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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1896, p. 4

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e ughte R-.neitmor vu par 0- -M saLuE'-', atud pauh aiIfor MWUU*. Tans m.nble un.tu> uen O WathW«% sa-v We.- Caer chou a y adour W. -carry the largool and beat aasorted stock ever O Tbeee gouda bave bes Obought iwitbaàspcal qto tie boicday tride, and a-ory Oaia cie lbau Points of mut 1ca W. have handiadof prettv litîlit noveiciesrang- Oins "in prico- frein a f.w cealla Up. 0,11 àtld loakcIreugl oui score, the igbt vili Wei Orepity YvoiE %Ret~uber vaý do net v.ish. ny cf Our outoneu or isitera to feel cisC they are in any WaV nue au Obligation tô buy. FOOT Or KENT STREET, WEST BauitD Wood grd Dry'ardvwood, Long muind Short; firat. clama Steve, Net and Eg Coal; aIme tie:beat Blfacîsmith Ceai in the murket. Preai Lime, Driain i iftané Sovat Pipe of:aIl nafr.a A -full linoe fLamber and figls for Builders. Everytbing Up-to'date, muid.pries. te suit the timos. Give us a asti. Teleihomo 5 el .-eJ~ BRYANSIGO. siosax TO LOAN. mr7 mi ruai - hi àlmuor me Marumibewt tc b.'a 4mé iet. fron& te rIv« ontOum . d"»M PRIDA!, DEOB NEER 11, lUi. A miia .1home. maia wu.d.1Lam& Itad tbmeSma. Barm u tTraz. fgi * - ~I ~ut I ~ essi evsv ~-t - ** - Eu..li. ~i a. lis liS OO~ImdV0 m Cmu evlisu0 l a oa d2To5ir MW It bs mWealsi liaiam osese I haussait, »w Ia oua et0» lirse vIh souMet. swaig Il.lordm cemgam Of Canas oes l vuls giprt>hmlameJn, h« boue revâMici vfti bc6" mibu "lpcflabent ivlg. Tm Wâzna .gealutcw Mr. as sme 60acs reoolulnghrovard, maihope. ho un Ia moulé ils oudm o l os -eur luthe b6rli oIf e memor> mr agle l t o lougsloaMr. Gais vuaglnga brotIe wytl ftsaM mformcceptlng trou the con- mmtaives mt tai 0ose sIo"ioýla bor, but ot à litlime llie o usmeivalys cuse, oc aposillo vici b. oulée. a a l. hooé for himmoif adéhlmfamil. Bobby Bu»asfit@ a ei il Ilsecanduc cf Mr. "SyJediqe, iI thara no law ai lin $op that tiare aditor from 17in about taor" eoantly -remakecé a antlmomlosa lookiàg eum . lanuoaeut thaeIder ste. monts of Oklahomm. "Sfoirbas the. aditor boomIligabout yoec"? asalétha Jiidigo. "WeII, ho calîeme m a hou thlf, Md @&y& Ibava beau Provan a liai in a dos difforeDt dIrections. t"Wora pot you provon to hbave et" Sb boise, oucw ?and ha.'Dot, théc-aditor hi... mlt provec you a liai repeatadyl . ratuan. ad Him Honor. '6Wali, -vTs, Jodgei, but -rousse- I amn nov lad inthe ch anécthlt 01, bhing viii Injure my repqtatlon. WW hanea MW& a curci membudàlp eusINe hlm to som@ priveges J»dW". lai otier place. tinOkiahoma cm sucda -"-olt.rlgheeoum eusses-"«kiteI arot tethemmolvos pivIloegvhi are denisé te ordlnéry mortali. _Por!. tunataly the groat body ef chuich mm. bers are a credit and mna honor. to thafr pîoksmlona; but the old 6"fclol ihe" 01 .BobbY Batuinmcilivos. "Lord wmern. bar me ant mine--md permit in me viat ahould net ha pormiteod'le amolierw in mtliIi titb ofau ocomnl profana,. At penelonFalla on aoW"t"amde>la prenfof et ho0uusatef loor li.. MOLaUuuinvu pauliIF prM ove ha"e bld at hait lrhaIdig neteuls lea spaeOh., Evam il. "Saraoga sb" M" bl tu e> cob hm s siemuse. lu vrl~mplais.latic*ou hofm wu *Webb in aul b" .of pilm u! "M- MDhP<s.é a fuloni V"e ab vu* hlm t t àà rou I uoeaI bivin>ev »»am «S"gieba ic0 smti., mlppery aide et tbI u ls vau thomiermtre84 meokgituW, mbp ae etthevaa10 aadmmo, tobe gý.o udiar btmdah, sow fes9L on À6bm oatwam Ses buS1M «U MMl e e lmid la.mi Ili i ab o»i.o mou .gIe I ven oée Pub.1 ttWtd mm apover tic giles ie us Te - .oumeh s i. as e asas .- ThanI fortumnabW-W» «éouet ever haéroé oageusm la Canadsamuol etther bougie or sai-lui tic. raap sou. leal Iloi te madat 1.11.vgtelavu-6 "'Lot tieuâ boil t liaI OrgmMa. hoor Io mot to e a big-or motoi. TuaI- vaeaorc Ibetolear rdu mgo à*w vo ath.hi r torai" cgel." Partait e.hope thatair. Gais may have proven lIe amenmud votussé te aocep thel. puose eoe as, a rovari for hic oduol. TRDOR'1F1Y511PAYFS. Tho roferu perty wi3mhltmmIgonor&al o0selins hiappeau te protestlants te pro. vent lalmerSeco nc la Mnitoba; ani te remacatiolie thet lia tories' romodial blwii elé do uetihing for, hema;-but., mat lot thcu, lme reformaisRgelilaPovcr Mué viti sicx mentbes liserom ins ctiolla vouli b haveirtegrlsvauies radresas. Omms_ c.cs1r aiutra proitcstmnts aid thaé ai d m olliladyof roman catho- num 84porsli arofompart>aMdi. Bat Utesair neyer paya. The pro- ulss 10 ultra protestants aMdi utra roman aatbelsau M otbell possibI> l taMlm. Iot a kW ofet"4belvz n é bMtvom#' pla*bas.beu -isévhish asn ourn doi re saes t.mailobjection. aile le halloms.. ymer.u h claoa fiequlilng l"aInemalter 1ev mach propoirl tbc sectinm Maybo halé bythora or -1ev mur> familes of peotosl- bute thar. uay bo; yset if lira.or four( piailerou«es cthollo fumesuroulée IloreWh welia"rlwemty.lve chliren 'Of soheol Aai gls a vul- u peotetautsl, the protostauboachar mut bé éaiasé suéilearoman coo be'b. angacgé, euas Iouqi onI t as>»*400 41elr> tic proomlmuts muI pay *lm. Thc roman cetlio bulaibeau 6'»U" igi refaru Promisoes, toi vhan ssapérals soboolé v oie maaneé hlm b> reforai leadees lie. Ara moIu forthcoming. Tic_ couceadomsaeld h.. chiRaimmn te the prlviluo t hving a roman celle. ie toboeraihe,.m Md lieravitiltaesalai> larcul> pali by probsolauls.Tise la ne guaratle 1tic rohemm. catholia lia" anolia ear voulé ne Dt sas the cOmo«. ilua nov grantWé abolkaisi by ths lagis.0 las-on à» _ peopWi as miîzing ttatai eilent of thc farce.C Boll ara rigwy >dlsstlmd. but, lot âem figlal il ont. -Tbe romsn catielic mas rule trualsé tic reoerr medorsami aod" ltse oonsorvativs. TIc ev o- 0a ,botegacalmit ctale. 'le t.isurpriaimg te%, à P lied suolmaltem aimur> et thcm -M Ir 0ill -Il> iupuIaie> "FVOie iglis The ultra prolcgi Who Ie lmmt eauom. [r. leurier and bis Menés"adiagastsé of Bat, thit e yet ýreepabution vil t sotiR> 0mes, Mmd proetm Mnimd Drau cetholla mbue, viii vugl UVi MidIth PcV tualésats havegien lu groalse H assure li e le oliovilmg-D]Urnis JLi »OnI NOMliVictoria campaloa vlan bID. duers vona uehimg bewlmaceroman A. Iscl Of et l.dor sa »vo vo ie l saliffl ap lie D'Iaey, D«%n, Mu*Wte M fm rswageber of ue.lm u " , AI r aob -"#aa m iu ugls u i Ouh vu b Jiu I I I s a il o a 'E t] te 51 'E a m ai as IC 01e cl B 0 ijnnr ssand 5 choamber s t oat. up quiokly. B, Yery Complote STOOKO -I ssim~, blacambul us lb lise Ulu elalmaus. mus. qaI~hasée puep la Qeebo.. q - utbIeh à"m.te.the »"M of ussé. a. ouateu bisai. ettu ail. . . Formamys i b. bus boo ueubse.Momlet a lieoug hst Nd. fr>os liccaebu Im$&, fom $W Cuahaupbmllilg es ho élé et i1m01Onteale, mvla m of Qus., aor e9ail cmanas er lyve - galn le commuaiIlte isé amien tutileadernon. J. A. claploan Abte li lbe"oaorvatlve cenvemllo laod lu cannlgou ysmday (Thuuday), Mr. W. H. Boyri aivsd lie Unanlins vote o et Ilsonventionm mlic nidats foi Norb Ontari oiSlia houae et 16US ftkQs Modal bollool I'4 o... Balovvwe gvc a it ofetthe mamumof ba modolitos Wvho0have bau in atend. nas abthe modal sohool hora tht sm àm vii ha not>icod ther or oismo aI mu Modelteam in attendmuice tht. asaai u »Me other years owInq Io lt mt iab beoriumber of thomé,vIe pu"ssé lcpri. mRu vu 4"Madamiicmjaully d tisse mausi lbit aadis. eM *0s asmo. L thc pupil aurc miffou late.pistesi il Ir pmluta&ng amd voely masha,, ffe. B""eic. Tic Lwida m odes. hoo "lay ta ras eut good b"uemmd a fot liItli gradustos have alvayae "de sucosaful tesobers apeai. vWou for ho training oft tair temaher, MIg. erodaelok lloBok...........p Aman M. Scott .........br7 >mna Sherman ........irield& Smith ..............Lmda. D. Campbell. ........Harloy, [f ut ed o.. DWtw * . lm Po. m Wa......... Ime é "ru........ Gmu ...... Oaku'acd. 1 %ml MIl. ..... . M . . .w .. ... .. tshq Cie ~.. ........* ý-a A. As iMffla mb. OxÀim-Tb dm m eumb evar i fl pose Mdclhmi s maibopm Mdai %si ila, m u larga - bebeyub" iraowr " wls u luioiqm séviu pamlo sv. AÀi& Delvo, vho vu suffe- ngfsom a biou, lelàis@ venng YOur mrragmaaesfora, a oodlmeo OirtbmainigitdoDmt orgalt c oas- Mst faIl a thmmehu"murc vlaMr. UmIl>,Of Kinuon, vil tenders»vu,- id «MlUQUIona"ao rad tandrM lasbs ing popam rsé by lvy ouu i mum L.O0. L . u. l all s EIa on11M. day, ?ëb ai", lia tollowtng coss. ver sielsé dfor lic suiuneysr. :-BrosJ L Il aW M;Galrwin, DMX; W H Pége% ap;J J Gluass, uscaer; 3Mak, lan- se; Irvin, tismurer; 8 Mark, D of C; C Mark, lactur;il Oliver, W W Siema J J Campisii, J Ksll.y, W Gaibrai, commites.. We hop@ for racé muoosu la the future. 1 - -S iRF swo 1go2u opom E LOa Aisseetshort* VatiosIa"ga a 1ev isame et noes. STua .vcathar hors eivn >mliiat pro- seut. T»a Wj»iwalread la sesy hame la lit. section sud h m nxiousl oIsé for svery eooL Péopleasoy lhey loch la Tua Waaaaafor correelmcva o! the.nmcv goverurnet. WlsiuigMr. Hughes. e"_ suasse, ve hope b. mal ho long ses te repreuent North Victoria PuasONÂu. -Dr. D. O. Smith ef Stout. ville àpaetThauhglvtiq day M e spar. entai-homea......iss uThoupâo, eor Soorvwill, l ug «Me RauhiBru.. .. Mr. WullamBuron, jr., t. mise>home trou Port Pcuer vblebu la bossfr Moue dme P" e e. c valcoeBt. r tcm le> sur oouur &8@122ml.. r Johna Mlihlusa. l2-1sVer à M a lmu d ta *s0is ford m. a a tarai 09 jaur. a redussérae. W. valcome Mir. Thoruilos tg eue negboriooé aMi hope lis mar b. more susul tlan hie XD1TUAZ SOTMS. Tho North Brucem tcotiosproeoolah vithdravn. Aolsegril I oéov. Englan d liaheUnited Status h a combluation tliaI volé sacsput an ant to the Caban qustion. The gril fiseo as ornWeloanbae me fer eofctad lth act liat lia coutry dos. met vautIltherfrac Irais lad. Tha mtoculpoilledo fiasco lu tic status le abotcer examplae t tie unepcm. lji. tac"icaof Yankee athiotes. The Telogram mays aller issmme..la lgionu upon a fise trader lai Lonidon. Ont., 8fr PRichard Caievright viiiknov juat 1ev Columbuas fait vwhon ladis- covsred Amarica. le mnut be gratitytng te tha Subutt kmov that ha bau company la hie murdei- oui ciaiaoertlsclc. Gem. Welar, lis Spantmi leader la Ouba, t. nié te be butoisrlng ie.prisonrs rigil muid lofe, glvlngn quarter. Ths Ontarioo oanty tegistearshlg hm become quitc au amnaing if mol iioulou o-e. -If an offias eft liikiné cau ré- mea unfilled for me lomg Myvo e »àvsOU amk "vshv mol romminagoe altglici 1 Judigg b.y pisene ppamuil vHIi do on. Tial glaoiation et Me. Thos. Walbs at thc lut msol.board moslhg mshlng the mla ig ommltète la ols ito oonmléeraliou the advisabllty et aupplylng oaci Pablic mabool vîti aaf94ggaMdflag.mtaEý ý& in the rigie directios. Patriotisu aioald ho a part etfevcrysohool cuilé'a au atin d eut public sohool .symesu lm lucompiats unissa lb bu"ches ah Mt Richard Uarlwrlgbî vill. go to Roolombr o, b.amahralaf for an aeta"Iof rhesranas. Nosmuch venéar. The ohili> ani damp affsot thon ilarvl"vs had viti lis protectiomit îManufactures. et Toronto muset have hmd on ia cehaai id acharne of rsoip"o ith. hellsUnitesd Buteos, vu enougi te m Msan r il'. Grese srit ajululooktMg sallr ohili. ren rnovcmqulekly. LaitvaIve tm alivesg of UrIi"i Columbia nov reaidant la t Cab, vaue vaporIsé es bahaine «taila Cab&a mai orderué le hoabihel.Tic lolamblau vlrad la Vancouver, ltcé >tmawaasolmeor et s evs. inormai è md he cabieé lis homu gweruàmn. b Within sigîen hoursasmagc vau te .lovad trou igland thaë au 6"11e oursd fps imi bhua helen and lie forêlgu C &Ms voalmisrIlshe fety et Moiss.M ealtie, and a»Y other Britihremuaent la 3uba. l u J Wh PM l tec1 eé Dg ei ro ha id id NEW TEAS. Anoherlis o Jpa Tesof unsua qualitv just recie to be aold oheap. W. wouki 'ire every houise keepe > ta in8pect, tht., as we 1thnk il unexc.Uied for qulalty at the price. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. glooda oonstantl: r rivinig orow d us for. space, henc we offe].r 6 Tiiese will bEi pickecj FAMILY OROCER. Nov. SScI, 10 attend thc boid etf heir .4y4ngaitiMis.Oék et Brook. Tisa lady died on lie toilovlug Priday and vus lnutdon Suuday. Mr.. MaKonàry and him danghtor Mn. J. I.oc, lofe on bait Saturday 1 atmnd tho fanerai, mué reurnai home on Mà day UmisB . Aumintuus lut vaak trim a long cviit fo Irloids lu Book.... Mms Doolitus, o! Orillinhe R umsb ef ber son. i. iM. Dooitela ...ea. M. MaKimmon, B.A., ams.leted in tlb. induc- tion ofthle pastor to tie proabytsrian oburci et Bobocygeoin ounTmeday. Mr. Wilson, o! Carleton Place, àpont a tav dari lut veek viii bis e ,Mis Pearson... Mis. B WelisoetMont. rami, Md tvo obUidren cM»e te alla 1mtaoir eu sacooane et thc dangorous Ilnof o her mnother Mis.0. Moors TODAT, Duc. i-Credit ame 't-r in btok aI mplements, et Mm. E. J. all of1 etlot' 7, ou. 5. Feas Boues. achouee. *bu% DRUSA Em laan'o issavmvmi N.Ma.n Knows.. lie~erurbtin c iprita oman suf- m Crs incoin ih a tove. Our Consnt aim a been ta fiunish the best 4) axtUcep.e f or the use intended. The 9 * "REGAL PERFECTION" 0 for ebu or waod, fulfils every require- ~ mient The design and oruamentation m t=i range are ii adv.'ance of anything.> preiosl attempted. The ovens are Ï lare mid roided with draw-ou* rak oven doars Iined vWbt tin, fire bokpro 1 videi iti gennine duplex grate and il b &perbip an s«bIccr. FuUly ~~ .qupped ith aven sheif, tea pot sheli, *s footovendoortip, dorhearth and extra9 largebrbilingortoastingdoor wlith mica bamme, 'nade viti four or six coolinglee o sle by ýW. (Gi Woois Lindsay.-2048-26. Mie WE POINT, WI-T*I4PLEA8URE tote lie footprn* int kt ndreéis otpeople vhe, regardem of eleet or ana w, have vwalkeé te our factory duriag lieparc îwo weekg te investigate the n~~'~~: j LAMKT SALE AMNOUNCEMENT Ouresvil ,lanus. * -mi iwsictw&,t Wbt bui ben tlhe resaiIt sacrdsy 21et vo aeld overar countrs 31 mNa . PMres. Hies,~oestiuglte et pair al vool muid wvyo. blankets, Sclurday De-c. 5àc, 42 pair, and the sales Xr* Al"Mmd e &4 olcf Turshberne. every. dey of the veal vota se, large thât we are running our -macbinery ly if 1ind55> ove r lime 'tu keep puce. vill lie dem. ud. We are net inaking -gooda for D5B. eep-smkes but, tut n cicr cr output quickIv.atamil profita. Gentlemen's NMi,-Ithéil .muhip of Vuralmuom underv-mar luit, tu order; bosier>, sokeanmud mitte in great veriety. Sadop. Neombu, Dci, I18K. raluis Roafai, fui 88 yse, 8 amensud 0 amiW &m Duâuxie.-Ia PomFmu"Plp4d M Suaimy, et i. IL W. IreédqM4seul4my&.E 0 ? J J' 8. O S Navabse ii. 888.Ana oalaa, daglu Llds Woolen JhilLs. EPP$' COMAFTHRE SPEIAL PUROIIASBS IREAKFAST COCOA Passe...the followine Distinctve -Moritz. DEUCACY 0F FLAVOR. UPERIORITY,!n QUAL1TY. RÂTEPUL and COXKRTING d I IJE -N OL a4 2 o'oloo ou éats'd DO&i..12,1896. -bfflai" of « fmw -0 0"c ýtpIuar4wc.viib .i eu m1di rRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. Qumwts.Peund Tins and Puck.ts cUly. Eoueopathc Chemista, Jodog, 7EST VICTORIA iboral -Conservative tSk Wne! thVe- TOU vHKmiL lIDaY$b OVERCOATS AND UL13TERSI RUBBERS, OVERsf4OES AND- BOOTS FANOY OIRIsTrMAs 000DB, Picked ap in qavattcîeu laat week, yftéhBel.w Regmi .ar Prices, are nov on Bmie. Men's heavy Frieze U lotèrsecil t$,$,2 9 Menh"vy Tweed Suits, PeCial, t $, $7e 8 and 9. Tiie quality, workomasip and style, of Ibilsclothinsr vili bear close comparisen anid at theso Prime eeor ze la :â geuuilu bargain. Ail B3zes in stock. Lare variety le sel ctfrm Mon'. heaàvy Rubbers and &*oka, Épecial, at $1.25 a Pair. BOY' fine qUalïty O1vershOes, peoial t t$1.00,S air'. mente fine Watmoproofgra nLog Boots, speojal, ýat $2.75 pair. Men'a lonlag Boots, 18 Ù*- Ie, " 1 ,at 20 a paur. Pul elok i Mu'. Womn' mm Chlden'.Rubera pain and wool lined, Mud ove.-ahoes ln fineet qualities. CHRIST-MAS GOODS Lange auaortînent of nov Paricny qooda, Albums, Pluiih Cases, Picture Bos T<>ye, Gaames JewveXmStéOards Hauging Lampa, Vase Lamps, Mug@, CsSaucer@, etc., at l0w Ppuces. Ohoiceat qualities in Griocerles aal C4Iutlfrney fer 4>"lsmas Trade. -- OARWOOD. &Dv 'kil Os uta YTIpoi B84 91 &tsdusv Fil Tougi water age. whicl it wi) HAb J. JOB, Li N,; ORE Promptj -'q 1r;, oe1 We offer nome pmnouuiii:,ýe the above Unes. fidar"' ' 41, Me!!!!" -4- 1 - 1 1 1 - ý 1 1 1 1 d1ieNSEL 1 1 , ý'j 1 ofet, t.jammes' stWadnssiy .vnbng vW a prouoquos mussentiltnl the vTm undslrble voathear. l omaato ie n m aboratafovi suppor a muidliam. ittram itrhaume, Mud' g. proucs "»M"ute, 1aiffoodlp Sm. TEE Ecut YbLfarue.institut viii b. heM la Dlomma hall, on Saea day, 1)... 12d4 &" dvoii oasimeof îw moomttet of mfouie have prepare a i ut omsprogramme, having amours *0c asmitamm of mmasY. X .Dai Toronto; A. EUlote Gah; j. .LCaraneus IR P. P., Indian Point; A. IIoNe Windsor.muid T RBartion, A. MoUes Md N. Dar, of vietori& oouuty. Th Oveant muton viiibe amrebly vertu br -muai. provld dbv eh."hisssWilm sud Traloa', Mud MasesuJ. DoqeUad ]. Wilson, asve» m a pap.w by Mim fflis, It lato bhed hat &U pro ltsrotod la agrwauuraWiniavili h... »ive« of tht. rareopportunuty sud fill the hall on both oooolamm. TEE Pey. A. Ownnm., D.D., general mpelntendent of th. meithodiat churai f Qanuda, vili deliver a lecture sa the metbodmî chnrëb horo on "1Worth Mud vork of voman"*,onute eveutng Of 000. 114t. Ams theDr.hbai atsd pension 'ail belore and his talenta ave cooas- munly vcll-kov hue, h. viii demo- ms. ha ford.d a coed dhoue. Tia rahl.y swingbige wva aa i WedMay.for *hUmo f18M. h rp haéd %pom a le, dapalutes*nlaméu mr e t. aov for ame ompIeIlor 0thc Ieulookmug of thé * "maa.This vork nu couplîeé on T.sâday and vu for. mIly insp*esonmMouda'y MeN. O. W. irka;, wmni sglisr. aTh. gentlema gpremacéblumait baghIy plumai eh tha voit dona hy MLAlleu andhbis mistauts, muid ime ljp the shorbt ime in eli tvu aooomplihad.Mr. Parker fon Tmaoay moeuing, Mi.ý Alaen ta- *itilt eh. Ofotlovtng mrug. TEE elactio Ilgita &rebelng .xtoçdod Our village. Tbe7 have alroady boom "sa la the, epaurobor, and la S anisé tO pliosa couplae OfIlgîla on u e to lm wyul a bomse amochiit ba a àek e rmUam s loge Ib*& dsse mby eWr. tg pwlt I»devu4a ý m . q" t New baleik

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