IT INU t.bey do flot actuua1 r revive many pls.aS"t ~ Talmaes te oi& FPather les th* This last sme Woent directiona.vw.. wé v~ six thoue"d, te «! mn ihardly og«, Zay b&,Iwtlf Smelllnt ti.btwth et6! 5 o60 .b% and seclng the. go" lmitit the wheat field. and wbel Offlý y ehi tb taice MY taxt the Soripture 1«t! rus- ÛIeslike the touebi et theii. n*. We were iicSrly alk of ns boe a hte Country. W.drôpped. 6onr' #WtI.$b'I and 'went onu mrd&y. t. the. mal, t7 Ma thiegriat l Inchecanre et the uack oo thst the contene son efflier f*1. the. hrs. balaiiced- each Other, andl trove the cattle allelà, Our ba*r t ewt with tlew. , d u4e thce res v(thle bal- ter to the brook until wertil oaf, andl hunted lhe mow for iieta util the téathered occupaUts. -went oaahUuý &aY. We were nearly aIl 6! un born in the country and l alWouid bave ltayed there had flot nmarn dvctur- D UO lad OU bis vacation omi. back %With better clothes andl softer bande Amd set the whOle village u ire wi aiuniion for clty ldtc. S* we &Il ilde?- Otand rustic allu&t*nu& -»?BDible le full ot hem. la -ChWIso fiçui on Mie mount youu owd, »» n #h.'gj bli>wa lles and the glosy black 6! thec row-a wlns as it fîtes' ovér Mount Olivet. David and Joia Paul and l alah fSud la country lite a seurce of frequent il- Suistration, white Christ, ia the texc, takes the rmpoflslblly 6of aling God sfarmer, 4eclarlng "N3y Pather te the huabandmanyý SNoali.'n'as -the fliet tamerI We say nothlig about Cai.n the til e o the soil. Adami was a gardenes, on a large $cale, but to No" ah wa gWm ail the. acres of the carti. Elîsha van an aVI.- tmlturiat,, fot culllvattir a ten-ate lot Cor we find hlm plouwiuÉ_with 1 yWke 6f (Men. ln Bibi. times the land vas Bo aplenty andl the. lUi&btats Seo cw ïbaI Noah wmeriait vsb . hoave 10 every Inhabitait a owotan portion 'et land; that land. If cultivated,,evratt to be. bis own possession, just au ln Nebraska the United Stat~mGoevern- ment, on payment of.$8, yeurs agô grave preern ptlon right to 160acreo ho axiy man who Woulil »Viie tiare andi cultivate the soli. Ail classer of people were eUpecteil tu cultivate groiind exâcph mIiate'e or religion. It wvan supposeil that thpy would have thir tie éntlreIW occupteil with their own proteon.althbugh 1 am told that snmeUtinesministers du plunge sn deeily jute woeldllnees that tbcy remInd one et utiat Thomnas Fraser sad ln regard tu-* rman ln bis day who preacbed very vell, but l1výd very liI. "Wheu h. la out ofthle pulpit, It te a plty he thoulM .vegobInto t. and when he la ln the pulpit, Il l19Ia plhy he should ever Come out of At." They were net small crops raigedIn l those limes, for. th ougb the- arts were ruide, the pIowv lurneil up very ricli "oI, and- barley andcotton and flax and . all klnds (-4 grain camte up at the calI of the *harw(,ster9.. PlIny tele 0f one etaik of grin liaI ha. on It be- tween tirre and four hundre ears. The rivers and thiebrooks,'througli arti- Sicial channels, were breuglit dowri ta ie roots oft he corn, and to this habit of turning a rive, wercver it vaW wantèd, Solomon refers when 'hé sàYS, *'The 1K(ng's hctnr, , -iq ln the hbitd e the Lr'rc. cM 1! turntI' t as the- river4i of xvàter ia*re turne& vithero-. ove"tr lie Nvit- The wild beasts werceaught, and tien a lîoo!z ivas puit luo their os and then they wene led over the fiel a&nd to that God reters wheui He say'i t> w'. ýnnaý,herib, 'I viii put a -hotck ln tby no"e and Y will bring thee back Iy the way wli-leî thon CaMeet." A.nd CMd hie a hmIz ln every rnai nose. whether-it be 1rebiichaduezzàr or Liai> or Heroil. He r»Y tbluk bicu- self very indepenieuit, but' mw*nttme ln bis lite, or .la -tMe boutr et hie ds.b, ho vi inSd thatthle lXaS4 Almighty bas a hbook In bis no».~ This was the "uIc In regard to the culture of the gouid, 'TIOnshait net îb;ve troUs. -tbo vne Ptu - ý1, h .1 ag. teseb amiàt que" aàà au% et -io thena rai, ii- 1 »me,*r ploséf a itt tuNM .* Mve but t 1 redg: bu îr t ackt Pl** ut Aun11rattbles .devices. I thebsbt 1h -mate ne dttfereuc& - Aller * ubn MrSUter eam.e&long atdMid: 1'Wb. ta * »Ver do,. 'talewu' Pt.v6! duap eegTiere you bave aMImmet thiO4andityou bave-iscL liath" Andt b. powet St ovcr again. The tlffteulty witi a omet many people ln tiat they ame eniy sars.tobed vili 0con- vietIon. vhim tie suboolilplow et Gooem Iruti enzlit to b. put lài up ta thec My Word - lu to aIl Sabbath B Sl temebers. ho ail parents, ho mail Chriattaà workers: Plov teep; plov deep! Eut vwit meansalal tigiscracicil pboviuL .th*»e omokel firrons 'tRie mc- pentenicc Id obtnde ln i nehiuS? Mon grosu over their ain^ but gel no bet- tee,.- TU" y weup. bdtthIeir -ica rer âm eom te~Tbey gel. cen-mtel, but n 0t .Om tq.WbUa la tRie reagon? 1 ueber t o, tho le tsrmve set a eualdaryd a red'Ioa theieohier eut 0 et le dul.. Wb kept our eyc on tiat. We lmeil at tiat. We plo'wed Uti t lat. 'Losing s*it oethlaI, v. made a erodicil turrow. Keeping eut eye onùt wv.mail.e astraigtU tu.- lrov. Nov, ln this matter eofonvie- Mfte v iust bve aÔupée sbdard -b 'guide, us. *t le a mcd standard titat GOct bas set at the olier end tethle field. it l hie cross. eepint your cye"ou I bal, yen it l maie a stralht. ters'.w. Laslag aigit «et Stou yl IMake:a ors.ked turmv Plov up te tb ti cOss hLm net st eltier ent et theh iorlUa.leef thle cron, but stite up4bt pie.., at heicenter et It tbe heuSr t et h m etGd who bte y"Ur sic mad ae maitactlon. CrYàbg andt*ecpag vill not bring you tirougi. "M bath Oct exaihe t o b. a pluuçe wau Savlour tWaïgvo repent- ance'» QO.'bov up le lie cros! Again, 1 resark, ia <race, «slnithie fléi, tetinust be a cowing.'lh thé autuMrI wtvaticr you find the faim- cm, goinif a'eM thelicelest a attle et about 23 luches. andit ahevey stride be puIs hm ian nt uthicsack of grain sud bhe aprtukles the sed corn over thi. 1*.<.ItlookaMsly te a min vie doe not knev wiat h. la doing. H. la dol-ngaver~y Important vork. 'Re la scatherlng, tiec vinter ' g rain sud tieughIhle umow may ornethe next year lier. v*lu be.4agreal crop. Nov, tiat le viél v. arc doing vian *e are pruacoilft ie gospwel-oare smat- lerlnxthi, emeci. Itlaluthei tolubus et pi'eaiin but Il la thie vIiter grain, end.,.lhough thce evm et vorldiinesm rnay corne town upes itR,stwill eld atter avbUle .slrious barveot, Letus b. mre v ow ev tirght kinil et sel. g ow mu eu stulk, nid mulleRustalk. viii ceine up. _8ev Canadathislles, sud canadathialbes -wfl Corne up. 8ev whieah. aulil vieat will coeeUp. Lot us dhalingu" beholeen truth and cer. ot un 1Mov lie difference be- tween vbest sud bellobore, oats sud ASoin, j[ remark, inutgrace,am lnathie fana, ticre muet ho s. bazraoiug. 1 roternov net tea a. urrov lieut goes *ver theNédcln, lu eder te prepare lhe graund- for the ueed, but a barmpw wlh geo >ver sterthie seoilaIsosev lst the bird. pick up thie seielu iking it dos-n Into thie esrth me (bat I can taie.rot.Ton kwao e irv. Il la mad.e t bans of vol nelleil acroffl escber. sud the uu'dee'sde of eci bar je turslebedt ii iia.rpteeli, and vie Uithe ms Are itîcheil te It Rh gomes hean et eaplng actoosthec lie, u. tyium e fl tu ast ei «tb wna wt t spules Rn ie bar- vent BEues.rtt orrev. Pcreeu- lIeu, arete Lod4ar0%"oate slnk thie gospel trum ute your Rent. Agahi. 1 renurX. la grace, seln thie fui%, tieré mutIbhoà,reapbi. Many' Clillluespeai ot réuioni as fhougi Il ver. a 1matter ofetceoamien.or lut- surnoe. They expeot to rositu tie ht xI&0t. Oit h! Nov la tie Umne tu Verow Gaflbr up thie joy eothec Cawtstb tharslim,.tis morning, hi" «£terfoonthus nigit, If you bave ntl as mm»di e syou voulil lMe ho bae.lmai 00l aoeWbat you bave ast pouy. ftr mS4e. To* are ne> verso mbave lieujooephio *ors troubiet lt - wae 3David, ne ýVor»e scourgeil tisu as PAUL. Têt&Mid thie rettuu Oftb sio." -atytnLord. s- « M W Mrtâm;"dear Lord, . vm em lep " Aule cleset is au Mdu &woke la «£1003.Uebiy W. liqp hir iowtulo, m Wbv"al4. Poetk 'lia as£a mtatvterh Am R te ooravy je t aybe witb us vIin Ouvm imo«. e, Lurd, ai".ràw I haveOr Oueuf *thougit lapaosËbt burae sPa«Mn et lm »lowbNLgof thte sowur et. tue barvovig, etor Ïe m>a ,mU~e. ft Ue tbracing. I mugt n»W ak 46ummit 'e ic arng. Where la the gwim? N«et1 ton yeti Oh. no! Se MMay bave zene out fom your ewn clrcles-yese tram your 0wn taxnily-tham byo ave bail Y~oM'oe on tRat garer for nuay a yesr. W1kal a baaW tibe soDe ai thoin lb"! la GOUelisenane ti uffering they s'»«.t wfeat dropu Mt b»Led. bey. 'loak l "'cup Ct trembag &#and tiey put iltc theï m l îo t*Ii. u he« oled, >11Htt1h h pssbl% elt thb «cP pua fmme." WithtitOogues et burotug aaoir' tbey criai, '"O, Lard, dehlvermy .u>- utr Di tiey gelt ove s t. l'ey a&lU â»tver It. Gorneredi Tiidr tesas wiieilavty; ticir battles &il em<ed; theit' burdma Utt>d Gkmnetil Thc Lar et theo harveel wilDoau sow tRios. ubeavea t eprilsh l heicequhiox. GSmrered! Some et us a.embet' on the faants lhe -aboaves verePut on the topof the reek whiob 'surmomtld tRie wagon, aàd thomeseaeves . ver. pihlhicr sud ilgier, and atler uwbIle tRie berme. starteil fer Uthean mthese Sicuvus aurYci te sud fro ln the wlnd, ad thc 014 vagos crcaked, andthie hormes ade a slr'ugle. sud pullei se liad tih ssa came up ln looX>s et leather en tbelr backs, sd vbun the front s-bOul truck tice levateil door of the bain t sem«aIasr thei 10.4 vouild go- m» tartIter unhi lie' vorkmen gave à grat labot, and lien witi eus laut tremeoue usstr&àm 'lie bersaspulled la lie bild. Tcu liey Wetouaharnumel.a" l orktul miter torktW le gain feU luto tbe mev. Oh, mny trient., on gettlttheeven may b., a pull. a bozd pull, a very affl pul. 'but thee e@ves arcbeunil tb go ln. Thue Lord ci bbth barveet bas promId t. 1I oee bc bist lest C*omlng te the do«of et bcheazeuly garner. lTe uheavffso et i.Clrstis seul sway -toanmd fro in the wlnd et dca-ti. and lji. oM bbdy cresunder the toad nd m taseic ond ursh that flomo t the celestial garner t seeme as if Il ami g o e tier. Its the Mant etruggle uatU. thle voloos et auge and the vcoces of our departeil kinil- reild n'hei. weming volce of Godl ~@Mdl-.ntii. havemstrolltai to the eteruai triura», s-bile .&U up sud dovu t he sky -hecry -le heard: "Har- veut homne! iarvest home!*' Net mauy people have cause ho me- loI. ver being struck by llghtning, save lbi>s. *ho hall death as a Joy- tutI delversuice. (Reference la not mode hero le prealdential lIghtaln.g, te rcelve vili ghtning rode are al- vays eut.) But liore are exceptio, Col. Charle C. CerbetI ot New York la thc une excepton of no-te. Tic colonel vae paralyued nmie yéers ogo. Hlm entire* rkhg id e vsw affeclel, bis taee ditortet. as ufr ycars ho te- maîned a iopcýles cripple. He vas flnally laken le Providence. R.I., le di. aanong frieuds. But ie diIInet di. Ho vas struek by llgbtniug sud vien plekeil up vas supposai! to b. ilel. WheRie revive&, iti>Wvei, ils para- lyIF"ie.d disapeparcil. He ceuil valk as welI as ever. Tic facial istohrtion vas gene. e vasa aviole man -aud avwellone. Uere ta&tip thoce ec- t-bal beâlers. If tUilAIdoses et lic f uit have noe cfeet, give lie patient a kuockoul dose, hum au éeoctrie liaht ourrent on hlm a»t If b. doesn't die Rie «Ii Prcbably get velI. ThaI' the beet a douter cou do, anyway. Tiat rocalîS the et11of7et tc octor vie promlsed te kIl or cure a patient. Sic dued msd he bail'te sue bcr huabanil for iRa toc. "Did you net promise taokill or cure?' the widover asket. *"WeIl. I1bdd hie bemh I cauli." "d Iyen cure bar?" "M I on )il ber?p And ratier, tien amusertliahe tr diIsscilthi e '1.LouisPont- Tho pog>uiarity et lmrk mcd snoms ta be assure&l The correct vuilu bot la te bAve a broal soie tMeisinter., eller batstrimmeL vitb plad ta- feta rlbbon. are very poplular fer fi Wear. 'Sohrn.s Min' e ii*u « absade et pii. I la15thie ,r et J"Mise »Me vibes thoy AreI beglu te bloom. imer 0e9MMl gOga a slbeiug usMd lu arma tprOfUson, bumt it lae-mt fuetet la ihe "stxtrvau t ahuornt, *» terwauta«etsulu orjWelsofet M l~ -ý ..wâë& dbmauss M I - i r Ou4i- Sokm»glv* abad sov» ot oommt " t ibbomtofurni!qh the best RmL PFEMCTIOW' pLý 'rf bo a« te. ud«tw" *, adt b 1W." =9* r oo or wood, MIilsevcry requfre- 6! g Qo tlawoàb, fdm w ftre 1O'aý ftr t tar ê àtq . urIle design and ornamentation le lc *b-,ord th oe»papfofhwtzcarange aav re ini advance ofauythlng &»dbto«U «* Mdejk artet buauir spife teb&cmloegy prvioouly attempted. he ovens arm de119, on be easvelite aeithatan 'oi thdraw-out rack, Val ends u mmlas cbaéel lu ve.<bes bed tin, iIre box pro- m *qdr'. s hYsy uw«mor w hekouseeas lu tii, SolO1 bav, uff idd geniduplex te and IK W hoi t*.mrcwe0W pRr t la »isoire* be u*etilationet uiIlks aMestra- àif'..FU the R6!WiqS5 bactérit tb6arw*0 tWe& ,tisa' The necessity, .bovever', la mat qSipped wxthovi s seftea pot shef,. lIPt tbe avatSEuà C 1*1andWi60 ite nSegétfor'meetingthie grest army of aoedrtiooeatnetr se t 0 Phas e t plant Ilte osa go osnllts microbes la Ober articeo s, fllingerosting door with mica *rou,.mamc it four or six cooking MrYtottbo latO'voutiones t too&Aum iaon ' mto te enote&.Semd for descriptive cattiogue. atmý»i id&, " It I& ho t« OUrw Meats -asu r tfruitseut=4areH A E Us m o. Y. uKns u. MM«""be a$glithAt W ei e' O a Our sgs sbove ail, ln Our dàirY. -, Thecbcaagesfrm tr mRkam i ltiirni ,~I.~b , 1W os, Ltnd a.24iii 26 L $0 buttoe ea. dm o thetiactIon, et 's-tRiat té u»e bacterla U57 ho ut tub becterle. To setemIisne tlk Win bkep Iisos elier blurloug or thie Oppout. M S I C E L e lt. " faefr. verni;to, expos t ta Tb*. a*cesslhy ot clefflli tege a aSw M S I C E . f M utt Milkle:PS5ered bactria ef a vlclouuy bail sort breel I ______ " " RO MS about, 16o degrees Frahronhalt. This unesued closets, and espeeaily luiOer iDA AMPBELL'8 GItOCERY, Kent-St. 11 S kÇbctria alter vbIch ticy stop boRes sud'alx>ut cemis. Drain-________ r4ut'tb.e ecludail by tigbt bottilug. age that fila lie soil te a surfait, o ThO air lasismPly an ever tul lai>- vermupplY Oet msuuu deVclePs mli Larger uomeut of Trnmmed Bat& than ever before shown'O MOrty t tiese Minute-obemnst; thiey Uliofetmlec-orgaulsmflready ty toýP«%t& 01n evoeything, ourgIves In- MIsole.Tley breed Il urt ntestinal LUrge sum bsutfstocM k of Drues sad Nantie iodo, Rfad v-mode Manties sud obldt. Helhias vldiladiesela' tract». in uncleanseil mentis,i sputa. f t -a invisible Uolghbor a l our gai- lThe lawa liaIt orbil sptttng lun pub- Triminge jat opeued .eut.ic ALL AND ENSPEOT OUR ds vo i Ieaning tiat, cultivalion Utc places are la"u again@t ilnvisble,%0B «coht net slmply lu stlrring end lu but intensely fatal toms Water stand- *foeding thc mail, but lu adding te it orlut lu a taluted atmoperefo, o1 Dr..sud antàIe Kak gin the Latest Stylos and Designs. tr tomOviuktam t. those bacterla tht a short tRie loses its flnee te be_______ affet plant growthb. Itl iii net be luc0irporated it iitle humaisystemn r!r eig r>*>e*'et'y tarmer viihave Thie. wbol. subjeot et bs.cterlology am vitl iM" C&7 eibsbacterla stable, sffectlng anim ansd 'Pleant ie andM ISS -M ITCHELL as mach as.bic Dow e mhesbrse grovth and disese.and decay shouM MUNAL stable, lu tact, -ve ar.e 11kg7 te loge becaitiea- part et tic common Schelrn.aa olur bermes, but nlot b. able te get on htudies. Tic abtusetiess atli ub ah &Il WMUt microbes. Such a stable icetl 10onlY frOm ts nety.--E .P. Or roou vIii boRd net only apparatus Powell, lu N. Y. Independeut. $,I TIb PT P~ The fincst Rcmedy in the « a»d substances for duetroying fungold -) . ae i. t'VrdfralAfc attAcks tbat dtrIrathe ribt vitpii ANECDOTE 0F DU MAURIER. àCures.wW o '4cturle OtbmecWmicrobes. Tiee H.v H. Smt AmIde 50uS Blai Bl]ms mai b. preBevi snt Put lu usable a< euaîu.. icoughL .ungs. a* cônditions, as yeat la prepared for thie Apropos of the laIe gitteil srtit-au- GrippCru,». kic ,Or #'Pure cultures" or b .tra hier oet "Tllby" John A. Fu'asetelle eî,, PpI? jiý> for ti dalrynau. ' tbis story ofthle iaicyon days ef theïr iWfOOPlig r.Oug. icmoçt recuit dlsOOvery aiong th15 youth, saye lie New Yark Journal fiue la tiaI ot the tamous Protessor Bo>h s-e giflai by inherilanc. vili_______________________________ Nobbe ef Saxeny. He heu mmbde IRhis voiees tar aboie thc avcrage quallty, SPeCRahy hto Preire vat .vo mugit sud as songe birds, apite et cvérything - cm! Larlners yeaatmo bacterlu, u0etul toi the coutrary, vil slng simply be- t1er Plant grovtb la .uch torratiat a cens. tbey must, the Ivo youugsters, tanner Mary»01ev Inlubis fieul, eor uif dravlng from, the shatuary In tic Others-ife itini Il tâte contact vili tie. Britsi Museum on studeuls' days, w *Set that ho Places Rn lie greunil. wliich arc understeoiho be strictly pi-- totd hite leguminous plants, by to make tliaI h-toneil sad cotiser-OBWR Mmse~ meens,- coultd lrectly exhract tni- vative tepartment acreil to the elas- trogen t rathie afr Ou the raehs et ien et sucRent. Greece and Rome, ring Cdoler Yeou Wv iiid smallansd . very vlhh their voiees attuned. te sweet met- beauhiful nodules. Tics., l vas. sus- ody. Tiose ver. lie day. wien Au-. pected, bsd sormtbing te do ith the ber'. "Misssn1ilo"' was lihe vogue. n1trogen; .but t vas a loug vile be- Prth lethiroats of lic Ivo students o Uoiw4l~.,ym+~ ~j.,,4 fore it vas tounil eut liatthiese nod ticstraus e ti famus brcaole, ddIaUJ ad prokp&t'. lDy ules verc the wori of bacterla, thsh "Beholil! Hov Brlgitiy Beangs the at tiret'tieyrare. parasftlc rowtas Mornlng," flestadin lu lifluous ws.ves wiRc later bce pasve, sud thiat et sounil; Du Maurier, thie more sclon- donet at "T.he W aidee"O offices ticth bacterla, permeate the ecliver tille, beatlug lime wti a stick et char- - ci te ea pan, ndgie n a ~ c OaL.Up, up. in staccato rustrille, ulty tRial of tro5en-fixation. But t 1Souilshes snd roulades, rang eut the la rot the Mme bacterla tâtat aidethe yeung sud vibrant tenor, and UP, DP, ______________________________ olOVur sdthie bern&s.Tt vas cee&r iat la be&utlfully modulalcil hartiouiy, If tis e oer ceuld bRe transferk-d, or liuret"s dulcet bai-ltie. Herror!-inÜ Inoculated, Just as we Inoculate foeur ruhe Pamerthe attendant, wite vwith yeaat, 1h voulil great value vith dire agitation. . Gentlemen, &en- te agtculture. A new- fiel of exper-t- hemon, derlalt! desist! Here's a prctty ment vas op>ned. Hereatter t would ge; the Prîncess Mary et Cambridige be sought net only te deslroy mlschlev- sud siatW"-pronouneed "sBool"-"wlth ous bacterla, but ho multiply and trans- S 1Ir 'Enery HellRs, too!"--Sir Henry El- plant tRie usetul. Il vaï tound thiat finvas tien custodin. ofthle museurn. vilcie bacterla hai woeked In ce-aper- Nov, maya Fraser, If you're a ginger. atlon i vilibeau. or cloviertheslie 0 yen knov very veliliat wheu Ive fiue JBXL vas ricier lu ulîrogen ratier liait voices blended- ln perfect* harmony J poorer, and liaI such soli could. be bave reacheil a tonal climax, and thir uowed upon sud werked Inlo allier soit cous, yen, thîcr viole bodies, arc drink- poor lu titrogen ho give It poe e e x- ing Iluthe welling, palpîtahlus echoes _________ trachtilîtrogen rom lihe air. Tis was tiat are pecullarly fiable toi affect big tho culivahesud Dow thie utrogen - vaufted cianibers unencumibered i vll teeding becheula. But it took tram flf- oun«è-decenRng turnitiire andl draper- tocs iundred.ho tva liousand pounds le, othing ean stop -hem short, ot de- of a uci prepamei soi 10 fertilIze an* capitation on tie arbilrary. measure et«fCI tIolly nulliftei lie uhally oethle dis- ses varnRig enter group; bandaomi I ? R e m oe d roeer st bot all, ample blond lady lInbblack, ance Profsse Nobe B4 Ébut ndeaor-baud riJsed lu unconscious listening ai- iug te securo a culture, that la o. pure titude, lips parteil yea spraldilng sad f the South.- aide of Kenlt lstrett neXtj'to the praduet 0f bacterRa., or wiat you mlghî brova elevated--evidently Pleaseil; sir eall a bactérien yeaut, -wiicicould be Henry's tace purple viti tic hues O Uett ,t«.h bottied and carrîild about sud mloreil tbrreehéuied apoplexy; certain othir per- alotOfoe o h and planhed In any sai'- viere t mugit mus aU nebulotus uncetain sud Indis-i be van td.. T ic news nov c ormes t at t nt tlu ny m »o f s s am e sud bum il- G oeils 'Nltraglný' la now for al. It l siaystougit ofe t îtiti pleasure asiN u...........L .2........ J «àu be had for a ver, am-tEi sum lnded.mumtrtng &. favorite thieoy-tie bloot 1 dD U j .I~.I 0 J1 G --enougihoenitrogcn1%e an acre for lcss et a long fUe af patrisu F rencimen th"n S& Thiispure 'culture As place 1essetet ltsolf; ililDu Maurier tle, la contact wlth the s-,_zd befere t.- tremble, stop? Nating efthle kinil. E w Sd & G lattr f sOw, O le tsef nen ad lxlng rmy oye, viti a rapil, bypnotlo verkcil fr-le lie soi- 10 5-' depth et litat al as plain asword.-"Lot threc Inaches. Tie culture, wvilci e us repeet tic refrain," feeling mure, ef mliMht ust as .Well calA yeaal, la kept me;. eaivancoil bis lft foot and, lu bottles, andl muet net -be exposed to, tlamowiui Up hietien Risuisome, ra- liait or te hest abêve S98ilegreees ah-<tant young tace tiilt is ratier itupu- ruilicit ' tantly mouîdeil chivas, dauo uaO y 1',.~ ~ $ J" ~.1ê.oddd, from usmas nywhere. --osiet firocq lm