliant manner tbat ý licitad 'an invari,, amue : "*Weilldons. my Coi #I ]But aloud. ho sai: "Pardon-I meaxi you 10. baveItI. my dear ! Stting isnt 11110 valklng.", He rang the bell 1tu-ed a message tô Derothy. «'Are you comlng eut.. e. XMi Mor'- timer V" "I sheuld like te."a ali. MVezedly, "but Ibis lu9rny recelvlng attei'noou and there are sure te b. cahiers. 1 bai,. too. se visbed te .IntrodUce- you t '*Yeu are very kind. but that.mut ho a pleasure te corneu. eni'" uer- ed hypocritical Lance. 4'ly pattent Dmus e MYo m it Iduty."1ý . ore a servant éniered aid received .b temessage -for 1Dorotby te tete& a eouPle cf.11gbt ahawls for'Min Guise. wbo teaàwhlile bai tepped tr«m lb# s ota laIe 1thebasket-chair., "I ca au[vl. yOe e. pli by my»sIZ" sald she. aa Lance .eoped te arrage cushieus under hber ft sewthat 111 lu-] ,.une w. ne.u-. c -ver 'sAV C *t. t1 he then loomely about ber. Mt vere deuned, ami they v etoraiy. -l'il ueo eu one,1the berrce," sali Aliytb,, glvlug Daàrrei a balf-gwaIuus, laIalf-coquettllsbgkanc. "*lb.the oak &as llghb as yen vlshe Ilt r-thls ash. wboeledýitIl lreugh lb. vlndow, Votal stéerlug. 1he pusblng it from, belindL doLigbt as love," lai lie, g lancing douat tb. vommu t hls maie. - 9 "'A hennid, cynlOal uaylng. vhick peu1 ieu't belleve!t" retorlci Aldvbb, colea-1 lIn ami peutllig. "Tes, I d o-vbv souin't 1IrT" "Perbape you'l cang per nmimd sôme day," sali aise, -Ugtlljbut vIls- a qulck. audacilo oks that romimhl hlm painfulyeoflait nlbt. Lance abrugged his i>ouiiers and laughi ironlcafly;. ekae e Im -' in eho ai te deal vlth : he =Mt Det seau te yiol< futher Jut y« tol bbc balf-bebnavod feelam gs b. Su be. latd i 151 ughb, or mem t e h.to easity ccnquerei 117 11e liamor et 1be passion mbe bai lot him sne. He w« far tod elever tl e ho mpted Inte mueS i mistake. "I Mmaypomsllby.'! dtpping1the hu IW boues qulte loy: "ome uiy-iâttbeA- 1 hoe almeut tsmpted le tre even lesson cf lite's exerisen »Itss*, nerlj belev-"ý He bitIe Upanid stopfl tli mrulptly.. - "W.»l, vou stIma-vs hues. ISuppose T", 1.1 "Ye-a a-la, hoth of peu l" ad 9 lurnei bacS totehé1ebums. *1"0 he eily " ut (oialle, - >qb lier ea agau; l fb.oumbous . o a hand»soe a bove -be. > "Trhankl Heav.-qm r Done o puIm .e «d, son&; cneIo Co . rounIe hm tld me..,vo tis-el" us n ie ta nu» ats lou nealy nýd & 1M11) t'- he àue A" '8d oe'L&Dco U1r. n 1 a-debbd 7 souaiedoi 10ah.» ff tor jeu, "P.atier-freaio' -Y .ospecltily," sald i«t.eU tFUm tate 1fragile Ibb& a t& %Ou hoe iovei. ubose 1h vW" lu MbàWWmia «-o.thn.Itsalboi hta Y« IU Lance." *,TMs" sali CorAi. obaxsI ~m thie very beet ef Lances t" Vis eVer F 1.1 lni rosI" "*Thanka for lbat, . 47 laMi. W way shah lutrs »e# T" "Along th1e- bank. PleasO.PO 70u. Ikliow-" .4Well. My demi' T "i vas vomiierixg 1>0v yen vers go- iiig to set about Melu~tl, UP, rLance," "'Nol by auj oceUitt meansotalIilY." sai Lance. siniing. "Ev meilcines. paitly;- -but principeil7 by ecomleus, watebtul attentionle tonatur's -laws. -Nothlng- Muet bho ovaeie. ne functlofi et mini or bodY overtaxed. 1 shal suifer -neo verting."" Corel ookei up aI hlm wltiIIvY. -"But mv muele. My praclce. aid "Poor 1lut1e Corait i onlv mess ta regulale. Ilit, net cul off. Mat 111e evîle lnxi Is venid are maie up ef good things abusei oui exaggorabed. Toôur practice mueI net exceed au heur aI a time, and net rea oi mub;tresit air ai Ilb. Teousah llboat aidride, but with me, vboever el lalu cfthe compny; ani fer the rosI. 1 viii net let Urne bang vearllv ou-your hband" -The girl ciaseéi er banda lna otasv. "Oh, owevo3ly1 !Oaly." b-ler' face cbaigei, "yen Iaall net be sucb a slave te me! i torget ifer a moment 1 i4iow eelfish .. ."Coral !'" But the nexl Instant Lance ëald qlaletly : -01I cani have ne greatot' happinoe thb.n te b.etfservice le vo'>, -iv child. beI1eve me.", Somethrng vague aidInexplicable mode 111h e e ns eluatk deep Imb 1the vounng. atil» unconscloua -beart aid dyl»there, 111e eveetest musla 8110 bad ever hein, noue the leaseet because las yvol lb van utterlj un'- recognl:ed. by Ils real name. - She oui> aaid. sottly-emehow sho cotli oui>' "'I do belleve you."l PresentlY she sali. vlth vltcbixig lm- peratives: F"teP a UlhOn ci 11.sunuj bit b>' tthe vater, ami rosI. BSt dowu bers Oan the f001 cf thc carniage, tance. aid Irght a cIgarette, YeU muet 1" 1"I1an ne slave te - smokinig, yen ktio,' saIliébepuiliait up on bbc auany bnoci ani eting bîmueif il lier tpet. "lb catiwatt," "De as I tell jeu, air. at once. Be-, a'ldemt, I liRe theperrume or those scout- *e itl 111ethIlaga jeu have." - "Tbey are Indian. Weil. thon, eluce Yeu permit- Il,,11I- arnoke oue. - Site loauei back. valeblug hlm 1lobei Oee rein & euloUSely muid ad maicsl>' Inilen -cîgar cane, aMi ilgbt il;, thon,[ as a fUmY bUe cloud -of perfumod i emtoke.waMted li&»>' avay over bbc ivater. Ce>ral said, sudienly:- "Lance, If 1 de gel btter aid trong- or xàuior your cars, I shah ehov lb, -"Whv. voés, dicar , 1hope se. I vaut te sce ýa line'ethlie r'oe lI Ihat col- er11lese cheek, fer one thlg, anent 14ulte sucih a blowa-glase look about .Veu altegelher.", ",,But you -sali Ibhat Aiytb muet ho- hlve y! was gttlng veorse ."'si -Cerahlo, puii. Q"Ani sho won'l vbeu %lie se«s me look btter ami net gel - Pe tirei, and do more." . "Bbc mustu'l se mers thami c hoosot," sali Lance. cccliv. "Ail vo' nord de le a te l icemplala ef belng go tlre4 vltb everything. lMI lustruet jeu exaely as need arises.: As teauj e ut-,i van mproivemeut. I vii taire caneta tieodvink ber -entreiv. 8h. villi ho- Ileve eoxactlY vbat 1I ebeeseate11 er; aud tlst *11 à0t e t h1e rutb, my 2ecar," aiiei lance. cernplacentlv. "NOe; Only I lomanot tlilmxb 11ev ju %vili manage 190 comPletlY te docelve lier.'81 a hr. Lince hait iagbi.but. -a. quleki .iarb lUsb- Pamesi over bis brouaei bheet. *,Be Seuii ho 1unveilite Ibis Dire-héam'ei cnhe: b. bmeless ure ticenee et ber kiasvorau? r "l>erbaPs I vî11 tell vOUa-»Orne iay, -If je on't ftnd Il ut. But trust me that I viii ýde- Il le lb- tu." ho adisi, vîth a a ab la hiedark eoyes. "I CIO trust you perfectl lnl every. thlng, Lance. you bave maie me a iiffea'ent bbog lreaiy ; vesteriav, ta- d&y. 1I bi en living ftbyeyears ln a btdeo«u nighbmare et suspense and fear." th1e sai. vll almost pan- blonavebegnS.e; crushed unier a mneaitapetuetort-et-dur,_feeling nuter- Lui vo'> bave comneani ah&Ifor uic-eh I 1 ar n nt kor or aaytblng ev. If I1 f my beut Ut sorclvboia >Â. an l dmesnov, It es a, me amm more." rètohied eutbihm ni mm tr heavlng bret aev-lt tbrO ob eetas"h. lk bis toucit. had sucb imer t' lem-.»adi ctrol; hWa bis ou at -I m mor ùnutos User litaIt. urs ýme net, for vwu ilt onW in ef a eChil!or mr ils quooimng bual la o»nos ai&seg te eoetrOr.vaw Il e part, -11eunc üouou- )f te w*maa'sblini fatti L se lvi thout evn alensa. Inexpelotevst? lgbt daist ht 1I ce, Da'reU inoised f-euthe. ilme. <oril retsliy te- 1 km" au t bo al ue1e iear 1" >101. -L captalinawbvtise o - Ford of Sax- lebv'. me tht'e vbore I put -" "Axi& oy di you se'trtrOint8s" about thia vount lmira park T" ak- cd Lance grvely. <'Very elmply. I Cahied at 1the Hall andakeci if You vere su aidisOf gaged. 1 ma afrntSed thgt you bai* bakon iss Guise out tu the, parkla hem' garien-chalr. but venud robably ho In tW ftve-ocloek tea. Th*te oot* man wamted le show me te the dri'W' Ing-rcom. wbere Mm . Mortimer' vàZ receivlnt. and sali that hotb she mai Mies Guise vouli I>e very VexediIf mny trieni et Docter Darrell (dilii't know veu bai MD.. Lance) vere al- lowed te leave 1ke that. But I-de- elînai, ncverthelees,, and etartei out lIet your beautiful park.ý Mise Guise, te search 'for aiedles lan111e bottie ot "And toui bbem ?"I put lni Corolle. Tes8; thanks to a lad. an under - tariener, I fancy, whe al le a seen Doctor Darrell ani MIRS Ca'1 semewheres nigh the vood half-waYl bhe lock. I suppose the troos bld YOU both."1 "I1 saw you,. sali Coral. "looklni about, and calloi Lance ;ut et a brow'n etudy ho sec 1the 5trantgei'. DO you know Ford BaxIebIf at al, 1Mr. Heatheoto 2" ".Only by pasalng it on the river, Miss Guise, and that norne few yeare ego ; lb ceornea very pretty place, an.d Ibis Park la beautiful." '«We shaîl show You more ne lb. then," saldCocrai. promptly; *"for et course you must stop withh us a tew days. and we'Il send down te the Ford Inn for your portinanteau as 50011 as wçI go ln." *,My dear 'Mie.s Guise. yen are to kini ; but reaily I thlnk I'vo already tre-spa.esed qulle enough on-" "Posuf, pouf !I" lnlerruphed Corolle. sauclly.withî an Imperativo ittie niove- ment ot ber han ; "lb lu setîcid; bew couhi ny cousin and î beai' of Dochol' Lance's frieni belng any cne's guet but cure 7" "i0.t.,will lndeei be a pleasure." sald Frank. wlbh simpwle x'ubh ; and Lance' bright eyes ond -emilo tbankei ber q1lently, and ho now agalu teck the handle of the .chair. "lb lis past five." ho sai. wheing lb round, "and lime you bai ynur rul> of tea. na*amselle. I1can't let pi &-. o ton long wvlb1out samcbhlng, you know'." "l1sn't he a tyrant, Mr. Neathcote ?I laughed Coral. leanlng back au thcy- moved off. "But flot a very stern one. 1 expecI, Mfis Gis"returned Frank., archly. I %vouldi't give anythlng for -th(, phy sîclan who waen'h a lyrant. elther." "Part efthIe stock4uI-trade. my dear boy," sai Lance, compoeodîv; "pati- ente woulin't tbink wo knew what we were about If we let 'cm off tee easy." *«Oh. ho ! tbha's Itla s l, yen- hum- bug 7" "Everyboiy le a. hurnhug In mre wtay." reburuci the unmeved Lance. "Mise Guise. I arn afrai thîs wIcked fellow ulli corrupt your morale. Bot- ter send hlmn away." "ICouidn't spare httm," sali 'he, mer- rily ; but underlylng- the jesblng tone there. vas -a cubtle ring cf -carnest- noss -, "don't bhlnk hee very bai atter al. etther." Cfi'aftlng ajd laughlng. they prcesent- ly reachod, the terrace. and as tbey re arei the irawlng-roorn windows. out ebepped Adytb. looklng radIant. "II heard your volces," she exelalm- ed, gelng fcrwarcl wlbh outstretched baud te Frank. "Mr. Heathcoto, et, ûourse >1 arn su glai te know yen., Thcy tbld me you hLd. called;: and why dld't you corne lni thon ? Aaxy friond et Mr. Darrel le welcorne te w;. of ceurme" "*You are most kini. I'm cure. Mrs Mortmer ; but I really bai not bbc asqurauice to içtrude, bcbng a sbrang- er. and se vont lu eearch cf Lance." *'Weil. I suppose I miuet.torgive.yeu. Corne lni now al et you, and have- smre tea. Ceral. my love. you lok ihtred," as Darreil steDpoi the chair Iah the drawing-roorn Nwludow oui Cor- al lfitenoîtsl., "I'm net, thanks. l'ii valk In.,. But as lmperturbably as If she bai ual epoken at al, Lance lob bher lIe bihi armes and boes er te ber sofa:- and whilo Aldytb vas obilged le lutroduce Fran tober tber-la-law. ho boul ktoerani whlsperoi la ber ear : "Tou are tirsi, cherle. ani she muet thlub: you wverse to-nigbt. Teou unier- stand III "TYes Lance" Thon. as Mrs. Mortimer pourei eut the velcome tea. the girl ali,,tabing her cun trom Frank: "ÂAliytb, I have takon jour name tui vain. for I've tbu Mr. Heatheote that we shall bear of nothil Ion bs is ntayingm e daj.ai vý* la uIl lAT H *SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F- an ho t*u« eq 1Wthe ioev, "The hsn'l gobue ou IL ltr tle atragd. " a l b Ime0 r',sMi eaulk. 10 lngt ilmla !P4il1 tonleu ho-nlgî>t. Irosis;but 1ever jour Msdeap lancedA, e tblng le oetfiïturi for il vs Wb"e ln lest." Off ho ',»Ut te dess. Tbe'evonlng pisu.i ielgbtftUlY ho. tveen Conversaioneixami ,muais; bril- lIant, VOeaile Lance -vas alvaju a boutl n birneof, mi Fra"k von gold- en opInlons, but ho dli >net tergetltlb. remolullon hoe bai made 'te inlie te "fox my lady." About hall peut ebevea. bovever. Lance left the piano, wbere ho h&4 boon slingS chubert'u l0oelv voer "Doppel-Ganger." ai ho uboeei brai. bis vatehi "*Oh1 xanoe-dou't labo me ye--l'm net se very tli'ed.". But Lance vas Inexorable. aideux, rliedber oit. "*Wicbed. cruel Lance!»" saliho, playfufly, as ho vent up the elair- "Bld me die, and. I viii dore Ben Death te die for tbee.'"0 suug Lance,. softlv; "but don'l asb me te de or suifer wbat wii barm bbc tender plant. Overftigue aui èXcite- ment moan a bai ni1ght, my child ; ami that won'b do, you, baby." "No. And Il would make jeu se rnueb more anxlous, too." Ânzlety la bai tare, but ho kucu weli that: It muet be bis te the full while danger te ber walbed. alibo la the xieonday ani the midnlgitt heur. CRAPTER X "'Nov, Frankb, Cret and foremost, ligbt up and tell me ail about jour-, self since jeu vrote lait. ToU > ve te dine aI the Kynastene'."# Scene: Lance's luxurlenaslsttlug.î room. TVine. Minigbt. A box e theb meut chelce ami expenalve cigara on .'te table. ani bobb young men at- tirci nov lni 1008e smeklug-co-ats ro- clting tn loy. velI-cushloned fauteu- Ils, lxi attitudes of graceful but ment thorcugh, uumîticatei os.. Trust a maxi for tbat whlbe ho la about It ; and these tue Stne. vigorous vouMIJ fellowu, ail verve 'and lIte, vwhe la reallty carei nelhing for -prsoual luxuryL and acarcely kucuw wat tatl- guo or tasineus meant. understoci as wolh as au>boiy how te MaSe hem- %lves bboroughly comtortable vhen. thev chou. te do soý " Yez," answered Frank. lghting a elgar, "aud 1I vent. enjeyed mysoif bugely, gave your cbeeky, vlcbod love. as per onder, le that adorable lira. KY- "I sàyv. Mr. Frank, dou'1t eu Uy aid eut me out ln that quarter, or I shall bave te do bbc 'Traiter i 'bis t U W ho t;M mvrivatl' buideis" "'Ha! ha!* Couldn't rival vo'> If 1 Irled, lu. amy quarter,.I1guesa.Besiios ln tIs instance thers .vas moti mors attractive lun1the persùof e a loely niece lhev bai Juet adepboi." "'Oh.vo'> faitlîhoem Sole vretcb t" crici Lance. "#Where's your romance 1 jour faoomadoraIs ef the paletteaid brusb ?" "Ab hi.lrebv baugs a alem:anid 1 vas t&ken itbacb fer a moment, 1 tel jeu." sai Frank; "fer, bv Jeve ! vhen th1e ber openedt11re stood Rose West- lais. !" "Nonsense, Frank. >'ou're cramn- mlng !t1 sali 1he other. "I'm net, on my houer: aid1 came dovu, Insteai cf vrlting, because I wanîciteel Y.1 o'> al about it My- "'Dear old Fr'ak. vo'>don't 5mev boy giai I am .Telume ahi about ber ami bers; for vhat yen camsfer 1 cire for.- And Frank kaev that b. meant Il llterally. Damre li lstenod' ln deeply Iuberestei- silence te th1e detaliset that haPpy Bunday, aui especlslly te vbat Rose bai sali lu berstudio viten sbeving ber unkaievu friomi bis ovu eetllY gif. andmi thxexiLance rlppled eut.liet tUal sft, delUdous, laaagbet bis. *'Oh. vbat piper vala t" ho saI. "Nov comffl yeU muet bave îookei, oblidte lbeoïahi &U 1b etf yurulf? 1 visb I'd heem thora" -ru a wtuily gdui enveen*tthon" reseodei Frankb; "for, W love 1 il vas ai bard efloiitb jOb tekeep my, ceuntenance *a il vas, vithoutthle vlckoi 1bok.et jour ores aded," "Poor me 1 l'in rnaai*M'dnagemlW thon, It seomns. Wou. se jeu have* seen Ibat itcrrId. beautiful lai-Sgure agau," Laes ahi, viith a uliphI but brrpresstieblui'. ."mite'd" vy«, Sticedi aI onc-Isv l lu jour " & >li, I aMsluis' altu~< me lance, thm uebl il.--s WbiSt venermmitaI ou LeSt lb ye JO&., .wlth th , pata e*eioà other mltii vMon O ee". pewhape, b7 w __ tatd ay 0 t whIeh ~u w4iMadI. U bdsoma ~ ~èU!ste ,"saleboe w~t a lrpgbavge mon "& 10* la taI nu*. s. o tý r wAtd such a vrna * rtwm imte as holort ,me aut "ut, ause, iwa ",ailook0tada? ~ho. -M'sM.d.but Isve ?" Maliol aotlom lotyou le - tprmeet-o ex- q*i. -lle dlougsy &fr ad Openly NK -La»ce lff dbis eYes wth Sau 06&, vory MUweana mfle. " 4Pmtonme, mm ore--yos, vem YMOd 1i -and ahe were mloe; but afte he aIf youwill recali caretffly. 1 ioSl'tbink vou.s mmvmuch aigu -et a»Y eon wI iklna for xny humble seZt tamnUiarty. of course, adcourty ; but tt perbape escapol u Ibis Oin* .'voung-lt wou't agalcu-that several Uimes heu ltmm irerlibe'as vithin ragsUlmCoral eviapol wiltulas, -au liMipalleof my centroi or vibos. a kaif-soben würd #à movezenent. a qulckt ft"vU--Ibat mght woni g8ve the Ira- pression 11181 berdoctor vas put ub vils more Ibis llke-rebeUed aant If MWhde ie."1 -Mr ireve 1' ejacuwatd Franis, star'- fer, «rés, 1 iii notice It once or twist. aâthoucht Ilaua a pellei Invahli girl's wayvardnoms" Then ho boiraI lItoa smrntherei laugb. 1"1 beula 10 twig a me, 1 do. You're a deep eue, Lance ; play off thceider te keep near. the ygungort" "4PIaylng," sai lance Dam!!n, sIere- Ir, "for the0 younger's lite.". 1"Lance 1InlxiHeaven's namo. what Go you mean T" Fraak cried.In xia ioarse. startlei whlsper. "I m« ean that for three years at toast Aliytth Mortimer has been losad- UiV bout on compasslng the death of ber youag vard !" Frank est absoluîely speechiesa for a minute, bis gaze, vicie wlth borror, Si- ei on Lance'a, "'l lu t0o awtul !" ho sali a 1aIt. ntla lu Io terrible. Lance !" "«It la terrible truth." sali tb. other. There vas a deai silence for a minio ute. Frank broke Il: "But the motive, Lance ? There la tisat vif: abe lan't Coralie'a boire..; 11ev viii 51e bonedit by such a crime' *'I iou't, 701know boy she reckons te be. tb. gainer of ber fortune by il." sai DarreILinluthe same suppreseOl vay; "but I have a suspicion, and I *mean to etel'11the bottom ofetil M'hat the voman boz reekon on gain- lut by my idnliag'sdeati>la pow te rny mind an absolut.e tact. Bie bas bai thristrit. te ber'- boy. The hrs-wb 1 Ibave nali.The second, M tf Ibl ile the1eUli's loaa"l-# 04GolHoes us e lasa perfect Sienl 1 Interjoctei Fraak. 1 U And thirily. tifnothtnu botter ouli, b. accommpilabai" c.ntlnued DarreMl vitit storu lroays #"entangle Carai lu i sa objectlowablo marriage, anidseo get 1at toent the fifleen theusani pouide . am"l lu that stupid wlll an a -4But doew that poot' yeung thlng knov Ibist?-4t no. 11% onough te bkW ber r' exclaimoi Frank.j "8hSb. does net suspet-as ye-0tb 'larkoat iatentionsý" aaserei Lance, '0bett1he otbsmr-yes-and 11181 ba bea eàn nu. Great beavens !th1e mv- fa iu-oai tbe chili basn Uvel lu for Ré ion 'w abruptly. and vaikol seveal ime tbeug 11e room tll ho bai masterei bis peUion. then 1ho carne be.ek té bis st. " Frank. 1 bave Juat torne bers la liMete gave that proolouslfeaid beatb. You vers rather puafl by Mr7 oeuctIbis oealng. but I1vii .exiilalu lb aideveryting;-,1 iii 1011 Fou bey and vby I am se sure eof - wal I have sai. aid the mesures 1 a&m taking t. bafle that voman. 1I mar need your &id possihly before Il lu0 eudei. "Demri'Lane, jeou knowvo" Mmd Yourseam abcoetetr command me," afl Frank. erestly. S"liknov iSt" Thon. spemicmgvi'7 0w ani qiletI -a reselute lquletnes tbat FranisUn- dfrstooi-DarreIltoM ldim everything '-1h. numero» na slgtIthingu, "Iriles 1 glbl M -ab" themselve% whvich bat 9»1u»i vag»edistrust Imb actem! mos- Ieo.thon moral cnvictlon, outrm- ei orbre slaturaud suaitobi *ab'Is anib' ere t; afn Nyhis *»s p1an fer séeming to, be draubg Mo e lth ie meshes eorAiywh' obéaftmta am i eli te -ber !E ý_eb ýerXZgàsiuaUl eet bkk the rois et accomplie for hm Si6MWi fb1* tbueCqralWesrmo W14, 'Bts luber grop.an n- ùe ýAé; tatabe;P ayaïe. ( -fi'- 18 ON T~ WRAPPEIR Or EVERT ZApmC sin&sioo..u& Castorla la pu0»4xd»i-azobott mly. It p ml ahd a blLDoalsflovsyme ta oU mu aulhla the lb hor promu.. thatfi à ujuu_1 mdi "viii amver evuzy pur- £MPT cowov WRAPPEU, 1008 FlOIiiIdIl6i-TAe GreW~Eu#giskJemedy. b threufoe ur 35 yooeabeadng thoinanda of cý with aul known *4 ,ha" e oveqitho ere edwy a"ndmet- O.Mabisths b M Alovi M~.I$s"niperianent cure la i&U aettof W'oe.y, iPwmdUisUsaof<Opde, 2Tei.coer ÂAlI.tk Sin"uuil, m&Uot VU& j" tbaola uudW, Oabumplâam md an 1y gravye. Woo4'a * !'boqb"o booem i mmsOemfufy by hundreis of oea..that aeeoeeê ~og bal-.u.thahaiborna Irmamiby Ibmou Btaieutel pbyi hugo u, Ibm "s-but v w Mauffoam à" ami utverlg us:of Wmn rbPoqoft #th» om- Ib ." bornagl*a up to di%,vi 0 eoté umuiybwiMd mi .a-nd yo. ne moduspàir-ne at tu is.bmugu s *mogpn bommble-4he r mii »W. 5w vthin bar 1110% on pa1ao. 8; dpn, o4P*by m" ù» fretcfpostagt. ~ yWbo., akuoeainte oa. pb~fre to amy ddau. 'lb W.dconpany, fWindsoOnt., Canada. Abert TBMM ~HOLBALEANRTAI 4 T'a Oougeh Curé Dr. ÂAgnew's Liver Pills Dr-. Âgnew'Ointment IndiMn Sagwa Indian Worm Killer Indian 011l Mnyon's Bemedies A. IGINBOTH AU, Drngit 0.1. 27. lu&L OÀ oiiulwe avà &So' mb« Yad. une.Swo. Dvmi<h. Mo.ldhgsT.uninga, etc., etc. iISUkpc OCI and1 UCSbeim, you buy elsewhere . Lt. HYLUT. -aozo-tf. t- Tdq~& I - - 'ITUREC ITLCo Ma -:&

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