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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1896, p. 7

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wwh -le be ugle hv lu. » Ail WI ,BimeeSà nb. a&V~ OS. 1 - muton et buv Mmne. Nla "Thun U»».h b.1> ta. order, fer xo larma beR>do.I rmtg slow o e ou .etemum*sl only fSr cen«*a M be, m»Pl IF te t# Ngeeia, o'wn wthab"t W* f0 tht aieteelli oeatay, l& b . Et.: ilà take 0Wfour nUq* -Imolg breathBe mch & ar a bU. tU th», oentury vill expire. UV tk«M à@ ..Th Mying Century." 1 iiomu t bta hour when our kam.toumI Iéa*oi l0 &bout te assemble, Mmo t the nom- bers nov here preseat ad ethers mo to arrive frerm the morfi, ssth. to and, weeLAU. lthe jmbiio ConWWy" Comtng this w&y viii bring Importanat additions of Public men' go t lt en on Dec. 7, at hlgh nome, the gma'es Of f3enate and -Houge oet epresmuttives Ohal llft and fait, thedestlaies of hila nation. and thrcQugh it the destinte. or au natons struggling te .be free, vill b. Put 0on golem a andtremendous ttiL AMId euch intenityimg clreumstance I stad by the venerable century,ad a4dress it ln fta* vords et my text, «Thus saith theT LOMt, ettbuboeu. lna orer. for thou Suat t*k d &ot Éternity le too bit a subJect for us ta understand. 8«ome one bas sali tla a Mrat dock thatsamys Tik»ln one centUrY fand "Taek» hln ether. But; ve ca.n better undertani 014 timif, Who has many chldren-and tbey are the centurles--au .d many grandcidren --and they are the years. Witl the dying nineteenth century wvo *lli fia rnorning have a p:lain taik, teililng hlm smorn f the good thIlnge he bas doe. and then telling blm orne et thet tingeu lte ougbt to e.dluat before he quits thila aphere and.passes out te loin the eter- nltes.- We gemerally wait untll peope are dee.d beforé e e y mueRa in proset ut themi. Fuileziuogu emenerally very patheticanam eloqueent Wth timas that ought to bave been Mi yearý- before. We put on coid tombstones wlaat we ought te have, put ln. the wUa'U ears o£ the living. We cura. Charle Sumner while he la l avng, uduget *him Into spinal mengitis and oait until. ln thie moins where .1 have been lvIng the last yea&.he putes hie band on MRi heart and cries "Oh!" and la gone, and then we make long procession la bIs houer, Dr. Sunderland, cbaplaip of the American Senate accompiXtyUlp stOp- ping, long enougb tte allow'tht dead Senator te lie ln state lu Independence. Hall, Phifldelphia, and hating at B8- ton State Rouge, where nt long before damnatory resolutions had been pas"ec In regard to, hlm, and then 'nove C-0. amid -the tolling beli. and thec b011 of minute guns,, until ve burY, hlm a Mount Auburn and caver hilm with flowers five feet deep. Wiaat. a pity he could not have been awake at biseSUfl funeral to hear the gartitude of the nation! What a pIty that ont green teat could *not bavebecn taken trOia each one ef the mortuary gar lanads and, put upen hie taýble wvhile he vas Yet lilve at the Alington! Wbat a PUtY that eut of the get chorus vbechant- ed at.hie obeeqjuies oe little girli res- ea lnl white rnlght net have sang to hiEl IM .ng esr. a compllmentary uel Tht pnstrnortem expres.sion eontradicted the itntenlQrtern. The nation could net have ipoeni tho, truth brýth times abOut rbaffles S~umner. Waq !t betrf or af- ter his deeez4ee it lied?' Xe suchIinJustice shall b. lufiiCett upon this vene-rable nimetemtb century. Betore h. goes ve recite ln lis hear- Ing . orne ef the g06d tilge he. bas8 ccempflshed - Wbat au addtion tO thO worlds ilntelïige*re he bas imade! Looka &t the aid sechool bous.e, witia the smW sifting through he, tii of emmd fb. filtbY uin oup hanglnt over the 'watu pou la thetcorner, sud the uttivIotS .,E tht long henebsu vIhOMMt iolsm » tht ilitumate chooimastew wth bis hWcko "A.gandiiithen l»M st urmid- eria palaces <>1 freé >. _,Uidc me and vomnu eultured ami re0bed te the blhgest excellence, se fiat wb*etala lin ~1I ZqmU w ý j Zà%emt 0005 aouwttag village et Wmmblugou te hi bBe Unied ataum oGe«v mst m b. ueeatre Rissua ,bdm sote- UrnatPmàM M>ha m aboUes, which ffot I l t a thtu»«r ý ibis Phace Dow the rbttoturU lohy,<« tfe con- ut ad mai araioce tt v orl. - Ut m»Y text eue uea tbMttbfent aie Xwbe thion a bà s century owrht te fo i -hforo . bves u&.Thusm mliii fie 2oel. flt tbime boums n celer, tor thon shalh ditai eIve"We ougit lsoi te let ibis centu ry go befors tvo 'or tRaie thiaiga are met 'la crier. For ont thlug, fis quarrai betwesu laher and capitul. Tte minetemh afcetury Inher- Iei St tmthse ettbewi century; but do mot lth fiuletenf century bequesthIaft te ie i eth. "Wblat. we vant." Mn mabor, 4%0-St usnighglt la more otribes and maore vi&goomua oit eUh torch mmd dymmwte." "WImt ve wsV»utmuafl aîu& ilea a tgbter gril> on the verkimg dusses Mmd compulsion 'Lb tmb. vhat vagua e Oeb »to puy, vithent nefèence te their needa." Roth wrong mesinu. ot1i defiarat. Untîl thc day er Judgmeat tne ettlemaent et fie quarrel if you lcVet hte British. Rus- Mm5 or American politlca. The relia- ieuk ef Jesus Christ ought te cerne lna :.iWthin teucxt tour ycars aud tube fie Rimai of capital sud enaplo'yc and am»Y: 'You have triti everythilua Ise andi taluid. Nev try fie gospel et kinul- mies." Ne more oppression uni no mnore atnikes. Thetgospiel ofJeaus Chrit iii eveeten tfiaacenblty, or It vil) go on te thtemetofUr% ndmthfe S fiat hurm the 'world lup viii arsele l Inch osascfwrathfui -preapti- Ity oùiâ inigna t tin vile their bande am. atilt cluLqhing ate«Cha othcr'e throéte. Dofore tha cetury migRasUn laet lreath 1 voudfiat svarthy laber aid easyopulence vould tome tiP uni Iet tfic Carpenter of Nazareth Join tudr banda ln pieige ef everlaumg kinnes and Poute. Wbtn mien, uni vomen arc dylma tRay are aPt te divide among theirchihren imencnis, amdont la «Lstai a vatth. uni anotiier a vase, andi another a picture, mand anofier a robe. Lo.t tus vettrun enmtury. hefere it die Raaid éver ote-iehumarace, vitta an ImpresIvepeacom tint ahall last for- ever, uhat ol1 family kecpke, fie goldeni beepsake vhich aaeurlY inmateoil bunrti yearm mgo 'vas hanici down trom -tht black rock et the meunt e! beatItules, "Therefome all ingu vInt- etiver yt would 1ibMtmen aheulide te, yen, do ye tien ete them, for this la tht Iav and tht prophets.- Another, tlang fiat ntecs te, be net In, orier before thet veteran 'century quit, un la a more thoreugh ani ail cm- braclug plan for fie world'a gardenita- tien. 'We havebcera trying te save thec wori tfram fie top, ani It cammit b. donc that my. It bas get te be savtd frmin, tht bettomi. The church ought ta 14 only a West Peint te drillseldiers for outai battle. Wbat If a mltary academy ahouli kecp its stuients frem age te mge lu thc mesaarei ni ln ft harnacka? No. ne! Tbey arc vamtti &t Montezuma. ami Chapultepec ani flouth lMeuatain mn4 Mmelouylitige, mai dthte horc a hane Place for a Crins- it atay ~very long. Ne la vaxtci àt fie front.as la necici lni fie des- perat*echarge -of taking tht parapets. Tt lait gruat battit for G<l hnet te be tought an Be campusof a colleg" oriteImnota hurch. It la tobe fouelt &t Nissionry Riige. BDoe filae estuwy quits us let us establlala the htit of gmg tht forem oetthe b.bbmth t. iii.ebutubel"mahefiemter- Md lvot a ile badla mai 8 340 mmi shoef =1 Oeilsmal minima mm do OhrbtIsiaa be bave t MutEethemi- mlves vith Ibo etromg mmaiof the werd" manl gospel0vbinda c986a: bathSweom wat te mco p te Oa - - a @ m ai" M'a fomelves agate? lim.oo miaimurstitfi -gg ilfemut meutSMt gtalto outdoi vorkvi» tBe Outio gopel iat a procbod en.fie lamais St t» Jordan. and on fie-Ombina mmimeOfetlkObe Ga gie.amindla," , bk i i et Auma nieuataisu Ilmntom. fiat hrouffbout mau eut AueltO M Mio tie femonod Uabbhsth aviot la thet m.lily of ohurchesile spwmru e my, us, IsgIUOfU aitDeandmala the distrol t the con- ueoetà- md 'uie6qut Pesters who ÉbO y u t hur $eWPiO - Z,_ e ivleiB umlr ~, -'w- palaal Be ~oe s chili ~ - in~ Ami Sf 7~bo fmI vowfltastm and butiWe vot of e::Ne 01- uw nerhe b. leftib tS b. am - fsga oce maie - sn es e~ xp'pirflia a *tt* im 01 ho a bem o ffl e rt to es", ~ hI~~7il am freeatlya a traPpbm t- 1vo Il #S cvtoul bn. rgoti - . rqrad7bee. o t turyata 0" 1bCie e e es au t*U&JiÀ ga d et due inmm talk, We galbe rwad tMd arnahair japau o toiu e ti& a Milites tiR Lt la or eor hae th artami~ir la tt as voi egamu iWaadly milat ami ne e ery et arlg m b t ieat-i t tt rs hlg o oxperiesos.:t9o1 yihruutwlaaditincfft haige Mrv"b tq aI 36 yy e bgoemg o tht céarsu ', t itte iio" t. ln taidre fbepr «""eos 0< a litetianoud p ac .t rttg IotV ands a icAeti.iu, M 1*aea u'ut ý r t 01Mdi,=-flre s va lt M> wnselom"faOU co neg i ver s 7 t eriiu Ilton viat"grt g trac the atar olà ar, miC atsMahLOR ' ,e aa t hntuiyer vthaet 88 700s e arng fI ate tn ee tis solait, lapaddiio.teti e dnt 9tuteaBous e Lrs in amgtur P wana» rineimSs vme b htie t is. Mte Waiestht tor ' et unkerf aNi*, rou~ n. W Tii.Mmt the cbracerimlos cd Ae oUCh i t- earais dy*,ré- le e là i kerl argeveprtoporoo.eti ccuntinemrla ifhoviii 0.17 speM" a. s tnces a trae 7of e taia inia ers ar.d us, nietenfi century, beforeaua n-wUfam& ih.ra yo o , hmtt h r e satc OfsbisFlre ait lueï.pt mi reemilWSYg bi eteru tand e uh pos us mmd0mayO:rmuneh0 vcry mais la e bo usom "IM the Ilioaset Buker HM ng the. un- ve-buThe ud vR kptami ery-io ertennbiteriita eststhceis ony tla tema e s a ilmnte lofotuci Cetea troanvIt iere uirtad, dism sua nctResofthe aide 0 tatange. he Yte.la bisohor t senhtcithbdes e c rctolet artmilaes oru en ah pot i nyo bae bu ube andiem uti talhn thée sapae vatheo 'aer m-d attflé trinlKoticllo ely te thtbaapuctivýeaaeltok te thtud of tht Preslidemtiul oilice. I mmv yonder avnatc i.im e 1ttsu captlaiablaze with var'. lnoendia.rlsm. datg tteln a n h h I mmv the puf fet Uirai seam engte tlng eut et Canadian farming machin- _ hi Americe. I heari tht thunders of cry. out Of curioalty 1 couti ont Waterioe, et Sevatopol and Sedanand Pach. and founi It te contain sixte-j Gettysburg. 1 vaa present at ail-the seven staike.0f rice. iBu* the people. coreatios cftht inge~nd ucengo0threwn back on their bandeasa chie! and Emperors and Empresses nov lu tool, show tht mont marvelous resui- tht werlde palaces. 1 bave seen twe flss to mauke tht mont, of if reaculng' bllwsrol seronfiais continent an every patch of grenai. Along miles of tro ocamte ocemn-a bleow ci reviv- eight-lnch wlde riiges marking th4t tro oJeT an 87miabiiwe l udifferent parcels andi ovuerahipe, one 188. I bave een four generatielis eOf t worw !pa ie rw tic mmu mureRa acroete lng, Just leaving reom fer the fateett- .thr hmainpp .Imvtercaistwcen. wrlad imther.graEs iita. I ae But te the vanierer adenthusat boerd ic elugravels mdfe ibatve these patchwork fieds, al a monet kerd he wtaar hndrbelemndIthdave charmins character to the. imniseaPe. cnllpp ofmy aand fl er millionscf Thisla triasof theitrite iedsMaid al uni vrungy bae ornmillns of jffl doviatht vmlley, vhle' thereineother andm w rgtein inmillion f onies-t 5semery ranier, tRis tan harly b. I aiw Mariaysan wn .I erd tht surPusacdIn aIl tht e rd for beautyl frit cYiiint et Lougey. 1W's rythe andhIatiurillovehlutas. Evcry mountain. uis bee onc cime aaw s hy ire la clothed Ini green te the vecrytOP, andtbfr in nee aeft's»wte Ireasd and ave lits ctie surface, broken imte fiefre veseef ryats»Thiaaopmounisanmd humps, urouni which the th irusit vera neto rYuVic"TeHu sO- unahine la chunglng cvery heur etfflic ulmont *hupernatural romance. I hetd A th lpbransowdte the rnusicet ailthie grand marches aud %As yth ice lds bondena toad thtn tRae lamentetf'al the reQulema fihat fowr ueytrice fadolite ndcuhaie begns nigh ten deoades nmode the <athedrai terucci uni ateruhoI. ti banka windo*s shake. 1 bave seeri more sucs reen ht fe hoau tcir o h moral and spiritual victorles than an::n~Wt ras hs nti sid nirkig -uttht vatery places, ail et my predccessors put together. For flowered vith their new green blades. ail, you who hear or neai this vaiedlc- wRt1I that Mmarn piit vhich leais cvn'1 tory I have kinditi ail tic domeSti e cutyfl fe okn I a iresldes by vilci youu ever at and In te Utryfoi tfeldswoklng londa ruil an the aleyou have ever hcard walks te vlew a particular spot Ismous and errinens -yu hae eer hardfor lta muples, Its frises, or whutcvcr and unrolled ail tht picturtdi sunsete be the plant lu smsos thls vallcY is and sta.nry bannerà, of the imîduiglit kiiown>ail over Japan, -and jla clled heavens that you have tver gati ut. Tagoto noe Touki-"«wIre there leaa .tut re 1 go t ake this adm o nttoti and m on In eve y e t un er olara" benedictiomi et a dylng oenturY. Tht. Here> sud thère lsa dutro ry longeai lite, like mine, muet close. 0OP- lah-brown bouses, wltli thatched or portunitles goet never corne bark. as black tilt rocfe, andi amena thtm the 1 couli prove frouanlah a hunirei w hifé, plasteti, fireproof eterehouse. 1y"are of observation. Tht eternlty thut on which tht planter la wrektdtt wl aoon tube nme Win SOM ctake 7011. a conventianal design cf water or Bille iTht wicked live flot eut hait their days, otiier ideu Irimical te line. And lina- Sus I have ac1 a in '10,00 Instances. 1ully, the streami ut thc bôttom, not t Thte nly influence for màklng tht eontent ta b. alugglali and brown amlid >world happy la an Influence fiat 1, tht evtrxything tise, tourna und ruaiaèa cverY 1ninetecuth centuryi nheritti tram it ltIt#iwble Iitls course, until its white- first century or the Chrîstian cru-tht ness fthymIethat et the t mrcuksot flow Christ of ail tht centuries Be not de- thal t si lie in thie .idges *'uchlni; ctived by fie tact fiat 1 have* llvei clown tram fie tops et, lnariyama amd 1 no long, for a century la a6 large wbtel its Bister peaka alomia the main chaun fiat turnna 100 ammler- wheelai whlch ta thet outh. am thfe years, ami eceonteofthfoue tht japanisnenver to-la You ail bis > yeaseturne M 5 aaRer viateis. whleh flonghts, mot ge mueb with directli-' amc tht isys, and ecdioetthe M65da»'m lent as because 18 la not Iaway. torne 24 mmaller vbeele Wbtch are tht cmau think et nothing Ike Ih se muci hours, andi outRaontetfthest 24 hOturs ~nature, wbaae chili tht JaPuneeOut tturne 80 emaier viiciswblc h e-ail i fmes serna te me te h.. We maY >minutes, uni thonse 80 imitea tuilaStIfl cMU bismature conplicati ani uncer- SmoMaer viiels, vbhbare lUn SOOD" 5tain, but 1 filuk it la. that wc try to eAnd aniecftis vautmaclalncy la inad îImte hlm fie lnvolveiimenltu 5- e peptuu motion aid poMm su00ceiiiuditriez of western lite. As with .nu- 1ona towari tht agotatetmity vhcOeturc, fie mors I s.ae of the Jaffea r 0dom vili at 12 oPect00Of the. vintâr fie deeper tht ubjct items te gr@W, u lulai beiveen fihe ysar 1N00 aidthe and yctthfe fewer uni impier the MO- yar 1361open before me, the, iyiiag tRc entury. 1 quete tram the. finee lu- from fie first to thlaelst ef thec ocriptions over thet tree dace et the elgbty miles teRiantws bardly a quar- geboiraIet ilan Over ans iaore ter of a mile of roui fiat was nat itacl e miii a vwostiaof solptw"id rOMB I venu h et nequsition uthe camera, ramio, -"lth"t vbil*plesuesinsla but mai Uic only question- vus: *Wnlch?" I for a moement." Oven muther door, Wbe arly' et out te 1tuke chleliy Pie- a1ou-_-scultu*l-cr -.»I r 64, A Il uis. he . gth _ mbnalnof vir- a»Y of Our crmtomoenU ~. ~ ~ê5LS' w àA.o4&»êy.f KN TED UDWERWIA ___ .452 AURS nu l u a aps is picu h-ber net 1_ Be tarta am they d4l oua Oum ami tb a iqsaesmay ba a%* M, . w têvuthig briib luximi a a a %d WooIcairhs. Nom» eyarmt -dam*p emth, nirenni- fflS.K.W4 iby the nossaet a ety dveflm la a imrvd ol t. tYi7 l kiBli XITGH LLL tg lChiati Board. ______]La:& A T. ZZLý"U.V" T BOOMS$ A FEW NOTES DY RECENT TRAVEL- :ERS HUMOROUS AND OTHERWI8EM Lago anet~unSof Tdjmul Bats tban ever before ehown. L EevW SOs FoputUsuet s Ob rêva MOb- »oeimio-Egs st a Froulu-Ime P al Servieq. la m ohammnedan toa , nemi tht vee. tost of Afrca It wus neoen.ti destnel te enuincrate fie inbabitantn, for the purpoma of imposing a heai tax. Tht natives were very miuci op- posci te beina couatti, but tht onu- mezut'eon vas easly made by fie MMs of hniagiag a brase band f romx a aitlgb- borInS pont. Ail the mien, wonien and chil&Incn ftocked te heur tht munie, sud vile fiey were Sivàng rapt attention -thec oumting veut on. Soembody bhm probably bhotu Ubel- -ina Uhàerlu: uat amy ratt a traveler uho vastes noe compliments on tRiAl re- public recites vhat purporta te b. an incident ite omite ecourts cdJustice- tRier.Re mays tht Judge bai Just- givema a itelsien againot a litigant vher. fiat worthy puddenly reznarked au hie puliti a revolver: 11. guesand culculate, -1Mr. Jiadge, fiat unlees you change yeur mini I vul emniont oI fiese bullets firougi you.» wbertupon tht decliin wae pr'mrptiy revteat. One ofthtRe latent achlevememite in oebool comnpositions ia tb&t et a littit Elils bey via, wnting about Atnrica, do*scribti it as '*a great country, full et sai uani elephants, a large part of vhich va umniabitti -until tiet 'wieked man Stanley Mclld it with tewnsanmd villages." Mr. C. H. Robinsona says fiat, Ena- lish shillings art ourrent along the lover niger, but mâmy e!fite natives vill net accept a coi' tRia ante-di.te& fie present reigmi. A shilling stampti vIfi the proile of Geaorge IV., vas recentiy neturmici vith fie remrarkt, "Qucen Victoria, he be kring nov.e. The sme wniter sys that some na- tive studeats at tht lover Niger mis- m alan stations are studyaag thie Engîlsa dangua&ec vIti ludicrous discrimina- t.y.a. Onteort hem, apuiloglsing te a white man torn net ceming te etc hlm, vroic: *Nad net distance preponderat-. edil I houli have approxirnâated te set- yeu." Mr. Robinson thimaathus vas heston by a native oft mils, wbo b.- ga a a eier viti ltchende, l"Hasirei Ta the new beok, "Hannaland," fie fact ln mien tioned tRiat eggs art sear- ccly ever caten by the natives of West Africa, and vitraa traveler expresses a desire for them tht natives at once disturb tie varions aittlag Riens lu eider te ml fitir balf-hatced i'pio- geny te tht white man. As soon as fie traveler acquires. viadom he tests ail ega. before investing. If Rat boldsthem lup te thc sua, tiey appean lIglt-color- med und nes.nly transparent fiey, are omually .uo. Ne viii buy tRiena oie If tRacy alnk tan witer, but net If theY Mnr. Robinn enutly mt a Kru na,- tive morti cf th. Benue River, but corul net ualertaad a word et tht jauqwage h. vas apeakmîg. Tht white mma d hb i Ifbecouli talk Arable or Hauam aid fem faît h. iii M lbow3utoio et mther. Then the 7you9 mmii vustmuei*ver t. Dr. Inaubhuto m what he cornu ake « ofet hia, Mdi St W».frmlIy seltadol fiai ls lugugfle b.w-speabklu vas mm,- A, làma t .mpuw syfa»t tM e big graMiiM an oeeRi Aeies va t". tuest fvek ghi@ Anal mUt Wb* ~p smni am i ayWpoison hm terebail ofbelom..The boy lai mm as tades te tell concuconIdebi ahlty lu uhs lins, one t Sfwtdhlo &MaivRile h. vas traveRse *ith an Amb -tu North Atnica h.epio nlght witla. iouikey tUth"te t. i Mag te pm.veI t runninta avay. Wbm b. wôke lau t» mmuangh. e nii fiai the domakey bal vmmieroi off a mile M, M ilra«gà hm mlong wvibIINU. xlosimayaueho belleves fie t"ryla &MM thfe BSalasadesert fet St ether PUPUSfan 4o Cama.ry ' tia. A v «ous.a, rà* Amub ied 0la Kans, - t .hICmlangeit tvaet Be Sam- ia», Suit.a ittlc Omth.fiet fits u'Lt. st WM lbo'uai lesiraeet. oomia- am e i evot.ebisfrienis lu TiuaS go Ms« auMOle. uni a.0 a TOMnu vu s usictel us meumcger, am" Ie Ë «t-Yo výmillesa day. I'flebtter '*50iy w O*m»S amid se, sua&let- tw te Zungbm& l. vhbobWM-Ï gise 1» omtw t Be OU»lie îAImmt tiavelurq# tbe wlOr mIvtt, imý.U 'L&,4 n awo *at M hite lta virus et1 by »impal he «aa Rl .the- isf17, 40r, Aff &bdbmufitl stok et Lrm md Mandée Qoods, Ready-mode Nandies end rimis., m t pened out. ,OALL AND lNiSPMEOT UR QGOOD& >rem and IMaanl*liakiag m -inie Latest Styles and Designe. M»SSMITOK4ELL. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h mummuIumummimnest ÂRemedy inthe 0 i ~ rld for -il Affec-!l ICüres ! CoIds,~e ioif of the Tiiroat & ICoughis, ns IGrippe, Croupk Wh îrgCuge *ulmIIUlhSIIIUUmm Cm J-on WORK of al descriptions meatly and promrptly doans at «#The Warder" office. :BOXAL liasRemoved. bain the South Éde of, Kent sitreet, next to the PoSt Odace, to the North. aide, neit, door. to J. Go .Edwrde cou, BUSY s mu WSeIu ullmua Wimtur good& .1'bm. lmare sm.omable, sud îfinta maiof amy ofh.Muk you.to Exaine-tliê Good.s CarefuIlY à Compare Prices (Iiuhusvy i "M o iais.4te 109 quulastI60e. a Pair. OMWammdNb. OosblmdesBhekimgo md Bubbors, bWa qulty. Nom Jeai ,bho Udswmo, 30& MaOL Iusamd Obben Mm We.l UAWMiov. MM.A~u O mO d G $LOO Md *M Itýk'àml lb SmiPO* -Mdof , m muai 81m00.c W~ ~ - o.~iIN» lime satriah, 1 U'ws $p te spd.!es $12 mad 813; vY" Iar ua 1*0 gi, oïamdegimi on ye. Suit beiug ma&s up ~~ bat w ambmstte le inimmmiu stI ee .ihtSlophm Éc- Pniesue, II"08, OAKWOODe 0

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