-qMORE THAft k., id »t* even incouo.1isa Mey for what you wnt. we, dlos to it jumt flOW whei unfortuiate Co-liver oh su&gest$ consumption, .Which is al.- mnost unfortunate.1 Its best use. 18 before you fear consumptiofl When you begin to get thin, weak, clp own ; t hen, is -the pru.- dent time to beginttac care, and. the best wtay to take Care is: to supply the aystemn with needed fat and strength. %Wtts EnlulaoIM 'Of cod-liver oit wit ýh y- phosphites, ,will brrigback *p,.lum pness to those Who ,have lost it, andi make strength where raw -cod- liver oil would be a. burden. W"bo Ousi nteolréItsb.eùa WERVE For sale bv A. -R HL S-BOTfl A8FIARP.. TRANSACT~ION4 One of the travellers of a large whiwoleajewelry firm called at the store of a prominent jeveler in towU. He tated that the-. flrm vere williug to grant somne rare bargainsi-i *he, elocks and rings, for ready cash. The jiaweler looked over the goodi, sud ou hearing th.. prices, he. j urped- at the. chance. ràwvthat -jeweler is prepared to sel] Watee.Cler.Uick1, JewelY# 8ilvtr Yen sehonld cal -at- 71 Klent st-, Lludsay. 0&.m i.-m* 'w I 1f TomoNfO~ WE MAKE..M "Sewer and Culvert Pipes. mil simca n'am 4 l.t"la. .Si.AM» WRITrE FOfe PRIOK. TUE ONTAR10 SLWER PIFE , -Vu boue lu abllue. ULM les, KuuheMd fourgaili sl uI hm M sTM&s of mVT"o 8SImavEs1»MIUM Vueordeaulaigfimat1 pub t dum t .e lls uted. Kr Tii. Tiampees. Oambup. i l K J" Wallend ieNu Va »Moe aI.NrPOea. ifpu "dtim crai- empilas gus lie Dr. LavlatWe SsP 09t Tarpt» saIe. It le p"alals hmlmifiaer81 The aaauamt liaItIbm murn'baud iii baye aàmaket liii esMua bi ularbu ooaunmele " ot$Mm&mlag *MMea la beva. àRe. Sam Bllrnes et 3mmevllewu.la leva Baamy. Nise B. haisé MdaM L 1 flihee,.ai Ja»m évIfl reMUgai ata pubflpiý ao esimple a *11CMaou MeSt.a lente usat-a.Alrm sBoz 509. Lliap, I Ont-08 4. Âdvsaltrie aslose a aapm r usud4 vufhg oi muli a ithéplt t sMmIl eà E £0., Loadon, Ont.,Ou Sataida leut bai. lqtw 00111a Miymocmll .cie En. e.. Nvaut. mal ber& ae u te a ooqk 1 e evom. al. the Parental gr. But. KnAmdl, aapcya aoet i DoaMM bou% e s etpell»t u ivili ftema l insbe h"W haepBut Ivol mms i. ablle ettul le butai. boiMai Jan l va-Md pee iholv m edsmmdplt évwaon us a*lslte thli" la T"flminu ein erýaema plate. nei at"slpwmsm a a m l"a aIg The. pliey bse a nimber et imée endm 06Meoquml .a r bause<e l Il. M Thé goal ummie cEcta puat uai p fea pou frim ait'. . V.Lassa of lev. Tble vom ho al a sIx 6 salm me'Ete MNam e Nar. Dalué et Amisl. latmveu te Onale ,Cers m hem i largaI SU~Ply et 'apue-pa «makl mssau-la thes #oeId I t i Mouoes îmcum 01 gLent v th lse vlacea. Uim . Rtte leget ciaiur BleUe., Adla4r (1. spriiMW 1v ai lvalut là* ace t Nu. J. E. NeDemalDur. bars muaBy ~eti, m mth *aI. àSbs kft m Nsrnlsy le vIisi nut«e la Nlalmn uMoiiy bu notelOlvMM liai lispmut net lsalu, satisa="acm thïIbm tinabiamel on pasoetpeeeection.auEntdiay "aMe a who l«ai ai Important d'a f.aittia inal Ths i mt ere aa f c1" e. la fl% ,maend .l ume ai l-te hauite tell " is fftit. Peepi mreable utee. pampiio. turnipee ats, canle mal oebbge. la visu oR ie hilacume olthememsoup ifada u omloua'balt% a loianoethle tasêba tlb o bpe tasMbllousausviii bu pmgopuiamal lai it bemillaae.mode bird vill buceo. ié Meil *0 tlis unte Mx VIi dtemlaboly mal mffuem1 u n'o iet ulissw tana uposlitabu"h ay Neat Sas alaua elcee viii bu hall tu lie Oaubrsy mteli evii prof. MoLuffimtaB.AL, B.D., viiipamaci. os Iosday .vmba rgsfoui dùam i viiibu aim., Kmas. DexilRa. T.ttu, Ran. sghu, d Usmogta. K.l'P.vii M staian theasps ok sIag laulisemvalig.Nou ob lises viiibe a large tmiaaon blatha. The UOl " t]De lE 63, L J. UNODoMai te tie pbSlèeofrneli ez durai. Bsaveetu, took p.. os Tsesdlai.k" ai. J. V. linula. et Lilty.y, WW o le isi. Md a ii Ri'J. N le ma emat ooi *0 mbwlle. Thé loRg« lem le thm *umg. tual ls aipitfegsmpem sud o deu«M uh1 lnovimsatt Mr, Ju .T. Giseesla g. M 5Yak eslamml tam, ou4(i., amyie- Dr. LavtW@ l'oSiop et iv tuu la 10 itbeili 0s ,8"" v. - tuetmiteibi r belite hit gauqeie -tuel *iz* »bu* me.--*sdifiua' low mouemmhS a a#, fwysUOà a uipeim imehoubwbu PMeumi m léhi ia. h 1* fm m -1. lva--.&-. mêéa fl W. Yndoy dhum Qu uli*end vu se. ly s aa. vot, uit Mi li OMM% tml,.w i "luboN bhm miahly bOWAlBUUithebi auw à Mh - -m ikminm * hM Thé UURsa0"boul es" etachilms aitum mu whbf» mi mutitupète puafh am Usiuî7y ulem. hem. ompive Poaleste, bm bs. Il--"-mm is O tt g .1. o.stom.1lilurn ILMiSeviel o eMna ot tO l@mei M "boiei asi 01 Uornday. leeusmm souple. il Hep., Coit, Kfuto aid iIetk ampg"IMe md hiebe o.oWMby tlio u Md eral" ouamue b. ehé ue sL eoa& of- imale maRMet ofcaa, ut liai mai .......e muo- 1al.1omin cpTa eae m el Ib "pMdeet b cdm.T& sOinl loviffma u dmte."Let oiM ee u]Mro@ utuatl a fasate @o lth umu he vl ovianfltagmu&i &'sem ue r uitsbwaioall,. a leccuà hWabsolue Ible"morno à bema& u amba .tirme dmo.y s lua owb oit m eaMtaDMeule. DM mai be hM ulila th@ valu Or immedilelyaulaavla«Il bil YesM Cai. . ENbzea01 Port Heplebuallrng ui à@ia Smpesapr uITem, Llaldoil Mus J.Thomrilu.el. Tiealtk W. DIiemal E.& Duatel tOskv»mo a ialtla ammouth uaip Loe uwtmmi bave M alhoble la irnlta amur tova. AU *m atdaulp Va ies let»v.veeko eoto baw beamiel alt Wb" vuii*la c1sYup29Mairnsm un- us i iel acamp laé. mI "àOhm tactlmli upmneee. liM1of. cimy dm a. mut be vmip dametaIl.« w.. IMI mi1... iana m a SfraMt invsty che àjm 00moil to ON s 4- *.wuaus1uapMl ot lie emturn ft he "-W t viethéicou- holilys wm p taks lia au btts eu net pllby th 0oOI. A mctlorth" ieu Willamecs, Parelaronco le the amument eofeilu lt.llsc sud asmeomint.. lroeu Dr. J flm iirefereuce te s aud leu benq cared for y the tuag gallugiDa, be b.fev5rl. te is.home ] à3e rpart or the u'ap.-Lmt e mayr O o tsih e mme b"e Fm themaine, la roi sas os te Un., Cooper. an offler et lie Salvation mmy vhi saoi vwiiityphol foyer, ugmtn lia snurse bue xb#bql aI aIe 1veek. vermi members, nelud We= PciiandTeucibour their surprise tbat su organisatinli the 'Imavtlen army veuld permît oeeoe Its offier tc become a psupe.Tih mayer vas direted te communicate viti efficereàsheadquartersla Toronto. From ls. Storer, ln referene teo cer drain tiat had been blookedup by sn structlng s culvert.-Street andbig committee vith power te sot. From IL Raymond, asktng for an exten- alon oftlime for paying bis taxes owlng le lilnes.-Finance committe.. From G. H. Hopins, town solicitor, liaI he bcd acceplel service oet.a yul on bebait of the couneîl. isued by Meser, *Barron and iJters, soilcitSoer Mrm Coplan, ho "aim $M00dameges. Er . A. Hardysceayo h and aékingfor a Moque for 00 asviti, upo.-FInance commitle vîiti pover le From E. 3. Molsugbin, in regard to iie soodt o0for oeMM .on -on mr- m 0agIs.-A communica ofn tassimilair nature bai been preeented nt a proviens meeting, and vas Dot enterlaled-pln- snoe oommitlee. A. nuanber e of eunts vers roai sud referrel le the finano coommittme Tic major roferrel W te evieit ef Bon. .Mr. Blair rs tie Trent Valley canal, stt- li tiset le minieler oouid not vieil Lind- iay aItihelime, but veuid on a future occas.Ion regard tte .roquent fors grat te huprove tie Souathle minieter asiked liaI tiec daim bu putiia vritlng and toevarded W hMi tOttawa. Report etf amd keeper read, neliing R epotdf urnt lhe Irenti Feuc etc. colectai 'iurlg lie menti 0@MOL1 -Town propetycemmittee. .Report C f otnaable for October rond: *Fines oilecled .......... .. ....$24 Rent tram Que.'s square property ô600 la840 by bualame md liaésppty of bisai icemobau i-Town property oommittee. rim out-. s im. v M"e. bai m sglimaiA communication from Jas. Gobeen, as- pumwmto ice qm pumt&iltive te s detective. drain, vas referrei te leauedoste hua sumis i~u~sthe treet snd, bridge committee. vîti Tshe lbeaulrn las.la kiet v- am per: te t. bour lIt kbit leanmd can"tal iu mta Report et finance committee resi, as- coua c rovulelle thae ps viii bualami.omtuendlng lie paymout etf severi Ile a poso nuitokfer the daeie " es. accounta amountiug lu al te $2; Ihal ne tartber action lulnti alter oethle Tvoof et Im ombere o et-isTc»eeu midland laan sd savinge compeny be depuaiant. viemanm e are sas aabile oaen. Mr. Spier vili ater. tie frailuna Imm., ara Imallas la thm e th Ona Vdoa.fow da a. By consent efthle commite day Lladiaep&Diu aviii liotrsps te lie tUrne-askea for was granlod. Beil Polal. That Jas. Shanqu be exempt from poili ]gr, Dive Radas.of leMtasO mdea ~ tex, snd liat lie a oae eat $1M3cchai mletaba t.lha ou museasa tausi.ale. 100 a l stFrancia Diii. bc atruck i .-e cfe liaulIth o malmalius.buospd. TAIS Report oetloun property commttee pus- osea. us ul c aouralle 149, vsasented, recommeudîng liat the effet, et brousi lombthebm dMtes a Trna5. Dr. Burrewa,ro well, be mot acceptai, lie IL. Doit Taylor oi lova, vhs l» aiosllg emmift« efeeling tht lIl voul ha untair vit *@laoem My t O burbal lis IteexpeiidciMY moiy for thé beoeit et e bar to ecmeute 8M'IIdme, lmilehp lismltcw basver. la fayot et allowlu¶r liome local bualmua. Thse e e aousasoimaltètrestel topet down- lie pipe ispeY wu ebippulte ltom TousIsp ant. fel O."' me.-Bby lief ______ cairmn,]. Peia", cetifi ttei crmeolfleuofethle reports e scie, PeniTobG N 0105. onstablo tor Muguet aud Septomber, lu - regard te ta"tdrlvhu over lie bariges lie Nar. Robait hI oftleva buembeae la Poil oommttee baie direc liaItic esigne et Hoeptlie voek apodalealtthle rmpalmen.i lie bridges bu epir i, su ad lu came ef lis m EEB B ~ s~e effla ou, INdars lise iey mbe ummoned;, liat lia îa. . ~e, t Ihfeahis saait. oottable Reevos' requeet fer twe veeks Xr. e& Wwm o Alldwlsavele.bolidays bu grantel on hie puoilidiuga tendleofthe Ia Liay mi asetheraG.T. IL substituts e, ies aun oepe.-Beporti divisiornsvun la leva Thieiy of ki" voi.adaptsd. ThéaQ(J.P. ur. oaa l» I tet. h m ou A motIon vas pâsaod it li te troieiur mgssl lanbuildirng 200 gasa u-te l e lsl~ anhioriseul le uay the LIgit, Beat sud 00. 00 tiis. -@&ePaerO < O. 0$Imbun aMount, Ca Orgotlaetetennt a The. lnlilylaed iuguhui suemits acrosa let OMM aeon -Caroline street, se lith Pe "t"mIum bu iseilim.'wbher li the mm une divertel tram Ilts Itamai. vi a u jai i te rosie- ThemG T Rbsavmhoua.s miraomplmls lUma war. AUla a sort ="iUsmmo~ alo bdg% ombbd &UarUo l le wM a ool emmtte , cou>- *0"m e" Tniam Ii, goi epu. & Iliumss.ettheae.0 le reUy sWbutl lme tabe lis uupesi ujbcu m ui u __~~~ - enumap¶a sI nc Tha alomamt telasme la asmyenM M blé3Ir>ymem- mmm baveaummp@I hàmilia1i'4*ub-m-i .1 hi nUmm& et luomalr o tliahm iUaul, aL..s Im. *Mm- fis, ON. fiitau.. ilaÈ ém h Voè vou ym . te >-40 lut.-b4oe.Y« nbey. Thue . e ubslhMPgoepmrimou i th any firm under the Sun W. dm'tushevuyhlae«vswsy oIm.pu O~NUUSl. in .tot " "-Th bot mille, the best manufactureraý ., p ~ ~ ~ - e lb laet rew dy, sud we're the ready. to gather in tus orna cd te mooka of vutikuotumiiom. WMu, <aunai outlutý v» ma Do riais, fr prices muet 1 mÀ tempting moh fo lu t bu. Theway »eby bu ryhzug owthecvay eueMIL TO W .I RII&uGooda, go aam oo.leuely dcht . st MWUsrty lo~ pries., mabrevd planning to strengthen OU1 grip ou lb. v.'ybout trade sud by hmVlog a Ire. la anc nailt t. usuels. TMh M. «ccd regard te our eenNo Psul aminI*r Stocks. nov orovdicar utmamtor-f rouiend to oui, from top to bottom-enbracbig every. tlaig faom a suit te a shirt. CLOTH IMGO Kes'. Peur.butteu Siàgle.broe&ùMSacque Suite, lunsli.vool dauk grop oheoked Canadenansd Engliai Tveeds, gao4 erimmiingi, voit made, dm 3s 6 te 44 ".i chuct, rogular Price $8.00, XWu' Pure AU-veol Osuadisu Tweed Pauts, neat dark striped, pasborzu, viii trimrned sud eut, @ms32 te 42 val semure, reguler price. 1.75 pr. Yen tii Long Paule Suite, in dark broum, al.veool Iveedi, aingIe-breusted, vith gead ininge and good -lutorlininga, aie 0te 35 inch chest, regular price. 6.50 Meu'a odd Tweed Ves, dark snd light oelore, aaaoutsd, plain and checked paîterus, with godd trimmince, aises 36. te 44 icheet, regular prico 75e. and $1.00 ecmi Boys' 2 piece Suite, lna sU-vool Iveoe, dsrk colora, mess eelecl.d patterns, oiate nestly plested, etreng Italisu lininge, pante lined-thireu«hout, sui 22 le 28 ioch chest, regular, prce $2.25, 82.50 snd 82.75 a suit YouthWan sd Boys' 'Ululera, &ItL uool lancy Pniee,'dark colore, ail- vl checked tweed lilngi, sterm 1coilar, -haif bell, isai pocketieaiss 22 te 30 "mcinht memunre, regular putee $4.50 eseli Boys' ,Nsvy Blue Serge Reefers or Pe. Jackets, medium veight, tvilled Dtalian lininga, braim buttons, sies 22 to 28 inch choit measure, regular: price.81.75 eci MWm'- Overcometin imported English clothe, ciobilios, kerusy aud mou- taiet, vinler veigi ta. bIne, black sud brouit siadea, vithi che3ked tweed, liaingu, om s36 ta 42 inch choit mesmnro, regular price ,12&5 6495, 4.95 .39 1ý.69 3.95 1829 8.95 HfEMI HAT DEPARTMENT. broum coloraunliasi, gend leatber' sveàt baud, 2-inch ailk bnd, and ailk bundin«, vith 2j inch brim and 5i* moi creva 3Ma' SoftI Hats,. fdora. shape, extra fine fur ifeu, Urge, medium sund mmii bleoke, tii*., very lateat styles in Enagliai sud Âmeicaa maie, colora bisa, brou», mitria, siate and Iawn, aIfi ýsisupecial Boyle Bluff Hae, very fine fur feit, line«t or gulined, iii black, broya. etc. Nice neat ehapes, voe e82.00, eliecial Boys' Fedoras lnblack, broya and mouse colore, lined or unlined, fail styles, spé'cial 1-801 2-O( T2 on T3( Ai (Ti T5r of .5 MEZN'SFURNISHINGS. Meds a Pncy Stripe and, Plain Grey Undenrblta an dDravers, doue-le- breasted, heaiy quality, ribbed cnffo3, regular prie Oc, sud 65c. each Meas Plain Grev Wool Underrbirtia ani Drawers, ri4bed ekirt mandcuff, double-breasted, men'e ies,regular prie 65c. each Xèn'a Fine Scotch Wool Underebirte anit Draveru, doible breaseted, sateen faoie xtra velli trimmd sud fisdregelar ppuce 75c each Men'a Extra Fine Wool Underohirtad Dravera, in foucy stti3eo and plain greys, double breasled, ribbed aikirt sud cuffi, aleen fadngs, regularr prie 1.0eaoh a Me'e Pull Fashioned ScochlWool Underehîrte and Dawer, uibbed vwalet snd shirt, double bressted, also fine medinum veight ixnported natural vool, ai! sizes, 34 ta 42 cheat measure, 1 regular prices81.25 oaci . 15 50 BIG ~5yamd B value $1 IC ENDS. 1. 1 i orli (l ýkIti "ALWAYS, GOOD AT GOUGH'9SOP LINDSAYO guru ~ump te::. YOuw PbeketBook eau" troi LoTmt vube vs ulofor ym durag t bal»" e ftua"amtiiad aqatmliy w- Tii. Wondlerfal (Jhesp Olothiers, PETERBORO. Wanted-n .Idea Ev"p, -WANTED*Vmtsni. m fer ou*&a ami AreMU&a. 'Q UEEN - YrI«otiU. -9MHIPZLuiA»DREIGN.m IauIWId"IO by imd Dudad. A iilu mev bo*. 0"es me»Uvela , TIU. Qc skl, VI% eà mM6 1 t$ laÙ mloue la lil TEU B rAmm-GAaaMM 0C. LM 288. ds El me si. W., oeI. OI DUNN"' BAKINO PWDER PORT HOPE. Ar= R HVRlG B]EZnr XIPT UP ALL NIGUT 'Wîth tbat COIJGH, if you do tiot wantio repuatthe experiece, ~ a bottie of the OLD) STANDARD REMEDY Gray's Syru p of Red -Spruce Gum nue bestCog Cure ii tlle woWlil. 802d eVeryWhere 25 Cts. a bOttle. KSRBTATSON& Co., poRTM (41' OTEL ilSob0. 6 Kent St. East RIGGTS STOR ES VERBE YOU CÂN BUY Oigar5 Y AIDy oolot 0N WAY~uAis& lia dut « Ibave largè bbi md.Wli lave a largE le e u tj cearran~ &MSe mmade ipertY s:iloi Nbor for ary UUmn»d b.t( 'Ti ýDrt 1 and 989 or .u, Nmhe tsbeshm Usa a. Ta bmIev ~- - lb. maguse ~viii mon uluI« Un- ' Feor P% t 75 these g,-' X