40 UUPi The doaui kls. 2 . -, te teks, loate Mau 1 Wndr f,4bnbhe O i wAT. NaOin BER iSS Th rlbe M té.ODuD, 1 ondii vier If theco. nmai Who dvifts reon on g e, CoinutRiai 1b laU M dft à 1. r0 Hie fohlreand .hev. Hiànt s aus ta la laid. The la ocr ai 1 oniuos H.aad thà bien reptali Who dilîs.Og th o rbne, Hm ueli Ls hi wif Che da-Chicagoa inilbiie Writ in a daiîty hand, Whlch mado'my manly bosoin - With vauity expand. -'Twas from a '«youba admirer" .wh.' askeadrue wotld i mînd Sgnding lier l'favorite pou -' "In autograph and .igned.' Ebec raved the boeo se etlY That I bail been & ahuri * Lad I repuised the howage Of this gentie, tiid girl; With bright illuminatiune 1 decked thé manusoript, And lu mny choicest pants and inks My brui&i and pen 1I dpti. indéee, it haît been tediou But that a fiattered S'mils Played, on my rugged features, And oued my toil thie *hile. I was assurod my Voeux Would fiii ho With deligRi- If anaiui ah vus Pr etty-, I knew tRal she was brlght 1 And for a speil îhereafbsr TImAi unknowii damoel'. fac Wi1h ils werahipful expruson Pursued me ~_#r place; Meuleemed toat hr l!wipek: "0 tiank you, gifbod air, F or verwholmi, « honor Younso paciouSIToibr 11 But a catalogue ftem Bonjàia Disproved wliat thunga mesamed- Disputa villi savage oeriaiaty The fiattoriiig d u 1d«eo; For tRiai poor "favorite poem,1 Donc and ignul in autograph, le liatod in «Ohoap Item." At à oularMananl.' gso" e s Tl or. Nov. 4th. -Thé o&Anada Yuubytilm et ibns date ocutaluu the .Io1wiu intes OOBcv. David Watson, D.D.1- Who b for mmnqy@« eaub mpastor of ai. hurow'u oburobi, Beav.rtba oî1uîemtiremimu4 on moonni off soatlneusiih oaltb. $ik vo- grettmole that Dr. Watson £boum ha"o tuad himmof oMPOlel ta tau this notion. Ille pulpit 'mlnlstratlos e. ever oa a hiptul aidl ge euh uur, whio bu s aulviîy in pisoral vwhain vasseh sa, feu offbit bwtbren ssul hope to equal For a eansldrsabls $1101 -th. presbytewlans uto. e onreatonaa Beaverton hâve, fut thetbtoir position wbuld he materlallp* bottemi ould1a. union eitheto ob. îsieompdihe1. No .botter opportuuly the oféee t 11mws deslmahie ooouM bc wlîhedbon thut me' preaented. .Boll b.heougiregatos àm wlîhuuî pastors although "Knox uliurob bau calsi a6 ouât miuistor ta n. o Oi puLptt. Cciii Dott h.osegODRlMUB unité.* in auing -Dr. Wallon t.o ow thé position of piàS oritu.i of bob, wlth Ks. . J. ReDonal, tbhe tet o f Kiox ehuroh, aiu onloagaiÎm ooSS? Thuewool a uiob h aiouplliani a Sgou iSoottbhoute. po4Oelio& 0@ The ordlaatloa sud lîduetlcnof .1 Ede. Donald, vhlohb ok place ta up, shei mot rbtly offiet ihe goeial tenue of tlb... romarkt THE MONTH FOR 'ODIG AND REGRERTIt4G. Thamothmlbibousof vousi vii be e-.nflg iepresus, saosmoats. voul, pante. kmlltang pari.. oapet nagP, h.op- ail lnate, S&e. Ta.e dveleg operallout lu au ImPonIli omie so dmeuem. The gut euaontial l et. tepiil.11<1 yes-"Ob ihat asepure, brigbl, i fat to e bn Tn- DiamosîDyeu thé eîl7 gearsn- ted Dyon lu. lb. worl&--poum. -au1*0 Imposait -virlusthalmal. "ePWOrf colo @. The popular; Diaomcl peo hiat euoh augo tmdeisale- teat us. sern puions douiosir have made 490Ma te luit.-,o0 hem. AvelI U uteli dtgon tat c -lcgea mblùy wai pra"Imur, us Duy i" m.09 oas A «libé c"Dhliqdrloti ycu au dit a goei- at1*"Dimem. " -fl'mM. Me me. lb. bou in *6 WI Md The mombeci flt nte isnly.rm um "rad. The br tAma e No' amnM ~A 16 Mo1à~1~ baisle 4oi eiuf1 -%aube Oe I Pàiciko 'ftu1 .Part ot g et e &&mIg8.8.eI, Isps Arche. OoirMeon r.4m B Romin aMài si M anoEu& imlBcS John 9I Hal ' .Se-lt"s ?Uvm.m& ilite No l iDutgol cItM re, loble. Jr rd-WIMam% int. aiIlwod d Bsai eloh-RHovord Xloo, ladet. M Rienonloyr Joose. u.porI gai-John éSltym a seWoodward RHMaWood. 1$boa.11 I. Hrnur? halbI. LG. SYÂoDT. lmbr H1lARtLUT-Rq«ote88No. 4 Elden for tbh melhdof OMer~.-4th-A lomuho. 8 ttcFddltu. K. Mlang, X. Camphmll, J. Miing, 19. lorm. Jr. 4th-.LaKm*- . hg 1. MoàohtgL -Melmy. R.MoD»mal. J RioDamil D. l ICILerrl, il.Kiai». D. caupbell, E 3lBat, A. VourisSGtlermit, 8. gortfful. Sd- Kelon:'., L No. horraili.G. thmor~uy. 0. A). Smtb, C Gorrili, Hl. 1Boit, 3. Osu>apoi L .VansIoeSX. Osmeoom, .oau. jr. 8rd.-K. Mrad "ea, àtiohii.T. Brovu. L -Thorubuv,. J, A*hum, »B MlAdyen, 0. Molelvei. A. gcDouei. n. -O. Mladyon. H. gIcîmd. yen, S. Steve, F. <Coâ"L Part 2-L. KnIngUB F Cu uto. mgoh le ldymaL. I eciolpe. O. OaupbL. St, lot-J. EGiI* ohuios, N. 0l lebirl6t, E. MeîonraltIL MGari. Y. Brwn. W Thombury. k.. MuGi' iivma, A. UanLMna A-. Noyadien,.J. cIredyeu. J', lti, R. limie. é L01"l. flw bu ihey pu m a ti, hieommet tu% vit o .vauato-bs t.imilsi t. a vur kugl 51m.* il& sti met oqlaw trio o0f a - effnoillper au ofhe iseRfi jail.à H.l easot àua, hoas b liabu la oouiLE meum ué, 4 nz$ ulet. mupathr.-At fat potaso.1111 hv b thfa e smomul. a uwte noosuiema lmy heilag im i hodburam; bmosmlai d ouum mandatoui taula the metilthélIe uimg. Clmat.comu. du om lle holllmg ucm-uwimpurs atis' thm, "ui le toum ietofThé piseh hqm rumbsis tle lo i*0buollt body. lmpm«lfatheIbm mur Mai te aiOMMaI anlss. Gesipatios kIl*0ta~ of it aI. Dcýr. ?eO*Plilmasi Pelles so eeatittsui. «M as e lb aavSe Onui. Ne othon rommiy la li destl40 laI. ai 810"suaisluOmmem Iom sWeldm Dlmpoussr NoisaiAumolattes. Duiloi y. Ya"i rooait.]Dr. Plsrou1008 soW ommua Itum 0f lutereel -o Banurt.vu MoaIY fstaIypoklonel je»i veolby.iceebotildie. Bome'off the »k.inagof themotaUto vooel whieh ooctalol the oider liad béosu loam ami bomem icaiiv autel o. bp ah. aiderlTh. ban vu Mma s oapitai for fout or Aie heurs, by vht im",eb mm wunaul out off louter. Itla .ratlagt. moteis mseoff the sabj". ute le tabsnInteo onsiderston byý the oM o0um samlis la the eourooetffIts vomI fa. *ho ,isua enn i es.oso off the » tet cfolidren fa publie sohoot.. Yrom.-a=*. esuseo salées, the sanly lnay off testh laIbis ecu ?te uawmlag. »dI mau OMateIp exbsalte lb. boue la auob a wap lthai ths nems liMlibe terrible. It 4 Ibe oit t te oumde Ithe sgonai quest oof sohool euni- tet to u.eomulclratla. àA »8 , Ossia . jbt etum rocs bmCMi. ongo, maya ilal ovine te imel et vorb oimi.knmpaul il..obboep la opieuo., A pnonomt 49»uvus bell >uap wbliiablok of beli Pest offité ai Iowolok,tbeOhs15On.To mois çnesutel Ibelu revolvers. aI.s te .' huansd velivel hlm off ail bis vatuables aflevards uoaping leva à frieul aiiop. Tis robonl vu ocmltelwbleonoe or two hi-mol dpoople vwr. lookimae o. 2h. P"e« m m seouly sjoyel la Cama- isa olistle liappi eýmérlaI* "htas Potmuma bavieu mreulmtalulisi ibsp cèo met» nds emath om tu n.lineoUug Le. lu oubltheb.adiris- s of) lltine, ihat havoeoms tle e *thesoru, iurs mumac e m U lme "«uteib sixgh nau. or un- eenut à oulo, lviii bailon 1h. poatmaster vbeoch"mpc.bIm»m eilb Iespcsibilty ton ic&AUg* -a uvhb ho hmi no auitotlp. Ia ahilonbas es-s te a meu"al cEe, besgpIRWald a- irorno tseoe, bm Peso eies b"g in l u iIe o. te ntul t bumlimmet bU.vMd ame ol ~~~mu:-t bd-EcEa 3a1 ~p a 41 1.hét. MW dmt 401 Tise rgl a anses M dsueb haU.bbopadyiwtpa'*ê IflOf I~ ~~o tneaaa v sons et Umss kilel parue w lsus I ýT'Isp bo a, bfe iOUI.late the SowYork Wldi, bl but asMhrltisi li& mot omsller bt lm iroablo aditlci10t soglom aipouatonc e1.United $ta"@. wtlsh s ail hoieliand iamglo no la tb. greSt Unational eWlruglf ortheb Ulmtghty DIaL&r-Bru>kvllloTirnes Gao. eales, a Well Knova contumetor Ot qisaapa ille, conpletell Beelorel bp lbe Great South ImertOan Kil aey cure-Tbousands More Oaa Bear tb. Sarno ToslunaiY. I vas s grat aufforer for jears vltb soute kldusyisordmi snd paim in mv &,des. Whou almost aU otber knovi lempdles boa boo laIrly trimd and bail aolaI, I -vus advlued te ltake South âmiorlean Kîdîsi Cars. Orne bottie di me so rnuob good I purobsaed tvo more.i I amn Dow oomplettir reed - fiel botter %han 1 have for fi a ee. les a great ours; vili gîe relif a @tabours, andI Idelithltain o@oiiii*idng sai te oibens.-Sold by.P. Mrgan. William H. White Of Portunue Cois, Bioked by 1h. Tortures off Rhuma- ils. la Qmlckly BIeIved adPsr- mamemIly <Jurel by Great South * Amrnenosa EbumatbeCars. I vas a martyr te ms ebournat.n for poes. IAU the kno ormedhai»d bocstleter. vers ubvea. a triai, but îoth. fig ovin gave me *Ump pesim asat relif iutil I ebialel pour trat Suth AmerS. *an EhoumagilOCure. X1%bao dose e muoh Ew me.ébt al gadly gîte mv terni m*îje saat ober suffire- ra rm il. Mgonte et rb.amalism may talés wy alicandsel hpibis grill remodp. I am s"alId Ià Vit ei »hm s lb bm mes', Sell by P. Mora». ]PoLUISI oal 1005 Th 2h. iha te vWuh the crMufor o3ce Sui publIe merns domino«is lb.liberal min vu sabown . .leher ley, vbsathe Lonlou -AivorbIsr, the propristor et . bdlb la a Iaio ta a s la the semaIs, publlshel an elltori os ceas tauie, deahoff tbmeAvhbtobop of Cacter bory, vlsb lbthe hai«m, 1A I'ai,e aye:-We boabope te bhave boou abis to obrosle ou bbe advent of th. ltbera&, Ovldmeoof a protrosstve publie seati ment wl.b regard s ieuthrvicuie. Ton oontrarjatoesmste b. ah. came. e I l Saturai that thon should bc au every comsal a beaganly clie off oampalga ÏÔoueuus uxis efor asolenusbéoa rnay bo ibrova bctâtant, auI savions ci ovsrioi. vbo bas obat îhey bave Dol in the abspo of governusai patronate; but theê. éboul moigave the kepatome to, poIttical psnttos." Zè le rsfrehhasg h rsai etloe" Soi iri abshounebs laps.Illé lb.théBSt Catharines bnai, ani bubasils pilou roi-bol for Boi. G. W. oi.lé de nounos osbool qsysuoas a miel siupendou and expenalve ffratc" le sapa "lb. mohool bock monopoiy lhamoi oneou anad ezaolag max on lhe. pooplo , Sad "morne of the books. luiel hi "utboht et b.omoa al lepartasul are ~ ~ ie aWhmoao e combasme %0 un oluoetlosailmh &180h ai.umpi on Mr. Boma boom»ssh. "souphl e improve en the dicton off Maoaular, aud mode a binmqSof re f0bt o0»uti . amadîmi exo&" Thon mar b o me trouaifor a. wt P . rllioouisdst iv»a l in U bok vastpe, thst, Mseaulay hanvey owte vrute, lhou.h of coursehb. III mt et 1.mSae ilibi, v onlu ring vbhor bis bopw vouIdl obk buot if vril e v.nilalp or on a ai. KouakId a ot supin e ieh b eigl of huaas. 8101, hb.@ela writo ffmlnlp vol1 »StiiahesuWsdsg il nd.r.Rosé a-.& i- b&tterA". Bof ulha t y bu DeighiME à lIe tillid 1 &W à&agoI. .UMÉ fl4w ~msI1ste b- W. C TU. aMd tveuve zad2' - - 11*., Tbm meut di tiditidA*1r moud Isba us ambo.- =MM or.bile .4.4.. D& 0. I RY]BM. i.It m iS A MrI@% 48 Oeuigout.te ..- DR. Mc*L-PlgE. 001 m a o m ue-W- M 014 , SS ,of Od1u~.~ Lbeq.oom bIS u 1.l.a U IL U. i deobe i iB t P. PALMUE BUEROWB, K. 1D. O. M., .IUon"i d mmwmal uS,=26jdAm - DRS. WOOD à IIO8BR 4' m~I avemU The nezi paffâ t-Pnthpfi*b cMlgu for DB. 0. N. LAURIE. prohbIbtIon faCanada in sooi la b. tmkoî* bdmna02oSTrtuy. Univmrdep. FeLlov ci Tut là >i&te" ollage. meuer ai9Ooalmgoet Phymlelma T'h. go0vorMmo Ul iiiWvhiuna fov monthu sursuosa onl.rià. aak tb. people to déclare lu a plébiscié efther @'i:-eIlHall, Obeu.S- for or ap afint probîbîbson. Whalover wap bave beau out pr-fruces la tRio face of a D&. D. W. iHuER, enerai eloolon caiig division of opinion MMoce GiminiofciTnij Unilermy iiuow of autoîgst us, and vil» admit the importanceO TriuIy Mmdi .4 Coliee o Meulai aiofcuage of ai uniting our forces In order tb vork up s iimican nc Sorgeocd c i ao. OFF.ICE- lagsvoeoas possible for prohibition.. Lot OuLorlt et said 4L=însa" Utol est.tmpâom naor au &Ilparlyism, »afornetting 1h. aId I. i. 10 Unes ai divibion, joi hoartity'togetber ila i a' BT campalgu of education sud agitation, mn as &0DR RT male ai overwhelxnlng majority for pro- <tii uoi uieul oia 'cly hibition on tho day the vote in talin. Many àm îhink ibis.plobisoite hin nont"ar, au Pro-. ou.. Saab e u.ocrra èS luammmde Rueol vincial plebiecitis bat. alroady ahown tRio otr oisphm,,ceM1W igtl y. sentiment& af the people in »VMIveaprovin- eus. but lot us romemt*r the danger ai tac D IàIIPBON much, onufidence. Pruniaus victorias uap o0" i imi e&m.. £mw l elaeemd doset gg bsei th. diligence among usnanud inareseo0# ye W" ors bout-Ste Rusa .2&.; Lu the energies of oat apponents le auch an ta ue p.,MMi7 leouaPa.. ezlonl bathé l ldo may ltri souewhAt raiaS. 49 untm" 0 i rhauip00M, rtom; aammius. Vigilance anl von are requirol LoubcOra 01.Ola yiiam a" suraemuOnt. ý; on tb. pauI f etery pruhibilanîsi le uel le UsIbyim te E*woo ed am, E, e Uhit cprnorbunlly a #tep lu the muacht. o 1 IihC irmà " a *MUbimyOlal vbotory rathor Mau a dateat. 'the mthel bas Bct boom, bosen W byubt by thoe Veni Ment. Md vs muaet lb.heorl C hstare veer sso vil!elèber bho gSy adnncl àu« 4rRs de retard. Indoence on Oui pari uay gite O EY &ADBON aur oppemeits mn aivaniage fer mai, peons ~ B. may Bs mmbmypo te" 604 Im hv AM.1j Om boaW .oé The tva gumat méthodee of atouulug public ~ OA. .£»O. intetare thée public manetndamihbe' ptlntod page. Vole. andpeu munI bu abu. mopgaz&àJACKSON e»ll oobisai b ay facsda beaar u s- ----- befrs h. emmssor ignorenau:l enet.,,ta àbHd@e m na15os oouunnliy vo hope@mo eue v wIl taIs the beal ami auasi on. vonb te bu dos. y. IXA 111JC0SOa Lâmtelrsougbt te ocabterol blrcgb. Ont bbe province te ke.pl*0penwe. Informed .I DlI en svorp butaof be ompaln. ThtiiiA.P*WVIE n»qui». ucsy aMd biléu ca-ralion 01 usa y fto , . eeOuM,0 t h eanuut mum anldvece. aMer. vbai are you Soing te lo? Oa ua e .111 our reepon. uIbIII m*ipou Mseue esise? UIFoun G a UPK1 "eaIFy ife tu la ourdes"rofor prchlbbicaG L13?lqo lm prvepor incsy bp mm ggruolIB11113m1LaMi.,k ImOmhs k o~si1 baai ales Ses- 8 SVIL The ccambtuicnanlby ot the legal prohibi. tion of the Uqucr irUe hébe« saaaerted. lime liber tiems, by the h'gbeot logloltlt ail Judicl a utorltico sn lbe land. I oentury and a balf mg. samthe clobraiel, lebate anthb.dglu s, vhuu the distillons fiood.d Ludou vih tlieupolmencua liqiiors, vheu drouunrde Iay in bespe lu 1h. eot@, ami the ogvereu asdflied by lbe moli, the Mbaop ai Oxford Ibis adâroosolthe bousa ai lords *, "Polsens, my larda, of Ïai humougu tbeoniusd-to the apothuctrys sbÉop, vbono lb. masters ocharactor, aid ovon bi b=aidepeuls apon him Dol adwmicutenen toe grotaà ici a ny poion vbatevor. It lias -boum founi by ozp.nim.mee tRial nolhl'mg eau smrlratheb.peple item boyln« the Il sors.-bub auh, lava su8hintdur tR.m tram! beZ g sali" Ou onbth ame occasion, Lord OChesterfield trulhfully nomarel; '4Luzury,mr lords, ta, te b. laxel. but vice prohlblloet lt1h. dis- eMqai Ibmelav b. vha llvlli. Lotus, Iorai I h&*s artiste iu humaislaugh. We who have rocoîcilel thelr ouutrymén t.; sikeo sail rain, aMd preai ovrtire pIt- fal1e cf debauoh.ry aiah a bell a- somt bo Lard Hervey, on.bthe Msooualomati "ASsmoit oin lllsor la the vouiw, My lords, tra m Wa'eliroriginal holRtvml bie auUIhOnllY , s xerwudIt lsathe.prahibion oet o* fdm tond"te injure the hoall maudelsley the riger off the p-ope fo vhçm h uiisl ie inaIs 0 s.hprohbl- mnac ve Clmaoettnu dW lb bu polloy but b nturW e fo eai o milans bat. be bte tue; or ~t thild siritv e aur ablc isum t aaebtad ît lb userite pu " n amylehohidoei bp roibitlibe .a Slmllotesthe vewUî ea by lai iminent jurisé, Va"bo, vho «emellm: Lot th. gorment bamh tem sthe state vhatevor lm Ihudouly te corrupb lb. Mornkseot lhe Prohibitionl. -1%8»us aretry --uy thoraugpr pUlb Wlnmb ho déo mat mbute sesOftty cf Iakhag the uiuarvote, cakdaut "altb» boft "bt ate lu"Im gà brnuO*t lb. Doutnu o a àdietpua«aMd »Y vote o ilosoture babotes ani prel.tbomaists te cl- monteue @ ao. s tbeir ppartlomte oit- ois. "d eicoMme. the uaPlaiene slmWb figtb t. c 07piâ tule, 11.16, A satés# e h OUO éu wop LlMimy O-atW blut, la R" V ouar hauns ucea M m ui cm eamoIa uot lu ~ ~ MW %0lremm mli ais eores. eM V a de moithml an n mor c é is! ee ilr. 1.Z.*ULUoKUUu. M. R. EOLAUBHJJN. P Ae MODIAEMID. A >EW DISSCO VERT Paxll'a DiPhtherlne. Dishiauil, Teit S96iuM ,ceU. T»M- um e et ibla m e. o ine mt out or a hth " b uta bou poven bmvc.ia doubb ojy iboumhobuvo MW01tf& i:menuY"i bld %teu" meet. .aemtudth"onel mv poaca itewm 0. VA - » e n b b btler dm . a p e u " et on i .. Pile50Sets. aud Sa par boule, mm tommy ladt maddemmesu m ompt etii.. LbjF. 0* GANADIAN PAGIFIO RAILWAY. mhn<e sud Ouste. DIOIIfeIS. - vur. .. kw- ,...-. s. s'- " OU.,.... ........1L55 au. iLS s'. e OniimJot..ILUs.- * * 11.5Op.U. 0 Vduhms...., Lis p.m. . e. ,~*,, ISpu. Autos !ususim.. - LU pu. 1510 mu. oigne ma~ ~ s 1'U.beos....1l.UmU. 11.d5p.u. ~'*" ~ Lu p.u. 5* ~. 0~au. vae. n.!u.U p.u. hfl..-..SiOpu. vUuOb Dmp.... Cil p.u. kaviboelbbp.Sdi p... kwihiaoip*Ss Wk*ou. atm.. Eh. - lsdsqub.m TU0. O. Nâ.~U Wl. e , .1 ~IAILWAY. I T" MOWUN B R qu i »- R.Md la m tgtbe Mb la M«bm t i M"DMdl.to - h f.v& mhtm bma - banu a miba ir et bàba.u SuIamws,~ l amaemtt bt .. m DÉI. a. BART., me0 w obOilmgm of Demeal durgouOt W rlt 4Kent trieS ovar lairwveair & Co- a Si~~pOii Im put ca. of Doutal ikromo Uco 1 x.-i Het -Ot Raulteso bleuMrly cF P.aulIe Polt o.- 498-l D Y . A. WALTEBSI Ci11leeof Dentabl Suremn. £AU Ibmlatutmd Sm- prend h ba»chasilu mtmy urilypd, Prumwmo f ibm naura io a lt O OVICU O rugrre drOU cnuc Keni mai Willim arM*M.. Citsmmcdoael.-S.ly. Du. 0EELANDS DENTI8Ti euiracis beebli wiout Pmfb ga, vibalimel air adminli.ré byhlmfor essvitli preat muoceas.1H. abdiol th. ater cf au for m« clngtod.-r...obc writom Dr N ie btho bhs glion the obtunders.BeaUWi lardàolal be.th Immrtel et asoderace prie».. Flemm aN" poswlaudar bof0,.1eoalng. rer .7ppoiie th. MR« ORO"S legs DmaiI Bunrgoomai, bib.,AUl bauràeosf Dantiniar, Iaeuh&Mg» th.oldnad Porcelain Orovung nSystmm nouftlly -prmaicad. Mr. Grom s h prspmud to <ive you th. beneoît Of tho o lvesipria.., and th. boul berm onAiliToùlLth, %Afn" ali .material! guamaise For, h. peminihe extract o f simil b. hmolliuaing -as ad Vit&ulize r vib hiem ua i m e~AMa heb. huailoca. &appobnsfoi. liug pain, gutms'îumbed by Paumz. Resmember GROSZ% bbheliH- Nedoniami, ovor Kennedy'sstoIre,Kent st. 1MOqn TTO LOA)I. Ucam mie Eo5~um,,Ow1t loiaustai Pli on UI.c aboutiy. Toisa ou 111VA"00*0 BJACESO MOINRT. -'O LOIN ablm- tua et thi e lem la M ime.,um Z51 aI . Sun»meSamo dn moo ue hoi Dm ie al w1 Vll u lhmmm .l membo lu n- siMma wu m~mue a uX b es au M. eaoieu oiTe, 5am .. 30 &tni reamt 4stMoS. u but m mamaBE 70"Mgaie. VICTORHIA ÀLAJ " 'j » a ux* h'. i ai O à4a , Ili Paai ail mmi f i aiU? WILLAMCSR Y T LE NhWand Fioe Sawm id SItn-. auto~, Plour Mli,.Si -0 ai tnpum Halgai ue ta tthe fr*s of patang .HO0 DR BIAST DRYING KI aI a oot Of $1 000, we are p!-pared tc euto m cu toml h. bmnfir ofg'-idry mat 051 aMd exMine Dur goed?à and get osîlu Ail kbada of âKauldinus. Sash, DoarsFei D alutis drala. etc.. ln stock. GEO. INGLE The iPlwuoTAvrouATI 0" sahGOID The imiemi and bul. Awmniedt Iho c N odal at I uàS JC Bh Thu scol Dems" of lhim Oompmay Maneot De s Wo Uirmmgbh, Denly0ciDemiau, Adabpt&hWt ouafeelo thi.î Seolar. Olaidfor crun%., 1 b4ratk% Sm tàbtà *&UM&-mDàom b L I»oem -ati o n J ýegeàAd ail *S, Sot at, etc. AY. NO~ aÂu inC - a FrLend' lit otten ainks 0!1 sturlinid t oinka hie ingeti am lake'e d.red col longth it lad d. raI ont oanh bis bat câ,utiou8s arai the castern s~ itP@ b6 oof~ jrwe bis boa ho guaspe eopintz for w mani oeau th mlngail be * saill as the okfaistiek bisCounrse ota %hem cf b. abcads r mei'8 bitai WoicaW.dra their fire songle wa'-I for awhilfg Il lssk the so.Il itsatiefied th' ow more gIi:S h r rachés ' *laune biz.î j, Ide. ther~ e r sore Cr > 1Pl b signale ;he3 he da!k !%!l swar .1 cat.like B e gidp. igal given, tuieki, hih hel, Bilent si brio g Show a çkbispdi taoah dai otions givel ok ittà k bu done, th-y c Moving 'pi d "Indi& S thcy reach bated bres grounds drla lhe d( a pause tu briet- awatt thei 09alsud VI the ton s, busy pli 13 dreaded 9 tved ban, preased haud, id, kno the <Jbip bolpices tva arec wo est :shore, led c0"" plotorion 'rm,